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T !umty Iortinf, oetobir 01 .18fi6 T. P. iisa 4.q. 11he soet atit for this paper in Charlest'ou g3 Mr. $A& K. Sauts, torisrly. of this place, but now residing in Charlotte, N. 0. is our authorised agent fpr the Naws. Mr. 8Sn can be found at the Timeoffice. TO OUR SUBEORIBERS. We' earnestly appeal to our friends to come f6rwurd and cancel the claims - on our books against them. Many of tho subdcribed to pay when the 'cot ton was sold, and we would respectful. ly that now the cotton is selling every week, remind our friends of the Im portance of calling in at the Office and settling up. Wo have to pay cash for all matoriai used in the publication of .our papers, and hence the necessity for prompt paytnents on the part of our subscribers. Attempted Buglary.. Our friend at Ridgeway, Mr. R. S. DZsPATEs,- had a 'visit one nlgi about a week sine which had. It boom a successful one wouldn't have boen pro fitable at all at all to him. A party of three.or four persons tried to bore through the shelter so as to remove the bolt that hold the bar. Aroused 1by the noiqd the proprietor, who was sleepigSWhe rear of the-store, crept to ti' frdn,oior and made a dash for the oapt.&re' Wtho burglrs, but beihg fleet-footed and hidden in the dark ness, they escaped Hon. G. F. Townes, of Greenville. In another coluii vill be found an extract from the Greenville Aountain. eer, contaitiltig resolutions adopted .at a public ipeoting hold inIGreenville lately. Among them IsPike complimen tary of Mr. TowNDS, enator from that District.'* Mr. TowNEs'wgs the auth'ot - of the Bill which beoame a lay, In re garA the saspsibon, though the Bill was not passed as originally framed by that Senator;: We have however alluded to'this matter especially to note the fact that Mr. ToWNXI 'has bed'Ome editor-.p thief of the Greenville ..ppP . We know that with the indomitable energy possessed by. that .gentleiiian the Enterprii Is b9un4 to prove a suo ew. Long may it live. The PermAnentl Inre6d Powqrs We refer the reader to the- ealu view taken of American polities b] the London Time. It is unquestiona bly true that power has glided ftom the States' Governm'ents into th< Uoited States' 09vernmont. Th4 graat central power so long depreate< h y far-seeing statesmen has alread: arisen, and steandt no*1like s Amnale kite, head and shoulders abow. all th piwers which, gaea it 'existence What we of the South were educate I2, the theory of-BStis' Right.,i I. a now an illusion, and he who stops no1 to bandy words on such a toylio rovel in Utopian dreas, and losses his fra grance on the desert air. It is una< countably strange that so,me of us I the. South are so slow to *realise oi true situation. Absolutely onquei ed,'we are not In a condition to ei courage any toipic thlat will leaji to dil s3fnsions sumong otirselves.. How at sane man can conceive of any meth< to avert the control over us by the sm jority rule; we do ..utit understant While we are hair.splltting uzpon pri eiples.of governmen6 as *e nde stand them, and deGlaving what1 will do 'in certain oircumstanees, are actually governed. ever7day up< prinoiples'of governmnt as a msajoi ty,of the North , atads thei .Nor is therq a ray~s h pe to -. 46 * we will be g9v.e4Ai( e.*.v Why not then l06t ai the0 - rest upozw our~ oars p4t fly .~ anait the demands of Mi. f~ty nadower. and-when -the ste 1 *4 .enough t"vild or rkgre a@*inii oursqv : s w hi1t it ,I JA.n Situatad as Wo arn iUen .uor:o good pnd to conjmmitourselves upon alky question touching ,aur Fedor4 rel4 tions. CMPS- RaaTA.