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By Gi&lard & De WINNSiBORO s S.'UDY ONI C.,lRU R ~I1486,- I - , - BY GAILLARD AND*IRSPDT S "TillE N WM" i,, publishell onTitesiiay, Thursdl-!4ay aind Sn'1rd.1y, at (;.00 ur a Single copies tell cots. AsvluitlsiN(J RATES Oriinary talvertiseiieits, oibupytl 4 o more tll ten,! linle', (oneit squtare,). wi -be inseried in 'l N sws," at :i.t0' for the Ist ansert ion und seventy .live enIts forleach 14ul1iequent pub10ilpionl. ICarr adveriselints, when no contract is made; will be charged in exact propor ContractA will le- made in accordanlice with the following schuithi : column I mo. $ 20. } column 6 no. $ 75. Is 1 1 " (0. 4 " 6 100. 1s I i 4.5. .Iis. 120. " 45. } " 1 year 100. " . II i 1 .- 120 "is 75. 1 1 " 200 Conltrv:t will aitlo he m-ele for Lnal or .-paces :1n-1 t'o li periuds over a mooth. . For :ionnieibar :L candihhte to any oilce fprofit. ionlor ir tiust sl1.0i. iariiage, Obiltiary Notices, &o., will be chanred the same na advertise'neitis. .Fom the Careston Daily News.] TilE JACKET OF GREY. nY r.5is. V. A. .AL. Fold it tip enrefully, lay it aside. Temleily touch it. look on it wit b pride For dear mu4t it he to our hears! evormore, The jlackaet of grey, our loved sollier boy wore. Can wo ever forget, wlm.en he joi-ned the barav' hiaami SVho rose t lefence of our denr Southern land. Aml. inl his bright youth. i urried on to the tray. Iow prloluilly lie dnned it, the jncket of g. ey? fnl inother blesse him, and looked ip mbove Tila~il .IA ' )I + What at.Iiit w.s hoes. iorfal tongie iny When ht- pissedI from her sight, in I lh jack et of grey. 1lut her count ry had called, and- she would not repine - Though c" tly the sacrifiec placed on t he ahrine: ler heart's leares.t. hepes on the altnt vshe liy,-. Wien shme sent out. her. boy in the jacket of grey. Months pa(nnd, and war's titider rolled over tlhC land, Uniheathed was the Rwhrd, and lightedil the branld : Wo the distance the tound of the fray, 0 - AnA prayell for her boy iii the jacket of grey. Ah! vain all. nl in vain, were our j>rayers iinnd our tears ; The.gla4 shniit ot' victory rang in our etrs: But our treasured tie on the red bat tle-field lay, While tie life-blood 0OOe41 out ou the jacket of grey. His young Coiradles found hini aul tonderlv I boro The cold, lifeless forn,.to his lotr e, byithe Oh! d4rk were oie hearts on that'.!orribl6 - day, when we saw our daad boy, in.thekAd1ftt of grey. I Ah!spotted and tattered, and stanit s witI gore Was thogarrmont, whiilcho hoo.vefoddly h o wore; -- -J ~ And Utterly wt. as we P4.ed *,And replaced, with death'i it e jacket of grey. laid imi to rest in hist cold naSt ow b engraved on t he min-ble we .plreod o'q~ his hend, . proudest'of tributtes olr mad. hearI~ peoyer disgr'aced tlie Jackpt of grey." fotldIt tip -ent-efugy, l.aylit aIde,'. ioriy touch it, (ookjpu it.whilh prid,. r dear'hsnyst, it be to our fitorip everiore, Tihe Jboker, of grey ouy soid.iorey rot% of' Lotndon is 'iIuraeIaM tIfaio te 'theme of the 'dcnd . lvI"sutid ini a An'-American ge1ioniaf wh~ board i~ny 'ri te5*oing- ou~ rti ols pa + jud ,anrm*~ iber of manfttVhigh ar i A)P) Re1Lus'tb the Eternal Cill: .' 'nnd 6#l#its Iils Frefnd Big Johil. f-M -olit'"u"I Record: 141. ftiru'ij Sunl.