I' Hill ?BBB \ . | [Correspondent.of the Chariest oh Oooritr.] Wniblniloli Corrcitpondence. W A ft Ml NO TON, Majr 5. The President has fulfilled his promise to enforce ike Ku Klux Act upon his reiurn from lbs West. His proclamation anticipates the artqniry into the condition of the South, by the '.Joint conuniitoo, and preceeds even the inestiug and organisation of that Comuiitteo. Perhaps it is iuteniled as a promotion of kite Pros uteri's purpose to execute the law with rigor, whenever an ooceslnn shall offer. At any rate, no one need doubt that, when the cacus belli ahall occur tinder the Act, General Grant witl exhaust all the military power and resource# of the country in the execution of the Act. Was tlie proclamation hastened by the re' ported speech of General Sherman in Sew Orleans? Somo affect to doubt lbs correctness of that report of tlio speech which has reached us. (supposing 11?o sentiments nitriuuied lo ' General Sliei uian to have been expressed by 'Mm. then the speech is a good sei.,otf against ' the barcWngu'e of hib brother, the Seuntor. It '"cdOld hardly have boon uttered .as a bid orer Grant for the next Presidency. Hdt General Grant might so consider it, and therefore litis . ten his preparations f>r Ilia expected contest. Thai Geiferal Grant intends lo secure the Kepuldicnu nomination for himself, (hero Is no shadow of doubt, and he will Inks good care 1 that no one shall stand in his way. Any prominent politician who may oppose hint will be wheedled out of the ring. The Democratie orgeu here lately exhibited some sagacity in the conduct ef the opposition. It would hardly do to accept all Governor Morten's alligations, nud giTliers is a growing disposition among Dom oo^atie leaders lo uviid the salection of men or the adoption of maun tires. Thoy can find a platfarin broad and frircrvg enough for all purposes in llie ductrins ?>f revenue reform, in economical expenditure, ?nd''i>n opposition to Executive assumption and >to military cliques, without disturbing matter* that are generally cons dared as settled. 'It will be quits a task for the Democratic parly lokvep t lie Federal Uoverntnent within its con atiiiiticnal limits, and restrain the present teudeneive towards centralization. Even aouie of ilia Tain many chiefs of New 'Yorkmow express a wish and purposa to go into the next Presidential campaign with s goed olisuce for succi's* instead of taking no chiTrqai aa in 18l>L With a constitutional .platform and a wise statesman as the nominee, Jh%ywill win ut the next election. They even talk of iioniiuaiing some such man as Senator Vr\im4iull. of Illinois, of Justice Lrntiw, of the | United States Supreme Court, who in all essential matters are on the Democratic side.? As to'inilitary men, they are played out. The or^-ieton doe* not call for military aid . to >ho Cabinet changs* wittoh arq J talked i ' it ut.i) br certain litat tin President 1 will <1 treat that matter wttlt a view to his t.wti I oViliitCa! tllii* lie will ntJKC CltatlJ?a <>i no I - W? l,a I , " . I cnaiigea. as ir.ay >te t v, to seonre ute Te-election. As to '.lie 'lout well policy he would change it Without, he* alien, if the popular feeling was for delaying further payment of the public leltl arid me fu 1 be re.Jiu'iion ( of taxation, lie baa talked of doing this, but doss not seem ready to act, as yet. LEO. . ..