University of South Carolina Libraries
? 4 4. Squceziug up through the mire and alluvium of ( the aforesaid valuable but neglected low lands * like a "Cooter" in the early Spring, lie washes ( the mud from his back in Qilky's' diaphanous waters and brilliantly talks of diadems, galax- a ies, instgnins, Ac., as if he had never tried to * locate the root of a "sawyer" shift a raft, or incise a mill dam. He writes of arenas as if he was raised in an Amphitheatre, perhaps because tl of the immense amount of sand he passed over ? while "Drainage Engineer" of the O. T. & D. '' Company. A whilo he wrote of Jluffaloet as Q <*?f??tly as a Comanche could have talked of the I l< ?v. same noble beast, only the Comanche would ttever have allowed himself to be led into be- * lieving that Buffaloes ever were known to ronm the bills of North I'aoolet. n Speaking of hills reminds me of the elegant c expression of "L.** in #ne of his letters, viz;? ^ "The country is very Mlty except in n few Bmall central elevation#*, ? Then, too, that story of I 80,000 additional dSushcltf of .corn sounds very fishy. But as "Jm 'Ma very young man therq J( is room for improvement. I advise him to r0tf t, History and let Kennedy's "llorsc-Shoe Robinson alone?he will thou know more of our country and how to spell "Nuckolls."* J. >*. T. n *In both of these coses, the error was oom- 81 tnitted in this office, and should not be charged g to our correspondent.?Editor Tinas. . ti For the Times. tl The Crops?The Planters' Ohtlook. ft Editor Union Timks t?1 hare just hod a con- C versa! ion with on intelligent gentleman who has S lately travereed the greater port of upper South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama. Cl He reports the small grain crops as looking re- ai marknbly well considering the immense floods 111 of rain and heavy freezes, but I am sorry to say r< reports quite as large an acreage of ootton planted, or prepared for planting, and in Georgia and t| Alabama especially a large importation of Com- 0{ mercial Fertilisers. jt This is a gloomy opening for a year of prosperity under Hampton and Home llule. The best governments in the world can't make a people prosperous ^rho get less for an article cl than it costs to produce it, and who are dependent upon others for what they must have?some- r< 4^ thing to eat and to wear. With every prospect J? of a European war of a gigantic character, Cl which must raise tho price of provisions and lower thajarice of potion, it is a most suicidal ^ policy t?^ant the latter largely. The demand l) must be diminished, nnd with the world supplied g, now with a full stock, a big crop must bring ruin along with it to th^lantor; and if it affects the '/ planter it will telt^Phi all other iudustrics.? ^ But none are so blind as tltose who will not see. We are on a down gyuio with a big orop, certain. * LOOKER-ON. p ' ' * ? - ? w LSfltl&elTIVE PROCEEDINGS. n, 3 April 27, 1877. ., SENATE. 01 The Senate jsaemlAed-ttt 1*2 M.,Tind-wt?<;alUiLL^ to on^firJt?yJr?sTGetit Simpson. " j^~TiXr. Cochran, from tlicCommittee on Retrench- C incuts, to whom were referred the following hills, reported back the same with the recommendalion that they do pass : Kill to abolish the of- ( (ice of jury commissioner and devolve the duties <1 thereof upon the sheriff of each county; bill to roduce pay of commissioners and managers of elections und of their clerks; hill to further reduce the number and regulate the pay of othcers, " attachces. Clerks aud laborers of the Ueuerul u Assembly, and to provide the manner of elect- ci ing, appointing and paying the same; bill to re- () duce the pay of county coininissioners aud their clerks, with amendments. Ordered for consid- u eration to-morrow. t y Mr. Evans, from the Committee on Agricul- II ture, to whom was referred bill to authorize ,| county commissioners to submit to the qualified electors of their several counties a proposition to alter the fence laws, and to provide for effectuating the same, reported back the saine, witli e the recommendation that it do pass. Ordered for consideration to-morrow. The Committee on Privileges and Elections u asked to be discharged from further considera- *? tion of tho Edgefield, Abbeville and Laurens contested seats. Ordered for