The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 20, 1916, Image 5

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LOCALS AND j 4 PERSONALS t r : t ~~ j Say, reader, bring or send us * that dollar. We need it. I Judge Boyd Berry, of Peiion, was 1 h<arp Monday. ^ w?fvT. Miss Pearl Ciark is the efficient f teacher of a thriving school in Shan- s don, a suburb of Columbia. c Miss Liz^e Ogilvie is the charming guest of her friend, Miss Carrie Mae Wingjrd. , r The fellows who used to pay for s their paper after selling the first 2 bale has given us the go-by. I Col. Barrett Jones, a leading at- ^ torney of.Batesburg, is in attend- " ance upoa court this week. The "feller" who buys for cash and sells for cash is bound to "get x there E8." Straw.hats are not worn after September, and that reminds us. "Where did you get that hat ? Mr. Julius Sharpe, of Edmund, has been spending the week in town.' The professor is ail right. i 1? ? i Thf-offlcial count for governor gave?aiHiing 7L465 and Biease 66,7&: majority 4,884. EE. V. Galium, of Batesburg. j a pjinent grand jurv r, gave us.ah call ibis week. P*of. and Kirs. H. Kellers IGitohel: | leftist week for Chapin, where j Prof. Mitchell is head of the school, j Saturday can be chalked on the i board as another busy day for Lex- i ihgion. 'Everybody was iiveiv and: in good humor. JPbere's the good in booming a i' town and then act indifferent to-;1 wards ycu r vi si tors. A i ays n ice i j 1 them pleasant with a hearty grip, j ! Cotton statistics issued fromL Washington show increase in cotton j ' used. More spindles running than | in previous year. i j Mr. Julius I. Adams, a leading; farmer of Batesburg, and assistant j carrier on R. F. D. Route No. 2, is here as a petit juror, I Capt. L. D. Melton, of Columbia, I has been in attendance upon court this Week. His friends here are always glad to greet him. Dr. E. C. Ridgell, senator elect, < is attending court as a pfetit juror ' and is meeting his numerous friends from all over the county. ?Dr. J: -M*. Poole, of Prosperity, has accepted a position with the J Harmon Drug Company, and thej young ladies are already smiling. j ^ Miss Lillie Butler, of the faculty j of the Batesburg High and Uracied i' School, spent the week-end with relatives in town. Mrs. Julian P. Meetze and little j daughter, Minnie Rachael, have returned from a delightful visit to < Mrs. Meetze's parents. Mr. and Mrs * H. A. Raysor, of St. Matthews. I Mr. C. C. Justus, one of the best farmers in the county and a mighty good man, came up from his home ' in the Pool's mill section to attend court. Master Ross Keisler, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tally R. Keisler who was operated on for tonsilitis ? . . in Columbia on Monday, is getting - along nicely. Col. Jacob Henkel Friok, the legal ^ light of Chapin, and magistrate of his district, was in town yesterday wearing a smile as broad as he is long. Good times these, for Col. 1 Frick. ; j 3P The Lexington County Fair As soeiation will have a votinar cor lest | for them,;s* ]joi?ular jonn,' i< *.'