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VOL. 5r VOL. XX. PICKENS, S. C., Il USI)AY, mAmw1f,lo FEARFUL LOSS OF LIFE. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN MIN ERS KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION. Springhill, Nova ScotIs, Thrown into lourning--Several of th 11mllem Fear fully Mrutiated-ifft.v-L,hrv Wolunt and 157 Children Left Usirovidctl for. SPRING [I LL, Ml N iS, N. S., Febl. 23. -An explosion rccurred in the mines of this place yesterday. At midnightnmie ty-four bodies have been recovered, and the total nubcr of' dead is 1hought to be 117. A largely a ttended public mect Ing was held last evening and arrange ments for a public funeral on Tues(day were completed. Chief Inspector Gilp In arrived yesterday morning, accompa nied by Madden and went down into the mine. Mr. Gilpin says so far as the evi dence shows the explosion occurred in either No. 7 or 6 balances, and that the force of the explosion in these balances is very great. Most of the timbers were knocked out, allowing the roof' to faill, breaking boxes and mutilating men and horses. Tow small fires were smoulder ing in the debris, but were extingmshed at once without any difliculty by the searching party. Tha explosion, Mr. Gilpin says, did very little damage to property in No. 7 slope, having extended but a short dis tance beyond the tunnel, and all the deaths in that slope were from suffoca tion by fire damp. Manager Swift was at9the bottom of No. I slope about fifteen mnutes before the explosion occurred, and intimated to one of the roadsmnen that lie was going into the place were the explosion occurred. Ile has not been seen since ; probably his body will be recovered when some of the debris is cleared up. A boy named Boaton heard the ex plosion and ruslied offto the place where lie knew his brother was at work and succeeded in carrying himi out unin jured. His heroism is one of' the chIef topics of conversation. There were plenty of volunteers to search for all the bodies. Men who came to the pit as spectators divested themselves of' their coaLs and unhesitatingly went to the rescue of' their 10llow workmen. Many ghastly scenes were to be seen, both on the surface and underground. Several of the bodies were so fearfully mutilated, that they were placed im bags and brought up to the surfice. The exploslon is more disastrous to life than any other in the history of coal mining on this continent, It is a singu lar coincidence that the loss of lif'e equals that of both the Ford pit and Drummond colliery explosions. The number of lives lost at the Ford pit was fifty-three, and Drumniond sixty-four. The list of dead reaches 119. of whom fifty-four were married, forty simgle and twenty-live boys. Ninety-seven bodies have been taken out; .161 children were orphaned. A good deal of' distress prevails. No explanation of' the acci (lent can be given. The mine is being put in order no resume oeiations Wed iesday. The damage to the property is comparatively small. The following appeal has beent issned: "To the Public : A mininm- disaster. attended with fIatal results unparalleled in the history of the Canadian mines, has fallen on the town and people of SprInghill, N. S. The loss of' lie is probably as great as the combined ap palling losses at the DrIuiumionld and Ford pit explosions. About 119 lives were lost: ifty-four widows have been left behind and 161 children made fatherless. "The widows and fatherless will need abundant assistance, and t,hat priomiipthy from a p)ublic shocked and horrified by this terriible calamit,y. Seventy thousand dollars will be required to meet the demands and to alleviate the suifferings of the bereaved and1( distressed duiniL the most pressing pieriodi of' their dlire misfortune. The residenits of Springhill in meeting ass(ebl have appointed a committee, consisting of' the Mayor, Town Council andl all resid1ence cler'gy, to solIcit and acknowledhuc subscription to the Springhill relief lund, and thev ::onfidently and earnestly ask for an ini mediate response5 fromi personis of allf denominations, societies, tradles, Lruils and nationalities. Willamu I f all, Maynor, A. McLeod, Secretary." Hiorrors ofTh'Io MInleR. hIAZEL~TON, Pa., Feb. 28.