Si rv\ ; \i \ i ..S "S ! J I c-c't. ed I lie ; colored kpi^oiMinltans ?l' iVu-fiiiiigUm Svilii brick to l ull ! : eliiireli. Soi .m.'N ?loitN- n. a holered nitih. iovilVeriy Pre-idc'.:! biiicoiu's hai has hecn appointed a lirst t la> idoi'jk i tt i lie Tiva-i:i-y 1% pill ii lui. Ill til \\ ashing to:: j with a desk in the Scerei a r\ olliOC. ] t (>n v i \ i ii>n. --'I'lii' colored pev?ple ol'j T? \.-.? a convention in the early p:tvt 6f I >eet nil ti . In Mtssi lit' teen dollar- per month, ifii'hiddng rulidlii, latici- and inediral iti t? Ili lit lit 'ih L Ikirn ii"i ~r- Ol' the Mh--ouii l.i :,i>la-' lure are agreed in pivp.'-im:. suoli ani tunondnionl of I he Stale C\iip>l?lutit>ti iv. Pillili do away with disi in?t ion* iif color. Tilt: (Tr\ l'iti N' li of Pialliiia u e has iijlpl'opi'itlliitl ^ jOO.hdl.l to the colored schools of that i il \. I'lrtv-i'uu cdhtfacls were made hy! freed peoptij in kohiitoky dtiriii?? the-' tuonili of 1 ti eeiiiht'i'i The. hVi rage w ages ?l' liiell wen- l*>. 11, and dj' women ?S,.>0.; ttKuithly. bosit?os rations and ipiiulors a usual. Tjtt: l''i:rvo>]i.^ cf t d'"i"ia siiphori iif ty-Six schools, iihyrsi.v leachors, and liiivc or.oantra d a Stale Ivliioatiohtll Associlo lion. A lilld.Itici pa- i d the l\i.m-\h auhr Sonale, and is pivlty siiro to pass li e Uoimo. fuli'iddiii:' the praclh e id'eJvolitjj-j ing colored pa.->eii:;,-i ; from the public conveyance- stliiplv ou iK'COUUl of tho?i' color. A Una. i- before the Alabama iioglsl.t Ull'C 1?J divide iho School lit lid ))'i'0 t'ill? kdwceii lite>v)?leinul blit?k >c!um.|>. Tur New btween them, and ubo\ ti ali iiilh^s it suppresses that love of change ^dd^a^i them cau-ele.-.-ly front pUthiii lalh>n durili" ihe la.-t disas ril. f?l'-l ..l.i.-el old he liceitaci) .-celli. inst ruction of I heir children, ili'Ihoihlcdus arc not proviileil llie'ni tut tin plantations where they work, ilici i?t'iiii tiii'tti to ilm m are: i low a - by oilier pla. c-. where, IVooiliueii'.s schdOks liaiipoiil to he c-tal-li-h. d." Si ia;.\ i iv- - I'lic plisoiu'f.K'hii Surrall i- ! l'ondile.i duri;.", the llig?ll iti Oltd;oi':?llO ilii'e?. cell - opening oil a corridor, nhout lion of tin- day. he paces hack am! forili.! j?o .-.t em- tu he in i'xt|ellei'ti health, sleep;, well amiealu hcailliy. peak hi'.l lill'.- .J alai ih- a o:il\ in ri'gaf'tl ! > liiit pei -..aal ? want -. 'I lie do.'!- al (Mieli end of tin- ( of- j rhlor is planked up. ai?tlcoiisetpiehily hel cannot sia* or luivv any iiite?i'titirsii v?ih j rthy oftlio other |iriat>iioii.s; Ilei. vcr\ cjdstdy widchtal !>y guard-, and while in Iho cilceeWt\?ll\ :U!