The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, May 18, 1871, Image 3

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I' Hill ?BBB \ . | [Correspondent.of the Chariest oh Oooritr.] Wniblniloli Corrcitpondence. W A ft Ml NO TON, Majr 5. The President has fulfilled his promise to enforce ike Ku Klux Act upon his reiurn from lbs West. His proclamation anticipates the artqniry into the condition of the South, by the '.Joint conuniitoo, and preceeds even the inestiug and organisation of that Comuiitteo. Perhaps it is iuteniled as a promotion of kite Pros uteri's purpose to execute the law with rigor, whenever an ooceslnn shall offer. At any rate, no one need doubt that, when the cacus belli ahall occur tinder the Act, General Grant witl exhaust all the military power and resource# of the country in the execution of the Act. Was tlie proclamation hastened by the re' ported speech of General Sherman in Sew Orleans? Somo affect to doubt lbs correctness of that report of tlio speech which has reached us. (supposing 11?o sentiments nitriuuied lo ' General Sliei uian to have been expressed by 'Mm. then the speech is a good sei.,otf against ' the barcWngu'e of hib brother, the Seuntor. It '"cdOld hardly have boon uttered .as a bid orer Grant for the next Presidency. Hdt General Grant might so consider it, and therefore litis . ten his preparations f>r Ilia expected contest. Thai Geiferal Grant intends lo secure the Kepuldicnu nomination for himself, (hero Is no shadow of doubt, and he will Inks good care 1 that no one shall stand in his way. Any prominent politician who may oppose hint will be wheedled out of the ring. The Democratie orgeu here lately exhibited some sagacity in the conduct ef the opposition. It would hardly do to accept all Governor Morten's alligations, nud g<i before the country upon the great issue ef tbe rct eal of Iteconst root ion Acts, and repudiation of the National debt, and paymanl for slaves emancipated by the Lincoln Proclamation. ICven the address of Democratic members of Congress did not assume the right to present new issues.? The Democratic platform must be left lo the JDson-oratic Convention. >iTliers is a growing disposition among Dom oo^atie leaders lo uviid the salection of men or the adoption of maun tires. Thoy can find a platfarin broad and frircrvg enough for all purposes in llie ductrins ?>f revenue reform, in economical expenditure, ?nd''i>n opposition to Executive assumption and >to military cliques, without disturbing matter* that are generally cons dared as settled. 'It will be quits a task for the Democratic parly lokvep t lie Federal Uoverntnent within its con atiiiiticnal limits, and restrain the present teudeneive towards centralization. Even aouie of ilia Tain many chiefs of New 'Yorkmow express a wish and purposa to go into the next Presidential campaign with s goed olisuce for succi's* instead of taking no chiTrqai aa in 18l>L With a constitutional .platform and a wise statesman as the nominee, Jh%ywill win ut the next election. They even talk of iioniiuaiing some such man as Senator Vr\im4iull. of Illinois, of Justice Lrntiw, of the | United States Supreme Court, who in all essential matters are on the Democratic side.? As to'inilitary men, they are played out. The or^-ieton doe* not call for military aid . to >ho Cabinet changs* wittoh arq J talked i ' it ut.i) br certain litat tin President 1 will <1 treat that matter wttlt a view to his t.wti I oViliitCa! tllii* lie will ntJKC CltatlJ?a <>i no I - W? l,a I , " . I cnaiigea. as ir.ay >te t v, to seonre ute Te-election. As to '.lie 'lout well policy he would change it Without, he* alien, if the popular feeling was for delaying further payment of the public leltl arid me fu 1 be re.Jiu'iion ( of taxation, lie baa talked of doing this, but doss not seem ready to act, as yet. LEO. . ..