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< ONE thousand Zurich wo/lv I l^v\ 111 on havo HpplnriMl for mil ( V~)J ?i) vorsa* suffrage. It is a reV | )J cent movement there, though other Swiss cities ha\c been interested for some time in the much mooted question. Altoget her tho little country has 17,000 advocates for giving women tho ballot. Recently the women of Zurich canton petitioned tho stale for the light to act as jurors on u case In which a woman was the defendant. Their request was refused. Later, with characteristic Swiss bravery, they sent in another p Mtlon to the legislature asking the right to sit In judgment on special court.?, such as are held in FVance for adjusting differences beIWiM'ii mistress nml msilil Mint oth.T whore differences arise between a woman employer and a woman employee. While ibis, too, waa doni"d, Parliament admitted the sex's eligibility to such an ottic . "We are not talking much about It," said the vice president of the Zurich Woman's Suffrage society, Fraulein Hounegor, "It - t 1 iblicity frighten the state into retarding 'ho concession, it Is not much 01 a gain, but," she added '.\;u> true su'-irago optimism, "it la a step forward, li we bad made that demand ton years ago. when to speak of our having the ballot was to be laugh <f>d at as a dreamer, our petition would j^ks iJi ivvv/vw.' v. A'oz/ H^tncne-o /, not have got past (ho porter's desk. 1 til at was the first in Europe to open its "o women will not finally deny us ou rig-hts." Switzerland has no women's clubs. tho suffragists are engaged along onn II #?r body of women Is working for phi A group of young women representing most Zurich families has organized tli practical training school whore niemb ;hr needs of poor children and thereb better their unfortunate lot. \\'e ar<> endeavoring to Interest our y of leisure and education In this work," r t.h?' promoters, Frank-in 1-Vrtz, herself a earnest, and cultured young woman. Th Inspec tor of schools Is assisted by this g dren of the poor receivi- two fuli meal? Swiss schools, and If the mothers of t dren bo employed at outside work tin hour the guild takes charge of the lift! Through tin* influence of this guild ; passed lrts-t year by which a guardian la for illegitimate children and this gua compol tho father of a deserted child i Tito to its support. If tli<> mother he also she, too, bfcomes a ward of this gu similar organization to tho Zurich guilt 'j??rmnn cities, ami. hy a similar state 1; scondor of moral ohllgations is traced r-xtrndltod. To women is duo 'lie large temperance restaurants existing in S\ Fran Professor Oreille of Zurich is tl tor >( this moVeh)etit. Socialism is spreading in Swlt/t rlan how a cbuntry governed hy tii.? refere 'pin i .in bo po* ibly more democratic p .1' r*' indlmr. Made lip 'if thr -o ra< 1'Y rich .Hid 1 *alinn. socialists of th> n us have entered Switzerland and :i > idea ft. seeds of discontent in the bra : little republic. V irli-h hfi I d in every movement of I It was the torm center of the Protest Hi ?Mon peri. 1 in Switzerland Zwlngli' / re. In t.h- <?i . m i n ?? i , whoso t ivi dominated tie- town f> r eight <> ! preached tin i'rot ant nisade and church's I ist Catholic pa tor n'ld its tli tant fine, iiiuli up In on-' of the tow .!.?? n.M.r,. ,?? ni.,ti..o .,r, iju.iiim, srni'-<i ii*,<ii> '?i v iif>hlj' , in' founder of (irossmuenster chapter Iti cathedral are the cloisters which now fo a girls' seminary Ir an old h ipr-1 acrop ; the road 1, ;i <n? collection of articles relating to tie tion, Including letters written by f'alv and ZwinRli, aeh remarkably distinct also on" by Lady Jane Orey; her pent legible as print and she v. rote the lett< /tack of this Utile chapel, called tho la t\ splendid ' ion/" statu* r?j '/wlngll. Zurich is tli" capilal of the canton of Itf i IJ ; ' 11 ? ; i ' i.iiKr /Vi th<* law^t " Switzerland The Honal ti'wn 'ii its narrr.w tt 'r>p Htre liinh, dark -> . lies on both banks n n. it. I'll" .