--Hon Kong .pa. per$ give a full account of a recent capture aM" burning ot twenfy-two piratb junk# by a couple of Briti-i gunboats which sailed from Uovg Kong, ,uly 12, for 1ainon niland, and discovered the pirates in a sinall idlet. The place is desribed as a beautiful spot, covered with. a luxuriant tropical vegetation, and usually affording a sale retreat. The junks each mount ed about ten large gurts, and showed fight without he.sitation. The gun boats advanced to within short range, and were occasionally struck, though most of the balls from the pirat'e junks passed over thenin. The cannonadiog wept on for about two hours, when a new turn was given to the cotirse of events by means of a landing party from the gunboats, A,bout forty-five mun were quietly put on shore, and under cover of the jungle made their yesy round to the part of the crook where the pirate ves sels were lying, without being obsorv ed until they came close to the junks. Fronrthese lying close alonig the sliore the pirates itmediately tied sculling In their sampansor sw-mming ashore to the opposite side of the creek, and gradually, as the landing party took possession of the junks along the shore, and by means of boats began tooboard those which were anchored out in the creek, the pirates gave up, and even from the vessels lying furthest out, the crew slipped over the sides and dis appeared i th or without the assist aice of safnpans. A number. of pirates were made prisoners, but being mostly wonnded and in'need of medical attention, \vere ill'wed to escape. The Junks were all burnt, notwithstanding some of them contained valua.ble cargos. It is thought that the severe punishment thus inficted, and the organization of of a court at Hong Kong for the sup. pression of 'piracy, -(the admiral of the station boag chief justice) will have a-m6st saliutary effect.. A VIioNY *OR THE MTNoRITY. The.Uii.te Statws is now.govern.ed by a minority. 'the old idea that t.h1p j->rity, uQqer a repubitca- form of gov ornment, could at all tinoa shapo the lavis, dontrol the f4twign and-dmiestic policy-of the country, and take care of the.hnIStitiitional 4 the people, bits been entir,ly. repudiated hy tht Radicats, Abqut twofif. hs of thle yO ters of thet nation - rile and doni neer ove.r the other three-fifths. The Consti Lution is no longer accepted by the ril ing faction m the ultimate krbiter of al questions affecting the right of Amer ofah'Oiftc'. A higher lWw has hee established. The pariy in power havin obtained the offices, have pro-slaime their intention to.hold them by any an every means that may hP necetssary. B craft and usitrpation they have manmige to exclude the Southetrit Stateit from a paiiticipation in the affairs of ew Go ernent. and thle pe"1ph. are prevent fromn-making their voices heNsa thrmi. the medinm o,f he. ball,t A ,r img to the itlicationst fnrnished by.ti - am e conteste in that Nor hernin es. .%l s legal vo'erv of thme couintry are dlividu , a folows: i Against the RadIeita (Nortb) 2.OOO.f A gainst the Radheats (South) JAOO.0' v Total800 For.ihe 1tdcas (N4rth)- , ' For the Radleats (8outh) w0, . Tetal ,00 a This est,imate, which is efir one shows that there is t.o-dav e,aaje)nty 0 r ot leas than one million of'" Pe"Ple o th.inati'oppoe"d to ti' "ToreWi.and -tuirpesitine" faotion. - 4 the pea i-. pie are helple. '7 N W,IKtc"Hl.--The papr d n,ow are .havim h to .ay abomn ~. John WilksI wiho was albe ci the 18th day of. 3 4.)p -The mnt ' he was killed v4 '..t Be.ithu.butc anotht n- er person'm~ in order to obtain ih re w ll utiravadl(of. oiystt ry tow cr.n te necteed wi . fl&ir, and show up the h andes uwfta'sdeiective' ytem >n ~tearsnedy and cerrain that ~ lo Roh .never was at d jr ~I e a,n'$nly^o asle~tav.