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"Pickens Sentinel-Journel i \ U'-vi'minv Tl >tp(i Reasouable C -t t>iek?ni r.mtoaioo m 8mob< 01mm i mm) Matter 1 PICKENS, S. C. : t I'llUR'*DAY JUNK 2. 1910 ! Catcechee As thin section was visited bv a nice rain on lust night (Sunday), and as everything of a ( green nature has assumed a different appearance, your correspondent. lias kindlv taken on new life, too, and decided to pea you a few thoughts. The health of this little town , is as it always is?good. \V 3 have never had a person killed in this town consequently we have never started a graveyard vet. If the country people don't continue to help Dr. Woodruff out it really looks like he will have to go out of business. A poor stand of cotton is the cry with the farmers now. The prospects for a cotton crop are certainly looking gloomy, tho' we have never known a time in this country hut what there would 1?:' some cotton made if the farmer did his part. If there is not so very much made tho price will be higher, consequently the farmer is not hurt, so ba<l after all. Times look pretty squally some times and now is one of them, but let everybody back their ears, open their eyes and get right down to brass tacks. God I will never let a working man perish to death or a Christian go to hell. If times are tight work all the hurtle, and manage the better. If the devil tempts you pray more and live a better life. We are no radical but believe in high tariff when it conies in both the kitchen and the big house too. When a "quartersacV of flour is wo. th from ninety cents to one dollar and "fat-back" from twelve to fifteen cents a pound, 1 say, give a man more for his work. Every thing is higher now but labor. Hands that made from $1.50 to $1.7") a day in a cotton mill four years ago arc malting from 90c. to $1.25 per day. The mill men claim they can't give any more on account of the discrepancy in price between the raw niate\ rial and the Roods and we take ) it for granted that they can't. \ However, the sore needs salve ^^_^^^_from somebody or other. Mr. J. II. Whitmire and family, of Salem, Oconee County, had a family reunion 011 last Saturday. There were a goodly number of his children grand children and friends present. Two of his sons, E. M. <Sc A. W. Whit-mire, of Indianappolis, lml., and other son, B. W. Whitmire, of Helton, S. ('., and his daughter. Miss Floranee Whitmire, of Norris, were pres ent. Mr. Whitmire is in his f>:5 year and we hope he may live to see several more frosts. Mr. Barnett Whitmire and ? daughter, Miss lallle, of Easley, Hj5n& of Xorris last week. The writer drove seven miles to attend a Union meeting on last Sunday and when we reachV ed the place there was nothing B hut a Sunday School, [f we knew who to bring action ^m) against we would sue for damage for we had done figured out jfe all about how we expected to B&gi cut cake, pull chicken bones. t^c.. when we reached the spot J and found out there were no ' trunks, bo xcs, baskets Ac., on the ground we got angry and began to make up demerits against lie vs. Walker, Fuller and all the other brethren that brought about, such state of affairs at Mt. Tabor below Central, S. (J. I tell you brethren I believe you all committed a sin bv causo.v r..n?<r .1..; I I I ^ o< / i i I < VI iy n } III I V t * I Inr and then having to return home hungry. The writer likes " always having both eves wide open and trying to see everything that goes on noticed a yard full of frying chickens when he passed the residence of Mr. Sam Neal on our way to church, and found out the dis- t appointment we made our way } up near the pulpit where Bro. / Neal was engaged in the Sun- ( day school work and at the first I jppovttimfeV wo like a candidate lad him by tho hand and df ;ourse we got an invitation to 3is domicile before we turned lis hand loose. Well life is too jhort and time is too precious to tell the rest but suffice to say that while we could not fill Bro. Walker's place in the pulpit we Ji J ' * - nut unipiu justice to Ills place at Bro. Neal's table. We are sincerely sorry Bro. Walker disappointed so many on the account of the Gospel but when we hear of another Union meeting we are going whether Bro. Walker goes or not. Look out, girls. J im Whiten, of Norris, now drives the finest horse and buggy in Pickens county. It is a $500 turn out. The old bachelor of Oateechee is not "in it" now at all so far as hauling the girls is concerned. He has took down his sign and handed it over to the old baehe1 n xr tor or in orris. When it conies to marrying other people the old bachelor of Oateechee wants it understood that he is still in the business