The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, March 02, 1867, Image 3

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Si rv\ ; \i \ i ..S "S ! J I c-c't. ed I lie ; colored kpi^oiMinltans ?l' iVu-fiiiiigUm Svilii brick to l ull ! : eliiireli. Soi .m.'N ?loitN- n. a holered nitih. iovilVeriy Pre-idc'.:! biiicoiu's hai has hecn appointed a lirst t la> idoi'jk i tt i lie Tiva-i:i-y 1% pill ii lui. Ill til \\ ashing to:: j with a desk in the Scerei a r\ olliOC. ] t (>n v i \ i ii>n. --'I'lii' colored pev?ple ol'j T? \.-.? a convention in the early p:tvt 6f I >eet nil ti . In Mtssi<i<ii'i'i Ihcdehiund lor labor is ilo great thai frbedliton life lu'oiighi li<'in oilier Slides, antl an paid from I en t<> lit' teen dollar- per month, ifii'hiddng rulidlii, latici- and inediral iti t? Ili lit lit 'ih L Ikirn ii"i ~r- Ol' the Mh--ouii l.i :,i>la-' lure are agreed in pivp.'-im:. suoli ani tunondnionl of I he Stale C\iip>l?lutit>ti iv. Pillili do away with disi in?t ion* iif color. Tilt: (Tr\ l'iti N' li of Pialliiia u e has iijlpl'opi'itlliitl ^ jOO.hdl.l to the colored schools of that i il \. I'lrtv-i'uu cdhtfacls were made hy! freed peoptij in kohiitoky dtiriii?? the-' tuonili of 1 ti eeiiiht'i'i The. hVi rage w ages ?l' liiell wen- l*>. 11, and dj' women ?S,.>0.; ttKuithly. bosit?os rations and ipiiulors a usual. Tjtt: l''i:rvo>]i.^ cf t d'"i"ia siiphori iif ty-Six schools, iihyrsi.v leachors, and liiivc or.oantra d a Stale Ivliioatiohtll Associlo lion. A lilld.Itici pa- i d the l\i.m-\h auhr Sonale, and is pivlty siiro to pass li e Uoimo. fuli'iddiii:' the praclh e id'eJvolitjj-j ing colored pa.->eii:;,-i ; from the public conveyance- stliiplv ou iK'COUUl of tho?i' color. A Una. i- before the Alabama iioglsl.t Ull'C 1?J divide iho School lit lid ))'i'0 t'ill? kdwceii lite>v)?leinul blit?k >c!um.|>. Tur New <?i;i.i:\s- 7V,;, - s says :? 'The contracts which sissuie tin ma inu tili of the crop scoili tu he inure bii'cijiuu) iticbiiipelliiiga regularity di'work than Un hiahest Waged which can he njjih'cd, Itj<Untiilies their in'.cre-l.- with those of tiioir employers ( ii restores mote aniica nlO rdatinim l>btween them, and ubo\ ti ali iiilh^s it suppresses that love of change ^dd^a^i them cau-ele.-.-ly front pUthiii lalh>n durili" ihe la.-t disas ril. f?l'-l ..l.i.-el old he liceitaci) .-celli. inst ruction of I heir children, ili'Ihoihlcdus arc not proviileil llie'ni tut tin plantations where they work, ilici i?t'iiii tiii'tti to ilm m are: i low a - by oilier pla. c-. where, IVooiliueii'.s schdOks liaiipoiil to he c-tal-li-h. d." Si ia;.\ i iv- - I'lic plisoiu'f.K'hii Surrall i- ! l'ondile.i duri;.", the llig?ll iti Oltd;oi':?llO ilii'e?. cell - opening oil a corridor, nhout lion of tin- day. he paces hack am! forili.! j?o .-.t em- tu he in i'xt|ellei'ti health, sleep;, well amiealu hcailliy. peak hi'.l lill'.- .J alai ih- a o:il\ in ri'gaf'tl ! > liiit pei -..aal ? want -. 'I lie do.'!- al (Mieli end of tin- ( of- j rhlor is planked up. ai?tlcoiisetpiehily hel cannot sia* or luivv any iiite?i'titirsii v?ih j rthy oftlio other |iriat>iioii.s; Ilei. vcr\ cjdstdy widchtal !