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WW?If I tt I ii Hill SAD BAILBOAP AOOIDBVT. OMR MAM DEOWMKO AMD FIVK WOUNDKU. Columbia, November 23.?The northward bound train of the Chorlottc and Columbia llailroad, which left here at 12.10 to-day broke through tho trestle over FishingfUreek, four mile* *? south of Rock Hill. Tho strain was greatly swollen. The engine and tender vouched the opposite bunk and proecedod to Hook Hill for assistance, The baggage car Hunted off, and it is supposed the passenger coaches were precipitated into the creek. Cof.UMUtA, November 23?Midnight ?Further accounts report Me Aden und Morehcud, of Charlotte, safe, and \V. J. Orr and McLaughlin, of Charlotte, supposed to be drowned. Tho conductor in safe, but is clinging to a tree a half * mile down streeiu. One lady is reported drowned. A special traiu left here at six 1'. M. with President J. 11. Palmer, for the scene of the disaster. The conflicting reports received on Friday .,.u #n the extent of tho disaster on the Charlotto, Columbia and Augusta Railroad )?*?l to kit exaggeration of the actual loss by drown iug. There wero only Bixtcen persons on board tlio train, including die conductor and other employees, when the accident occurred. The ears were crowded on leaving Columbia, as sta? -?u.. . .led iu the Ufjisitr yesterday morning, but nearchilm-en, were desntierr rArdfiVioUy* Jmtat.AUji llock llill, and the loss of life was considerably lessened thereby, ns crowded cars would haw certainly augmented the dangers and perils oi the situation. The passengers were ro?cuc<H>y 10 o'clock I'. M., at which hour conductor KH^e^a* tukei from his perilous po.sitioa^auging to ^dT^ranrh es of a tree, with the Mif: surging ;1?eneatI him. The citizens living W. the vicinity rc:i vicred every assistance in their power, and spc cial praise is given to the colored people for their faithful labors in this behalf. A colore man named Aleck rescued several persons, rid ing into the swollen stream with his mules, au< working manfully to save tlio lives of the un fortunate passengers. Mr. .lames .McLaughlin, of Charlotte, was lh< only person knows to be drowned. His budj wa? recovered vesterdav inorninir from th wreck. He belonged to the firm of Mel.uughlii & Hon, and was buying cotton for bis houv iijmim Ibe line of r< ad. ' V , Th? "nturad persons are six iu number, se fa u* we can ascertain; nns mtrm f-u-.?.. u. Hteele, Itock Mill, log broken ; IV, J. Orr, ('liar lotte, face cut with glass; lion. K. Y. McAden Charlotte, scratched in face; Mr. Kldridge, Net \ork, slightly injured. A llaltimorc agent foi r. cigar establishment had his arm badly bruised but we did net learn his name. Others base slight contusions, and all weri cofferers to some extent from the watery oxpe vionca tlicy were compelled to undergo, uuti assistance reached them. Tho break in the railroad is a sei ions one and it will require considerable labor to rephuo the truck und tb? trestle. All of the trending i icludiug same thirty or forty panels, was awep anil the track for some distance ou oacb sidt was draws oat of placeby the tisbbarfastenings 'i be trestle was rebuilt not long ago, and wa inspected recently by Superintendent Kline sad only Inst week was carefully examined bi the road master. Mr. lSedcll, an old ami experienced engineer crossed the trestle about lift ecu minutes befon the accident took O^tce, and we avo inforinei tbat bis attention was particularly directed ti ditieit. The water was n\ least'four tcet Lolou tiiu rails. Major (iill and son crossed with Mr Itedcll, and the young tnau remarked that th< trestle did not seeui to be in perfect line, wliicl induced a closer examination, and Mr. l'edcl iiiUAml l.;,...alr !..> ii ..... ......r..i:;. every respect. 