<1 stan i the ?cmgcsP. tin - who light underiheidd l-Tig or lijey who light agnin i il.: When (lie s.'et rsion dividend is ilcchifeil, it lii'.iy throw :-oinc light upon the killubl-t. ? Attention i called to the ?Aviji lb-ehienl of a Pair foi lh< Itytieiit ol tin Mission lYcshylerhth Cluii'c??, Uoy. K. .1. Adams, I'.isto|.. whit 1, w ill be found in am 'i her column. TiliNos Wt.ntiii Know in... \ |\11 up I he Supreme Court of the Stale A -?" itt\ lufsbceh formed b\ Ihe e??l breil P-apii-i- of Tennessee to aid young u;> a in pit parin;.: for the mini-try. I 'n Utt its ciii-?j :1 'Hei'logieal College has gone inti) operation, with cighleel't ?|?1 t|? ut-. 'I la re i i also i\ noi'bi?i da-;/. \\ AN'l lil) A r-otipto of sunn I iudlve boys io .?eli lh? .1 '> !' . 1.11" rat inducements w ill bt UlVer ( >I?Vec hi tbc third ry ? (j?tt iifd's 'l'in Slam, tvs. MeClIng H?'ik'i. FAlii"! FaTh! FAIR! tjii: '. i ; a n i ' ? a?ii, mi: un. UKNiir?r or Tin: Mission l'Ul.-i.V I 1KIAN I ill Util. (R* .i. Adams, pusioio W ill ?.|" n on Tue.-.lay iOyenhig, Mli March, ai How ard's Hall. M< > limr Stri < t. m ai C:l| iViVuili Ticket
    . ..| - w ill hi- ojtcneil cvcr\ Vi'ti'riiOiiii ifo'iii :t io e ..' b.cb, for lite l.ohfiih of < hil.hi-n. I \\ V V t ',1 i? \ li , A: byiielibuig Si P. \\ \\ bin. in..!. . Sftplirtihiii I Milani. Al llafiihgtou>l'it| in-!. b> -.une Abiahainj ltrotti mei Mi. i siily Ihieni. l'or, ol P?i.u !'..i\ iiiid \'ji!.rii?'.,|;i Sift.'ctsj? ' < ' I : : l '. ' t ! < > 11, ;-m > 111 11 < ': 11 a ? 1111. i ; FACULTY. il E v, r. ?i'jjJJiJtjj y./:i!7.v A. M./*l< >< ! li'. I'/"/' -ss' '/ ',/' ./."/e/-o/g. s ami Ch"/ . /< l'olii?}. j(i<:y. a ponzo li '/ /;> ri-: a. a. m. ;?/'-./. sso/- o./' Tlo nbrtJ?t unii Klocol ,n. jj?ii M. (i. CI.?//'/./a', /.'.fimi- tot IVtjlsiobw/ ni?d tMuus oj ll?ullh . Mil. Vl?AlilAiS .". \V< >I.II AC I' Tl.ll. liish?iiHor in Sdi?iii/ic Jiijm, i/O. )((. Sjil'i/nj J'vi'iH nf l'J< fi n II ? '/..-; < "/////o ii' - //);/ l|V 'hn .s I.i:\vi-. II. .Ii i>i;c. Alotiur Al.ox'/.o \\i i-. -i l.!.'. .TOSIIt!A Wll.'o.s .rlASiiiliu Wisro.x', .Jancauv IIoimi I ICij?'.JhSOS 1,1'iuii, .I\.,m Mill,-. Aiirahiiiii hili'iiiii INEVv TOKK TiilBXJNlii. T II ti li \ IUI lift i A is \> 0 11 tj A 14?8T' oh>(Uiihd.iuding liiO i'.iii ih .t Ilio i/oiifl It 11 I l.ll j si I In . il iiii Ica < 'I inoro titilli ?itti i|ii:ii(t i. (Ito i ti. ' w \ '\ rolliti in i Ih! sitino. Nu\\ i , i II I. I IM 1, i > > l It.SC'KI ?.IK l'(>l{ The (?reni' Family XoMsnnpor, l'Ili' NK\\ N OUK WKKKLV T?OllUN'0 i- (n iniod ini :? litigo iloiiblo inclinili slicol; liiahhlg i ! 'In i>:i : - ?>I" . i.\ broad columns ? adi. li contains ali ilo- important l'.diioii-1 ab published Ili l'ut" 1 ? vilA li;ini M .cM 11.| lliosc ol im-hiv locjd iuh'i'Osi ; al->> Literary and S( i. ni ili. I ut. Hi", n.-e : jjOvioW s o| Ilio j in?sl litiOfestIng iiiitl important New nooks; I ilio Lott?lrs irimi ?air lai ".'cu |i- of oori'?s ' pondenb : ?lio lab -t now - ic civcd by Telo I grtiph frolli W.i-11i11 ;t 11. and nil oilierpiirb j ni' llio ?i'tiiili'y i a Suinuuiry ol :111 importuni 1 i II I e 11 i ' e 11 e e in | hi- eilV ,ll|i| e! -i w he le ; a S\ tibpsIsOfihe l'r?i'c?illng - ni' t'onero- ami .Sitilo Lifglskitihe wlicii in sessioni Kxchi -Le l?eplnl.