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VOL XXPlICKE4'NS, s. c., THUituSDAY, DECElEi, r - -n5 1xI~I~;~:i NOlo. UELIG ON IN BUSINESS. DR. TA'.MAGE BGIVES IN TRADE AND IN HONEST TRADERS. P'rodnee,'. SlanufacMturer and Triaders Mutually Popentient oat Eiai i0er's Hunest13 -All-efing Case of tihe F satch Prince Iapt.ri"s. Rool.LJYN, Dtc. 20.-Any person seeking 'Ahe secret of I)r. Talma-e's mnarvelois;,i ptopulatrity with the mi'lions of sermini is arcrs and sermon readers may find a clews to it n the sermon he I.reachedi at the Tabernacle this morn ing. It has nothisnt to do with abstruse doctrinet.. bu' gives a clear view ol what, may be _erwned applied Christianity. 8ls text '%as Proverbs iii, 6, 1i all thy ways acknowledge 1lim and lie shall (i rect thy paths." "A pi omise good enough for iinv kinds of life. but,'' not for any kind of life says some business man; "the law cf*supply and demand controlls the b-usiness world,'' But I have reason t say that it is a proimise to all pertsons in any kind of honest busi ness Tfiere is no war between religion and business. t-cI ween ledgers and Bibles, between churches and counting houses. -On the contrary, religion accelerates business, sharpens men's wits, sweetens acerhity u( disposition, fillip. the blood of L)Ilegmiatics and throws more velocity into the wheels of hard work. It gives better balancing to the judgment, more stitength to the will, moi a muscle to in dustry and throws into ent,husiasm a more consectated fire. You cannot in all the round of the world show me a man whose honiest business has been despoiled by ri*iio,. The industrial e-isses are divided into three groups-p oducers, nuanufictur eras, traners. ProC'cers, such as farmers and miners. Manuhct' -s, such as those who tui-n corn into food, and wool and flax into apparel. Traders, such es make profit cut of the transfer and ex change of all ibat which is produced and iaLuftactured. A business man may be long to any or all of these classes, an<o not one is independent of any other. When the prince iimperial of France fell on thu Zulu battletield because the strap fasiniig the stIrrui to the saddle broke as be clung to it, hiii comrades all escaping. but he ikiling under the lances of the avages, great many people blamed thi (-mpress for allowing her son to go finrth Into tha, battlefield, and others blamed the Englhsh government for acce-tinu, the sacrifice, and others blamed the Zulus for their barbarism. The one mnost. to blame was the harness maker wio 'ashioned that strap of the stirrup oui sl-oddy and imperfect materi a, as it was found to have been after ward. If the itrap had held, the prince impet ial v ould probably have been alive to-day. )ut tbe strap broke. No prince independeii (t a hariess iwaker. Ilgh, low, wise, ignorant, you in one occupation, I in another, all bound to gether. 'o that there must be one con tinuous i nc of sympathy with each other's wa rk. lut whateier your voca tion, if yo'a haive a multiplicity otengage ments, if' :ito your life there come losses and annoyances and perturbations as well as lv rcentages and divideids, if you are pursue;d from Monday morning until Saturday night, anil from January to January by inexorable olligatiou and duty, thc n you are a business man or you are a u.nrss woman, and my sub jiect is approl:iate to youa case. in the urst place, I renimk that busi ness life was~ interdd as a schooil of energy. God( gives us a certain amount of rawv no:ter:ai out of which we are to1 hew our ebarnecter. Our facul ties are to be reset, roundl(ed andi sharproned up.1 Our youmg fo!is having graduated from school or col.ege, need a higher educa tion, that wich the rasping and colli sion of' e.veryday life alone can efFect.1 Energy is wrouight (out, only in a lire. After a n an las been in business ac tivity tena, twenty, thirty years, hIs en-1 -ergy is 1not to be measuiredt by weights or lutmmc ts or ladders. Therec is no height it cannot scale, andI there is no dleptha it cannot faithioim, aiid therie is nlo obstacle it cannot thrash. . No,- my brother, why did God putt you1 in that school of energy? Was it merely thant you maight. be a yardstick to imeas mie cloth oir a stee!lyazd to weigh floury Was it merely that. you might be better (iualificd to chiaffer anud higrle? No. God plac'd youi in tthat sciool i eergy that, 3(1 oumighit be5 deOveloedC for Chis tinan work. Itlah undevel opied talents in the Chnist am churches of today we'(ie broughat ouit and thlorouighly hanessed. 