11 in statement is corroborated liy Major tiill, wc understand. .Mr. Kcdvll was connected with the rail rod lor seventeen years mid has been residing near the scene of disastei for kovotal years. Arrangements were made to transfer the mail* and passengers last uiglit across the break.? Col. Hri/iitrr. A despatch, dated the 27th Slates, "The body of Michael Arthur, leather andshoctindings Merchant, of New York, tvus found this after tioo?," Tnr. Wisxkiiaco Cutter.?Mr. fi. FY Kimball, of Illinois, curac to VYiansboro' on Saturday morning, ut?4 remained ovor till Monday, being the guest of Maj. T. W. Woodward and Col. James II. Uion. Mo received anumher of oilier * intitafionif* which" hi^t tifniFo'd Time ' preventeu lutn from accepting. A ntunher of citizens called on him, and wore much pleased with his usability and hie liberal sentiments. Mr. Kimball expresses himself as delighted with his eur# ry sisit to South Caroliuu, hta<I predicts that she has n glorious future before Iter. Maj. Woodward was detcrmiud that the "Winnebago < nief" should be captured, and that his scalp s iould adorn the den of the "Moss Ku-Klux of I'airfield." for that reason ho hrought hint up front < 'olutabia. He fore his departure, he presented him with a tomahawk that once belonged >to the i-'lorida Indian Chief, Ya-ha-ha-jo, who was killed in the Suminole war of 18dt>. by the [ 'airfield company, in the first skirmish. The full accouut of tlte capture of this trophy was given bv l>r. T. T. Uobcrtsoit, one of tho rarty rl,.l It,. nl.;.f ll\....\*. ,-?> A.Vkky (iook It mho n.?The reason why only one simple bottle of Mkkiiki.i.*V Ttrr-XTrW: TdT t lie l.iver will he sold to the same person, for ten cents, by our Druggist, dhUUKS it CO., is because of the enormous expense of importing the lleputiue into this country ; but as (here me fifty doses in the large size bottle, it rectos t'.vo cents per dose is cheap enough after all for . a medicine that cures dyspepsia and liver coin* ]> aiitt. All who have not had a sample bottle ate entitled to utu: for 'ten cts-: at tilULSKS \ ' ID S Drugstore. Three doses relieves nuy ease of dyspepsia, constipation,' indigestion or liver cunplaiut, in the world. Ilcgu'.ar size bottles, titty doses, $1.0O. 1 r tf?tju l'? Cent Sample Mottles MerreRTfc llepjtine for the Liver, and fllohe Flower Cough Syrup for the Throat and Lungs, at (illtlti-'.S A CO., . lti-2t i t Tins Out. It May Sayf. V.u h I.h i:. ?There is no person living l?ut what sutlers more or less with Lung Diseases, Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 7it cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure flieni. l)n A. HnMi iua'a <!ibmiv <? > ? Ik lately been Introduced in this country from tljrmuny, nnil ita wondrous cures astonishes ? cry ouo that try il. If you doubt what we Say in print, cut thia out and take it to your Jlruggiats, (iibbes A Co., and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try if. Two doses will relieve you. Regular size To cents. IT Uw. An Carolinian.--Maj. .1. W. Avery, b former citizen of York county, who left here in the full of 1H71, in conscrptencc of the whole prosecutions to which the people of this a-ction were cruelly suhjeclcd hy the unscrupu1 ns and tyrannical Merrill, waa in our town on jv<>uday lust, lie had been in the county about t- ,i weeka, visiting among his friends, and ein1 i cd here Monday night for his home if Niagara, I annad t. The Major liaa heeome a Itrilish jyajxit, nidi mi glowing terms of his new IvWriit*.?Ilnm)>(on /hriihl. II.* , _ , j?he jUdlfchlu Pinion R. M. STOKES, Editor. UNION, FRIDAY, NOV EMBER 30. 1877. TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Oepjr, one year, in auvakck, $S.OO i ('.inK1* ono year, " " 5JM) ? ' " " ? 11.00 10 " " " " ' 20.00 ADVERTISING. ft?i! Hijuiri- or on. Inch, (Irsl imcrtion, - - - $1.00 Kncli ?iihsc<|uciii insertion, ------- "."i'ral dim-omit made to mcrrhinln and other* advertising f<?r six mouth* or by the year. Obituary N?ticc*of ten line* or lean, imerli-d frw. " " over ten linen, eliar'ed a* AdvertiaeineaU. Divine Services. Kov. J. Lowry Wilsou will preach in the I'reshyterian c'tureh at thix place next Sunday. <* The Democrats now have G"i majority, on i,ilait hnllut of the l.mritsltiliiro. J ?e> ( t&r To -?luy tho Legislature will elect ft Judge for tliis C.'ircnit.?CJen. Wallace, no'Joubt. ? P&- Tf you want any kin<l of Jewelry, call upon U. W. Tinsley. I ?