f % 4 * - % i.. ' " A 4 TilUMl|j|ri .??;m wv, LrovlBf for (bo l.rjlct:. 1 tti'l Icivr HfirianSurir uett Tut;day mora t- iug r.v the I rV pabe l.egion. rr!.?h log to Avit'l clotbtogfo lha r c?.st do *o by bkvlng thorn at try kout>s by ccyl EotUefbtrtu will do veil to pnck tlnfcr jrr- ><1* in bo?c<* and b- ng them In. Tl.o-o olc'iivg to XBttibute m -k* or othav ribbing can *? no. tb:y *U'? bo **ry aeco table u tita aotiia.s # badly la oood. * * ** Jfeief*'fully, ^ J. XT GARRETT. ? Cni?r.lifi>l oi CorCoC5r?K*v t?Cap*. Jan. r. Moo'-t, aUglu in t forehand t 6?rrgl. L. C. Eiell,' Alight in hard v And-thigh; Corp. M. L Martin, rotor* iuA.Dt: Pritnlet C. Amos, alight iu bre.vt \ Mat* tbit Burke. riigbt la ibooldor ; Marti] r ash, Ciskt in tra; O. Darin, fl .th wound in Aotriihrj A J. On alight la clomxgh t Leo . Under, torero la Wok and arm ; Hugh Moore, alight in arm; J. V. Quina, alight la ana >w. 0 t ?. Bcgera, alight in wrlet. * 1 i ei i?o>??r? Declined. I^Tfl* Of The $PAKTA.r?Sit j I find In penr rahtnMf paper of the lCili ?<*n? my ontne . nriuitmi ed no o candidate to Tfpre!>rat -Sjorburg District, with my rfrpocia (o the k ud Oold.eia who put forth toy r ime. Ire*;?eo<. tuhy doc!int u.c fscn.inaiion criiiool p* tied of our otrnggle for independence. 7 K. KKSOITT. CaapefluS d r.. June Si, 13ft; Mt. Xuitob j?Plena* gi uui o number ef ro? tor* space ic your pnptr t.? nominate Captain ANDREW It WOODRUFF, m a .Candidate to represent the libirict of (i#'.1fnbur| i?? :he ntit Lcfclelatu.c. Capt. Woodruff we iuform d will tifu re.ign Ilia commission in the army, but if pleated, is willing at (he saute time to tree hla District in aitrll capacity. . Jon# 28. last. ^ MANY VOTE 118. Con. Lony^i>4>t. To the citizens of tho Bouikct a-Ono federate {. .will bs a mailer of rejoicing that thin diati igui t e do not know liowi long he wilt rem-an. hut our ausons would take great pleasure In seeing rhia repowued allien tun Wo hope it will not bo long before he country wi'l sg&.n have hie vnluablo service! From Ctic Ufcugit Front. HasiktTa. June .27.?Nothing of iutarcat transpiring bore'; U?tli ainuer occupy the a?n?e position held ferydtne >l^y?. Our bjitevice on Eennesaw >iountaiu ate elielli'g the en.iuy's Works this morning t>.ei?- butteries replying, wasting much gunp?wei?t:en, i.-rOut jf C. II : , Circur*??.r.ce? uo iuuge. n.Kiwi.ig iu > 10 ilia Ob .rgr iba UUUQi* of f rcalllClit vl title t"OCWty. 1 dow t*.nvlar inn irpori ot tie p io?er it. ug? aiuce lat of Januaij lbOl?and villi it ti>> re- i tigonium. Aitiolaa on Ii*cd on lat of Januarj?Si prs o.'kn , b tbirla; 1 comfort; pari wf a bunch 1 of > ore. Previous to lat of May n list of contrjbn- { ?|on? wa.-publiuhad in tba Spsrtad. Tbo i?tl* i w ug ^lunation* Uaro boon ro<*?i*cd mucs toot { tinni : 1 Dior 6- Couvev>e 6 bunch** yarn, 2 > ? ynrdi Lining, J ii Hilonn, 2 pis "cits: i Mrs AUred Tviiosot), 7 ytmi Uom< cpuu lor , bir a. ' Tb# following don* ion* nro goefullj ac knowledge! lor 11.