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JEFFERSON DAVIS. W, have publishd the accounts Of many interviews wi 1 x-Presi (lent D lavi, but the following il'1i George D. Prentice, oditor of the Louisville Journal. whih hli Ie pub lishes in bis paper, of the 5th in st., will be found ligh1y interest iin. just at this time: In the course of an in1teirview that we had with Jefi. Davis. iin January, 1 85. the suijeet of the terms of peac, wa i ntrodu:ed. _1' e. Davis asked us what was the chiet obje(ti)n of t b Nort h to th1e 1'eni)-ciltionl of Southern indepen - dence. We ;iswered that the North kntew piefe cty wcII as un! gLue'stioniably h, (id, that if sEic should lav down h.: aim .nd cun :ent to a (liv!'Ii1 n of the Unilni Iinto two conedriia'ies. he iersjlf wouI(l very soo he dis ed: I ht State after Sute--i:1 < inly and States coineI icd lv-would se cede, andi the wilie North be t:plit up into pet y powers. or no powers. all of them contemptible in the eyes of mankind. and not one of t hen willing or able to con tribute to the payment of the iiational debt. Mr. )avis replied. with his i characteristie C:ainiie-s. that this was ctatiily true, but that the same thing would happein. and probably hatpI)Cl all the sIoon r. if the N vrt'h shouid co; ti: "Ie to prosecute the war. We thoulgi at the time, that Mr. Davis was greatly mistaken. and told hin so. We st-illHtrust that we were corrcct in our estimate of the charctcer of his opinion, but just niow we cant iidulc no over-confidence tlat We were. The North contiilred to prosecute the war, and the South, after the bravest and most : ds perate resistance known in wr' s annals. was con(quercetl. Bt now comes the North's trials. No w we are to see the test of her initernald strength. .If, out of the dreadiful war between the North and the South, a Northern civil wvar arises: if Northern armies pnarchu against each other, vengeancee before them,. and blood and death and desertr behid, .maniy Northern States will very soon iweary and sieken of the horrid work, and will probably adopt secession, as the surest and quickest remedy, fully relying upon the mighty troubles and p)erils of t he Federal Government gsa p,erftet security agaist coer elOn. Most likely the North western States will go oft first, re pudiating, of course, their ~ppo tion of the public debt, and thus * piling higher the moustrous finan cial upon the shoulders of the remaining Sta.tes. These will have neither the will nor the ability to bear up under the crush ing weight, and sC) others will secede, arnd then others, till the whole North shall be divided -up into such poor, litt.le, non-debt paying, feeble mock-nationalities, as a citizen of one of the Mexican States, or of the South American republics, or of one of' the petty, miserable German princeipailies might look upon wvith contempt aind scorn. Jeff Davis' declaration to us as to the ecoeuen-:ecs of -the war to the North, ifprosecuted, will be amply vindieated, andl whatever resentments, if' any, he cherishes against the North, will be abundantly satisfied. We tell -the Northern fanatis-~as alve of our .whole country, we solemn ly tell therm-that, unless madiness has seized upon their hearts and brains, they will not, insist on pushing the dlissensionts betweecn President and (Conflrre>s to thle light ing point. They may rc> assured thavt if the fi&ght e mn-s it will be to tiheml >uch an one as * they have no ac:ount of in cither hj'dory 0or tradit ion. They wvill - tind it an inflnitelv dile eAt thing fr'om the wa -fterblin dreadful as thaut was thrououLI1t * ~ all isatnal. Thej~y w ill find th. m selve~s a divided people, divided aba1i1it (eMaily, (ividedl and mnutually hostile. whilist the wic poplat1ion' oi the Southi will be a unit, able lu >t vil:e' 1ar thir friend.s. or' standi al fromi the Dlash. the crack and the 9oar of war, as may seem best to them. The thick (eioud no0w enveleopinhg the South may be partially lifted ; but nigTht and storm. surchaurged with bli oody rain, will (lose over the N orth. FFARF.UIrLY AND 'AoNlERFULLY M.DE.-Tiie first page of a (con temporaury leads otf with this -ta rtling an nuncemn t ; { 'Our male~1 this weel< contLains RexieW5 r i- .....,i' T~v ..,. -IjsiC.. 'i f l 1;ouF: (4nt.1'1.