The Carolina Spartan. (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1852-1896, June 30, 1864, Image 2

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f % 4 * - % i.. ' " A 4 TilUMl|j|ri .??;m wv, LrovlBf for (bo l.rjlct:. 1 tti'l Icivr HfirianSurir uett Tut;day mora t- iug r.v the I rV pabe l.egion. rr!.?h log to Avit'l clotbtogfo lha r c?.st do *o by bkvlng thorn at try kout>s by ccyl EotUefbtrtu will do veil to pnck tlnfcr jrr- ><1* in bo?c<* and b- ng them In. Tl.o-o olc'iivg to XBttibute m -k* or othav ribbing can *? no. tb:y *U'? bo **ry aeco table u tita aotiia.s # badly la oood. * * ** Jfeief*'fully, ^ J. XT GARRETT. ? Cni?r.lifi>l oi Cor<ii?iitvT fl. * PALMETTO fuAltP ?HCH)TLR3 f r - _ ti ? - ?? ? I *9*1 v r 1 ff TV JX' Kiw ?M . ^ kpfHttrti K. L. lotelac* f flrix* M. T?:-.'erB:>CoC5r?K*v t?Cap*. Jan. r. Moo'-t, aUglu in t forehand t 6?rrgl. L. C. Eiell,' Alight in hard v And-thigh; Corp. M. L Martin, rotor* iuA.Dt: Pritnlet C. Amos, alight iu bre.vt \ Mat* tbit Burke. riigbt la ibooldor ; Marti] r ash, Ciskt in tra; O. Darin, fl .th wound in Aotriihrj A J. On alight la clomxgh t Leo . Under, torero la Wok and arm ; Hugh Moore, alight in arm; J. V. Quina, alight la ana >w. 0 t ?. Bcgera, alight in wrlet. * 1 i ei i?o>??r? Declined. I^Tfl* Of The $PAKTA.r?Sit j I find In penr rahtnMf paper of the lCili ?<*n? my ontne . nriuitmi ed no o candidate to Tfpre!>rat -Sjorburg District, with my rfrpocia (o the k ud Oold.eia who put forth toy r ime. Ire*;?eo<. tuhy doc!int u.c fscn.inaiion criiiool p* tied of our otrnggle for independence. 7 K. KKSOITT. CaapefluS d r.. June Si, 13ft; Mt. Xuitob j?Plena* gi uui o number ef ro? tor* space ic your pnptr t.? nominate Captain ANDREW It WOODRUFF, m a .Candidate to represent the libirict of (i#'.1fnbur| i?? :he ntit Lcfclelatu.c. Capt. Woodruff we iuform d will tifu re.ign Ilia commission in the army, but if pleated, is willing at (he saute time to tree hla District in aitrll capacity. . Jon# 28. last. ^ MANY VOTE 118. Con. Lony^i>4>t. To the citizens of tho Bouikct a-Ono federate {. .will bs a mailer of rejoicing that thin diati igui <iiC(l cl'ie!"t<i?a lias no ?ur recovered from his wound) as to be ii?!e to travel with impunity. Of l?ia Htrival ,n Colunihis^tl fents'hernGuar 4ian of t..e 27tli hiMnnt, r.miirki that he npent la?t ai^ht la tuts city >t e do not know liowi long he wilt rem-an. hut our ausons would take great pleasure In seeing rhia repowued allien tun Wo hope it will not bo long before he country wi'l sg&.n have hie vnluablo service! From Ctic Ufcugit Front. HasiktTa. June .27.?Nothing of iutarcat transpiring bore'; U?tli ainuer occupy the a?n?e position held ferydtne >l^y?. Our bjitevice on Eennesaw >iountaiu ate elielli'g the en.iuy's Works this morning t>.ei?- butteries replying, wasting much gunp?w<icr. I?i?i?rs Aid anb Ucticl A*to? I ittlon. At it mG?.in ; Aajooiat: t 1 cl?l i n Jour liith !ullwn:ag rc 15 tlon ma 1 t ?r.? tmacivd .u t?/ lLc IV ???? .. Ot the 80c 1*.y : Heport ot tii* PrewletH ot ihu Soldier* Aid m aoaVttiri Aeni>ei?t:en, i.-rOut jf C. II : , Circur*??.r.ce? uo iuuge. n.Kiwi.ig iu > 10 ilia Ob .rgr iba UUUQi* of f rcalllClit vl title t"OCWty. 1 dow t*.nvlar inn irpori ot tie p io?er it. ug? aiuce lat of Januaij lbOl?and villi it ti>> re- i tigonium. Aitiolaa on Ii*cd on lat of Januarj?Si prs o.'kn , b tbirla; 1 comfort; pari wf a bunch 1 of > ore. Previous to lat of May n list of contrjbn- { ?|on? wa.-publiuhad in tba Spsrtad. Tbo i?tl* i w ug ^lunation* Uaro boon ro<*?i*cd mucs toot { tinni : 1 Dior 6- Couvev>e 6 bunch** yarn, 2 > ? ynrdi Lining, J ii Hilonn, 2 pis "cits: i Mrs AUred Tviiosot), 7 ytmi Uom< cpuu lor , bir a. ' Tb# following don* ion* nro goefullj ac knowledge! lor 11.>opual purpose*: J "J Archer, 1 mm, 1 jar o.lad. 1 o .ck Hour. meal, grin una bv.nule r ag-; Mrs Mo, bin. oid clo>h? , tog m drugs) Mrs Ai:r d lV.t-'-on, handle i rog>. Mr# neist, buxlie r?g?; Mrs Lo t.iov, bundle rugs. Dot tlx b,MOiib<rry k.uo; , SiiQj on Uai?or 2 tattle bmuuv, old t. : mug an-J rags; Mr# Jc-eph Fusror. 6 botil#* blectt- j borrjr wju?. dried iruit, sago an 1 popperi j CoriiK.; and Mr* Cotton, drival mint. catn:p, ; mgr aad lint; Mro Stoin ?oyer, 2 bo'tie* oor- j dial, lint4 M?'o L ? K-ined.v, '2 Uitlr? ?ibi< ' gar. lb-ttUnine, rags; Mrs Dunc-tO. 1 jar | pick!