>y guard-, and while in Iho c<n'i'iih't' there i.i il guarii With him. Il ?n how -laici thai .Mc--r-. ?lr?itlliiy and Mr. Meiiiel, have hoeti retained a-- hi couii-el. and .Mr., had an in-j tci\.eW O?" SOliiO ll'ilgih of lilllO willf] him. Qtid'.N Vii ;..ia\ ii?w weighsoiio huh-1 drctl iiiidfeoycnty pounds, ii is - aid. and ihtcatciis l.? l-e cO??si??h IV The C?lor?d people of ( 'Imiieeton have deposited on} h'UiUli'ait (houso.nil dob .'<// -. in iho liroedhtan'sSaving Ihink of'ii v. The greater jldrlion of this Htudiinl was deposited within iho lnsi six months J and nearly all of the deposits Ihivc lei ii made hy frocdhieii. TI ih djii" )y av'efagd of Ilio iiniottnt tlojiOsiieil is largely on the im iva-e. This isencdur iigillg, and m-.-m- to loic-hadow' a liiofe pro-pcioii - .-laic of thiiig.', It appear-, thai main freciliiii'li, at least, will noi on ly worli, hut save thi'lr nidhey too. A line tiv? story frame school house will soon he erected in this city by tin (Jiiityd Stales (.1 OA eminent in furtherance of (ho n bo vii idijeif. A large ntiiiibcr of pupils of hbtli m'xi'.s now rt'guhirly altond thi- day ami highl schools established, ami. \V0 an inf. .rmod, liavt! grati lieti their teacher., by ovitleiicos of improvement. The new structure will he plain, hul con venient for ib purp"-c, and he located in I he vicinity of the A I'ricaifl 'luircli hoi svocti .I'ltlin and Whshiugbm -trot-Is. The con irncl has awarded ! .. M r. Cjai io WiU'iUg. - ' ' '/' lima ft, \\; We woudei who will light the mo?i ?>ilceeWt\?ll\ :U!<1 stan i the ?cmgcsP. tin - who light underiheidd l-Tig or lijey who light agnin i il.: When (lie s.'et rsion dividend is ilcchifeil, it lii'.iy throw :-oinc light upon the killubl-t. ? Attention i called to the ?Aviji lb-ehienl of a Pair foi lh< Itytieiit ol tin Mission lYcshylerhth Cluii'c??, Uoy. K. .1. Adams, I'.isto|.. whit 1, w ill be found in am 'i her column. TiliNos Wt.ntiii Know in... \ |<j| ,,f glue eiis.-.ol\eel in s?lviiil milk ami water. will restore ohi nape. Halt* a efnnbuiA bound on it corn will soon kill it. An inkstand was turned t>\11 up<ui a white tablecloth,j ;| servant threw over it a mixture still ami pepper ph ulifull\, ami all trave- of it disappeared, Picture liana alai glasse- are preserved from Hies ley painting, them with a bru-li dip pi-. I into a Uli.\t lire math- by hoi ling Ibi ce or four onion- ina pint of Water. Ilbd bug's are Kept away by washing the cie\ ice.s with strong sail water, put on with a InitSli. Soft -.?ap sbolliti be kept in a dry place in a cellar, ami not listili until it i- tint e month- ohi. The thirteenth nitidi of the Constitu tion of lu'liana. known Us. ihe ubhtck ar ticle." forbidding negroes from enleviiu? the Stale, lias hffll plolioUIICcd Ullcollsli lut ioital an 1 vOiil b> I he Supreme Court of the Stale A -?" itt\ lufsbceh formed b\ Ihe e??l breil P-apii-i- of Tennessee to aid young u;> a in pit parin;.: for the mini-try. I 'n Utt its ciii-?j :1 'Hei'logieal College has gone inti) operation, with cighleel't ?|?1 t|? ut-. 