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Sentinel-Journal. Published Weekly. * PICKJCN8, SOUTH CAROLINA. Isn't It strungo how automobiles won't take a joke? Possibly the socloty smuggler 13 only a kleptomaniac. Further, an aeroplane. Judiciously handled, lays golden egg*. Portland cement Is to be cheaper? have you tried digesting It? Summer keeps running back for just ono more parting word. Detroit goat eats a $10 bill. Well, what goat ever got indigestion from swallowing ten bones? The new five-dollar hills will bo smaller, says an exchange. Easier to break, too, we presume. King Alfonso is afraid he may loso his throne Foolish boy!?why didn't 'Jt- nut it in lii^ uIIm'b ihhm These are fine days to find mushrooms If you feel ill tlx; next day, you'll know that you didn't. NV\v York waiter buys $100,000 worth of government bonds. "All things come to him who waits." Wilcl grapes are very scarce this fall, says the Hoston (!lobe, but the sour variety are stil) plentiful enough. A French duke has Invited his friends to an aeroplane tea. Could any "high tea" be higher Mian that? Now York street car conductor breaks his arm ringing up fares. Talk about strenuosity in doing one's duty! A Now York woman who obtained n divorce IS years ago lias just applied for alimony. When Is a poor devil sate? San Francisco i; waging a relentless war against rats, but it doesn't Rcom to have any effect on Paris coiffures, so far. With the lUble still leading the list of best sellers, the morals of tin; country cannot be so very much deteriorated, after all. An Itnll-i,, hoo <>? . piano which cannot fall. This Is an Improvement ev> u over thoso which can swim and climb trees. If there Is any argument In favor of letting college buys haze themHelves it must be that they need to : get it out of their systems. Someone has written an article on "The Duty of the Dollar." this being something that our American tourists have boon trying to dodge. In New York there is a woman one hundred and two years old who ban Jived ninety-six years In Manhattan. Well, It must have boon in Harlem. New York man, forty years old. and about to wed, says he has never yet kissed a i r 1. He'll still ho "about to wed" forty years from now A Pittsburg bridegroom of five weeks deserted Ms biUb- because slio was "a bb>' k of lee " Naturally, slio ! immediately proceeded to make it hot for him. There Is a man In Virginia who says that to marry after fifty means trouble. He Is an optimist What does he think It means to marry before rfty? When a man of ninety six walks fen miles to get a marriage lleense i 1 h<* truth that live Is ever young gives j another knock-out blow to Un> Os* lerlan theory An Ohio jtulK" rules that a protrol la not a ilaiig ioua weapon. Wlwthnr j ho will l>" ho ronfldont concerning , (tin exhibition of sliced cucumbers remains to lio soon Isn't thoro a flno touch of unconscious hinnor In tho preachments on American extravaKatice which Amerlfail millionaires delivor when tliey fiomn home from motor tours through Kuropo ? Why Is It that 'ho man who cun nlnffly plans to murder his wlf? or his sweetheart and brutally carrlea out his plan always "breaks down and c-rlos like a child" when his Kullt in fastened upon him? Why should there be so much oxIfnnwtTtf wIlOTl U t\ .'ivi.t TO." htV'ILivfl tllfl rorord for attaining tlio groatPHt i holKbt7 Tho iIiIhk to booomo on 1 thiisbintlr nvpr, It Booms to \ia. la In getting saf'-ly down from :ho greatest boltfbf. A FU Paul burglar baa rotiirnorl i monov bo bad rtolon (hror yonra jirro Tfn baa ovldon'ly roformod partially j When I o com plot ol v roforniH lie v.|:; Insist nn paying ?lm penalty ho In currod by violating t.ho moral and criminal law ri li nn hoon known to 4tr"'' hot fltovon. hut. ovpii litis Oat is ?ur 1 pnflflf>d I?y Ihnt of rohbrra in New Jprsny who stolo rIx rnr? loadnrl '.v|lh i morehandlno l>y cutting a freight | train tn two and escaping with th? ?;ooty 80 far, thla holds tho record. I Tni ^ T 1TOf< 1 ^ JUL* V iCi C9CA.JL Mind n> e. e. roui ff"1""""" I'- AHI'- gradually ami inev I \KT miml is everything and ma sal miml. A table, a hou c-w of some human miml. / j mind at present inaeeessilj Matter signifies exist I ij liut subject to our will ui &?aaMnaMV are to some extent. Motio tia means habit. The ethc nil-counseling oversoul of the univorj intercommunication of smaller minds. Here wo enter upon that virgin the future will blossom forth. In elite out, a perspective infinitely more gloi our human eyes. We breathe a higlic of infinite life and power and groat nos earthly existence. Many of the soiif glimpses of such a higher existence. I destined for all. But its possibility a from the present phase prematurely. we descend into the arena and consent loss absurd rest riot ions. We j?lay the been played and will always !