> a iuru. j To the Editor of the Doily Union : i In you'r-paper of tlio Oih instant under (lie iieid-oi "Ku Klnx till ft( work," you published an article signed "Seuex," which prtsuiuca id tei luiih ih? particulars of what you style *tH<?rrtble outrages in Spartanburg." nod while wc deplore mid deprecate such sets of ouirnge us fur as any one can, yet we desire thut the truth shall he fully known. l'ussiug down on the truin yesterday, we fell in with young Mr. Jones, son of Dr. Joiich, who owns the pluniaiioti whereon this deed wuu com in i i led, hikI his statement wan that this colored man hud been shot in the night by some persons unknown, but us he said nothing of :ho ' .shovel of hot coals put upon him, We lake it for grnnted that this part of the statement of "Seuex," is incurr ct. Mr. Jones, also gave it us his opinion frnni what lie considered to be good reasons, that the difficulty originated from considerations of personal revengo. and that politics had nothing to do with it whatever. Since October last." says "Senex," "no i week has passed duiing which some outrage ' of the kind has uot been i erpetrated in this , county," having allusion to shooting and whip-- ' ping. Again lie says, ihe xhoutitig of thirty ! or lovty persona antl whipping of hundreds, I . does not disturb the quiet serene of the Djuioa- I racy in the least." Now, Mr. Editor, who your correspondent | "Senex" is wo iio not positively know, as you re aware ot having declined to give his name, when called on by one of us for that purpose, nor do wc know where he nbiained the evidence that led to these conclusions. On the : other hand, wc arc citizens of Spar'anburg: | we know iliul the assertions thai the occur- I ronce of one case of this kind every week, the shooting of thirty or forty, and the whipping j *?f hundreds, is eo wildly exaggerated as to , make it entirely unworthy ofheliot. The shooting of Anthony Johnson, a colored man, near l'.icolet depot, who was killed ; and of Dr. Wiosmith, who we are glad to ssy, a rapnoti'ini/ omiul it ill A llio on I v Piitten of t Itia 'kind I hat come within our knowledge in Spar | lanhuvg The cases of whipping may have ; 'been more common, probably ns many as one j 'dozen; but Senex iinys hundredi, nnd that i means at least two hundred, nnd if he were ' 'writing over his own proper signature, and if i lie is a tcsponsihle man, then lie ought to be require i to produce I he evidence upon which these assertions were made. It luoks very 'much as if these announcements were made for the accomplishment of parly purposes and tint for the promotion of the general good. The principal p ?rt',oti of she citizens nf Mpnrlanbtirg, nearly all, we might say, are peccable, quiet nnd law-abiding, and in this respect, will compare with any people, and we cannot Consent that they should thus lie under a general charge ot lawlessness, because a few tevil disposed men perpetrate acts of violence to gratify personal revenge O. CANNON, v A. B. WOODRUFF. May 9. 1871. ? 1^1 I MP, May 12. ? The Government batteries maintain, a terrific fire upon the rampnits of Pari*.and the fortification* still Isold by the insurgents. Count j Treainrcr'n Dcftalca* 1 lldttt During a recent visit to Columbia, wo were enabled, through the kindness of AttorneyQeneral Chamberlain, to ascertain some fuels wilh regard lo (lie recent defalcation of E. M. Rose, late Treasurer of I Ids Count jr. Tl?e amount duo to the Slate is $12,040.81, which includes $-2,700 collected from the Ohnrloite, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Compnn^, received