'I la re i i also i\ noi'bi?i da-;/. \\ AN'l lil) A r-otipto of sunn I iudlve boys io .?eli lh? .1 '> !' . 1.11" rat inducements w ill bt UlVer ( >I?Vec hi tbc third ry ? (j?tt iifd's 'l'in Slam, tvs. MeClIng H?'ik'i. FAlii"! FaTh! FAIR! tjii: '. i ; a n i ' ? a?ii, mi: un. UKNiir?r or Tin: Mission l'Ul.-i.V I 1KIAN I ill Util. (R* .i. Adams, pusioio W ill ?.|" n on Tue.-.lay iOyenhig, Mli March, ai How ard's Hall. M< > limr Stri < t. m ai C:l| iViVuili Ticket<ol A.hui -i."i. f-r Adults, - - - l.'i rts. i(il|l|jlri'lj iimlcf l .'. - ... -., | 1 >. ..| - w ill hi- ojtcneil cvcr\ Vi'ti'riiOiiii ifo'iii :t io e ..' b.cb, for lite l.ohfiih of < hil.hi-n. I \\ V V t ',1 i? \ li , A: byiielibuig Si P. \\ \\ bin. in..!. . Sftplirtihiii I Milani. Al llafiihgtou>l'it| in-!. b> -.une Abiahainj ltrotti mei Mi. i siily Ihieni. l'or, ol P?i.u !'..i\ iiiid \'ji!.rii?'.,|;i Sift.'ctsj? ' < ' I : : l '. ' t ! < > 11, ;-m > 111 11 < ': 11 a ? 1111. i ; FACULTY. il E v, r. ?i'jjJJiJtjj y./:i!7.v A. M./*l< >< ! li'. I'/"/' -ss' '/ ',/' ./."/e/-o/g. s ami Ch"/ . /< l'olii?}. j(i<:y. a ponzo li '/ /;> ri-: a. a. m. ;?/'-./. sso/- o./' Tlo nbrtJ?t unii Klocol ,n. jj?ii M. (i. CI.?//'/./a', /.'.fimi- tot IVtjlsiobw/ ni?d tMuus oj ll?ullh . Mil. Vl?AlilAiS .". \V< >I.II AC I' Tl.ll. liish?iiHor in Sdi?iii/ic Jiijm, i/O. )((. Sjil'i/nj J'vi'iH nf l'J< fi n II ? '/..-; < "/////o ii' - //);/ l|V 'hn .s</<///, Mari /i :.'7 l,?St57 Full " h'U-wn " li Oct. 2. W'inti. / ' * " " " Tli?i'sibiiiy .Aut. ?cH?.S. M.mio i - oi ibu Kplsimp'tl < Injf ii. ilc-igniiig lo devoti! themselves lo ihe .Miiiisiry. may be Adibii l?ti a- limh?bcfs of the liistilutc. by rcct.nniicmlalion ol'? CiUarterl.v CoiifOreiiee or ih.- I'reshHiig IJ tl.-r. 'liiilion Trei;. Ahi granteil |o those who are ne.sly ami Worthy'. Camf'ilatcs for tin- Mini-tia in elici- Chris tiiui I h?r. he- received oli liberal lernis. 'i'lie 'iiiis|ccs ;ire iht ermi lied lo give teihisj Sclli'ol all the elements ami ellieieiicy of a lir-t <ia - 'J'htjoiogti'id IllSliliiie. Trus/rts. T. \Sii.i.\i:i> I.i:\vi-. II. .Ii i>i;c. Alotiur Al.ox'/.o \\i i-. -i l.!.'. .TOSIIt!A Wll.'o.s .rlASiiiliu Wisro.x', .Jancauv IIoimi I ICij?'.JhSOS 1,1'iuii, .I\.,m Mill,-. Aiirahiiiii hili'iiiii INEVv TOKK TiilBXJNlii. T II ti li \ IUI lift i A is \> 0 11 tj A 14?8T' oh>(Uiihd.iuding liiO i'.iii ih .t Ilio i/oiifl It 11 I l.ll j si I In . il iiii Ica < 'I inoro titilli ?itti i|ii:ii(t i. (Ito i ti. ' w \ '\ rolliti in i Ih! sitino. Nu\\ i , i II I. I IM 1, i > > l It.SC'KI ?.IK l'(>l{ The (?reni' Family XoMsnnpor, l'Ili' NK\\ N OUK WKKKLV T?OllUN'0 i- (n iniod ini :? litigo iloiiblo inclinili slicol; liiahhlg i ! 'In i>:i : - ?>I" . i.\ broad columns ? adi. li contains ali ilo- important l'.diioii-1 ab published Ili l'ut" 1 ? vilA li;ini M .cM 11.| lliosc ol im-hiv locjd iuh'i'Osi ; al->> Literary and S( i. ni ili. I ut. Hi", n.