The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, December 08, 1906, Image 6

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Business Locals$ Notices of sale, Wants, Swaps, etc. lnsorted in-this Column at 5 cents per line for each insertion. Nothing taken (or less than 10 cents. From now until Xmas I will give you a subsorition to this paper, or $1 cash, for 60 eggs; for 25(. I will sell you a package of poultry food guaranteed to make hens lay. H. A. Richey. WANTED.-To make trade with some one for 20 cords of Oak and 15 cords of Pine wood. R. E. Goodwin, at Sentinel-Journal, Manager. Read our premium offer. Ropp's Calculator to all who pay up and pay one year in advance. This paper and Home and Farn one year for $1.25. This paper and the American Agricul turist on year for $1.50. Advertise your wants in this column. Job work, the kind you want, at rea sonable prices, at Sentinel- Journal olloe. -oe us before placing your next order. Trespass Notices, printed on cloth; for sale at this oflico at 50;oeuts a dozen. If yon want to sell your land in town or country or buy farm or tin ber land or town property see or write ike all] I will alyo you lnoney. T1'. E. AI.: :NI;LI, Ileat Etate Agt. Walhalla, S. 0. FOR SALE:-'Threo good mnle-, Csh or approved apera. W. T. (lriila, R. F. D). No. 4, Pickonaa, S. 0. -11. A. Illchoy hms jstit received at car load of loxaue and Obeliak flour. Dr. W. M. I Horton, .1)entist, will be in Pickonos the first Monday, Liberty the second Monday, central the third M1on day, of e ich month. See him that da at each plaeo, tot dental work. FOR SALE: A Campbell Press in good condition; now running; bed .32 x 46. It is in good fix and will be sold at a bargain and on easy terms. A pply for particulors to this office. FOR SALE.-Good building lots in the town of Pickens, near the business part of town. tf J. J. Lewis. itesult of Neglect. In most cases consuption results from a neglected or improperly treated cold. Foley's Honoy and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and 1" -evonta serious results. It costs ou 1io) more than the unknown preparations and you sltld insist upon having the g1n111tin in the yellow packlge. I'rkinls Phaarmll acy, Liberty, and Pickenls Drug Co TIhey :alco You I'vcel (;mud. T he pi'lsaltlt Pll; ativ o 'i'et ex t. i eniced bty :all who use Chambaru'kin' Stomli al n Id Liver Tablots, Iad Ithe healthy ( thl body aind ,hli.l wvtihih they03 (rt'nte make oneii)i fieel joy~'in. Pc,25 cit s. Samp111le freel at P iek ens1 D)rug ( :. lj,l ti iit famuI s i.t i PN iidS. ' Cndieston, w)ys'wn sriu that r to in Pin nyhiingo 1i-.' das e<pures 01 pit witu b mid and b.ody.. in fliwe. Amn isar tt Thhne Kirnad ty's awrk ouht iei jis tof c ety toallb mggsd a,ia ath mort t rfuind your mopply inf the boy any brdin ils teo bcurediu blood. wht y<ops t, rcoievh, Ineasteolns ylpevnt SouriSouneb, alprevtio oftIel1lle:rt anld consuip fin. Sioldns Drug Co. rCo ears the lh Kind You Have Alway 80Bougtt This is tho cerioy toat ea a:ngist eak authied talt.Nao isn yorey ift Fo its beauty ad loor fastonr you dr ca ours, fort.i yops te cwigh, Houts aoky. Cutisai Teipp coug aents preentr pnetmonikdecnsump-g Co.ices rg o Bears the The Kind You have Alway Bought Bignature Thois the sean itftt deynwea envitalcitys.u Natuoish baein shrnd itso bea.u 4and loo. I yo wouhld r cats, Tea dtoor. Tabets PIickaee bru 'i P~k~1~ 1ruCoCo I .z .. -- T - .r .