-Five oif the miners entombed ini slope No. I at. Jeanesville weie taken out alive to-night after being eighteen days shut in the bowels of the ear'th, These with the thirteen bodies al reaidy found make eighteen meni, the e'xact, numiibeir given in these dlispatchecs oni the day of' the accideint. Ilow they sur'vived is a miracle. Not.hing like it has been known or heard of in the anthr'acite coal I iels of[Pennsylvannia. All are' I nigarianis. TPhe meni were all hound togethemr barely alive, and all but one too weak to be. nioyed. Nonie of' them could s alk e x c(spt John Tomashusky and 1e col only say "Jiohn much sick.'' PhIysilasi were brought inito the mine and;th cour meni were eared for where the y la) . ThIe fifth man was wvrappedh ini bhmiets and1( carried out, It is dloub,tful if' the live~s of the four can be savedh, and1 a Priest went into the mine to administer' spiri tual consolatIon. No story cani as yet, be obtainedl from Tomiaskuisky. Friahitenool to 1)eat I. CIANTrON, Mo., Feb. 19.--M rs. M. Tr'iol linger of Leesville dliedl yesterdlay from fright. She was sitting in a wagon watchimg her son cut down a tree. The tree fell towardls the wagon, and ihe boy called to is mother io get out of the way. She scemed uniable to mnove. The tree crashed dlown just behind the wagon without touching Airs. TJroffin ger, but she fell over dlead. Ph iysiciams examined the body andi( say they found no sIgn of the woman having been hit. Tihey assin the cause to paralysis of' the heart.___ Killed with a Club. SAVANNA i, Feb. 20.-Two niegiroes enteredl a store kept by a man nlamned Jor dan at Frazier's crossing on t he Eas t Tennessee, Virgima amnd Georgia Itail road to-day, bent on robbery. As .Jor dan resisted they killed hiiim with a chub. The murderers were captured and on conlfessed. Ic also adlmits being im plicated in a series of robberies at ihruns wick a few nights ago. FATAL COLLISION OF TRAINS. Six lille(] and Several Injured--The Im W'reck Taikem Fehe. Ni.:w YonK, Feb. 20.-There was a collison at 7 o'clock this morning be- SU te tween two trains in the Fourth avenue 11uned at. Eiolity-sixth street. What is d knowni s a slop,'' consisting ofempty %W ca's, was beini- drawti to the Mott Iay- at e'n yard, wvIlel, for Sone reason as yet ' unexphiinled. it calie to a sto01 in) the tunnel at Eiglity-ifith street. Train No. 10, the New Haven local, which left .91p the Grand Central Depot at 7 o'clock Se this mornmng in charge of Engineer re Fowler, Fireman G,)odIe aln( Con(Ite- tel (or (eorge IIutchinison, ran ito the rear rel of tle standing "shop train." General Manager Toucey, of the 1111(1- an son lRiver and New York Central Road, l said lie had heard that three men were killed and a liinber injured. lie said Kn that after thecollision a New York Cen- " tral engine running light (this is without gr cars attached] ran 1into the rear of the New Iaven train. Flames broke out a wa few moments after the seconnd collision, Sh but they were soon gotton under control, 1O and the work of rescue began at 10:30 ull o'clock. Five dead and seven injured for have been removed. The injured were fin taken to the Presbyterian 11o iutal. None of lthe passengers are known to be n among the killed or injured. They ar so all believed to be eip'loyees of tle road. Of 'lie passengers in the New Haven train tli were badly shaken up, but beyond somc ret light cuts and bruises none of them are t badly hurt. The iassengers were taken fra from the train buck to the Grand Cn- we tral Depot in tle Iarlem train that was thil just passing at tle time in the East tun- tll nel. an The total tiniber of lives lost is six. fri Five were taken out dead and(] one has wl since died-all railroad employees. )ul Several emloyees were in.jured, bt, the t( exact number is not vet known, as a Su number of them were carried home as of i soon as taken out of (lie wreck. The an fire department, soon extinmiushed the of' flames, but both tracks of the tunnel te< were blocked with the wreckage. The erf rear car of'the "1shol)" train was crushed ye, like an eg shell from the hind en( to re the middle, mnd here is where tle deaths uP occurred. Nobody on tle New Haven Pi passingeir train was injured, even by the st nt engine which rall into its rear. The latter was derailed anld burst both cylin- le; der heads. dr( 'The Cent re of Popntaitlorn. kii WAAiNIoN , Feb. 20.-The Sup- grn erintendent of lthe Census has prepared ac a bulletin giving the centre of population go of' the United States together with the an movement of the centre during each TI dceade since 1790. The exact latitude tr of the centre of the present census year thi is given as 9 degrees I I minutes and 56 wl seconids, longitude 85 degrees- 32 min- oul utes and 53 seconds, at a point in South- tio eil Indiana a little West of' Siouth of' Greensburg, the County seal of* Decatuir County, and twenty miles East of Co- ha luimbus. The bulletin says : "The centre ho of' population has clung closely to tle it, parallel of 39 degrees of latitude. The on most Northern point reached wvas at. the on1 start in 1790 ; the most Sou thern point to( was in 1830-the preceding decade hav- liq ing wittiessed a rapid development of' population in (lie Southwest-Alabama, Arkaimias, Mississippi and Louisiana haviml, been admitted as ."tates and f'l Florida annexed and organized as a Ter- p ritory. The extreme variation in lati- cOl tude has been less than Ill minutes, St while a hiundre I years of' recordl have ac complishied a movement, of longitude of' o nearly 95.11) degrees. The sudden ac.