1 the whlole world w9tlri' e con. vertel to (God in a short timi . Thesre - ire so many deepl streams that are turn- l g no mill wheels and that are harniess ed to nold.ory.hainds. Nvow, God 'he mands th- best lani > otat of every flocK. I IIe dlemai. ls the richest, sheaf of evei y harvest.. lIe dleimands the best meni of every g'eneraation. A cause in~ which Newton m.dC L ocke amnd Manisfitld] toiled ouadIan alford to toil in. h,or ewer idlers in the catise of 'Christ and for more Chiristiman workers men who shallintke the same enaer2y that from Monday mlornine to Satturdhay night, thet put, forth for the achieve imera, a of a livelihood or the gathering of a for tune, and 0on Sabbath (lays pilt it forth to the advantao'e of Christ's kingdom and : the bringing (at mten to the L~ord. Dr. D)uff, In South Wales, saw a man who had1( inherited a great fortune. T1hie mans 1 said to hnm: "I.1.had to he very busy for many yeaas of my life get,tmai my livch- t hood. Atter' awhile fortune came to me, aiid there has been no necessityv thai , I toll since. Th'lere caime a time wieni .I staid to my el), 'ShalI I now retire f rom I business, 'r st all [ go on and serve tihe Lord in myw terldly occuplatior,?' ' lie said: "1 a :so>'ed en t,he latter, and I have been mnoreindunstrious in commerci. al circles thaa I ever was befoare, aind I since thaut hour I have never kept aii farthming I nmyself. I have fthouidhs it, i to be a giei, 9::amire if I couldn't, toil as hard for the~ Lo)rd at I had toiled for rhy self, and al the products of my faictories< and my c..mmercial estabhshmentso t.o the last far-thiing have gone for the build- 1 mag of Christ.n institufrinna nnd supner.| ing the church of God.' ' Oh, if the . same enerey put f*rth for the world I could be put forth for God! Oh, it a h thousand men in these great eities who li have achieved a;fortun could see it their v dluty to do all business for Christ and the alleviation of the world's suffering. F, Again, I remark, that busmtess life is 11 a school of patience. In your everyday s life how many things !.o anio v and to v ilisquiett Bargatis will rub. Coinmer- I cial wen will sometimes fail to nhect P their engageinents. Cash hook and c money drawer will sometimes quarrO. o Goods ordered for a special cnergency s will come too late or oe dauateil in the a transportation. People intending n1) e harm will go shopping.without any inten- a Lion of purchase, overturn'ng great e aoteks of goods and insisting that I ou s break the dozen. More had debts on ( the ledger. More counterfeit billd in the t drawer. More debts to pRy for other 1 p)eople. More meannosses on the part il of partners in business. Auioymnee af- d ter annoyance, vexation alter vexation I Rnd loss after loss. All 1tat. nrocess will either break you down or brighten 1 you up. It is a school of patience. Oh, il that amid the turmoll and anxiety and I exasperation of' everyday life you w.ght d hear the volet of God 4aying "In pati- e DUce possess your soul. Let patience A have her perfect work." I remark again that business lite is a t< school of useful knowledge. Merchants r tlo not read many books and do not v study lexicons. They do not dive into t profounds of learning, and yet nearly all a through their occupations coine to un- c derstand queutions of tinance and poli- o Lies and geo-raphy and jurisprudence c and ethics. Business Is a severe school- n mistress. It pupils will not learn, she h trikes them over the head and the heart c with severe losses. You put $5,000 into an enterprise. It is all gone. You a say, "That is a dead loss." Oh, no. t You are paying the schooling. That t was only tuition, very larxe tuition-1 1 Lold you it was a severe schoolmistress -but it was worth it. You learned things under that procese you would not t have learned in any other way. Traders in grain come to know some Lhin- about foreign harvests; traders in tl ['ruit come to know something about the 1 p)rospects of tropical production; manu- j lacturers of American goods con to ,inderstand the tarift on innort,ed arti- p ales; pubjishers of books must come to .iuderstand the hew law of copyight; e nymers of' ships must come to know minds ard shoals and navigation; and f avery bale of cotton, and every raisin 1 ,ask, and every tea box, and every cius' h Ler of bananas is so much literature for t i business man. Now, my brother, d what are you going to do with the in- r lelligence? Do you suppose God put o Vou in this school of information merely o that you might be sharper in a trade, d that you might be mort successfiul as a s worldling? Oh, no; it was that you aight take that usell inforiati.n and t tise it f'or Jesus Christ. I I remark, also, that Ilusmless life is a 0 ichool for inLegrity. No man knows tj what he -will do wyhen he is tempted. S1 l'here are thousands of men who have %i kept their integrity merely because they V aever have been tested. A man was g 2lected treasurer of the state of Maie I ioic years ago. le was