##, bundlo rags. liu*.; Mrs MiteUell, eltf elolbing and ' rvgf ; Mr# Eh pp. bcitlewme; Mrs Mills. bcttl# rin gar, pt-j>p#r and .sago . Uro U 11 Tnoinson, ol i clothing handsges an 1 > Hag hop#; >iu? M F Ttiotumm b-iruio r?j,i. ; Mtb Uouckm, jar pickles ana A10 )? ; M.'# * ... I ,V. .. " ? - - h,uu, MU3;er v ii ??agr.or, {to, ; j iiiu C ,U buiiib (.'>,00; ,\ira ?J ?v ttctilxr, j pecke^e ira and coffee ; Ttrnuc, bottle wipe, bundlerage; Mr* Cleveland, bun. lc j *Wl Horn; Mrs A Vtjngo, ni.*al, grec. bundle eld fl .luiug; Mr* Lupre, o'd eloihinj, rg?; Mrs Wjyuian, rioe; Mr* O E K??ra d*. c^.h dug, Jo b, rage and bottle winq , Mre Uohiu- ^ eon. buadlu old Jotlting. rag*, icuz:?, \u. ; Mrs J* P af*rr, tm die oUth. We also ?c j bnowlfU^e iliy rce->tioa ot il.i'O iroUJ ?bv jpro-'.edj oi o concert given hy Mr Tu'.ly, Oo I'ue ?0tb May one bos a^d barrel were sect to Central Au->niaiion Celumb-j, from (bene* to bo l'or*?*rt*d 10 any Hospital wherv ' tuoer be*.'!*!. Also on let June a barrel of ; Iloeplte! stores wae etnt to W*y?i<i? Hospital. Columbia. tluM.. <V.L. 1 n i ' ?nrag? imc w* auu a narrets noni 10 lioip'.* t*)e tbe following articles bavo tmu distributed from iha 61 uiety since lot January To Col Birpbon Krgiiacnr. 10 pro socks; to 18th Regiment 4. pr* dr&veri, 2 shirts; t> apt Triiomict's company 0 ihiri, 2 pr* dmwirti , tt? Tenne-Hre roldiers 10 pre socks, I pr gluten, to1 jo'idiws l pr sunk' eioh : tu ilo'pitnl box 6 pro drawers, 17 bjtiirs wins. The following nn.oles now retiAiii. 1 pr oboe*; *t> pte drawi rs: 1 woolen ftMrt ; 16 cotton shirts; 28 pre tuck* ; 10 bunches yarn; 1 Wffolen ecorf; 4 y<Is thirting. SI. li. THOMSON. The re*'gn?tica was occupied and Mat. O. ?. Epwit.'i rw unanimously vlooted next President ^ 1 VniloudlKltttm. 1 This genremen has eud<i*?ly i'*do l ie op t pearnnoo, at hi* homo in lis mi ton, Oh'*- ( he* hotij npp<.:nted a delrgal* to the l?e o- I ^ oretie < otiventinn, white iie win 'he heard geitV) tb* *ar, nalest Lilies! u re * held of . ' kirn. ' }; ? V ? Mr ^Ti * lining July 2 i at W' tloru !*^e. ^ Thi.t will c nxiiruto <?oe ot the i.x^j h-ating r.nj ??tr?et>ve lV?tu.-.? of lite j tool tumiliar luouth. \Vh>!? ostern?l naI turo >? in trre?n loaf ami ^"ivinlinl |st?. ? otl.injj firely can be fcioro inyithrs* j iliuu wo a^xeir.* I ?$<?? of J'.i*cnile9?f 'cparcd i io ^ive, uotlor pr.tnor ta?oro>re, a v??c ?l mul J inje!IecfU:il 6ritci*r?:n<nAnt; ctpaeiiitljf r-hon j We ova-Wer t1:o pnfnniio of .thia j e?tr?on] ?i.ry of ntol ft ?w of jmuri. To *?iopleo?i?y fw.dtils in V ru ria I lithe expire j'Ur|Hiv> Tin* entrfineenient i ??f llie rye. o?r nnd smil. .will firm u i *i<h*-fc3?a Irr which nothing trill Ke I <: harmed. Who ot ?* "?n think o' the Johjret, without n dn? p thrill of personal interest Fro ill iho Ifns ot the warworn > and crippled soldier. wc-bave heard thai.V* giving and praise, for the seasonable attentions and refreshtucots of the active at>d patriotio ladies of the South. In uiany a heart open to an eh sympathetic call* as this, has the inoense of a eincer<? ami f'ervant prayer distilled as the.gentle detra of the elO'idle* morning. As the , one emits the f.-acranee en t eipind* the vhmh ui in? inn mown ivwf??Hie other unenr'h^ !?*? spirit and mines it nearer to the burning Throne of <jnd. To aid the *ol ifcr?alleviate his mileiing*, mid infuse jnto hie soul the bahn and joys ??f nch timely offering as occn??f?n. will solioit, iii 4 wtrk of bcnefici nee uround' which awoH memories of the past wdl I cling as closely ?s tho clambering vino vmbrucea the trunk and branches of its fostering tree. The 2il day of JVy will bo no day alone for lihutim* in wine or oblation* in ; aacrifice. It will bet. day of remetiihrinoe |?r? gn!n-d sy?s season of refreshment ? nn era in tho hivlo'-y of sympathy atid benevolence to the wick an 1 suffering soldier on Virginia'* butt! -'rrutipod soil. An insight iiitv -the programme wiM 1 give y??it .'Ome idea pf therecompense, von i will receive*t the titii"." We are to d t'rnt I rcholuia have p-cparcd Dialogue*, lucitaj linns and Speeches?that the ^Southern 'Confederacy will represented by thirteen T gr.a, a hurl r |ii?? eaucu* of 177d~by a* J luany bnyg, and (liar ItvtwCei* the ppeeehe." appropriate, patriotic Odes wi 1 bo ("in/: ' ?i<m? several Solo* bv several Jittlc cbj lreu ami thereafter an a.Mrc?