-R celeiration of' miovement between I185(0 Co and 180t0 was due to the transfer of a conisideirable body of' popuilationi friom thie whi Atlantic to (lie Pacific coast-twelve in- IS: dividuals in San Francisco exert,inr as s1i( much pressure at (lie piv'otal poinit, viz., har tlie cr'ossing of t he 83l mieridian and 39th wel parallel, as kfry individuals at Boston,. Inugaiis suiccessor'. coi Wt asi iiNGTION. Feb. I18.--Th'1le sub- ha< ject of' thie selection ot a successoir to ize Senator InmuialIls, who retires froni the lot, Senate A ar'chi 4, as I *resideni V 'ro TIem- besi por'e is beinig pi'ivatel y discuissedI among nie. I epubliiani Senators, an It. will he necessary to :iiarage this. fh mal((ei'-bef'ore Mai'ch 4 in ord er toI' guard( the against, a vacancIity in: the lpre(siing ofli- hel cer's ch'air' after (liat (late, so) a ('aucuis of ed (lie Republican Semi -s will lbe held go pi'obaibly next week leet Senatoi' In- su< galls' sucecessor'. ' It (lot's not alppear' thiat much eifoirt is miaking on (lie part of the Senators to securtie the place. and but three niames havi e beeni put t or'wardt prominiently , l''1 whlichl ate those of' Senator's Plhatt, I loan his~ and Frye. I.e iti i tenihu iennines (et4~iroyt,a ati KANSAS (''iTv Mo., Feb. 19.- -At ti 10:301 last, night a careless wiper ini the ( roun h11 ouse of (lie Cy press yard(s of' thie in Mlissourii Il'aci lic liaihv ay, ini Kansas a Cit y , Kanisas set. Iire to a buInchl of oily am waste. Thle lite sprea4dI raplatlly, and1( 'j'r cos s iined Ih f h' ouse. 'Th er'e wa's e'igh- i t en entginets ins the house ai sd they were cri also destroyed. Amtong themi were (lie pa enhgines uised mi hie r'egir i paiissiegr' $eri'cie, anid the oflicials were obliged to telegra ph Io Sedalia for seven enigies to take out fthis miornming''s trainms. T:.e to- th11 tail lOSS is (estimiated at $ 175,000. The Ka Cypress rouid house becamie hIstoric as a ai place of' siege~ dIuringteSotwstr l strike f l880. (ledalwetin.s R insisg liovn A Hasrk. st Niew YonK, F"eb i8.-Thei~ North c llremten Llou yd a teameir' I lavel , wvh iIile on hei' way down thte hay this afternoon, il col lidedh with (lhe Italian bark Mascolta, li imbloundi fr'omi San D)omingo city. TheI , ha ink Sau!: ah nost immedctiatel y o11' IRuoy 2(1, near' lay B{idge, and three of' her cr'ewv were dIrownied. '[le st~eme pro ceededl on her was to Brnemen. Ms Six tivem ELosit. Niew Y'ouxi, Fleb. 2.-A five stor'y (1 double "Ilat" house, a better sort of ten- leai emlenit house, at 129 and 131 Sands street, th<i lirooklyni, burned to night and six of the ma inmates were burned to dheath. Tihirty- Its two families occupiedl the house about cai two hundred peop)le in all, and int for ca: the aid of (lie firemen many more lives of would have been loat. DEFEATED BY WOMEN. gal41u1 Now Know Wero to Lty 1iam1411o. WASiING TON, Feb. 2.I.-Tle gen, bject of tenietrance occupied the ntion of' the Vouan's National Co today. Mrs. J. Ellen "oster, Pr< nt of the Non-Partisan Natio omnani's Chiristian T[em peranc) H:i d Mrs. Mar.y 'T'. Lathrop, represent a dele;;ate the National Woia iristianF emperance I'mon, wvere incipal speakers. Airs. Mary E. Lease, of' Kanr, a oke. In beginig, sle addressud h If to "Madame l'resident, friends a l0W-citizens." She said Ie used t it with pardonable pride, when P nembered that the Alliance league I en to women of lier sunflower. hll ity-lovin, temperance-loving State 1sas the right of political 8ufl'rage, ihie spoke of the condition of -ill'irs .nsas, and referred to Ingalls as t ian that we women of Kansas had t 'it pleasure of defeating.'' l'lie subject assimned to Mrs. Lini S "Women in the Farmers' Alliance i- said. however, that the subject cot t be intelligently discussed nor fu derstood until the necessity for t mation of the Farmers' Alliance it shown. Cotinuing she said: "It must be evident to every intellige in aiud woman today that there nething radically wrong in the alla Lhis nation. Itmust be evalent to evc nking man and woman that we ha Lched a crisis in the allaiirs of the I i which is of' more importance, m< ught with mighty colisequence for t al or woe of the American peol in wa3 even that crisis that engag i attention of the people in the d d bleeding das of civil strife. 