>opual purpose*: J "J Archer, 1 mm, 1 jar o.lad. 1 o .ck Hour. meal, grin una bv.nule r ag-; Mrs Mo, bin. oid clo>h? , tog m drugs) Mrs Ai:r d lV.t-'-on, handle i rog>. Mr# neist, buxlie r?g?; Mrs Lo t.iov, bundle rugs. Dot tlx b,MOiibp#r and .sago . Uro U 11 Tnoinson, ol i clothing handsges an 1 > Hag hop#; >iu? M F Ttiotumm b-iruio r?j,i. ; Mtb Uouckm, jar pickles ana A10 )? ; M.'# * ... I ,V. .. " ? - - h,uu, MU3;er v ii ??agr.or, {to, ; j iiiu C ,U buiiib (.'>,00; ,\ira ?J ?v ttctilxr, j pecke^e ira and coffee ; Ttrnuc, bottle wipe, bundlerage; Mr* Cleveland, bun. lc j *Wl Horn; Mrs A Vtjngo, ni.*al, grec. bundle eld fl .luiug; Mr* Lupre, o'd eloihinj, rg?; Mrs Wjyuian, rioe; Mr* O E K??ra d*. c^.h dug, Jo b, rage and bottle winq , Mre Uohiu- ^ eon. buadlu old Jotlting. rag*, icuz:?, \u. ; Mrs J* P af*rr, tm die oUth. We also ?c j bnowlfU^e iliy rce->tioa ot il.i'O iroUJ ?bv jpro-'.edj oi o concert given hy Mr Tu'.ly, Oo I'ue ?0tb May one bos a^d barrel were sect to Central Au->niaiion Celumb-j, from (bene* to bo l'or*?*rt*d 10 any Hospital wherv ' tuoer be*.'!*!. Also on let June a barrel of ; Iloeplte! stores wae etnt to W*y?i apt Triiomict's company 0 ihiri, 2 pr* dmwirti , tt? Tenne-Hre roldiers 10 pre socks, I pr gluten, to1 jo'idiws l pr sunk' eioh : tu ilo'pitnl box 6 pro drawers, 17 bjtiirs wins. The following nn.oles now retiAiii. 1 pr oboe*; *t> pte drawi rs: 1 woolen ftMrt ; 16 cotton shirts; 28 pre tuck* ; 10 bunches yarn; 1 Wffolen ecorf; 4 yve lV?tu.-.? of lite j tool tumiliar luouth. \Vh>!? ostern?l naI turo >? in trre?n loaf ami ^"ivinlinl |st?. ? otl.injj firely can be fcioro inyithrs* j iliuu wo a^xeir.* I ?$re, a v??c ?l mul J inje!IecfU:il 6ritci*r?:n Tin* entrfineenient i ??f llie rye. o?r nnd smil. .will firm u i *i and crippled soldier. wc-bave heard thai.V* giving and praise, for the seasonable attentions and refreshtucots of the active at>d patriotio ladies of the South. In uiany a heart open to an eh sympathetic call* as this, has the inoense of a eincer'idi rrrin-^'ttienta Inr r-:ir iiid'? \ it-it r> I OlitC ri ?w> ! fin. eh can relu-e to ' r ! jrif mi: : .1 Jr.wit Kit a.n'ndiuite refuse to i ^ive in ti.e oobie oVjccf which iik* a bright j ui j Mar cbiricK fioui the coronal "prepare J j nt a cro*u Co (be ocension, XmpropVfef Jew of Coyliootl. On a saotmth, not uu>ny mount hincr, wo heard a aermon o| groat power from one of our l'ulpita, in regard to the necessity of j religions iiirtrnetinn and a religious observance of the teaching* of the Bible in reference to the moral education of our youth*. 1 ho minister impressed tuis idea with gresi* foreo uny_ the inspired trriur, 'fmtn op a eh if I in the way ho shouM g?? jtnl w ban he is old, he w*U nut -depart ! thcref.om" J his immm ? *' ' ? 1 - > U|kh l ie morni cradilion of our youths. .md jet we reirrot to know personally that it in tine. We nro Sf>:iftie?l (h:it much of this moral def.;rojitj proceeds from the ihoaglitlefMirn 1 of youth and die ill eoneidcred opinion of ', parent*, that thov are the proper rnn i?r? ! Oi the mails Hut luudy a re; u!?ive pie? I tuvc ha* been drawn lot us by those who j ha\e oppurtuu fi"S of knowing precisely how tn.i?e improprieties are exhibited. | Athein is the unnnd'in jj of t*.e .mi:- , iiia!