bjr hitn through the express compnny, hut for which no entry is made on the books. The defalcation to the bounty is supposed to be quite small, if it is anything at all, as we are informed that as taxes wercbeing collected Rase paid all "County orders" which were (tfesented to him without regard to whether lie had money in his hands belonging to I lie County or not. In addition to tl is7 about $'2,000 were found in the Treasurer's office After liis departure. In this connection, it in due the Stale Auditor to state that,immediately on Ifeitrning of the defalcation, and the probability of K se's presence in Columbia, whither lie went after leaving Yorkvillo, he took out w&rrah-B for Rose's arrest and placed them in the hands of the Slate constables and detectives, but no arrest has yet been tnAde. Rumors are current to tho effect that Ux)se ha* left the coilntry, and is at prevent domiciled in Canada. So fhf as we know, no reward has been offered fdr his nrrcat. .? The Attorney-General has. directed Solicitor Brawley 'p commence suits againil the bondsmen?Messrs. J. L. Wat,son. of York, and W. E. Rose and James Windsor, of Columbia?at the next tethl of the Circuit Court.? VorkviUt Enquirtr. The Chicago papers announce lhatthc grave of Douglaa in that city ia to be sold for taxes. It appears in a communication from tire city collector to the council that en assessment of If'2,2(X) for improvements hnd been made upob the ground wherein reposes all that was mortal of the I.illle fliant and ll?al 1 - have given judgment, lie shall be compelled to prooeed. a Death or Phoxinsnt Ma?oN.?The Hon. Oilce M. Hillyer, thirty-third degreo active member, and Grand Chancellor ofthe Supreme Council for tho Southern jurisdiction of the United Staire, died iu Natobet, Mississippi, a few days since. COMMERCIAL. Ltvr.nrooT,, May 12.?Evening Coitoh closed with a hardening tendency ? uplands 7| ; Orleans, 7J;sales of the week 12.000 hales; speculation nnd export 8.000; sales on ship at New Orleans 7| ; Savannah or Char lesion 7J ; slock afludL 429,000, of which American is 240,000. Nkw York. May 12?Noon?Flour and wheat dull and heavy. Corn a shade firmer Cotton firm?uplands 15} ; Orleans 16; sales 2,000 bales. Odd steady, at 11}. 7 1'. M.?Cotton steady ; sales f>, 186 bales? inlands 16}; Orleans 16, Flour declining? common to fair extra 6. GO?. m ne '- -mil Miner,'' Afier thirfy years trial, is mii 11 receiving (he most unqualified testimonials lo its virtues, from persons of the Irghest chai acter end t es ponsiluliiy. riiysicisne of the first rcsjrectahility, recommend it as a most effectual preps ration for the extinction of pain. It is nbt only tlie best remedy ever known for 'Bruises, Cuts, Burns. &c , but for Dyver.tary or Cholera. or vny sort of bowel complaint, it is a rem. edy unsurpa scd for efficiency mm rapidity ot notion. In the great cities of India, nnd other hot climates, it has become I lie Standard Medicine for all such complaints, as well as for Dyspep-in, Liver Compluinis, nnd other kindred disorders. For Cough* and Colds, < "anker, -'ethma, nn<l line been proved by the most abundant and convincing testimony, to he nu invaluable medicine. Sold by all Druggist*. Price 25 cts., 00 cts , and $1 per buttle. May 4 11 1m l'olsonolm Medicines. The theory that the virus of disease can be safely counteracted by doses of poison. Is false and dungin-ous. Within the last twenty five years, not lets than a score of virulent poisons have hecu added to the repository of the medical profession. Tliey are given in small doses, otherwise they would destroy littrimmediatcly; but even in minute quantities, they produce, ultimately, very disastrous effects. It is un-tise and tinphiluaophioil to employ, ns remedies, powerlul and insidi -Us drugs, which in subjugating one disease, saw tlie seeds of another still more unmanageable None of these terrible medicaments nner?io? m'uli ?? inucli directness nnd certainty upon tfie caused of ns Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, a ionic and corrective, without a single delete" riotis ingredient in its composition. Ar.