- ..i ilio ihoeoodiugs of the Ft?'-l I ihors'(ini, nf ilio Vinoiioaii Institute; Talks1 al.t l'i nil. aliti other I h?riicuiiiti'ni unii Aj I ric'uli uriti iiil'oriiialioii <..iitial b? c.'itnir.v re-ideiii<: sioi'W. ! 'inaiioial, l'atti.. \)yy ii.I- and io liofili m ark.i L'opprls ; making il. I tot li na-\ arieiv and e..mi.lelem--. allo I gotlior lliO musi valuable. iiitcrCsIillg and iu I -ii ticii\ e \\ i i u i.\ N i \\ -r \ri.i; published iti ' ila- wofid. i 'l'ho Filli l!ep"ii- ?>i ih. \imui?ain la-litui. I Fatui' fs1 Cliib. iiiul ih" \ ariptis Agrloulli?rs?? Ib'jiini .. in e e li iitiiub. i'i uro richly wnfdi a I year's subscrlplioo, Ir -i.t" 1 T i : i: m s. M.'il) : !.!> ! ?" |'.-\ -jj|;r|0 OOliV, I \'e;||' .'Oli j m ;;l riiiin m? i-nuMi-h. d< v. iv ?'|'?:SI>i\,l and F?M?UVj un.1 . ad Mio Cium arliele-. imi uieich locai in olia tidier; Lileraiy licViews and Art t lit'ei-ui: Lepers our lare.' corps Of Torcigli .'iiid Inuu. -ii. t orrc-potid Ohls ; ^pi i d and Assoeialed I i . -- i'cl?gftiph ?)ls|t:tteli?-s'; a can fui ti itti cinplete Siiiilliiit 1 ry oi Kofelgn an.l ?)onit\-tio New - : li\chr-i\e j 1,'epolt- CU'?hc l'i... . ?'. Ih;;;- of the l':u un r-'j < in', of iheyybiei i .m I ni, : fall, - ahoiit j 1 Fruit, aifii oilii r lloi l ioidi ur.'il ali il Agi'ioiil l itli'ijl Inloi'uiiill?li ;|Sliiekj l'iimm ial. t 'alile. ?>ry t.I- and t..:..r.i .MarU.v ijtpurls. w !ii,h are publlsliy-d in I'll K i ?A IIA ii.'l lil Ni:, i llli -l'Ali \\ LKKi.N i'b'll?l Mi al o -iv -, ili llie colli -, ..r .i year, 'l'IUMil'i iu li'i i: ..i ti.- /'/;s/' i).\t-iis'i I t'l l LAI; \<)\ /:t.s. l.y living author-. The eo>t ..! the-.- alom . il h.ii?ghi in houK rm. would !.. Ifoni -i\ lo . i In dolilir>. Ili |iti|. ha-od ia lim LXI ? ?.ISII M Al ! A /.!NI".-;. loan w ha a IhiiV ir e eaiel'iilly -e , 1.1.1, th? ' ! Would l e l?ir- e .-r i'rttii' timo nil?ij ani. N"le : e < ! e can -.. iimeii t'iti ! ..: i.u. il' : a- hud (if rihaiU'iii lil.-rart iiiaiter hedliidial PO ilie.,ij'? a rule as in Hi. siiMI-W li l? W t. S l L'Ili] \ li. ri,. wiiii i ?'i; lit V'?; il'i priu- iph - timi a|?pfi Sii-Wi ! ni ^ fiditi. Il will ia ihiii w ay Ite -i.j p!i. d !.. ih. in a! th? hAvosj price | i'oi' W II'- h -u -?i a pape! cali he prillici, j Mail mi!.-, i il.ei-, I copy. I y?-af?101 iiuiil '.,f l (iti i Mail .-e.l.-.'l'ili. I -, ? .-..pie-. 1 year . . ". . 7 Ut? " "> e. .pi, i.r ,.\ e:-, !,.| each , opV .'1(10 I'. f.iphs !' . iiililil g l'or pi cupi, -. .-?.'?ii. will re ?elvc an esIi'it eOpy foi' li imuith-. l'.-iroinlituig lor 1". ? .pi. -. j?|.V, Vvl?l WS ci i\i1 .ili e\l I ti , "p> ?oj' O??0 Vigli', i hi: m.u-\ (ij':i< i? wi.