-, the removal and mutilation* of ;hu I sjihue, and oth\?r practices of like nature, j upon the servant* of the country who are am?t fur their respective mail package* The peculiar hado which rebounds through oar sroats. inimitable in its d-pth and hn adf! , tin u,_h not an overt sin is a vo O-.i ?vj. which olumli) l?e cured by parcn? t.?i oversight ami uuttjnnty It may unit j the wilderness bnf, oertaiuly, has no afitrittiea with eivibzetioa. It resembles nioro tb* untutored whoop of the savage, than tho onphotnioos rnoaii*m rf the cultured African. Wo' had hoped that the moootono of the **Mockinx IJirU" would have supplanted this prote.-que ahritk?this unnatural outcry. It is not only that the car of the evening ts rendered nniousi- ; '.hi by lit in inrjaficholy painful * ;nJ that we u'?j?e! to, bat ihn *t *j?t ?<:?e of tliin unbri4itcd.uHHAinbl.1g'' oruinjnd < ur notice tutd evoke our (tnxurei An Inijf/ortnn! Convention. We nrc^riliflfd to learn that on the 5th Juy (.{ July next, a cooventioa com?j fcrf l rt . ?? It 1'rchidii.p Elder of thn M. K. t It 111? h and a I .ay man from each District ; irii.l is- held 111 tl:;s pla r. 'J lie notice pro- . ?ceda bom liiSHor I'lnaor. and hopes to k eompr.fh .1 moat tinjfirtunt object ol gen., 1 :ial inti'-.ect. We hope that our In end a ' I ei l not be indifferent 10 its eej>s:ons, but via man; 10*t a iivoly ior.ci rn, in every 1 uy, fjr lha antotai ?t jhe-r.eveaont. ; . thu Idili cf .VI jv, ni lf.?? o". Lvr , ?;:e Si.c mat; oo.iti-u'd to i.yr cl? .m'jcr ' mar three la-miiia. iJ*r *tfS;?*?> !' ?? u ? J variety oi uK'ustjii, was ?>mtr ieted ati'l .~e? Tetej jet ?ho bt>re 'Jt~r t'lSoriug* virlie j p*.!ictic Kn'titu'e and ohiULan r?r?i,-u:ij ftun itireJy wjaxlcl. j M^l.Lut ma* co ordinary \ * gifted t:?*ai'a!lj wrjih a almm; ; il j uua liuiid ; Slid Imviu * ei.j education in a family, but that she comprehended the numerous difTc'tltjan thrusti 11V thcuaseivea ever and anm at).wart the ? _ V pit?b of youth, Iiin.lfrinoj their progress. 'Hiis wns one of her reason* for roai'jvnjf to lleiilri'le with her family- f^he wi-hed to be with lior children, \ hilo ot scho 1 that she might second the eff ?rN of teach cr* in stimulating them in the daily routine of i kaoine study. Her loss will he It It out side of her im mediate family. She was at the time of Iter death President of the I*n1dier'?~Afll ftttrie'v of Koidri] c noJ vicinity, nn Orguiizirion k!? "?? 11 to the pu ?:io, pinco tlie bcpnn.nn of the war, which h iving it* peat of opertwiun at Keidville, meeting monthly, cinhr. ced a lartre-portion nf'tho District, fthe was piomincnt in or?>u?'i zing the society, its first, und oiry p'c-i(ieiit.. The l.nNo are eruitly indoht-M t> her f ??r ttlut llicy li.vo he <* enabled r*? in* eotuplieh jit the way .if in. ;.i-h'l dt ij mil hospital ?tiiii.s t.i ti c* : r >. .> ii-i ?? ? i. ??er Cutintr* ill >v**i , .. ; J>* n* I fjti.iiy 'I h* .1" M * .... | tfiotic ?ie*e.;i s. whe proItsPc.i r-!:c;:on a* ti._ ??*.*lv r.?; ef sixteen, and n :>eU ;v.tlt . ?? h 11* i m rve i iiui u lit ft tlio\ ahull I** and ! . ]| : i th i;<* b'li! -nt* 'i ?! o ! hi bet i *r : <* si'ti: .fii'i.r * ' 11 ? v -.lit * It.