distinguished oL his honesty, usefulness and upright- t less, but before one year had passed he 0 iad taken of the public funds for his e )wn private ist,, anid was hurled out of >Alice in dis,race. Distnguishie for vir' ue before. Distinguish,ed for crime at a er. You can call over the names Wd ai nen just like that, in %% iiose bcnesty you A ad comph:to conlldemc,a, but plr.ced in t' :ertamn erises of' tempLition th.ey wen' al >verboard. hi Never 5') many temnp:ations to scoun Irehism a now. Net a law on the stat- a ate bro l ut has some hack door thirou"' " .vhich a miscreant can escapje. Ah! a~ tow miany' deceptions in thre fabric of toods; so much pliunde lag ini commei)C mal.fle, thtat if a man talk about livmie life of' complete commercial accuracy a here ate those who ascribe it to green v hess and1( hack of' tact. More need of n ionesty now thant ever before--tried ir' l0aiestV, complete honesty, mrore thaa Ir a those timesc when b)usiniess was a si lain aft'air, and wvoolens were wooleins it 11nd silks were silks and1( men wer*e men. Ilow aman.y meii doi you suippose thiere a~ ire in commliercial life who 'outldl sav' r'uthfully, "'In all the sales I have ever c nade .1Ii yee neveri overstated I he value >f goodls; int all thec sales I have ever' 1 inde I have never ('overedC up f .mt ir. erfectioni in the fhibric; of' all the thious- ti indh of dollars I have ever mnade I hiave G ot, take'n one dishionest farthinguy"' st Ll'here are meni, however, w ho can .ay t-hundreds whocan ('iiSay it. vho can say it. They are mor'e hiones 'w han when they .ioldl their first tierce of ti 'ice, or t heir first lirkin of' bit :r, he auise t wir honesty and integrity have 'ecn tes ted, i ed and carried out' tritu >hiat. .lut thiey iremnein tr a t,Ime when 0 :iey couhi have robbed a pairtner, or l.ive aibticondted with t he futnrds of' a b)ank, hi ir' sprung a snap11 j udgmnent, or made a tr alse assignmcent., oir borrowed ilhimitan- cI y without any effort at pa3 ment, or got i tlft man ito ai sharpf corner and fieed~ed i!mt. uit, they never took one step oni sr hat path way 'A hell fire. They can say Ia heir prayers without hearing the chink re I dishonest, dellar's. They can read in heir lBible withlout, thinking of' the time le vhleu, wit- a lie on their soul, in the ar ustom ahoi use they kissid thle Book. L'hiey can fhinik of' (heath anid the jiudg. e6 nent tha comeus alter it, withoit ainy ct linchinig-- that clay when all charlatans nid cheats andf jockeys and frauds shall e douly daned. It, does not miake heir knees knock to.:ether ande it, does iri Lot make their teeth chatte: to :-end "as at he partridge sitteth on negs mu:d liatch- , th t,bemi not, so he that, geto thi richres , od not, by right., shah, heave I em inIt the( m imdISt of his days andl at 1his end' shall Ibe fr fool.'0 Ohf, wthat ai school oif initeg: ity' hbus"- sI ess lif'e is! If' 3 on have es er' been~ c eniptedh to let your' itegrity c:inge he- 11 or'e presenit advantage; it' you have ever i vakened up im some emb arrassiienat,and . .0(d:. 'Now I'll step a little IandeI from ei lie right, prathi aind no one will ktow it. w ttd i'll come all right aAain. it, ii only 19 nce.'' Oft, that only once has iuinedl ac ens of thousands of met, for this life and~ m lasted their souls for eternity. It is a I) remendous schaont binesi,tI -hool of integrity. A ierhaut in ,iverpool got a live pound Bank of Eng, mid note, und holding it up taward the ght ho saw soei interline:-fion.s in hat seemed red ink. I[e finally deciphered the letors, and )UId out that the writil< ! .%d been inde by a slave in Algiers, !ayiug in Libstaice. "Whoever gets I.bis banknote 'ill please to inform my broth .r, John )ean, living near Carlisle, th.r. I amn a lave of the buy of Al.' he Iner hant sent wor, 1, enpi )yed govornment flivers and firand who this ian 11Ws poken of' in this bank bi!;. A fter wale the minI was resetwil. who for levei years hI1 been a slave o- the) bey f Algiers. IIt. Was 111nmliediatt :Y enian ipated. but wn so worn out 'iy hard Iiij, atid ex p.