-W--\e observe that an ali)table f1r-il (f l"ality h1 been inu l rated in li m1ore. by the e-i:tlbliSjiuen1:t of a iin sary. whtel" the p'cor can obtain (lay. Severa';?l youngi and promil;isin2g )hylsicians have ( nime:ed'1 tiihe l1-ojekt and to those 1111 unrtina1111ae s who1 C'omnhino 1 in them2se'lveS th1e eViL (of eXt emie l>verity and ik v is is worthy o: unItau,onl eve'v w .here. The. Coiilnn wnter with it, ke,n and chilling1 blasts, will find L1udreds of our lo,r p1 lc d ii tate !> fd eUu li!lg anml i t" . e i w(<fi \ lt nlecessarliv lcau.-e snifie 1 aichiess. ;1e se(e. ever tV,L fromr the eoiulltrl. old aid '(O lig, in (u' i'et . I.!lre in "";al'i n. LunvH'x bare d a: .! hl c , nule and hi(tgard ;(lsOe (f tI iei are mo 1iers. searcelv ae to bear their little infant in tbeir arms. for the want of food and strengt2h. Ii matters nlOt from what cause they sfL'r poverty and sickess. It is the duty of all to help. as they have the means. If our Fat her in .I;aven1 withheld his mercies from all w li .i1 lainst liht and tie eo.v >ilns (A truth, who then v ouild stand bfolre him tcquitted? T i sa . : thi: !. it n t (d parage mlent to any commnunityv. havin: the I ean 1to rel: Ve. to all,; such (istreCS to pass unrelieve d. 1N IN :TriG n TE; . I. - th e tax is (nly chargeabtl.)le when the :-)ttuui( e.v('s ih C'(?toectionll I)istrict i h as been suggested that "the way to save the tax is to manufac tare (otton wher e il is gr owI. There will e doublie a(ivant attges in this, unot oniv in the tax of 815 >er ba!e o 1500 pouns saved to he priodr1(Cleerit i lie manuif'actur ed trticle wv ill brin r him t wice the nfoniev that the raxw material will. By formning: associ at ion in every -ounlty, the phofai ers hiave thus the is well as the country. the greatest ervice. Let them profit by the pportunhy." "The largecst cloth maniufatctutrer n Maryland. a man of' pure South rin blood and lineage, said :. 'Tel he people of the South that nauufaeturing their own stpe s the pro(pder way to be re'venged pon the Yanikees. Nothing~ will bring the New E'nglander to 4is proper' senses so amazingly ; nio ther vindicat ion is so v:orthy of a great and mag~nanimiious peolie. hey can beat us in abuse- and rckery let us beat them in arts. elence, statesmanship) and( hOnest raft. Nothing pleases your Tan ee so as to give him a chance of ialdry or r'idicule. Be st ill igiant.--imhiustrious--self-sustain ng; these are the winning2 trumps."' P.E T RIFAeTION s.-WVe were given esterday, by Mr. RL Y. Amerson, ii number1C1 of very curious pe.trifhC ions. They were picked up) Iy Mr. Amerson inl Floyd counlty. Georgia, and ab'out a mUie and a alf fromt Fl,rd's Springs. The Spcimenls before us ?on.sist of' sev rad beech blooms, per'feedy p)etri fed, yet still retain:ing' their r feet form, pieces of twigs and roots. and fragmnicits of peaehstone. pLer'e are all hard as rock, and have every appearanee of mineral mbtances. except in shape. Theeloi'iatIins, 'we are in formaed. abun in1111 certainl por'tiPn s f this count y. It seems that every al, le e 5 fails to i'n til rS Cl I a der tes he:t. ritientie It is ei the 5(il-orn:e .aency wVhieb ex orts this .u ilalh' influnene. The 11in' whe.1:e theose fo>sils raryV, it. is elevated and di ry. fiatriaist ighYlt lind somet hing inl his to intereSt him.--tlanta/ S 1Es (ossi : N.--Iil. Th~ad. >evens statedi, in his speech at ed hv thle laws has a right1 to make them.'' This is all we ask. Let t he S(duth, then, have its pr)oper volee mH leislation. They pay iln euos: they are ununlfQJed on0 lFederal iries: t her are assessedl and'. leviedi uponl by Federal revenue ageQnts. T1ation and representa ion are' insparl'Iie. '[eKii iL)lllti is .IIt have ~'~ueve~ I an exam ~i iation of Si PERsTiTTIONS OF CI1LD1o(1). All old1 wr'iter sa\s. "Silerst iion is t Ie g i' e:ii l b rd in i e w o rb l. of the truth of vhlich r'em:ik mali ; piCrsonl are sensile from iheir e(: 1 ie.t Childhood. In1(lded, sup ers i tin is the ig'ar' f the nurser 1 ; to t1IVe, Children"I of-thlis pern'i1 eious fIar. 'if io g'eat excita Lfilit y and pO wer of iminalltiOn h retrin i:. LAi Ahe Jh W sllan - :aiis ( t r' IaI'e wv :+ii ' hi- iiu'-t ime(:,s of i .ahohi i i thosc eofa t ('I (.