LOCALS AND j 4 PERSONALS t r : t ~~ j Say, reader, bring or send us * that dollar. We need it. I Judge Boyd Berry, of Peiion, was 1 h 1 / gH 5^ rfTv^o* r?^. K ? J^ iSJil ^ Ji-li-v / .i ii^jj. c^ii1. i V v iw'' g o< ? - p /? , f exlnmtion ox me; p^Hj i |jITS' I g 8? & ' I I 0 , fl .' -3 ?! 1 P. y.aL IwCiv wU <&?**,>; > / 0 * & yj Mw* rs to GT^ts-S*'* -j!<-T(T7tv> d /"T? I V;UiUiMUia, a *" " ' FOR SALE i. 'J | Ru acres 1 M-4 miles from Brook-1 wo, land Graded School: Fuilv s'2.0? 0 ! , improvements; Price, only *15.NOP.; Terms, half cash, balance on easy terms. See L. S. TKOTTf. da; Bfookland Bank. 3 tisraction ior you m a lu U i ] 11 El ong onr?K. id I * ? 3 TEO g1 i |i j Surplus $ 1 C-,000 | i i ? 1 z orO fii TONAL BANK III S. J. WINGARD, Vice President gj F. OSWALD, Asst. Cashier zzzzzzzzzzz:? I t^ihUs I rom Us j st on time deposits, protects I mulate a competence. JI am on approved security for i tnent of business enterprises, ! )UR BANK COLUMBIA | S. C. 1 ! , I -f *~ j _ rhe beautiful and attractive Miss I th Clarke, of Columbia, snent the i i1 Si-i-c-ncl with her yarents in Lev-is ton. U i Yh. - beane ( !U'*ke left on eur-1 j < ' fee* Columbia. where she hesj - j V eeto'!a nositi-m in the city sc hue. is* i the ;> ( s ea .<( ssiar. #llllf tSPl FVJjv if'"'- J6 y? ?y> .?i IN, S. C. ts and Trimmi rnti. Even ? < ?? ^ ou are cordiall >sion, and evei i you. Come! I have decided in Lexington County, Lexington Court H Highway, and have Tracts, containing ab and will sell to the November. Any informati yon can get from Ca lumbia, S. C. Your G \j i i raL-nixvtnT-in^rs^ ??? ,f laHumajagT'^n rr-s; uyaB-^a.K.MLm-n Mf% I |! l t ? I >%,* I ' r\ 3, (U 7 Ac* ^4 fc?fc* V 5 1817 f^air AFTER TEE SET 1he 11 a i r ar-; J Skin nv e i ox t rrt tr> look. well during the social sea: BEAUTY F We are prepared to give you t1 merit for SKIN, HAIR A Our parlors have been thorou and sanitary and thoroughly com expert P'acial Massage, Electrolys Scalp Treatment, etc., and we us< FAMOUS MARIN After a course of treatment in TiTT A IfTAHi rjci/\ivi j "vjivi f and not a ghost of a blemish will The new styles in Hair Dressii and smart curls, and for this re line of HUMAN HA3 which we are selling' at most reas 1617 Main St. Climb a Flight an COLUWBI Mr* S. E. Smith Thanks Friends V . I V) the people of Lexington County: j I extend to a!!, my sincere thanks' 'or the confidence shown in me by I \ he liatterinjr vote tciven me in yes- U onlay's primary. I want to thank especialiy my | A nany very loyal friends who did! uch true and effective work for me j * the polls. i i j sa.aii aiways re.'V.omner it. and . ihad over strive to do mv full t?ut**! ? o all the people of my eoimiy. Gra:ofnllv Yours, , r . ... >. amith. I, ?c~7> tigs will be exh rthing in the lat y invited to join ry day thereafb to sell my place I 4 miles West of ? ouse on Augusta I cut it into Seven I out 85 acres each, I Highest Bidder in I on you may want | lughman Bros., Co-1 s truly, ' 1 . M. CAUGHMAN. f H f r 3 n* j ? ilt&Utlli j I 3 Sireet I i OI'TT\TG i ' ii_/_. u V <-1 ~ "5_i y I care and attention irtr.oy are a son, and in our j S I A TTi Y AT? C ! \ [1 1 he most expert care an I treatlnd hands. ghly renovated and are fresh fortable, and are prepared for sis, Manicuring, .Shampooring, 5 only the ello goods. _ _ _ our Parlors, use POWDERS show on your complexion, rig demand a quantity of hair ason we have bought a large j R GOODS | ionable price. Phone 2722-W id Save a Dollar j A. Si C. | I Shot Her Three-Year-OId Sen Summerclale, Ala., Sept. 16.? rirs. Walter S. Benwick. wife of a veil-to-do farmer living near here, 'esterday carried her three-year>ld s?rn a mile from home, shot him o death and then committed suicide iceording to re] oris rec-wcd hen-. ,, . i. ev .. 1 ..a . a ij ti itii iiv in . t:iv ?f her intention i~? kHi h^r chi!'. an ! Air. i. II. Steele. the cr->ef kthar. in town :: !ay. 1 Saturday F September 23 J t ibited for your est styles, that the big crowd er if kind and