2 -nds, the jash of the slave drive ii) is nit longer heard in this counni L the lash of necessity is drivI >isands to unrequited toil. The cc enceless capitalist is robbing manho ts prime, mothers of their motherho I sorrowful children of sunhine a joy. We have a land where the boti us hand of nature has given wour ul heritage to each and every one, a in this land 01 Plenty and U'nlimit ources the cry of humanitv is goi fron every corner of the nation, t int of' motherhood, the moans rving children. Capital buys and sells today the vE irt heats of humanity. Fo~r one hit .d years the speculators, landrobbe ates and galblers of this nation I ocked unceasingly at the door of C( ss and Congress has in every ins(a I eded to their demauds.- They hr Lten money out of' the treast iounting to tens of* millions of dolla iey were permitted to tap the veins de and comnimerca and withdreaw fr body politic the circulating medii ich is thI fife-blood af' the nation, . r lawmakers terim these acts consti [In conclusion the speaker said 'The F'armers' Alliance ntumbi If a million, who are loyal white-r ers, the majority of them, and I s vith thanks to Almighytv God, ti Alliance representati'es ire t y men in the councils of' the nati lay, who have not 1jeen elected oi t nor platform." Ahe Offenicng FortiliZir Comp.ios. '0I1,LUMiM A, -. C., Feb1. 2. owing are 110 liaties of the col lies without the State who have he Irged with violatmig the law of' tl .te inl relation to tagginig fertilizmrs 'hie Atlantic andt Virginia F'ertilia mpany of Virginia; (. ()ber & Sni mpany .of Richimond, Va. 'he v'igorous prosecution of' all the o are violatm,a the laws in this respc having a whiolesomie effect. as wn by the fact that $1,500 for fa been r'eceiv'ed since the recent airres 'e inade. \ entleman fi'om Faiirfield, w~ho ~ely engaged in plant,ing, stated versat,ion a (lay or two :-.;o that I never seen any tags on auny ter't r's puricha~sedl by him i, except~ on o antd tmeni thie (ciuiistan,e oif li Lig there was so iunusuial that t ro'ies thought that it mnus. have be inferior lot. Friom 11h: it may ly inf'eri'ed thatt in many inistances past the tag~s hiav'e 1been taken ore i' the contsigniee antI rturii to the shi Pliers lot' reuse. All if t11 's to show thfat. the courste no0w p1 d by the author'ities is a wise one. i~ steri. A iFatai Niiws,aperu Wa'r. :;oI,l'A nt's, U., I'd, 2L,-- \V, liot,i, editor' of the Suinday (CapjiTfal,a v'ering, ed it or of' the Sundc ay Wor I A. ( '. (Osb ornie, onet of his reCpor'te ligh st reef, sh oirtly after 1noon1 y', and a fusiladle of shooting bega boine was killed, 1P. J1. Elliott I the head and arm. and W. J1. 1Elli< I a ne wshoy',uned Suclly w~er e kill oubile ariose from ariticles a ppoai the~ paper's natmed, antd the shiootIi 5 doneti iln thle mid st of a ci'owd gil il to see lie WVashiington biirthid Illis Iifer vlued ~ .a t sm.1,500t. case of I, l. . S'-imders againist t iisas City, Memphis aii Biiringbr ilroad, oni trial ini the (Circuit Court1 llper, in Walker Couinty, tIhe jury I y gave a v'erd(ict for the~ phiiffi 1,51 It. It was the Ilarg'Lest verdlict nage s ever giveni in the StAti'. SNa s wats k ilIled iln a collIisioni last (ct on thie' oiitsk irts of Iirminighaot ent a larige number I i of othiers we ed( andtt woundled. le lived ill Watl ounity. liil Caiin't Ca'urry Now vork. .\ N A NiToN il, Texas, l"eb. I 0. 1C yor W. 1I. Gr'ace of New Y ork, w~ on a visit here, said to-day: "IN [itical issuw is the tariff, atf G rov ~velandm(, who was and is the greate der of' the l)emocracy, and1( who to couriage to make that issue, is t n to lead his party to v'ictory und banner, and the only one. Gov. II mnot carry New York, atnd not on 1 Clevehand carry Ne w York, but a the States necessary to secure to t1 mntry a Democratic President." tie UN I N 'II I 10 USEs A LIVELY TILT BETWEEN FUNSIOt AND BUTTERWORTH. at U" MCI fillira I 1a - FO11u P %4 N I'n t'll'n Iviy Iit Li-8 I ie J114KOf flit! 111011SP Were- ClInn1.9f -Tl D;l I II llu -1-11rn t s Htill 's -c -D cr il bl Sct'le's il 11149holi sse. hie ,W A il. 6T( x, F'eb.:..!5.- -in the I loust this inorin lMe K ilevy, From the Com Isoi niiteg. on Mules, reported a resolition providing that to-norrow the Hlouse shall Imeet at 10 o'clock and shall iml lhe rediately 'proceed1 to t he coniderat ion he of the shi lpping bill, tit( genler'al debate to close at 0 o'clock. Friday Ilte l1ouse 1 shall ileet at 10 o'clock aitd proceedI to I the contsiderationt1 of the bill by para of graphs, the pruvious <ivestioi to be considlered as ordered at 5 o'clock. I Mlount protested against this method lie of doing husinles, but Said that as a lie nietiher the Conimittee oin iules lie had agreed to the resolution with the se view of getti lls inuch dehatl as ,' possible. It was the hest the ninority L meinhers (ould make out of the situa ly tionl. he McAlillin took the same position. Ile then inveighed against the code of rules, and asserted that. the prophecy he had made in the beginning of ('on at gress had been vvriivd. Ile( had said is that the rutles iadtl beei aiopted for 'S four reasonls: Io pis an eletion hill ry wlich subloj,(eteed it hal it box to tle Vc bayonet. That had bheei done. To a- pass a tariff bill that should rob the ire people. That ha<l been d14on1e. To pass a hle direct tax bill. 