# 1 ,('i(\y. vI 11i " '".H" m io . ii i I t ( a:a:'.'a''i ''. a 1 tiaL 11'!!'it (:e h i l hi 1:n : u" to Cee Goda int-.rm1. mii h:,"ar him in the wii0 t as the poor Inian, but by havin himind tutored to trace th ; reulatr ('ourse of uo' s pi'ovidci!c"e in the m." strikig phEno mtia of nat urai science ; aml(I weO see no ob?jc('tioil and little d(ifi culitV. in explaiiing to him so Iu'li of the letapIysics as may enable h:Im to unravel the aSsociatiols o[' arkne alam! the c(hurylard. - Qu.ricroy in cu:W. * te a e'e'i ' ith 1lvr. F'o1i the editor of the Mobile AdeCcr ; sc)',i s1pleakil, of the pening (Ol stitutlinal amen<hnen1ll'It, whencl hec sys: ' .lt , Im ,a ns tia t i w e o f th ec S o u tl l are to Sell L,e: "'1 tai ohsonu, ailt our best and truest citizenS, to disfr(a(nisemien:t. s th plri('e \\f thec reco(.gnitionl of o)ur claiui. We (an never' he so base as thatI. C\y hand shall wit her b efbr Pasting anyl vote in that diree(onl i the( worst comeCs to the worst'~ we (can t least rejcet rei ionl at t he 'os"t f'honor. and 10 dcine1 to eleet ( r 50end Soulthierni Repr'~eent atives 1 o Congriess. If the Radicals isist >nl dIiiion. let them have it ini his T;'av.' A hmly of high1 sting'l in oy enath1, Dax aria. sen t U a hu-ge snan tity of delic'ac'es to t'io wounde I men o1 a hospital. (omposed of both Premi:ans mui iBavar'ians. with thV ret'iuiest that they le'-g enI ''o1l V to iruiinSjI. The. 11 We Pr IssiansC re uned hler ~ saig that tlw andVUl( the Va' rians were all Germans together ( and on the batt lefield. th1'ough"I on0 mies, in t he hospital, wmm ded.F t hey' were friends andI hea'thers If anyV acionU c'an take anyVthingL from the horrors of war it is nobled conduei't like thil'. GooD SEWGTSTON.--The Mem tion ofthem~ pe~ol of the Sout hy O (ul eiV(10lcted del egates, t o m'eet at some cntral point, and ia! F fed by an I flmmediate commission f'om1 the pepl to express~ inen-~ senitimen1ts anad v'inient(te thiri 'oli2\ y1F and p'1pOSes from1 th .Endlt asersions lie'Uped buon them by 0 travelig' adventuehilC'5ing I F (n0 th rog heII orthr U ates,.1 moiy a iI u ". 10wil ae 'r)wer ii Lii in hi1a d -!I m .no h -ia a tle ~'. 1n kin p' s ot Ih no ' (ufin 't -'\F I A. mother once0 asked( a lry man whex~l~n she should begin the Feducation of' her chil, whiic'h she tol im was then f'our y'ears old. Madain," was the reply, Cyou have lost three year's already. F4romi the flirst smile that gleamis over the in fant's chleek yo ur' op) sx,-innitol'r_____ TIlE STATE O1, SOUTH CAlZ);IN.k--1 Equity-Newberry District. Sally AY Thom1pson v. Thos. A. Thonpson :an .11 ). ThIomtpzI a. Bill 1or sale of' proper n il to 1IrsL:l :Iss( t:. I y order of th Cor urt of DAity, I will S( betire the Com;, Hwise at Newberry, on t first Monday in N)epber next, the real (' tate of J )r. Tihom:1as Wi. Thompson decease as fo!!ows . Ile HomI t"'. or ln(. containing i an1 fit-six acres, Imure r les and hondtild v I a is of )avidi 11. I'ii .r estate .f Clncellor Jolinstone, David Ial aere, J. W. Folk and other lards of decease Th'e Gr-" trci, of one hunlirtd and niinc acres more or lrss, b(o1r..ed by other Iion trncts:, the Colm(:n tract., : Iands of J. 1 Folk, Henry Ilhiec re,:d. II. 1iuzhard1 The Colm:- o '' fti f t i ' n :ac'rc mo"r; oi' ies, 1 u' e by theC lloIne tra'', 11 G;rev m .a.: ia::d of D. 11. J;uzardt. I'', C :n g: . : ( tlh iI (li Neib irr i:tiig - cres, ;ind bo n ,d y lot ltnr i7"' oto so 0NN 111o\ let:m Chl, Thm(0 'ae T( .-'i h pure!1'se" w;*ll be requli%ed f:v\' hm: , with : (1 ne' two r( ." sure:i and a ma:i, to s'cure 'th pulrcha mem y, aya |e i :o eq:al :t1m il in)5ta i-n: wi! b: il:i't r( r m dai y oI 'ilc- :nd 1\ 1 l. I l N ' h E , ' ).t':. (.. Com':. O:ltie , Oct. I:h, I '. d . . iv.\-- W .. .i v Y:in i.:t. .!o':n t:t11 f111 0 i;.t~1 i~ P..:- i '1:,_ U Ty he Comm1; CI yI I( 1 ::li, :!1 i!w r: 1 k 1. If e iOrme1(r pu11i1: ri, h fore 1the X:1ur1t 1ia at l ) Newha k'ry , l tn.: iir't Mondai:y in N.) em1Ucr 1rxt tiie reaIl ( tate Of Th'lona. Wiaiscn deceiased, as fi*1uti The .'tro: liiae-ial:l:lt in: 1Nwb :l District, contaniing five hundred acres, tao or less, and bounded by lands of Spene Rice, Elijah O'Dell, John O'Dell, 1ollow1 Hill. Jomeph Dcke't and Elizabeth Due' ctt. The Shelton Home place, in Laurens Di triet. of one humlired and ninety-eight acr more or less, mwl bounded by lands of Lyd Jones, Joshua )racan, Jio, Ray, Willia Young and others. The : Iel:on Qnarter place, in Lanrc1 District, containing three hundred and fcrt seven acres, :an11 bwIndId by hinds of 0. 