>e nlaye liberal education. Of one tiling we may be certain? unconnected with this of ours. We 1 act goes thundering down the ages, tlui thing of infinite and eternal conscqi nent mark on the material universe verses. This relleetion may give a n< cnee. To pierce into the innermost forces to our will, to make 1 iJ". 11a] our kind, to assert our supremacy < and rule this universe in \irtue of th power within u-'. such is our task here 11 is Initio inorr ami more const hand 1 >v the human race, a race whir', liest origins, lias numbered about a uals. The airirrr^atr lives of these ind vast variety <>f experiences and riivuni record of these experiences is cmbod physical organisms and other record permanent. '1 human race has hurl the fastmsses of nature and ea])(urc one. I lie way lias In en a record of tea rs. Hut in the new generation the \vr and the tears are dried and the hat lie i my I'ric lrjr 1 a t < *1 \ I Harm iwii-ni From Too Much My Fresh Air X-IX \ .! I Ill By LOIS FULLER Chicago fls lll.'ll ' ??| |.ilS hrondii in;r, which wouM keep up all ni^ht. mother persuaded me t<> try j- 1? < {>inlt v I??r** that I would have it wide oprii, window- and that niidit I wasentiivh 1 tri' l thi- M-wral times al'lcrwn but would always haw to t up am sprint,' 1 hav<? nitwit with (he \vind< felt hrttor. ( f <?otir~ * I heliove in thorough! and letting all tin* sunshine {?? - - s 1.1? Trom the !;ik? and (he d<;\v dor-; n? oin fsjiurially to tlioso with or thn>at "1 M, i reel i(i|] nri a I than I elephone m lllt Cheaper ^ n" rfii "" I 11*111 toward telepathy ~ .-llhjeet. Sinn Br THOMAS H. WAYSON ' III' iO II in ?w?iZIZZTTT!.'^-.- aocptii line ma tin- threshold of ronHcionsne.? . If ill operator and u 1?j< t a condition of niei bo r< t fivcd. So in l lie ca e of (Vre^, if (lie er is no art that the friend does no than a single ii/^e tion to remove tin must bo u ''1, as the suggestion will In change iiu t lio so clear and the .sugj opposing ? -1i??tis will !??? ovcmib much as >r <titration, and when you you can %< iiitarily exclude all wainl liut don't ii your suggestions solely f menial emanations are supreme, for <> f nnl )< < If, after several attempts nt trl friend, try telephony. It is much c?si : = = nr Gradually Drawn to Believe Matter Is Term INIER d'ALIM! itably drawn (o tho conclusion that tier but an expression of the universe, or a machine is the embodiment i stone is the embodiment of some le to us, of some will ut present inenee, life independent of ourselves, ider certain conditions, just as men n means change or experience. Inerr means, perhaps, the all-embracing, =e. Uadiation means perchance the Held where, I believe, (lie seienco of ring Ujion il n new perspective opens ious than the starry host visible? to r and purer air, an air of freedom, <s, unfettered by the shackles of our ; of men, in all aires, have caught t is open to all of us. and, 1 believe, ml prospect need not draw us away Like devotees <>f chess or football, t to he bound for a time bv more or frame. And that game has always d. It is a necessary discipline and no universe exists which is entirely enow that (lie fruit of our slightest it not hill;.: is ov."r cll'rtcetl, that everylence. And if it leaves a permait will allYct also all invisible uni w /c.-t to our present form of exislrecessi s of nature, to mold natural ?pv and irloriotis for ourselves and ver disease and death, to conquer e inlinite power and now. jS^asasaaffiaSm iotislv taken in several years past I have heen what lids termed a "fresh-air crank," but came to the conclusion that this r craze can be overdone as well as >no, and especially that the value t air is ?r really overestimated. mother is a scholar of the old i iiiiI she has always contended that ' after Mindown is of very little in fact, that it often does more lan irood. especially when it is damp, <>!' ( liicairo occasionally is. I sprintr I lia<! a slight attack of ti~. It would he^in with a wheczAfter tlnvr ni-'hts of sulTerim.' my k ith my I>..!room window shut. I'm - i winti r Mini summer. I closed the ! of tin- u hcezin#. rd, starting with the window open, I close it to L'et relief. Sinco last ' I ?w closed more or less and never : v airing the rooms during the day i in, hul I believe that the dampness | any good and jwrhapa some harm, j t roillile. il;i! conccnI rat ion and force of <li- i nr<* in*>if t . 1).