-c'nic nnd qtiiuia nr? given for intermit tents ; bromide ot potassium for nervous disorders f strychnine nnd prussic ncid for general dchili* ty : mercury, in various forms, for liver corn* plaint ; preparations of chloroform And opium for sleeplessness; and yet these deadly drills do not compare, as specifics for the -diseases above enumerated, with that wholesome veget>hL on.! "It", it-- .1 r> ?<c all so pernicious I hat it is astonishing any physician should Inks I lis responsibility of prescribing lliera Let invalids, for their own sake*, try the Hitlers before tliey resort to the poisons: The relief tliey will experience from a aoitrse df tfie harmless specific, will render ? recourse l? toe unsafe preparations referred to quite unnecessary. May 4 11 1m "Milne Out Fair Sun." The Season has Opened auspiciously, and 'ts chief event, the introduction of "Ice Cola Soda* Water" with pure FrhU Syrups! tfrorf the Lapland Soda Fount; at the New Model j Drugstore of IlkiMiTsii. April.20 4w. The BICMNinff of the Age. No more Sick Headache, no more Dyspepsia, no more Indigestion, no more Files, no mort Chills, no more Liver Complaint, no mort Jaundice, no more Fain in the Rack, no mort Kidney Disease, no more Costiveness, no mort Heartburn. TUTT'S VKOBTADLE L1VKF HILL ia a eertafoi guarantee against all thest distressing complaints. MARRIED. On the evening of the 14th bv the !Uv. II., M. IIathrs, Mb. ALONZOTANNER, to MISS SU.-'AN LOCK.MAN, nil of Bivingsville 8. C.' On the 30th of April, bjr the Ksv. ff. F.' Paiikrr, Mr T. M. DAVIS, to MISS LAmanda smith. *?JU_ __ . ,,_ ju , jj.arfe r Notice. J? MR. DONALD FLGMINO, hits been nppointed Agent for clie Mou.hern Express tjumpnny sir*. Air. J. 0 srris, lint resigned. The Office is no a cated nl the store of DONALD FLEMING W. J. CROSSWELL, Route Agent. May 18 13 l?w. > ' ?HSRIFF\S ALE, For J uuo, 1871. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fitr(facia? to nis directed, 1 will sell before the Court n.uat door, iu the town of Spartanburg, on ilie first Monday in Juue next, the following property, vis. All ot Defendants right, title nnd interest in 8U seres et luud, more or less, bounded on the West side by the (1 r.en Hirer Road, and on all other sides by lauds of lbs. d Houth Carotins .Mauulsciuriug Company, Lev ]( icd on as the property of Wiiuam Westbrooks, st the suit of S. Ifobo, ass.gnee. 1' ALSO, All ofDefendsnts right, title snd interest ' in 217 seres ef land, mors or less, bounded by laodp of 9. W. Tucker, Jas,. L. A. Hill, 'lhos. tones aWll others, levied on ss the property of .Jerry Woflord, si lbs suit of William J. Win . ?? ALSO. All of Defendant^ rigid, title nnd interest J in 111 acres ef luud, mere or less, lying ou Lawsons Fork Croak h.......i~.i k- i 1 U. llamuie t, J. Botuar & Co., levied ou an ilie property of Matthew Lee, al ilie euii of 11. Bie- . oliotf it Co. A LSO, All of Defendants right, tide nn<l interest in one lot at l'ncolet ltepol, containing two , acres, tuere or lens, bounded by lands of the S., & li., H. It , Company, Jus. Wood and otli- j ?rs, levied on as the property of lioluiMn- 1 Thompson and Matthew Lee, at the suit of II. 1 Diaciiul! A Co. ' Al.St), AH of Defendants t ight, title atni interest In 23 acres of land, more or less, bounded by f rmetly lands of H.mpson Bobo, land owned by Jesse Ulanton, and Allen Sandcts, levied on ' as the property of William West brooks, al the , suit ot lleuj. \> ofTurd Suosossor. 