Business Locals$ Notices of sale, Wants, Swaps, etc. lnsorted in-this Column at 5 cents per line for each insertion. Nothing taken (or less than 10 cents. From now until Xmas I will give you a subsorition to this paper, or $1 cash, for 60 eggs; for 25(. I will sell you a package of poultry food guaranteed to make hens lay. H. A. Richey. WANTED.-To make trade with some one for 20 cords of Oak and 15 cords of Pine wood. R. E. Goodwin, at Sentinel-Journal, Manager. Read our premium offer. Ropp's Calculator to all who pay up and pay one year in advance. This paper and Home and Farn one year for $1.25. This paper and the American Agricul turist on year for $1.50. Advertise your wants in this column. Job work, the kind you want, at rea sonable prices, at Sentinel- Journal olloe. -oe us before placing your next order. Trespass Notices, printed on cloth; for sale at this oflico at 50;oeuts a dozen. If yon want to sell your land in town or country or buy farm or tin ber land or town property see or write ike all] I will alyo you lnoney. T1'. E. AI.: :NI;LI, Ileat Etate Agt. Walhalla, S. 0. FOR SALE:-'Threo good mnle-, Csh or approved apera. W. T. (lriila, R. F. D). No. 4, Pickonaa, S. 0. -11. A. Illchoy hms jstit received at car load of loxaue and Obeliak flour. Dr. W. M. I Horton, .1)entist, will be in Pickonos the first Monday, Liberty the second Monday, central the third M1on day, of e ich month. See him that da at each plaeo, tot dental work. FOR SALE: A Campbell Press in good condition; now running; bed .32 x 46. It is in good fix and will be sold at a bargain and on easy terms. A pply for particulors to this office. FOR SALE.-Good building lots in the town of Pickens, near the business part of town. tf J. J. Lewis. itesult of Neglect. In most cases consuption results from a neglected or improperly treated cold. Foley's Honoy and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and 1" -evonta serious results. It costs ou 1io) more than the unknown preparations and you sltld insist upon having the g1n111tin in the yellow packlge. I'rkinls Phaarmll acy, Liberty, and Pickenls Drug Co TIhey :alco You I'vcel (;mud. T he pi'lsaltlt Pll; ativ o 'i'et ex t. i eniced bty :all who use Chambaru'kin' Stomli al n Id Liver Tablots, Iad Ithe healthy ( thl body aind ,hli.l wvtihih they03 (rt'nte make oneii)i fieel joy~'in. Pc,25 cit s. Samp111le freel at P iek ens1 D)rug ( :. lj,l ti iit famuI s i.t i PN iidS. ' Cndieston, w)ys'wn sriu that r to in Pin nyhiingo 1i-.' das en is slight, however, oald she keep1 ;> a high brain weight tiich hiter th: it a The De"ndly Uiul liacleleo. "It is always easy to see how long a couple have been iarriel by noting whether the house is full of his friends or hers," necording to ia wr1titer inl the London Ladles' Field. "A mtan invari ably begins by inviting all his bach elor friends to his house. Iie Is anx ious to show of' his wife, and he fond ly imagines that they will like her and that she will like them, whichi rare ly happens." The writer then goes on to dissect the bachelor and concludes, "I don't kntow why one's hausbantd's bachelor chums shiould, as a rule, be so deadly dull, but they usually are, and, as a matter of fact, it was prob ably their dullness whicl originally drove hitn into matrimony, only lie has not the siiso to see it." There would be fewer marriedi if it weren't for the bachelors. 'T'heei .1ecst. "l:nt. (let",'' Said the caller . 'i d:i't see wh-ly yo+1 shonhl care to elmn"ge tihe natne of y u ar t h:air:ing little cirt !y phlc'. illlt"whilh" is so rotmaitnt he. It aeenis It) dinf tash I, :e suffering from Cotton Blight. lescribed in our books,"Cotton any one interested. Written which, followed out, will insure Write for them to-day. ORKS anta, On.-1224 Candler Building 4. C., C,Uf,N TRY P R0D UCF, IN EARTH! crawl under and break it. l' 1'1it - fuaran1ted to. hold or - .)(c-, four of niore, I'Ve . m-v a1( tIh CT" PENCES B3LDED FENCIE E4947NHFR EC TE and-4 YOHARNZ FENCE Ie Fence on the Market Call and See IS ar gains .4 and Vests. s and one table of Coats tt we have marked down 10 needs a Suit. Every iigher than a year sgo, F these goods with those :e the difference. Some sent style but everybody coats, and what is lack-. Lip i quality. The suits I some of the suits mark. and have more wool in s at 15.00. 'Ihis is a to prove it, and you neced. All sizes from 33 t once and it will pay all ember, the early buyers 'l'-isW