--ure lie soon a'.er died. 1h, if sOmlie of 'ho bank hills I Iat ecm'ie trough your hauds coild tel all lhe -cnes throu-1 which they hav- passed. would be a tragedy cc.,p1ng ainy raia of Shakespeare. uiihtr than ilg Lear or Maeb,hi. As I go on im tMis subject, I am linl ressed with tl,e ini ortance of our hav i' more synp0S iatiy with busintws!i men. L is not a shai that we It oW pulpits o not oftvieer preavh about tht ;r btrutg les, their triais (and their teinplations!e len who toil with the hand are' not apt > be very sympathetic with those who )il with the brain. The 1armers who ilse the corn, rad the oats, aind the 'heat somiietiiiies iare tempted t.) think it grain inerchant; havo ain eaLSy time, uid get their prolits wi'hlout 0iving any (Iivalenit. I Plato and A Istotle were so p)posed to merchandise that ticy de lared comimlerceL to be the curse of t le ations, and they adv-1sed thAteia be ifilt At least ten inle,3 from the sea >ast. But you and I know that there are no kore industrious or hIgh minded men ian those who move in the world of 'allic. Some I thei carry burdens eavier than hods of beick. anl are ex osed to sliarper things than the east ind, and climb imotntains higher than ie Alps or llinalayas, and if they are ithful Christ wIll at last say to them: Well done. got)d and faithiil servant; iou hast been laithul over a few things, will make thee ruler over i-aiy things. titer thou Into the joy of thy Lord." There are men helbre the throne of od this (lay ini triupih who oil earth (re cheated oti. of evervthiig but their >tlin. They were sued, tey were im iisoned for debt.. they were throttled y constables N ill a whole pak of writs. Iey were solid out by the shieriils, they ad no comipronii ' e with their cielitor.s. icy had to make assignents. Their yng hours wIre annoyed by tie sharp n-ing of the door-hel by bomx impitu 1S creditor who thought, it was outra,,e a1-s anud ipudent that, a man should tre to die before he paid the last. tlirce jillings and sispence. I had a frieutt who had iiiany iisror tnes. Everything went aga'ist him. le had good business <quality and wrs C the beit morals, but ne was one of lose nien, such as you have soo.etitues ,en, for whom everything seei:is to go rong. His life became to him .: )lague, ihen I heard lie was dead I sat, "(Good; At rid of the sherilfs." Who arue those istrious sou before the lhrone? ,hEn the question is asked, "ho are iey ?" the angels standing ot the sea glass respoi'd, "These are t.ov who inie out of great biiJn.es3 trou. 's and Id their robes washid and ma . white L he blood of tI La ' A man arose in Filtoii M ret- prayer eeting and :--id: "I wish pu Alicly to 'know-edi I he goodniss of ;0d. I as in blisines.- troub. I han monty > pay and I had. ino mieans te p:y it., )d 1 was in ti1t3r d< spair of ah humant I'P, an.d I laid. t hi matlter bh ''re the ordl, and this mior'iin~g I wert d(ownr tiong sotme ohi business frI en.s I had A. seen in mny ye:ars --ust io tiake catl--and one said to me: '\\ .y I diin glad to see' you ; wailk 'iii. '.. 43 haye alie rtiOney on~ books( diih yout a )od while, but we dIidni't knio'. where mi were, ai(d LI refore not hav'ing your fdes 05we couild not send( it. We are 'iy glad ycuu ii vf coine.'"' 1( tn lie ant .stanidtig ini 1-'ulton street prayeri~ eetir*ba satid, " l' arnl'ut ttMy patid e waSsibX tt lit. wViat i Oweid. ' oIi y it only ha;ippeniei so. Youi are atn fidel. G od antswered I hat itat' % pray . Oh, yon want buiness5' grace'. 'There e meni here today who ou1ghtt the tttle and gai ned it o victory. I 'e ople >mue out of that man'i's store, 11'ud they y, "W~ell, if tihere' "ver was a Christ inn ader, thait is U '.'. Ilutegrit y 1sept thle >oks. andtE waite on il the c ustliiners. ight from the. eterin al wonrId liaslh('I rough the sh. W v wino ws. I iive to 11d andit love to ini in feif ini that orehouse. Soitie (day peop!hi! ging thlro';gh the reet niot.tee Iimt ithef fi hu.1 ers of the uidows are not th>wni. Th'fe har ot at store doo r hat not, b1)1een removi ~ed. ople say, " Whfat is thte inatter?'" 'Iu go up a lhtte t ose ir, and i youi see3( ritten on1 the. cardi of th:tftI witilow, * Ssd on acecoutnt o'f thle debah of one 1e firm."' That day11 all Ithrough the riles of fbusinriss thlire is taltfk abou'ti >w ai goodlis nm hias gone. ir,ards oif ade pass resolt itons of sv io patliy, anld mirehies of1 Christ pray, ",'lelp, Lord, r the godly manir eenusethi. II e has mnade hiis fast bargain0, he3 has flereuf hits last. Joss, he has neibed with,1 it fatigue. is ofhilIdren wilt get the Suilt of his inutrty, or If through isfortune04 t here siolld be1f no d ollars it, they wVill hav" an estate of prayer d Ch ristjian (xam pie wich will be erlasting. If eavenly rewardis for rtihly dfisciphnie. 'Thenre "the wicke d fs rom Iitfbi r g anmd thne weari'y (3 at rest."' sh. .ot1 tig wnll a :iningi aen. I )AYT'oN, ,., )De,. IG.i-La~st egen. Frl'ank Spairks kulled 1. Gx. ID)'onei d4 D)eniton Du)ikC at Eas I liirna .T 'he tails of thenK klhnw, th ough mea:gre, 0 sub st antiaillIy as folloiws: Spar tks et I)elonc aind IDuk~e a short dIistan e m0 E'agle L ake. D elonec ohptined fine 'Spar-ks wvhio. ithll a breech 10oad1ig (I: gun),C retund the. fire. Dea nte 1ell 'r at once, miortal ly wond(edl. Duhke enl firedl at S >ark<s. w ho retiuned it, uike wals Iteen to f.ll troms h: horse esumabuihly dead~!. Thecre had bI hn 31SOY. ail iiiuinre!l. between the menti. Sp arks us no(t hunrt. Latel last ni; hit, Joe uk'' eiiled J1iml 1)ol in ouit,o1li h n'ghouse. c'used him of comph'leLitin tfh abve uirder andl OlIi.El Ii' oni :oohm i. oolaiu reftued t Ihe fire, killnr. IDuke imnliately. T11E.' GENERIL ASSEMBLY, A SPICY DEBATE BETWEEN MESSRS HASKELL AND PATTERSON. Down a Prop)oAltion to Itedt, o theit Saarlem-The Semsion Oram# inix tom Close ---The Work (if the 'amt W- tk. (CI.t->.la, S. C., Dec 22. 