-I hav not uip tilime made any remarks in. pullIl apolnt; 0h' trials and tribulatils, tll lo.ies arpJII crosses, the 'Vizzards 1m dead hosses seen on our "journey hona to tho eltril eitty. I sliall riot alloo to it, nOw, oly to reiark that our coml ' bask werellnot so hasty as our leaviln t was in bhidad of winter througi knoivantl through sleet, over creek viltout. and 'bridges vitlou ffoott,. thtovgh a deserted and desolat< land whero'lno rositer wasi h-ft to.crow, no pig t> sclteal, 'Ito dog to bork ; wheri the ruins 1A happy bornes atlottied Ilh way, ald gslI)sy chtimnteys stool ul like 8hermai's sntmiels a gnardin thi rints -le htadl intade. A I itd oli. Ito colslnn.: Conit Ii th.'d Lit hItglth o1 pit) wordly pos. ssions, consistin of Imy%, nit mtetroits ald lovely wift and chifdrein ald 'a shitek baske*t full of soimuti Sco t:1ss 'vit tels. (ou1, in our oflsirit there-wa .bou, tenl of us in anti itroti that wagin, thus illutstratin what 1h1 poeit has seI, '"One glorious Jiour' o crowd''d life is worib i age vithotiut r mthoIgl to glory were har t perste-ve on s I oikkashlunuts. MrsI. A r alev if the opinyoun t' at her posteriii wve never as hiugry before inl theil lif as otn that distressii mj:rney, and it< ontce rehiarked OLutt ttere want, nnrI roa o d tit( rpatl that didett hear. sojn of om a hollerin for viti el.. M V IVf iuti.hantd i6 .troobled bel2iuus they aitt ol;ke of it. ytt, aid it do seem that Lit poorer I giL the itimre devottrin * the) ekiini, nll of w Ijih will st-Itd iC sum thti or other i iiinilthhii don't happen. \Vu finially arrived widtit.- pre sinkts oh our lovy i' ont. -Ti door: creaket1 'id-welcomtte It their h!intgeS, tit htoppiut-big I1erruptd onl the bt a rth and the wtislin ~wind was singin tht tler*. We <vere abnit. as h:Yppy as w< haltd tn utrabli, atil whuut I re utarked tat1, Gelneral Vadrliver, Vlo ok kitpie(d oir holse, must, be a genttleaii lot uot burnin it, Mrs. Arp replied "I wonder what lie dotto with my so imng mnaspl -etn." "1c dident cut down our slhnda trees, sed I. "C.My .lbroe.S anid carpets ,and croler ire till gone;" ssd site. 'It iay be possibul," sed I, "tat,th< G,:nerul z4.And my barrel of soap," sed shic. "It may be ptossibl," sed I, "t ha tle General moved (ll' our things u< tako ker of-om for Its. I reckon we'l gitem all back Atter while." . '.Witer while," said Mrs. Arp liko it ekko, and evr sinco thn whott I al Jood to our Northern bwlirern g e only .re pl ies, -41tt)r lohile." -By antd by th skatteAd wa-der'rr be'gin to drop inl iider tile welcou shaides of our aorro;\ fill city. It, wer i *deightfiii uljoylpeurt to greet em homre. and listet to the history of their tif frings and mi4ortiunes. M iserv love Company, all after ti. misery is - pits her'si a power of comfort int talikin-it ovier anid 6i.1il up as biga tale as any body. Iwere standin one, av upot tiWbanks'of tho'injin river.a wonderit i my mid Who would 'coi next tL gladon our hearts, when I' saw' Ith shaddo? c( an 9ejok a darknin tile stin lit bawk." It'ere not a load of hay no n cinfonk bht shoro enuf it were 1 frn-d Big John, a mtoving dwly, hit suirply; to fihe dftg ot. landing Ott th. oppositd lido. His' big vound faco 'is sopmped more laittitood when he saw rnte d wijthat waitint for remarks he sunI o ai voie somc