\ i lmiifnk i puhli-hi d , vci.v ?iiornlug ami t'\cning (Siili day- ese. pi. d al - 1<> pi/i'ycar: >-'* l'or -ix liioiitlis. l'i 1 ni-. ea./. Olt'iti'ixt. M"-l L'"iu ;?h/.. l'ili: lil'.si Ii.i.i sfUATiu? nA l l'UAI. IfiSTOKY. 'l'ili Iti - 1 W tUUC oN un 1 >. .\! i> i i< A Min \ l.? 'l'ili: Itr.s'i \\ ....i, <.n riib F,\u>i;ANb (?a?,'|)|.;n Ini Li -i FA.tin.v l!i:i i in IhuiK. eie eli" 'l'Ito b'esl i'. i in- and life ino.-l reliahlo iii-lruc ;i',.i- i<> iVgeiilSi Addi.- ; K. ti. sToiiKI'.? l'uhli.-liing Agent. Aut.urn, Ni V. a i'Ogeid tieati-e up,.u thi- suhjocp \>\ le v. ii. M \l 1'i.St i.n, I). |). 'l'ciilh Utili ioli. io' pages, iS'hio, cloili. V?ceiil by mail. Ih .lii'tleti hy m.'ihy its lltb tvrlief'fi be. t worU. Addii - Itevi ii. Mairi oil. b r N-yCHy. n..i N'o ri K 'm elidili;!. KOKTUKISTKI^ UH IMAN. Siuoirri???, otiiokissT an?> <>m.\ DIKICOT liOUTIOTO m:w \ Olii" riiii.AM.i.nn \ i'- tl.Tl.Mi >i;i; \\ ASI II NOTO N IH Oli MONI) l'Ki'Ki:sili i.'i; WKliDON ANI) \\ ii..mim;TON. riiil lineigli by Km-I' Tniiii lo New n ori* 11 iion> : : r.uv .--.r. : : j Ticket ;: ioti hy either 01 'till! l'in < l 1.1 A \\ A It ii. ?laggago ? 'libcked lllrong?i lo ani pittili. Tickets fooil uniil Used. S. S. S( i|.( ?m? iNS, Superintendent. UNION .BOARDING HOUSE, (OO?A)UKI),) SO. 01 CAiiUOllX STKEKT, BOARDING BY THE WEEK OB MONTH A t Tll|; MOST UK ^SON A ill i'. liATKS. il\\)VA)\ (OBB, i^t'opribior. I > la.l.s, \\ i;- i rm ?i r.i.i.i. i ..imu-m\ . 1 ) ,i. i iMI.-linl in ISL'H. ) TI?V subscribers continue (< acuitil'iu'l arc al their olii Hill,) well know a l*< ? 1111 I ? i y. their superior bell.- lor ? lunches Aeaileiii'n -, l-'nO baies, Steitiubinits, I.ncmiibtivc. l'"u'e Alai his, eli'., aliale of genuino boll ilici al I copper a nil tin coicpo-it ii a i ), mounted with I kl?i v liuprbv cd L'atChivU Mounting-; and warranted Iti evei;, VlU'U'.uiai' Thai no substitute, 0?j'iM? (o lM)pi>C'l aiid i'"-. :' ! ihiddng iltt?lsi, Ino yet bebutjkCoybr ei|." b:i> recently been announced !ls,tho deci simi oft he Uoyid I nstiiutc of lirliish Archi, ted - alni i- a faci well known when- hell.- of t>a comparison w ith a . imi article of tbe genuine llron/.o< Nb| pbssessiil? any marked rcsonanl tir vibratory qualities, such material cannot produce a good ringing bell i and. while genuine bctl mciai, as material, idVviiyd has a high eoiit iinHvial vidiic. the other can billy command i In- ju'ic?. of old b un. An iissnrlinent of iiur llell- Is kepi at the ierv. as also w h h our Cicucras AgCul -. Ok. - kKSivCo., (SoAi.i: N\ \'.a.!! a i . I?wa> . n I.VV N oiik. W I in will ell ;i| TV price, and w bo. \\ illi lb, uildolSlgU nl, w ill ;:i\e prompt attention lb alt orders and > .iliiljiluii?iillni?s. I" a lull In formal em In regard to our K< !l -o!.., 10,1 an illustrated i 'aiti.ogiic. j;. a. a. ?;. li. mi:ni:i:i.v. iV.i i tnoY, n. 1 . (JOE'S DISPEPSIA OUJiE ! rraii-oui: \ r i:i:.Mi.i>v l'Ole ai i. i;d i:.