* thu'i^h .-In i . i : ii.Oa- uto ??t (!i?, s; .' ,n i u . tiuii -ran? wll.rb urr in t.i i t.:? maiiitoM ili.it ?l ?. y na. religion whh in Iter ij*aii > * ...*i tli?* lube and chuieh ; oltuti r < . on j??viti?? the prayer-ukt tings >?< ' tli? eervi(cu of tlio hut cli ?7h her death h-d She was kind to her minister nJ his family and to the poor. I (or death bed vns a rem >rka.l* oiso. allowing htm Christ fiiifus that prr-eiou* itomtHo of his word ; ti.it !i ? wrti _ir.? dy inc ".r i?*A ?(.> |ji< people Vh '?-ii m.t !?. tot 1; u.ac'i (iiui: . the cuMtio- j.; i -fcliCtb. cause of r. ii Purina the S,.nr wgek. It r it >. was wnniii tit:j*. itonj "hit <;. t?s?. .bi.^ Tt? ;*lf uj' n iini ?-nl ject. I v i?-?r I hor :? m?> i >i. Lt'iuic iii r An. thin^k, (the nnid i r. n.??\e hit. ilia. I.? W. it. | cifcli.r j.iare, md i-trcnpth lo n.oet trial ! remailc vi th ;r Oil' isi In 1 p n nisi-1 to u*, ! tlyiu^ on:cc and strength j a:.d thai when j the trial came, she would he ?j.t to find ourgrc.it Shej>h?i-.l aa goo 1 at Hi* word. She said she knew the promise, hut feared that nhe would he wanting in fai.h. On the morn in;: of the daj tdie died, tho cajl ed hor hu?band, and *.;id, I am going Jo die. I know that i have been talking scattrrintr i ly lor the last two cr thro days and ujJ not known' tinieg wh f I war. talking about, but row my mind i-j perfectly clear, urn) I understand what 1 am going tv^ sav; I am soon to die ; and I tliunk my blc*?-? rj Kodoomcr, that Ho hi* given nm n>inil and Mre;*gth to talk onm- more to my dear Ian ily. Since our marriage we have lived happily tog. iher Vou have been a devote-! hu.->bun 1. W o have an interesting family of children; which we both love. Hut the cord, which I inds us together in this world, wlH soon bo cur ; and in a few hours my spirit will take its flight; and you. my dear limb,.ml, w:ll be kit with n resp* uaihle cliargc, the r .locum dour dear children. I would lain May with jot, asd help f them ; bnl G l id irt * li.vui, that Nil liiiti<>ft uro lli- anilimu?> i: i.-io-l revealed !: too-, t > my wil, iu u ilyl'-fs hour. ] ; o ? t.u'i !? : >!' oil, ' I knurr that uij i'.'ivja 11v tjt ' -x'y f.iiih in ftroujj >} :<.? a <*| cd in! W8 .ri f n-J 1-1 d i lir. i Hill t.*t .("'.lid 0 ?i.t* . b it fhoUx'ts of Illy Ueuv ii:tic children h.nij* lu-avy ground my j heart. I am going to li'.iven, 1 want you, J aiitl my dour children to u?ci t me in that ' ; hsppy Intid. .'he then culled lor her tec- j ro*l sou, urn! y?iu are the oldest child | (at buiue ; you have uiuiht a p'ol'cuMoti ol i religion,, you Imvo Teen un liffcctionato, ' obedient aon, you oun do n grout deal by | conversation utid example in helping your I Pn ttf raise your litre brothers ami Bisters | aright. He kind to them, '4II tlieui ot Jeans, 'he hIiiimt'h i ieinl. who lov \s yond | little children uud blc-* .