* M?I afcV m?t Mtrii All tmn cry uncertain. with the exception that it lias certainly*been Tory disagreeable. ? . c>. Oflju. If you want Spectacle! to milt all ages and eyes, go to Tl. W. Tinsley's. He has got n large assortment of the best. wen- Th e members of the Legislature from this County are promptly at their post. It will be an exciting session, and we believe a long I ono. I Woodruff, Cicrk of the Sonnfc, has re signed, and T Stoho Farrow, of Spartanburg, was chosen, by a Democratic caucus, to succeed |. him. # Tf*T\_ From all sections of the State reports e retch us ?f henry rains and high waters in tKit of rn;im? tlDtntr mimli ilflmtitft* Id iTnns pa. i" maining in th? fields. 07>-"Fro<1 Cist, TonVletT-d of burglary, ami .Taefc Itlrty convicted of Cattle Stealing, at Hie la>t term of Court y for tills County, with three other Penitentiary miltlets, r e-enjo'l from the guard. after beating ami liltIrtir him in a t rrible manner, last Tuesdar, ami are "-till at largo. 1*w_ Ill ooiisei|uenro of sotne informality, the ronnnisB shot of Judge Xorlhfop, as I". S. Plstrirt Attorney has * lieen revoked hy the President. Sulisei|uently it was re|sirtisl the Chief Jiisllee had reappointed Northrop, and he will hold over until the President appoints. - ; W. R. Mavis has moved into his new * building, nnd proposes to dispense the host of, ' oh bo-joyful lo those who will pay for it. Mo is fiied tip in real city stylo, and has a full supply s of nil kindn of liquors. ? ? - ? . Tho First Drove. Mr. Taylor, from Tennessee, arrived in town , last Tuesday with the firs! drove of live Sausage * meat. Tliry ate as fine hogs as wo ever saw.? t l'rico, 6 cenjs.- ^ -fT ? bur.; was ri ad in the Senate \vh^irfVj{atiix<sI?,*4WV|jdh made a little spet eh. Now leet SiInpso1ssix1 iate Judge 5 we say. | tKiT" Everybody goes hy tlie Ilaronioler now-i a-days. li tells you when it is going lo rain or ' blow, and when to expect clear weather. I.ast SiiIkIh v it in,li,,al?.l %? Kt.,?? - ? 1 ? 1 J .. VM r? uiwu, nN<l .1111 U PIIOU^B, I tie blow did come oil Monday. It in about a!? good as "obi Probabilities" at Washington. , - - Butler to bo Sonator. The present indications arc that (Ion. M 0 Butler will be allowed?disgusting to think of? to take tho scat in the United States Senate, to. which ho was legally and honestly elected by the legal legislature of South Carolina. Patterson--oven honest John?has voted for his ad mi ssian. _ ? If yen want any kiud of a Bridal Present, Tinsley can supply you to suit your -tast* and-pocket.' " -t* - - Robbers abeut. On Saturday night last some one broke into Oapt Fsrr's cliicken eoop au i stole a number of chickens, and the next night, while (he ('apt. was at Church, they returned and took all that were left besides ten bushels of sweet potatoes. On Sunday night some one broke into Mr. Nicholson's oflice and stole a handsome mantle clock. Mr. Nicholson's otlice is on his marble yard ami surrounded with tomb-tones, and wo j shall not bo surprised if the thieves make n?. tlicr visit and take otl a tombstone or two. It' you want an Kngagemciit or Wed?Iiat; King, Tinsley hits pot the very article to suit. ? X?uf>tiookf!oTi',aErs of^thdYair Grounds. I A meeting of tbe Stockholders of the tTftion J County Fair (irounds are earnestly requested to I men in the Court House '. .Monday morning next, at 11 o'clock. The President and Secretary will then make j their report of the financial condition of the j Society, in which every Stockholder, at lea<t, is j interested. The mooting will he of great importance to all concerned-, and it is expected that every stockholder ?vi!l fool sufficient interest in the stock ho owns -if he doe* not in the Society? tc ho at the meeting ami look after it. . o ,. Just go and see Tinsley's beautiful Jewelry. He sells from 20 to 150 per cent cheaper than last year. i noxi oaies uay. I No doubt ft largo number of