\ -, !iTOM;VCIl. i- lini iVoeovery hi' ilio hiv?i?libii of t m \< \illnaldc I 'Oilgh While bxpbriiueni iie: for bi> own health. It Cured <': nap ia the Slmuaell for him ivliieli bad beforo ri?jih i d to nothing hut chlornlmni. flu utmost daily testimony from various piii : - a ihe conni ry riicbhrage u - to lidi.-ve ihat there i- no disease causuil by iuli.'onh r cil itcinacli it will n?i -p? cdd\' mire, Physicians Indorso and Use Ii! Ministers ( live Tost mony lo ila l'illieae^ ! ana iV.iiu ill ilio rii'.ti \o; rcia-lve l..Inc.; ut nr. pcrl'oi'tiii il. Dy.spopaia ! It js -ilie lb eiire, lloartbiirn 1 I lllO d'lM- w ill cure. Sink Uondaoh I II cured hundred- of eases. H?tidncho and Diz/ 1 Ii siojis in i birty nihiuti; Acidity of tho Stointi?h ! It corrects al once. Kising of tho Food I 1 11 -lop- iiijlitcdialclji. J)ist rosa After Kid ing ! One it?? will rehiovo. I Choloni-Morbua I Yield ; readily loali-w dose Bad ilroftthl Will be changed with halt hot Lie. IT IS ITJUWIiY IIAB?1?1SS! U.H i N ri; i;< I;i>i; vn .1> si < t i:f>s la uw in,', i?? !!; lae( thai It ( I KKS i'.V asmm 1??, NATI]HI' ro iti-;.. -?;i; f m\\ \n ?n Tini systkm, I .Will. oven. tlOai?i in Iho l.'.uivd Stal?-i Sell,' it .il ? ON ! ; ? KXIVl.A It 1.14 It HO']1 ri,) :. O.C. CLARK ?t CO., I Pi'oj)ri?torSi j !\\ v ! ia\-a, Cohn. I FIRE INSURANCE WITH V? ACTICII'A T??N IN 1'liOK ITS. NORTH AMERICAN Fire Ins unico Company. OFFICE. 114 BROADWAY. Unti ioli < lllifi?, Ooopei hislilulo, Third ityoniio. lisroo Iv iItllAx? n .1.023, Cash ?apital, - - $600,000,00 Surplus,- - 251,053,57 Ca?h Capital and Surplus j Jan, I860; $751,053,57. lu-uiv; Piopbrlj ugtihi.-j Loss or ))ullingt> l?y Idre al listini rati -, ?nti tini axaired jiiur tielpatf in l?iti nel l?i*ot?U without liiiainin liiiy liahilliy. l'i'li. it's od ?lul Losses puIdaMheoillce "i tIn < onipauy. <>r al its various Agi'hcltis ia lini principal cili?? in Ilii! Uniteti SiTTo-s. JAMBS W. OTIS, Prosidotit, Jt. W. BL3?I5CKE??, Soorotnry. J. U JUS WOULD, Clonontl Agoht. rriiu Nt.\'rii.?N,\i i'i;.Mi'i:itwot: AiiviHIATi*. J. I il 1 S ,\ I IO.\.\l I I M i I 1: v s. I. -. 11 11. ! 1 ASP 111 ! I ' \ I i111.' H oi - ; - i >. t ' I i 11 : i m w 111 111111 \ Ti'ili|iH'?nr?< l'aji?'i. iti" nhjotjl ut w lih li i i-> pminntc tin ::.ii re 1 .a tin - t an .i-i.f Teinp'.r Hlli'o. (?,\ ili --i luinati?" jtglii tVoiii avbiy ijllHI's I r njibii i: - inorai, urial, Illiaili-?al litui scloli-? liti.- In ai in,". 'l'Ile bjaii lai-al in lite land Will In' djrt'i 1 i-li liti ifi ? 'lit "is and 1 "?ll inu tili ~. anile w i|t lie e?lliliii.'ted iliaii cutlet. I.road alci . ali .lie -pirii. ! ' iin'ui.: the iV|iM le . ltla'.i\ e 1 'I'l le.ll elle - a lid Tein|" 1 .ai' >. ?t** iditii/iiTaui's. li I (h?iatrlH??)lj i?i ili' Sdei?ty joiiiakb i(''stilili a "ii! . e dl' iiituimillion and -ii.ii an iidyde.