--til tho city lias -spacious faros an I i>I tull'l buildings rho lalo tho K' ii'' Stadl at" voiy .1" ictlvo. nnrl! < ; a <?? ! i- ' 10 line Ton 1 !o, a p? >rn concert l?n mik anr] plo.nure pahc vicinity of ' southern ud la tic H> ilr pari N'oai the Tonhallo, nnin street . f the city the Hahnhcads from th" iako north to tho railv T)n? hr bigots aro striking. A<i iaoent t, Munntor bridge 1h the WaBHOrkircho, or bunk, containing tho city library with 1 jinea and ovr r>,000 manuscripts. It noro valuable objects, Including tho (' ";mu3. Tho (Jrossmuenster Is llomane Grecian features. Further north la ti 1 - * I 55 Jlvffor m i? >-^_ ... ^gmm^mWiik f> *S$$ HIRHnMMEWMipDB^nMHBHBMHHMl p: /V ZUtf/Cfii THE Gf?0S5rtUFfiST?R. Lc pa ^ut a city in the Gorman Renaissance, university university and the? famous ? t \ -*on a* wllli t hoir itnmnmna In^tiltir clinics are In tho northern Hut while Switzerland Is tho most ine. anoth- of Kurope. three-fourths of 1 Innthropy. with mountains. The grand* the lore- been pictured and describe! is year a With the exception of corta era study ica, there is nothing in tho y help to beauty. The central and sc cunled bv the Swiss Ail,.-'. oiing girls nearly three-fifths of the en aid one of .Mountains cover the northwc honutiful, country. ie medical Far up In the mountains uild. ' hil- town of Kinslodeln. 1 was ft i gratis in present during a .veek-end n he so chll- shining societies from the coi itil a late boring Havarian towns were e ones. exceeding 2,000. Swltzerlai i law was summer time for holldayli appointed inoxaHe saengorfest by whl< rdian ca'i get3 't-t share of gay song a in cnnun) in > uj.mns wore represent' under age every house was decorntec ardlan. A scarlet and white. 1 exists !u Early in the afternoon the iw, the ah- c;an. It was held In the vr easily and front of the Benedictine ah number ot ()f the singers was plctur vitzerland. carried a banner, Indlvldtif le orlglua* great horns filled with f!o\ singers wore white gowns d; though As the quiet, well-behaved 11 iiu im sys- policeman, th? fire brigade upeth ?iin- semblance of civic authorlt; German, guard of honor. And whlh e kindred massing around ?ho condu sentiorc(l was krpt firing a vigorous V' li'-autl- Swiss decorations on (he <i the nay Sunday dress of t I; hi "! cling mountains?the nearbv hi' H for- distant peaks snow-tipped s home is made a splendid, old world all to vers And the definite note wf ituries, In- of Kinsledeln, which callod was the ai -1 which Is one of the < rsf Protes* I -urolii' Tho nlihov churr-h ern is a Dame tics Krmltes, is a grar legendary llnnkcd on ithor sido with ick of the Sinco th<- yeur 034 tho abb rni part of n Interest' ""SV"r Housekeeping Th<re is iim hip is Ankidf rnir many wandi r l.atln 1DK in Hankow wan an ox ' i <'b i li. bftfore- noi iifter, writes F Now Idea W mian'H Magazf Zurich an 1 six RM-v.ini That sounds rich !* Ing judgment you should oiti. ir u iiicin: rii' pciirc of nilti' i t i anl it* ponds lan<e!> on her "numli f tin- 1.1 tn Borvant. who, if efllclent, I. i thorough from Nlng|?> iCo Ik n tall, inays i: who win i hlur cotton < \ ,-ir their s- l<lo an<l p w-hing to his anl u! / mod must ncvM ippenr In his in ih" To do thl. I only second a.1 beautiful to having (lie cuo In any stai< hanging <! oorously down tl 'Ntrasse Tho hoiiso coolie at v ;i. station twist his around his h-. > imo nn< Through tit<> boy the ofdf i the right to tho r> t of tbo household 30,000 vol tbo pidgin [Cngllsh of tho preserves the "No. boy," the house ( oflcx Vatl- ono with enough work to d 'S(|uo with ately busy; tho cook and I liu Itudon, Is leurulng bin trade at th * i < * * WIT E?uzabe KXHI ANGELA. ? * HENRY matt o n i preserved an unb th the notional odi 1- abbo(> Kberhard( ttonal exhibit and cnt head. Abbo C i"! l'estnlozzl cabinet. ollc rhnrch In th to mo-lern Catholic hands; the legem lurch of Our Lady Is e<j ,j10 act magnificent basilica. . r, itiinsiedeln and io Church of St. Pe- , ? T, , ,, ,, , , ? ,,re Forest away r holds the tomb of ... .. .. ii noiy nermit, Mt ivator, who was Its Uohenzollern, utor. The town hall. ijVC(i many v dales from 169-1. 