people will bo !berc next Monday, to attend tbe Sheriff's Sales. Never before was there such a large quantity of land advertised ft>r rale on one day iu this | county. We, however, are glad to state that by j j far tbe largest number of sales arc not under | Sheiitl s Licentious. Most of them arc estates advertised for partition, or cases of long ?tan* j ding itt suit to decide titles. Hut we did not intend this as an explanatory article, but to notify all persons in arrears for the T"h's that it will be a good day to call at i this ollice und settle up. Atrd furthermore to state that unions they do so we shall be coin- j polled to stop their paper. It it* no use talking, j we nui?t either stop printing the Tnni< or make i wnlleclhois to pay our expenses. Choose ye winch sflltll be b>nf r. _ The Xoguoa Sentenced. Our people, liuvc been anxiously awaiting the decision of Judge Townsend, in the cases of Cardoso, Smalls and L. Cass Carpenter, who h vS beon tried and convicted of embezzlement of fl(^)ublic money, bribery and forgery. On Monday last Judge Townsend pronounced the following sentences against the culprits : F. L..Cardozo, to be confined in Hiclilaud County jail fur two years, nnd pay a fine of ?4,| OOO, and at the expiration of two years if the fine is.not paid an additional year of imprisonment. Hubert Smalls, to be confined in the Penitentiary, at hard labor, for a term of three years. L. fjass Carpenter, to be confined in the County jail for two years and pay a fine of SI,000. Mr. Melton submitted motions to suspend the execution of the sentences pending the appeal in the cases of Cardozo and Smalls, and Mr. Conner consenting to them, they were passed. lty consent of .Mr. Conner, Robert Smalls was allowed to co on bail rending the appeals?the amount to be fixed on coiiHultntion. Mr. Melton also moved tliat CarJoio be admitted to bail pending his appeal, both in the e#ne in which he had been sentenced and in the tfrrxmy* m&MSil?*'9"'- *"*inaL Mr. Conner said he had no objection to the order, so fur as it related to the preseut case, bin as to the others he called attention to tho 1m4 in relation to the punishment of the offenses. In three of these cases, the punishment was a tine of from $10,000 to $20,(KM) each; in one of the others the punishment prescribed was $.">,( MH) and fire years' imprisonment in the penitentiary, and he could not consent that the defendant should be released on any smaller amount in these cases. By consent, then, the order was made admitting Cardozo to bail in uu amount to be fixed on consultation. Like orders were made by consent in tbecaso of I<. Cass Carpenter. -? - - 4 Cents & Week Saved There are uien in this County so iucau that they travel from" to f> miles, and back, every Saturday, to hear a subscriber to the Times read the news in it, rather than pay 1 cents a week uufffellow their families to rend it. If thai is not the height of meanness, we don't know what I is. In the first place, tliey ineunly use what | '.heir neighbors have paid for; in the second place, . they are too mean to pay 1 cents a week for a I County paper for their families to rend; in the ' third place, llicj travel from fi to 1*2 miles every week to lounge about a Post Office nad sponge j upon tlicir neighbors to hear the County news that others have paid for. This we know to he true ; and our subscribers |tre doing themselves and us a groat wrong in | allowing it. A wrong to both ?ef us, because | they give a tuenn excuse to hundreds, who can j afford to subscribe as woll as t henaselvee, for not subscribing ; t ius robbing the Editor of many hundred dollars that be would use to make the paper more valuable to the subscribers end faT mote satisfactory to himself. ^ . ^ 3 'ouirty could, and we would enlarge the Times and make it the best County paper in the State. IJnt we can't do it so long as so many of j our subscribers nllow front "> to 1<) men to read ! their paper without paying u cent for it. j * * ! FttKtr;iit Discriminations.?l.nst week wc I gave an example from the Columbia lieyister on this subject. As stated there, the freight on cottou from Newberry to Columbia lias recently been advarfced from 1$1.'J") a bale to but if cotton is shipped through Columbia to Charleston ?he Shipper gets a rebatemptii of the extra delfar. riiis ila piece of extortion thai calls J for Iflllll i AH a mnnuin-* ?a !??