1 ALSOP All of Defendants right, title and interest in 1G7 acree of land, more or Iras, bounded by lauds of 8. C. .Miller, W. T. Miller, C. A. Bar., ry nud Jas. Swiiser, levied on as the property of W. C. Miller, at the suit of David tiwitzer, adiniuistraioi' Terms of tjnle?Caslt. JOI1N DEWBERRY, S 8. C. sheriff's Otboe, May 13, 1871?18 3t. SUEBIFF'tt ttALlS, y , Of Ileal Entato. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Spartanburg?In JProOalfc Alti P. Pearson and wife vs. Bonj T. Roebuck i Yitmh Skin iter, iand others. Petiti.n for Partition. . BY virtue of an order from the Court of Fro bate 10 me directed in ilia nbova cite. 1 will tell lit the laic residence of Htilly Roebuck Deceased, on tbe lUtli day of June next; the foil iwing described properly, being the Keel Ekift'C of tntid deceased viz : Lot No. 1, or Homestead Tract, adjoining lauds of William Wright, D. Cliamliu and Joel llaliox, (| Containing 100 Acres, More or. less. Lot No 2,'or Ihe Morgan Tractadjoining lands of C. P. Woodruff, ti. Drutnmottd, C. jf Woudiuff, and 01 burs, > (1 Containing 110 Acres* More or less. Terms of sale?A feredit'of 12 monlhs with interest from dale, except costs which must he paid on day of sale. Purchasers to g'vo boiid and gootl securfly'ntrd mortgage of lite pretni see to secure the piiroltaeo inottoy and pay for stamps and pa pa re. * JOHN DEWBERRY, S. S. C. May 15. 1871?13 it, Hicliool Matters. TK? r.iiiint v Unit lit nf Kfrimiiifra iln KurnK* nppoiht Wednesday. Thursday and Kri.hiy, the Seventh, eighth and ni th days at June next,' for the exitiuiiiHiion of the teach.-rs of the County. Applicants wi'.l meet us at 9 o'clock A- M. ^ftcli,day411 tho Court House, and will bring w'ritiftg materials " Applicants f?>r fiistgrade coriiticatcs. will mem oh ' Wednesday! fho?-e for Second-grade on Thursday, those tot third grade on Friday. Teachers will please return, at the examination, the ccrtificau s now in their possession. " Touchers trtto fnll In nttend the examination, vfitliditt grfotf rtthl kirfflclent redsons, will not t'eijsive'Certificates for the next Term of the I'uhlic Schools. By ortlor of the County Board of Examiners ! of Spartanburg V'onutv, S. C. " ' 1 11. H . il El I). Clerk of Board. ! Commissioner's Office, May 1st, 1871. Notice, rpilR Con I met f.r repairing the Bridge at J Hurricane Shoals will Its ^Jst "nut To the lowest Bidder on Thursday, June )t>? 1A71 at Hurricane Shoals, I liRt'oVn mission? rs reserving ttie privilege, hs'rerjqlre'cl by law, to decline any bid if the interests of the County require it. W*: (ft AUSTELL, | . Wm. K. Mmkb, v ' ' Couply Commissioners. J Mfy 4 11 , 4t ' , Adniinlsimtorft NoUce. rflHK undersigned herewith gives notice that. ^ on the 4th day of June,-1871,?he will . make application for a final discharge as ad> ministrutor of "Estate of It. B. Seay. > All persons having legal claims against * said Estate must present them on or before ' 23d inst., either to myself as Administrator, or 1 to my'Attorney, J. M. Elford, at Spartan^ burg. EL1A8 WALL. Admr. ? May 4 " 11 4?. DONALD FLEMING. IS JUST RECKIVING A FRESII SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, * * Consisting iu part of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, RICK. It A COX, LARD. 4 JiAJIS,. FLOUR, SI'ICES, SALT, T/i n j m CUilUV V/, soaps: BL UEISO, CANDLES, II GLASSES, iC. ALSO IN Hardware* Trace Chains, Breast Clinics, Lock Chainfli Plow Lines, Grain Blades, Grass Bind03, Stint lies, And n few ntore of tlioso splendid MIT.Ts SAWS, (land Saws, Beef