-e : jjOvioW s o| Ilio j in?sl litiOfestIng iiiitl important New nooks; I ilio Lott?lrs irimi ?air lai ".'cu |i- of oori'?s ' pondenb : ?lio lab -t now - ic civcd by Telo I grtiph frolli W.i-11i11 ;t 11. and nil oilierpiirb j ni' llio ?i'tiiili'y i a Suinuuiry ol :111 importuni 1 i II I e 11 i ' e 11 e e in | hi- eilV ,ll|i| e! -i w he le ; a S\ tibpsIsOfihe l'r?i'c?illng - ni' t'onero- ami .Sitilo Lifglskitihe wlicii in sessioni Kxchi -Le l?eplnl.- ..i ilio ihoeoodiugs of the Ft?'-l I ihors'(ini, nf ilio Vinoiioaii Institute; Talks1 al.t l'i nil. aliti other I h?riicuiiiti'ni unii Aj I ric'uli uriti iiil'oriiialioii <..iitial b? c.'itnir.v re-ideiii<: sioi'W. ! 'inaiioial, l'atti.. \)yy ii.I- and io liofili m ark.i L'opprls ; making il. I tot li na-\ arieiv and e..mi.lelem--. allo I gotlior lliO musi valuable. iiitcrCsIillg and iu I -ii ticii\ e \\ i i u i.\ N i \\ -r \ri.i; published iti ' ila- wofid. i 'l'ho Filli l!ep"ii- ?>i ih. \imui?ain la-litui. I Fatui' fs1 Cliib. iiiul ih" \ ariptis Agrloulli?rs?? Ib'jiini .. in e e li iitiiub. i'i uro richly wnfdi a I year's subscrlplioo, Ir -i.t" 1 T i : i: m s. M.'il) : !.!> ! ?" |'.-\ -jj|;r|0 OOliV, I \'e;||' .'Oli j m ;;l <uh . i'jbeis. Cli'lbs'.Of live.'.' ne j j Telii'i'jil?'Sj addressed io names of -ub-eri j hors..- ." I ho,.;; et?. addrv--..d ib.ltli?fib'S vi' ?tlb ! i. i ib. 100 ! 'fon cni- -, to on- ipidross.?j) 00 j Twohly copie . om addiv i-.iji) no j Vii ?xir.'i copy SVill be ?etil;l'or oiU'li i'liili! f t??. ill hi N KW- V0|M\ S ll.\| l-W'KKK L> riiiin m? i-nuMi-h. d< v. iv ?'|'?:SI>i\,l and F?M?UVj un.1 . ad Mio Cium arliele-. imi uieich locai in olia tidier; Lileraiy licViews and Art t lit'ei-ui: Lepers our lare.' corps Of Torcigli .'iiid Inuu. -ii. t orrc-potid Ohls ; ^pi i d and Assoeialed I i . -- i'cl?gftiph ?)ls|t:tteli?-s'; a can fui ti itti cinplete Siiiilliiit 1 ry oi Kofelgn an.l ?)onit\-tio New - : li\chr-i\e j 1,'epolt- CU'?hc l'i... . ?'. Ih;;;- of the l':u un r-'j < in', of iheyybiei i .m I ni, : fall, - ahoiit j 1 Fruit, aifii oilii r lloi l ioidi ur.'il ali il Agi'ioiil l itli'ijl Inloi'uiiill?li ;|Sliiekj l'iimm ial. t 'alile. ?>ry t.I- and t..:..r.i .MarU.v ijtpurls. w !ii,h are publlsliy-d in I'll K i ?A IIA ii.'l lil Ni:, i llli -l'Ali \\ LKKi.N i'b'll?l Mi al o -iv -, ili llie colli -, ..r .i year, 'l'IUMil'i iu li'i i: ..i ti.- /'/;s/' i).\t-iis'i I t'l l LAI; \<)\ /:t.s. l.y living author-. The eo>t ..! the-.- alom . il h.ii?ghi in houK rm. would !.. Ifoni -i\ lo . i In dolilir>. Ili |iti|. ha-od ia lim LXI ? ?.ISII M Al ! A /.!NI".-;. loan w ha a IhiiV ir e eaiel'iilly -e , 1.1.1, th? ' ! Would l e l?ir- e .-r i'rttii' timo nil?ij ani. N"le : e < ! e can -.. iimeii t'iti ! ..: i.u. il' : a- hud (if rihaiU'iii lil.-rart iiiaiter hedliidial PO ilie.,ij'? a rule as in Hi. siiMI-W li l? W t. S l L'Ili] \ li. ri,. wiiii i ?'i; lit V'?; il'i priu- iph - timi a|?pf<?ve ..i ilio , eh i r of 'f: ii. l'uil.l \i. .an in.ii a-e il ' p.?w . i ani ; .: -ne by joining with lln-irl i."i. li'."i- in loiiuiiie ?in!.: (o -u'.-.'iihe l'or l ui >i Sii-Wi ! ni ^ fiditi. Il will ia ihiii w ay Ite -i.j p!i. d !.. ih. in a! th? hAvosj price | i'oi' W II'- h -u -?i a pape! cali he prillici, j Mail mi!.-, i il.ei-, I copy. I y?-af?101 iiuiil '.,f l (iti i Mail .-e.l.-.'l'ili. I -, ? .-..pie-. 