* people of llie up-country to traile with Charleston, whether Ih'ey want to or not. , The Legislature will be'coinpelled to take the matter of railroads under consideration, and relievo the pcorde of the State from such unjust discriminations.?Xcwbrrr;/ Herald. That is no new dodge of the Charleston RailIt has made the sumo discrimination ] ct'er since the Charlotte and Columbia and Wilmington and Manchester roads were completed. And it Will continue to do so, to the detriment of the whole upper part of this State, until eomj peting lines above Columbia arc Luilt. We am glad to know that the Narrow Gauge ] Kail road |jnks between Georgetown and Chester arc now pretty sure of being completed ; the countfes through which it will pass haviug determined to build it within their respective borders. Although our people have become cold upon i the connection between bere and Chester we still have faith that I lie necessity will be forced upon them, when they will warm up again, and also meet the Clinton people at (lie l.iuirqtt^Hue.' i That is our road yet, and we believe it will'be ' l)uil?. Tu tlie mean time* petitions, signed by | hundreds of the hest citizens iq^every yjwuwy J effected, linve been sent to the Legislature, uskI ing that bu'h interfere for the benefit of the pooplc. That body niust grant the relief asked for. P.u.ATAnbK Mkiucisks.?Ayer's Cherry Pectoral i* a honeyed drop of relief; his Cathartic l'ills glide sugar-bliod over t'se palate : and his Sarsaparilla is a nectar that imparts vigor to life, restores the health and expels disease ? ]\'atcrford (/'? ) Advert if rt. 9 For 1110 Times. . The Fair?A Race Challenge. Mr. Kihtoii.?Our third annual Fair was quite a succcs, if we may judge by the general satisfaction expressed thougliout the three days exhibition. The great regret ef the occasion was the dj-enching rain which fell continuously through the Inst, and usually, the most interesting day, preventing any po.-sihlc use of the * peed ring'. That was a great disappointment to a large unmher who hud anticipated great sport in tlint particular part of the Fair. Now, .Mr. Editor, in order to overcome or alleviate this disappointment. I propose to run my two Colts?SA.vtrrand Tom Hacks, three and four' years old each against any other South t'rwSdina raised Horses in adjoining counties, for five or ten hales of Cotton each race, mile licatS ; carrying weight forage. The time j of the race to be fixed this side of Christinas. I will also run their dam. Fanny Fisiikii, now ' seventeen (IT) years old?against tbo dam of I tlio Morses that may run against mine, and on j the same terms. The Cute money to go In the I'uion county j Agricultural and Mechanical Sncielv. 1 C. E. SI MS. For I lie Time?*. Union Coanty' Agrioaltarml Fair. Ma. Editor:?Union County may justly be proud of her Agricultural Fair which has just closed. Those who had thegener: I supervision of matters are deserving of much commendation for tlio manner in which the various departments were managed. Yet it would be strange if there were not some things objectionable, ami 1 shall take the liberty of expressing my disapprobation of the way in which thecooArmy match ci are rnuuaged. I might touch upon the horse racing and dog shows, but as these tjiiugs are not very interesting to nte, 1 will say but little about litem. When we scacely pick up a paper but what contains a report ot a dog with the rubies, or some case of hydrophobia, 1 think it high time souit effectual steps were taken to curtail the nuiubei of worthless dogs, instead of encouraging the rearing and keeping of more. A good yartJ dog no sensible person would object to ; they art useful; but the keeping of a dozen or inert hounds?as 1 know of some men who do?is ?