* tiiciu. ? lie t he 1 Called lor In r eldt : daughter, j I and *aid, My ilenr diughlur j^Jtt tne a ( jewel id tender age. Always consult your j lather in every thing. Take care ol little j Cbtista and the b-ibc._ Head your Hible ; 1 and at echuu', do not allow ~oursclt to be 1 d oft' by wild utid rude girls. Think j oltcn ol the dying words ot your mother She then called lor her third son, and ' said, You arc au aftf.ctcd child. Clod inigh t ' a rise you-down in a moment. Hal? your teuij^r; and be. u good boy, and pray to I 1 ?a .u~. ? >' ?- . i jmju iii.il tic wmuiii /icai ymir cii*ea4Q9 I 1 end iii.iUp vou a jinod christian. Of her " ccond daughter, who was :;t the time *r??iii home, she . aid, ahe ia a sweet cli?!?.t. ; i'eii hor to Ui a ;n>od ;;irl and to meet me 1 j it. Heaven JSIw; tlien took her two you gI eat children and killed tlicui, siyifty?may j the ldeH>ioj? of Heaven alten I them, Sic . then said, there is my oldest ton, tar front ' j ' h dii.-; mil uuiong Mruuger.?. Oh how , i I love him. lie is to kinJ and aff.cth ti- i | ate. V. T'te to him of my departure, and ! 'tell him o avoid the c>ui;.liv ol the I ml , wicked and to associate w>"li the religious ; and that us he h is already profe-sed an lifter t-t i'i a crucdied Red-co.er, to culti | vale the I'iijisit.in ^raoes, ie:ai\i!e>. ?>j" the j I M.eeis ol* he uj jit-tiyr Au-i wiiilo h? \.-t a j | Au'iiier in t:.e un.iy ul itiN, t*j | i i I ! ..?** u . ! i ue.i li> i.evi re..t. hoi i..lin r, ij j ?!l:Cl r MOi II:??? t i.'ilLC! Uj:... ! ;v,al.J ! ' fibe ini!Qrni:il, tV.: :-h ; was i:.i i Ui&fiaL'k* u > ; rVatli, :?rxtl lu-. I t I'l, at tint. 3, an In'cloii'It d wif'i doi.hts itiitt ivirH ! bu* : than*fed (to?l lli.wh* had j;iv<*n her tl.? : }fT:ire to^u-faln her in tlu last strujwlu. j She addif.-Si'l % f-w w is to tl.j wo vn-.f.s stain.i??? troiind leT t? ed. s iyi-./ ?i:?t tli.'\ -.1 bvdi kind tier, nn.i ( ;hl'ul it: ; sr.iirjit ; upnri 1 er in '< r - k-u j. :i* >;itj I j w. k? ;i svii* j \ 1 the strength | lain Lt.ah.ixi t.. r (o make tin1 hot talk to ( j her Inuiiiy, u.' a n[??cal act ol g'?o If-os oil ' the part .?! her lledeinuWr for about >i? ' ' their (1 <.s?t r?-?et. \\ heu she recovered, ?h ? id to 'hem ii> a teehle voice. and ??r? k< * 11 I? i>. Ci s'tlri n ii i.e v.us to Hie thi* im-m | iiijj, I think you ought to trust linu in a tc*r uiuiQwi)Is the struggle will bo over." | " t'OMK TUtt LONG fcAt'KCThD JESUS," wort her lust words. AMICUS. ? ?#>?#? M ARIl.TTA, June -3.? ho details of the great fiuht on Wednesday aih'rnoon ureas follows: Hoods corps, held in reserve, was ordered at noon to thu extreme icft. When it got in position n battery of the enemy i*k' fheicneiuv opened fire upon i it. Consul arable ?-htrinishinj. ensued when, our 11in: under liond, witn Brown ? l?r?g J mle in advance, was ordered forward It i moved out with cheering and a furious liiitt'e ensued. We drove the enemy two ! mile-, and too j os-ession ol two lines of | foriificuiions, oapfiited twelve guns ami a largo ouiiiIkv ?>f prisoner?. The lo.--s upon both sides was frightful for the numtxirs engaged. lieu. IVttns of M ite-ivsippi, was killed. 