'Ihiat had beeni done. To )lc pass a bill placiig further taxes upon Ld the depressed i arit hurdened interior for rkc the bienilit of the shipping interests. iThat was about to be done. Mills protested against the resoli tion, which he said was in a line with the policy of the oriajority. Let tihe( gentlemei on the othei' side gooli with n- their ieasures. Lot them iass Acts od of Congrss by p)roclaination instead of od legislationl. Let tihet inmake their id special orders, and let the I)eiocrats n- avail themiselk'es of, every, moinieit of d.(1 discussion to expose to the A meric!in [,(I people the wrongs which had been per ed Ipetrated on thei. , Cannon said that tile Hlouse could ill i spare two days, hut. he had yielled to of the general desire that the shipping bill should be conlsiered anad he had acquaaieseed in the resolution. lie gave ry iotice, however, that if' the order was - Inade he would ask the 1Ilouise to iit to-night. and to-ioirrow rlight, for th VC considerationi of' appropriation bills in- What the geitleiniie from Texas ant ce 'eiiessee had said abolit the riles wa ve cliestiuty, aid chit-stnits had worms it ry themn. r, Ioger--"The pe(,.optle- tojok sonf of worlis otit of iour chest nuts last Iall. Canmon-'TIat is the ol.1.1th time you have said that." 1iichardson of Tenniessee- -"oh no i take the days for thtle appropriation bills and lt I It' steal go (oil at i ight." C annoni-"h 0! that is so chcap." MeKiiley deniAd that t ie practice o: rA making special orders had originated it o- this Congress. It, had beeni practied il ay every Congress si nce the fort y-sixth, but at in former Congresses it had been done lie in violation o' tie rule, and now it was 011 done against I he dItrect auithorit v of t he lie rules, 'T'le lnijori were respnsitb\ for public legrislation, and it should b permitted to itt its purposes into piblic jaw to) bt. tried only hetore the lith great tribiul of the Atericari people. l. [Itt-lii)blicall appiause.1 al "You hiav bewen tried;" ".voul have been weighld inl the halmvee vnd foun(l ihat cainit i a choris from the illreio' 's, . leN inley --"-'I do not1 belileve 1-hat er' the re is a ge n tItni ani who laus stud(1ied the caus-'s that hl to the v'erdlict in se N ove mber whlo enn1 'liI! ' cositi ously' de et, clart' that, it was bsed 'n I lhe wor'k oh m. this Congress." s What, wa's it ?' 'iueiried thle Deio Ia crats. is Iloor havi ing only :a few days iiiore t(de iirivlaughter In t eiih-ioeratic sualv c--antd all of us leave liere with oun i-seatIs well filled' -w(e priopose to a)io oi and0 coimple'te thle work of the l'itty ".' Ii rst Comigress, no iaLt ter w hat, ob-stri'ie' Lit ti-nu mnay hb ent in ourn waiy by the ge'n hie tleinieni ton tht side ohfii 'heaeb;ber.' I |Ie'publican :aphuise.j lie Tlhe resoluit ion wa'.s then ad:ieopted il 'Te I house t hen wenft jinl(o 'ariniittaee n. iof 1.ha w~hole oni lie aai'mlturial appr'o r- I ha'e'ournse tof the genier'al dlebatte a _contr iove rsy ar iose' betwe'ii IFunlstoni of Kanirsais, in clirge of Ithe lill, ;andl liitterwor-t h. Tlhie b 'ter' haavinig in oelr a1 ri'muiak w~hih irri' itedl Fuirstorn, lie iade' ani aT nek up1-o.u liui Ierworhi, iin wi lhih lhe ;albiuted' to th oa' ilit'' w~hih literwor'th ihhls in t ha \\'orb'll's aii C (oiiirissiion, tuiul saI( liit~ it that gi'ni -0" muceh tunae toi iorwairdinig that mueasuni T-' as le hatd t o daw:'ing hi:., saulary' a-i SeeL ut r'et;u'a-i f Ithe \\orld's Fair, the incas >t t rne woo-ub aeinow have beenr piassel len iiii'aslire whlieb waiiilul I.ring great, ie Ld, ll- to thie aricu ialtiis:. The liem nl,eers on hot ha sii1b-s Siurroulirald t lhe t w< h.- contI roversy's. -ours ini his' att irianes, bui-t ihe mierri-. merit, was st- grat ihar, hijs words o-uldL notl lhe heard.r lIe dhieliried to yieldl t. Ia Ihit ta-i wor'h i, whI ida lad I togi'rs to warn hirm t hat, lie mnust, e'ithear get ol eof the~ ml ingi~ tr le-t I lie gent laernar from ()hio get over thei' ropI Es, whli ea Sinol a's contrni 'i hbil ron was '' Ireak a way.'' I' lot te'rw-ith Ii hils reply paid11 his rae 0 speets ta-o n timaoa, aharginig him, ais or' ('tihaaim at of te0 ('onnoittee on Agri II- (ltur', with Iineaglecting~ thle iinterests 0- aif farmiers. The0 eenit leima;n waes active in, ly acnrned :aout thle :aIl-i-opt.ioni lull. r'e .