1 ho panels to whom federal polytechnic who had hoped Ions, laboratories and they pot was a c part of (irosse Stadt. whoso ??vi 1 eharn mountainous country 'he gentle herm ts area being covered i?ns. pursued tin ?ur of the scenery has nnd picking at t 1 innumerable times. actions of (ho in in portions of Amer- pie s attention an world to equal it In who, terrified, at nit horn parts arc oc- Einsiedeln Abbe) which spread over Whpn th<J no}, itire area. The Jura hermit's cell the latern portions of the ,n ,)lftck nmrbl<l a in the nave of th< la the beautiful little th? richness of t! irtnnnte enough to be design make it 1 luslcal fete, In which tho renowned st iintry and from n<-igh- bronze and man present in numbers chapel is known nd, having only the 'he remarkable 1 n:, has orcanlzed a Tiiia to ??> > < #/, h oach town ami city Conrad, bishop <> ml Jolly visitors. All Hon of Abbot E c;d :it Einsiodeln and church. He was 1 with Swiss colors, Uio Empress Adc and courtiers. I open air concert bo- ginning the corci ist, sloping square in illuminated with bey The assembling 'ho altar stood tl esque. Each canton dedication, assist il societies carriod At the right ! vers and tho women angols swung ce and crimson sashes. sweet perfumes, ttl?> place has but ono Pope, Saint Greg iiiriK'u om to kivo a of the heavenly y, also to serve as a Saint Lawroncn, the marchers wero the church to In dor's box a cannon sub-deacon. An weloom-' Tho blight archangel Saint ualnt, gabled houses, and before tho he women, tin- enclr* mother of the S? ones dark grenn, tho has It that when edelwels. decked? cation he was si pictures. threo times dlst ik the ancb'iit abbey chapel has been tho town Into being. The Journey fr< 3cl(.'braled shrines of lng. First corne , known as Notre loveliest pleco ( id lnslllca, the edifice railroad rldo thi monastery buildings. tains, over gorg? ey of Klnsledeln has covered with t'r; plojvr's dlgestlo 111 HankOW going to market his purchases. ritiKs otir housekeop- 't is a strung perlonoo I never had basket, whlcih n loronco (Illl)ort In tho float flesh, perl in1 Wo hnvo flvo or beef Hint has be line, but before pass- "v'' chicken or havi I'Xporienco with pheasant, teal, I of tho do- app'-tlzlnj^ thyn ier one boy," tho head a11 ' smolled the i llki'ly to have eomo The vegetnbl iii.pi" sslve personage cooking, for no ?on*. i istenlng on tho risk Involved li <! without which ho and hulls, employer's presence. In ri,i(||,i0? ' ">Hrk of disrespect s purchased In the "tlier position than Inay |ncludr :h bark mi sons or ciinn< v >rk may sometimes States, Great Hrl 1.1, but the hoy never. are Hold in kIk rH are usually Issued Europeans, Japn staff, translated from chants from Ind mistress. There are pensive, they a oolle, who is the only uries as to Insj o to keep him moder- missionary's llttl the second cook, who "Mother, I suppc o expense of IiIb cin- cat every day." XH wBfi JftORHOOP Of ^ M ?" r Minfn iini.' i roin mo lirsi princeDuko of Franconia, to the pros!oloinban I. It is the only Catlie world not dedicated by human tl Is that Christ himself performvlcinlty were known as the Somhaok in the eighth century, when lnrad, the son of Prince Rerthold built for himself a cell in which ears. He was murdered by briho had offered hospitality and to find concoalod treasures- nil bailee and some books. Havens, ict eristics had been disarmed by It and had become bis compan"> assassins to Zurich, screaming he villains' heads. The strango ite birds attracted the townspeo(1 they questioned the murderers, jknowledgod their crime. In tho r coat of-arms aic- two ravens. ile edifice was erected over tho walls of tho cell were enclosed nd made Into a chapel. It stands > church and, while plain in style, he material and the simplicity of mpresslve. On tho altar stnnd? atuto of the Black Madonna, y hundreds of years old. Tho as tho Holy Chapel, becauso of egend regarding Its dedication, i v. On September 14, 018, Saint f Constanco, came at the invltaberhard to consecrate tho now attended by tho Emperor Othon, 'lalde and a large retinue of clergy Vs they knelt preparatory to bonony Kiiddenly the chapel becamo a celestial brilliancy and before io Savior performing tho ofllco of od by the four evangelists, ind left of tho divine celebrant risers which omitted a thousand the