1in the Ilous'- on Tuesday, after the tilt be tweel, Messrs. Haskell anld Evans, which is publtihed in another coluta, resol!-tiotis were pr(-sen.t-d and passedl in nienory ot Representative Leap heart, of Lexi ngton, who had recently died. 'I he c-iinmit to on penitentti.ary sub mitted tite following rt port: "We have investigated the penitentiary and find it self-sis,ainiig, and that it has bevin well and economnictilly inanag. d during the y ear. They car,full exatn ined all of the dtepartmiets aid were pilased to note I he i mprovemnents and ellicientcy of their nianagement. The ho4pital is an excellent buildinlg and provides comfortable qiuarter% for the sick. The health of the inmatz-,i i un luilally good, only a few of them. being now sick, anl none seriously. The d eath rate ias been less than that of last year. 'Tie books of the instittution have been carefully examine:l by a sub comnmittee and found to be neatly annd enlrefully kept. They comm-ileild the present superintentlent and oflicers for their ellicient and careful ninatgement. A number of new bills were intro du1c, d, bit thi('y were mostly of a local nature tin the Senate on iuesday Senator Sloan, on behalfl of teit' ju.liciary co. mittee, made i unfavorable report ont the Child's prohibition bill. Senator .tokces' cotton weighers' bill was called tip ont second reading and a motion to indeliniteiy post pone it pre vailed by a big inajority. ()n the heels of atdjournmnent. for the <ay, a very pretty light came up otn the "f ree pass" bill. Its author, Senator Wo'x(dwird, moved concurrence in the louse aiiendnetnts, and for a few mo. noits a sort of piarliamuentary tangle followed, the chair holding that, the ino timn coul niot be considered uilfss the bill was before hin, and a discussion as to the proper construction of the rults followed. The <tuestion was discussed pro and con by several Setiators alter which Setnator Woodward's muotion to conur went through by a vote of 22 to S. Ihiose who voted aye were: Sena tors Abbott, I gll, liiain, liilst, De sebamnp, IDozivr,,Jlnkinis, K eitt, Micl)an1 iv, Nason, Moody, 1'e.ake, Sanders, S;oun, It. Ml. Stnith, Jeremiah Stitith, Sinythe, Stokes, Verdier, Williams, Wilson and Woodward. Those who votetd no wert Messrs, iUnberg, Beasley, Evans, Fervusonl, Giletn, l, it n phill, Strait aid Tinitier The ilE to protect and encour;ge the planting and cultivation ol shell fish within the public wattrs of this State: for the appointment of a lii commis stoner; to authorize time zranting of franchises for the use of certain lands under water belonging to thils State, and to make appropriations therefor, receivt-d its third reading. The joint commiiittee appt)inted to in vestigate certain charges of fraud brought against the ilerkv of the two houses of tl General Assemnibly in con nection with the award of i certain contract for advertising to the ;oltnn. bia Itegi.tor subtitted art elabe: at re port. The conimittee, afti r givmg the circuit0 -ion of the two newspapers, con detun the netton of W. M. llodvers in iractiving fraud and deve- tion ott t, clerks of the I louse aid Senafte. 'fTh report of' th cornit ftee was ne ceived as infotrmat ion aat ordteredl to be s.pread upotn the joturnals, and't thm coiminittee v, as dilschargedl. lIefor(e the reading of the report tlie rea gnta' iont oi Ntr. Bodgers as assist.ant cierk of' the' llou1sf was read atnd acceptolI, ant l later in1 the day MIr. Samu tel WV. Vance was aippointtedi by the Speaker to lillt lie va cartcy. IThe bill initroduce<i in the Il''tuse to chatnge the t iltn o 1ihe nieet iii! ofi the t L''giolatuire frotin November 1.)io iuary wats sito wed itnUlIter Ott 'lThttrsdhay. The i Senate si'n0t a iiuneige to the Ilo;tue st atinig t lutt that, body itd no et dIedt Iro in it p. i sitiiotn withI referenmce to ute ati -f ree pass b)ill andi htad con Cttrred mu the I lousie artine'itnts NI1'. I 'at tersn id n1(1rot wish thle re portt r'ce'ived( ut.i the report, of the jOnit tennutniitte ofr i 01 confrt e' hail beten nmade, lIt' wishi''l 1.o know why Mlr. I laskell, thet chairman of thle I jouste itfreport. M\lr. IIlaskeolI sa it that:i cion trary t(o aill prece~denrt I wo ininberis'.i of Itihe Sente 'oatnuit t,''t hail beenI' appo itedl ltroit t he' iinrry o t lit, bc-dy, tht> majority ii Iving ex pres-sd in fav'or of mi thi bil. NI r. I 'attersoin hadt said ht' was in favor tif killing the bill atnd he was in thle cotniitltte for that puirpose'. 