\ ha:il-miillhon t a'rmer's had asked thea k.egentleiLnin over m-i everi ig:ain. as chairman of Ihle c-nuitt,'a, to get uip arimve the coinsideriation tat the hill. hlad lie dlhne it ? ('rit's of "'No!"l Not x- at :all. lie li;td not mo-ived( ini that di to rection, buit had stood Itrembillng like IC an 'aspeni le'af uindler th Ire an el' thle or Speaker. {( enrl lauighter andl loud st Iappelaulse on thle I )emociaratie side.J I le ad (lIn tter worth e) h:ad at least I lie coaurage ie of his~ onivit ians. {.\ppihoisi'.| 'r hi atch ol M i ssouni, alter tteplorinag ill - i condlI ition of t he tarmiaers of the ly ca nitty, mnathe a spetech in favor dI o1 free co)i inae andii reducution of 1 taXAtioni, iti w hich he al.'o t.onched upon the no-t inn billi undl critiL the Chairiman of t ilie (onmittve oni Ag ricut tire, for not acting i p i the <p11 t iorn The Imeastirc ( hiel tle chairIllao called it u1p) could have beci passed withouout ne outr's deb:lte. The rmbe of the louse h:tim been ilde in tho ili terest of the eilbicmn part 1' ani1 to prevent the co si-Jeration of igrea, I tioIal IIesi res. Thle geIlti.,-an 111ro Ohio had said t lit there were but a Ie w mnore hours of' this Coigress. Thank Go I for it. I Ieiocrat ic Ipplause I Spinoht -"I -ay it onbr, ot her. I L-mgh ter.J Hlatech -"We will all .Join inl thet dox olory next. W td:wsIay.'- - Laight er.1 Tihe bill was then considered by para grapha, but, withotit disposing of thli Imvasure the colliamittee rose. Gb ibson of Mmryaulid ann111ounttced feel ingly the death of Senator Wilsonl, en logizinrg.his lif*e and character. The immigration bill was then taketI Ip, tihe pentding (Iluestion beiig on Oate's stibstitute. wnich was rejected yeas 5 nays 2o2. The bill was then passel. The IIouse then, as a mark of respect to tlie 1'iemory of'.the deceased, ad jolrnil to Inllet at - o'clock this evenl Ing. Anl Excitilng scene. STr. Louiis, Vcb. 23. A special from Little loek, Ark., says thIat a tremend ois uproar occuiirred in the lower branch of t1w Legisittire t oday diirinlg the di (Itssi(iIl of .tle resolutin orderinl" the arrest (f ex -Treasirelr W odiiif1. W hite of' Nevada olered a resolit ion on the subject "reiestiig lit' (ovenor to ctuse the appreiensimn, not only ot, Woodt-r111T, but all other. personls'conl Ieceted with hiin inl the Ius(e of te i State flunds." ( )ey of Lee County, chairiian of' the( .Judiciary coinittee mlade a strong ar guliient in favor of. tle adoption ol' thie resolit ion, inl which lie referr'd to the position taken by cerainl meinebirs in deht1 ing illeastires intended to vinldicate the laws of the State. I loi. .1 illiel A .) ones of* Piilaski, took ofTelise at ( tev's statelient. saying they were aimed at hiin, bilt le exclaiied, pointing at vtey: "It' the gentle Illail from Lee will make the slatetneit direct, that inl this i niter, or any other, lily actionls have beenl vontrlled by ilu proper motives I would not hesitate to SaY to him as I )oliglass saidl to Angus, "Lord A ngus thou bast, lied." (tey-"AInd I woiihl say to the iit who would take a'charge of that kind against ine that he is a coward." "hI'leni I say to you, sir, that You are a litr," yeIled .1 on es. "A tid you0 are a Coward," exclailm'd 0It vy. Several members sprang to their fe'vt aild inI their atteipt to gain the Ilor, tlie greatest conlfusionl prevailed form stveral iniutes which 11t' S'peaker ha great, di1icult y inl suppressing. Another br1IeeAZ. was (iteasionted latei oin inl the debate when Wimberly, a ini tual friend, attvilpted to siooth ilit iat ter over by saying (Mtey had apolo grlzei. e lattit- r sprnlig to his feet alit veheitently denied that le hadl apolo gized. .flnes had not, placed hin in I position where Ianl apology c-1uld bt expectedand lie wauted i( the h tsec un11derstanld.that le had made n1o apol ogy. Murliet t For Moncy. I'i-:n A Fw, "eb. 20(. N ews reached here la"i Iight oIf a iInlost hlorrible tmur der comlmittud Ilvar "Society Hlill last Motlday. A Mr. ( oadstm. a protinent citizen of that comilnitv, owed a MIr. (riggs, who lived only a ftew Itilus tdis talit, S.-Oll. Mr. (motidsoit cuiel the Imontey in t he presenlce ( a legro na,11nel (reen, who lmd ben in hi- eiloy for several years, and NIr.