'i his nunninj:, our bitturics ?ro ahull in<; Iroin Keiinwaw.?AuyM*ta Ckronulr. The Yankee j aj crs report tlint la-t rre< k a "ffHctjr of r l?c cros-ed from tl.c V*??? Uinin ?s(torc to Hia.kstuno Island, on the . to J destroyed the house ut that point. We hoar r'?ry little about cotton yarn, and cotton cards?we are gUud oor peopls ar# anppHH v .f# I v *l*l?at I irititk jv.id t Ibu er in the j CoiitiGc' ite Stuf^Vhnll r?Hjf and deliver i o the Confederate (lovornuicru, of ibe produeffl ol the prcnont yo;ir, one tenth of the when", 9oro, oats, ryr, buckwheat or rice,- lru>h potato ?, and i f the cured buy and (odder; nlau, one tenth of the su^'Af,' ui?4(Umi made of cane, or ot ror^lmui ati. re more thai) thirty anHon* sic m.?de; o-ttfii, woo? aiftl tob-cco; the ootl.iu teiutied and packed in mine secure unmoor, end stripped and packed in hox.es the co* ton lute delivered b# hid oti or before .... 1 a -a- -1 ** ?-? 1 1 * in. 4.-1 > . ..ircii, ana the tODicoomi ?*r ?? i-1 day <-'i duly. next atu-r their production. tiuch lut liter or planter ahull deliver to tl e Confederate tiuccriunoht, lor it* use, cno tenth of the pea--, bcatia, and ground peas, pioduced and gathered by htm during the present year An soon a* fueh oi the aforesaid cro.?s are mule ready tor market, the tax assessor, in easj of JiHa^reeiiifiit betwi;:u hitu and the lax payer, bl.ali proceed tct nue m:cI? Irechodei. t!: >'aid u.v-o.-ov shall s.*ect two, who ahad proceed to asses* the crops as herc'lii provided. They shall ascertain the amount id the ctops, either by actual measure? j nicut or by computing* the contents of the | tooth* or house* in which they are hel w iien a correct coin nutation is practicable by u? l? u iiietln d, and the appraisers shuli ! thou eaiitpute, under oat li, he ipiai.ti. y and ijtn ity of s.iid cr.?ps, including what may have been sold or consuuicd by the producer, prior to saiu estimates whether IT till' cd or llOt. trrtii! jni'l 1 Mates such porti irt el said crops n? may be iicccsrary to rai.-c ami la'ten the ho^a X>f such tanner, planter, ur gratier, tor potk; 1 hat tuy billowing- persons shall be exempt from the paytuci t oi t!u? tax in kind imposed by this section, viz: s Kach head of n family not woith more [_tlia ij live hundred dollar*.1 . I'lach hod ot u f.iuwly jvith ni"nir children, not worth more thau five hun? 'hi' 1 dollars lor him eil, and one huuwreu r each minor living with hiiu, and live I I .1 .11 -II:.! - o _ . . nuuuicu uuiuim u/ iiiiaiiiun in roio id.' c.u-Ii minor reri lit* has living or uiay have l ?-i. or Ii;td disabled in the military or u iv.tl t?orvice liacii trice, toldkr or p^aitnn, iu. the in my or navy, or who lias hecti disebar^td thei-fron tor wounds and is not wonli in-no than cue lliuusiin : uoihirs. MAUUTllD, A? t!?o l>.-i 1c* r?.-l?lencc on Tlinrnday * tn , t'-s jvl it- i-it liy Ken'.i.n ttrtani, , Mi-. it. Kit 1j- lior y < ' !?' ciivtjie itis-rici l >r iS.- 11 ?* li. ie jc.ii> n nrinhor Karl*-" i*( M-r\ S i aL.111..Ill \ !. : ill i i . ??'. tl.i- tiikir.Ci. 2? & if o yj" x c? , F t*> ?! 7 it V. DAT K. T'l-"' map tor ^partanWnrg itid Utiton TD-il .<>.?.t ki 1 >'3 o ory. i!jy, i.Skiiltillj'* i'i *ept oi a: . . . . . 6 P. >1T ; r.;n.! fur U rilTtl'*, c!ast;a every t???rtay, ui . . . . OP. i>c ...ii! ?ir firrmviH.