> a iuru. j To the Editor of the Doily Union : i In you'r-paper of tlio Oih instant under (lie iieid-oi "Ku Klnx till ft( work," you published an article signed "Seuex," which prtsuiuca id tei luiih ih? particulars of what you style *tH, 186 bales? inlands 16}; Orleans 16, Flour declining? common to fair extra 6. GO?. m ne '- -mil Miner,'' Afier thirfy years trial, is mii 11 receiving (he most unqualified testimonials lo its virtues, from persons of the Irghest chai acter end t es ponsiluliiy. riiysicisne of the first rcsjrectahility, recommend it as a most effectual preps ration for the extinction of pain. It is nbt only tlie best remedy ever known for 'Bruises, Cuts, Burns. &c , but for Dyver.tary or Cholera. or vny sort of bowel complaint, it is a rem. edy unsurpa scd for efficiency mm rapidity ot notion. In the great cities of India, nnd other hot climates, it has become I lie Standard Medicine for all such complaints, as well as for Dyspep-in, Liver Compluinis, nnd other kindred disorders. For Cough* and Colds, < "anker, -'ethma, nnhL invitrnr.nl on.! "It", it-- -l.tl- .1 r> ? ' ?HSRIFF\S ALE, For J uuo, 1871. BY virtue of sundry writs of Fitr(facia? to nis directed, 1 will sell before the Court n.uat door, iu the town of Spartanburg, on ilie first Monday in Juue next, the following property, vis. All ot Defendants right, title nnd interest in 8U seres et luud, more or less, bounded on the West side by the (1 r.en Hirer Road, and on all other sides by lauds of lbs. d Houth Carotins .Mauulsciuriug Company, Lev ]( icd on as the property of Wiiuam Westbrooks, st the suit of S. Ifobo, ass.gnee. 1' ALSO, All ofDefendsnts right, title snd interest ' in 217 seres ef land, mors or less, bounded by laodp of 9. W. Tucker, Jas,. L. A. Hill, 'lhos. tones aWll others, levied on ss the property of .Jerry Woflord, si lbs suit of William J. Win . ?? ALSO. All of Defendant^ rigid, title nnd interest J in 111 acres ef luud, mere or less, lying ou Lawsons Fork Croak h.......i~.i k- i 1 U. llamuie t, J. Botuar & Co., levied ou an ilie property of Matthew Lee, al ilie euii of 11. Bie- . oliotf it Co. A LSO, All of Defendants right, tide nn ofTurd Suosossor. 1 ALSOP All of Defendants right, title and interest in 1G7 acree of land, more or Iras, bounded by lauds of 8. C. .Miller, W. T. Miller, C. A. Bar., ry nud Jas. Swiiser, levied on as the property of W. C. Miller, at the suit of David tiwitzer, adiniuistraioi' Terms of tjnle?Caslt. JOI1N DEWBERRY, S 8. C. sheriff's Otboe, May 13, 1871?18 3t. SUEBIFF'tt ttALlS, y , Of Ileal Entato. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Spartanburg?In JProOalfc Alti P. Pearson and wife vs. Bonj T. Roebuck i Yitmh Skin iter, iand others. Petiti.n for Partition. . BY virtue of an order from the Court of Fro bate 10 me directed in ilia nbova cite. 1 will tell lit the laic residence of Htilly Roebuck Deceased, on tbe lUtli day of June next; the foil iwing described properly, being the Keel Ekift'C of tntid deceased viz : Lot No. 1, or Homestead Tract, adjoining lauds of William Wright, D. Cliamliu and Joel llaliox, (| Containing 100 Acres, More or. less. Lot No 2,'or Ihe Morgan Tractadjoining lands of C. P. Woodruff, ti. Drutnmottd, C. jf Woudiuff, and 01 burs, > (1 Containing 110 Acres* More or less. Terms of sale?A feredit'of 12 monlhs with interest from dale, except costs which must he paid on day of sale. Purchasers to g'vo boiid and gootl securfly'ntrd mortgage of lite pretni see to secure the piiroltaeo inottoy and pay for stamps and pa pa re. * JOHN DEWBERRY, S. S. C. May 15. 