(;,ison's dwagh ter started to carry the iloley ti ir. (riggs, l',efoirt going~ i'ar \Iiss (;ood stitn~ was enertakent 3)y thle samte negro Green. who (lt, lier iuroat , toiok thle live hiiiidredl dillatrs and( htre w hier dlead ini ~lbck ( re'k , a sItreai di (iv idintg Iha r ligt onatd iiCh' estetrfield e imi t ics. WIhen Mliss 1(10(1dsont fai led tot retur it homttie at. tl( heiproper' tiinet search was intst it utt'td, atid yestterday hter biidy was found in lIlack ('reel- Suispicio'n was at. twn pilacted 1u14 lie ntegrto (;ren. Ilec was (alitured('( in F'loretice ma bri<tight litre inst. iight. (ireel aicknowledgedI killing Mliss ( ttstidst antd surrtilf 8 11i of in I hestetrlieldl jail. l'arinrs' Alliance, w hit fias just re i arritwt frooi ai t ri pi th rough thte .soiiuft. ias to ('levelhii's ctb;tiwets ini I1'92. lit' lettetr, whether so int (nlded or ntot, ciine as a t itnely ally t o ionotpolists in iheir herciiuait telor'ts t o tdefeat Ithe jol' xia ittr uiguei, he' tort'''d upon1 his Ii' tiple aire litIl Ic t'twi'rnti !, ttr, if lie ie thle ntiin lilt any*I pirlty, hit w il tit t'rly f.ail it seculrintg ihe voiti's of1 the "unju11 lst r'iat"' irgaiation t ls i of (till coi try. Noii'n will get thier vots for he~ is it auccoirdl wit hi t hit'n on the' intias cit lti. it il:tcn ht. liinse'Ilfiln the' tiop shitl tiC Iback ntinhiiers. (vli <at~.\t l . l'oa l tu. 18. l'e~liil ph s h ti linissi(on inlitf't tlil :ui ordered ('hist't t'rii r ad b in :ned.ll Sltexluive.. the C olisaw cotmpatny ti,witld legisla tive't action r'et iognizxingI ut direct'tly, ari i' ambhiguouiis wo trdiing oh thle act iay be ti'hi basis for te cornpaniIy to c'latim a mn' extterid least'. 'ThIe bitardi also piassed( a resotlui ti order(iting the roya'::- to b e intcreawd-I t abovtl $1 petr tout, iruitg six ioths from dalte. Yi ':3A, A izo11na, F"eb. 2. -Lo~ss of' Iife is re'porit t'd fromt G ila iValley, bt no piar tieiulars have been received. 'lThe South 'uri l'acitic track is washed out f'or twehtty-four miles East oif' Yuma andi is tive feet uinder water. (Onue hiudred adtibe houses have' beeni washed (down and( three hundred peopille tire homlhess. Mulich distress prevails foir the want of bood, clothiing andt( shelter. Tlheo school rants andit all the stores but one are 'blooded. 'lThe Yumna Timhes oflice Is comuletely wrecked. BLACKBUHN ON CLEVELAND. Iil) thinfIllI{n gs l'rce Nii e iisemea 1 '.in I .i iLv., cI a. bv I c 'llt. Ifttel, ii ('W bhl! NCbI Cah, ., KY.SIiatt)r Il ekri c say: a" t he lightitf t he publied liof laild'N I'w"alit letIt'r anttagtal7 M] INq-, 111 p) tAy oil the h 11iest jiit belitvi. thell. Li a lIn.ra e :1he (d Lic ft' t ! %will) wavm iIsti loIlli lilt-iol fI Im tilt lIrsiuh-1ic.v o who helil-ves tiat, if. \oil Ii-he p i l'h.' to elect liii ii 18'-12 if no' nated No or galli itionl is vll',v(, l( (0' at ( Ipr( hcre, hmstilp t1o hilln, bint I hejre is now)% b"it mle o111 1 10in n iti s t his l:-k ()f :tlbih ty. I have Ili p) rs -il objec tion to clevelaild ill I h lrt. bum '4 1)(. 1 1 la iid Ilevel will he ill lav(;I of I lit ,t'illi it.tI.ioii oI I t) y a I 1I who I ot, Ij I jI Ii cord wit I our i rt Iy I p nII tih. glfre-,I I_ SitI ipo VIli(ch it, is to, lio &tidIt'E o1r reject '( i 1 d1) It hlt- 1 h:1 i aI I '"i" ('it" lit' i(CV(d V 'rd si t in M wim is o s t to ree si*.4 - C.)1l:i4p T he peoplehav beenl trill-, um iII, enollgi OI thI Silbect. The I r Iri is thilt for twt-lnty-fiVO year I) jI N u 'York Iias iiever Ilrn isio I I )cnIi e -ra: it leatdf.r whO ha.1, not biven ill thorwv h accord with Wall .1114 at va friLane with the uiasms ti Imt plu. 'lhi is wmi as trie of TIilnTiI as if is tii1e of (.leveliid. I htve ilong.l I i se he dty whenl thv I l)eloirat-s . I e 't a l'rs dent of this c nit i III I , ing the 'ribilti, that New Y-rk aiis levie-l. I think tihut ti. ti-im . i. t hanid. I have Ill) tiv4rif cnaili.lttI but. oly illsist that, fie sh:0j lI' a f ir and -sh lit Ne r i1ti v io i*ettit cratic Seiltlliveit,l. In Ilyv jildgill 111 In the light ()f thet ISck-; ( v i Al Iex i g r alnong thle N(,w% \-rk I1 Ionvratsi woiltd lit' 1m1wise i vty Nc \York ilan. ImlowevI wvi. c.11int tIll whlat, t%%) ll(Ilthls Ililay O tl I :ml U P arty Iiiai, as y o u k n w,i n I It party candid;ale wvill lit. Ill. c.ltlzi; bit I hoth bcheve andtlt I ;il th ii 1) I i inlin ll l hbe i tic li . 2 4i ! i Inanl wt.o lpmn vital issue - r.; tille St.-tilient (f thv it iv r m lt-11 l. iI g ma.jorit . (f the( part y. W hal i alii .1 11i I alwas have livei ; ir"nn"riv I. ver-I lil ai is youl -%%(,I kill,%% .in up o lat issiu I nevvr .O-twt It v1haigif ny VI ie w %4. *ery trioly y - u;; .n i . l*'f. il.\ * \i 'i'i Th e Tag Tat (-1o]1ef.to1r. lit went, Iluti elf lit in I - : rit i r i g t hai I t I I' lI I o rl :i.t 1 l: l X n 1 it ii fiers Sh:all hb padL direvily I itoI thlti Stalv t rea4itry, .i ', ig ' jl' i bec lit I(. ei\kA by I :ity TH- ai uri r tale. Tilt. entilr tit toax illet n fn t wiscl year fi r ii Nt)vvmlv 1 itr i , ti!w] d:1 t in . is shoi bI tht ri1tt q .I ll I m i.s ii vr lbtitler, aI .