< by 1'uor. Oak? ' LISI.F.! ahioh will be lo'loweil b;* n collne; tu?n to aeu,| supplies to our Hospital* in j Yttyini". ' - ; | " 5th i>'idi rrrin-^'ttienta Inr r-:ir iiid'? \ it-it r> I OlitC ri ?w> ! fin. eh can relu-e to ' r ! jrif mi: : .1 Jr.wit Kit a.n'ndiuite refuse to i ^ive in ti.e oobie oVjccf which iik* a bright j ui j Mar cbiricK fioui the coronal "prepare J j nt a cro*u Co (be ocension, XmpropVfef Jew of Coyliootl. On a saotmth, not uu>ny mount hincr, wo heard a aermon o| groat power from one of our l'ulpita, in regard to the necessity of j religions iiirtrnetinn and a religious observance of the teaching* of the Bible in reference to the moral education of our youth*. 1 ho minister impressed tuis idea with gresi* foreo un<l with n.auy pertinent and iocni illustration* Among other thing* he sai l tliut tiie profanity which he heard and thy im. roj'li.-ttra (if coo ucf lie wituei?ed at the l*ocf Other when the mail* were <*},. ing, wore coyrces cl'sorey ?u th rant:, a u ; car and eje of the eolighteoe 1 ('hi atian, and evinced a lamentable neglect oft fir to junction tiujv?*e<l |>y_ the inspired trriur, 'fmtn op a eh if I in the way ho shouM g?? jtnl w ban he is old, he w*U nut -depart !" J his immm ? *' ' ? 1 - > U|kh l ie morni cradilion of our youths. .md jet we reirrot to know personally that it in tine. We nro Sf>:iftie?l (h:it much of this moral def.;rojitj proceeds from the ihoaglitlefMirn 1 of youth and die ill eoneidcred opinion of ', parent*, that thov are the proper rnn i?r? ! Oi the mails Hut luudy a re; u!?ive pie? I tuvc ha* been drawn lot us by those who j ha\e oppurtuu fi"S of knowing precisely how tn.i?e improprieties are exhibited. | Athein is the unnnd'in jj of t*.e .mi:- , iiia!-, the removal and mutilation* of ;hu I sjihue, and oth\?r practices of like nature, j upon the servant* of the country who are am?t fur their respective mail package* The peculiar hado which rebounds through oar sroats. inimitable in its d-pth and hn adf! , tin u,_h not an overt sin is a vo O-.i ?vj. which olumli) l?e cured by parcn? t.?i oversight ami uuttjnnty It may unit j the wilderness bnf, oertaiuly, has no afitrittiea with eivibzetioa. It resembles nioro tb* untutored whoop of the savage, than tho onphotnioos rnoaii*m rf the cultured African. Wo' had hoped that the moootono of the **Mockinx IJirU" would have supplanted this prote.-que ahritk?this unnatural outcry. It is not only that the car of the evening ts rendered nniousi- ; '.hi by lit in inrjaficholy painful * ;nJ that we u'?j?e! to, bat ihn *t *j?t ?<:?e of tliin unbri4itcd.uHHAinbl.1g'' oruinjnd < ur notice tutd evoke our (tnxurei An Inijf/ortnn! Convention. We nrc^riliflfd to learn that on the 5th Juy (.{ July next, a cooventioa com?j fcrf l rt . ?? It 1'rchidii.p Elder of thn M. K. t It 111? h and a I .ay man from each District ; irii.l is- held 111 tl:;s pla r. 'J lie notice pro- . ?ceda bom liiSHor I'lnaor. and hopes to k eompr.fh .1 moat tinjfirtunt object ol gen., 1 :ial inti'-.ect. We hope that our In end a ' I ei l not be indifferent 10 its eej>s:ons, but via man; 10*t a iivoly rn, in every 1 uy, fjr lha antotai ?t jhe-r.eveaont. ; . thu Idili cf .VI jv, ni lf.?? o". Lvr , ?;:e Si.c mat; oo.iti-u'd to i.yr cl? .m'jcr ' mar three la-miiia. iJ*r *tfS;?*?> !' ?? u ? J variety oi uK'ustjii, was ?>mtr ieted ati'l .~e? Tetej jet ?ho bt>re 'Jt~r t'lSoriug* virlie j p*.!ictic Kn'titu'e and ohiULan r?r?i,-u:ij ftun itireJy wjaxlcl. j M^l.Lut ma* co ordinary \ * gifted t:?*ai'a!lj wrjih a almm; ; il j uua liuiid ; Slid Imviu * ei.j <y: . til * tbo advantage i 1 i pt t:i 'tl.n?'i 'i, tl'.u w^fc C'?n.[ i't< n' to d1 ({haV * ,r|. thin u tii?i uuiii-v. the* var ry? dune* .r..w ^ liijf o?it oi Iter lelationd a* wife. mother, , a*?d ui'?tT<?i?y. '] be ojnuao'Ui'.nt of bet' t h?m rilol J and domestic ?-.!<- oh.'ir |. k , T- " j ndoriscu Ly industry, economy and prac? j tical lensc. h?l;e succeeded in that which | cu^ht tu b- the i canti y aiabuifi# of every married lady: Siik ual4 a ha p PT HOM?.. 8he looked well to the way* of her own household, and did not cut the bread ot idleness. Iter children rose up around her, like ol:ve plants, nod Ides* J her; 'liar husband also, nod pr-'.jscd hsr." In the cstiuic'ion nf the lit tic circle nearest to her, her price 'was above rubnJIt. 