consideration to- 11 morrow. n Mr. Cochran introduced a bill to reduce and fix the per dieat and mileage of members of the Ucneral \aseinbly. " Mr. Cannon introduced a bill to Pcpeal an act to protect the interest of the Slate, whenever " payment of interest, now due, remains unpaid * on bonds issued by any ltailruad company, and ' whereon the guaranty of the State is endorsed, c approved March 7, 1877. Mr. Witherspoon introduced a bill to carry into effect the 14th section of article 4 of consti- 0 tution relation to the iudiciarv. * 4MMM Mr. Crittenden gave notice of a bill to provide for n general registration of voters. Mr. Gary introduced a bill to regulate the rate of interest en all contracts arising in this State. . Mr. Oar/* introduced'the following resolution: lieablvtd, hat it be referred to the Judiciary 1 - Committee to Inquire and report as to the propriety as to the redacting the tax costs of Attorneys. Sheriffs, Clerks, Judges of Probate and ** their Clerks, and of Trial Justices, Constables J and Coroners. Ordored for consideration tomorrow. t ft At 12.20 P. M., the Senate adjourned. ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. n The Houso met nt 12 M. ?' Prayer by the Rev. J. If. Stringfellsw. On motion of Mr. Simpson, the reading of the d! journal was dispensed with. >a The Speaker laid before the House the resig- ~ nations of Daniel Bird and-John Oibsen as members of Uie House of Representatives from Fairfield County. The resignations were accepted. U ? Mr. Holmes introduced a bill to make jurors,' 3 constables and n-itn|fs|p' **"'?*p JH"~:for county taxes. ) Mr. Sheppard Introduced a bill to repeal nn act to regulate the grauting of- divorces; also n II bill to abolish the cffioe of County Auditor. j . Mr. Sawyer introduced a bill to prohibit tho ^ sale of seed cotton between the time of the set- ' ting and rising of the sun, and to regulate the 8 sale of seed cotton. \ t M. A MhI.W I ?<?J J - vtli a .J- - ^mwiavif |p?rvuuueu c* uin 10 pruviae ior the arrangement and keeping of the publio records in the offioae of Clerks, Registers end Sheriffs of this State; also, a bill to provide for the 1 more efficient working of the public roads and the streets of incorporated town* and villages of this State; also, a Mil for the further protection of persons working under contract for a shareof j the crop or for wages; alio, a bill to repeal an * net abolishing distress for 4ent; also, a bill to ^ exempt certain *?rticles of property from the b Hen ef judgments and sals under executions; P also, a bill to abolish the oflico of official stcnoNffrap iher; also, a bill to amend the law in regard to iM wrvlce of summons upon infknts, ana the appointment of guardians ad liltm. Mr. Peake introduood a bill to prevent uqjust j discrimination by common carriers; abilltore- fi quire the Circuit Judges to ride the Circuits in a rotation; a bill to authorise Wm. A. Sims and Dr. P P Butler to erect gates aorosr certain roods in Union County. Mr. 8lmpson introduced a bill to amend sections 56 and 66 of chapter J20 of the revised atatutes, relative to liens on crops. Mr. Shaw introduced a resolution providing 1 for the appointment of a committee to invest!- J ggte the bonded indebtedness and oilier liabili- f< ties of the State, and for other purposes ; which p was referred to the Committee of Ways mid Means. The report of tlisCommittee on Privileges and I Klaotions on the matter of the protest and oon- I test of J J. Hemphill e?. John Uee, Cluster I bounty, which had been made the special order or this day, at 1 o'clock P. M., was taken up. The committee recommend the adoption of ho following resolutions : Resolved, 1. That John Lee is not entitled to scut in in the House of lleprenlatives from Iliester County, by reason of holding ndisqualfying otticc at the time of his election and aferwards. 