- s<>\i;'|it in telepathy i il-tennination, which Kornetimes ! ?'iil\ l?> M nhhornr.ess. A Bu<^estion ' > a subject at such a time (hat there j conflicting thoughts will //o far | creating an involuntary uuto-su#- j for the desired end, osp<*cially when s??n r 111 is tho object don red by the i!d the subject's line of thought ilriwr <>r continued as to hccomc an 1 fa?l a Mi;:<resled change in that v he so opposed as to remain helow ere is at any time existing between ntal rapport then will the nuirtrostion r?>r that her friend is about (o comI eonsider wrong it will lake more desire to act. Sonic logical reason analyzed and the reason for the ,' siion so fon il?ly received that all il. Ahstration is to ho sought as arrive at a mental condition whero ering thoughts practise suggestion, or your own gain or think that your Dther minds consider theirs worthy opathy, you fail to influence your er nnd only costs n nickel. r 1 i >1 n Agaraa rem By EMMA Copyright, 1910, by Asm Aunt Penelope?Aunt Penny, for short?waved ft lean, ringed hand at a row of ancestral portraits on the wall. "These," she said, sternly, "are the people on whom you aro determined to bring a public scandal, Agathu." It was not tho first time In my experience that Aunt Penny had brought mo before this court of the past, that hung In tho upper hall. I had broken my engagement, one Aunt < Penny had planned and executed for | me, and with tho wedding day but a I w?tr?U t\fi' For forty-odd years Aunt Penny liad j worshiped at tho shrine of family as | It was pictured hero. For Instruction, j correction or reproof, she had always ! brought mo to face these shadows in j their atrocious frames. To her thev I reflected the glorious and honorable past of tho family of Penryn. To me ihey seemed a quaint, half-Kiddy array of men and women who, in their day and time, had believed themselves unworldly ami correct. Some of the women woro monstrous hoopsklrts, j somo of them held up attenuated arms to display leg-o'-mutton sleeves; others faccd the world from tho depths of huge poke bonnets. They were all object lessons, teaching the absurdity of somo fashions that have passed away. Some of tho men, with their groat shoe buckles, resembled the pictures of George Washington; some of them ?um.'sp iiiusi navo ueen tne poet-artlstn of the Penryns?wore wildly long hair, that had the appearance of being uncomhod. None of the gentle men, in the matter of apparel, would Kd*>> <cr !> Lay Face Down on the Floor a Perfect Ruin. has panned muster In any society of which I knew, unless, perhaps, they had chosen to foregather with the butler and the coachman, or associate Willi I III* ? ? . r. </ ft n lllll'l B lllllOU For the most part tho faces of my forbears wero fat, placid, smirking j and satisfied In expression. In their eyes there was a look of reproach for nio, with 0110 exception. ' thought I detected in the face of my great- | uncle, Peter I'enryn, a look of sober i sympathy. Ills portrait hung lower than tho rest, at (ho rear of the hall ? for a reason. Tradition snM itm? a long engagement, arranged for I'dcle Potor by hl?s friends. bo had boon Buod for broach of promise; that ho had eagerly paid what tho court thought wan sufficient balin for Ills act of treachery, and had lived and died a bachelor, thus losing caste among tho ancient and honorable peoplo who looked down from tho wall an I followed Aunt l'enny to their high tribunal, to explain ,\vhy the engagement wan broken why I would not be niarrb-d as she and the ancestors had expected. It was a trying ordeal for ue. I loved Aunt Penny devotedly, and had spent 20 years under her roof and in inn i .11 v? whs inn ftiui twenty. The wedding trousseau was upstairs, Rome of It In the partially peeked trunks, and 111?* bridesmaid.'! were In readiness and on tiptoe; the wedding breakfast was ordered. I knew that the break ln? of my promise would kIvu Aunt l'enny the most Intense pain, as It had done. To save her feelings and to keep my place In her affections, I descend ed to subterfuge "Aunt I'enelopo," I deelared. " It Isn't my fault that Leon Mr Masters desires to break the engagement." j 'Drsiros? What are you saying.! Agatha? Declines to marry a FVnryn. | with the Invitations all out, the bishop Invited to preside and with a beaut I ! ful bride, such as yon will be?" "Hp does," I faltered, with a sudden | determination to see Leon Masters nt once and make him tell Aunt Penny 1 It wnu hla wish to be free. Why I had come to the decision not to marry Leon?why I had sent him n letter breaking off the marriage at thn last moment, I could hardly explain. I felt that, his be lug younger than I? ryn's Query J. BOWEN oeiuteU Literary Press I Loon was twenty-two?nil at once separated us. We had played together In childhood, wo had been Rweethearta j In early youth, but with tho wedding day a week off I felt that I was taking a mean advantage of a child to marry Leon. I did not love him. Hut I might have known better than to toll this story to Aunt Penny, born fighter that she was. Since I could remember, Aunt Penny had never been so happy as when she was doing; battlo with some one. 1 loved her warlike spirit, but when she changed in a minute to the soldier she was, and declared, "Agatha, this shall be looked aftet' Immediately!" 