-~i: .?. I lOUIiau UllU UAiiiiTU^iui, tv iuv iv?av vi at. bat what Vparticularly object to is the man ner in which the cooking watches are ttianage< at our State and County Fairs, and while object iug would rcspcctly draw the attention of thosi whose duty and pleasure it may be to propan the printed programmes, to a plauia' " own,' which L. think would give more general paus ructiou,~rettTT^sw^W>ewwiee ..^n....s same time more Ihorouyhly test each contestant' competency as a cook than u:iy plan hit herb adopted, it may seem rather premature b write of this thus early, but as our Fair has sn recently closed, and while fresh iu '.lie minds o many, I think it best to broach the subject now so that those whose busiuess it will be to prcpar the regulations, &c., may have ample time b digest the subject before the next annual meet iug of the Society, and doubtless improve upoi my plan. The cooking matches, as heretofore managed are open to much improvement. Why, tiie way i is now managed, the real house-keeper?the wit and mother?stands no chance at all ! for th contestants arc limited to such a youthful ag that it is mostly school misses (or it not at scboi they ouy/tl to be, judging froiutheir ?0et orvcr young ladies "just out"?to use a society plirusi It is tjuite true there was no cooking done ? our late Fair, for a premium, but from what cuu learu it was more the fault ol the w out he than the youthful contestants, who came *>& "TTteJfared Itr too A. It is ? I'mtf^wtlt nut<ntCMI| to dispute, that "sweet sixteen," with sleevv rolled up, showing a plump round and dimple arm, looks vastly more interesting to the *may online eye than the staid, sober Mutrou of, pei haps, tivc and thirty; but that isjiot the lliiu; 11 the cooking matches arc designed to awake tiie house-keener to a lnoru earnest dim t to nri ' pare more palatable uu<i digestible dishes It tier household, bow very little eueouragemeij does she recuite,-W^ien debarred the privilege < contesting her proliciency, simply because sli is over aye. it is a tact no one, 1 presume,' *vi atleuipi to dispute, thai it' a general ciyifass ? ail the white ladies who ds their own cobkin was made,?ladies i t' refinement and intell gence, too?there would be a great many nior of the age of .'M <>r iio than lbor 18. 1 stronj | ly object to limiting I lie contestants to any fun \ licuiar aye; but tearing more might desire ( cook than it would be convenient to su( with stoves, it would, 1 thiuk, be u ver good idea to limit the age from 111 to .30 or 3< ^he bill of furo nut to be pTlfcU'i^iw-ilfcho prc or writteu slip of paper, exactly aliae, given t each coui}ietiior as they take tl.eir places to be gin the cooking. If tlie contestants were to furnish the matt rials for getting up the dinner, ^ which 1 tliinl they shouldj in the general regulations it coul simply be staled tiial those desiring to coo should bring with them?in very small iptuuti ties, of course ?meal, Hour, lard, butler, hucot beef, chicken, eve., and from those materials th bill of fare must be made. Of course front th material I have uicvtiunud a very plain diiuuj would be expected, but those whose business i is to prepare the programme could decide o something d i tic rent. The bill of line shout not comprise any very elaborate dishes, bn something which it is supposed any one accui touted to c:oking might understand, and the the one vvl.o can, on tlie spur of tho niomcni without any previous training in any two o more dishes, prepare (he best meal, shout he emitted,?and very justly,?to the preuiiuu i?ut whuii the bill of fare is given out week before, auytchoo'yirl who may never have turne a hue cake bctVr , cau, with Mama to direct au prompt her, soon learn to'cook the dishes name in it so wcJl that sho'iiiiglit even excel an oldci mere experienced and more competent cook, will stale, to enforce what 1 have said, that durin a l-'air, not a hundred years ago, nor a huudrc inilea I'roin here, I have been ini'ortued en go.