Viwo 1ves dleeph than te Sotheirg flarmlon ':Th 'me to thte beech 'a poor exik. * 'Make fat," sed! "and you.' 1611 the bill.' Proutder to'ieo him that 4 mnonkey sa v, I paddled$ thes dng oni over in doubi . nick and bid welcum in thle name o[ thle et'ornal hty. and its Funible inh rabita . I soon 9 ' hibi aifloat in thoJittle' noo, pic i1foe iJ was aware of it, th ater w~s i ovor the guninele; everf 9.I~ "Lay .down, my freu " sed IC d he~ laid, which was all t saved usfroln er watry- gravc.,,.,and e nabotin firms from mtundatton, W safely laidbd I1 forind him wvedged in ight thit be 'cpuldet rise. 80 I telle d lhi'bg a priz, *ith the enud of thue addlb. 4a IsIgoooothd the sakred' I hie gently sepa rat eC I his colmten anW.Ice 'aid sm ii feeli n elodf "'I Iom ainl-6one agai-from furrin shore, Thie Yank' 11113 ni amd le deVil to but. I'll not, roi ,ny more." Iccolektin ?llu. 'knps of blan verse inyself, I "id with mnecih aksemi "Tel ie thou swift of foot--thiou inoe 4n11 ol A sahelh- ih tell mie where i., tl chariot and sIt Wr1? W( her- idit till go wheni I did see' thee d ving i:e J0b as we did flee for. lilk." "I'il tell you a0," d le, "'I want i frinds t0jkinow ., I'm now a ilia, i; war, B1l, and l1'k glad of it. I'e 'od the stalv soied Otvis andi shce knows il l've lndhdil gues--es, gors--weepin of deth. -ve sipt nit my arims sinco Iight Imia sAep on my arlS, wI ) IIlIi'reils of ' dvadl[ weepNs all aruo 1d ie. 'A h ill Patri otislmi lN is-I higl'ftig. Vhe yow Mc break [te, ice. Aeat Slulices of glorv it big t-s your'arnnvill jest, spring up'li k Ishr ooms in 3bi- bu/.lm ; anl iiak y'ou feel like rowin yoidrf eleat away (or ytn . country. jLtf me se down Ahd IT'i 1011 you all I know, Bil f blit, as kie f lliI aid- ini the theatmr "wiil yeou in %.bur4i ters thrse inulck deed 4 relat, 4,tk of me is I Am nothing exii ati 'a nor set 'doktu lot i malce.' so. iny hero." IVel ou $--e night lifter you pansse me", 11ny sie . t ajwy. Ilang 1lo. t! seemi benit,I ipitl . somrily ir bhit tihe nIlv.x nbri , ail I hunt)ted more fo1 rerds than bIt ads. Le'avinim wm . ia wi'th a , i er loimnan, I took it afoo 6c04S the. . try by at s'tleuent rat they clled. J clat on' f VIl of ci el off wa cs it. to . I Iroke down inl sigh of a little I cabin, and nev moved - foot hul ter lf day. The old mant ha a nag thet ark it a slid 1 I persi: ded hin ) o me ti thc eid of Il -. snted(l it..fot fen I deat u 6It hm sioke-hoinsikc h II. Ever now and 1.h10n he'd loiok at the old 4)nn.1; and shled look'At ti( sme bonso an then at ine. 18nt hat slidin biie were the ino-. orfillIest. -rave1lin' that, ever hav had. 1;very time the pony' look back he'd stop, andi] when he'd st1ci1 ugmt Ie giV scch a jerk I but iny content were m danger. nMy holl, brke on on okkashuna going down a hii full of pei livs. I rolh-d so)me1 twenty feet int the cdge o*f th' wudq ,and ctch n1 agin an old pine stump thi was full ti yaller jl'-t. Three of t ihe , din'g Wht.lgs tong me -bufore I cold rise. in I got through the cut off and fell in wil empLty wagins that wis stamped it) m., waiy. . S "(GittIni ol to Alantv, a fool Irislima Rtpd i! me' rtI. at the edge of Ihe towl and.demanldd my papers. I didn't ha: no papers. Nob->dy hadl ever axud i, for paper :, but, ho wouldn't hear nit al gnmen11t.. A s Quarles wouldd ' say. hi Wondentjin- M!e, but iarclied me t all ofl', an11 1 -idelo.stay thel' n min cis. I wer m-tit of' to Decatur wit some lily conscripts who w'ei'hjall I miouliin, excepa1 t heir clothes. 