2. That J. J. Hemphill, who received tho bird highest number of legal voles for Kcpreoutative of Chester County, is entitled to a seat a the House of Representatives. Mr. Minort moved to am by eWfcfcg out lit the second resolution ifJ^nserting Ut foliwing : Resolved. That Mr. Hemphill was not elected, nd should not be sworn in as a member of this (ouso. On motion of Mr. Sheppard, the resolution rns ordered to be Inid on the table, and the rcoinmcndation of the committee adopted. Mr. J. J. Hemphill appeared at the bar of the louse, was sworn, nnd took his scat. The Housu adionrnoil nt 9 Jil l? M The proceedings of the 30th wcro unimporvnt. The following is all we can gather of insrest to our readers : SENATE. Mr. Gary introduced n bill to limit the liabilif of ncconimodntion endorsers of promissory otes, bills of exchange and other negotiable inrumcnts; bill to amend part '2 of the codo of rocedurc, the same boiug title 5, part 3, of the eneral statutes. Mr. Cochran introduced n bill to repeal secons 55, 5G nn 1 57 of title 4, chapter 120, of ic revised statutes; joint resolution to provide >r a re-orgauiziition of the Faculty of the South arolina University, and of the State Normal chool. The bill to authorize County Commissioners to ibmit to the qualified electors of their scvral counties a proposition to alter the fence laws ud to provide for effectuating the same, was iade the special order for 1.30 P. M. to-mor>w. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Connor introduced a bill to provide for le protection of persons pnying the taxes of thers; also, a bill to provide for the drawing of trors, &c. Mr. Sawyer introduced a bill to amend section 5, chapter 77, title 14, of the revised statutes, dating to hunting. Mr. Petty introduced n bill to amend the tiartcr of Gnffney City, in SpnrtanburgCounty. Mr. Austin introduced a bill to regulate and tstrict the rate of interest in this State, and ir other purposes therein mentioned; also, a ill to require Trial Justices to give bond before alcring upon the duties of office. The following members who acted with the lackey House last December, appeared at the *r of the House, produced theip credentials, urged themselves of their oontempt, weie worn, and took their seats i From Darlington -Mftssr*. Richard |I, Humbert, Samuel J Keith, rcharlah Wines and Jackson H. Smith; from ewberry?Mr. Thomas Keith; from Sumtet ? ir. J. II. Feyiiter. The proceedings of Tuesday, (he 1st, as rcorted in the Columbia Register, and tho latest e have received, are extremely meagre. The lost important affair of the day was the speech I B. F. Wbittemoro, in the Senate, to a ques on of privilege. In fliis speech Mr. Whitteiore places tho Editor and Proprietors of the harlestou Aetc* and Courier in a very doubtful osition in rcgnrd to past transactions, with the lcrk of the Senate, at least, about accounts due int journal. Whittemorc makes a plaintive appeal forhint?lf, and claims great honesty of acts and intcnon ever since lie caiuo to this State, which wc light believe, if it wore not well known that he ?me hero twelve years ago, as poor as Job's irkcy, has been office nearly all the time, ith a salary varying from $000 to $3,000 a ear, and has made an independent fortune.? le is cither the best financier in the country or ic greatest rascal. Mr. Jeter introduced a bill to amend chapter 19 of the general statutes, and to reduce the xpenscs attending the partition of small estates. Mr. Cochran presented the memorial of the .nderson Hoard of Trade, praying the passage f laws to prevent the several railroads of this tate from making unreasonable eharges and i'om so discriminating as to injure one commuity for the benefit of another; referred to Comlittee on Railroads. Uksionkd.? The honorahle Dublin I. Wnlker rns released from Chester jail ou bail Wednesny evening, and immediately thereafter he did lie best deed of iiis life, by resigning his placo s Senator from Chester County. General W. i. Walker is very generally urged for the sucesaorsliip. Read Judge Machey'a Charge to the (rand Jury of Chester County, ou our first HARBIED. GREGORY?CHAPIN.?Married, on the 25th pril, by ltev. Jacob Hawkins, Mr. John W. ikkoouy, of Union County, and Miss Emma A., nly daughter of Mr. M. Chapin, of Lexington ounty. The Markets. Union, Mar 3.?Cotton?Sales 10 bales, at 8t<vl0. Columbia, May 1.?Cotton unlet?middling 1<x?;10 lies 37 bales. Cuaklkston, May 1.?Cotton dull?nilddllag HJr? et receipts 209: sales 60. Nkw York, May 1.?Money V/t\ Oold 1.00%. Exlango?dong 4.83; short 4.90. Cotton dull?uplundslO% rleans 11; sales 449. LivkkPool, May 1?Cotton quiet add unchanged?mid. ling uplatHi*??? middling Urleuus0%;sales 8,000; specuition and export 1,000; sarefpi# 8,000. Liat of Lattara Remaining uncalled for io^hc Post Oflico at aion C. II., S. C., for the month ending April Oth', 1877. Mrs. Jane Rates, W. M. Crookshnnks, M:ss hroney Chandler, Dr. W. T. Dnlton, Miss M. .. Davis (2), Mrs. J. C. Flnndctr, Louisa Gist, ohn E. Gillespie, Miss Silvry Jinkin, Mr. A, D. leans, I'inckney Philips, Mr. Starks Porter, . 