1 P. Fant, Jno. Duncan , Lydia Jones, Willia TI': nMs-'lThe pi: ehiaser wil be t re'quiiired give bond with two good sureties to sCii the purch.ise mney p:lah!e in two cqu anial instalments with interest from d: of sale-and to pay in CaSh the2 cos:. of' the rocectl:.m4. SIILAS Juli\NT'i oNE. . . N. (oi's (,ice, Oct. 15th 18 St. ::t. THE STATE OF SOI'Ti ('AIOLIN A It(11y -N lwber'rV District. Loisa ('romerv', v. David A. Iicert and v. if Sill for 7'.ir titioni. By order of the Court of Equity, I will se before the Conrt ll.ou-e at Newherry, on tl first Monday in Novenier next, the real e ta:te of Jas. L. (Croii'r lccasll, situatcd New\\herry3 district, aI; follows: Tlhe IIome lace'. eontai1iinlg ninety iVer andi a half. more or' less, 11nd bounded 1 lands of JTohn Niller, Adam Epting w S'ean Setzler. Th'le Fike tact, contiaming one hunodn Id Gf'zy acres, imore or less, and bloundiedl 1 lands of Adam EptiIng, Jacob MoSer a; llenry Walter RIddlehuber. The M ichanel Cr'omeri tract, containing thi teen acres and a half, more or less. TERMs--h purchaser will be iequ ired ive bond, with good sureties to secure tl pymernTt in gold or it.s equ ivalent, of 1t purhase money', pay"able in two equal a nnal instahnenti s, with. interest thereon froG (lay of sale-thte costs of those proceedings be paid in cash. Comn's oflice. Oct. Ii th, 18S'.. ::t 1 THE STATE (OF SOUTH CAROLINA Eq;uty-NewherryT' Dis?rict. John Ti llouseal andi wife et al vs. Melissa Fahner1 e'I t al. Bill for Pa rttion of land By order of the Court of Equity, I will si before the Court House '-t Newhe;rry on 11 irst Monday in November net, (by) a ph of the premisce.) the real estate of Henry X Riddllhuer, deceased, consisting of a tra >f' land, si:uaw'd in NewherryX Disticjt, col tnining three hundn~red and for'y ac res, mo: or less, and( b.ounded by lands of Hlarris< [pp, Jabecz G. Lake, and the estate Wi llitm L. Riddlehuber, deceased. TEnMs - l'he purchaser wi'l be required give bond, with good sureties to sceurie il rurchase money, payable in twvo cqui nnual irstalmner, with interest there< from the dlay of sale and to p:ry the costs these proceedigs in cash-the payments be made in gobi! or its equivalent. SiL AS .JOHNSTON E', c..N..D. Comn's OfTg. I 1Ot 18663: h. t'. TIE STATE OF SOUTil CAIROINA Eqa1uty-'%eborry D)ist rict. A. P. Booz Ex'or, v. Mlary Jane Boovwr andl othet Bill for S.e of nroperty, relief &c. 1v ordecr of the Conrt of Egniy, I will se befoethe Court 1louc~e, at Newherry, onl t firt Emod . in Novembier 15(16, the real c tate of Thomas N iloozer', (zeceased, co siing of one handred and twenty,five acr( moTe or le'ss, sitnated in the District a'om said, and bounded by' lands of .James Sen, IIenry Enm:en, John A. Harp, a others. TERMs-The pu;r'-liaser, dlesiringz to do s wil be~ perm' t:ed to' pay a por'tion' or all ih purchase mainy'\ inl ecih-Cl 'erwi'se. on1, witih a l"ast two 'oodr"1re ies, an-l mortgage oft t'- retn1, wii I''m"equired seure the p aymel-i of The pu'rc'hase~ n:.O et from the (11at of 'Ic Te'eson!i of d i.' de ' ned. Tuedn. S N 1e: 2., d Te csts of thle ie preL'e eg muet Co:n's -oile, Ott , 1"'S - i'Vpay o iii oTAT the F i'l'T'11 P'01A' I'INA l- t Eqit :I'l) ''': o t:- 'i''a ' i J:nes m.d Iher-.)ll.or"en't, Ceie N.) hl)'rel' the Co'it lioue, at Neb e th 1ft'~' j O'~ N'i:vemin ''No embe l :' T Il t"hf (sep::re itwi 'I;'"lv (herfl' ITo outes 'the Giem 's moon iL- or :"m six aes, in the i~ret nd Sntat Cnforcsrie,a aim:nde by -vamidsr oacobIdebag. T t s-The purtiaser mea payo pryi tinor all of' the purchase money in h-c will e phermith t do so-thwi dseti whgodrte,and a. mortgage of th1rmss,w!h q:onre oy te pl urchase money ay- w' othwihiterest fr omth day of s ale. eco co fthee proeedins henT:t aidin.-. is.SIL.AS JOH NSTOeNE, c.E:. .n.) Com's (I'iliC, Oct 1'! 8. 3. hlXr te NCwr t iu)is:riet lber,' tte of& Geor, M r . Singly ni an Sitigley Ad'mr, v. Mary E. Singly a 'Il E-; STATE OF SO Tu CAROLIN -in 1i ( enity-Newbeiy District. IRichard V. (:it and wife and othr'r5, vs. 0. A. t1il crtord, Ador., Ind otlers. lEill for PatYition of lhmd. I - r rl)"r of the Court of Tgnuity. I will st-l b efore the CoU!rt I ()use at Newherry, on the irs't Mn,day in Novetbter ?e::t, the 1'(")i etate of Dr. Thomas It. RIt)herford decea('l,; cons;isting of.0a:t tw eulY,en(' hundr ledl ne'-hy-I pi: - th'lrof to be exh iit'd (I a(1y of ai(-tll( home place of about scvcn teen iundred; rns, in tIhrce' seprate tracts, ad the In(ian Cree(k taci, of alotn one tihm.....wl aer... .. two 5eparat: d tr a(ts. I !:Tn\a.