-. . Caste lho ind Y(u iiHav lwyt uh 'llkood iC a'ison( ~ig Wol Hs ickl enrd by Dr ). Kig'Wow eife 1Ub(ts, d iiie sied.colic, without il g r chwcomfot. I 5nt10 Guarantee oy Pickens DrurrCo. Olrama oa Useful Tooth. Many different reasons are assigned by people for their unwillingness to submit to the extraction of teeth. But it was no fear of pain which' was up the mind of Miss Mehitable Lamson of Willowby when told by the dentist that she would be much bene fited by the loss of two of her prom inent teeth. "You say they can't be filled," she said, In evident distress, "and you couldn't get any others in for me for more'n a fortnight?" The dentist admitted reluctantly that it was so. "Well, then, "I suppose I'll have to get on as best I can." And Miss Me hitablo seated herself in the torture chair. "But I don't see how I shall make out. Here I am, chambermaid to the Willowby inn during the sum mer, and it's chock full of folks, with lots o' transients coming and going, and those are my pillowcase teeth!" Weight of the Brain. There is just flye ounces less amount of brain matter needed to keep a wom an from idiocy than there is needed for a man. The average weight of a man's brain is forty-nine and one-talf ounces and that of a womuatn forty-four ounces. When a brain falls below thir ty-seven and a half ounces in a man idiocy usually occurs. A' womlan's brain has to fall to thirty-two and one half ounces before she reaches the samue condition. Man has a larger brain in proportion to his stature thnu wolan, while, on the other har :. won an has a larger brain in propot,ion to her weight. The 'ema1 b0 1raini o;.;n to lose weight after the age of thirt:y; that of the inan not till ten or fitfte'n years later. The loss i in a woni:>n is slight, however, oald she keep1 ;> a high brain weight tiich hiter th: it a The De"ndly Uiul liacleleo. "It is always easy to see how long a couple have been iarriel by noting whether the house is full of his friends or hers," necording to ia wr1titer inl the London Ladles' Field. "A mtan invari ably begins by inviting all his bach elor friends to his house. Iie Is anx ious to show of' his wife, and he fond ly imagines that they will like her and that she will like them, whichi rare ly happens." The writer then goes on to dissect the bachelor and concludes, "I don't kntow why one's hausbantd's bachelor chums shiould, as a rule, be so deadly dull, but they usually are, and, as a matter of fact, it was prob ably their dullness whicl originally drove hitn into matrimony, only lie has not the siiso to see it." There would be fewer marriedi if it weren't for the bachelors. 'T'heei .1ecst. "l:nt. (let",'' Said the caller . 'i d:i't see wh-ly yo+1 shonhl care to elmn"ge tihe natne of y u ar t h:air:ing little cirt !y phlc'. illlt"whilh" is so rotmaitnt he. It aeenis It) dinf <t"e"myl cide se.", 'T'init's inst hr the truhk', '' i el ii t?!e" heoiisevife. "It watoo sig;: tive." e"ti w.hat wa ':" . "Why,i It a1 t.t'l ail the tramtps ini the county.