8. Parker, J. P. Skelton, Miss Nannie Vinson, Ir. Monroe Wnllace. JAMES H. GOSS, P. M. Union, 8. C., May 1st, 1878. -?n ji -M- . - ??si..L.n..a.inai li. TAILORING. IjfRS. 8. A. WHITLOCK en b? found .. Mrs. Y1 K. RICH A It US' Rooms prepared lo exeute all kinds of Sewing for Gentlemen, In the eat style, and respeotfully asks u share of the alronage of the Public. * May 4 - 17 ' If W AWT E D . A WHITE Wotqsn of good character, to Cook f~V and do general House woflt for a smalt ?raily. Good Wages and a pleasant position rill ho given. A middle aged woman preferred. Address, "M.," Post Office Box No. 40. May 6 l'7 4t DRES8MAKING. " ' ^ ]^LL VT IBS PENNiE JOluHtaf respectfully inVI forms the Ladies of Union that she can be aund at M its. E. RICHARDS' Millinery Rooms, reparcd to execute all kinds ot Drees Making, GUTTING, FITTING AND SEWING 'or Ladies and Children. Thcpatrewageof the kublio ia solicited. May 4 17 * * If GEE & HUMPHRIES. Star Shirts a ml t ollms. BEST grades of Star Shirts and Collars. Will take special orders, with measures, for the saint!. GEE & HUMPHRIES. May 4 17 tf Bettt liinc or Notion** WE have ever handled, nt GEE & HUMPHRIES. May 4 17 - If > i - * Hosiery ami Qloves FROM the commonest Litle Thread to the best Silk. Prices to suit the people. GEE & HUMPHRIES. May 4 17 tf Itemly-iumlc Clothing. PRICES FOR HARD TIMES. GEE & HUMPHRIES. May 4 17 if lln m, lint*. A FINE Stock of llats, from the commonest Straw to the best hand-made Fur. Styles and prices up with the day. GEE & HUMPHRIES. May 4 17 tf Shoes. BEST Hand-mad) Gcuts' Shoes, and warranted Custom-made Ladies' Shoes from Centennial Award Factory. Prices to suit purclia- , sers. GEE & HUMPHRIES. J May 4 17 tf Faiiey CnmimcrcN. AFRESH supply of Fancy Cassimcres, from ' the celebrated Charlottsvillc Woolen ' Mills. ^GKE & HUMPHRIES. May 4 * 17 tf < Now Style l'rintx, Ac. PRINTS, Bleached Osnaburgs, Domestic Ginghums, Cottonndes, Cuban Tweeds. All of which aro for sale cheap for Cash. GEE & HUMPHRIES. May 4 17 tf In Kliort, WE propose to meet the prices of all honest competition. GEE & HUMPHRIES. May 4 17 tf SPEARS & COLTON. Cheap Prints, < A FINE Assortment of Prints, 12 yards for One Dollar, at SPEARS k COLTON'S. May 4 17 tf Muslins. A BEAUTIFUL STOCK, at SPEARS & COLTON'S. J May 4 17 tf Homespun and Sheeting, COTTONADES, Striped Homespun, Bleached and Brown Shirting. at bottom figures, for ] sale by SPEARS & COLTON. < May 4 17 tf Ladies' Shoes. LADIES' Buttoned nnti'Lhced Shoes, made in Winchester, Virginia, and warranted. To bo found at SPEARS & COLTON'S. May 4 17 If Gents' and Boy's Hats. GENTLEM EN antPUfcjHe Hatsr*f endless' variety, for anlo by SPEARS & CO ETON. May 4 If jk. if Groceries. BACON, Coffee, Sugar anil Molasses, for sale 1 by SPEARS & COI.TON. May 4 17 tf #^^UUI|Smi for ChnrU'r. TOtOTIOR is hereby given thai application will Jl v bo made sixty d?4V-ft*om date, to Charles Bolt, Clerk of the Court of Union County; for a Charter to organize a Charitable Association, under the name of the "Green Young Men's True Society." May 4 17 fit Notice. ALL persons owning Dogs within the limits of the Town, aro directed to keep them within their enclosures, or to have them muzzled. On and after May 1st, 1877, instructions , will lie given to shoot all dogs found on the streets unmuzzled. This regulation to tcumin in forco until fnither notice. By order of Town Council. DAVID JOHNSON, Ju? Town Clerk. i April 27 1C 2t Town Taxes. Offick or Town TnKtsunr.n, 1 Union, S. C., April 2fi. / rnilE books of the Town Treasurer are now JL d|>itiiT'or fh? payment of Town Taxes for current year. AlfTown Taxes must be paid by the 20th of May, 1877- , Real Estate Tax lOcts. per $100.00. Street Tax $1.50. DAVID JOHNSON, Jn., Town Treasurer. April 27 10 St SPECIAL TO THE LADIES! MIIM. K. RICHARDS WOULD respectfully inform the Ladies of Union County that she