'j'hey most deeply jjrtevc lor Iter removal, liiost keenly fret her loss. She fre?j??*o*ly expret?sed.lo the writer ot this sketch, her ?'eep interest in the education ol' her ehi) dren both secular and religious. Her views on this subject wore sensible ayd praetT? cd, eliowio^ that the not only appreciated > education in a family, but that she comprehended the numerous difTc'tltjan thrusti 11V thcuaseivea ever and anm at).wart the ? _ V pit?b of youth, Iiin.lfrinoj their progress. 'Hiis wns one of her reason* for roai'jvnjf to lleiilri'le with her family- f^he wi-hed to be with lior children, \ hilo ot scho 1 that she might second the eff ?rN of teach cr* in stimulating them in the daily routine of i kaoine study. Her loss will he It It out side of her im mediate family. She was at the time of Iter death President of the I*n1dier'?~Afll ftttrie'v of Koidri] c noJ vicinity, nn Orguiizirion k!? "?? 11 to the pu ?:io, pinco tlie bcpnn.nn of the war, which h iving it* peat of opertwiun at Keidville, meeting monthly, cinhr. ced a lartre-portion nf'tho District, fthe was piomincnt in or?>u?'i zing the society, its first, und oiry p'c-i(ieiit.. The l.nNo are eruitly indoht-M t> her f ??r ttlut llicy li.vo he <* enabled r*? in* eotuplieh jit the way .if in. ;.i-h'l dt ij mil hospital ?tiiii.s t.i ti c* : r >. .> ii-i ?? ? i. ??er Cutintr* ill >v**i , .. ; J>* n* I fjti.iiy 'I h* .1" M * .... | tfiotic ?ie*e.;i s. whe proItsPc.i r-!:c;:on a* ti._ ??*.*lv r.?; ef sixteen, and n :>eU ;v.tlt <he i'r.* j riati Chorea, io lite * !! !.*? of A n 'or ! | under the tnini try ??f the Jl^v. U. M { ,! I, P. P. b'hs r-ii rn<vM??d V?y km *r ; into the Nazareth Church, s'.on after I r I m?rri%?2C nn'l removal to* Sparfvi.lur. Sl.??continued a consistent and faithful ioein''cr if th;s church to tIto tima of I,or death; the communion and fellow ship of which, we trust l or Atnc'fieu pure mid hipjy spirit, h is onto,#-I .' * mansions wliic! ("lit ist h i* <so:ie to prepare 4\r . K..? - ...I . ... 1 ' ..."-v * ?.!> . ?? h 11* i m rve i iiui u lit ft tlio\ ahull I** and ! . ]| : i th i;<* b'li! -nt* 'i ?! o ! hi bet i *r : <* si'ti: .fii'i.r * ' 11 ? v -.lit * It.* thu'i^h .-In i . i : ii.Oa- uto ??t (!i?, s; .' ,n i u . tiuii -ran? wll.rb urr in t.i i t.:? maiiitoM ?l ?. y na. religion whh in Iter ij*aii > * ...*i tli?* lube and chuieh ; oltuti r < . on j??viti?? the prayer-ukt tings >?< ' tli? eervi(cu of tlio hut cli ?7h her death h-d She was kind to her minister nJ his family and to the poor. I (or death bed vns a rem >rka.l* oiso. allowing htm Christ fiiifus that prr-eiou* itomtHo of his word ; !i ? wrti _ir.? dy inc ".r i?*A ?(.> |ji< people Vh '?-ii m.t !?. tot 1;'i (iiui: . the cuMtio- j.; i -fcliCtb. cause of r. ii Purina the S,.nr wgek. It r it >. was wnniii tit:j*. itonj "hit <;. t?s?. .bi.^ Tt? ;*lf uj' n iini ?-nl ject. I v i?-?r I hor :? m?> i >i. Lt'iuic iii r An. thin^k, (the nnid i<? mo, "iijkvi the w!i 1? -ho Could fee In way clear, hot. at timi *lie was dintretuo l hy d irk cloud an 1 n xiou? IVar*, idic h<n" ed. n-ul |. av< i i- ?. ?. Uol s will l?> r. n.??\e hit. ilia. I.? W. it. | cifcli.r j.iare, md i-trcnpth lo n.oet trial ! remailc vi th ;r Oil' isi In 1 p n nisi-1 to u*, ! tlyiu^ on:cc and strength j a:.d thai when j the trial came, she would he ?j.t to find Shej>h?i-.l aa goo 1 at Hi* word. She said she knew the promise, hut feared that nhe would he wanting in fai.h. On the morn in;: of the daj tdie died, tho cajl ed hor hu?band, and *.;id, I am going Jo die. I know that i have been talking scattrrintr i ly lor the last two cr thro days and ujJ not known' tinieg wh f I war. talking about, but row my mind i-j perfectly clear, urn) I understand what 1 am going tv^ sav; I am soon to die ; and I tliunk my blc*?-? rj Kodoomcr, that Ho hi* given nm n>inil and Mre;*gth to talk onm- more to my dear Ian ily. Since our marriage we have lived happily tog. iher Vou have been a devote-! hu.