'Iwo inbttters of thIe Senai;t secttioni o1 the cotntitittee hail expires'td sinilar itnteni ion s. lIt ithi askd t'M Ir. I 'att Iersoni if hei was nt ini t' e inntnitteer ttoi spp)ort. I he will of I t'e(1 llosf as 'x presse8td by a vote of dO to 11. M!r. I 'atter'tson inter((rup 11tedl Mr.i II as kt-ll st'veral ttines iintil Mrt. Ilaskell asked hiin to sit down until lhe was th routght. lIIe tcouth Inrot ge't a report. lbe i'ausei it. was necetsssary fo~r ihe report, to bet sigtned by a miajority of both se'ctionis ofI thle romninittee, andit a miajstrity of' Iithe senate section would riot sign It.. lie asked ifit he had riot d ese r ved (t thatnks (of the llotuse lor' his action in the' matter. Speaker' ,Jones: Yoti are etitlted to a ft r e pass. NIr. 11Iaskel I Satid he h ad n ever tak en a free pass in his li fe,.savye otin', whletn aIs attorney for the Sott iCairol inat I Iail way hie was comipellen~ ' go to Charleston and the cornpaniy sent. lihim I pass, heo usedl, arid If it htad tnot been't ent lie would have charged htis f>lre ini his bill. Outsidei of this lie baad never used a pass 9av e as a ratilIroa-I oIl;iia . :-everatl fineries were hier, t tade a.s to whter he was at present a r:iilroad lIe replie'd that lie w~as the pire-sidet A a road In V'irginia andt that a- such io aLcc'ptedl trip )a-ses fromt cotitect ing roadhs, which was but a fI;rr ex hlwnge of coutrtesies. IIe hind ne' 'r 1(Ctept.'d an atnritial. lie ha;d 1n< vet hzouightt ill of anly one iusting a free' pass, itless the person't usitng the l.ass thbought t wrong to do so. Mr. Ia8kell's remtarks L.utl acted on SIr. P'attetaru ikw a snnr on a t,emtl sonie steed. lie said he th m 'k. the speakei hal iniads a im ist al e i k p i two nmen of s dili (Ifie'pit v,jievs -i the subject as Mr. l,.skell and him ()on the iamo committee. IIe oppos i the i biil because he thoaglit it an in .lt to the members. Mr. fPatter ton bv in to get angry and say sointo hard inrgs about Colonel Ilaskell. 6peaker ,Jones said the iets' :a of i privilege, to which Mr. Il'ateso o' L', did iot involvo an :attack upion i'l j ber lie was opmo,-fd to th 1 hut I did 1ot go into t!- coi'mi ec to Ii it. lo hotiht it nns digrait ef i - 11r. IIaskell, being a im mb1i;er of t '.e Mue to b, ing free pass I here .or 4 di ii tion anl thus atte"i1t to bri:w .la 'IeIIk I.ers. Mr. I laskell: W hn ? To wh ol Mr. 'atterson: I'o Mlr. -'ri.s (Iar\y and to Dr. 'ope. t or instan ':e. Mr. llaskeIl- havo an indFiti re collection of having. when at to y of a railroad, in respolse to regnest roinI meii.bers itirnishivd thein trip p:. t'i to go hoine. I never dranied tha, :ou d be aecised of atteingilii to b:-ibf 'ho" gentlemenl. I tholight their cha akt ,r was so high as to place them .41,ove .9tid, 411spicion. Ar. Gary said that since his mme had bel11 ir.jectk d into the 31ia .-e hv would state t.-at Ai r. Ii askell I: I had a hook of trip pas.iws on the 11 w,r i the Ilouse for distribut i:m. Mr. Hiaskell asserteil that hw 1b . i not ha'l a book of passes. Air. Ga-,ry s:aid he h:ad went th,. 1. l. Mr. ilaskell allirmei th.t Mli. ;ary w%-,s illistakenl. The report. of lih, Seriate was re .vet as iiiforiat ion and the ant i-l r a" - luss bill passes frotn the arena of lt-gi!-l.t1iv1 discussion. .Mr. Mloonvy muoved tIhtt ti eppr priation for per diem and iil l'. the meinbers of the (eneral Ass - bly be reduced from $2,n t) o W I 1.*.t I le said that if ti uoiinhelrs lvailt Ilvir talk abot3t retiction ()f expense ' ho. Should begin Iihe act witi thteir -win salaries. Tlbled by a, VOl O C i 7 '0 In the Siate oi Thirs<dn th t wI W\% ing concurrent resoltition 'as wYloredi by Seillator .tokes and 1 til 13 in adopted: Where-iis, Ihie vxperiitient o I vre mnaiI dlhVery i in rural (list rit s ha, e1vn in operation dutring tell pst yt-;ir in a large intiner of' rral secti ms v i1!w t*11ited Statvei; 11111 Whereas, The said xperiment:, hw-v: developed a pronounced increase .ii 1tiv postagf, cancelled in sticih rn ril dis r ct - so pronotuiced, ili fact, ls i v. nt! the expectation that such ad") i;n)Tal mail lacilities will ill a few year4 s 1. i it ilate thell use of the mailk to the I \ it of inaking them self-sustainiing in t;i.t Said rurl: districts: therelmrc iesolveil by 111v 'ett e, thi 110 . SU Representatives cincirriniw, th.I the Senators and Ihepresentativus i:. Cm in grcss froti South Carolina 00 , al1 th.ey are heivrby urged It) ad,vovatt, 11 lur Inher vx1ention of Ire naild dliv. -v tio ritral districts as rapidly as p ,Mi8 :-'enlator B11-t liovf-d to <lh th. I .i11tavor-lle relmit hv thoI .lu( -i : Y Commi.t.ev proVid;- tin - for 1 i, :1:1 rit V of paper fallilig dut. oniul l, d letval hlolidays. Senlator i.