to grind and one dollar pays the "toll." B. The splendid work of Cbiunherlinn's Stomach and Liver Tablets is nil coming to liuht. No such grand remedy for liver and bowel troubles was ever known hofore. Thous ?mis liless them for curi ng constiput ion, sick heartache, biliousness jaundice and indiges'ion. Sold hy all dealers. Notes From Liberty. Liberty, S. May :51st, 1!)1U. \ri.,?.a >? umi n ill MKIIl 1)1! ripe. IM(I "Hob White" can be hoard all about the wheat fields. Strawberries are all gone but the dewberries are getting ripe along the terraces, and the raspberries, around the garden are having the special attention of the small boy anil the cat birds, and it takes pretty i lose calculation to get a divide sufficient for a pie. May apples are ripe, also. Speaking of ripe peaches, we had 'em at Liberty the 24th and they have been for sale every day since. A notable fact is the fruit is clear of worms and of fine oualitv from tb?? sinrt year and plenty on the trees. As to tlie cot ton: Some fanners have some where they planted a second time, while there are others who did have good stands that have verv had ones now, and what little they have is in a mat of young crah grass. Tt is very quiet times in tincity now as the fanners are attending to their business in their crops. The Liberty High School closed the 27th with essays bv tlie graduating class consisting of two bovs and seven girls. Owing to measles breaking out in the school the usual entertainment was not given as was first intended. May is niarching out with, the genuine March colors living, as we are having a howling northwest wind making things hum, and cool enough to wear a coat and be comfortable. There was a considerable delegation took advantage of the excursion the other da v and paid a visit to Atlanta. Th^v report a great trip. What about it('otton tbin ning is just getting umler way and harvest light now on: busy will not half express the sit nation n mil ml tVu- firm nuiil ...? a ? ? i i i i ? ? I I I I . i I I I I "J harvest is over and the i??i crop is sown. Sow pease, Mid so;?' pease, ;ind plant pease for seed; do not depend on some other fellow for roughness as has heen the ease his year. The farmers have iad to make their largest hills :his year for corn and hay, and t-hese things ought not to he so. There has heen more fodder stolen in this section this year ,han we have ever known before and yet there is ,i little Ill HI- 11 M Hit "'I I 111' '. . CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. fha Kind You Hate Always Bought A KriciiUr Tom liny vas Susie oliinbiiiK tr?*en and fences, uniping ditches, whitling, always iretin# ho ratchet*, cuts, Hprains, braises, mmps, barns or acalds. lint laws! lor mother just Applied llueklen's Union Salve and cured hor ?jui< k. lealn everything healable Boils, Jlcres, Kozemn, Old Sores, (!orn.s or 'ilea. Try It; 25c. fit all drum/flints. Cards of camlldatoa for the various ettiees, from Coroner to Cougrtcuman, will bcinaerted In this column from now until the primary election for the *um of 96.00, each, cash-wlthorder. Kor Coroner The many friends of Joe K. Medlln reBpect* fully announce him as a candldato for the of uif or uoroner ror rickens County, subject to the notion of the Democratic party in the prlinnry election. for Magistrate, I'lcken* Township Tho many friends of A. 8, Porter Respectfully nnnonnces htm an a candidate for magistrate for Pickens C. H. Township, subject to th6 action of the voters In the Democratic primary election. The many frlcuds of \V. t;. BRAMTBTT respectfully anuouni'o him a csndldato for reelic. lion to tho oBice of MaRlstratefor Sickens0. II, Township, subject to the action of the voters iu the Democratlce l*rlm.?ry election. Central R. 3. Dear old Sentinel-Journal: After so long a time I will send the news from this section. Health of the community is very good at present. The farmers have been getting along fine with their crops. Th?? jrrnin ftrnna mv? lnrwHr?a> [ well, and, we think, will make ! abundant yields. ; The most I can do is to tell about the coining and going of our people, a sort of personal, or social column: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holliday, of Six Mile were recent visitors in the Pleasant Hill section. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hatterfield visited the family of his 'brother. Frank Satterfield. re ccrilly. IN Try Smith and wife, of Six I Mile visited at the home of Ed 1 Smith at Cateechee. J esse Gillespie has been oil a visit to Alonzo Sattcrfield. Mrs. Eftie Smith and children have been on a visit to her sister, Mrs. .Jas. Harrison. Warren Smith and wife, of Easlev, passed through here in their automobile on their way to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Kennemore, of the Pleasant Hill section. J. F. Smith and family have been on a visit to the family of his brother-in-law, Walter Stephens. Mr. Julius Merck and sister, \1 isisi .r 111 i ;i of Hill Miv \filr? die tion, visited Miss Bettie Merck. Mr. Ij. S. Stone was a recent visitor in the Six mile section. Mr. Alonzo Satterfield has returned from a recent visit to Central. Mr. laini Alexander was also a recent visitor to the thriving little city of Central. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Evans, of Six Mile, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah ~1? -A 1- TM J ivn 11 iuii mi ?*. oi iiic 1'ieasani 11 ill section. Israel Merck and wife, of Six Mile h isbeen on a visit to their son John Merck. M iss Bettie Merck has been on a visit to Mrs. Charlie Evans. Mrs. Violet Duckworth, of Greenville, has been on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Ben Smith, of Six Mile. B. P. Smith, jr., and little son Elmo, visited at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Bud Bur gess, of I he Train's section. I learn that the measles are raging in the Six Mile section. Wake up, old Batchelor! I love to read your articles. Remember, leap year is coming again soon. I Irll i. Mountain Sprout! Wake up and get busy your items are always good. Wonder what has become of all t he correspondents. Wish all of them would send in the news. Von can't expect the editor to print all the news unless he hears of it. With best wishes to the editor, the Sentinel-Journal and many readers, I will close. Lonely Girl. \ ii Iileitl l( UHliaiKl is patient, even with n nnuuiuis wife, for ho known she needs help. She 11?y he s<i nervoiiH and rundown in health that t.-ifl?-H annov her. If who is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleoplineHH, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells. Sin- needs Klectric Hittors the most wonderful remedy for niliiif,' women, Thousands of sufferers from female troudhles, nervous troubles, backache uid weak kidney* have used tie in and beconib healthy and happy. 'I'ry tueiii Only 50c. SatiHfaction i{unranoed by all druggists. Nolire to Teachers. i i iiinnier School tor I'ickens Couniv will 11 Ii hi in tin; I'ickens Graded scli ol building 011 June "JO, and continuing ft .1 a peiion of two or three weeks, An a'>le corps of teachers will be in ch n^f, i lie names of which will l?e aniiotinc'i! later. The State ?vill pay the expenses uf the school. It. T. ilallum, Co. Hupt. Kd. ue Government pays Railway Mail Vlerks $800 to $1,200. and other Employees up to $2,500 annually. Uncle Sam will hold spring exam in a- | tions throughout the country for Railwav Mail Clerks, Cuptom House Clerks and other Government Positions. Thousands of appointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, in city or country can get instruction and frco infnrmntirMi hv wrilinor of nnno Bureau of instruction. 108 Hatnlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. A Man Want! to Die only when a la/.y livor and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. But Dr. King's New Lifo Pills expel poison from the system; bring hopo and courage; cure all Liver, Stomach and Kidney troubles; impart health and vigo to the weak, nervous and ailing; 25c. at all druggists. SOMETHING NEW Dressmaking Department upstairs in the old Caroy building. Daisy E. Jones, From Anderson, S. C. Clemson Agricultural College Examinations. The examination for the awurd of I scholarships in Clemson Agricultural College will l>e held in the County Court I lloilxii nil Priilm' T.<1.. m n - ?? ? .?WJ ) " u A J 1U, ill if t V . IH. Applicants must fill out proper forms to bo secured from the Comity Superit ton dent of Education, before they will be allowed to stand th.? examinations. For detailed information, apply to vhc .Superintendent of Education, or to th President of Clemson College. Applicants for admission to the Col lego, but not seeking for the scholarships, will also stand entrance examinations at the court house July 1-Hli. The scholarships are worth $100 and i free tuition. I Tl.n nurl ?i? ?o ' ..v.. ngoivu I'l UIO Ulin^l' Sept. lUll, 1910. COST AND COUKSKS OK HTl'DY. (1) Agriculture. (-) Agricultureand Chemistry. (3) Agiictdturca?d Industry. (4) Chemistry ami tleology. (f?) Civil Engineeing. (0) Mechanical ami Kloctricnl F-gim eering. (7) Textile Industry. Cost per session, including Moard, Laundry, llcat, Light, Uniform and all | fees, $ 118.70. Hooks and all other miscellaneous supplies, about $'20 00. For students who pay