1 year . . ". . 7 Ut? " "> e. .pi, i.r ,.\ e:-, !,.| each , opV .'1(10 I'. f.iphs !' . iiililil g l'or pi cupi, -. .-?.'?ii. will re ?elvc an esIi'it eOpy foi' li imuith-. l'.-iroinlituig lor 1". ? .pi. -. j?|.V, Vvl?l WS ci i\i1 .ili e\l I ti , "p> ?oj' O??0 Vigli', i hi: m.u-\ (ij':i< i? wi.\ i lmiifnk i puhli-hi d , vci.v ?iiornlug ami t'\cning (Siili day- ese. pi. d al - 1<> pi/i'ycar: >-'* l'or -ix liioiitlis. l'i 1 ni-. ea.<h in advance. Inali- on New Voi!,, hi l'.. t < 'Ilice ..i.l. r payalile |o (lie older ol ii 11 ii: i ni m . heili}! -al'. r. ai e pr. f. i al.le lo any < -I !i. r ni...|e ni n million e. Address filli Tll?ni?N li. N'. w-Vor),. JBIvr.TPI^O^MITr'iilSrT, rn?IK Ali???{\ l'IKMKMMi (0. q olfers ih.- Li -1 111- i. mi oi thi: L'i: A\. ni i i i,i\. /.''.>/. Olt'iti'ixt. M"-l L'"iu ;?h/.. l'ili: lil'.si Ii.i.i sfUATiu? nA l l'UAI. IfiSTOKY. 'l'ili Iti - 1 W tUUC oN un 1 >. .\! i> i i< A Min \ l.? 'l'ili: Itr.s'i \\ ....i, <.n riib F,\u>i;ANb (?a?,'|)|.;n Ini Li -i FA.tin.v l!i:i i in IhuiK. eie eli" 'l'Ito b'esl i'. i in- and life ino.-l reliahlo iii-lruc ;i',.i- i<> iVgeiilSi Addi.- ; K. ti. sToiiKI'.? l'uhli.-liing Agent. Aut.urn, Ni V. a i'Ogeid tieati-e up,.u thi- suhjocp \>\ le v. ii. M \l 1'i.St i.n, I). |). 'l'ciilh Utili ioli. io' pages, iS'hio, cloili. V?ceiil by mail. Ih .lii'tleti hy m.'ihy its lltb tvrlief'fi be. t worU. Addii - Itevi ii. Mairi oil. b r N-yCHy. n..i N'o ri K 'm elidili;!. KOKTUKISTKI^ UH IMAN. Siuoirri???, otiiokissT an?> <>m.\ DIKICOT liOUTIOTO m:w \ Olii" riiii.AM.i.nn \ i'- tl.Tl.Mi >i;i; \\ ASI II NOTO N IH Oli MONI) l'Ki'Ki:sili i.'i; WKliDON ANI) \\ ii..mim;TON. riiil lineigli by Km-I' Tniiii lo New n ori* 11 iion> : : r.uv .--.r. : : j Ticket ;: ioti hy either 01 'till! l'in < l<d?ovi - ili" louli - : liU.'IIMO.Nl) ANI? \\ AslllNii TON (JAY LINK AND HAhl'IMOlii". N()?tKpl,l\ ANI? I > 1.1 A \\ A It ii. ?laggago ? 'libcked lllrong?i lo ani pittili. Tickets fooil uniil Used. S. S. S( i|.( ?m? iNS, Superintendent. UNION .BOARDING HOUSE, (OO?A)UKI),) SO. 01 CAiiUOllX STKEKT, BOARDING BY THE WEEK OB MONTH A t Tll|; MOST UK ^SON A ill i'. liATKS. il\\)VA)\ (OBB, i^t'opribior. I > la.l.s, \\ i;- i rm ?i r.i.i.i. i ..imu-m\ . 1 ) ,i. i iMI.-linl in ISL'H. ) TI?V subscribers continue (< acuitil'iu'l arc al their olii Hill,) well know a l*< ? 1111 I ? i y. their superior bell.- lor ? lunches Aeaileiii'n -, l-'nO baies, Steitiubinits, I.ncmiibtivc. l'"u'e Alai his, eli'., aliale of genuino boll ilici al I copper a nil tin coicpo-it ii a i ), mounted with I kl?i v liuprbv cd L'atChivU Mounting-; and warranted Iti evei;, VlU'U'.uiai' Thai no substitute, 0?j'iM? (o lM)pi>C'l aiid i'"-. :' ! ihiddng iltt?lsi, Ino yet bebutjkCoybr ei|." b:i> recently been announced !ls,tho deci simi oft he Uoyid I nstiiutc of lirliish Archi, ted - alni i- a faci well known when- hell.