The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, November 05, 1904, Image 1

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m * *** s"''j ^ ^ -*^r.-r<&. ?;- , ?, -r~~^szszszez',sr T-'^^.r'gaocrrsc===m^ --r-^ ?? ,. ,._ jmaBaagwtI HS?.Jtf,OV7 a.CAKTE3? i 4Hn^Man?: ForlAc HwHOm^At i\rfCfficot j %32?0fc & Jf 4 !&?& ffsnreo AHP Malaga. t ^ | _ ^ ^ rvsagraa w .&?0KB?5V ".? ; n-W|flM<lA L A N U A S T E K. 8. Q.. NOV KMIIKU 5, 1904 FS'l A tf L1SH ED18/>2 , " 1 ? ? ? m?mmmimmmm^m~* ^ yr ^ .*r w yr w /rr *v4. ^T va ^^ ^ ^ ^--v ? -- ? - ? ? ? fweb] A 0 OUHANNl kFin U I' ^ u * &? iv. ra svi vy v cliliei f ii i?ir R ^ ^ ? j *a Kf "B "WTl V'/Cfe <r& S ^ AAA & <Cfe.?L | to come -A }l LANCASTER X r W /*r s^.4* ^ Z7 '^/f7 ^k..^ -^..A ^ ^r~ T? JS ^"^r. ^:- *, "*? . JS T PROFE SSION AL '. A P.L? i ] Dk M P CltAWFllUl) Dr II (' Hkown j OK W\ FORI) A U ROWN Physicim-a uuil J I uruMhtur, K. C, ' Treatmft. t of ihe eyu :us? and , tli'Oti afjucialtv. It ? un? 111 if in i* iy answii'Ml tmy <ir i niajht Olflju over Crawford !lnw, ' 1 I) u? 8to-e. lMioiie.-: Ortl -n, Xm 17'!; !i idencM 1 N? h 11 and 86. i rv r^rx*jf%r--*.^rrarr5ti*r r Ac^cacrw^^y ^rT-^^T** 3t^,r?icrr ? I Business 33ducilion ; < PAYS LA KG E DIVIDENDS! | YOU need a ( met Dal business ed | ^ uc.itii ii Wo rpiaruniee sa! Isf id Ii u. < 'nurses of study < ndorsed as being ihe ! in s! practical; t> ey bavo nosupcrin s | I list ruction i?iven is tlrsteliH- No J otl'-r '.ou-liK'n o llcjre-r-'r r icier ad- ; vaiitA*??-H. K tor now and prepare j ft r u lucrative i s!.', is. Our graduate* 1 ar; in demand iih as.-ist y-ui we ' . hive n.* aisle I hundreds?Sliev are in j ' positions. Wo ofl'or special rates ;'t? 6. C. Business College | , Columbia, S. C. An.'. 29, 1904? tf. err. X2t MWBMMBWB?Wi a W. F. LANEY , Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered from oflice in roar of Funderburk Pharmacy during the day, and from rcsi doncoon Kim street at night. f Residence phone, 38. ' Oflieo phono, 118. MACHINERY I COMPLETE TQUIPMENTS A SPECIALTY, [ I ft B ENGINES, BSILCRS, GINNING MACHIN- ** K CRY, SAW MILL AND WOODWORKING K MACHINERY, SHINGLE ANDlATH j. ! MACHINERY, CORN MILLS, f; ORICK MAKING MACHIN- 5 , fj CRY, KSIDHID LINES 5* I 6'BCrS MACHINERY COMPANY. 1 * R Columbia. S. C. kj f sv v*. T ,<-y ^ y"y EG TO 1 X unce j>? % JALFALL ^ I IN G == K WINTER $ ERy, i>? 3 AND X ^ ~ <** (DAY WIGHT X ||i | ni| | X ill; Jeffrie a ectivel j i 1 ILacMes X y and see fi lODS. x \ MKK. CO. K r "W.'**' V Jk-' yfc^ ^ ^ ^ [i I), Bowers, VV' (}. Bowers BOWERS' BROS. Guilders and Contractors Lumber, all kinds, for sale. UrtNsing and Matching at ehort intieo. Turutd work and Scroll work aspeca'ty. j&^-iJive US your orders, BOWERS BROS. No!ir Depot. ?ol.y. ?1, 1904. Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE v iv i > GRANITE WORKS, <Y)r Goo*! Work and Low Prices A. J, McNiacb. LANCASTER, S. C. ' m J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Working on credit doesn't pay, ,,?1 e J ' * in* in) 101 ins lium ui is 11.lie lenceforth arestiictly casli. Hea* onablc Prices, }old Filling $1.50 Amalgam.Filling 75 eta. Cement F'lling 75 ct ItUBltKR l'LATK, Full upper set of teeth $12.00 Upper and lower set $25 50 t^g-rhoHQ prices are strictly 'or cas\i. No work done except or enali or good security. J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. r:nu/ /'^\r < nwvzzviMDtn ijrm ? A'o mo selling a great many | 11 < ' jjuuus rogiirdicss or cost, uome tnil hoo before you buy. Lancaster Mercantile Co. Murdered Cashier. N Four Outlaws Hob a National I Brink at Cody, VVyo. ? Official .