The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, September 13, 1905, Image 3

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i ? i i ? iijw? xmmmmmam? n*-~r ?i in ? linyler* candy fresh from the factory. .1. It. Muckorell. ? Miss Marie McDonald of Monroe, N. C., is the guest of Miss Dot Smith at this place. ?The ladies of the Kaptist Church will serve dinner on Monday and Tuesday of court week at 25 cents per full dinner. ? 2,0<>() bushels, of Texas lied Knot proof seed oals on hand. Heath-J ones Co. ? Miss Mattie Williams, of Bartow, Ida., is the guest of her iricnci, Miss llattic Taylor. ?Mrs. VV S. Langley, who has been visiting her brother Mr. J. M. Smith at Bishopville, returned home Monday. ? Wanted! Customers for Jar Tops, rubbers, and Jar wrer elms. J. B. Mackorel1. ?The amount taken in from the sale of whiskey at the Lancaster dispensary last Saturday, we are told, was $540. YVithgno dispensary we do not believe that the sneak blind-tigers would sell as much in thirty days. ?Mrs. L. L. Forde and little I daughter of Laurinburg, N. C., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1). Tillman at this place. ?Mr. J. T. Wylie, manager at Cloud's mammoth store, has returned from the Northern markets and says that lie has laid in a stock of goods that will delight his many customers. ?If you want to buy land, or if you have land to sell, call and see T. S. Carter, Real Estate Agent. I ?The meeting at l'leasant Mill A. R. P. church the past week, in which Rev. W. C. Ewart of Yorkville assisted the pastor, closed Sunday. There were five accessions to the church and mnrli <rrwift ^vwv. v/UIVI ? <11 I I J plislie d. ?Miss Lula Walters returned to her home at Wild Cat Friday from a visit to her brothers, Messrs. G. M. and Jeff D. Walters of Cheraw*. Aunt JeruaUa'v Qui1 ting I' rty will given ia xt Friday eveniog in the graded school audito riurn, u idsr the auspices of the Franklin Circle, for the benefit of 11 ? Public Library. Door*o ;en at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. ?A one dollar bill raised to $lO. was passed on Sam Boyd, col., at the colored camp ground Saturday. ?A petition asking the county supervisor to have erected at the county home a suitable house in which to hold divine services during the winter months has been left at Crawford Bros, drug store for signatures. Daring the Sun*mer the services have been outdoor, and as the ministers of the town and county arc very kind to supply preaching it seems proper and right that the county should erect a building for the service to be held in. For the ensuing session, Pleas* ant Valley will bo represented in the various colleges as fellows: Misses Eva Potts, Edna and May Harris at the Ashcville Normal College; Misses Rebocca Harris, Cloud Hall and Martha Bailcs at Columbia College; Miss Ron a Perry at Winthrop; Miss /tnnie Alderson at Limestone College; Miss Annie Ardrey at Greensboro (iVmu Li f \illnryn \f ouuru Si Iv 1 uiuaiu ' *'in , iuunoi n, Bailee, and A. M. Hall-at Clem* eon; li. M. Bryant at the University of North Carolina, and Joseph Rood, colored, at the institute for the deaf, dumb and blind at Cedar Springe.? Plonsnnt Valley correspondence Fort Mill Times. ? Sec adv. of land for sale on Monroe and Charlotte roads. ' '* DietC XliiMi pldCC, Oil Mullday; Sept. u, 190;, the Out year old infant child of Mr. and Mis. J. S. Gardner of the cotton mill district. ? Married, on Sunday, Sept. 10, 1905, by Supervisor M. C. Gardner, Mr. Thomas Phillips and Miss llcssic Knight, daughter of Mr. Joe Knight of the LoVig^/ille section. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will give a Cindorilla Party at the court house grounds next Friday afternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock. The admission will bo lOconts, which will entitle each guest to a saucer of ice cream and to a hunt for oho Golden Slipper. The prize for the fortunate one will bo a pair of slippers. Old and young are invited to attend. ? A special to the News and Courier from Chester says: "It will he gratifying news to Mr. P. G. McCorkle's friends throughout the State to know that lie is still improving, and was able to be out 011 the streets yesterday, for the first time since bis accident about three months ago, when lie received injuries that resulted iu the total loss of his cyc,:_i., it:. ? ' * sigiu. ins general neaitn is very good