- ie ~:o News. ''TATEi IF HOfU'lTH C'AbOLINA, P ikn-: County, Courlt o omo Pleni'. Summonsli for Relief---oma int Servni ii. F. Lnwrence, Jr., Piintinl. Josiephi 1. Lawrc-eC, indiividltly, aind its t, ustec, 11. Y. LareO(n, Cimrle's Knox, C'iffir Kno 'L(x, Athilie KIo OndI tu lB. F". Laiwrouce', Sr., D)efenda'tnts. To'u th lam )fenanmts above named: Youn are heirebiy enummoned and1( reqjuir edi to rnswer ihe ecomplaint in this ia-tion of whiich a copy is herewith served upont you, and to ser-ve a copy of your- answier to tihe saidl comlaItint on1 the subsibiers' I at thoir offico at Pickens, 8. C., withint twventy (lays after the service hex1'(of, exc-lusiveo of the pay3 of such servie; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff ini this action will apply to the court for the relief delmand(ed in tihe complaint. Dated Octobert 30th A. D. 1906. A. J. Boggs, 0. 0. P. [seah[ Haynesuworthi & Robuinson, Plaintiff's To the absent or non-roesident defendanits .Josephi R. Lawrence, Charles Kuox, Oiifford. Knox and Addie Knox: 'You will each take notice that the fore acing annmons and thec comaplainat in this action was filed in the offico ot the( elork of the conrt, tat Pickenus, 8. C.-, oni (lhe 1st daiy of Novembher 1900. Atnd time iast'||tree niamed defenidat will farther taike notico if Ciharles and( OIlitf'ord Kntox nire under the age of twenty-ount v(ears and( fail to have a guitrdian ad l item 'jp pointedi to rep)resentt thtm in this ''loto within twonty daiva after t1(1h( servien lieueof, oxe!lnaive of thle (liy of s,-rvice, the plainttit'"'a attornieys wuill have one .lfaynesiworth & Robiins'on; Plai nti,f's At tortneys. Nov. 10th Um)6 w6. Good Farm for Sale.1 THE J. h. PARRIOTT HIOME~ plaen iioithiv.wt of Pickana oin bLiti Eas 'atoo ( roik, "otininlg 100t acres; 20 'acres good b)ottom.i New lsonso, good spring, dialy mtaji, quaitrter- mile to storo, half muile to ch'arebi nid rechool. A good homne nmicehy ioc .tel at i bairgain. For prie anfd terrms, laddre-i4 novl'n-2 (in er,. C.n The Kind You Have Always ] in use for over 30 years, soniil Allowi All Counterfeits, luiitations Experiments that trifle 'wit1 Infants and Children-Expe What is C Castorin is a harmles' sub: goric, Drops and Soothing contains neither Opium, Io substancc. Its age is its gu and allays Feverisihness. It Colic. It relieves Teetlhing and Flatulency. It assimili Stomachl and Bowels, givi i The Children's Panacea-Ti Bears the The Kind You Ha In Use For 0 YHECEN'U: t4".+ ' 1 ' Ropp's Comhme - r 1.14 . ":: IIs in ' i ..' 1 0' .. 1 .. .;9 S T 4 --. 4 i - 6d f . 1W \ti 1t1+fV144,'W ' ". 1r t, ri . 1 . t s :o 1. . Thel a :n:4va .'a.. aI b1:'e o4 'I otao, alt any1 I hie ii iL:d n i 61;. lif aaIt hles4 sahl by thet lii-ht'. I't n i4d. 'a d 41 or lJ(4zeia, Irain a t 0 oa , Thle ex. a fr aamy tIime. nt vaaious IThe es:v!-: aof Wheant in l'Icaur. Whietn ex (chI.ingig samre, fraon, '2 Io -Il0 lbs. ta the Ibushli ThFlyt a nr iuiya:iacl14'e and144' Tat' f(or (e51Ituat iag the exnet cten1Its ofr logt.s of H lI sizes. Waigaig I edt, I 'orn .rIas. c'ori-woai atad Car paenters' I, .stere,rs' aitlihr!k- Inyer' wiork. A (copya of t h4I~is uefu1ol aprnetlenIl not-k she few liatueed ciin n urster ,na- z retain in their ninti: ('4sases inI nith inet to 'tt Ith thi l. woark att hard. es Is easily anaei enitly solved lby aunIyone fain1tar Mi We gIve this ex'clh't'ilhaundty reference woarl untry, 1a0. nroil oneO ven1 .in il advance. If bo~ok is|I All 11ew u:ibertni,ns whoa paiy tat