- of t>a<c material, sileli as Iron, (/rude Stool, etc., liiiVe been brought lat<> comparison w ith a . imi article of tbe genuine llron/.o< Nb| pbssessiil? any marked rcsonanl tir vibratory qualities, such material cannot produce a good ringing bell i and. while genuine bctl mciai, as material, idVviiyd has a high eoiit iinHvial vidiic. the other can billy command i In- ju'ic?. of old b un. An iissnrlinent of iiur llell- Is kepi at the ierv. as also w h h our Cicucras AgCul -. Ok. - kKSivCo., (SoAi.i: N\ \'.a.!! a i . I?wa> . n I.VV N oiik. W I in will ell ;i| TV price, and w bo. \\ illi lb, uildolSlgU nl, w ill ;:i\e prompt attention lb alt orders and > .iliiljiluii?iillni?s. I" a lull In formal em In regard to our K< !l -o!.., 10,1 an illustrated i 'aiti.ogiic. j;. a. a. ?;. li. mi:ni:i:i.v. iV.i i tnoY, n. 1 . (JOE'S DISPEPSIA OUJiE ! rraii-oui: \ r i:i:.Mi.i>v l'Ole ai i. i;d i:.\ -, !iTOM;VCIl. i- lini iVoeovery hi' ilio hiv?i?libii of t m \< \illnaldc I 'Oilgh While bxpbriiueni iie: for bi> own health. It Cured <': nap ia the Slmuaell for him ivliieli bad beforo ri?jih i d to nothing hut chlornlmni. flu utmost daily testimony from various piii : - a ihe conni ry riicbhrage u - to lidi.-ve ihat there i- no disease causuil by iuli.'onh r cil itcinacli it will n?i -p? cdd\' mire, Physicians Indorso and Use Ii! Ministers ( live Tost mony lo ila l'illieae^ ! ana iV.iiu ill ilio rii'.ti \o; rcia-lve l..Inc.; ut nr. pcrl'oi'tiii il. Dy.spopaia ! It js -ilie lb eiire, lloartbiirn 1 I lllO d'lM- w ill cure. Sink Uondaoh I II cured hundred- of eases. H?tidncho and Diz/ 1 Ii siojis in i birty nihiuti; Acidity of tho Stointi?h ! It corrects al once. Kising of tho Food I 1 11 -lop- iiijlitcdialclji. J)ist rosa After Kid ing ! One it?? will rehiovo. I Choloni-Morbua I Yield ; readily loali-w dose Bad ilroftthl Will be changed with halt hot Lie. IT IS ITJUWIiY IIAB?1?1SS! U.H i N ri; i;< I;i>i; vn .1> si < t i:f>s la uw in,', i?? !!; lae( thai It ( I KKS i'.V asmm 1??, NATI]HI' ro iti-;.. -?;i; f m\\ \n ?n Tini systkm, I .Will. oven. tlOai?i in Iho l.'.uivd Stal?-i Sell,' it .il ? ON ! ; ? KXIVl.A It 1.14 It HO']1 ri,) :. O.C. CLARK ?t CO., I Pi'oj)ri?torSi j !\\ v ! ia\-a, Cohn. I FIRE INSURANCE WITH V? ACTICII'A T??N IN 1'liOK ITS. NORTH AMERICAN Fire Ins unico Company. OFFICE. 114 BROADWAY. Unti ioli < lllifi?, Ooopei hislilulo, Third ityoniio. lisroo Iv iItllAx? n .1.023, Cash ?apital, - - $600,000,00 Surplus,- - 251,053,57 Ca?h Capital and Surplus j Jan, I860; $751,053,57. lu-uiv; Piopbrlj ugtihi.-j Loss or ))ullingt> l?y Idre al listini rati -, ?nti tini axaired jiiur tielpatf in l?iti nel l?i*ot?U without liiiainin liiiy liahilliy. l'i'li. it's od ?lul Losses puIdaMheoillce "i tIn < onipauy. <>r al its various Agi'hcltis ia lini principal cili?? in Ilii! Uniteti SiTTo-s. JAMBS W. OTIS, Prosidotit, Jt. W. BL3?I5CKE??, Soorotnry. J. U JUS WOULD, Clonontl Agoht. rriiu Nt.\'rii.?N,\i i'i;.Mi'i:itwot: AiiviHIATi*. J. I il 1 S ,\ I IO.\.\l I I M i I 1: v s. I. -. 11 11. ! 1 ASP 111 ! I ' \ I i111.' H oi - ; - i >. t ' I i 11 : i m w 111 111111 \ Ti'ili|iH'?nr?< l'aji?'i. iti" nhjotjl ut w lih li i i-> pminntc tin ::.ii re 1 .a tin - t an .i-i.f Teinp'.r Hlli'o. (?,\ ili --i luinati?" jtglii tVoiii avbiy ijllHI's I r njibii i: - inorai, urial, Illiaili-?al litui scloli-? liti.- In ai in,". 