1 Ino' er selud such a Iiitiful set in my life. talked with ema all, find thar wis nar ote but what had thR dystper'sey or th' swlniny or the rumatis or te blind Stsi got s or-t hce heaves or tite nmups or.sun thin. Well, there waIll. nlon0e of.1us dic charged for there was bran new order callin for everybody for thirty dafs t go to the IitlcIes. As I conhin't wall thiIt far, I was ordcered to AIdersonvi-l to gnard prisonters. At Mackon I meti ai old ackwaci Lt ace, whol' wasc a powet fi big oflicer, and he hacd men LTnusferared 't is department and~ inl citirgit -Ins ordnan~tce. There's w'ihelre I hancdle gunsi, Bill, anid slept onl miy arms. NV hcole bo wes of Jonlske'ts was roundc tm< and I dideniat not mnore umind itaken snooze on a gunbilox Lthiin if ,it hadi bee' at conch o4'fethery docwn. Tis acll ii 1gitting utsed to it, Bil,---all mi the. itse. "Jst so," aod 1, "ihats the wvayI se it--eracktly sh,- rny frk-nid, Prosed, I. "It's bla m'd l1icekg, Bill, thaat I ditlen go to- Andlersonqvllie. - They wonld hay4 had1( ~ihe alongside, of WVirz, either.J1 pritanci>L oV winess or surntithtin S ein s~dh yi Tak wnidhav had mbe*n or two tit mce abpult shloolin him on thu dead * lirni. 15etoro titis miyi carcas gonal1 jlv e been eatup byv wqt'na or cu p byUo (4y Ad nv p)ikteOVablroad acl oqfrf wbo d 6J4(ap~r's Weemky a a mbonter of adl -I- a. keWelk.lep.hpk[i.guns and bag~ llll9 4tdctcnro WIeJU n .oatiilot 4 ty iv g uot, a firlo to go to ltorfie Sher %unnws playiln hu i-on q n , I ig-A t 1 mv, and so I had to .cirim 'rencIE w b-. f m, and' the vitv day I golI lhore, everlastiltoii II.uViWihonl r.ler ot thevo 101. In elit. no more1 lookin for thvmn.9nkes flmalha I wa# for o,d, Beelydyihm 1tl both (if ('11m .Its all lie -- 'lie tol im Blatiled if thie wasent slm*tNg t, 1bptore~kiui iiisI~n at. lilt before,lknmowd ther ,Was in .the Stlte S[ow :i t he dicki'is, theA \nIied niA I dont know, for 1hir- miihs balls smIii .ynky doolle aill argn. m ove f u an 111 d tl ~lite and11 otw t . . "I t4ll yon. T1ll. n 1i11 like a ,nild tar 1I-1 lookini ahend of ma1n. eIxry Stop I fiNd i lasy phee to fall whu'01 I wn plugged. ni (ld wonan qjwrtonk an, and I axd nier to t ake my wtch utail iy 11uone1Y. Sie took em, ll in hiuirryin pit em in ler Iooznim TWell I lndmi r lgnlly at, aist, ami rolled iin hers~.plosh, for it wns abolt. two feet dleI.p in mi m :id- w.aer. The mrornals fomndl mei ii ler st J, . ilghi in il t!(t fme i',it 'al -,11h! pinli. of ihe haynet.* Tli:,y marche1 itie to tli wvolf pli nd il here '1 siyed , till the( fit'_ was (IV*. ,"liightL hf-r(. Bsill, f wvant-jto makt, an obs ervation. There. wa.i a f'llier wit.h - me when I vns e tlt'd, nad I seed lin iiil ke a sortir' of a sigiti to t-h enptaiiin , aid they turned him loose inl t%;o min ets. 1a lie j.tu weit whev-ire ni nturnn s a kin. wiile I lini a cr'osey4 Sdrchm an -tanin oier'mi witoh a ha vo -ins. grinnin, From morniii Itill.nht Ii There wa1ssome Free MasonarY ;hoia - tlh t, Bill, and if alother nile <'>of ii fiol War*A comes aollg, Il jine er, i , thev'l let. me. -"lltt I'm at htony. nio. for al. I'n t. gwine to slav hore lik. sine die 'i t ngin ll wn nd fiihtin. I'm oppoelo i to all rows anad r all-risses a iots. I I dont. kee'r nigh a.