--Thie p)rio'scr w"! ie r(qunc(t e to oay On: f,rtlh oi the purchne mione in c:-h :m to -cenre th rem:-iinrler by lbond wit 4n 4 -:s t4., o! reie 1ny'ble in tw o eqtl:! a'-:mia inr't;hne(1: r, w b initercs Sin to '.; y Qe whole i:; e !. Th'ie p1):. ity -N wh i: i: it A r 1 . r i i:o:, :I:.(l .(' ni ." (;y' l(t C u t of l'nilv, I will seli i bcore 1Ir- (':r li t Nwh- nr v 1."ry on t;le first Moniily in Nvcmbc" next, the rea1 ( -ate of 1oh,t ! rll !i : e , Co!Si5tii -- (): !iho::t uer:-n hac:d:o !ynres of aIn', Iyi::g it Nen .berrry ir liyc (eparat ti(i-b(y 1I)h- threof, to) be I !': 4 '' 1 4 4 4. ' f y, p44'ib.e i: !o n:t .-mn- i, andt. O : i he cost of thes troCeedings in cash. The purciiascr may however, pay any portion or the whole of the purchase money im Csh. r3 SILAS JOIENSTONE c.i:.N 1. Con's Ofice 13 Oct 1 86. 3t. -9. TIE STAFE OF SOU Ill CAROLINA-In Iquity-Newberry District. John A. Hender son v S-liy lHeuderson and others-Bill for l'artaitin. ' It appears to my satisfaction that Joseph W. Cidwell and Martoi E. his wife reside< beyond j; the limits of this State, on motion, of Mr. Fair Comp. Sol. It is ordered that the said ab,sent defrndat,is do ple.Ad answ(-r or de"tmtr to the bill filed in the above stated case. within three mouth's frcm the date hereoif, or the mime wili be taken pro cou o feso :)i inst tiheim. SILA3.h(ulimONE..F..I.1 l Calms. ofl:ee. July '16 -j Aug. 1 :bti:12. STilE STATE OF SOUTII CAROLINA-In Eqiit1f-Newherry District. Ileury M. Singley A( mr vs. Mary 'E. Sins:ley and others. Bill J for sale oflaud and Relief. The crcditors of George M. Singley deceazcd are required to render in anci establish their demands lefore the ('ommi-sioner, by the first day ot November next. cILAS.hiiNSCO'\ E, c. E. N. T). Corns otiice. Aug. :.lth 1136. 2mt1lO I ST\TE ( W., S(l)UTII ('AROLINA-In Equity--Newberry Tlistrict. Jas. I. Wil l ams v. P. H. Duckett. Bill for foreclosure of liort'agc. B1y order of the Court dated 5th July 1Siii, I s wil Iell bef 4re the ('omt IIlonse. at Newberry. .( on th lit. 4rst M1(r.daty in' No'cntib-r 1-'6. allI that di tract or plani It taitn 44f ha 11 kntown is the IDucke-t tract, Sit uatedl on EntOre Rtiver ini the D.istrict :tnt Staite atioresa id, contat iing Ioutr hundred4 , and filty-six acres. more otr less5, aind boundedL4 by 3- lanl of' I eter Iitcket t, I >inah D)uckett,4 Johi 1 4.1 l>iek:t I. 'Thomus \Yatson and the estate of Wil ii: in Ducnkett dceased*. r- Tin.s.-- he purchaiser will be r-equiired to give bond, wih at least two good sm-ceties, andti a inmortgaige of the premises, to secure thge purchase ,mney,- payable at twelve mouths, with miterest fromn dIay of sle-and to pay the cests of these iroceedinigs in cash. blL AS JOU)INSi'iNE. c. r:. x. D. nCom's oflica4 Oct. 1st. 1863. 5.t. *3 TUCl S IA EE (F SOULTII (Ait blNA-Itn liuity-Newberry IDi-Itrict---. B. StoCdard & Co., et. al. vs. 311elmel Buzzard tt. ah. The creditors of 31. P. & W. L. Buzzard, Tand of M P. lluzzardl and A. J. McCollum, 2and also of William L. Buzzard and M. _l. -Buzzard individually. are regnired to rennter . and establish, on oath, their respective deC mands hefore the Commisi.oer, on or be ifore the firist (lay of February tnext . eSILA-X ,J42llNb TONE, c. E.N.D Ct Com's ofli1cC, O3ct, 1st 1S(0. t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN\-in 1n1 t v-Newberry D)istrict. 1. It S hid:t] & e Co , et. al., vs. Michael Uzzard, et. at. tI ly order of the Court of Equity I will sell b Ordr thte Coiurt Iionge, ntt Newbary, on '-e fIrs Momla4)4iv in November next, the real er o tile of)IMilton P'. lluzz:rd, dlCe)cad, Conl e itin~ (if a tr-a't of !and( situtedC4 in New b her District, conttaitnin.g atontt two hi undred Sacre's, mote or less, atnd bouied by hme cf II the estate of GLiam01 Smf ih, de.'(caSed, Ilhis. o M1. Paysinger, Jiohn Deltonl Werts, D:miel Gogizans and David Werts, Sr. TotI)s-The parchaser wilt he rcquire I to give1 bontd with att least two good sureties to secnre the purchase moneyiC, p'4aable in two neqtt;l annutal intstalmen :s, with interest from rthe iday of sale, and to pay in casht the costs of thtese proceedings. SILAS dulIINS CONE, c.E.N.'