->bun 1. W o have an interesting family of children; which we both love. Hut the cord, which I inds us together in this world, wlH soon bo cur ; and in a few hours my spirit will take its flight; and you. my dear limb,.ml, w:ll be kit with n resp* uaihle cliargc, the r .locum dour dear children. I would lain May with jot, asd help f them ; bnl G l id irt * li.vui, that Nil liiiti<>ft uro lli- anilimu?> i:<?^y j aid li'il there if? tm safety, except ' in tii-: bUiod of a crucified Ket'e Mirer; and | to ui?l yi.u in the rc-4^' tuihle du'y renting , ut mi* y.:u, t lit you; truM i'.l Jet us, who U : . uhle. iitnl viii.jijr to sup;?lv c\eiy need. | t?SI? i?n> i.-io-l revealed !: too-, t > my wil, iu u ilyl'-fs hour. ] ; o ? t.u'i !? : >!' oil, ' I knurr that uij i'.'ivja 11v tjt ' -x'y f.iiih in ftroujj >} :<.? a <*| cd in! W8 .ri f n-J 1-1 d i lir. i Hill t.*t .("'.lid 0 ?i.t* . b it fhoUx'ts of Illy Ueuv ii:tic children h.nij* lu-avy ground my j heart. I am going to li'.iven, 1 want you, J aiitl my dour children to u?ci t me in that ' ; hsppy Intid. .'he then culled lor her tec- j ro*l sou, urn! y?iu are the oldest child | (at buiue ; you have uiuiht a p'ol'cuMoti ol i religion,, you Imvo Teen un liffcctionato, ' obedient aon, you oun do n grout deal by | conversation utid example in helping your I Pn ttf raise your litre brothers ami Bisters | aright. He kind to them, '4II tlieui ot Jeans, 'he hIiiimt'h i ieinl. who lov \s yond | little children uud blc-* .* tiiciu. ? lie t he 1 Called lor In r eldt : daughter, j I and *aid, My ilenr diughlur j^Jtt tne a ( jewel id tender age. Always consult your j lather in every thing. Take care ol little j Cbtista and the b-ibc._ Head your Hible ; 1 and at echuu', do not allow ~oursclt to be 1 d oft' by wild utid rude girls. Think j oltcn ol the dying words ot your mother She then called lor her third son, and ' said, You arc au aftf.ctcd child. Clod inigh t ' a rise you-down in a moment. Hal? your teuij^r; and be. u good boy, and pray to I 1 ?a .u~. ? >' ?- . i jmju tic wmuiii /icai ymir cii*ea4Q9 I 1 end iii.iUp vou a jinod christian. Of her " ccond daughter, who was :;t the time *r??iii home, she . aid, ahe ia a sweet cli?!?.t. ; i'eii hor to Ui a ;n>od ;;irl and to meet me 1 j it. Heaven JSIw; tlien took her two you gI eat children and killed tlicui, siyifty?may j the ldeH>ioj? of Heaven alten I them, Sic . then said, there is my oldest ton, tar front ' j ' h dii.-; mil uuiong Mruuger.?. Oh how , i I love him. lie is to kinJ and aff.cth ti- i | ate. V. T'te to him of my departure, and ! 'tell him o avoid the c>ui;.liv ol the I ml , wicked and to associate w>"li the religious ; and that us he h is already profe-sed an lifter t-t i'i a crucdied, to culti | vale the I' ^raoes, ie:ai\i!e>. ?>j" the j I M.eeis ol* he uj jit-tiyr Au-i wiiilo h? \.-t a j | Au'iiier in t:.e un.iy ul itiN, t*j | i <ul?i?er u; Cue eroii ul v'-nisf, : : ! j ji. re: ! .? :i j ::;ofht:r ;?? ?'h? i i>i I ! ..?** u . ! i ue.i li> i.evi re..t. hoi i..lin r, ij j ?!l:Cl r MOi II:??? t i.'ilLC! Uj:... ! ;v,al.J <i.| I e?; a ii.'ifjs iui:;ht ho mhI ?< I hem : . I iretti her, t*? pic pa re :o ma : iter i:? lira- | I vi-n ; n;ir l.? .i. enii ii;?.;-?{ . . : u ; ; v. i- tMi. .*cr h.i<J t?<"c-r? *tr. j: '.? tvi\c ; h?*r for uioic til ;n uv<\.:y v\.r?>! ' fi<t that >be ini!Qrni:il, tV.: :-h ; was i:.i i Ui&fiaL'k* u > ; rVatli, :?rxtl lu-. I t I'l, at tint. 3, an In'cloii'It d wif'i doi.hts itiitt ivirH ! bu* : than*fed (to?l lli.wh* had j;iv<*n her tl.? : }fT:ire to^u-faln her in tlu last strujwlu. j She addif.-Si'l % f-w w is to tl.j wo vn-.f.s stain.i??? troiind leT t? ed. s iyi-./ ?i:?t tli.'\ -.1 bvdi kind tier, nn.i ( ;hl'ul it: ; sr.iirjit ; upnri 1 er in '< r - k-u j. :i* >;itj I j w. <t aft iij ?ti ti :h v 1 -t ' 1 thitter 'to. ! 1 '1 'S i , ,1 , . ... i ' .... i .... . .? (i,,. vi a I " '"'-'j . in - .! v .j i-?r i:t a . !i*?ur, i? a I . ...c i i I'M. t. .<!ie uau t'i ' i. at.', i i ai.y u| the hnu.-e, . vt f i.e. ,n; i.Kci iii[;Ui . r.c8 by j (.el coiuk. i .Alter tu.< sitesecamt exhaust ^!. Upnn j being e-ked if fhf ?as in any pain, she replied. No?' Jims can make a dying bed as downy pillows arc]' ai:?l re iiii^tcl that a chapter from thu BibVii?:gl.t he iad. : ho 14th ehipfcrol John';* Gospel was real br a la-iv present. ?v'he i - . I a.v-n fell into a -.