and he is gradually growing stronger. ?A mule and buggy belonging to Messrs. Jno. D. and Allen Adams was taken from a backlot here about dusk Saturday'cvcning and the supposition is that it was driven by some negro to the big camp meeting, for the buggy and harness were found Sunday at Carmcl church a few miles this side of the camp ground and the mule was standing in the lot of Mr. W. E. Wilson where it had gone during the night after being turned loose by the rascal who ! drove it off. Sheriff Hunter and the Messrs. Adams were at the camp ground .ill day Sund ly on the lookout for the mule and vehicle. In itliiciitrate Cankey's Court Alfred Jackson and Dennis j. Jackson pleaded guilty to ihc charge of disorderly con.iuct on the public highway and were fined $25. each or 30 days 011 the gang. They paid the fines. ?Johnson Benson, Columbus Jackson, Alfred Mackey and Tom Ely were convicted on the charge of refusing or neglecting to work the public highway and fined $7 50 each or 30- days each on the gang. Tlio Confederate Monument In soliciting funds for the Confederate Monument, we feel that our call appeals to every resident of Lancaster County, and wo need the aid of every one without < caption; it is impossible, however to make a personal application to tho people in every part of the county. We therefore make this proposition to the women of tho county, (those living both in town, and I ho country.) that every woman send ?1.00 to any of the following persons, who are each chairman, of their respectivecommittces, for soliciting subscripts ..t <1 ~ iltJiis ? iuo iiiuiicn m tutJ*u uuilIribilling will l?e regularly published in the county papers. Mrs. John T. Green, i Mrs. M. K. McCsrdoli, Com Mrs. J. M. Kit Idle, \ County Associations Called to Meet Next Monday. Mr. K. IJ. Smith, State president of the Southern Cotton association, has issued a call for the county associations in this State to meet next Monday to ratify the action of the committee in naming 11 cents as the minimum price of cotton and to forward the general interests of the asso ciation, Muritiv Dbtoywi. . \ ' rof, Greci, ol Due VVcm; who was appoint- d to ?'cp resent I.ah castci conntv in the survey of the j line between the counties *.'1 Ker- ! shaw and Lancaster, could not accept on account of not being able to complete the work before his school duties bcc?in. and consc- . quently the survey was not oegun Monday, but was postponed to the 19th inst. Mr. )J. M. Sullivan of Pclzcr has been selected to represent Lancaster county in his 1 sicau. ? South Carolina produced gold to the value of $i.?i ,Soo last year. ? Senator Tillman is shocked to find that the labels ordered by the board of directors would, if laid end to end and side by side, cover thirty acres. He is troubled by the fact that the whiskey bought by the board in one year and consumed by the people would fill a trough one foot deep, one foot wide and seventy-five miles long, and that the beer would make a miniature lake in which the biggest battleship of the world could Moat. As the dispensary was preeminently a "temperance measure" these fa.tts should occasion a careful daddy some concern. But they do not. ?The State. Avoid serious results of kidney or bladder disorder by taking Foley's lvidtiey Cure. bunderburk Pharmacy, C. (). Floyd, Kershaw, S. (J. Notice to Road Overseers. To all of the Overseers of the Public Roads in Lancaster County: By order of the Grand Jury, you will all meet me at my office __*i_ /* ? n * i on me nrst moiiaay in uctoDer 1 next, to make a report how many days work each of you have put on your road in this year, and what condition your road is in, that require not less than four days up to that time. Also report how- many county tools you have and what kind. Td. C. Gakunkr, Co Supr. castorta For 7. *'*:.. ' and Children. The Kind Yon iiave Always Douglit OilMi Will COST ! In ordor to reduce our stock wo until further notico. Wo don't in goods. We montion u few items $1 Shirts 75c, 50 eonts shirts 2 men's 50c shirts ?job?at 25c. $10 Stilts $7 50. $7 50 S MEN'S That cost us ft * You can pick them at these prices double Unco Overalls at 3S cents. Some big ba goods, colored 8 Laces, Embroid Don't wait till cd over. Sale t I V FUNDI OJp'i Iii - *v-J? it: ho I'.ich Thia \Wk. J n Conedondciu ' ?>! The Oh'orvor. Wadosboro, Sept. 'J. - When Judge Walter II. Neul convenes ;? court hern next week, tliein will lie one cafe which .