has just received her Stock of Spring and Sumrtur MILLINERY, Such as Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, and Trimmings of everr kind, anil invites the Ladies to call and examine the quality and prices of her goods. Rooms over A. Irwin & Co.'s Store E. RICHARDS. April 20 15 ff Notice of Final Discharge. BY permission of Hon. Joseph F. Gist, Probate Judge, I will, ou the 21st day of May 1877, make my Final Return and Settlement as Guardian of Edward J. Arthur. All persons having demands against my Ward, contracted previous to his obtaining his majority, must present them for paymont on or beforo the day above specified, or they will be forever barred. B. F. BAWLS, Guardian of E. J. Allium. April 20 16 * 4t Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes. ANEW supply of those auperior Boots and Shoes which have become so popular among gentlemen of taste, just received at ? GEE k HUMPHRIES'. April 20 16 If Linseed Oil. DOULE Boiled Linseed Oil. Tanners and Harness Oil. Kqrosene oil and Turpentine ti it v niwiii & cm No 1, East Union. AprU 6 J 3 If Picture Frames. JUST Received en assortment of very nent Ticlure Frames?ell sixes. A. IRWIN & CO., D. A.. TOWNNKND, Attorney at Law, UNION CJ. H., N. . March 2 8 If ilOTTLKD ~ Brandy, Materia, Sherry and Port IFines, and i Brandy Pearhee, al ? n. P. HAWKS A CO'8. No. 1 Store. I JJor. 10 4? If % . J?1* ju. .' i, i _ r NEW GOODS JUST ltECKIVEV BY *' i FOSTER &WILKINS, ; Priced to Suit the Times. *Ptr* 4" WE tiflhs jVst opened ft complete assortracnl ~| of JSoVIb^sucIi ns wo usually keep, con- < sisting of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ? for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, i BOOTS AND SHOES, of tlic best quality. Uondy-Mado Clothing, I Gent's and Ladies' Hats, i HARDWARE, Wooden-Ware, &c., &c. All of which have been carefully selected, and purchased upon the most favorable terms, and It tho Tj(?vest Prices, iikI wj propose to meet nny fiiir competition with :ash uuVkiis. % " Give urfsPKin^nnd exnmino our Goods nnd test jiir pricca before buying elsewhere. ( FOSTER & WIF,KISS. April 27 10 tf RICE, McLTJRE & CO., DKAI.KRS IN Dry Goods, iVc., ARE now receiving their supplies of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, o which they invite the uttcntion of purchasers. Theue goods were bought upon the most /!/)VAXTAGEOUS TERMS, nnd nre offered nt rery Low Prices. It X NTS, .jiKSTiteTafcimRD prints, sac. casii. DRESS GOODS. hltnlirnciuK a variety of KABlUC, STYI.I! nnil QUALITY, from 12Jc. per yard, ami upwards. I M U S L I IV ^ . WIIITK AND COLOKKD MUSLINS, AND PIQUES, VERY CHEAP. HOSIERY, GLOVES&C, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Silk and Iiace Ties, Ladies' 2-Button Kid 1 Gloves, at $1 per Pair. j HAMBURGH EDGINGS, < from 5 to 75c. per yard. i u-? ; L INENS. [\\BLE I.INEN, NAPKINS, D OYLIES, MAR- I SEILKES QUILTS, &c. Cottonades, Linen Drills, Cassimeres, &c. IIATS. L'lIE LATEST STYLES, AND IN (JHEAT VARIETY. I 1IOOTJS AIM) SHOES, iVc sell both LADIES* and GENT'S SHOES, wliicli we warrant. READY-MADE CLOTHING, in sr^"L gaiety of sStyle and rriccs. Everybody areinvitod lo call and examine our Slock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are satisfied we can please you, both in Goods and prices. Call early and secure bargains. RICE, McLURE & CO. April 27 10 tf Scuppernong Wine. WHITE Imperial Scuppernong Wine at * a. irwin *cu'8 March 110 12. J V if (?r?pc .ISramly. PURE Brandy for medicinal purpose at A. IRWIN & CO S. _March .10 12 tf Pure Corn Whiskey. PUKE Mountain Corn Whiskey, for mcdicina purposes, for sale at A. IRWIN, & CO.'S Feb 0 /> tf New Goods Arriving. OUR iiov^iitaef^of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Notions, &c., is coming in rapidly. Call daily and cxaniiuc. 'Every day brings something new" to our store. GLE& HUMPHRIES. April 20 15 tf B. F. RAWLS & C<K Paints and Oils. rnilK Cheapest and Best White Load in tho JL market. GREEN SEAL WHITE LEAD, Warranted to look better after five years exposure than any other Lead after two years. For Rule vorv ehonn. Iiv It. F. RAW I.S A ('<1 No 1. Kant Union. April 6 13 tf Choice Caudle*. DELIGHTFUL Icc Cream Candy, Ccnlonlial, Fruit, Cocoanul, Chocolate, Pea Nut, and ail other Fancy Candies. B. F. BAWLS & CO., No 1, East Union. April 0 13 tf * Jgyi'Without Eggs. A GREAT preparation for making Cakes Puddings, Fritters, Ratter Cakes, .Muflius and any other I'aatry without Kggs jk 11. F. BAWLS & CO. No 1, East Union. April 3 j 13_ tf Canned Goods. FRUITS of all kinds, Tomatoes, Oysters Salmon, Picklea, Jellies, Ac., at 11. F. BAWLS& CO., No 1. Enst Union. April y 18 If YchhI Povd^rtt. Neil Foam. iV B. F. RAW US & CO., * No !, Enst Union. 