Haws, V KeyLole Saws, and a great man/ ither articles. Call and see for /oftrsalf, be has priced the goods tr suit the times. Ma/ 11 12 tf SHERIFF'S SALE Of Glioses in ActionHIE STATli OF SOUTH CAROLINA ipjirtauburg?In Probata Court. P* nawla V\ W-ll -.1 ? ? ^ * - ~,, mi, numintpiraior 01 tuo fcstato 11. B Scay, deceased. Petition to aell evidences of debt, appraised doubtful or worthless. , BY" virtue of an order from the Court cf Probate to me directed in the above case, 1 will pell befoie the Court House door, in the own of Spartanburg, on the 23d day of May, nstnul, all of the Notes, Accounts and Judgucntp, belonging to the estate of said deceused, tpptnised douhtlul or worthless. Terms of Sale?Cash. JOHN DEWBERRY, S. S. C. Sheriff's Oflicc May od 1871. May 11 12 2w rflE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Spartanburg?In Probate Court. \. W. Cutntnings, administrator, rs Rooieo Iliclts, Votney llicks, et nl. Petition far sale of Real Estate of Ilaswell Hicks, deceased, to pay debts. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Romeo Hicks, Volney Hicks, Wellington llicks, l.couidas llicks, Junius Hicks. Theodore ^ 'oks. Leandcr Hicks, Drewry D. llicks, Mary Ann Burnett, Margaret Ourrctt, Liney llicks, Joseph ftllicks. Berry Clary, Richard Clary, Ace t. la'ry, Will am Clary and Dolphu* Clary, Jcfetidaius, reside beyond the limits of this State. .1) is therefore Ordered, 'I hat they do appear at a Court of Probata to be holdeti at Spar'.anburg C. II . for lb? County of Spartanburg, on the 2-.'d day of Itltie, A. L': 1971, to show cause it'uuy they can why tlie veal Csintii .tif itASvfrkli. Milks, deceased, tfliouhS not bb sold, or tlieir conseiit willbfe entered of record.' Given ululor my hand and seal of office, May 3, 187'.. 11ENJ. WOFFORD, J. P. C. May 11 ~ 6 Gw BARBER SHOPT" AX^lERT .JACKSON, RESPECTFULLY nnnotincci! to'tfie citiiont of Sfnktdnburg. And tlio' Aut-rburidnia cottutry, tltat lie baa fitted up bin Shop, ttnd'ot the Sparinn Office, where bed* roady to wail on ?\l who give biin a call, with nearness and des. Mich, and guarantees that they will b? pleased. Give him a call. May 4 ' 11 tf A. 13. BI3ECO, HAVING retuVned-'toOUr town, offers bit service* as AVi efficient'fihd skill ''it 1 Tail of; liaVing thoroughly posted hitnself in tIn impnriotii nrl of economy of gobds, and tlx improvements in cutting, does hot' hesitate ir Krarriintiiig 'to oiv'o entire satisfaction', both it cutting and making, has also supplied himself w.tli sufficient force to till orders will neatness mid dispatch. : ' Just received lutes: fashion*. Shop will bi fouud under the Spartan Otlico. THE STttTH OF SOUTH CA HOLING COUNTY OF SPARTANBURG. Martin PiHaoti and Kber Pinson Kxccutors Ziunie Piusou' and Harriet Floyd Defendant*. Petition for Final settlement. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Zinnii Pinson. and Harriet Floyd Defendants it this case reside beyond the limits of this State It is therefore ordered that they do appear a a Court of Probate to be liohlert for'lho Conn ty of Spartanburg at Spnrtauburg Court Hons on the 22nd day of May A D., 1871, to shot 1/ <?! / iurj V"?? vfiiy n, Ilili)! BCIIiemcll mill decree, of Proftale'.l iidge in Estate of-lea see I'inson (Sr.,) licensed should not be nuiib or their consent to tlie same will bo entered o Record'. Given under my hand and Sea! oflies. HKNJ. WOFFORP, J, P. C. April 5th 1871-8 6w. . . v Administrator's Notice. TT^HE undersigned gives notice that he wil h ninke application to the Probate Judge o Spartanburg Cotiniy on the 27th day ot Mnj A. 1). ISJl./cr a final discharge as ndmiuis trator of Mfate of Harlan llugliey. dee'd. t liA.vliLTON HISHOP, AUuimisire'.of. "Apfil II, 1871. 