\ill attract wide-spread attention. Already the <| lestion is being asked: '"NN h'it will bo done with the safecrackers?" It is a <[Hostinn, tho ai answer to which cannot lie guessed, since it is nut oven knowD n upon what charge they will he d triod It is thought that it will * he for carrying concealed weapons, and it is also predicted that thoy will he sentenced to the { roads, but n? one can speak with any certainty ^ "Drumming Dispensary." Vi'< m tho AbbiviiJo Press and Banner. Wo have road the speech of Senator l'lllmaM at K lgeiield, as U reported in tho duly papers. ' What the Sv ;.al< r say ? of thinking liquor looks to us too much like he was drumming for the dispensary. We are sorry that tho f Senator should have made any I spoech or any utterance that * would encourage our people lo orink liquor. ; We have heard it stated that it is being urged that if tho dispon- 1 sary is voted out of this town in ? tho election ordered by tho Lan- p caster county supervisor ono will be established across the lino in 1 Kershaw county side by the Kershaw county hoard of control. * Ceitainly no reasonable person will he caught with such chaff. Such a tiling cannot he done under th law If it wore possible, n [then each county could maintain a dispensary in this town, and a child would know that such a proposition is ubsurd in the extreme. 1 ? Kershaw Era. * ! - - u v.- /u> . ''Blind tigers" are scarce in )' Cherokee county, and we heartily yit commend the county and city otli cials for their splendid work in r catching and punishing them in t the city and county.?Blacks burg * Chronicle. ' ?- ; i ALL OUR SUMMER SHOES are in this sale. We would rather loso money on them than * carry them over another year. < YOU NEED ANOTHER PAIR before the end of the season and ! now is the time to buy them at a bargain. There are no re9er- 1 Valiums. Our entire stock is i i reduced. Call in and see thern. 1 iams-IIuglicM <)o. SALEM: are going to sell goods at first cost ] ilond carrying over any Summer to show you wo moan business. I >Sc, 25c shirts 19c. Ton dozen iuits $5.$5 Suits . i*om38c to 84., ! Wo still have a fow dozen 5oc. 1 j r gains in white mil white lawns, eries, etc. i i - t lie best is pick-; >cgins now. ours to Please, ERBURK CO - - ? - wet " ' Vv 7* "O * ' SI'ECIAli S? I'lilCES ARB AS CUBA Ouick Sales, SI For Fancy Si nil, 1 have I lie lit: o the hest that are made. All kinds of Canned floods and 1 nd excursions I c m supply your want Dhina, Crockery ai e ' 1 have a full iinc and can please you Jome to see my "> counter, lie sure est?closes on Ail Yours, J B MACJS flit tverf Man anil linn The NeW Y Re cause it is the strongest company ci auso ils policic? protect one null oca11so it has over million nssi 30CUHSO it has over millions iheeausc it paid in dividends in l'JOl ocauso it is purely lnuiual. It Inn B ocauso its assotts belong to the pi ocauso it doos not invest in stocks ocauso its policies contain only reniiiim ocauso tho insiuod loaves to his wi Ba law suit, ocauso its policies arc inconlestabl Because it paid in 1D0-A 10,000,0( ocauso it is tho best ostato you ca ocauso it gives you tho best prou for tho money. ' cause you can't utl'oid to carry anytl best. Call 011 d. K. BLACK MON of I,; dicution. 1 s-"= '? : >xx'- ?: " c: - FALL G NEW FALL GOO! \ Ms 1 Our hvty ! the norths * 1 ket scoo] i the bargT 3! - ^ i in a tew f i we will si 8 I of the | f lines of i j winter go er shown ft * i castep. ii *nd we invite vou * i i ^ _ : speci mem. I E. E. C S The L _ . v ?/> * < NOTICE !' AS CAN BE HADE. iort Profits! littler - l'rcservos unci Jellies 'icklcs, i'oi Summer IMe-iucs mi (* lass Ware bolli hi ju ice anil ?j?m 1 ity and 10 cents In see my eon O' ^ r> ? 6 tORELL. aii Should Insure in ork L,ife. in l.K> world, lion families, itts. servo over *5/100,0011. i I'.n capital -took ilioy holdorn. and industrial securities, ono condition "payment of low or estate a legacy and not 0 and nonforfeitable. DO to its policy holders, n leave to your fr"lily. ction and investment comhincu lung else wlieti you can get the mcastor and give hint your ap?rs-"~-axr< ' _ - '" * 1 is OODS. 8S 1 Wing daily i er is in j 3rn mar I B ling in | 1 -am c* ckYiiri ? JLAJLKjf ct;JLA\JL i;| I weeks : iow one! ? greatest I fall and: ods ev-1 |fl in Lan-1 1 to come and in= Ks Jloud j Bargain Giver | ::? :< - ?*>- -n ft