# 1hi fortune 0 . - ltutions be i. m ie in srtfi nd oof pd hk tillorou 4 i-rilf. 1811 ".:Th AI'unt'*nce, oft ihe' 18' Rin v~4 d!r'prp.seilt us %V x1p, d to se', at n( ti* 1 f ifi I-' ilo.ts 'ferrwl were ktiouk. ti down at rath-r low prices. ThOro WIs son.(b C01m1petition for a power enginie, which -finally brought Abotit 61,545. The- State is verV*wisily reserving a partion of the inAchinery for use in Ith propi:sed penitentiary. The sale. will onti,me to d-tv. A t ii piblie teeting of t lie citizna of 'e4 D 1rrie, hld oin M.1md.1-Oy, the foi lowiig rf-hd'ii: were adoited : RIsONed. Tiat. we d. respetflilv re-comoind th:t the Lpgi<laitire of this Staiteh pteioned, throngliour reiipee tive nimbulier, 10 call a convnihin t an Parlv day, to i.:ikie in.o 'onmiAidration 'the cOihliot l1l wants of tbe peopIle, an4, if practieuithi, to povilp some adeqiate u4nid1 certnilin niniis oif retjfi and to teeti. fV any imtperfectinns which experience arnd a sober seoniid ihotilht mjay, slow to Ie wrovg aRiI OIIjiist in pm'ma-iple, and iidl iiijriiA it t) tihe frIlerai welfnre and. goed 'f' :ll <.it i'/nsi Ithereof. ff%orred, That. wo do fitrther reooil-, mnei'd thnt sitmi'71r prehiminary retingi in this iind other' Distretys h eighoit 1ii. Stiae, and thaI. a gone rsil-%4eting to carry into f-ect. the fore.. IVoing blg jw, be f.1eld at. each Court He,o (iii the first Monday in Novei ber next. Rsolned. Thit. we heiareily approve of the tf4orts uist-d Ivy our Senator, Hon: G. F. Towies, to initro6ince some meas-t ires (if rilief l0r t- u t i-O ii n, it the list. me.ilig -if ft e egislature, and in advo Cning the samn. E. Aidiger, a French olcmist, las invented or disetvered a new mode of inibalming, which dispenses with all the repulsive details of the ordintity system., It consists in pou'ring down the thrantkof the corpse two glasses of a liqjuid, whose composition is still a secret. The operation lasts but twen ty minutes, and in two months the corpse becomes as stone. Experi ments have-been made with, this tv3w method at Marseilles and Algiers', in the publiv hospitals, With compl1te success. Ail Austrian chemist, M. Leinel. brooh has iscovered a way of enclos ing electricity ip siall glass-oaptilesi which .will ex ode under the influ ence of-the'.sl i htest'shock. 'the cap Ot.o Is pcl6sed .iu a steel cone, 0o1at if.shot from a rifl it will enter the lesh, and the explosion which follows is sufficient to ;kill a man. Experi. ments have been made on oxen 'and horses with perfedt success, these- ani. male having fallen down as if struck with lightning. . . . . - "THE il.BL DErir."-The' World says-: "The radicals at makig a great noisb about a rebel debt. vWe should like t) kiiow with what course of reasoning they make out that there is any such thi g as a robel debt. The j bonds issued bf thoso who tried to c1 i tablish the So horn Confederacy %were made payablepne ye4r after the inde pondoneo of he Coiifederate -Sttes. There is; thcrefore; no unch thifg as a rebel debt, antlRannot p5'sibly. be any , to pay,. niless th radic intena to It recognize the inde etden . 'of J'I. .Davis' ox pl oded Go'ernmn-lt." *A le'tier to the. St. INul Pre,., fromi Umayt)t m-iiiion uit. a M.rdy of five m who eamftiio i \ poor- t.wo o y airs agE, cae down from . hie mutmn. 0, emn tent ev.magi' witb t*4inty 'w) br,n l i-tir pile ---t' r"eult of oneP y*f-ai dig. ) g'"g in "'C--'nieeraite Gulch."''. hai ye a gmuai rd f'o ij envime, w'ell ani11d anmd paid for ihe,ir timo andI faiihrithn. .and are now preparing to go beelow b) r he steame.r. flAGfINQ, ROPE ani TWIN (UNNY and Dundee -Baurgig. For sale U7e BACOT. RIVSKM &.cI,; -' 00 2-if . No,. 2, Hotel ange. NAILS ! NAIlS? NAILS! 46. 8. 10. 20 ad 41) Penag;, Pot., 8k Pae ry -Pse. B Es,1ACOT, 1lIVERS8 & 0,. ect 2-ti' No.