m * *** s"''j ^ ^ -*^r.-r<&. ?;- , ?, -r~~^szszszez',sr T-'^^.r'gaocrrsc===m^ --r-^ ?? ,. ,._ jmaBaagwtI HS?.Jtf,OV7 a.CAKTE3? i 4Hn^Man?: ForlAc HwHOm^At i\rfCfficot j %32?0fc & Jf 4 !&?& ffsnreo AHP Malaga. t ^ | _ ^ ^ rvsagraa w .&?0KB?5V ".? ; n-W|flM2 , " 1 ? ? ? m?mmmimmmm^m~* ^ yr ^ .*r w yr w /rr *v4. ^T va ^^ ^ ^ ^--v ? -- ? - ? ? ? fweb] A 0 OUHANNl kFin U I' ^ u * &? iv. ra svi vy v cliliei f ii i?ir R ^ ^ ? j *a Kf "B "WTl V'/Cfe ey bavo nosupcrin s | I list ruction i?iven is tlrsteliH- No J otl'-r '.ou-liK'n o llcjre-r-'r r icier ad- ; vaiitA*??-H. K tor now and prepare j ft r u lucrative i s!.', is. Our graduate* 1 ar; in demand l.et iih as.-ist y-ui we ' . hive n.* aisle I hundreds?Sliev are in j ' positions. Wo ofl'or special rates ; Mucfo.it't? 6. C. Business College | , Columbia, S. C. An.'. 29, 1904? tf. err. X2t MWBMMBWB?Wi a W. F. LANEY , Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered from oflice in roar of Funderburk Pharmacy during the day, and from rcsi doncoon Kim street at night. f Residence phone, 38. ' Oflieo phono, 118. MACHINERY I COMPLETE TQUIPMENTS A SPECIALTY, [ I ft B ENGINES, BSILCRS, GINNING MACHIN- ** K CRY, SAW MILL AND WOODWORKING K MACHINERY, SHINGLE ANDlATH j. ! MACHINERY, CORN MILLS, f; ORICK MAKING MACHIN- 5 , fj CRY, KSIDHID LINES 5* I 6'BCrS MACHINERY COMPANY. 1 * R Columbia. S. C. kj f sv v*. T ,<-y ^ y"y EG TO 1 X unce j>? % JALFALL ^ I IN G == K WINTER $ ERy, i>? 3 AND X ^ ~ <** (DAY WIGHT X ||i | ni| | X ill; Jeffrie a ectivel j i 1 ILacMes X y and see fi lODS. x \ MKK. CO. K r "W.'**' V Jk-' yfc^ ^ ^ ^ [i I), Bowers, VV' (}. Bowers BOWERS' BROS. Guilders and Contractors Lumber, all kinds, for sale. UrtNsing and Matching at ehort intieo. Turutd work and Scroll work aspeca'ty. j&^-iJive US your orders, BOWERS BROS. No!ir Depot. ?ol.y. ?1, 1904. Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE v iv i > GRANITE WORKS, v. 1.?Four heavily armed outlaws from tho Hole in the Wall country held up j and robbed tho First National ^ bank of this place today and after ^ shooting and killing Cashier Frank Middnugli of the bank had a run- ^ uing fij;bt with the cowboys and w hunters and escaped into tho Hat- p tie snake mountains, whero they are tonight being pursued by half a dozen dilTcrcnt posses. \ bat- f( tlo is iimniucnt. Tho llole in the WaPl gang aro noted as the most ^ desperate outlaws in tho west and tho Cody posses are determined j to wipo tha h indits out of oxis- ^ teneo. "Buffalo Bill" himself is en ^ route from Omaha in a special car Qj having with him a purty of titled j Englishmen and two of Ins Sioux Indian Scouts and has telegraphed Q| orders for horses to bo waiting his party at tho depot. Ho will ^ take the trail in person immediatel v on his airival. n 11 ,I ust before the closo of tho C( bank this afternoon a party of four roughly dressed men rode up to tho First National hank in the * is heart of tho town and 1 mined- . bi lately across tho stroot from the ^ lrina, "Buffalo Bill's" hotel. rj< Three men dismcunted and en- ^ tered the building, the fourth ro- ^ maining outside to guard the horses. As soon as the butlifws en?'^ tered he bunk one of them cover; d Cashier Middauerh. who wn? H>o m only occupant of tho room and do- m manded tho cash from the vault. ^ Instead of complying Middaugh ('j( grabbed a revolver and made a ttf game fight for life and monoy, nt. firing several shots even before he tho outlaw leader could fire at the ^ banker, but Middaugh was ex- ^ cited and his bullets went wild, g, while the single shot sent from Q tho outlaw's gun passed through M the banker's brain and ho died in- I*' stantly. Ono of tho posses, led by Sheriif ,IetI Champion, overtook tho outlaws at dm ova in u muuu uuuroy UOU CS- I caped. DANGER OF A COUGH. Pneumonia, grlpp, cold, bronchitis and nearly every other dangerous sickness of this kind is usually the de ua velopment of a slight cough Too w many people are laid up and too many d e from diseates where" tiiey could so crt to ferrot mil ^'v - arc hioh surrounds the death of 11 en- a