> aulhoriiy, a yoi'.ng lady came to cook for ill premium, who brought her biscuit dough will her, which she had prepared at home under th mulct uul eye, beef steak all chopped, i\:c., pre pared, I presume, under the same experiuce< orb. Of const, aicci gizlrcn would stand a prcl ty chance to gel the premium ; but wit! no previous knowledge of what the bill of far was to be, each contestant would, neccssaiilj have to depend on her merits us a general goo< cook, not onl.v on Iftnr orJour di-hes but, froi being so well accustomed to the business, would hkeui/e-who had mastered some particular study he re^dy to he examined iu any portion of th t>ook. Some may exclaim, "the cooking matche arc designed to stimulate tjie young ladies to b g^od cooks;" but 1 have never yet seen one mas teV tlicart at a County I'air, <>r learn all there wa to he learned hy preparing a few dishes for exliibi tioii. Kxperience and coiuiiioii sense goes a Ion; way in the make-up of a good cook. 1 hav never known a first class cook who lacked thcs< necessary ingredients in her composition. A1 the cook hooks iir the country couid never mak of such uu one :w real, rt-liahie ctokr ? 1 syg>posi cxflinon jinisejniglit becalU'd a gift, bni*f)ic olh cr rcCommcHdations cauhc easily nct|uire?i; and don't you see that this would stimulate swt-e sixteen or ci hlcen, whichever she may be, ti lilt the heavy burden of cooking from oil' tin maternal shoulders, to her own strong and liiori suple ones y 1 n -flic end il^vuiibl he the* mean: of teaching her, not only someof Hie first prin ciples id' cooking, but tit her to be a real hell iii her home, and show her, also, in after life, liov lo add brightness. coinlort ami happiness, toi li'Sine of her own. I believe it Fanny Fern'' who said "Tho way 40 rpftCb a man's heart was througl the palate'''"?^a remark 1 have often though tjuite true, in one tense at least. 1 liav yot to see the very amiable Itcncilict (o oi l Ibiehelor either) who can seat himself will a placid ami serene sniilo before a badly conaci dinner and preserve that angelic expressici throughout the repast. ISut 1 am digressing : hope, Mr. Kditor, ym will unite with me in en deavoring to secure a change in the cooking do partment, and lo bring the subject to the notio' of those gentlemen w ho prepare the programme I have not written this in a fault tin ling spiri by any means ; i have iotig noticed with sincer regret the way the cooking matches were man nged, and heard many a good wife and Ionise keeper express the same regret; but I will d' tlmse estimable gentlemen (lie credit to say I believe it simply an oversight on their part or else the subject lias never oeenrred to tliei ini 11 ds ill tlm light in which I hive allcioplca (0 point it onf. VtH'N'tt M.\TII"N PREMIUMS AWARDED ?AT THE? UNION COl'INTIN FAIR, AT IT'S THIRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION, 1W77. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. { Department, No 1?LEATHER. Double Harness Joseph G. Harlan Singlo Harness, ?' . !' Hiding llridle " " , Df.pXbt.vkkt No. 2. Knit Cotton Coverlet Mrs. M. E. Drowning , Woven " Eliza Koon 2<l best. ...Elizabeth Malono Patch QuiTt v'V" " " i 2d <best Miss Daga&ll , Silk patch Quilt Miss SueFostar ' 2d liest Miss Thomson 5 Silk and Wurtlctl..." Mrs. Jatnes B. Jeter 1 2d best " Miss Russell Woolen Eliza Koou j Sheep skin "wool Bug, .. C. Harris Rug Miss Ada Sims * Bug Carpet .'...Miss Thomas Domestic Blanket Eliza Koou ? Jeans .C. W. Becknell ? Heavy Tweeds..,. Jan? I. Briggs ?" . tlon?esirotf*rialh..*."kli?ab?tfa Gordon s Pair Cotton Hannrose........"