-Noanl oppos(-d '1 In m jonJ, ad Senators Wiko awi W )') va;-d spolk:' in favor theim'f. Thle bill was, not % it hst-41 Iinl ong' Opposition, passed io its thIl!d : 4. Thel llw n is th., tex" (;I If bill relr) led by the special I: 't.:vt. !1y. poil'ed to reapp.rton i .. -;iOl.: I distriCIS 9F h u te n : - ilce with e Siugri st)ionl 4 f - 'I . vrn,:r. T e .Oin 11 . Uf 4 V - : 'ol a1ns Snnos Ls t w cha .u-. i; - iii (:1111 ; :4 t l ia" ,lP o.1 1 1 1;1!n41 W.3 theCil r,1e1ort. "tn .hl I Sn e thle 33mn,it te are I-t. In .i (Ahanl,:A at thi- fini-, inlb: in n h tion, I :ie bill is reportJ- 4-d for t h e.'id menait,is usflos lield, A '1ken, i'1ar!. wedl, iI;; tan, and :i Se'on Co.1(ngr': ash,t I.43 ::)1. Newh'erry-. Th05~:i,rd (.Cngressiona i l. II ii'- ' - r eso,lerkeley, I .i'Prgtet ow. <rr l'hurt h ('o3nrs'i:;d l)is. ridt *l.h I lanud . lKersi'hawi , ( 'l1t ii-, 'Sulut3 :' ai3 l''airt'ield. bioro, I ):trlininn~o, 11i-'iirence < h' ti-V SixtIih4ogre"'ionalh118 roitre -Ia.t tanbuirg, I,aiirens, l' iInI, YorkF arl (Chester. Seventh C onlgre'ssional I )istict .\b I becvillle. A indersoni, ( ) '0nce, l'i(4ken ;lOll Gireenville. i-ili nl. ' chianige thel. line's 1)t (Charlestin :n3 I Hierkeley ('03111iie pa14se'l its s' '4r3i43 r'ead4ing. The ishin's anid a siui;tl i:: 'it ferkley4 'oluit) are 3give.4oI e lest tn andt one14 re'presenlt ativ isV'3 kL ' t roirn Clttlestoii o giveil to I1;-r 4-. A Ti anitenthnen-Jt n' as inc:4orrt e-l ::I bill niukiing thei seliecti ofth 31 3w >ouniityV seat of1 lIerkeleyv the 41ut y ' ;Ilhe' The4 bIll toi 4st Lish a- notrtiui .i .i in dl ust rId ('ollege Ion tii he i ed ua i ''I won(iiien i14issel its .'0t scond reane I n bill prIovtd4'fo thie114 l4'i m i ofI :4ve i trusateets, whlo4e dtiy it shall I. 4,4a ve4rtis' t'or b,ids andi' sele4ct. aL 1a-. n 3 talei i'. 'thn 1i.e 14corporainV3(in n bil 1011I pr ldtting tha ri ntt' coii ci% : ; . placedi ini t he iti rustee S;toIrwiy: killled~~ inth Illue mon' saoturdIayI . b 4 % ".1nhulyv wa's k illed1 3n then S3in...n a ~.It trdayv. lii the) lliuse 43n .\lor'Vla 3311b 'rit4 v .114d 1i(ni?ity repor )1ts we're 8: h:bi3u 4 by t hle co:Iiulitte'4 1 hat ii ve:stig-ited tI-a. lions of te phoifsphtito ComaiI ii , h54 Mes(- srs. 11 arrisoni. h reazeade, Nort3 Ii uit vest5 ion hat tIhe ('nuistli, Im I'. l isch arg4 d its ditties 1onosti-, , ': :rly 41n( e'llie'enitly ; that4 01-0 l'lor:1ta -330 ha 'hmliiIshed the pr'ice0) o i'rolina1 ['0 ,1(r whichl tlhe coninisnionis lA i t'i If bi 41nd thalt the (omision03 wot tId no1 have been01 jusitile in(11 raiin 'Sf he13 al (:. .y. 'I he niitority relort is signed' b- .\in r. 111a9k oIl anld gives 3: comp1lehte inst, ' ol ind(s1that, the~ la .3 dfectivye ani hus mi d0eenI badly admtilin ist 'red. II t a . ms 3oc) that the aIction) of I %o commiss,'m 1 ve :L(4 I lorida rock ani op 'ortuinity 10 4.ot. >t3' nm with t.he Carolina tic. Inl if' h'lenn Ct'llvu. matter carne up ii th e'vt e c Monday, when Seulator Do! i; !ds.on moved to amend the general Iiiiir[ datijorJi bill 1). inserttig a provis ol pproirting 1f5).000 for complrt- 0 lit. t he Ne k o1 t h Ouildings3 and eqt p 'l ( 'lemsim (,ollege.ov 'imtor it. Mi. rnit h imovid nI indeli. iii. i tp nemet. of the aic'dinett, A v! en oro ' ht on I geleral discuision. \ fi whClt' a vo' was taken as fol ow . \ye; n -iators AIbott. Bing - I is. (;-1 I]; N agill, Meet.e0, !i , b ., 'okes, Strait, \\i'iams, \W il ol '\ (,d%v rd--6. 't' ;iato rs l ti I. l b e rg , I .;& ,l y Sst. 1) hte p I )onadson, Furgi DO fr on, IN nil ill, l iin:, Eeitt, At-1son, tl ,i i . Peal I ledflea"MI, s 't e II i jnu Ve&rdihir--Ji',. 1A .Ma omal-l Im e,3 rv, T! t .. orci,bdlelt, vot ed h'' v," i the l II n.1 : t. id1limitely p aI.itpom. a si l i I A lld y ni i nt. .1 the 11lls - 3ir. amov!da non c-nlurriwe it illth Il St'lii \lselt'inie t, to thheappropriati'on il inill,r, te Chlmsonl Copllg!. ib1 Air. W illy sibd eines the apuroprit ioll 11r1iadethl, o'leninig of Allmsona tolAln i do ierred a li e hail livvr I Wtlt i Andvoc"nte ot C'letmson, b!t uIll)\\ I k it si t id llltest ill, il-t o p Le wani t i t he in-titlutlon od he Naswilhfr t.1)do I vh w slel i sary liveiSal. a Ilr. L van. said tlis was I tI:, I t the " 1 (y wis not. in 'li e treasuy. r Air. 1la kv1l mtid it sem"M-i 'r;atht r inl (mniistent, with thll piasl avleT1 of thle Wnpral .m-\bly to ut, off the appro-I .i r.1 i tid il stid Ile w a friet'l to 14b1i1 SOOT, It that he was a gr;. Ite r riit ud tl t ai i xlT ayer, ntit([ l hiK e (I Or n1MI-VOlIvIlrH Ict. InI thealn.