-ite id'iho t'ausi- as .dial leader it lint tlUl.V -l W'el. OHIO V'ldli'f ill the family, } hut hidip:i ddy ?i e i:y lo every ilo j friend S?' I', nip. lam e. Tl'iltMs, IN Al?VANt?f?: SiiigUi c"l>y. i\'?r mi.' \'ear hi advaa.'e. ?1 0(j I'eii t'ujiiesh to one add:.'.-- " t) IK) l'.v.nty " l'i 00 All oyor Iwonly copl?-tat Iho rato bif Cu?nts lair cony. Til 14 Ill's 'ITAIl'I'.h'ANi i; HAN S'Kit. Tin. n a i n is \ i. Tkmi'I.kam i: So .ii.ii \m> l'i in n ai a in llt)l sKalso |iiihlisii a law Monthly Tcinjieratieo Paper, especial ly adapted 10 n ?nul Voiiili, Sunday Si linei - and .1 ll\elide Temperance Ol'galli/.a lion-. h w ill lie ably editod, each uniiiber bcatitij'hlly illiislfaloik sihtl fontain a piche Ul' ehuiee iiuisio, and nospaictltb niiiUc il liiiisl i la-- |ia|n r f?r ilo- c.llilt|reii ill' America. Ti.e lid li i w ilig aie aiuole.' Ilio editor and (-o?ti'ihuloi-.- l'r.v. T. I.. Ci i i i.a, Iticv. I Ia.mi.s 11. lit.'nn. iMi, ? il un i - .li.w in. Puoi. a . It. l'Ai.miati ISia .AVm. M ; 'I'll A via:. Di;. Asa 1?. sunn- li. (i. Puuor;. .1. X. Sn.aun-. l'i v. l'i ili: si \i\ m ai. Mi:-. l'.D. t?Aoi'., Mi:-. M. .1. IIaiui.i:' Mi;-. J. Ih Mi - CllXAI ,11IV', eie.. e|e.. eie. TI ; i; M s ?N ADVANCK: :>in;;le ot>p.\ . i'oi' on.- j ? ar. in n.l\ aiiee (jft) .'io l'i n follie -, lo addi'. --. " 2 UH l-'irty * " " on M)neluindred " " hi no I ,). N. STKAUNS, l'uMi-liiii'c A'.'eni. ?Vl? Wiia.lAM Sna i l. Ni IV VliUlCi Till'. 1 ) A II. V IdiAlild.', l'Ili LA 1*111 A SA V S < H-' "SUNNY BANK:" "The niuaeioiis aduiher- ol' Marion llf?r llllid's hook ' w ill he |)It'll.Siiti lo Ictll'HOf this now work lVoia her fha-le and giiUitj |'oa. II equals '' in lone and delineation ol oliaraoler, and the plot of tho t tm \ i- untoli Hlole P?) I'eel."' ! ph'K i: -I i" rp?K IN?Ki'MXIH.N l A Weekly JoiU Hill, pillili lu d i \ i i v 'I Imi * thtV III New Yelk. llllJ I il'Illat I I ill '\'l\ Slate ol llie I'liioii IviiO il hy rHi;?)l)OKI. 1 11.l< >\ Ilii - .lollllllll itdVOCiltCS, lo the be.I nlit ability, evei s si i itggling Mond IP mini ol (lie. Time, il hikes advanced view -, ol Poh iiie. , Itcc.oiislrttolion, timi ICqlial Bights, It > \ li. v<- in Ilio Declami ion of liidcpcndoni imi liteaillVi fly endeavors lo con ver I llie A ne i i- ,111 l'copili tulhe same faith. It respect iMnelplos, ami. fur the sake of these, t-i hi* ci/.os Men and .Measures. It is Badical iti It aims, impulses, mid energies. Its pagos art) enriched hy contributions from the tiesl knowii and hesi-loved writers in American Literature. Its lviilorial depart meal li Hie work d|' many pen-, all havim' une gieal purpose the Klcvittum of Man; li ha- rCg ular correspondence from Foreign CoimO'h'^ and frolli importimi points in the t uilnl Siale<, At present, il has a travelling c"i respondent in theSoiith. who makes weekly reports o| (he eondilioii ol ihe Hchclliiuts State-, n publishes every week a Sermon by llie lU'V. Henry Ward