. v < ?. jt the fair to be crowned Queer :\z i i fair on 'aie last (lay. i, r *J ^gsi r Friday f% f Sftiitember 22 11 ~ k Li One of the inspection that will please you, of ladies who v courteous atten I I ; t Misses Cecile and Veda Barre, ;wo of our admired and popular 'oung ladies, have left for Winthhrope college where they will coninue their studies for the session. Capt, W. M. Wilson, the old war lorse of Peak, was here Monday, )eing a witness in an important case n court. Mrs. D. R. Haltiwanger is conined to her home on Depot street iuffering with a severe attack of )i. tuiismius. Mrs. Elizabeth Boozer has returnid from the Columbia Hospital very nuch improved. She underwent a serious operation about two weeks igo. 'If It's Correct Kinard Has It" B PL=s^> 1 / gH 5^ rfTv^o* r?^. K ? J^ iSJil ^ Ji-li-v / .i ii^jj. c^ii1. i V v iw'' g o< ? - p /? , f exlnmtion ox me; p^Hj i |jITS' I g 8? & ' I I 0 , fl .' -3 ?! 1 P. y.aL IwCiv wU <&?**,>; > / 0 * & yj Mw* rs to GT^ts-S*'* -j!<-T(T7tv<r?!,_ U1I& IS JTVPUUL IiiVita-1 tion to come in and | see what's what: ' this season in Soft and Stiff Hats, your finishing touch to a good apnesrance is a well selected hat. It's I time well spent| tOO ARE WELCOME ] It's a pleasure to show these hats, buy or no buy. PRICES $2.00 to $6.00 o M. I,. KTXARD X. ? Jft. w AWj U A. -??. ? - ? Columbia, S- C. ! tvwt nycr.rt# ssxMi w*r??v- ?ur ii'.mwf r^r.^gr^t^g'c'-JKV.agsn.'-i,.- I 2K * : jl :tjC'firta f ??^8^$5ro6*uSti3w5i J w-at-ij-jw' j;- ~w-%-gsr-.?vt,;y-'.--.-? "-JW. rj-arfci^-^tr:trj?c.---:r' a*'- w j i ?T /I If 1 I grandest disola o * has ever been s both in quality All visit our st< ttion and right 1 ARE YOU WORKINGS Work of any sort is pure drudg?ry your existence. But with a purpose ] for a reward and it lightens your ta pleasure. Have a purpose in life! Make yoi building up a savings account in this I you with the means to attain youi ol independence, wealth?they all com* persistently save. Same rate of interest (4 per cere.) accounts. THE OLD IEL ? ^ ^ ? m 4 I The Carolina National W. A. Clark, President. j ] T. S. Bryan, V. President. j | TWO WAYS One is to wait until yoi spare, a time which seldom < The other is to put aside | small amounts which you car I regularly. | You will have great resj & est when you discover fro-a v < 4 creases your capital. ?S$ rr<T f* i | j.nereis pront ana sa IK savings account v/ith this st? ? i YOUR ACCOUN1 1? y Capital S5Q,GO0 I ' ' Resources $ I THE HOME NA1 3 I SAMUEL I. GEORGE, Pres. JA ALFRED J. FOX, Cashier K. ^ ? Deposit 1 anc Borrow F This bank pays 4 per cent, intere your savings, and assists you to accu We have money to loan in any si the movement of crops, the develop] and all other legitimate purposes. WE want to be YC THE BANK OF 51 1 <-V^>> d /"T? I V;UiUiMUia, a *" " ' FOR SALE i. 'J | Ru acres 1 M-4 miles from Brook-1 wo, land Graded School: Fuilv s'2.0? 0 ! , improvements; Price, only *15.NOP.; Terms, half cash, balance on easy terms. See L. S. TKOTTf. da; Bfookland Bank. <K New HrooUland, S. ('. 47 i tor i ^ SS " jS BSE e:-s JL If JsL i?vT\Trirrn iys of Ladies Hai shown in Lexingl and price. Y Dre on this occae prices will please IITR A PUOPRSE if it means merely earning back of it you are working $ ,sks and makes work a real Lir life a Success! Start by 1 ; institution. It will furnsh )ject. A comfortable home, j within your reach if you | paid on both large and small I IABLE 4 /*/*** 4 Bank ot Columbia I los. M. Bell, Cashier. 'J fno. D. Bell, Asst. Cashier. | TO SAVE! i have large sums to at compound interest, | | i easily spare, and clo it w|| v i / i p* in Sr act for compound inter- f"j? ;7/ ! .. experience how it irs- |j| i j lu ft> 3 tisraction ior you m a lu U i ] 11 El ong onr?K. id I * ? 