1 saw far consequences of my rash conduct. , She left me with her fine eyes glow- i [i\K with battle light, and I fled In the 1 limousine that had waited for mo for i an hour to the oflice of Leon Masters. He had received the letter that morning, I knew, if the mails had done their usual work. Ho took me to his Inner sanctum and I hurried my explanation: " i.eon Mr. Masters?I've told Aunt Penny (hat you?that you are tho , one who didn't wish?she is hurt, ' very much hurt, I,eon, and angry? j and I thought ttiat perhaps you would tell her that it Is you who decided that it isn't best!" I.eon looked unutterably relieved. "Is that all, Agatha?" he said. "I was afraid very much afraid- that you did not mean?tbat you might i have reconsidered your letter- that! you were not -that you wanted to go ' on, you know!" His blunt words, bis evident satisfaction with what I hnd done brought the hot blushes to my face. Ami I had expert d to find him ovor- , whelmed with grief had cvon pic- j turod his efforts to win me back! "So," I stammered. "you really ' didn't!" "No. Agatha, I really didn't, but I would not have caused you nnv?or? ombarrassnu nt not for a king's ransom. And dad had set his heart on it?he thinks you are perfection, Agntlm?and you are. 1 didn't want you ever to suspect how I had roallv 1)' gun to feel alxnit 't' Dear old Aunt Penny! Of eourse, I'll sn: an<l t 11 her that It is what I wished to do!" Worse and worse! Homo I wont, ; hot and trembling. I shut myself In my room and would s< <> no callers. I Toward evening, when I hail reasoned it nil out. and had begun to ho glad we hud hoth been saved from our friends and from the great mistake. Aunt Penny cair.n to me with a triumphant light In her eves. .\f;aina, my poor lamli." she r,al?I, 1 "l-eons' father has como to sot tilings right. Vou must como down arid hoc him." When I readied the drawing room, wlicri' In* waited. I could not help thinking how young and handsome I.'en's father looked. Ho might havo been forty-five- lie had been a widower fur many years. He took my hand In his. "Agatha! Miss Penryn!" he paid, "what can I eay to you?what can I do?" Sitting there wi'h mv hand in his, I told him the whole bald, disagreeable truth lie bent over mo when I had finished. "Agatha!" he whispered. "Dear!" T.ovo that had fled from a lone courtship came to in*' that instant 1 without any courtship. I loved Leon's father, and I know It. I found myself swept, unresisting. Into his arms. Aunt Penny came In soon, ami wo told her of the change, nnd restored her to normal afterward. There was to ho a wedding on tho day set. I would marry Leon's father. There would he a little gos- i Hip, of course, thero Is always a buzz of excitement over the marriage of an elderly man who writes checks sometimes In seven figures; but thero would he no scandal. I would he a mother to Leon, after all; but never would I dictate to him when j it came to bis marriage. When 1 went upstairs on that night of my second betrothal I glanced along the wall at the faces of my I ancestors. They seemed to smile im- I provnl at mo. all but one. My groat j uncle, Peter Penryn, lay faco down \ on the floor, a perfect ruin. When i ho fell, or why. I never knew. Was | he ashamed of me, I wonder, or was j ho ovorconio with Joy? Hindu Superstition. The "Indian Antiquary" contains (ho ' following note taken from a "Bombay (Sonera) Letter" (March 17. 