lst .Jattuniv, OHIA lIh.f1STON & WES lEIN (IAROld,3NA Arv}vatl ianel 1)aeta,arfin O of Traltea, oeen. 1411PA IT 'ItES; 6:303 a n. No. 418 atly a xa'ept Sun iny, foir L,au. rens anid it lriied hte sIntain, arrIve at Laur ens 9:(O a in. Ii'a y mn, No. t3 dtailly foir L1iaurens. Ulln uton Newber'ry, I 'aaiii lahat, Sal nat-r aiitu Charles (aito connectinig at Salhin jter wth A. II. La., Tlrnh Ii Nta. 82 f'or 1~I iiond , \\'ishinlgtoni aniahdiasternl aities, .nal a1t Lauren with wI aU. .v W.l!. rain: No. I for Syartianibtarg and14 tratin Nia ! fair (reenw ood, .\ ugtisin, etac. ~A tive L4aiirenaa I :3a ha iin. 'liitoni 2:'2'2 pa ma. Naewler ry 31.0 Ip . iln. Cohnn la I: I5 banu 3:30a pa. m, a;reenawooda :2:.1t Ii 1, (a m .\ngtn44'i !--L p. InI. 4:104. pa ml, Nao, 430 'iy except( Stima 'y. foar I,au-i 4ens~ a(nd iaaintrmdbete Stationas1'. Arrive alt j1:'(0a mli. N. . i ay 4' eet 51 uday froi, L.aaureia;nni nate lrmiatie1slu taos. tlt pa m4, Noa. $5, tlaajy txaepat Stanlay, from14 Unuyens'I4 anal intermdah atte stationis. 1:25 a m. Naa. 52, dlahly frraI (!arles-ton Santar, I al taahht. N ewhaerry, ChnItan. Spartaanhlnrg, An t"Ixut . (Oreenwoodanl Launs,4 t. Trrainx No. and '11 la3 run th iirougha between (lhiarlestlil withou14t thiunge. J. W. ig4o, .\gt.. . Gao. T. aiyn stia n Aut Sore Nipples and Chapped Hlands IAre quickly cuaredl by applinag Chianl'helain('s In1ve. Tavi 1It hit I nsuIces. l'rice a ents. 3ought, and which has been has borne the signature of as been made under his per supervision since its infancy. 'no one to deceive you in this. and " Just-as-good" are but L and endanger the health of rience against Experiment. ASTORIA ;titute for Castor Oil, Pare. Syrups. It is Pleasant. It )rp1hine nor other Narcotie iarantee. It destroys Worns cures Diarrhu. a and Wind I'roubles, enres ";onistipattion ittes the Food, regulates the Sieathy azttd nattural sleep. e iM1othler's Friend. oRA 1aways Signature of 0 Always Bought ver 30 Years. RRAV SiC' , NEW VORK CIT/. ?cial Calculator A Ready Calculator, Business Arithmetic and Reference Book Combined. This is unquestionably the huost eoinpllete andi 4n1Veuient %%ork on Fixtr.., for I'n.w"ri'An. L.' i:, e'er puhlisli<l. :t Contnis !It "trl) ill the Sinowtr Ut--r, known: liun. 'ds of mstanle Ituile-, nrtd originnil ma t hIiid 4 for I -asy ui ltii4I ( lenlun tiin."I ind , il 111 11 of Aceuratn AnIi4at.4, 4 4 I Ln .- lXailuII!e'z fiul l tio IPrnte(lI Si t t nd <iIIn pi ilies the iw hol' scien-e I " .\Ai1Inoittif, retntinii',g only the Cr-n0,1 I i n G i t s it were. It "t:bh", [ti gC ,ni .\e't 444-4 iire aill e.xtri in:-ly i II pl:e, &'444. tw"ntly - us i . l nte al n11i.1 rt:; :i ( tN i t I( 1! h a o team and441thi .tery.Ina who prefer. i i:t . the Sun 1'4* + . ' . ho+rt l.if. Itnd t ' Ii<.. es't '44y - '- 4 en i un k in ~ 82 0*. a4nd4 14 m m4:: U n44: :i e to'.'I a eI i 4e4 44 4 (44.