1 SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtiicof sundry Executions lo mediicctcd, I will sell, in front of tlio Union Court ilousc door, on the first Monday in Mny next, within the legal hours of Sheriff's sales, the foj?, , lowing property, to wit; All that tract of land located in i'inckney Fownship, Union County, containing flTle hundred and fourteen acres, more or less, bounded liy lands of John Onllmnn, Mary Ann Johnson, Klixnbeth Onvh^r Johnson (fault, A. D. Sweat mid other.; fffffft'On and to bo sold as the property of tho USfafi^bf Isaac Knox, deceased, it the suits of William J. Kcenan and P. II. Keenun, Survivors, against Isaac Knox. ALSO I will sell at the residence of William Addis, in Tuesday tlio 8th day of .May next, within the hours of Sheriff' i sales, about twenty bushels Corn and one hundred bundles of Pod Jer, levied on and to le sold ns the property ot' William Addis At the suit of J. T. Hill & t'o., 011 a Lein Kxecution. If the terms of sole are not complied with in five days after the sole the property will be retold at the risk of the former purchaser, on the following salcsday. It. MACDKTII. S. U. C. April 11. 14 3t The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION, In the Court of Common Pleas. "harles Holt, as Administrator of the floods, Chattels and Credits which were of Mrs. Lucy Smith, dec'il, l'laintitf, ai/ninal f Winfield S. Sijiith, Defendant. Copy Summon* for Money Demand.?(Complaint not Served. To the \YIX FIELD S. SMITH: YOU arc hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which is tiled in the ollice of the Clerk of the Court of L'ommon Fleas for the said County, and to serve i copy of your answer on ths subscribers at heir ollice, No. 4, Law llange, Union Court House, S. C., within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the lay of service. If you fail to answer the complaint within lie time aforesaid, the l'laintitl will apply to he Court for judgment against you for the sum >f Light Hundred and Ten (S810.00) Dollars, with interest at Ilie late of 7 per cent, on Six Hundred and Fifty (tjMioO.DO) Dollars, from December the 7th, 1874; on Sixty (i?t?tMK)) Dollars from the 30th September, 1875; on One llunircd ($100.00) Dollars front January the 1st, 1877; and for Costs. Dated April 3, A. D.. 1877. STLLDMAN & 11 AWLS, l'laintitl"s Attorneys. Wti.i.iam A. Dolt, ( ^ ) Deputy Clerk. seal j To the Defendant, WIXF1FJ.1) S. SMITH: 'l'AKL NOTICL, that the Summons in this'aclion, of which the forcgoitig is a Copy, was tiled in the oflice of the Clerk of the Court of Common Fleas for Uuion County, at Union Court House, South Carolina, on the day of April, 1877. STLLDM AN & RAWLS, l'laintifi"* Attorneys. No. 4. Law Range, Union, S. C. April 27 l?i fit Notice of Final Discharge. ON the Eighth ilay of May next I will apply to the Hon. Joseph F. Gist, l'robatc Judge ror Union County, for permission to make my Final Return and Settlement as Administrator if the personal Estate of Ililliard J. Johnson, Icceascd. On the same day I will sell before the Court House door, the Glioses in Action belonging to he said Estate, appraised ne doubtful and worth>css. All persons having demands against said Estate must present them for payment on or before that dav, or their claims will be barred. II. T. GALLMAN, Adtn r. April 13 14 4t* Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of South Carolina. In the Matter of ) . ? , \V. 11. Ilames, Bankrupt. ^ 11 1111 ru'' c^' rpiUS is to give notice that, a meeting of the JL creditors of said Bankrupt will be held at Yorkvillc, S. C., in the otlicc of Hon. W. J. Clnwson, on tho 14th day of May next, for the purposes named in the 27th Section of Bankrupt Act of March 2,18(17, and that I have tiled my Final Accounts as Assignee of the Estate of W. 11. Humes, Bankrupt, in