- 111(1 . i that it ih seen hi t ht th I',lhecllons mfo the tag tax ',in(-e they hank. btet-n pai(l directly 1fte ite State Trism-urr fri mnly 81,Y.1.1 I I-SS thaun ih, allImintlilfti for the wihilot. past liscal n i-ar. I t wil oc ilitest lilg 'It-a' .otii i c-r hsk 4f I li present fiscal year h14w nilich incre-a-d reveille riit- l this Singlt S o rct. will i le ill ats thel re uv ft i .-j ji . t flotwh' hirushtd for i hv dth t', ii 1 nillishimnel,1111 o tHi pti- s w\itl bave hbftl Seking to vdthte payinclit o te tax. Ii-gist ( '. he killed : (l l le p:Ilit Itl 1 i, Pi I , I I . fmur(ee wasp t3ikerd 0111 int_Il (It(-ii' to"v oil his " a:y h ! islIdr 1 . i:- . it W hil ' ire he wvas lr_i c- tIi indiet. an apliexiladte t1 l the aIik Mf' ih the ulaysl hiaw (inlnisi-o it eii lid t-1i0 ritie whe rilyal(y ol roIik . lilt I lied 111i li to thatII the V r 1ya) 1111will t 11 b "i r Iw IHOW I)) IT (ET TI4 ERTE I rH RFPORTCD DISCOVERY OF A KING'S TOMB OUT WEST. TWsh:at P'olplo Mpil ligr eono11 Whn itlI 'lThv~ 1.he--A Very Import PIf .4 1 el r if 1. I t I 'rov4) kl T rItc. >1 the n w' h O'l t 1 b 1rcted by iar 1on1011 ok lhi're was discovered xhat S(. Im ; tI bw til t'm b fit a kiiI(or himu lh of, whlat I'c l it wo ld do bt csi tzzlc ai ti uatirltUll'ian to say. Tie V01rkmienl had pIlete< it sonlic eilt, 6t b-low Ihe siurlIce of the igroluld .hmt tI. too,k toI boe stone of, a soft,, riabll atlure. which %wa evident1l% ma ,I)III l V0'It very Suplerior' worktini sillp N-b14,1 thlly reIachIed the tollub itsellf. IP ls wa;- t compllosed ol Ia.e saj-are 1k- "t sl:1-, VI-;h was identified as "t ."1 I '.'* ,vnI;itt.- ind cemlented to lt r withuh skill as to at first caulse in' while. iII -;1 r11 12 lw\ I. - le t, to ap I"'lnr a a s(lid ma-. Th olening of Lhi-4 whil ' vry dilhi-Ilt. as the uS'C or IOvdI was pr,1 til.- .v r. Ifenrick sl 1, whAof, as- ja l-lnt d anh,oitwas Il1ed in l rll it' llt (xItlation by th- aill an il wi :u-i-niplished by InIi I- , whV tII ti I a re an enr-kII(IClI1io)3ity t t1he 11rtyv w -o v, that, the work """ h hooipi.,h till dawn. The tlbll). when -I% ned, wais ounud .t I tta a a - i Ina ut ly ill-_ at. Itll lenIll :1111 I:lla e o 1 Cha - Inixedl w1 a Iwrt oX preparation whicil '-vs : t 11m c(oh>r an a sliIIt, hwt: v whol :Ippearin." to have heon sill'ic(tced to) I,.rcat heat. The im r eI'resents tle tikeol Iigure, except o r :1 vvrY tih 'il11 aboult the waist, a pair' 411 t1h .--littj e (il,, nd . Cr w ili t'! liad s!mlueil very much like a h1h('s Mii.rc but t'-pied vitli the head >:I hawk Ir 4 Zge. ''lhe!'.:iluiv,rv rotuhily moulded, of i,-n!e, with a prl mbl 't-11 liose anld a erv widh iimth,!. but with cheek bones .( i.o v as II preCCIMd0 all idC;a that the I i coul havi, 1 een ai Indian. 1,11 li'11 is, wlhil ;l au. sinalls its a wo imut and hmar hc i Iie backs the head at the hii a, , Hit riow,. m'e crossed ') it the bra--- :md i h h lnima't about itS- lr' ihe r tlo ' i i i:[11 'tint litur, o 1robbly clm 01 a . The vet are al, cr-wd, tit rihit tititti the ll taty it lt IM (winv. Sixth toe, hh the santhil i- cult, to) brma into piulcl, aI ! thl owner had prided drelssecd lin th1k CuII.i bt 6111 "sIide of thl !iall. r .IIa . i I 'a th hmiuers, and brmiu.'ht down1 I-, thi. !,-r %v-ws ov r thle Core Ih ll. Cand l e-:a di :ion ol'thi.- clay Ii,r 1ur4 rI,V Ah-d tHit ;6 w IMTrIly the clah orat ~ II t olno he r.dbIdY -und cmuld be (penif lfml '.I- Itlk. T hll s was done Wili t ':tr*t -,11:Is not) to di-turb Ihe rT1m:,11ns whn ut a ll!w h:undlii (It dui.-., dark br .ila d abno,tUnpalable liwder. is thil h vas li id thi b y i. The crown, 110hOVr, il tother With11 the "irdle, tht imn._w )' 1L o , and a hare battle uxv wvith :t hdadu- of, 'har Lass Ir bldliiall. arnd a h1:1ldle 4)r petrified 'md t're illiJIld hi the colli. Ti'lle crl nil is il Ilhick Ivld Lp%old, Curved lilth Imlinti but wvill execuittd drOvitnte I:trew' ;1! 4.Ib r pictures, th mleanling a hitch Is .sn i misty, but in all theo ri ci paIi 'l (Ill'r is I 1 tlutts of' ra tman wigtIn: ivut ionu iliosi riiht ftii. IThe hue,t:i 1 h hi rr adIis d li it is b ax mas i0S.- (ithI ne'Cilittort (ah-hutbites o tilt-i dti nd,~ aluetil byt the Azte.s Wi show,- i i som att inSit ath hipiiie .io eirdh. I' o fu is a coisu yte ofplate of't't 'l trnmI<tt likebOY sae ad.r ofV'i thet weirt's b.ey. (hdie I:e aof eth ese plates,which i i shpeau al elise la. tgnii ids :hfiub. or 'hieocaphaics cot s tiini, hwetve rrvno hertof t,heir wiattgs eunntlibly a Ii: is madrel of -ty(It ticomb Ilii wirth the tpriearation r"on'ut of Neorse, ailand a undil 'l'>ron-:bcloy liel I)t,reprst s a rt adagascin,haos mairthwe oth iatuios over a lnre rebel s hangwih hir :ivs The !bieu re illow,d.