tuition, $40.00 additional. For catalog and information, apply to W. M. UlflOS, Acting President. Notice. The DO(l TAX is now due ail J yon call on the city Treasurer pay your tax , on your dog Ret a tag ami your No. reg- 1 istered. ( An Ordinance Prohibiting The Reckless Driving of Automobiles. That fiom and alter the p:i8sage of < this ordinance it shall be unlawful for j any person or persona to drive or cause 1 to be driven any automobile upon any i street or alley in the city of l'ickens in a wilfidly careless or reckless manner. Any person or jjersoriB convicted of violation of this ordinance shall be puru* , ished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. , Done and ratified in council Assembled and by authority of the same this 1 the 1st day of June A. I). 1910. J, It. Aslunor?'( B. B. LuBocn, Clerk. Mayor. Winthrop College SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE 1 EXAMINATION. The ex annul ton for. the award of vrt- J cant scholarships in Winthrop College | and for tbo admission of now students , will be hold at the County Court j House on Friday, July 1, at 0 a. in. < Applicants must bo not less than fif- j teen years of ago. When Scholar t ships are vacant after July 1 they will be awarded to those making the high est average at this examination, i.rn vided they moot tho conditions governing tho award. Applicants for schol- ( arships should write to President < JohnHon before tho examination for! Scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships aro worth ?100 and froo . tuition. The next Hossion will open 1 September 21, 1910. For further information and catalogue. address Pros. ( D. B. JohnBon, Rock Hill. S. C. H lioreas h petition from the freeholders and , ele< tor* of I'lcketlX school district No. 31 has lieen tiled with the County Hoard of Education asking said Hoard for |wrmlsMioii to hold tin ] election in mid district to determine whether r or not an extra levy of 4 mills shall l?e levied In said district for m;I>(miI purposes. It appearing to the County ISoarri of Kduention tliat the petition meets the requirement* of tiie law. Therefore It is ordered that the trustees of atmve named district do hold mi elec tion on .luiu Mill at .1. I! Aslimore's storv for the aliove s'ated purpose. The election to he held according to the requirements of Section r.'OH of tli* ichool law. The ilonrd of Trustees of sntd District are hereby appointed iiihiiiikcis it order ol County Hoard ot Induration. It. T. Mnlliim, See. A i hm. VJII Bhpn&iJiM|mJ Interntl and Exltrnul H| Fain ll;llut?H Remedy For Rheurnatiam, Sciatica, Lame Bark, Stiff r? Joint* and Muacle*. Sore Throaty Cold*, Strain*, Sprain*, Cut*. Bruiaea, Colic, Cramp*, Tooth- in ache and all Nerve, Bone and Mutcle Ache* and Paint. The genuine ha* Noah'* Ark on 11 rveiypackage. 25c., 50c. and $1 .OOhy alldeal- j? er* in medicine everywhere. Sample by mall/re* Haak *,m4, C.., RickaaaJ, V*. and Borfoa. M.u. < ' HAIRRbalsam Cl?ariM* and btantillr* lh? htlr. Protnot** a Ini.iriarit growth. Haver Palli t* Iteatoro Oray Hal* to lta Youthful Color. Cure* ioalp <]!?? <- k hair falling. 1 <0i ,ind |l U) at l)niHl?U 8 Qc .' /. i ,, i. . i.i i..: \ Designed by Roscuwald &, 1 L. RC G Whereas. ? petition from the freeholders nml 'lectors of Twelve Mill* school distiict No. W ins heeti tilc<l with tIk- County 1 > .>r<I of Kdu alion asking Mii.I I'oiud lor permission to hold >ii election in said district to determine whether or not miilt; extra levy shall he levied on mid district lor school Mirtioscs. it appearing to the County Itourd of lid urn.ion Hint the petition meets the requirements of [lie lnw 'I'hereforo it is ordered Hint the trimlees of nhove named district do hold mi election >ii .Iuiiw IN lit Twelve Mile school house for [lie uhove Mated purpose. The election to lie icld according to the requirements of sei'tion I'JW of the school law . The trustees of nhove nuuicl district are tierehy appointed uimuiKers <>i saiil election, I!. T. lialluni. See. .v I'll in. _____ Non-Resident Summons. State of South Carolina County of Pickens. Court of Common Pleas. Summons for Pelief?Complaint Not Served. W. I), l'dena, plaintilT, against \. J. Manly and A. (iosnel!, Defendants, To the Defendants ahovo named: You are horebv summone.l and retired to answer tho complaint in this iciion, of which a copy is herewith served upon yen, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said eomplaint on the subscribers at their otlico at Pickens ['ourt House, South Carolina within twenty dajs after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service# and if you fail to answer the complaint 1 ivithin the time aforestiid. the Plaintiff . ii the actio i will npplv to the Court for lie relief demanded in the complaint. IMay 1-. A. D. H)!0. .Morgan & Mauldin, I I'laintilfs Atorneys. ? A.J. Hok^H, , seal) (U. I'. I'o the Defendants \. J. Manly and J. A. (ioHnell: 1'lease take notice that the complaint n this action and thcHuinmonsof which he foregoing in a copy were filed in the (ftino of A. .1. Clerk of the Court >f Common pleits for I'icUens County, >. on the 1 "Jth day ol May A. i>. 