-.Tret s rep, and ti'. en she.j i a k .u* < : v : ! tic.itu'c ? hr >k? ;i svii* j \ 1 the strength | lain Lt.ah.ixi t.. r (o make tin1 hot talk to ( j her Inuiiiy, u.' a n[??cal act ol g'?o If-os oil ' the part .?! her lledeinuWr for about ><n | b.-ur bet.ue *he died, ehc swooikJ uwaj ; j an 1 all prr?cnt thou.-hi : In: Mas gone. I llcr children made iinsiileribie n >i? ' ' their (1 <.s?t r?-?et. \\ heu she recovered, ?h ? id to 'hem ii> a teehle voice. and ??r? k< * 11 I? i>. Ci s'tlri n ii <?*ii v*. 1 K as i . oil lo \mv a-> i.e to Hie thi* im-m | iiijj, I think you ought to trust linu in a tc*r uiuiQwi)Is the struggle will bo over." | " t'OMK TUtt LONG fcAt'KCThD JESUS," wort her lust words. AMICUS. ? ?#>?#? M ARIl.TTA, June -3.? ho details of the great fiuht on Wednesday aih'rnoon ureas follows: Hoods corps, held in reserve, was ordered at noon to thu extreme icft. When it got in position n battery of the enemy i*k' fheicneiuv opened fire upon i it. Consul arable ?-htrinishinj. ensued when, our 11in: under liond, witn Brown ? l?r?g J mle in advance, was ordered forward It i moved out with cheering and a furious liiitt'e ensued. We drove the enemy two ! mile-, and too j os-ession ol two lines of | foriificuiions, oapfiited twelve guns ami a largo ouiiiIkv ?>f prisoner?. The lo.--s upon both sides was frightful for the numtxirs engaged. lieu. IVttns of M ite-ivsippi, was killed. 'i his nunninj:, our bitturics ?ro ahull in<; Iroin Keiinwaw.?AuyM*ta Ckronulr. The Yankee j aj crs report tlint la-t rre< k a "ffHctjr of r l?c cros-ed from tl.c V*??? Uinin ?s(torc to Hia.kstuno Island, on the . to J destroyed the house ut that point. We hoar r'?ry little about cotton yarn, and cotton cards?we are gUud oor peopls ar# anppHH v .f# I v *l*l?at I irititk t Ibu er in the j CoiitiGc' ite Stuf^Vhnll r?Hjf and deliver i o the Confederate (lovornuicru, of ibe produeffl ol the prcnont yo;ir, one tenth of the when", 9oro, oats, ryr, buckwheat or rice,- lru>h potato ?, and i f the cured buy and (odder; nlau, one tenth of the su^'Af,' ui?4(Umi made of cane, or ot ror^lmui ati. re more thai) thirty anHon* sic m.?de; o-ttfii, woo? aiftl tob-cco; the ootl.iu teiutied and packed in mine secure unmoor, end stripped and packed in the co* ton lute delivered b# hid oti or before .... 1 a -a- -1 ** ?-? 1 1 * in. 4.-1 <jnj, ?>> . ..ircii, ana the tODicoomi ?*r ?? i-1 day <-'i duly. next atu-r their production. tiuch lut liter or planter ahull deliver to tl e Confederate tiuccriunoht, lor it* use, cno tenth of the pea--, bcatia, and ground peas, pioduced and gathered by htm during the present year An soon a* fueh oi the aforesaid cro.?s are mule ready tor market, the tax assessor, in easj of JiHa^reeiiifiit betwi;:u hitu and the lax payer, bl.ali proceed t<r cMiuiatg the sumo in the following manner: The at-1 ai-ssor and tux payer shall each select u dis interested freeholder from tuc vicinvg**, who uiuy call in a third, in case of u differ cnee ot opinion, to sottb* the mutter in dis.uie; or it the tax payer ne^b-cta ??r refuses ti?sr>ct nue m:cI? Irechodei. t!: >'aid u.v-o.-ov shall s.*ect two, who ahad proceed to asses* the crops as herc'lii provided. They shall ascertain the amount id the ctops, either by actual measure? j nicut or by computing* the contents of the | tooth* or house* in which they are hel w iien a correct coin nutation is practicable by u? l? u iiietln d, and the appraisers shuli ! thou eaiitpute, under oat li, he ipiai.ti. y and ijtn ity of s.iid cr.?ps, including what may have been sold or consuuicd by the producer, prior to saiu estimates whether IT till' cd or llOt. trrtii! jni'l 1 Mates such porti irt el said crops n? may be iicccsrary to rai.-c ami la'ten the ho^a X>f such tanner, planter, ur gratier, tor potk; 1 hat tuy billowing- persons shall be exempt from the paytuci t oi t!u? tax in kind imposed by this section, viz: s Kach head of n family not woith more [_tlia ij live hundred dollar*.1 . I'lach hod ot u f.iuwly jvith ni"nir children, not worth more thau five hun? 'hi' 1 dollars lor him eil, and one huuwreu r each minor living with hiiu, and live I I .1 .11 -II:.! - o _ . . nuuuicu uuiuim u/ iiiiaiiiun in roio id.' c.u-Ii minor reri lit* has living or uiay have l ?