'l'Ile bjaii lai-al in lite land Will In' djrt'i 1 i-li liti ifi ? 'lit "is and 1 "?ll inu tili ~. anile w i|t lie e?lliliii.'ted iliaii cutlet. I.road alci . ali .lie -pirii. ! ' iin'ui.: the iV|iM le . ltla'.i\ e 1 'I'l le.ll elle - a lid Tein|" 1 .ai' >. ?t** iditii/iiTaui's. li I (h?iatrlH??)lj i?i ili' Sdei?ty joiiiakb i(''stilili a "ii! . e dl' iiituimillion and -ii.ii an iidyde.-ite id'iho t'ausi- as .dial leader it lint tlUl.V -l W'el. OHIO V'ldli'f ill the family, } hut hidip:i ddy ?i e i:y lo every ilo j friend S?' I', nip. lam e. Tl'iltMs, IN Al?VANt?f?: SiiigUi c"l>y. i\'?r mi.' \'ear hi advaa.'e. ?1 0(j I'eii t'ujiiesh to one add:.'.-- " t) IK) l'.v.nty " l'i 00 All oyor Iwonly copl?-tat Iho rato bif Cu?nts lair cony. Til 14 Ill's 'ITAIl'I'.h'ANi i; HAN S'Kit. Tin. n a i n is \ i. Tkmi'I.kam i: So .ii.ii \m> l'i in n ai a in llt)l sKalso |iiihlisii a law Monthly Tcinjieratieo Paper, especial ly adapted 10 n ?nul Voiiili, Sunday Si linei - and .1 ll\elide Temperance Ol'galli/.a lion-. h w ill lie ably editod, each uniiiber bcatitij'hlly illiislfaloik sihtl fontain a piche Ul' ehuiee iiuisio, and nospaictltb niiiUc il liiiisl i la-- |ia|n r f?r ilo- c.llilt|reii ill' America. Ti.e lid li i w ilig aie aiuole.' Ilio editor and (-o?ti'ihuloi-.- l'r.v. T. I.. Ci i i i.a, Iticv. I Ia.mi.s 11. lit.'nn. iMi, ? il un i - .li.w in. Puoi. a . It. l'Ai.miati ISia .AVm. M ; 'I'll A via:. Di;. Asa 1?. sunn- li. (i. Puuor;. .1. X. Sn.aun-. l'i v. l'i ili: si \i\ m ai. Mi:-. l'.D. t?Aoi'., Mi:-. M. .1. IIaiui.i:' Mi;-. J. Ih Mi - CllXAI ,11IV', eie.. e|e.. eie. TI ; i; M s ?N ADVANCK: :>in;;le ot>p.\ . i'oi' on.- j ? ar. in n.l\ aiiee (jft) .'io l'i n follie -, lo addi'. --. " 2 UH l-'irty * " " on M)neluindred " " hi no I ,). N. STKAUNS, l'uMi-liiii'c A'.'eni. ?Vl? Wiia.lAM Sna i l. Ni IV VliUlCi Till'. 1 ) A II. V IdiAlild.', l'Ili LA 1*111 A SA V S < H-' "SUNNY BANK:" "The niuaeioiis aduiher- ol' Marion llf?r llllid's hook ' w ill he |)It'll.Siiti lo Ictll'HOf this now work lVoia her fha-le and giiUitj |'oa. II equals '' in lone and delineation ol oliaraoler, and the plot of tho t tm \ i- untoli Hlole P?) I'eel."' ! ph'K i: -I i" rp?K IN?Ki'MXIH.N l A Weekly JoiU Hill, pillili lu d i \ i i v 'I Imi * thtV III New Yelk. llllJ I il'Illat I I ill '\'l\ Slate ol llie I'liioii IviiO il hy rHi;?)l)OKI. 1 11.l< >\ Ilii - .lollllllll itdVOCiltCS, lo the be.I nlit ability, evei s si i itggling Mond IP mini ol (lie. Time, il hikes advanced view -, ol Poh iiie. , Itcc.oiislrttolion, timi ICqlial Bights, It > \ li. v<- in Ilio Declami ion of liidcpcndoni imi liteaillVi fly endeavors lo con ver I llie A ne i i- ,111 l'copili tulhe same faith. It respect iMnelplos, ami. fur the sake of these, t-i hi* ci/.os Men and .Measures. It is Badical iti It aims, impulses, mid energies. Its pagos art) enriched hy contributions from the tiesl knowii and hesi-loved writers in American Literature. Its lviilorial depart meal li Hie work d|' many pen-, all havim' une gieal purpose the Klcvittum of Man; li ha- rCg ular correspondence from Foreign CoimO'h'^ and frolli