3 TEO g1 i |i j Surplus $ 1 C-,000 | i i ? 1 z orO fii TONAL BANK III S. J. WINGARD, Vice President gj F. OSWALD, Asst. Cashier zzzzzzzzzzz:? I t^ihUs I rom Us j st on time deposits, protects I mulate a competence. JI am on approved security for i tnent of business enterprises, ! )UR BANK COLUMBIA | S. C. 1 ! , I -f *~ j _ rhe beautiful and attractive Miss I th Clarke, of Columbia, snent the i i1 Si-i-c-ncl with her yarents in Lev-is ton. U i Yh. - beane ( !U'*ke left on eur-1 j < ' fee* Columbia. where she hesj - j V eeto'!a nositi-m in the city sc hue. is* i the ;> ( s ea .<( ssiar. #llllf tSPl FVJjv if'"'- J6 y? ?y> .?i IN, S. C. ts and Trimmi rnti. Even ? < ?? ^ ou are cordiall >sion, and evei i you. Come! I have decided in Lexington County, Lexington Court H Highway, and have Tracts, containing ab and will sell to the November. Any informati yon can get from Ca lumbia, S. C. Your G \j i i raL-nixvtnT-in^rs^ ??? ,f laHumajagT'^n rr-s; uyaB-^a.K.MLm-n Mf% I |! l t ? I >%,* I ' r\ 3, (U 7 Ac* ^4 fc?fc* V 5 1817 f^air AFTER TEE SET 1he 11 a i r ar-; J Skin nv e i ox t rrt tr> look. well during the social sea: BEAUTY F We are prepared to give you t1 merit for SKIN, HAIR A Our parlors have been thorou and sanitary and thoroughly com expert P'acial Massage, Electrolys Scalp Treatment, etc., and we us< FAMOUS MARIN After a course of treatment in TiTT A IfTAHi rjci/\ivi j "vjivi f and not a ghost of a blemish will The new styles in Hair Dressii and smart curls, and for this re line of HUMAN HA3 which we are selling' at most reas 1617 Main St. Climb a Flight an COLUWBI Mr* S. E. Smith Thanks Friends V . I V) the people of Lexington County: j I extend to a!!, my sincere thanks' 'or the confidence shown in me by I \ he liatterinjr vote tciven me in yes- U onlay's primary. I want to thank especialiy my | A nany very loyal friends who did! uch true and effective work for me j * the polls. i i j sa.aii aiways re.'V.omner it. and . ihad over strive to do mv full t?ut**! ? o all the people of my eoimiy. Gra:ofnllv Yours, , r . ... >. amith. I, ?c~7> tigs will be exh rthing in the lat y invited to join ry day thereafb to sell my place I 4 miles West of ? ouse on Augusta I cut it into Seven I out 85 acres each, I Highest Bidder in I on you may want | lughman Bros., Co-1 s truly, ' 1 . M. CAUGHMAN. f H f r 3 n* j ? ilt&Utlli j I 3 Sireet I i OI'TT\TG i ' ii_/_. u V <-1 ~ "5_i y I care and attention irtr.oy are a son, and in our j S I A TTi Y AT? C ! \ [1 1 he most expert care an I treatlnd hands. ghly renovated and are fresh fortable, and are prepared for sis, Manicuring, .Shampooring, 5 only the ello goods. _ _ _ our Parlors, use POWDERS show on your complexion, rig demand a quantity of hair ason we have bought a large j R GOODS | ionable price. Phone 2722-W id Save a Dollar j A. Si C. | I Shot Her Three-Year-OId Sen Summerclale, Ala., Sept. 16.? rirs. Walter S. Benwick. wife of a veil-to-do farmer living near here, 'esterday carried her three-year>ld s?rn a mile from home, shot him o death and then committed suicide iceording to re] oris rec-wcd hen-. ,, . i. ev .. 1 ..a . a ij ti itii iiv in . t:iv ?f her intention i~? kHi h^r chi!'. an ! Air. i. II. Steele. the cr->e<! mar >f kthar. in town :: !ay. 1 Saturday F September 23 J t ibited for your est styles, that the big crowd er if kind and