10 4vt - Tax IN otic?. /"iN and after the first day of May, 20 pc cent will he added up tplhe 10th da of June, after that lime. & per cent more wi be added, and the books closed."' I shall the commence to collect by distraint. I hope :t persons will avail t he'm'rifelves of this notioe, an pay up to save additional' cost. .. ? J. Pwl'. CAMP, i? County Treasurer. May 11 12 ow / MASSIE &, SMITH, AUE IN RECEIPT OF THEIR Spring nutl Summer Stock, COMPRISING t\ general assortment of dry goods, ready made clothing, ladies and gents hats. roots and shoes. crockery. glassware, hardware, -? GROCERIES, &o., &o , All ?ryriilcli Have llofn llonvhl a< i>owf?i miirHfi Kntei and will he Hold ?t Prices to Suit the Times. t ' ' 1 A CALL FROM THEIR FRIENDS, AS'D THE rUBLfC GENERALLY, IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. May 4 11 If CLOTHING. DHILDS & WILEY. ?DEALERS INCLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, THE CELEBRATEDSTAR SHIRT, P. P. D. UNDER WEAR, *, Boy's From <4 t OO to giib.OO. [Men's Suits $7 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 up lo $10. Good Business Suits For Ijtl^ t mid ^418. SEND YOUR MEASURE FOR SUITS, LENGTH OF LEG INSIDE. AROUND THE WAIST, AROUND THE BREAST AND WE WILL SEND A SUIT TO FIT, PER EXPRESS, C. 0. D. L. D. Ciiilds, John S. Wilkt. April 20 0 2:n NEW GOODS. POSTER & JUDD, HAVE RECEIVED THEIR Spring and Summer Goods, vYi?<1 liivitctholr Frioii<li?iJto Call xuiri Examlu their Stoclc. T1IEY HAVE A GREAT VARIETY OF LADIES'DRESS GOODS, OF nl the fn^lionoble Si vies, a largo slock of Prints, Percales, Ginghams, Muslins, Fine Inco Collars, Thread luces, ?Jgi.ngs, Kid Gloves, Ladic's Hals, ' Parasols', Ac., House Keeping Go?ds, Ladtei* and Gentlemen's Boots, aud Ladies Balmorals, Chidreu'a Shoes, Goutlonioii'ii ClotliiiJJt. A full Assortment of Hardware. ' H?*M Sugnrtt, CuflVc and Tea. 'they have a full assortnient, and as they ! buy all their goods with Cash, they are euI ableu to selTut i xiOW Prioos. Prints, v,tslins and nil Dresi^Oooda are very cheap'.,is Spring. Spor'nr burg April 18/1871. April 20 9 Ctt. . i ; i?w mmmm ?A N D? SUMMER GOODS. !BLAKE & CANNON A HE now receiving. nnd will continue to receive through the sensun, from New , York, Itilhilnore r.ud Charleston, a well assorted slock of ' Gencrnl 3Icrcltondlso, Embrnclng I DRY aOOTJS, i r ?liDSSEES, ' II ^V. It D AV ARE, ! ?!L&7iQi9?? ' BOOTSarul SHOES, f anil a great Tariely of NOTIONS, Our Cusloircs nre not only pleaicd wifh our style* and assortment of Goods, but at the 'J. van* low PBICks at wliicli tlicy arc going. !f COME AXD SEE. WM. K. liLAKK, WM. C. CANNON. | April 27 10 if Notice, ALL persons Indebted In m? will do well lo call and settle ilieir accounts immediately y as 1 must have money. J| B oots and Hh ocs , d made neatly, promptly and with the best ma terial, at the Shop of M. aWlNN on Jail Si reel. May 4 11 gt i.m*. EJLF O ZlDi TJltlAJL JUSTICE. SpartUubnri C. II., 9* C. f ?n^-1? Office ov?r Bobo ft Car liiles' Law OfficeMarch 16 4 J 6m . MILLS DJEAJY, , .* . (01<" SOUTH CAROLINA.) Attomoy nud Couuacl^oi' T .nw Wn?liln?loi? City. Prompt attention' given to nil Legal Business. Claims against Uovet nmeut a specialty. Post Office Box 420. March 30 6 . 1 j DUNCAN &, CLEVELAND, ttTfamiasva AT IL&W, Practice in >lie Courts of South Carolina ron counties of 4b^ Spartanburg, Greenville. Anderson IWwoni , Cliestcr Union,' York nnd Laurens. david n. duncan, 1 Sl'artanduro, joiin d. cleveland, j So. Ca. Jan 12 ' * tt- - I ? -'a' si .If A, B. MULLlG'AN, COTTON FACTOR, CHARLESTON S t ' JOHN B^ ARCHER. IS MY AGENT AT SPARTANBURG. AND WILL ADVANCE MONEY OR COTTON SHIPPED TO ME. Dec 8- 43 * , Central Hotel, plain street. 