said Court, and that on (lie 14th ilny of May next, I shall apply to Hon. W. J. Clawson, Register in Bankruptcy, for saiil Court, at his office in Vorkville, 8, C., nt 10 A. M., for the settlement of my Accounts, and for a Discharge from all liability as Assignee of said Estate, in Accordance with the provisions of the Twenty-eighth Section of the Bankrupt Act of March 2, 1807. Respectfully, W. T. LITTLKJOHN", Assignee. April 30 15 3t AUeitlioa PnlroaiH ?:f Husbandry AMKKTIXU of Hie Granges of Union County will be held in the Agricultural Hall on the Union County Fair Grounds, on Saturday the Otli day of May, for the purpose of organizing a POMONA Grange. The meeting will l>e opened at 11 o'clock A. M. It is earnestly requested that every Patron of Husbandry in Union County attend this meeting. The officers of the Granges should see that each Grauge is well represented, as upon that meeting will depend, in a great measure, the usefulness, efficiency and success of the order in this County. Come, brother Farmers, let us assemble together, and see if wo cannot unite upon sonic plan by which the whole farming interests of tin County shall be benefitted. Let us start with the bright prospects of an honest and economical government, put our shoulders to tlio wheel, and help take the State out of the slough of despond in which she has stuck for many years. The Farmers cax do more towards the prosperity of tlie whole State than any other class, if they wn.i,. Let us unite in bending all our best energies to that great and glorious work. A.' W. THOMSON, W. M. April 20 15 3t DUN BAR & SMITH S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES AND MEAT MARKET. HA VINO Leased (lie Brick Slublo nnd Lot . in rear of the Union Hotel, nnd fitted up the stable with Improved Stamji, the subscriber* are prepared to accommodate the travelling public witii the best of quarters for their Horses and other slock, at fair prices. A GOOD HOSTLER, nnd the pers:nal attention of ono of the firm will always be found nt the Stables. OUR LIVERY BTAIILJg Is provided with good Horses, Buggies, Carriages nnd other vehicles, to suit all the wants of the Community, O u r Mont Murkot. IV e have erected a new and convenient MARKET HOUSE on the Lot nnd intend keeping a first Class Meat Market, aud to provide the citizens with the best fresh Meats, of all kinds, nt all tiraths. Our business will bo conducted in the hifct city style, and all we ask is a fair share of pntr>yiagc. * DUNBAR A SMITH. 1 ; NOTICE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE k SPECIAL TAXES, ftfay 1, 1877, to April itO, I87S. rnilK Itcvlted Statutes of tlie United States, _L Sections H2d2, 3237, 32:1b, and ;!2;5V, require every person engaged in any business, avocation, ov employment which readers bim liable to a 8PBOIAL TAX,-to |irncuro ttiid ulticf conspicuously in li'.s establishment or place <?f business a STAMP denoting tlie pa vinent of said SPECIAL TAX f?r the special-Tax Year beginning May 1, 1H77, before, commencing or continuing business after April lit I. 1 ST 7. A return, as prescribed 011 Form 11, is also required by law of every perron liable to Special Tax, as above. Till: TAXKS BMBRACBD WITHIN TilK PRCVISIONS OF THE LAW ABOVB QUOTKL) Aim TUB FOLLOWINO, VIZ; Rectifiers ?200 <?<> Healevs, retail liquor 26 00 ltealers, wholesale liquor liio 00 Healers in malt liquors, wholesale 6<) 00 Healers in malt liquors, retail 2il 00 Heaters lit leaf tobacco 26 Ott Retail dealers in leaf tobacco 61 10 00 And on sales of over ?1,000, fifty cents for every dollar in excess of $1,000, Healers isi manufactured tobacco 6 00 Manufiicturers of stills 60 (Ml And for each still manufactured 20 (HI And for caeli worm manufactured 20 OO Manufacturers of tobacco 10 OO Manufacturers of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, first class (more than two horses or other animals).. AO 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class, (two horses or other animals) 26 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (one horse or other animal) 16 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class(on foot or public conveyance) 10 00 Brewers of less than ">00 barrels 60 00 Brewers of 600 barrels or more 100 00 Any person so liable, who shall