* every Vi >u i ' V. WvJn oiJ.it ?n-i l-'ri ?ty. ?l 6 A. M 'I !ic mill tor !>cu!Q?it? iiy ::?J Tajr?lny. itt tt P.. M. i'hi tn*:t to.- Lturcut C. f|., clo-eevery Fr-Uy, .a . . ? I'. M. 'i.i- ma ) tor Vor!ivi.lo. vi* (f.iinr-?i-ji ? Sj.r j . '.. o.iyJay, <*.: it 1 lor u ^ovd iiT.mt at it.!- i'lcure Utlivrjr w??rd. It. Arc)i?r tuidie Miorc. ofip'ixito tin. t'o? it June ? ! ' ciAf'ise {au'TiiTsTuT. * * T ILL he eold first Monday in July (unie I | day) tti tri'tii ot i lie I ourt lleuee. a VOU p llliiclt ' o* il?.?T 1 ' i? '.T. 9:11 >1 I'ow \ pit; on o! iM.'t'li pot- ?i? food u f.d irglii . >?! oiorn>a^ ?Td\, vill g>*? I* guilons poi* ditj. June 30 3 T auo. A l..\U(iK'',o-J comnno4i?Ui t^AUKlACLK ;?n'; !i with fix ??ats. T?i?con It.i- it of vncjt v* jp't.u. Coufodwate nvnwy wi'h iho v.-.i. oti n ui'.l b?- tnl. on, or five do! I??r Mils w Hi ,i. it tUl h fora tlio lot Jo y, r n . *o i. fff. "tou tot a?>ut i !i<*t?: or !ao:c. \. ji ) u? nil tiiccw ?M..V " * V Mr.Jwpli Fr?y, TUXEtt OF PiANCte", BRLOffflOKS. f IMI ANKFDL for past farors, begs to inform | it;e lailifc* of Spart unlmrg nod rieinify. Ilia* h? w'T! h? at tkmir places in a f?w day*, rotdy to l oc.M?? tlieir or?l?rsJ u nnt .itV 'J tf Dr. JT. A. Clopton. MAY be ci>n.?ulit'Iil< li Cow Wanted. ONF. with a young calf, for which, K a eupeiior milker, a high pric in cash will he , ei4>aml TVotioe MK .illco is over flu bo, Edwards A Carlisle' Law Office. P. LEE. D. 1). 8. Mnreh 1 f. ly prnc* i M.ttinei* NTuaique, Monday, conducted by ; Prof. FA4.IV. , S IS HOP GEO. F. PIKItCK has been ind to uddreti tlie Senior Clui, oa the oc- ? casi .n of tbetr Giaduniioti, Monday ?v?ntag, " a ia y 4ih. Trustee Mealing, Tuerday afternoon, Jul/ 5tU I The NEXT SESSION will open August 8th, and cK??e i/ccembtr 15' fi, :Wi. Board,' L;gb a eiC^pltJ, per session JM100 00. Tuiiion, uss of Boob's, Con. Fee, 00 00. MustO and use of Pisuo, . . b'J 00 Each pupil is requested to furnish a oup. Applications- for ^ic next Session, so be siioc. esful. niusl he made early, mm more than halt of the places ore already engaged. Add ess, .VI \l. K. BLAKB . fepartauburg, S. I'. June 80 8 1* AUGTION SALE . ON T11B FlKSt' MONOAY, BEING TiiE I 4lh OF JULY, j r"\KMKOt*H of cftungmg lay business coI / (irely, 1 will cdtr my entire mock, to l e 'ugliest bi?lN, BUTTER. LARD. ^ MEAT, COR* or FLOUR. to votiimeuoo at 10 uV-leok, ?t in v store, and con tin h? until ail at* told. W. SHIVER. Spartanburg. Juts 3d 'j-i? Ba.i-itt of CcolfRi Associa'ion, !'(>! I'tiU'XUU. June 13. l*i?A r \r.-? ar ojsPATuur ? For I.cr auJ ltMurej^nJ's Armies...... J an* 1M* " J.ihnsiou'ix-Arruy Jul/ 1 M. LaIH^IDE. Clinirroa* C. A,-?vci*tion. i Pupc-rA o' the b:'*te w?ll ft.ja e vuyy. I 'ana m h ?r v >1 )XC1S?. * FOR I'.IK HEjBFiT OF 'JVC UDiEs' lWSMI'AJU tULlMBr.^ -4 2 r.<:a;.-v !S\ IIOEU.EU *?(i 11. 1..U- V Uit. aUve a&tatvU fto-l-.'ai. i? ?hc ? >'>* i.g j>ctsr ~ .-i rc.-.ln.r^. . "... June !T>, yur.'..?p w Julr 1. "4. X. wtxrry? .... . . 44 6. Six, . . . . . "If. Or ji?w??od> .' ... ^'12. .V-i>e*i?lu, . . - . " 1? | .rnuysim, . . . . . ** 2). ! 