-i. or Ii;td disabled in the military or u t?orvice liacii trice, toldkr or p^aitnn, iu. the in my or navy, or who lias hecti disebar^td thei-fron tor wounds and is not wonli in-no than cue lliuusiin : uoihirs. MAUUTllD, A? t!?o l>.-i 1c* r?.-l?lencc on Tlinrnday * tn , t'-s jvl it- i-it liy Ken'.i.n ttrtani, , Mi-. it. Kit 1j- lior y < ' !?' ciivtjie itis-rici l >r iS.- 11 ?* li. ie jc.ii> n nrinhor Karl*-" i*( M-r\ S i <!-.:i ?. io mra-> aL.111..Ill \ !. : ill i i . ??'. tl.i- tiikir.Ci. 2? & if o yj" x c? , F t*> ?! 7 it V. DAT K. T'l-"' map tor ^partanWnrg itid Utiton TD-il .<>.?.t ki 1 >'3 o ory. i!jy, i.Skiiltillj'* i'i *ept oi a: . . . . . 6 P. >1T ; r.;n.! fur U rilTtl'*, c!ast;a every t???rtay, ui . . . . OP. i>c ...ii! ?ir firrmviH.* every Vi >u i ' V. WvJn ?n-i l-'ri ?ty. ?l 6 A. M 'I !ic mill tor !>cu!Q?it<ra, clo-fev every WeJne<J?y, At . . r . .CP. M. T!: ! lu'i I f?r Hutherfonlton, K C., c'.o es i-v. ty \1< >? iiy ::?J Tajr?lny. itt tt P.. M. i'hi tn*:t to.- Lturcut C. f|., clo-eevery Fr-Uy, .a . . ? I'. M. 'i.i- ma ) tor Vor!ivi.lo. vi* (f.iinr-?i-ji ? Sj.r j . '.. o.iyJay, <*.: <j P *.| r i- ui it? for * k ..ti c Hill. ~c'. ma every a . . . 0 P. *. vi v, irs r?? .5 lVi?u 6 P I S i'V. .. olili". T.-VC.-' . .^.i y *. . .<, r. M i ;.e ?*? 1 ' *, i 1 ('* '? *'ijy i-il.e) -vl-j-e " v ?y ? ? i. - ?: yj 1* vi i i.o .ii ui lur .M-jJ's V i clotvfc 4 i \ t'c vl 4j, til . . 10 A- M J A. LEE, P. M June 2?. 15CI. M'ant?(l to Hire. 4 WuMAN ?r lUrl. the irgu**t will /-\ In |>it 1 lor u ^ovd at it.!- i'lcure Utlivrjr w??rd. It. Arc)i?r tuidie Miorc. ofip'ixito tin. t'o? it June ? ! ' ciAf'ise {au'TiiTsTuT. * * T ILL he eold first Monday in July (unie I | day) tti tri'tii ot i lie I ourt lleuee. a VOU p llliiclt ' o* il?.?T 1 ' i? '.T. 9:11 >1 I'ow \ pit; on o! iM.'t'li pot- ?i? food u f.d irglii . >?! oiorn>a^ ?Td\, vill g>*? I* guilons poi* ditj. June 30 3 T auo. A l..\U(iK'',o-J comnno4i?Ui t^AUKlACLK ;?n'; !i with fix ??ats. T?i?con It.i- it of vncjt v* jp't.u. Coufodwate nvnwy wi'h iho v.-.i. oti n ui'.l b?- tnl. on, or five do! I??r Mils w Hi ,i. it tUl h fora tlio lot Jo y, r n . *o i. fff. "tou tot a?>ut i !i<*t?: or !ao:c. \. ji ) u? nil tiiccw ?M..V " * V Mr.Jwpli Fr?y, TUXEtt OF PiANCte", BRLOffflOKS. f IMI ANKFDL for past farors, begs to inform | it;e lailifc* of Spart unlmrg nod rieinify. Ilia* h? w'T! h? at tkmir places in a f?w day*, rotdy to l oc.M?? tlieir or?l?rsJ u nnt .itV 'J tf Dr. JT. A. Clopton. MAY be ci>n.?ulit'<l in Spartanburg on lb* ,4ib. otli, t??l\ and 7tb ut duly, lie operate with |u)'f*ci -mooes-* for FISTUL-v, YU WOK-. .liseuHeo of Kon.oii*s, Ac II. l.n? ?.-a < 1 in. ijr 01 i\im loom re'spriitMe cii*cn? of the ih'c". a ad ^uoranUei j ei feci natistaction iu every c*se of Piles. He Operated upon u gentleman .if Newberry ni_4 year, thst die most distinguished Surgeon of i.iiui vsioo rcfiuol to overate on threo years ago. Ladies in the ei*y end country will te ef ired ai their houses if '' sited Or. C. hm never lost a patient for an operaion tor Piles. June 20 0. II >Iil< li Cow Wanted. ONF. with a young calf, for which, K a eupeiior milker, a high pric in cash will he , ei<l or *bc can be bartered for as may be preferred App.y at this office. I June "J8 8 tf l>4>aml TVotioe MK .illco is over flu bo, Edwards A Carlisle' Law Office. P. LEE. D. 1). 8. Mnreh 1 f. ly prnc* i M.ttinei* NTuaique, Monday, conducted by ; Prof. FA4.IV. , S IS HOP GEO. F. PIKItCK has been ind to uddreti tlie Senior Clui, oa the oc- ? casi .n of tbetr Giaduniioti, Monday ?v?ntag, " a ia y 4ih. Trustee Mealing, Tuerday afternoon, Jul/ 5tU I The NEXT SESSION will open August 8th, and cK??e i/ccembtr 15' fi, :Wi. Board,' L;gb a eiC^pltJ, per session JM100 00. Tuiiion, uss of Boob's, Con. Fee, 00 00. MustO and use of Pisuo, . . b'J 00 Each pupil is requested to furnish a oup. Applications- for ^ic next Session, so be siioc. esful. niusl he made early, mm more than halt of the places ore already engaged. Add ess, .VI \l. K. BLAKB . fepartauburg, S. I'. June 80 8 1* AUGTION SALE . ON T11B FlKSt' MONOAY, BEING TiiE I 4lh OF JULY, j r"\KMKOt*H of cftungmg lay business coI / (irely, 1 will cdtr my entire mock, to l e 'ugliest bi?l<lc{ uu the above day. T11K STOCK COMPRISES IN PART OF iOO UIJSUtLili EXTRA FINS CLEAN SALT. 10 ilium fine POCKET KNIVES. ass9rte?? 7o buuciiV* \ a. A urn, from Nos. ti tu No lu. 1W palm Ladies and Men's SilOKS. 