Heeelier, taken while, iresti by a short hand reporter. Ii has a speeiat department, of Commercial and Financial Ihie?llgen?c, which, disbelieved, is second to thai of no journal in America for pains-taking accuracy and acknowledged vahm. Il devotes a liberal corner, every week, i., tie- yoiuiii folks, by ruriilsliiiig ii Children's Column, eoiitiiiiiihg both liihusi ment and instruction. It publishes a care ful digest of all llie .New s ol i be Day-- Im,|?, Secular mid Ueligious? giving to ea?li re ligious denomination a fair and impartial i>\; bibit ol' Its own important fact.-- ami stalls, lies. It has, too, a department of Agrieub lure, conducted by a prnedioal ami experi encedhand, in short; 'fur. IsbtfpKNolcsr oiideavors to equiq Itself wiih every appaili) nielli id'a Ihsbcliiss journal ami, wlloii?vcr it .-peaK-. TOSl'KAK IN I.MIM s r. Its circu lation is, at present, iibotil l?5,0O?copies;aliti eolithilttdly increasing. Its terms are a- In I lows: lb Mail, ?ll ?t) fur ,V2 luunbe: s. In ad. . ' h 100? rid ? '! ?l 00 " 02 u after;! montili. J i)U " fri " after ii mouth's. Delivered in Now York or Brooklyn, l^ carrier, 50 cents per your additional. Fubh.died hy ' 11KNKV C. BOW I'M, No. 5 Bc?klUIUI .street New YorK. GET THE BEST! "J PHI NO 10 & OO?S PATBNT MhhODEONo, AUTOMATI? OKU ANA, and SCHOOL OKGANfl hiOHTY TilOl'SAND NOW IN HSF, |C\ hnv lNsi'ia mi:nt Wauuantisd Kon Five Yi:Ai|:i. No charge for boxing or shipping. Calti Imi , a. id I 'rice i .i t sent on applicatimi Ail orders and ehiiitmiiiloatto?i - j liould b?i add.v.- ed to I-. P. WHITIWC, . 7 Fulton Si., N"\v Vei Dobbins1 Electric .Soap. a CRBAT DISCOVERVl Time, Money, babot, C?othen, juld Women Saved ! W??'ii l'ina Soa'v a Can Do I'm: i Wash <>v <\ bAUdit Family ' "l'o enumerale all Hie tidyhnlagos of iisbig ibi- riiniarkabloSo?p W"uid require tt bug -pace. We only lisk lhat OVory family giv it one fail trial, ijdliihloiit lhat the result will be highly Siili.-facmry. it is used by Cutting into Binali shavings aiiil dissolving in hot water ; then soak die clothes in the sud-, Ilvo to ten minutes; then a little band rubbing w ill make them at. clean :l< bi>ur< of hard inaciditi) rubbing w ould do wiih ordinary soap. Filli direct ions iiocompiinj' each bar, FUil < LKANINU FAINT It has no equal, il Icaxes the paint bright und glo.-sy, re quiring hh hriish. FOB WASH I NO FbANNKLH, b'ASIb M KlHvS, WOObLBN.S, etc.. Kis invaluable. It makes the bands soft and w hite, and w ill not injure the. most delicate fabric. It is used w iih entire satisfaction in the fatnilid of dev. Al.l-'ltl'.o Cookman, Hov-S.T?io>i.\s, Boy. K. 1.1>. I'lami'-u, lb'v. A. M.vNSinr. itili! many oilier members of the IMl??tlelplil.t .! Conference, to whom we refer. I'lonso. I ry It. Sold by grocers. Manufaettiled old) by dohbino b i,ovr., Pblhtdclphiii. I'n. i n)),v. in/ South Filili su