*< Sacrificed Life. I Cody, YY'yo , N*>v. 1.?Four heavily armed outlaws from tho Hole in the Wall country held up j and robbed tho First National ^ bank of this place today and after ^ shooting and killing Cashier Frank Middnugli of the bank had a run- ^ uing fij;bt with the cowboys and w hunters and escaped into tho Hat- p tie snake mountains, whero they are tonight being pursued by half a dozen dilTcrcnt posses. \ bat- f( tlo is iimniucnt. Tho llole in the WaPl gang aro noted as the most ^ desperate outlaws in tho west and tho Cody posses are determined j to wipo tha h indits out of oxis- ^ teneo. "Buffalo Bill" himself is en ^ route from Omaha in a special car Qj having with him a purty of titled j Englishmen and two of Ins Sioux Indian Scouts and has telegraphed Q| orders for horses to bo waiting his party at tho depot. Ho will ^ take the trail in person immediatel v on his airival. n 11 ,I ust before the closo of tho C( bank this afternoon a party of four roughly dressed men rode up to tho First National hank in the * is heart of tho town and 1 mined- . bi lately across tho stroot from the ^ lrina, "Buffalo Bill's" hotel. rj< Three men dismcunted and en- ^ tered the building, the fourth ro- ^ maining outside to guard the horses. As soon as the butlifws en?'^ tered he bunk one of them cover; d Cashier Middauerh. who wn? H>o m only occupant of tho room and do- m manded tho cash from the vault. ^ Instead of complying Middaugh ('j( grabbed a revolver and made a ttf game fight for life and monoy, nt. firing several shots even before he tho outlaw leader could fire at the ^ banker, but Middaugh was ex- ^ cited and his bullets went wild, g, while the single shot sent from Q tho outlaw's gun passed through M the banker's brain and ho died in- I*' stantly. Ono of tho posses, led by Sheriif ,IetI Champion, overtook tho outlaws at dm<k 20 miles southwest of Cody and a battlo ensued *? in which Champion had a horso er shot under him, hut was nniniur- nc od. to The bandits obtained fresh n" \\aI'cna of n 1 1 ni u</> ova in u muuu uuuroy UOU CS- I caped. DANGER OF A COUGH. Pneumonia, grlpp, cold, bronchitis and nearly every other dangerous sickness of this kind is usually the de ua velopment of a slight cough Too w many people are laid up and too many d e from diseates where" tiiey could so c<l easily knock that first cough in the head. Murray's Horehound Mullein ai and Tar cures colds. It. drops the hot 141 torn out of a cough. Everv druggist ai has it for 25c a bottle Itomember e| i'Murray's and take no other. Regie a' ar 50c size. *K The I'reaidsnt Issuos Annual T< Paoelamation. ? ot Washington, Nov. 1.? The presi ^ dent today issued the Thanksgivtng proclamation, setting aside fa Thuasday, Nov. 24, "to be observ- ut g<1 as a day of fostival and Thanksgiving by all the people of the Unitod Slates at homo and abroad. Ti ar Foley's Honoy and Tar always 1,1 stops thn cough and heals tho bn lungs. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Fundorburk Pharmacy. Foley's Money and Tar * for children,sate,sure. No opiate*. V T lysterions Death Of Prom* incut Man. w i 1 owfd Dead on Bank Building oul With Burglar's Tools?Tried lug To Cut Au Electric Wire. ^ Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 1.? pri Amos Ilendrix, aged 22, one of (j le most prominent young men of lis city, was found dead early nty lis morning on tho roof of the .mciicnn National bank building Cb itli a set of burglar tools lying yliim. He