fail to comply with the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe penalties. Persons or firms liable to pay any of the Special Taxes named ahovc must apply to L. (.'ASS CARPKNTBR, Collector of Internal Revenue, at Columbia, and pay for oud procure the Spcpifll-Tnv SSlmniiG llmv 11PO1I ut'tnr In \1?iv1 1 ST7 and without further notice. Spoeinl-Tnx .Stumps will be transmitted by li.nil only on receipt front the person or firm ordering tl.c same of specific directions so to do, together with the necessary postage stamps or the amount required to pay the postage. The postage on one stamp is three cents and on two stamps six cents. If it is desired that they be transmitted by registered mail, ten cents additional should accompany the application. OREKX 11. 11AUM, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. OlTlfK ?F 1 NTKKXAI. RKVK.MK, Washington, l>. I'., January 2d, 1877 March ?J 0 2tM 2A The State of South Carolina, couxty or i xiox, In the Court of Probate. 11V JOS. F. GIST, Judge of Probate in Union County. TTTIIEUEAS, Charles llolt, ns Clerk of the yy Court, hath applied to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of SHELTON SPARKS, late of Union Coi nty, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at a Court of Probate for the said County, to be holden at Union Court House on the seventh day of May 1877, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause if any, why the said Administration should not he granted. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Court, this Twenty-thirh day of March A. I). 1877, and in the 101styear of American Independence. JOS. F. GIST, Judge of Probate. March .00 12 tit The State of South Carolina. couxty or rxiox. In the Court of Probate. J. B. Stccdmnn, asadmlnislra-] tor of S. A. Dognn, Deceased, Plaintiff, Uopy Summons against W. I). Humphries as administrator of Joseph II. Dogan, j deceased, J. C. Farrar, John | ron Rodger, S. A. Stringfellow, { A. E. Arthur, E. D. Hum- J pliries, C. V. Stecdmnti. W. | S. Dogan, Caroline Scaife, | Complaint Joscphn Senile, William | Served. Scnifc and James Senile, | Defendants. To the Defendants above named : YOU arc hereby Summoned ami required to answer the petition in this ac.ion, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to tlie said petition on tlie subscriber nt his office, No. *1 Law llange, Union Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of such service ; and if you fail to answer the petition within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the petition. tt. It. 11 AWLS, Plaintiffs Attorney. Jos. F. (itsr, Probate Judge. f . "j Dated 5 February 1877. -J > To the defendant*, Carrie V. Stecdman, Joscpha Senile, William Scnifc and James Senile : TAKE NOTICE, tliat the Summons and petition in this action, a copy of which Summons is herewith served upon 3'ou, were filed in the Office of the Probate Court, at Union Court House, S. U., on the Dili day of February 1877. 11. It. 11A.WLS. Atl'v for IT If. March 5 1877 11 S'21.50 fit The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION. Trial Justice's Summons. BY S. S. STOKES, ESQ.. Trial Justice in and for snid County of the said State. TO ANY LAWFUL CONSTABLE. COMPLAINT having been made unto me by S. M. Wood, Plaintiff, flint M. M. Smith, Defendant, is justly indebted to him in the sum of Thirty-four Dollars ($:)4 00) uad interest upon two scaled Notes, These, arc, therefore, to require you to summon the said Defendant to appear before me, in my office, in Union, on the Twenty-eighth day .. C % I 4 T \ 1UT7 ~ l 1 !\ _1 1. 4 M i. ui iiiuy, /\. i'., ion, in iv u ciut'k, a. .m., mi answer to tlio said Complaint, or Judgment will be given against liiin by default. (ilYKN \m?|cr my (land and Seal, at Union, the Ninth duy of April, A. I)., 1877. j ) R. P. STOKES, 1 ^*1/ } Trial Justice. To ihr Drftndant, ?/. V. SMITH: TAKE notice that the Original Summons in this case was fded in the Office of S. R. Stokes, Trial Justice for Unjou County, on the Olhdayof April, 1877, Wu. lilLL, I'lnintitT's Ally. April 18 14 tit Ladies Elegant Shoes. WE have just received a new supply of thoto elegant and serviceable latest styles Ijxdies Shoes. The very best In the market. (IKK ft HUMPllHIKS. ' k April 20 T? 1 If : ~ #