(( ' 4 an ShImid be Without it, Because) OUT THE'- USE OF PENCiL, ENJ T ':4- Iu'(:4' 4atere o 44 m '34444, for4 4any 14( 3ane.::4 , in:1L unt1 5004' mb,4 :pe 4: :' L'4'4ert j4in 44444rni I rom a i i 34144 a1441it list p4ri'e4. The4( per' 4'ent of .414 a i r loss44 V. n44, 4.444ds4 are '3h4 at14 a1 discount44( from thie tlImaing plrice. lT 44nn ing p4rice, fromj whih al 44 ertain d1is (4441t m444y be4 givLen, 4and 34 y t ri3411/ 4t 1'ertin Jie! tet' 14n ('st4. Thel pe j4 ent of'414 gin , when(4 bi- ylng, and4( 4il I. Thihty of43 theIa Week, for anly date Inl 300 y'e44 s, beldes4114 hunidredsi of other v'ery useful11 things, It gives atll tile La4tes4t and1( .Shorte4t metChodls knowni, besliles many1:3 pub11lihd for the first time11, viz,.: an1 Easiy 41nd4 UneIrrin1g pro(cc)4s in "Atl1ing L,ong Columns41:"' Short Untsi In Muliti plient1 ion andl ivislin. P4rolems114 in Fraetions Intlere'st, 1 'ereen4Itg, Mensuilrationi, e't4,. are 11sual11ly solved ithl lessi than11 one-thi4rd the llgnires and14 labor reqlui red byv ordina11ry met hods n1141 be In the hands of every lindividultI, hecause all the rules and4( hunldreds of Iitrientle pro frery coniiOvable prolilem thalt Is likely to occtur 111h first prlinclplesi. :14, all who paty up all arrears up to 1st of .fan na sent : y ail ad(d 2e for postage, 1914get ble ook free also4. Farmers' Bank CENTRAL, S. C. October 31st, 1906. WVe take pleasure in an nlouncing that after seevral un avoidable dlelays, we are now op~en for buisineWss, and we s;olicit your account and infllu ence, and( prmise that we can accommiiodate you in every way that pertainIs to sound bankingv meUthods. Yours very truly, WITH PO'ASH WITHOUT ton p and plants unfertilized and in consequen This and other inter sting experiments are c Culture" and "Profitabl: Farming"-free to by experts, and full of valuable suggestions better and bigger crops and larger profits. GERMAN KALI W . New York-93 Nassau Street. or Atl ii. A. RIC P30IC1 E a NRL ERCHANME AND ---SE TE W mL Biull /T ILA Strong Chicken Proof H og. T ight, Nothing can run through it, it. or ciimnb over it, ti . F I i p ''.~r' - . -------- -- Disti-lbutlri Depot to S- 3 URGH PERPET Ti1 (NLY E2LECTRICALLY WA S? P OIL TLETSY STYE 48-4 INE FRM ENC _rot The Best Netet,Sroget n MstDua WecnsaeYuMoe n ecn _%Uher Of B In Mens Suis,Cots Toheriest eatst Stll gept andyos maw an ifynheil cmard the Bult bougtti e's youitsn Catys< doe' hae one ofate oxtrMe' Sit and inVegt cris frre lathsan ade toge price at wi.temto man w bdy now tha w.ooaen osl aet them ifa yosilompare the quait go brougtdh stasnt ou eare reares ofate Cats a shote tha t e prnv toesn't wTese good the ontem slon Ciothinglbuyer.s orestigane maen awyget the froice.0 tohis.c an thm itha soeo thBewgo CLOTII Greenville, POTASH t. These Illustrations show the variations In size etween a strong, vigorous cot. lant--the result of fertilization with >tash I, :e suffering from Cotton Blight. lescribed in our books,"Cotton any one interested. Written which, followed out, will insure Write for them to-day. ORKS anta, On.-1224 Candler Building 4. C., C,Uf,N TRY P R0D UCF, IN EARTH! crawl under and break it. l' 1'1it - fuaran1ted to. hold or - .)(c-, four of niore, I'Ve . m-v a1( tIh CT" PENCES B3LDED FENCIE E4947NHFR EC TE and-4 YOHARNZ FENCE Ie Fence on the Market Call and See IS ar gains .4 and Vests. s and one table of Coats tt we have marked down 10 needs a Suit. Every iigher than a year sgo, F these goods with those :e the difference. Some sent style but everybody coats, and what is lack-. Lip i quality. The suits I some of the suits mark. and have more wool in s at 15.00. 'Ihis is a to prove it, and you neced. All sizes from 33 t once and it will pay all ember, the early buyers 'l'-isW