--ndinvilt. L The wi :lv 11i,ll l1t \;I" lost 'y I vo it l .t, 61. a.Ii ollows: . lll YWas. -I Wpiisl, Carwiip, F-ields, F-'nh-y,g SI ry, I ; hve r, 1i A. t i n I ias - h, , l; k/.I r (, 11laghics, Nivars, 1). \ . Mc lillrin. ioses, Patton, I'6l'oison, 10i1 ti . dha 'lk llI, .'t;i d li oit , Zl mi n fililI d1111, lpper, \ on Fi ol-i/At1 1d \Ig" N ie;w lIow i ; wd,- , vira;~t Al p11, ! Prlnil,fortit', liiriwn, oi:'i t , i arpen:er 'h ud : ', 011' o lor Cox, -. I m. I I -i Il io.s . If I )itkos. .i. ,. I . r d, t-L.l.r, Evants, F-'ow. I, Fox, l': e, 1;oodwil, \.A. (;ra-al 'all. (;rcgory, 1;IInter, 1'. la :rdien, ai rij . li iHardy, lilrt, l iavvy, llik il. Iloinnin.ll I111t1o, .ll'orics,'KIII, Ird tuiiif, lillall, 'lNI\ hite,l ly tiii y i i ,Norlon, 'iO t'smi,1"ast, P:av-. p .1"mvwh1l1d, l'Ia t-l, ;:tvnait . 'it o' w n:' , \\; llt , \\' l (-: to TV\.'O TICKET,; NO1MINATED. fo I I I Ii I r., y 41 o1 1 m 4 i . ik Ih i I It A I !:1 S t h it Attry. - S ;, L . ,:Ii-. N . I',ij i rir t! "6 1 1'; .al e T1 1 1a t veI vo - -r: tt liia,n ntiiin lit ii l'leck.Thti e re i Vtr I I I i y e v - I tri Ih.; inI al Lend I:illce". n a. I 1,' l 1 ia (' ,- lllllit tuP ilii i' il e Ir v''' r ru irt si-t ngralig lt-d'1,1ry de l L n' a I I ' : di l ( ' tonici ;n, p di' r., t i1) eys tod the IglI to tho c lil'A T.ll I ii reth t Io J l1 lit di - -\s I ori'l i i it rdvi 'A Ileih - t AI) nF rv1 i.T 0 I" ' al. ....1 . ii ., I f ter ;. rc( - fd W(s I ' r l' - on ;- v(.Illloll was ttaljlv 1 11b r I i i i . 'I ! u to o1 t hre C -i 4 . v ilII cI i:oitt,vn wos ;bllpt a n 4w 1 m dIel. claire<l ia ordt-r. 1: iii ici hi u (Ci(l ov( r e r. The li at o ft~ 1:ui'lfr's onu th farse iv a w'ha put or.' h Itih tu The ro 1 'tll bae calei t ts il ut i-l.yolth ('onth.l bovntir e VAR Naii'lS FA11qM jL lOR LEGAT7ION THEJiE THREATENED BY A M')B. ) 14it li to b 4 bo S -Ato the Ch1ilan 0ox'vrnient anB 1) e au nacked 11) fV i M ng Natv:!I Force. Ni wV V k, le- U - -A sp' cial rom aih >n to 14 d lilrold ,ays that its rr'"pond -t:t -!: .,,Ied to secur: to gh- a I r.t":datonl of' c (pher d.spateli om1 Mini,s r F'w'i the -StaL tdenart eni. ir W:041h . sl''id that a erlical ate o, al .irs i .i ,t-1 in Sautiago. le isIatCh st,Ae. t! ;,M tihe An 1Za1 ini I ''' r4ri'n4 l by police atla a ob, a wd i re its 'r. fr->e1y nadl- to oNw ; Ip I b. - m :n acco int ol the tutCS Ct . (p o of the c:tble 'aln, the "I.' re: - it s-tys. had been nt, - a, t he P'rcs;flen, .',Id Navy Df-part vnt, hw'ii iwv.h consteurtion had ni (TrtAfit 'n he lat'(!r b)y its reciipt, TjIv h (,- rt 1pr ;n - it ! r her t ates t hat frbhi: ! h tw o:, pirepired to be Ill ' " ' lu ,Ier: 0 "g I i kivr h1,11 to :11o at r-: )11 w ft , -:u-ttio". I t :,i ' I ti N;,vy Depart;i.wit, - ('orr- sonen'i t ap;, tuit the state of i r r- ''2 [.d 1 'w-:t tEion v"0olil ot i p ro -'"i P>ve protection was VOTn. !t tih -- II .1ain5sr aly a lv -tr th vloflecials iik It n1i1g it forc cl get, W ()I4 a m It 4t hi letgationl. I'e eIn et 4 of' \Ir. Ei-gan's dispatch, it thought, \w,il re.sult. inl a demdi by c rt-tary I v n W . m r a propit decision I he iPt 4a1w' ilS.. I tlti is 1un1 i':irabl, Ion1r4'.sw ilt he called i1poul nW1 : aid i, in the iinvantimne. further ; s h' de:ino ration are iladk', all ul li'tun w ll )'. StIlt to Ohw Chileall Iv ! 111ill .!.A ihe na vwill back it A1.Y NkT B: ,DLE TALK. D~l44(~j.- lZ~'L ) ''~Ia 0111 \Wi 41. (. I)C... pj.-Tho 1hil dwdtte'lm-111 - th.'It the regnbhli.. il ,svenat(lri iav , vir ittallv decided to , tI the ;ti s l : It,rs I IiII, Brice id \VIiN-1#- att.ractoi solm attention 1,114 ""llseators toftay. A careful iltl t ry Iall.i I di'vlo-w altyt.hing like I ()Ir,,tju. ,j l,)i vwilif-nt ill t that direc .311 WOn it ,' ict, it ;1,'u'ars that the re 11lic:ail s, , i i: iI h:tv ;s k et, giyen tile .he t 1 1 i 1-g i uiht. Fl fr, as Sen a r i ll 13'ss.5 118(tlit: I 14(C , t is syeleyed at, wheit h- pit,:ent; lihinselt to take ( Iui ), )ill of ih t'l O.i'ti li m0 lay be 1-thcoi hlg i rl hi laag rite,Senmato r ill 1 1wha tit th1 i!M to his seatl by lani ll .li .. Ihi t-ston !o bused ou l bc - 1y 1. Is- a d 1 e Ot thle i :,: W-:1a1 I ns mo-mbelsgof flw. ay A Wo hif w., Oh-po-:edk of', it v. 4 h i 1 :a to poli a :lt iun n r I11' ease -.ill -,it :- ' 1;' Ilh s ii '3 14 1 '4:11It) I.-N v i i it, v! i%u 1 .)N ba v t tim; t 11 4 : t al le tri' .I I.t ,vI n''r n na e l' b 1d1b : ke"p tim T Iiii tAl' -A u t y till chl ,r!i: Ii I t)14 on ' ofii l)en tr -t I 1. 'II'4 ItiSeina izv i 'i' t1441ll i41 IJLrea 41(' 44 , 'lI't 11 h :t44h4 r il 1' ii.44 - 144 WI' at N. 'F :t' '444 141 -: i "'1 rmt' I lyn. be-o '1 44443 tj'('') h: 'i al r y o l'l4-'1 4 n,K ( n :-t4 ' met D ilr k411 ia4.4tla u4a'ii. c 1 14 II 1141- 111.4 ' ' tl' h top)o t1'-1 w4'g1 4, Mr141 41. 1 hn 1ii onner-i 110. ('I I V 1 41n inogh hosiae dyat I !3 14' .,~.i~ any as d4is -oet .P: Th .i mb1r'y 1 l o11 Fi the1 seoa: di afrt' n 'm .r da, wh.d' a:tir dVinner -hur WC uto na M lid frm the 111