111(1. .Morgan ?Sr Mauldin, 1'lainlilT's Attorneys. The Kcv Stone > i i i I i ? <>] ' ' ' , 1 ' -t. V - 1 i j>: * ' j f IV - Ltlil ' - ..I 1 I the "stone" that supports* the entire ^ upersi lift lire. The "Key stone" of thin j tore's H cwL'lry Business" f iir pric* s, superior goods, If ? on want flawless diamond come here ami get i . Precious stones ami ornamental jewIry from hero in ^uarnteed highest t rade obtainable. r H. SnicLer, j JEWELBn I H. C. jtt 1 BH ? ? MR ? Is BB fci S H M&in Bi aw lOfl Thin. _ A yoi Weil, Chicago. ^ >THSC! tREENYlLI^E, S. < W. L. M Fire, Lift and Acc; INSU1 Let me write F? LECTPIft _THE BEST FOR ^ " ---r: bzl,iou8nk8s BITTERS and kidneys 1785 191( Colleqe of Charleston 12~>th jroav begins Heptemuer o<) Fntrance exminations will 1x3 held a the County Court IIouho on Friday July 1, at 9 a. m. All candidates fo nd mission can compete in Septembe for vacant Boyee scholarships, whicl l?iy $100 a year. One free tuitioi uholarship to each county of Sontl uuiiim. Diiiini ami irniHiicti rooms u Dormitory, $12. Tuition $10. Foi catalogue address Harrison Randolph President. FOLEY'S 0RIN0 lAXATTVl Fop Stomach Thoubci. and Con?tipatioh FOLEYS KIDNEYPlUS Fow Bacmachs Kidniviano Buocia Tax Sale. Unto of South Carolina, County of Pickens. VS. Mrs, H. Oriimhrivr. Ry virtue of a tax execution issued b> 1). (iaivin. County Treasurer, and u in-(In i cicd and placed in my hands, 1 ivill bell to the highest bidder on saleslay in June, 1010. in front of the Court iIouho door during tho legal hour* for tale, tho following described real estate, o-'.vit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land ii Eaxtatoe township State and County ifortsaid, containing one thoiiHand (lt'00 icres more or less, bounded l?y lands c f 'rank Stewart, L. W, Stansell, C. H Uansell and others, levied on as tin >ro|K*vty of Mis. II. Orinishaw. Will In old to hiitihfy tax execution against aid property. Terms, Cash. This May 10, 1010. K. It. Itoark, Shorifr Pickens County. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons holding clainiH agaiiiHt lie estate of the iate B. L. Hendricks mint present the name du'y proven on >r before the 15 day of June 1910, or be lobar rod payment and all persons inlebted to said estate, must make paynent; on t?r before the above date, 10 ho undesigned. W. O. Hendricks, James W. Hendricks, Administrator. w 9 IBIBbM 6 B IIhIBShwl $ rS. jng chap came into the store i?wanted to k' minute nside whether we had such and suit that was in the window 01} was sold. "I knew it," he said 1 of mine lias it on." admired that suit i'i the window hree times, but I'll jiggered il I it could be bought for the price me he paid. Got anything Who made the suit, anyway?" 3 a Schloss 's & Co. L L one: of the line of 3 Clothes lutiful." I, let's see some of tlTC.m...._uu:y -tainly got some class to them." HILD, s IATHENY e, Health ident * your business. v.. fiucltien's Arnica SsK - Tho Best Salve In The World* 5 Notice of Final Settlement and Discharge / NOTICE is hereby given tluit I will make application to J. li. Newberry t Esq., Judge of Probate for Pickens , county, in the Htate of South Carolina, r on the 27th day of May. 1010, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon therer after as Kai<l Application can be beard, i for leave to make final settlement of the ! estate of M. T. Smith deceased, and x obtain discharge as administrator of said estate. (}- M_ Smltli 1 Administrator, Notice of Final Settlement and Discharge. NOTICE is hert by given that I will J make application t<> J. Ii. Nowberry 4 4 Ksd., Judge of I'robate for Pielfen^ county, mi the State of South Carolina, on the 2 day of June f910. at 11 o'clock 1 in the forenoon, or as noon thereafter aa said application can be heard, for leave to make final set'lenient of the estate of D. A, Chamblin deceased, and obtain discharge ns admi t, of said < state. Z. Ii. Uhanibbn, Admrt. Breeders Guide I The S. U. Rhode Island !?? <' best known oreed fo<' winter layers. Kg per setting. Ce 1 Plckenf K. Stated eonventi 1 cvpnini^ nfh'i' llifl 1 ? i WorC ahead for nil All visitors cordial! By or*' a. m. mow ,,:.vk Professr ; J. K. BOOr BO ,'J mi. ,rNo C \ *v