60 pairs COT ION ('AKU4, No 10. 2 t.croes crti* FAMILY Bit E. n young well broke MULES 1 tvtfu axis W.VOWN. 1 ti.u u?w iVityui) CLf?TlI. C*E I'IKE Vouny Aliik Cow. O.N Si L\i '* lit I.N GvUft o vT\) K It. Thete he sold for current Con- * ' elevate money. or pav rrc^ived is BA? A>N, BUTTER. LARD. ^ MEAT, COR* or FLOUR. to votiimeuoo at 10 uV-leok, ?t in v store, and con tin h? until ail at* told. W. SHIVER. Spartanburg. Juts 3d 'j-i? Ba.i-itt of CcolfRi Associa'ion, !'(>! I'tiU'XUU. June 13. l*i?A r \r.-? ar ojsPATuur ? For auJ ltMurej^nJ's Armies...... J an* 1M* " J.ihnsiou'ix-Arruy Jul/ 1 M. LaIH^IDE. Clinirroa* C. A,-?vci*tion. i Pupc-rA o' the b:'*te w?ll ft.ja e vuyy. I 'ana m h ?r v >1 )XC1S?. * FOR I'.IK HEjBFiT OF 'JVC UDiEs' lWSMI'AJU tULlMBr.^ -4 2 r.<:a;.-v !S\ IIOEU.EU *?(<l tNJC. . J F *itt k-tve u h v?* OUTli Ei<l& ..>i 11. 1..U- V Uit. aUve a&tatvU fto-l-.'ai. i? ?hc ? >'>* i.g j>ctsr ~ .-i rc.-.ln.r^. . "... June !T>, yur.'..?p w Julr 1. "4. X. wtxrry? .... . . 44 6. Six, . . . . . "If. Or ji?w??od> .' ... ^'12. .V-i>e*i?lu, . . - . " 1? | .rnuysim, . . . . . ** 2). ! 'Arvtuaita., ..... " i4nrefl v ilie, ... . . " 27. ( Si'tumaburg, . , . u let"1 Unw>?, . . . * . Angusl 1. T.u;i?V.'jlly would we accept ?l?e asatKtaiire nPruv indies in in.r?e ie*ptc!ive place*. (b-.ih !pU)?ri hi *iugetv.) IV? |^i?t ifci* ibtflji R\ lie* iocH-ib.e ii..* wUo will kindly , to have plenty of luue to prepare themselves, i f jV the cor.cs.x?. X&i*. Nov papris in the above mentivteAr rW"- will please meeri this. Jjf.SO 11 owardt0 UNA WAV from the aii'.?s?rLUr on I ha ii llti iiut., my negro Bcj, Climes. He fa. aouut i> feet 9 inches nigh ; cupnor colir. nbocc 19 years, of n^e : b.*d uti vbdi he left * blue Jcnns coat, bennies taking other clothes with hint. # I will giro & reward of Fifty lAul&rs for his np|>rfh<'uxio?i and lodgment in any jail so that 1 can gel him. >.!HS. >UN I US T H O St N dunelti *7 tf . i\e? PlBLlCAIiUcSb ~ RV . Bt HkE, BO ? KIN & CO.* MACON, a 10 ft01 A. TVTOW READY r i i.^1 MA8TKR WILLIAM MITTI* ; . Or, tho Youth cf Brilliant Talouts, who sraa tuiaid by bad inck By Jud.e Longsireet, aa-< iuar of "Georgia bcenes." Trie* 60 UO. CAMP AND FIELD. Paponfaxn 1 he Port- folio of an Army Chaplain, by Re*. Joroph t Cm#*. D. lr. part let now roady Price $8 00. 1>C JJt'AX AD UH . or. taj-iured ?n Escaping. A story ,*>' ou? of Morgan'# utoti lift 1 .Mr#, 1'. 1L Cross ? Ncnriy-reody. Prieo | $i 01/ ! YOVSO M AROt >NEUe>. By Re*. Praneie | U. GmtUing. "A meat entertaining hook for young person*. Pronounced bj good judges , U> he equal to Robison Ciosm'oc. Price ?8 Of.. A Ubvral discount to 1 be trade from 1 be lore ' g dug prices. Per the amount 11..toed. renut ,gu iv i i vurn-m munv wr wiu eeua either or uil of llie*e book*. |?o-i paid, to any pari cf the Coutoderovy. Aihlre *. BURKE, ROY KIN & CO., M.acou, Georgia. Any newspaper in the Confederacy copying the nbneo advertisement.,with this noie, will i receive a copy of each of the above books, upon receipt of the paper containing the advevI liiotnent. In.. IS T IT NOi'tCK TO TRKSPtSiEUvS. ~ WE HEREBY give notice that we will prosecute according te law, any and | every person, who may hereafter Uraopaae on ; our land oituatod Dear t he town of Npnrtnn; hutg. CAMERON t CO. i ' .J " r-\ - >i?'. .. ?&?+& ?*' I - .u (JO CDS, wlilch nre enld beL? the 0#lnnbi? prices* The I~uli<*? ore fcvpcctrtlhy iovUeJ to call sad examine. ?" ICrench I9* ints, GERMAN PRISTS, Kngliek Prints, French CNunbrio?, < or?ei?. Purple WmIIoii, Celonxft Pwlcjt Rn tm. Need ci. Indigo, ; Olive Oil. Or.itei-<?, 6ltoeo..&|>ool Threw!. Long < loth, I3uit?ii Curd*, Bhoe Thread. Htiioni, Combe. Files, band saw, Ppui, Peahvldere, Writing JPnpor, If.-V-k* end Envelopes, Muetatd Sulphur. Mhirki'*, Cinder Ve*is, l'eituu#, V'kmiiaii lie J. Rat reel Logwood. ' ALSO A CO PCKTJ2 STOCK OF. Druofrt. Jt?~ ? ??wwf ^ . all to. ?utc low at JAMES M. OlDBS. Dmf 8*re. j U.niaavUte 8. C , Juue 3'\ "II-St SPAKTANBUBG FEMALE COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT COvlMBSCBMBN'l SBUMUW. SUNDAY; JL'.VK 4d, by Uotr. #OUH T. WlUHIM . . . Literary Address, Monday Morning at tba ' C bap el of V. nitoijl College, fcy Prof. J. li.' 81" U ft T iv V A N T