1707), that appears* In volume I of "Bombay Abstracts." It illustrates the close control that the authorities at that time exercised over religious bodies: "Upon a dream of a negro girl of Mnhlm that there was a mine of treai1 urn, who being overheard relating It, Domo. Alvaros, and some others wont to the jil.n o anil Sacrificed a Cork and dug the ground, hut found nothing, they go to Hundarra at Snlaott, whero disagreeing. the government thentake notice of tho saino, and ono of them, an Inhabitant of Oombay, Ih sent to the Inquisition at (ion, which proceedings will discourage the Inhabitant*. Wherefore the Kenearil is desired to lasuo a proclamation to release him. and if not restored In 9. ft dayH. no Homun C'athollck worship to be allowed on tho laland." AFTFP ru JL jujl\ SUFFERING ONE YEAR Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound Milwaukee, Wis. ? "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has mado .. .1 . , . mo p, well woman, 1 1 an<^ ^ W0ldd Uko to iiMNIS^iiK tell the wliolo world of it. I suffered frorafemaletrouble mm ?-Jpf! and fearful pains in VV ** rrPl my baclc. Ihadtho ' \u O pllt; best doctors and ? they all decided i-!i;| ^ that I had a tumor in addition to my femaio trouble, and, \ / advised an opera JlZ tion. Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetablo Compound mado me a well woman and X have no moro backache. I liopo I can help others by telling them what Eydia E. lMnkham'a Vegetable Compound has dono for mo."?Mrs. EmmaJjise, 833PirstSt., Milwaukee, Wis. The nbovo i3 only ono of the thousands of gratefid letters which aro constantly being received by tha 1'inkham Medicine Company of Eynn, Mass.,wliich prove beyond a doubtthat T.Vflin. TV T> i T1 lr pound, mado from roots and herbs, actually does euro these obstinate diseases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such sufering woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial boforo submitting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. JMnkliam, of Iiynn, Mass., invites all sick women to writ? licr for advice. She lias truided thousands to health and her advice is free. T AKE a\ DOSE OF ' I BT ST I tor wi-? n a o J i "That First Invented Sleep." "Now blessings light 011 him that first invented this same sleep! It covers a man till over, thoughts and all, like a cloak; it is meat for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, heat for tho cold, and cold for the hot. It is tho current coin that purchases all tho pleasures of the world cheap; and tho balance that sets the king and tho shepherd, the fool and the wise man even. There is only one thing, which somebody once put Into tny head, that I dislike in sleep?it Is that It resembles death. There is very littlo difference between a man in his first ^ (deep and a man in his last sleep."? From Cervantes. Not Easy. Pat was a married man?a very much married man. lie had married no fewer than four times, and all his wives were still in the fore. According to Pal's own account before the court where he was tried for bigamy and found guilty, his experiences wero 1101 aitogetner satisfactory. The judge, in passing sentence, ex pressed his wonder that the prisoner c<>11 Id bo such a hardened villain as to deludo so many women. "Yer honor," said Pit. apologetical1 y, "I was only tryin' to get a good one, an' it's not aisy!"?Uppincott's Magazine. Same Old Point. Jack?I went gunning in the country one day last week. Tom Hag anything? Jack?Nothing hut my trousers. THE FIRST TASTE Learned to Drink Coffee When a Baby. If parent9 realized the fact that coffee contains a drug?caffeine?which is especially harmful to children, they would doubtless hesitate before giving the babies coffee to drink. "When I was a child in my mother's arms and first began to nibble things at the table, mother used to give me sips of coffee. Ah my parents used coffee exclusively at meals I never knew there was anything to drink but coffee mui w-itnr "And so 1 contracted the coffee habit early. I remember when quite youhg the continual use of coffee ho affected my parents that they tried roasting wheat and barley, then ground it In the coffee-mill, as a substitute for coffee. "Hut It did not taste right and they went back to coffee again. That was long before Postum wan ever heard of. I continued to use coffee until 1 was 27, and when I got Into office work, I began to have nervous spells. Especially after breakfast 1 was bo nervous I eould scarcely attend to my correspondence. "At. night, after having coffeo for supper, I could hardly sleep, and on rising in tho morning would feel weak and nervous "A friend persuaded mo to try I'oat'im. My wifo and 1 did not lllto It at first, but later when boiled good and strong It was fine. Now we would not give up Postum for the beat coffee wo ever tasted. V "I can now Ret good sloop, a*i free from nervousness and headaches. I recommend Poatum to all coffee drkikers." Read "The Road to Wellvllle," In pUgs. "There's a Reason." Kver rmil the above A newr one npprira (roin (Imn tn iliyr. Thrf re grnalat, true, und fuit / ka?u? tatoreit.