-A mauch about, a dof . ight na' ui.-d to. Nv. if oin culd al. wit wy see the vend of a thim 'n advanee r (ail teI e iwi. rll )-j< ht, 1 wo)il4en: miT n liA in., TUlf -t60-\1ufl ,man's. fort-sights aint.noz good ais hiis hin, -4ieht. If t fler wa,.- this1 war wonbh-n~l~ s .ia brolike oui, niad I woinlet. ha i..s I iv'steer. unr-watl. I neve sed flin woman luefore nor sitice. nild I woidle t know it r. froiir aqv ilr w an ih s walks Ie yeari h--.bIlaim'd if I')'m cerivir u whether ihel, w%-re white or bleek. Iill how is your otir ?" > iiI"llungrv nA isu,, I tilanuk vow n11,V fren-1." sod 1. "how's Mr. A ri?" I " oitblliomi, Jolm. vr but I thinli 91 ihe'l iin, harmiotnized.--aft' t/u while-ut terwthile." '. Art-. lehttirl, T will lnot rela.te furtheir of these trying adventumres at. thiitim -loh2 .ln are niow -eitirely hamirmonions i and I snpposo his fturOcariei'will lit Sall saeenii S Yoirs as ever. l 1u.t A t'.. P. S.-Mrs. Arp -anf. "'voii to a bck the lht-ters I writ. her' wien sh were sweet sixte-en. ,Them offi-iprs hasv got eml 11nd1 f rspposolnve inghld, a11 the fouim. , V part away by thiiq nte. i They coitaiiil some fool 'thhigs ilh't bovs will write whfil tlhy'v fall ir' 4ove, L antd Iy wife 'smtietiles us'd oO epi upol r fue as remiiders f bkei, prdirse. 3 She Pays, if tlipy 'enj en('1he'l try and forivo em---a lerwhilde . Dont tronblo yourolIr Mueh, 4ir. Edi. .ur, id. it will be all 'the san'i tq me. Tho'Cinchi;nati"Gaut i ibliahi hefol owilng extract.of a prjete letter, ht dist ingushed F~*-Comfe oratQne Sstreet .I see tha['s omoef. the uuir 1 of thce Nortih are stlnlie' u rpresent condition for &r W~mItE .What cain we do to vatie.r.lioh -willing anil anxious 'to da%3~1 sogne cont it tiona pa r ipose that. there at-e a thonsua9. a in the on~thiisinbject,'.,,nnidjl" whomr thare are ps ma would lodjo the~ Uphlott,to offered the oole to 'go,.o b rms of eqalityuil It Is related ofMab cenct covrston, he~jm'ann denta1ohnson and4 he ane~ by' 06si well as by intereist,- t %V a s. film, and we will ' A~I t noni.m th sich a degree of pro'spe *.jIeiisis that: we shall soon 1' abletJ i 10 tbQ rest, of the eorl, 1murppe I lmr 4.'e A catpital part nora-with Andy, coltid i eat the world 1ombnedagaiit OTED o the inter:sts of tlie Pro tetat Ipiscopal Chitiroh, is publish ed At Charlotie. N. C.. Termis of, Subhseip W 'onWhnsh inl advanlce. or sidonths, $-2 00 For one year, 4 00 Tvumm, or AnVrNisTZN(-Fifteen WIts aline, or for tle spice of i line. forthe first, insertoin - fnd11 ten cents for cihel itsequent. insrPI0ion. A To yearly. advertisors, a liberal etictioh on the nhoave will be Mnnde. S lcribers desi in o hnve their l'oat Olices bchnngied. will inite hot hwhiere Ih1ell pliper- nie now being sntii, and wlhe're. thn ey woii hiive tihem lirevied inl future. , For 'oue iionih before each sObsription expiro. a pencil Iinnuk on the lnigini will *renilind tlt. soliscriber to renew his ub ill)e-ip. tioA hy- an earlyI-remititnce. All couunicationls Shonl be ad h1-essedL ''.phurch lIatelligenicer, Clarriotte, N. C." oct 24i66 A 'N R I 1 1 R I J N S 0 " IE BAPTIST BANNER," WIlhL 111 ('0MMENCE!) oN QA-t'utim.