.. E STAT O:r T il tiItOLIN A-itt Equit- ewerryDistrict. Ussian A. Ih c-Ifordl v. Abtiha?t larris. Lill to 'oreelore Mortgagc. C l'ur uant to an orier of the Co.uri. of Equity. dsteLAd .54 I Juily 180, I wlIt sell. before 1he Court d.3 Iou-e on the'litrst mnonday~ in Novemb-ttler ntext, a lot of laud and the butildinigs thereoni. in wit ichi the defenudart resides, centaininlg half an tcore tore 'r iess, and bounded by~ lo.t of Z. wh:ite c-c .ines ( 4auntt,.aril ont the tIter two sides by 'tn eis iin the Towni of Newbterrv. ' 'T'nm- -he pur chatskd will bie requiredi to o0 ' h-e ta bornd, witth at least two good suretirs. ndt. v :iror't'-ge otf the piremtises. to secure. the in.r .. rum nov oitstle-the co:S:S ot these iro ediD- to be pai Coms oflice, i>t, 1-3. 5t a14 l'cpii e wi' rr Ditrict. Ludyv l. i-hIle & wiev. 1atil W. Oeid & i?. :. *w.Th-ms & w thul t,r '::rti:ion4 ot La:d Iv oier .,I the : (nit t of iiquay, i ated ::d .July n a.1 'i 'e1 beor thei4~ NVr IIe, ttt next. th e ! l.*e og 1:4.4d 4t(eceased, r. censk i 4 lt''h 41' :eea ':eC of -tu'! -uated 11 Th-- 4ome 4 : true: cnt inin 1: u r lun:1rea e ',4'-r, Wi , -: Wei. W.4 '. Pa m m :san tv 'r' 4. t' w.:ty 4o tiere, ':ceer- - ab(li Inni .e'l-ar, . 11. i iams an 'td .J:ie C anonM r- +:e~ -h te : i. w.t'tit t wo1 14! iurttts, to C-4((i4 et' * r i e'' hat '. l '' 4 e.1 - ahe .14'ist w Oa: o ' I imb: i].' e 81LAS.(OitNSTO'NE, C. E.N. D). -fCom' Omee. 1s! OctobCr 1hC'. E 01 id' THE S,TATE OF S.OUTHI C.V'('LINA-In d E qutty-Newherry D)istrict.--limtabeth A. P1ayne, vs. John W. Payne A S. 1;, Chap a pcll, h, The creditors of thte e.wtate of' Elihun Payne, d, deceased, are required to ren;der and] estab) ie Itsh, on oath, their respective demands be P ore th.e Commissioner, on or before the 1st ve day of November necxt. e ~ SILAS JollNSTONE, C.E.N.b. in Comn'rs Omhc, ist Oct.. 1500c. Ku T1-]E- S'1'A'TE OF' 'OUTilI CAB( -I1NA In Equity-Newhver-ry District.-John L. -. H ll anid others, vs. Joseph Watson,Adr, d mid otihers. Iit -.redL... (- tile. et.. or ThoinaWat AT THII STOLL, WEL3 & CO. F ornerly Dancroft's Old St ;nd. (."7 King street,3 doors belowWertworth.) V: F have now opened a Splendid Stol: f ,'RING O(!DS, 1:nglish, French and A:-rn whc are of the most desirable sivhs athef Mei.t! enn)! af:uon . To :!It'' P111r urish ing thie Fre(e(dmen, 1wer for clothin; o for harter with them, :w ihol.eale Rnoom ciYer every imdace nn . Plan:M in( G.>col in everV v:u- tv o (14 in a e: ne v !!!rmet( . . n ) yib price iEs Fen to 1: ISl:1n t , l d : Snlip)ell liom pt:n(':iii s, i :tel insd na Iirownu = ii:", lle:ld :,ud B1rw' n ll :il:rk Frln(h Broa t':u:h, le'ilry : i G;love s, Ir i h Linens by t:( l iecec, T l1. and T owe'ling in nll \':'i1i s, Lin en i> m :1 vor?'1i :,cs !Alic'oes in all(il".1n- F l! ' et ih . : ns, Ds'' o,is, for Spring, Aping" .(, Clored Musliin. in evtr viety 'i11 G(:od ail ';itlts, 1itck Goods, ali !:2nds, Farer' Brovo' ,i: en Duck e, Fam r's Brown and \White Driil, Fancy D:ills nud Gottonades. Together with every other varicty to be found in our line, which we offer at the lowest cash prices, atWhole sale and Retail. We would respetfuily call the attention of the Planter, lMerchnis and the citizens (generally, of Newberry District, to our ad vertisement, and soli;it a call from them Ahould they visit the citv. All Domestic Goods are sold at a very small advance on agents prices, )V S %o7, Webb & Co., 11. C. Svo.iJ Chariestou. No.2S7 I;ing-s:., (iluARL13 W E:r., a 3 doors beloW 1. C. WALKE. " Wentworth, April18 Jan24ly. Char eston, S. C. Iz Pul)ishiel Monthly, at TE_ GENTS A YEAR, aliways in Advance. No subscripl!tio received for less than Tenl Copies, nor fo' less time than One Year. The Postage is 12 cents a year on a package of en enpies, payable quarterly or yearly in. ad v:r.ce, at the place where received; and in pros portion for heavier packages. at the rate of 1 ct. f:r rot exceeding 4 ounces. and I cent for each add:litional 4 <unces or fraction thereof. We have this en the authcity of the First Assistant 'ost Master (eneral. Money m:ty be sent by mail at onr risk, package w ill lie marked with the number at which the subscription expires. For thIree ,nmbers prior to the expirationl. a cr3Ss will be niled to the sum>ier: and at t he expirat ion ,the .