-2, [Iotei1Inge.. EXECUTOWRS 4All, [WI the.1st Mondag in3 ovembur weat, will U beeold at W4nnuboro,,the. at Blackbstoks, lately -oceupied b7 Mr. lienry C. Nichols, deceased. ALSO at samte ihne.- - . 2 Mules, Cow and Calf', 1 8pHn' .Waggotn and Barnee. f.E.NiH0W l!igeUtor Volumba, p The Tse of th *e 0omisiouhr 1of Swan a PtOolamation. aLinon'..2~Pq br 28.--Th. exalt mn concernlngethe Poliae Commissioner# con tinues. The Governor has Issued a Proolamatloi warninj the'leairs 6f11ll6gilfA) agninst the, peace fk y ae thin ther vYeutao 5lor ow ing out of ese re4uu ry pr lags they will be hold to the stridtVs, accounta bll:r. ahd the'power of- thte .Bate. will -b 01haus, brinr them t.o hme . Meeting of the -.6oo8y. .o-th.4At.O Tenuass9e. Sr. Louse, Oatobet.; 28.-Oen. 5b mau has accepted an invitation'to be presiei a the m teeting of the 860161i of tWfe ANy o Tenisoee,-to be hold in -Ulatoifatq On tht 14th of next month. . 31 - I 0en. Grant will alo. bejp attendance. Violent G*Ie~ 1Wk.Los'O fe. CutoAG, Ooo,1er 28.-There was a vio lent gile here lesi nlist, which blow dowy a brick' huilding Mh odtrse- of erection, d6 nolishing five frarho*odes&djoinirtg. 'T welve periorts wore 'atst .under thl ruins-five of whom were kill'ed. boreasoof PAPa,. NxW Year, Oct ober .'.-Timv Cholera i alarmingly o thp i . e.a t. Iosdeo river, oppohfis thdity. Thete has tWksh thif'eel oases, Wiih nt deaths, since Siturd-4. l'mt. * arke(BpoiMto, NEw YonK, October 28, ,Zveping, 146J. Cotton dull; sales, ,1, balqa p @42 for Midd:Ing's ilour rViut ern1 $12.25(616.: Whent. '. V 9 : te Pork steady; pilrits--Turpeallde 85(u't.1 6onLU, Oct oher 28.actios saluuto-da) 380 bales at 85@4 4i Mj dling. lVi.RPovL, Uo.!QbUr ,,13.-Cotton Otrnv sales of 8,01) baL (sUpu-% at, Lai janoe Bireatulfs firme': Fiode and Wheat htv< and upward tondency. .0.\DON, tCsber 28.-Conasolt 89; V. A Fives unohmige. From Washington,. WAsUiNGTO., October (18.,-'Jenonis sioner os Internal Ravenue hai issued addi lional regulatit-.s concerting'e translor tation of Cottob in bond'. , the bond may be giren to - the 0on1gne in the Distriq 49 whac, the coitoq Is to bi shpped, and tratriltigd to.t4e U?leqro 01 t.he istrict in wl4ch thpolttop produc ed. The bond -belag poperly Slid..tIho As sessor wllt issue }erkits based upou th yVeight as report,rd ,by the owner. ..Au3 wintu of acouraey ig agob report,o( WoJ;4khtA he cori'."tod 4ay the es-li' of *41glht at the point to which the cotton was shipped -rnss votes the eesseoihy o having cottol weighsedby.w Goveaient, ' offioer prior t The old regulations still remain In fore arnd will l4e observed wherever parties ws-i to ship itt nabndrtihereid Oroided. * rom O' ToRNTO. October 23.-The great salt, in volvi ng over a million - nd, at half Pundi sterling between the Colo OrClA NOX an: the Great Western RaIJrq0;, wVqh hi0 .hq at is5ue r6r the pas*'ali -years'. his 6es closed by'direct negotitfoe tifcto:iy t< both. orei we, LottooXIAXr, sctober 28--'The stoatp. ship4 Nvia 860t1an and Qutobeo has arrived out. 11ntN, October 22.-The Prussia-Slxa ony traty was finally signed to-day. PARs. October 28 41-.irunsored here to day that 4anoilnep aifestpIs aboqt..t b i000 5o e diterIt, dipi9iqtio represel lativ tr the api., Lbxriov October U8 eyorts*om.tns din statP dt &l htrTottr dai hr4 ightt the Christiatn force. r4ptil;ed the Turkiet army with great los 4tamship Waganer B5ige( Punr,auaLPli!A,j)otpqg 28.-Tbe steam, shIp.Thseodlore D. Wegner, fron Doston for (:harleston, R. 0.. with rmer.hamntlse arud phseqgers. wase burned on thp11 4Oin istant. fannsengers end orew sa,ed.. Froi Eltibe, BA LTIMORE,.October 22.