1871?13 it, Hicliool Matters. TK? r.iiiint v Unit lit nf Kfrimiiifra iln KurnK* nppoiht Wednesday. Thursday and Kri.hiy, the Seventh, eighth and ni th days at June next,' for the exitiuiiiHiion of the teach.-rs of the County. Applicants wi'.l meet us at 9 o'clock A- M. ^ftcli,day411 tho Court House, and will bring w'ritiftg materials " Applicants f?>r fiistgrade coriiticatcs. will mem oh ' Wednesday! fho?-e for Second-grade on Thursday, those tot third grade on Friday. Teachers will please return, at the examination, the ccrtificau s now in their possession. " Touchers trtto fnll In nttend the examination, vfitliditt grfotf rtthl kirfflclent redsons, will not t'eijsive'Certificates for the next Term of the I'uhlic Schools. By ortlor of the County Board of Examiners ! of Spartanburg V'onutv, S. C. " ' 1 11. H . il El I). Clerk of Board. ! Commissioner's Office, May 1st, 1871. Notice, rpilR Con I met f.r repairing the Bridge at J Hurricane Shoals will Its ^Jst "nut To the lowest Bidder on Thursday, June )t>? 1A71 at Hurricane Shoals, I liRt'oVn mission? rs reserving ttie privilege, hs'rerjqlre'cl by law, to decline any bid if the interests of the County require it. W*: (ft AUSTELL, | . Wm. K. Mmkb, v ' ' Couply Commissioners. J Mfy 4 11 , 4t ' , Adniinlsimtorft NoUce. rflHK undersigned herewith gives notice that. ^ on the 4th day of June,-1871,?he will . make application for a final discharge as ad> ministrutor of "Estate of It. B. Seay. > All persons having legal claims against * said Estate must present them on or before ' 23d inst., either to myself as Administrator, or 1 to my'Attorney, J. M. Elford, at Spartan^ burg. EL1A8 WALL. Admr. ? May 4 " 11 4?. DONALD FLEMING. IS JUST RECKIVING A FRESII SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, * * Consisting iu part of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, RICK. It A COX, LARD. 4 JiAJIS,. FLOUR, SI'ICES, SALT, T/i n j m CUilUV V/, soaps: BL UEISO, CANDLES, II GLASSES, iC. ALSO IN Hardware* Trace Chains, Breast Clinics, Lock Chainfli Plow Lines, Grain Blades, Grass Bind03, Stint lies, And n few ntore of tlioso splendid MIT.Ts SAWS, (land Saws, Beef Haws, V KeyLole Saws, and a great man/ ither articles. Call and see for /oftrsalf, be has priced the goods tr suit the times. Ma/ 11 12 tf SHERIFF'S SALE Of Glioses in ActionHIE STATli OF SOUTH CAROLINA ipjirtauburg?In Probata Court. P* nawla V\ W-ll -.1 ? ? ^ * - ~,, mi, numintpiraior 01 tuo fcstato 11. B Scay, deceased. Petition to aell evidences of debt, appraised doubtful or worthless. , BY" virtue of an order from the Court cf Probate to me directed in the above case, 1 will pell befoie the Court House door, in the own of Spartanburg, on the 23d day of May, nstnul, all of the Notes, Accounts and Judgucntp, belonging to the estate of said deceused, tpptnised douhtlul or worthless. Terms of Sale?Cash. JOHN DEWBERRY, S. S. C. Sheriff's Oflicc May od 1871. May 11 12 2w rflE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Spartanburg?In Probate Court. \. W. Cutntnings, administrator, rs Rooieo Iliclts, Votney llicks, et nl. Petition far sale of Real Estate of Ilaswell Hicks, deceased, to pay debts. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Romeo Hicks, Volney Hicks, Wellington llicks, l.couidas llicks, Junius Hicks. Theodore ^ 'oks. Leandcr Hicks, Drewry D. llicks, Mary Ann Burnett, Margaret Ourrctt, Liney llicks, Joseph ftllicks. Berry Clary, Richard Clary, Ace t. la'ry, Will am Clary and Dolphu* Clary, Jcfetidaius, reside beyond the limits of this State. .1) is therefore Ordered, 'I hat they do appear at a Court of Probata to be holdeti at Spar'.anburg C. II . for lb? County of Spartanburg, on the 2-.'d day of Itltie, A. L': 1971, to show cause it'uuy they can why tlie veal Csintii .tif itASvfrkli. Milks, deceased, tfliouhS not bb sold, or tlieir conseiit willbfe entered of record.' Given ululor my hand and seal of office, May 3, 187'.. 11ENJ. WOFFORD, J. P. C. May 11 ~ 6 Gw BARBER SHOPT" AX^lERT .JACKSON, RESPECTFULLY nnnotincci! to'tfie citiiont of Sfnktdnburg. And tlio' Aut-rburidnia cottutry, tltat lie baa fitted up bin Shop, ttnd'ot the Sparinn Office, where bed* roady to wail on ?\l who give biin a call, with nearness and des. Mich, and guarantees that they will b? pleased. Give him a call. May 4 ' 11 tf A. 13. BI3ECO, HAVING retuVned-'toOUr town, offers bit service* as AVi efficient'fihd skill ''it 1 Tail of; liaVing thoroughly posted hitnself in tIn impnriotii nrl of economy of gobds, and tlx improvements in cutting, does hot' hesitate ir Krarriintiiig 'to oiv'o entire satisfaction', both it cutting and making, has also supplied himself w.tli sufficient force to till orders will neatness mid dispatch. : ' Just received lutes: fashion*. Shop will bi fouud under the Spartan Otlico. THE STttTH OF SOUTH CA HOLING COUNTY OF SPARTANBURG. Martin PiHaoti and Kber Pinson Kxccutors Ziunie Piusou' and Harriet Floyd Defendant*. Petition for Final settlement. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Zinnii Pinson. and Harriet Floyd Defendants it this case reside beyond the limits of this State It is therefore ordered that they do appear a a Court of Probate to be liohlert for'lho Conn ty of Spartanburg at Spnrtauburg Court Hons on the 22nd day of May A D., 1871, to shot 1/m.ao owf?i miirHfi Kntei and will he Hold ?t Prices to Suit the Times. t ' ' 1 A CALL FROM THEIR FRIENDS, AS'D THE rUBLfC GENERALLY, IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. May 4 11 If CLOTHING. DHILDS & WILEY. ?DEALERS INCLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, THE CELEBRATEDSTAR SHIRT, P. P. D. UNDER WEAR, *, Boy's From <4 t OO to giib.OO. [Men's Suits $7 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 up lo $10. Good Business Suits For Ijtl^ t mid ^418. SEND YOUR MEASURE FOR SUITS, LENGTH OF LEG INSIDE. AROUND THE WAIST, AROUND THE BREAST AND WE WILL SEND A SUIT TO FIT, PER EXPRESS, C. 0. D. L. D. Ciiilds, John S. Wilkt. April 20 0 2:n NEW GOODS. POSTER & JUDD, HAVE RECEIVED THEIR Spring and Summer Goods, vYi?<1 liivitctholr Frioiilie Courts of South Carolina ron counties of 4b^ Spartanburg, Greenville. Anderson IWwoni , Cliestcr Union,' York nnd Laurens. david n. duncan, 1 Sl'artanduro, joiin d. cleveland, j So. Ca. Jan 12 ' * tt- - I ? -'a' si .If A, B. MULLlG'AN, COTTON FACTOR, CHARLESTON S t ' JOHN B^ ARCHER. IS MY AGENT AT SPARTANBURG. AND WILL ADVANCE MONEY OR COTTON SHIPPED TO ME. Dec 8- 43 * , Central Hotel, plain street. 1 1 2 t\lyck3 west of maiu, O'oliiiiilsin, IS, C. J&afe $2,00 ftdf- cfay. D. 1*. CL.lfTOiV, Proprietor. Jan 19 43. .. ' If Fire insurance. ' . LIVERPOOL, LONOoiTi^d GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY with n capital of over (*J2O,()O(),0()0 and other security lo more tlur.nten times that amount, they offer the very best assurance la the Policy holders The undersigned is Agent of the abovo first chits Fire Insurance &>'m/'S CHEAP FOR CASH nml nil kinds of produce taken " in exchange at the hi