was killed while trying i cut an electric wire. ^ The polee are making every cf- am >rt to ferrot mil ^'v - arc hioh surrounds the death of 11 en- a ri\. llendiix was (1 rosscd in his lilitia uniform and his citizen arc othingwcrc found at the armory ln lontgomery Grays. A complete it of burglar's tools was near im and on llendrix's person wore itroglycorine, dynamite, fuses, a lass cutter and a pistol. The ^ >roner\s jury returned a verdict 'U J ' ov< f death by electricity. Tho f01 ionds of tho dead man are aston- i lied l)o rond expression. Hendrix as very prominently connected. | endiix yesieruay was seen in unptmy with a strange man who arc id been spotted during the day y the chief of police. This man believed to have been an expert urglar, who in some way had wj cured the contidenco ofllendrix. j lie dead man tvasfamilar with tho * ink building and intimate with Ac o bank's otlicials. NO L' A 8.1 CK DA Y SINOE. ou * * *> $1 kll was taken severely sick with dney trouble. I triod ail of ^ edicinos, noue of which relieved o. One dayl saw uu ad of your leetrie hitters and determined try that. After taking a few >ses 1 felt relieved and soon theie [ol ter was entirely cured, and have il>1 >t soon a sick clay since. Neigh- l?> >rs of mine have been cured of hcumatism, Neuralgia, Liver ul Ividnoy trouble and General _ ability." This is what B. F. fl iiss, of Fremont, N. C. writes. I nly 50, at Crawford Bros., J. F. i aesey & Co. and Fundeiburk H harmacy, Druggist. A Million Dollar Company. A commisson has been issued tho Broad lliverLight and Powcompany to be located at or sar Lockhart. Capital stock ^ bo $1,000,000. Tho general iturc or tlio business which they oposo to do it to develop olecry by tho use of wato power and construct and operate mills, ^ TO CURE A COUGH fi-L The coughs so prevalent these days tually develop before you realize hat has happened. Now tho i*est ing to do is to take the most reliable >ugh cure you can get. None bettei Rn ian Murtays Horchound Mullein id Tar. It is made of the purest in- to' edients and can be given to infants j), well as grown neople. Above alj se Tt CURES. You will find it at" . 1 druggists 25c a bottle?extra large I ittle. J ? Our Subscribe? n We especially oi ji1) ;r subscribers, who owe usTor icir paper, to pay up as promptly i they can. Do not put us oiT ir wo really need the money due AN OLD TIM K R KMKD V. Murray's Horehound Mullein ai.d At Inn iii. it tlie purest of drugs. All 1 which were used l?y our psrents id grunii'pnrcntn. It is :i eombinaDti so put together that it cured a >ugh right oil*. Nothing is hotter lor dues 11 is a most reliable cure for th I cases of coughs. Ask your druggist r it. They all have it. Gel a bottle >\v and have it ready. Costs only >e a bottle?extra large b ittles? gular 6(>c si/.:, Kunienber to ask for Murrays" and take 110 other. < READ TH|S A man Bays ho can restore tie liiflsian N; II relievo those sinking spells No patent j low prices for suuic x >o(1h. Wo unfurl to the population of l.uuca&ter, ; country one of th?? I .r?p In o assorted ht in.liso that it has ever been the pleasure of iae.