--Prsident Johnson visited this Eity o-disj in ac ceptance 'of an invit,ation ftom .tle young Catholio Frieisda' S ~y; to ~~resen* at the etlosin lq of sionera it isd*t4Ata.qnpo mise hea~ been ropose.jb afo'e4 rsentingthe Uoorjga , bt Ol. mvkstoners gho'ld app$io ,A Judges in et6h wardadnn oiW~tI of electli, froii the CJonservtiveparty. Thbis proposlin u s noiw under otil4.. oration by the Pole Commjisiners. .The Police get mijeiobers of :this eity' wore yesterd~ in o4 sultatior with their conmoel a . m nent>iti. sent. ItIs unde ko tey w.ll' appear in.poeon befor the Governot-, but gie a reeponse tht jatheir deep, sel atying his qI otr th ins bQe an Court efopptn prs~ap de~M r th9 e~ la upon cir une ions. ANN!~APOtis, Oct* 22t---Th ea o pf tle Police 'Comms'oner was M ken up this Worning by Gy. 8%nn. he oolajusn r,d r #4tol y Police iibdssioners. by Me . Stekbridger-Alexanderand Sterling. The latter reid a reply, being the ju. rist' tiq%, r but Aver o e*uor do6ided t)at ie Nad jurIsadbtion. iThe 'oausel for the 00=04i erahitr witbew . -soyibg thODN" ge i g ns W itonAO t d6ut Vas recognized Jos.'A uu tn' Q 'anQia Mop41) -f XotKfa at Now Ort6abe, mqd the following naI ed geritlonien. as Vice-(onsus for -weden' aiA N'orway : Wi M. Per. kins, at New Orleans: S."'fili, at Austin, Texas. The arival of the U. P. steamship' SiIty atTNataihoras, on the 8th of J li ,ophrounced.. Later from Europe. The steamship Herinon, froni South aimptoAi on the 10th liasarrived. Thd Tioms says of the great meet ing of the woikuginc at., Leodes, no, politioat movenent has tor a long titue attrieted so mouch att!iion,. as was p6li4d on Monday, by f)M col.tcting tog4herso great a n*ultitude in 6rder to d6eats and support. the p'rinQipes 0 t - 8 0.'ANI Sufrae, Assoelution, fins.t>oon estaliN i'n Leodes.. Olera;stills conltinus. arin,ng roports are. current in , exco.,oneeping the Eipress' state of heIllth. In Russia thirty-four persons are piiiiroinesd by' the disel9surop "t JariAosoPi. trial: On has bot eon Jemned to' deth ato' fen . t1''i1e 0 ie Sier1. Approhensiono are. entertained of a riig in ' saaly and Espirni;. d e"P'T nt aniexing Haiover to Prii'a was promulgated it Autoyer Ye.tober (. Vpreign pa'pers, Olso Heral<s Paris oerespondees .serts the 4111 press of MaxiQo hoe become insane. ;ro*o .3altia*. SAMrtMORS. Oolober 20.--rThe organizat fluin koown am Ihe Do a, il Blue held.a meet dNg 19-night tn1 paped resolutions to stand I by 1h6 PoU e Cotuishloi'r, and offered iheirse'Oces totheti shouAd tiley nee-d its Distanoe. . It. i not kno;n what response ili Com. iislnee will maket .o tpe suruspons of the Goire newinn ;kiqed' W7ithIngton to, day.. Soe pegiatioW and nttiy rumorr Ar Tiftke t'o the ob)eet 6? hls vii. - ho 4iremore of tU-Firscaltional Bank,. of which Governor Bwan Is President. hlve, petItio,1ed14.h1 to 0e6ist Nm his purp9se il r4gA'rItobthe C640's-lonerp. Prom Quebec. QuSa1ic Ootoher 20.-The weaher'cod. tinues.fne.,which In a. great blessing to -the IbtIsnos of puffoerprs by the Wae lire. If In. unierstoo, that threat ,have been made'to bprn the Clly' offfoers. owing to re.' itgiot' anoMItionata nimosities cThe'elstens na arrangleg to hav bIght patrold fofI the petotion -property. hA apon ~ Adcintm As thr nit taa ha - iratOl:0ty Otr. C:ty. PA.. Oot ober 22.-'M fre ootir red herp Iis, orning, des gjying nearly oe qarter .o eb ollehiPPlng $oriiozi oW Thtbag1ibheo 1ist' euismhman ef of the it'e deathe the fiamles vented from>apreading iuito the ot destrution~ would haves foil.owtd. Tota os*put op, - B- Lotia6.di . .22 19htal orrI yalled heredeste9rdag. SevetAi buli frere deltroyed, and a burmber'ofte se EusA3LYtg October -*..A, ttyp bupdred b es wee sold dat e'aVe 0IIOJOE MOLASE S St- e