1 1 2 t\lyck3 west of maiu, O'oliiiiilsin, IS, C. J&afe $2,00 ftdf- cfay. D. 1*. CL.lfTOiV, Proprietor. Jan 19 43. .. ' If Fire insurance. ' . LIVERPOOL, LONOoiTi^d GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY with n capital of over (*J2O,()O(),0()0 and other security lo more tlur.nten times that amount, they offer the very best assurance la the Policy holders The undersigned is Agent of the abovo first chits Fire Insurance &>'m/'<frty, and enn he found at all hours at his office nt the Book' Store. 110BT. lSKYCE Agent, Spartanburg S. C. Feb 16 62 . , 6m , THE BOOK STORE." ROBKUT B&YCE, (FORMERLY Oh COLUMBIA.) WOULD informs his friends and customtors, and the public gencrnlly, that he continues to receive frequent and regular supplies of BOOKS AKD ARTICLES in that line, and whilst he does net neglect to keep a full supply of School and Clussical 33 O o Tr ? Blank Books, of all kiuds, and oilier STATION KllY and essentials for I he School, iho I Family and (he Store or Office. He is greatly enlarging his supply of Huligious, Moral aud MisCClluheotis reading. FANCY ARTICLES, ... I and nrlicles of general use, among which will be found Fori Folios; Port Monies, Albums, of all sizes, Drawing Taper, Bristol Boards, &.C., Ac. In facf II. 11. designs to make the HOOK. STOUli the medium fop supplying the publie witli every thing i hut is expected to be found in :ito best. Book Stores in our larger cities. And When he happens to be out of any Ilook or Article wanted, he will order it immediately, so that no ens need go beyond his store to be fully supplitd. ' lie has still on hand iho balance of a Library of valuable Books, that although seconhand, are, many of them, us good us new and sold .remarkably low. PcsMes lite llymn Books and other anthord ized pdblidhtions, of tlie different denominations, which htt keeps constantly on hand ho will take pleasure in assisting any of ihc Sub* batli Schools of tlio diffcrcut churches, in procuring such books us they may need at publisher's prices. He also nets ns Agent for r 11 Newspapers nod l'eriodiculs. and has consinntly on the counter most of the popular papers and pnmphlc s. to be sold in single numbers. March 2 2 ' if Ijilo InRurance* POLICY IIOLOF/iS^I.IFF AXI) TOXTINE ASSUHAXCE COAIPAXY OF 77/E SOUTH. ir|inr< eiiuscrttier is Agent for the sbovo | Purely Mutual" Company, and feels confident I hut in securing Policies in it, lie is not only ruiaiiiing the lunds in our own State, whore I hey can be invested on the moat advantageous terms, lint is affording I ho Assured an opportunity of sharing equally with others whatever profitsmay he realized. "There are no stockholders to absorb any portion" as is the case in most other companies. The well known high character and business qualifications of all the officers an.' directors in the above named company, and who ate all rtaidenta in the South, is the very best guarantee for. the safety of the funds. The'proflts alrendy realized in the short period of its operations lolly justify the high expectations of * '# most sanguine friends. Persons visiting their lives insured on tl.a improved mode adopted by litis company, can accomplish ilicir purpose by calling at the BOOKsTOUE in Spartanburg. ROBERT jpRYCE, Agent. April 6 * ' t' 4in l\ew Pirm^. ^ rpiIE unders gned I'mripg opened p. General I Mercantile Hu*\ne?t, two doors E. of lbs CT H... respectfully,-fnvito their friends and t)te public genera !y, to give litem a call, as , tney are determined to SELL G(H)1>S CHEAP FOR CASH nml nil kinds of produce taken " in exchange at the hi<j\etl market jtrteee. a-We are constantly receiving frith tup* Iplitt, direct from New York. ~t ALLE!V A BfKP. April 27 10 flw