-ch-er;iion wil be str icken ofl', unless. renewed. We desire: copies of all M inutes of Associations 'Son Ja S chool l.eports aml Pe~riodicals of tihe .0)outh, fur Iiig Editors TId Brethren will obl!i:re by mling them1 to ui. Al Eprinted mnater should be addressed to All commuiali uons, orders, sutbscriptionis and reittu1cs. to Rev. C. C. #ITING, Soresponding ecretary, Greenville. S. P. NOTICE. App1lation will be made at the next reg nlar Se-sion of the Legislature of South Gairo lin, for leave to close and discontinue the public road lea'.iug the highway leading from Newberry to O'Neall s Mills, near Springtiiel, (the residence of Mrs. Helen )'Nea!L j pas-iig ovej lands belonging to the Estate of the late Chief Jastice O'Neali, and to.1amese M1. B:oxter, until it intersects the h'ighway inading frrl) Newberry t: o Hligins' NOlEfCE is hlereby given thaOt aEpp!IeItion wi' be made at the. next session 0of the Le,. i'atue, to vest ill 1i. F. Landlrrn, all the rilh title ar.d interest oif Christian Urithsl anpt,1 de'd. cr of his hieirs in !i,'d to the tract of land !.: ing in FCtge'il)Ditr ic,. Onl nater's of* thle Savipnnah River, and! Horse Creek, and~i bonuded by lands of Kessiah Swcorngarce. A. C. Turner and others.lately ocenpiedl by llart'ett W. I latcher, dee'd, (Ie vised to him by his father, John Hatcher, dee'd. S:iid land hIaving been escheteCd to the Stat2 of Sou1th CaIrolina. July 1S Smn. The Sitate of South Cardoiina, New'berry Dis rie!lt. Ini the2 Court of Comimon PlIeis, Es Parte Ab)rahlam Harris-Petition for theC benelfit oflI:e Insolvent Deb)tors Acts. Abra! 11 nn I lriS, who1 is in Ithe cutody of the Shierfli' oiesaid Distriet, by vir'tle of an .n1her b all at the suit of Harltmnan & Si IOniS, hai'.: fild ill mIy iffic, -togethier n i!hP1 a SChe'li2t on ombI, of his esnue' "nd pron: eri v. Ds petilo t o 1(1he Co urt of G~om) mo-:0 Pils; prainig tha heC nmyl' heC ad n.iined to Ithe beneliht of the Acis of the General A SSenibly,ma~de for tihe relief of Iu wh-1 ent, D)eb:(rS: It is ordered thaI t theL said lIartumnl & Sirml:s and nIll oth'er, tie ('cditors3 to whom111 th v iaid Abrtfa )ha Irris is imicha-d ill jny wvie, be and apncear, be '''I Ihe' Stil (t, atNewb rry Court l iuse on1 Wednesd51ay thle sevenlteenth 1day of Owhe neu\, to slow e:Luse, if any they can, why tile said Petition shiould not be er:al .IE P. L A IKE, ci. ci. r. ~ crks ofilee, Newberry, July t;th 186t;. July 11-8tm. Cottona Picker I For Picking Cotton in the Field A ai:nne :"d conipact lust1Unnent 'weIghing 'tl2ns :.1o pui :ek. thiree or omr times fas t t. Q. h1'h:: le *: Co'o e C Cn and11. 81 Ied. . . N.Y. i . - I :2:- o*hutth sot (ug15 h le. tronb!e, and., L at less ex\pense, than by 331 ' anyv othe fuel c E ach article manufac+ired by this (Company is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. ?17 Send for Circular. .D] LibezA Discount to the Trade. KERU{SINE LAMP HEATER CO., .Aug 1 tf 20G Pearl Street, N. Y. 2,000 A YEAR MADE BY ANY one w'ith $i5-Stenil-Tools. No expeienIce ncessary, T he Presidents, Ca:iers andi Treasurers of 3 Banks indorse the circular. Sent frce withI samples. Address theC Ame icanf Stencil Tool Works, SplrinIgfield, Ver , ,Ilt Ang 1 3mno. An Old Song, set to a New Tune. m1866g "As spring approaches Ants and Roaches From their holes come out, And Mice and Rats, In spite of cats, Gaily skip : ." "1a yea s cst:a1ishcd in N. Y. City." "Only ;nf.liblc remedies known." "Free 'ron Poi onS." "Not 0ctm;erous in the Human Family. "Rats come out of their holes to die." "'OSTAI;'S" r AT, ROACH, &c., EXTER'S Is a paste--nsed for Rats, Mice, Roaches, I'eak and lied Ants, &c , &c., &e., &. '" i;' " B>cItED.RUG EXTERMINATOR' Is a liquid or wash-:ised to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-bngs, &c. "COSTA R'S" ELECTRIC POWDER FOR INSECTS Is for Ji,tis.Iosquitoes,Fleas;Bed-bugs, Insects on plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. BEWARE ! ! ! of wortbles imitations. [L-- See that "COQTAu's'' name is on each Box. Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. x'Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, 484 i;roadway, N. Y. 3 Sold in Newberry S. C. a"r By all Druggists and Retailers, and Barns Ward & Co., wholesale agents New Orkaus La. INCREASE OF -RATS.-The. Farner. Gazette (English) asserts and ~proves~by figures that one pair of RATS will have a pro gepy and descendants no less than- 651, 050' in three years. Now, unless this immense family can be kept down, they would. -e. sume- more food than would sustain 65O00 human beings. [; See "CosTAR's" advertisement above. RATS versus BLIRDS.