apostle. Saint Peter, and tho ory the Great, hold the vestments polntlff, and Saint Stephen and who woro tho first deacons of j martyred, acted as deacon and angt-llc choir, conducted by tho Michael, sang glorious music altar knelt tho hoautlful virgin >n of Clod. A still parlier legend Conrad began the oflico of dedl'opped by a voice that cried out ...viij, v,ocih?: orotner, thla consecrated by God himself." oin Zurich to Elnsledoln Is charms n sail on a laku which Is tho >f wator In Switzerland, then a ough plno woods, among mounts and pant valleys that now aro lgrant, now-mown hay. i). Tho cook's chief business Is and presenting his account for e collection often In that market wlso housekeeper always sees, laps, politely called mutton; or en expOKnd In a fly-filled whop; a two, game of various sort?? snipe and perhaps a fish, more one would expect who lias seen Yang-tse water. es are all of the Kort that need uueumont person will run tho i eating raw Ohineso vegetables to tho supplies which can ho Chinese market every day one's fresh butter from Australia and 9il goods shipped from tho United tain, Franco and Germany. Tht-so >ps In tho concessions kept by mese, I'arsees, tlioso keen inerlil (ir nvnn el.1... ..... V ninuBH, vvnilf! PX? ro not qulto Ruch prohibitive luxpiro tlio remark of the English lo Kir I In central India, who uald: >hc the king has tinned things to I \VilBUR D.NESBIT ?eke I A fiflfln cnwn r:\mn rncf 11 n<? i1nu>n r ) To where a dress suit waited? I Tho sown was sprayed and overlaid t With laco uncalculated; \ ; And, (limy frail, a precious veil, V"hoso shimmering was sunny, ^ ( W^s looped and draped, wlillo all who rod pot 1 ? Wero gusplng: "That moans money.'* * Tho gown was ruffed ami also puffed J From trail tip clear to collar; t Each Inch of thread, tho papers said, I Cost something like a dollar; And all this while adown the alxln . Six other gowns came sweeplnK. d ! While In the rear of nil this ijear I ! Kix more dress suits worn oroentnor. - Tlio first gown turned and then wo learned The front of it was studded ( With Jewels rnri>, as though right there . Koso rubles burst or budded. I It flared aud flashed, until abashed, ' Kach of us knit his brows and : Essayed to count the full amount j Of thousand upon thousand. The six ({owns name?they were aflatno With Jewels, too. Then was It The chancel took the dazzling look Of some great safe deposit Whero diamonds and storks and bonds And gold and silver glitter. 1 Then murmurs, such as "O, how much?" 1 Arose rroin every slltpr. , How beauteous It seomed to us! Tho lixlit was dim, religious; Soft worrls worn said, and thus wero wed ^ Tho fortunes so prodigious. , Thcv soon were gone -tho gown upon Tho dross suit's nrin was clinging, ) While dollar notes onine from the throats f Of those who did tho .slliKhitf. i Good Intentions. "Thah was a fellow down heali," J says our friend Col. Hhiddangouh of Tennessee, "Thah was a fellow dowu j henh last summeh, suh, who was tho >?* IHU31 i I'liiuiKuulu instance oi good intentions gono wrong, such, that I eveh saw, suh." "Yes," we murmur, merely to givo a him time to gather hreath. "Yes, suh. He was one of theso ^ pussons who are foheveh afraid that they will fail in some small pahtlculah, 1 suh, of tlit1 customs and mannehs of whatevch pa lit of the country Hiey may bo in. A congenial paht.v was assembled in one of ouah cluha n?ui sumo pusson proposed drinks, and N wlmt dofs this strangoh do but study foil a inoincnt in tho offoht to think of soini) driiUc that would he peculiahly j appropria? to this neighbo'hood." "Couldn* think of a Julep?" wo j asked. ^ "Wuss'if that, suh. The nachul j bohn fool 'lowed ho'd tako a cotton jgln!" } The Fitness of Things. !3?is:? r i r? m: tV'If iO \ : I^ ' "\ "t "Don't do f iat, James," says tho proprietor of In- soda fountain. "Don't do what, sir?" asks the attendant. "Don't put t/iat straw In thai glass ! of l"jnon phosphate." "Hut why not? Wo always do." ' \ftor you've boon In tho business awhilo you'll Warn a few of tho Important Mon'ts. Tho lady who Is to have that ptosphftto Is a grass widow." \ pnrfidox? irr>ro let mo statu At tliat I <1<i not iced to guess: It Is i Klrl who's up to dnto I!, luso she wuari old-fashioned dioss He Knew. \T r niiimmu n v/%n r?