-H. No doubt yon all know or location. We twford llros DrugSf jfe, you cannot miss u.? w, mi we lire neauquarnv -< ncre l<>r imriraii ooi) goods iinmoth Stock of Uint's Clothing, Youth's, dies Cloaks, Bacques, JneUe's niut Kinn Su! les. all prices. nderwhar unde ililren'% V\ e ask yo i special y to a! w i tment. We will astonish vou mm* mm% mt> lis furnishing goods, Notions, etc, . tc . a fu ildretts aixl liojs Bhoes. which wn <lcfy c< y one will sell you for Ivn money th in we v ravs sonio worn in doesn't tell tirst. V ' great liAliGA I NB. OMPARE, WM?) ) We only have room to in rut ion a few of plain (inures. Mens Suits, Sl"> every wiioi Men's Suits $12.50 everywhere olao o 44 14 $10.00 44 44 44 44 $0 .00 4i 44 <t ?i $7. oo 44 44 4 4 4 4 $5.00 ?4 ?4 is isonly ?i sample of our low price, antity. The greatest bargains over kn creoals for $11.00. $0.00 ovot ojats f $4.25. Our Boy's Suits: We'll men4ion a few suits at $2.50; $3 suds at $2; $2.50 si; adies' Suits. ST. ) soiil over the Globe at $18 to $15 1 .50 LADIES SKIRTS: $8 skirts wo s $2.50; $3 skirts wo sell at $1.50; $1.2 Impossible to mention all of our sty i ts every whore 50e, our prieo 85 cent thout a shirt. I ATS ! HATS !! k to see our 11 at Department before 1 Wo almost forgot to mention our lai lists for Ladies. All stylos, shades am r bargains in Ladies waists. The $2 I .50; $1.50 kind elsewhere, our price 0 ice 75c. W o are not bothered about 1 ed about room and thoy must go. Lai Pants tor Everj pants for $8.50; $1 pants for $2.75; $1; $1 pants for 70c. Wo have man4 in. AM wo ask is for you to come and your money's worth or your money bn \ niinn 1 /\ i UUIO til - Sniff fall . NOVEMBER io greatest gathering of in?irymftkors < linn. Iverybody Welcome, Stat ptrformera of the Midway gWc tlloon Ascention and l'arnchuto Leap. ujnr l?v n wnmnn Anviilnnml in ft union wing High Wire ami Trapeze Perfon WJTOMOBIL HIST l\ TUB SOUTH, $750 IMRTIl'IPJ Firemen's Tournament, $5. Military Prize Drill. $250 Live Stock Show $700 pri Knight, Tournament $12$ Floral Purado, Trade8 Display, Fo; her entertaining features. Come to is ing free and a hospituhlo welcome. Thaoksgmng Daj Will I EXCURSION RATES ON PLEASE ivy?Lit.* a pateut medicine that el tit vised (liat Will get arouud I .aiica*tcr County aud surround id beet selected stocks of uier? Lancasti r t<> hold, occupy or ate hotivi ci: tlie Dispensary and i if villi 11II> limkliiir ?<? !<???? UH, :t. \Vf :< di/.e the drop in cotton !?* h corresponding drop in our Hoys' and Children'* clothing, its, Skirts nil shades, colors and 1KWEAR iis'-JS; js to show you through this den Tffc Wo huvo added to our tl largo stock of Clothing, 11 ami complete lino of Ladies, mil petition on. Wedeuythat rill and denitud proof. Time loth will tell you that our goods ^ ^ Tha?s the way to LS &J* di?rovsr how much lower our prices our prices. All goods marked e else, our pi ice $10. in* price $9.00. " " 7.50. " 11 6.00. " *? 4.50. " " 3.75. Thoro is style, <|iitility and own in overcoats. $18.00 or $5.00; $8.00 overcoats of tlicni. $r? suits at $3.75; ills at $1.25. made, up-to-date, latest deouiething handsome. Tbey iYo sell them fo*$S, $7 50, ell at$4 50; $5 skirts wo sell 5 skirts wo soil at 48 cents, les and prices. Nejlegee s. No excuse for going All styles and prices. 75c hat for 50c; $1. hat for 75c. mring. i-gc and varied assortment of \ cuts. Listen at a fow of ttnd everywhere, our price oc; *>i Kiini eiscwnero, our o\v prices, but wo aro both:ge Stock of PANTS. body. #3 punts for #1.50 pants y ^ootls that wo cannot monseo and tho boaut/ about us ick. please. mi iinilisf Ho. MM -22-25. ovor hold in South Curo EC vrcrytliingf Free ? tree streot exhibitions daily High Divo from 90 foot Chasm Leaping Bicyclist, nors, etc, etc. F rapits PRIZES. 50 (IIRS TO TR. 50 prizes offered. prizes. zes. prizes. >t Ball, Fireworks and many iumtcr Festival week. Every be the Big Day. All RAILROADS