importimi points in the t uilnl Siale<, At present, il has a travelling c"i respondent in theSoiith. who makes weekly reports o| (he eondilioii ol ihe Hchclliiuts State-, n publishes every week a Sermon by llie lU'V. Henry Ward Heeelier, taken while, iresti by a short hand reporter. Ii has a speeiat department, of Commercial and Financial Ihie?llgen?c, which, disbelieved, is second to thai of no journal in America for pains-taking accuracy and acknowledged vahm. Il devotes a liberal corner, every week, i., tie- yoiuiii folks, by ruriilsliiiig ii Children's Column, eoiitiiiiiihg both liihusi ment and instruction. It publishes a care ful digest of all llie .New s ol i be Day-- Im,|?, Secular mid Ueligious? giving to ea?li re ligious denomination a fair and impartial i>\; bibit ol' Its own important fact.-- ami stalls, lies. It has, too, a department of Agrieub lure, conducted by a prnedioal ami experi encedhand, in short; 'fur. IsbtfpKNolcsr oiideavors to equiq Itself wiih every appaili) nielli id'a Ihsbcliiss journal ami, wlloii?vcr it .-peaK-. TOSl'KAK IN I.MIM s r. Its circu lation is, at present, iibotil l?5,0O?copies;aliti eolithilttdly increasing. Its terms are a- In I lows: lb Mail, ?ll ?t) fur ,V2 luunbe: s. In ad. . ' h 100? rid ? '! ?l 00 " 02 u after;! montili. J i)U " fri " after ii mouth's. Delivered in Now York or Brooklyn, l^ carrier, 50 cents per your additional. Fubh.died hy ' 11KNKV C. BOW I'M, No. 5 Bc?klUIUI .street New YorK. GET THE BEST! "J PHI NO 10 & OO?S PATBNT MhhODEONo, AUTOMATI? OKU ANA, and SCHOOL OKGANfl hiOHTY TilOl'SAND NOW IN HSF, |C\ hnv lNsi'ia mi:nt Wauuantisd Kon Five Yi:Ai|:i. No charge for boxing or shipping. Calti Imi , a. id I 'rice i .i t sent on applicatimi Ail orders and ehiiitmiiiloatto?i - j liould b?i add.v.- ed to I-. P. WHITIWC, . 7 Fulton Si., N"\v Vei Dobbins1 Electric .Soap. a CRBAT DISCOVERVl Time, Money, babot, C?othen, juld Women Saved ! W??'ii l'ina Soa'v a Can Do I'm: i Wash <>v <\ bAUdit Family ' "l'o enumerale all Hie tidyhnlagos of iisbig ibi- riiniarkabloSo?p W"uid require tt bug -pace. We only lisk lhat OVory family giv it one fail trial, ijdliihloiit lhat the result will be highly Siili.-facmry. it is used by Cutting into Binali shavings aiiil dissolving in hot water ; then soak die clothes in the sud-, Ilvo to ten minutes; then a little band rubbing w ill make them at. clean :l< bi>ur< of hard inaciditi) rubbing w ould do wiih ordinary soap. Filli direct ions iiocompiinj' each bar, FUil < LKANINU FAINT It has no equal, il Icaxes the paint bright und glo.-sy, re quiring hh hriish. FOB WASH I NO FbANNKLH, b'ASIb M KlHvS, WOObLBN.S, etc.. Kis invaluable. It makes the bands soft and w hite, and w ill not injure the. most delicate fabric. It is used w iih entire satisfaction in the fatnilid of dev. Al.l-'ltl'.o Cookman, Hov-S.T?io>i.\s, Boy. K. 1.1>. I'lami'-u, lb'v. A. M.vNSinr. itili! many oilier members of the IMl??tlelplil.t .! Conference, to whom we refer. I'lonso. I ry It. Sold by grocers. Manufaettiled old) by dohbino b i,ovr., Pblhtdclphiii. I'n. i n)),v. in/ South Filili su