*wv I , ?* ~ uin- Wi IIU'MO men who think voman never has a thought of anything more than drpsHOH?" "No, indeed, Mis* Oli/.zor. Thoy nibo think of hats." Unl "Don't you find t a beastly bore to miK 10 gome poojio.''' "Yes; or to listen to others." / 1 4FTER DOCTORS "Med LydlaE.Pinkham'sVegeta)le Compound Cured Her Knoxville, Iowa. ? "I suffered with )aitia low down in my light side for a rear or more and was so weak and nervous that I could not do my work. I ~ ' '? yj'T] wrote to Airs. Pink-, ycSk.1 1 ' i ham and took Lydia U. Pink ham's Vcgo' i$ table Compound fw and Liver Puis, and 'Mm ^ am *? RaJ' *^at ' ** jf. ,':? your medicines and \ L Kind letters of di\ - h ' , rcctions havo done more for mo than r'wRSmsxS^I anything else atwil I vTV^SiSWi l>ad the bust physi '1' ., p\??Vv^ cians here. 1 can ? ?-?LlJ do my work and rest ivell at night. I believe there is notling like tho Pinkham remedies." ? Irs. Or,aha Franks, It. E. D., Ko. 8, vnoxville, Iowa. tl?? Qii?nni<L< r\f t -...-hr. 1,-> Jii*v/ \>L XiJUiil A'J? X 1UM1UU1 9 Tegetable Compound, made from roots ma herbs, is unparalleled. It may bo lsed with perfect confidence by women vho suffer from displacements, inflam- v . / nation, ulceration, libroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, jearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi mIc sis" will ho tlu> slogan of (Thj"\o;0. nmpnign. Two features of tho s'lo his year are unique and will bring onfldorable capital to the tubcrculods fighters. The American National led Cross is to issue tho stamps as in ortner years, but Ibis organization >\lll vork In close cooperation with ho National Association for tho Study md Prevention of Tuberculosis, which >ody will slmro in the proceeds of tho mles. Tho charge to local associaLions for tho use of tho national -iau?|>? ii?s iiccii rvuuut'u ;uso iroiu zu i'.t cent, to 12 Vi per cent., which will nofui :it least $50,000 more for tuberulosis work In all parts of the United stales. The stamps are to bo des'glated as "lied Cross Soals" this year ind are to be placed on the back of ctters Instead of on tho front. Fn<iinA/?rinn \A/ nrl/ Mill?. Handurln Is superintendent of m engineering firm in Russia. Sh? vna graduated from the Women's technological Institute in St. Peters>urg, and lias had practical ex poll! nee in engineering. She built a iteel warehouso for an army cooperitivo society, lias been assistant engineer in building a bridge across the <!eva and has done other important vork. Remarkable Young Lady. From a feuilleton: "Her voico *aa ow and soft; but once again, as Janet rusuon, tuzziucss, or nervous prostraion. For thirty years Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound lias boon tho itandard remedy for female ills, and suffering women owe it lo themselves oat least frive this medicine a trial ?roof is abundant that it has cured housands of others, and why should it lot euro you? Tf you want special ndvico write Vlrs.Piukhnin, Ijynn, i>liiss.,for it. [t Is Irec uiitl ulwnys helpful. r?ea ^ross onrisim.iB aeais. Arrangements for the sale of lied ross Christmas Seals for 1910 have >ecn announced by the National Asrelation for the Study atu^I'revenion of Tuberculosis and^j^L Amerl'an Hod Cross. "A MillM^^^LTuber Pcnn withdrew from tho room and ;loso<l tho door after her, the fiendish sloam came Into her odorless eyta." "If we hear any more of Janet wo will let you know."?Punch. Social Debto. 'She telephones 1110 every day." "What 1h tho reason of that." "I owe her a call and she is determined to collect It." The only certainty is principle; as m w as today, and as old as tho universe. Horatio Stobbcns. The liioif worthy any soul Is, the largor its compassion John Wright. ^V7iV?WAi' L/i KJ W II "crinkly" bits, made from white corn, A most appetizing, convenient, pleasurable breakfast, "The Memorv Lingers" c? PoHtiim Cereal Co.,, ^ linlile Creole, MloU. J I i m. A ' 1 Brings Cheer to the breakfast table? fast Toasiies with cream. C* tMOt-v rv r\ f A t* _ V\ ** rt r -%