ri\. llendiix was (1 rosscd in his lilitia uniform and his citizen arc othingwcrc found at the armory ln lontgomery Grays. A complete it of burglar's tools was near im and on llendrix's person wore itroglycorine, dynamite, fuses, a lass cutter and a pistol. The ^ >roner\s jury returned a verdict 'U J ' ov< f death by electricity. Tho f01 ionds of tho dead man are aston- i lied l)o rond expression. Hendrix as very prominently connected. | endiix yesieruay was seen in unptmy with a strange man who arc id been spotted during the day y the chief of police. This man believed to have been an expert urglar, who in some way had wj cured the contidenco ofllendrix. j lie dead man tvasfamilar with tho * ink building and intimate with Ac o bank's otlicials. NO L' A 8.1 CK DA Y SINOE. ou * * *> $1 kll was taken severely sick with dney trouble. I triod ail of ^ edicinos, noue of which relieved o. One dayl saw uu ad of your leetrie hitters and determined try that. After taking a few >ses 1 felt relieved and soon theie [ol ter was entirely cured, and have il>1 >t soon a sick clay since. Neigh- l?> >rs of mine have been cured of hcumatism, Neuralgia, Liver ul Ividnoy trouble and General _ ability." This is what B. F. fl iiss, of Fremont, N. C. writes. I nly 50, at Crawford Bros., J. F. i aesey & Co. and Fundeiburk H harmacy, Druggist. A Million Dollar Company. A commisson has been issued tho Broad lliverLight and Powcompany to be located at or sar Lockhart. Capital stock ^ bo $1,000,000. Tho general iturc or tlio business which they oposo to do it to develop olecry by tho use of wato power and construct and operate mills, ^ TO CURE A COUGH fi-L The coughs so prevalent these days tually develop before you realize hat has happened. Now tho i*est ing to do is to take the most reliable >ugh cure you can get. None bettei Rn ian Murtays Horchound Mullein id Tar. It is made of the purest in- to' edients and can be given to infants j), well as grown neople. Above alj se Tt CURES. You will find it at" . 1 druggists 25c a bottle?extra large I ittle. J ? Our Subscribe? n We especially oi ji1) ;r subscribers, who owe usTor icir paper, to pay up as promptly i they can. Do not put us oiT ir wo really need the money due AN OLD TIM K R KMKD V. Murray's Horehound Mullein ai.d At Inn iii. it tlie purest of drugs. All 1 which were used l?y our psrents id grunii'pnrcntn. It is :i eombinaDti so put together that it cured a >ugh right oil*. Nothing is hotter lor dues 11 is a most reliable cure for th I cases of coughs. Ask your druggist r it. They all have it. Gel a bottle >\v and have it ready. Costs only >e a bottle?extra large b ittles? gular 6(>c si/.:, Kunienber to ask for Murrays" and take 110 other. < READ TH|S A man Bays ho can restore tie liiflsian N; II relievo those sinking spells No patent j low prices for suuic x >o(1h. Wo unfurl to the population of l.uuca&ter, ; country one of th?? I .r?p In o assorted ht in.liso that it has ever been the pleasure of iae.-H. No doubt yon all know or location. We twford llros DrugSf jfe, you cannot miss u.? w, mi we lire neauquarnv -< ncre l<>r imriraii ooi) goods iinmoth Stock of Uint's Clothing, Youth's, dies Cloaks, Bacques, JneUe's niut Kinn Su! les. all prices. nderwhar unde ililren'% V\ e ask yo i special y to a! w i tment. We will astonish vou mm* mm% mt> lis furnishing goods, Notions, etc, . tc . a fu ildretts aixl liojs Bhoes. which wn every wiioi Men's Suits $12.50 everywhere olao o 44 14 $10.00 44 44 44 44 $0 .00 4i 44 hold, occupy or ate hotivi ci: tlie Dispensary and i if villi 11II> limkliiir ?i Kiini eiscwnero, our o\v prices, but wo aro both:ge Stock of PANTS. body. #3 punts for #1.50 pants y ^ootls that wo cannot monseo and tho boaut/ about us ick. please. mi iinilisf Ho. MM -22-25. ovor hold in South Curo EC vrcrytliingf Free ? tree streot exhibitions daily High Divo from 90 foot Chasm Leaping Bicyclist, nors, etc, etc. F rapits PRIZES. 50 (IIRS TO TR. 50 prizes offered. prizes. zes. prizes. >t Ball, Fireworks and many iumtcr Festival week. Every be the Big Day. All RAILROADS