..Mr?. Dr. Norman g 2d best Elizabeth Malone j Socks Susan Reeves j Gloves ?? j- Cotton KJging " Boys suit,?coat, pants and rest, 4 Mrs. S. Thomson B 2d best Mrs. Story. The above premiums not being on hand will be delivered as soon as thev arrive. J. L. YOUNG, Sup't. S WISE. V it Best Berkshire Boar A. W. Thomson c 2<1 best do do *? e ' Sow and i'igs J. II. Minter e " Essex Sow . A. W. Thomson >1 ?' Native Sow and I'igs J. U. Mioter jr The committee respectfully make favorable J. mention of tlio following. l| Killing Hog H. J Thompson 1 " Dr. M. P. Boyd J Sow and Pigs W. R. Briggs u Sow..., I ;.C. C. Sarter Ven^Pr Pigs. ,...? I. u. iwtnicr Pig W. A. Beaty As there was no premium ottered for annimals of the above description, tho committee did not , feel authorized to award any. although the ani?" mals were very line. The committee would make special note of a * Boar pig exhibited by J. E. Col ton, 3 months t old, but no premiiini was ottered for one of that age. Wo consider it the best. Boar Pig of its jjj.c on exhibition and respectfuHy recommend a II Frcmiuai. ,f STOCK* J> El'A liTMEST. g 1st. Class?Dkvoks. Bull, tbrec years, i.r upwards J. C. Fsrrer. c Cow, ' " " ' " ?" Heifer, two to three years old T. 1$. Jeter. " one to two " " " 2nd Class?Diiuiaus. y Bull 1 to 2 years old IP ? Beaty. ? ? ywrs old or upwards ?- ? 3rd. ('i/amf? Brab^iins. ' * years one or lipwrfT\i*....::..T. 1?. r4flk * yrurs to 3 years, Uob't. Beaty. at " - "ars old or upwards " * 'sjfiLy ears to 3 years " |ff.* ?r to 2 years " ^ ^ dth. Class?Natives. ^ffjville ^rs ?'4' or upwards,...W. H. Briggs. , now"'5 upwards " ffrilhc at three years Uob't. Beaty. fcuVy.^.i". ><; Master C ^wrry. -cV breed Seaborn ltillard. ^ ?V ? iV >4. " '"'air. ,j* ? ^ Uob't. Beaty. d 1 A 1 sd.v/> a oats. t ! ?^.ass?mkiunos. | Buck 2 yea. r upwards, T. Berry Jeter.. ' I year to 'i years, B.C. Farr.. Pen Kwcs ?? 2nd. Class?Gkauls. tl Buck, two years old (1. B. llogan.. ,1 Pen l.apabs d | 3rd. Class?Natives. I Buck 2 years old W. 11. Briggs.. j I'en Ewes " 8 . I'en l.amlis ? a i ca sum eu t: a oa rs. e ] Thoroughbred buck J. B. Steedmsn.. It ; l'air Crudes Uob't. Beaty. o ; W. A. BEATY, Sup't. mi: viia mca l dec a em est. Wagon, 1 Horse J. A. Fowler. . a ' .r ! Carriage, Combining, Convenience and safety J. A. Fowler. Open Buggy J. a Fowler. \ 2nd. best open buggy Allen & llobiusou. '' . Top buggy, J. A. Fowler. h i'low's. e 1 Horse, 'J Horse and Double foot ^ s IMow (lioiue made) Allen & Robinson. e Plain Plow slock (lioino tnade) J. M. Moblcy. i- i i'Lot'gn/\g ma ran. s , Ploughing by White Man Cornelius Willard. \ Ploughing by boy under 16 years old S. M. Rice. ? 1 Ploughing by Colored Man, L. Ketch. c Cotton Planter and guano Distributor, *i W.O. Itice. Fan Mill, tirain and Seed Separator, Iv Tate. Reversible subsoil and turning Plow F. Tale. e Cotton Tic last oner (for pultiiigthe tic on the bale.) C. S. <!r(-eitk-af. j (lilt Shapelier, Mcltride .Y Nelson. 1 llotuemade Shuck Collars Kd. Itice (Col.) JOHN IIODGKK, Sup't. [, i MISCKI.I.ASI.Ol S. s | Much admiration was given to the. Iiandtonio Plows donated to tho Society by Messrs. Watt !? ! Call, of Richmond Va.. Messrs. Drindly Miles i j Sf Hardy, of Louisville Ky., and A. II. Farqultar i J llsq., of- York, Pcun., Under the circumstances it w s thought best , 1 Is have no trial contest Imitt-non "t"-- ~e i I these different Miiiiufiifturors, hut let nil ?eo t j and judge fo?*tlieinsolvM, bearingalways in mind e 1 the fact, as these gentlemen showed such a liberr | nl interest in our Fair, that our Planters should i certainly favor thcin with their future orders for 1 | articles in their line, they each being large Mitni ' laclurers of Agricultural Implements. I 1 Among the display of articles for which no - ! premiums were otTerd, a special notice should he given to the handsome Show-cases of Messrs 0 Poster & Wilkin" one of dry goods ami notions tho other of ti st class cutlery?a casual look t , showed that the above linn have as complete and r I varied a stock of articles in their lino as can he i found anywhere South. The neat and attrac ' live make up" of this display we understand r> is due to the taste of t". P. Ilohcrson, of tho firm. Notice also should he given to the jewelry exhibition of P.. W. Tinsley, who proved most r conclusively to all. thai for "Jewels so rare ' 1 'o'f I no longer -order hut fuel w hat you | need at hi* apartment in the Model Plug ^Icre