-Whoever engages in shooting small birds is a cruel man; whoM ever aids in exterminating rats is a-bene eer tor. We should like some one to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out these pests. We need something besides dogs,cats, and traps for this busiess.--Sclen tific American. N. Y. [gSee "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. _. Sofd in Newberry S. C. ^ yr By all Drugttists and Dealers and Barnes, Ward & Co., wholesale agents New Orleans, La. E, D1 VALENTINE & C0, No. 15 MaIden Lane, New York, MANUFAeTLUERS OF. GOLD PENS, CASES, &c., Are now prepared to offer to jobbers and retail dealers the CHJEAP EST PENS IN TIL iLE A7 E'1 T he pens are of dif ferent sizes from Nos. I to 9, inclusive.' The prices of VALENTINE & CO.'S first quIality Gold Pens, without cases, and war ran ted for one year, - except egainsk acci d'nt, is as follows :-No. I Pen, $1 25; No. 2 Pen, $1 50 ;No. 3 Pen, $2 00; No. 4 Peu, $i225 ; No. 5 Pen, $2'75 ; No 6 Pen, $ 5 ;No. 7 Pen,$4 50;,No. 8I'enu,$5 50 ; No. 9 Pen $7. All our first quality Pens are 2.amrped "E. D. Valentine & (To>-. The Above Pens in Solid Silver EzShioa Cases, with Pencils. . T'or $200), a No. 1 pen, 1st quaityZ For y2 5', a No. 2 pen, 1st qunality, For 8: 25, a No. 3 pen, 1st quality. For $3 75, a No. 4 pen, 1st quality. For $4 5", a No. 53 pen, 1st quality. For $3 75, a No. 0 pen, 1st quality. 'he Sama Gold Pens in Gold Plated Ebony .jesk HoldeYs and Morocco Cases. For .$2 00, a No. 2 pen, ]st quality. For $2 75, a No. 4 pen, 1st quality. For $3 50, a No. 5 pen, 1st queiTrty. For $4 00, a No. 6 pen, 1st quality. For $.5 75, a No. 7 pen, 1st: quali4y.' For $7 25, a No. S pen, 1st quality. For $S 00, a No. 9 pen, 1st quality. Second Quality Pens-Not Warranted. Our second quality pens are st.amipe.d."E. Davis & Co.," and are carefully made',~ hav ing the samiepoints as our first quaIltypens, te only nmterial difference being ini-ghe jualityv of the gold. The prices of these pens are as l ollows :-No. 2 pen, 75e. . 3peim, $1 t0; No. 4 pen, $1 25; No. 5peni,. $1 50 ; No. S pen, il 75. The Above Pens in Silver Plated Eztnxion Cases, with Pencils. .IFor-$.l 25, a No. 2 pen, 2d quality. For $l 50, a No. pen, 2d quality. For $1 75, a No. 4 pen, 2d quality. For $2 25, a No. 5 pen, 2d quality. For $2 75, a No. 0 pen, 2d quality. Our~ pens rank throughout tihe couti-ry as equal, if not superior, to any gold pens manufactured, not oiniy for their writing qualities, but durability and -elegant finish. Thel greatest care is used in their manufac ture, and none are sold with tge sli@k@ impefection which skill can d'teet :We would call the attention of thme deaWrs e the celebrated PAUL BRETON Wach, for which we are thme sole agents for-the United SaIes. We have thean is silver and gold ases. Jobbers,. re tailers, jewekers, and all des? ers in our line throughout thme country, are reueste d to sena~ for a circular. Addebss E:'D. VA LENTlNE & Cog Naeufacturers and Wholesale dealers in Gzold P'ens, Jewelry eand -Watches, No. 15 Maiden Lane New York GROVESTEEN & Ca.,. PIANO FORTEMAIfAETJES~ he PIA NOS rceived the Highest 'Award of' Merit. at the Wo-ld's Fair. over the best m&s kers f'ro London, l'tris, Germany. the eities of ew Y crk, 1'hiladeiphia, Ualtimore and Boston;. a, the (.old nMedal at the A merican Institute s re iesccessive YeXars ! Our l'ianos contain i. renc .rand Aetion, Harp Pedal, Over .:-n lvis, IGuli :ron Frame, and all MLodern ;mp)reenajdts. i:very Inmstrument warranted VE' eat- MEde uder the supervision of Mr. .I U . uVI'> I E. who has a practical expe rec fv r thirty ii'e years. ar.d is the maker t oereken thousand piano fortes. 1 ur facil, ites for man ufacturinug enable us to sell these in* trumnts froni SlOJ to $200 cheaper than any lrst class piano forte. aug 151ly $1,500 PER YEAR! we want agents every where to sell our IMPROVED $20. Sewing Ma chines. Three new kinds. Under and up per foad. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary on large commissions paid. The on;r machines sold in the UInL ted States for less than $40, which are fuzl?y licensed b)y Hiowe, Wheeler & Wilson, Gro ver & Baker, Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are infringements, am1I thea se!!er or uiser are liable to arrest, fine ad imprisounent. Illustrated cirenlars sent free. Ad dress. or call upon Shawl. Clark, at Isiddeford, Maine,or Chicago, 1ll. Julyr 5 1y_