\v. i11 9rif INSTA' r, AT AtUU 'A, (WORMilA, By ith. Foriner Proprietor. -A M happy in bhing able to malce file al"ve ~ununcrnet.The /janner Will lie 1ublisied every SNatu'niily. ' rY" $sgripions nre respectfilly so. he a ed. % "3.t Inpel nnmn \ l.e AlI'S N. libLS; Proprietor. r7" Ench newsinper ill C enorgia . n11nd South ('arolidan will idencse cop- - 1wice, nind endbill o 1110 N. -:. seit. 28'65-2 DAI LY CA ROLIg.NA TI.M.ES, BY WAlIlNG & HElliON. I oa : t 1 o 1 c,. N. C. TEillit S FllI rAPE klV D I IX, TI NIE will L' firnitished lit S10.401 p.r i P11t11n1, inl ndvanlce THlE Til-Wl'"sKI.E T131.'-- will hw pub. Imlied every Tuesday'. Thusdav and SV t ur ity Illornlilng.. nitd upliphlled for $8.00 per an nun, ityable in audvanco. The. Weekly Nnsvo. This paper, containing twontv.four col u iinlnll', aI I ancr ipt. or ,the rt , TPn-s." will bep puiblish'ed every Tuellday mnorning anl niiled to suilbset ier- St, fliper :an 1o11n. ' It will eoilill con 4ain he l'olitical. t'oi, loercial, Aeriuilitural. Finaincii i nnd oither iupoltllit 1e. wil will be Specially de. voteI Io the anllniiue'inen'it of ithe interests of ior Agriciiural al or lttlabr ing popitlillion. A v'VRTSINu TEmiS: For one silivire. (10 linens or less,) $1.00 t'or each inlsorltitn. \ivertist-intsl i ot liiised, will 11o1 lie discoitiiitl withilt at wrilen or-der, :uld will lie clurged at frill rates. sept I '11'5 . TFlue CIwtstir' .iaaudard, 1BY GCE.1(ME PITil1t,9 i'D I-9 wela'WI .IML r eI nnsnI:ni 0. Yr., A. V. I r .Elt IS: For one mont I 25 cents, or 74 Cellis for ireenonlh., pty:ihie striOt. l in advance. either in specie or provisions. INo subscrilitions receivel oil :ny other ferrnl thai the above, nor for a loiger or '4lhortor period. ;Aly person obtainina caukof ten fInes will receive Lhe paper bitis. Adveriseiuet'is iniseed at ,,1 00 po'r Squlare (11 lines) fol 1he first wt:ertion, and 75 cents for every addit'ional insertion. -ot 24'65 Tiset Eastelignmwicer, P1rni.l1.sunn VO1r.Y AT ,NVPOtnSO e. It., p. c., - BY llOYT & 11U.\1I'llIEW8, T Three Doliart; per annum. in United ' A tnes cnurreicy, or Two Dollars a year in'spectie RII 11,11 OF A 1)47'R ISN 7: - - Adverisements inserted at the ritles4 of One Dollar per squaro, of twelvo lines for Vie first insertion. mid Fifty Cetis for each Suihr'gnient. ins lion. Obit niaries 1nd.1 Var 'ringe Nol ies~ elvargedi for Iat those rates. oCt 2 A'06' \ urtaLRtlPn A-r corVr inrA, s. cl., BY 'JULIAN A. SELB3Y.( TillE Daily Phoni1x, innedC~ every ornlntr, except Sundtay. Id filledf w Ith the latent rre~juelydnce, Mliacellar.y. *'octyry and Sto. ' ile the onlly dlaihy pape.- ini the Stato, eut iie of the city ofdr ulr'lr., 'Tr-Wely PhonIx. for country clren.. ('o~ a puhtished every Tu'it y'Thursday atnl'diy,nnd has alt the reading~ ttuatter/ booll0t cotaIno I In the dai ly issues of the kly Ueanor, L -tiltom coumnaoion as its/ tyfcles nten ed a au~ldt lftI aminly fournl Jpuhbished everty W'Cednesy, ii wil Eig~tht psg-eesu oPrty U outona.T - rtile.Dqtiyy.and TFri-Weoly will b 't .tlts' colms........ Autdeertisca'netI it iilert Iin thea Daily or '& Wuetdfy nt 8 is ugnare C a~~lu flrst tineI anid W cett r e'I acth~ hta iet Wecekly a-l'ter- c.1tge tir efion. oet I V -