'Arvtuaita., ..... " i4nrefl v ilie, ... . . " 27. ( Si'tumaburg, . , . u let"1 Unw>?, . . . * . Angusl 1. T.u;i?V.'jlly would we accept ?l?e asatKtaiire nPruv indies in in.r?e ie*ptc!ive place*. (b-.ih !pU)?ri hi *iugetv.) IV? |^i?t ifci* ibtflji R\ lie* iocH-ib.e ii..* fuil.es wUo will kindly , to have plenty of luue to prepare themselves, i f jV the cor.cs.x?. X&i*. Nov papris in the above mentivteAr rW"- will please meeri this. Jjf.SO 11 owardt0 UNA WAV from the aii'.?s?rLUr on I ha ii llti iiut., my negro Bcj, Climes. He fa. aouut i> feet 9 inches nigh ; cupnor colir. nbocc 19 years, of n^e : b.*d uti vbdi he left * blue Jcnns coat, bennies taking other clothes with hint. # I will giro & reward of Fifty lAul&rs for his np|>rfh<'uxio?i and lodgment in any jail so that 1 can gel him. >.!HS. >UN I US T H O St N dunelti *7 tf . i\e? PlBLlCAIiUcSb ~ RV . Bt HkE, BO ? KIN & CO.* MACON, a 10 ft01 A. TVTOW READY r i i.^1 MA8TKR WILLIAM MITTI* ; . Or, tho Youth cf Brilliant Talouts, who sraa tuiaid by bad inck By Jud.e Longsireet, aa-< iuar of "Georgia bcenes." Trie* 60 UO. CAMP AND FIELD. Paponfaxn 1 he Port- folio of an Army Chaplain, by Re*. Joroph t Cm#*. D. lr. part let now roady Price $8 00. 1>C JJt'AX AD UH . or. taj-iured ?n Escaping. A story ,*>' ou? of Morgan'# utoti lift 1 .Mr#, .l.inc 1'. 1L Cross ? Ncnriy-reody. Prieo | $i 01/ ! YOVSO M AROt >NEUe>. By Re*. Praneie | U. GmtUing. "A meat entertaining hook for young person*. Pronounced bj good judges , U> he equal to Robison Ciosm'oc. Price ?8 Of.. A Ubvral discount to 1 be trade from 1 be lore ' g dug prices. Per the amount 11..toed. renut ,gu iv i i vurn-m munv wr wiu eeua either or uil of llie*e book*. |?o-i paid, to any pari cf the Coutoderovy. Aihlre *. BURKE, ROY KIN & CO., M.acou, Georgia. Any newspaper in the Confederacy copying the nbneo advertisement.,with this noie, will i receive a copy of each of the above books, upon receipt of the paper containing the advevI liiotnent. In.. IS T IT NOi'tCK TO TRKSPtSiEUvS. ~ WE HEREBY give notice that we will prosecute according te law, any and | every person, who may hereafter Uraopaae on ; our land oituatod Dear t he town of Npnrtnn; hutg. CAMERON t CO. i ' .J " r-\ - >i?'. .. ?&?+& ?*' I - .u (JO CDS, wlilch nre enld beL? the 0#lnnbi? prices* The I~uli<*? ore fcvpcctrtlhy iovUeJ to call sad examine. ?" ICrench I9* ints, GERMAN PRISTS, Kngliek Prints, French CNunbrio?, < or?ei?. Purple WmIIoii, Celonxft Pwlcjt Rn tm. Need ci. Indigo, ; Olive Oil. Or.itei-ool Threw!. Long < loth, I3uit?ii Curd*, Bhoe Thread. Htiioni, Combe. Files, band saw, Ppui, Peahvldere, Writing JPnpor, If.-V-k* end Envelopes, Muetatd Sulphur. Mhirki'*, Cinder Ve*is, l'eituu#, V'kmiiaii lie J. Rat reel Logwood. ' ALSO A CO PCKTJ2 STOCK OF. Druofrt. Jt?~ ? ??wwf ^ . all to. ?utc low at JAMES M. OlDBS. Dmf 8*re. j U.niaavUte 8. C , Juue 3'\ "II-St SPAKTANBUBG FEMALE COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT COvlMBSCBMBN'l SBUMUW. SUNDAY; JL'.VK 4d, by Uotr. #OUH T. WlUHIM . . . Literary Address, Monday Morning at tba ' C bap el of V. nitoijl College, fcy Prof. J. li.' 81" U ft T iv V A N T