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T HE GAMECOCK Vol. II. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA' COLUMBIA, S. C., JANUARY 21, 1909 No. 13 POE CENTENARY AT THE UNIVERSITY Cultured Audience Overflowed the Chapel. A VERY BEAUTIFUL PROGRAM The Original Essays and Poems and the R(eading From Poe's Works Greatly Enjoyed. The centenary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe, the genius of American letters, was fittingly celebrated at the University of South Carolina, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The chapel Was filled with people from the city, and the ladies from the two female col leges. The exercises and gathering .'was significant of the great literary genius of America. The success of the- cele bration was due. to the efforts of Dr. G. A. Wauchope, who arranged a most appropriate program. The large audience was given a clear insight into the life and literary fame of the versa tile genius. 'Tle sonnet and eulogy rendered by R. E. Gonzales were most suitable for such an occasion. The misical renditions by Miss Lucile Alex ander were beautiful, and added much to the celebration. The reading of "The Raven," which was rendered by Mrs. Pillsbury, brought out many hidden beauties of the text. Each of the speakers of the evening dwelt on a different side of the poet's fame. "Poe as a Poet," and "Poe and the Short Story," were presented in a niost pleas ing manner by Professors Davis and Blaker, and each in turn emphasized Poe as a poet and a short-story writer. Dr. G. A. \Vauchope read the fol lowing telegram from Poe's alma ma (Continued on page Six.) D. E. FINLEY WINS CONFEDERATE MEDAL Many Competitors-Medals Awarded by Gov. Ansel Tuesday Night. The Confederate Essay Medal, which is awarded each year by the Daughters of the Confederacy to the student of the University who hands in the best essay on a subject relating to the Civil War, was won by 1). E. Fin ley, 'io, of Yorkville. The medal was awarded to Mr. Fin ley T1esday night by Governor M. F. Ansel at the -exercises wvhich were held in commemoration of Robert E. Lee in the State House. It is quite an honor to win this mnedal, for there are alwvays a large number -of students comp)eting for it. There wvere thirty five essays handed in to the committee wvhich grades them, and the papers were weighed with care. .The subject of. the essay for the medal was: "The Confederate Navy." PLANS FOR GROWTH OF UNIVERSITY Work Will Be Carried on Gradually As Money is Donated. DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTION The Plans Laid Out By the Trustees of the College in 1805. The Future of the University. In order that an institution may de velop in the most effective and most economical way, it is necessary that there should be some plan to work by. Recognizing this, the board of trustees of the University elected an architect who should study the possibilities of the University's land and formulate a plan, so that it could be built up in such a way as to best utilize the space and be a thing of beauty. In this manner the most can be obtained for the moni.ey that is put into the insti tution. The plan means, also, that a little can be appropriated by the State each year and in a few years she will have a plant worthy of the name of U'niversity without feeling the ex pensc and without waste. One build ing, the Wallace Thoipsoi Memorial Infirmary, was the munificent gift of Irs. Ann Jeter. It was completed last summer and was ready for -occupation in October. A second building in the plan is nearing completion, a much needed structure for class-rooms. This handsome brick building is situated on Gibbes' green, east of the wall sur rounding the campus. The Legislature appropriated $30,000; the contract price was a little over $28,000, which shows that the trustees are careful not to exceed the amount given them. A double campus is the idea of the archi tect, another east of the wall on Gibbes' green to correspond to the present campus. Some (lay the pres ent wall will be removed and a line of buildings erected facing on Pendleton street, and another facing Green street, with campuses between them, and the present rows round the cam pus. On the unoccupied space of Gibbes' green, professors' houses will. be put 'up in the course of time. A gymnasium and a swiimming pool are also part of the plan and are especially needed. It is a man's duty to care for his body as well as for his mind and soul, but in due proportion and harmo niously, not to the exclusion of mental andl moral culture. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise, and a suitable pool could be made for a small sum. Tile library is now crowded so as to prevent the best wvork. Science is calling for a building that will be up)-to-dlate, and what should it be but up-to-date? The lawv school is pro vided with one of the best faculties in the South. It needs equlipmlent andl a sep)arate. b)uilding. Properly housed PRESENT SESSION IS SUCCESSFUL Much Progress is Observed on All Sides.-New Buildings Added. STUDENTS ARE ENTHUSIASTIC Good Order and Harmony Have Prevailed. Cooperation of the Students For the Good of the College. The present session of the Univer sity is a decidedly, successful one. The many changes in the faculty and the absence of the newly-elected president at the opening added a slight element of uncertainty is to what turn things w%,otld take. The venerable and be loved Professors Sloan, Pope and Joynes are not in their accustomed places. but their mantles have fallen upon young mIen who are taking I) the work with great enthusiasm. As a result, the affairs of the institution are going along as usual. Many signs of progress are ob served. The opening of the Wallace lhompson infirmary was an event of great significance, and wien this beau tiful building is properly furnished, as it should be by the Legislature, it will be an important addition to the Uni versity. It has cost the State nothing so far, having been given by Mrs. Ann Jeter in memory of her nephew, Wallace Thompson, an aluninus of the college. Tle .new classroom building on Gibbes' green is nearing completion and will give great relief to a number of classes which have up to this time been crowded into poorly lighted and heated rooms in the old buildings. The students have entered into the work of the session with entiusiasm and satisfactory progress is being made by them. Acting President Moore, in a recent report to the Board of Trutee-, had the following to say of the students: "Remarkably good order las prevailed uipon the campus during the period covered by this re port. Tile general bearing of the stu dents has been courteous and helpful. Thare are many evidences of greater harmony in the student body and closer sympathy between the various groups of students. There seems to prevail a desire for co-operation and mutual helpfulness, and a general pulling to gether for the upbuilding of the Unli versity." Mr. David H-amilton, '07, whIo is piracticing law at Chester, was in the city last week to attend the meeting of the Bar Association. It is very seldom that the students have the opportunity to hear such an able man as Hon. Leslie M. Shaw. Those who heard him derived much benefit STUDENT SECRETARY FOR UNIVERSITY $500 Raised By Students, Will Ask Legislature For Help. ASSOCIATION NEEDS SECRETARY The Experience of Our Sister Institution, Clemson, Shows the Efficiency of a Student Secretary. A movement is on foot to obtain a Y. M. C. A. Student-Secretary for Carolina. For years such anii officer has been needed by this institution. A sentiment has been spread over the State that there is something in the influences at Carolina. But to those most conversant with the actual condi tions, this is erroneous. All know that this University is not (lenomina tional. But this by no means argues that it is not a religious school. The standard of honor and morality among the students, in Christian earnestness of faculty, this institution can chal lenge comparison with any school or university. But it is the aim of the students, faculty, and trustees, to increase the moral earnestness and religious life of this institution. And towards this end have on foot this movement to se cure a General Secretary, to give his whole time to the religious work of this University. The Y. M. C. A. has grown to such a place in its development that now such a head is a necessity. The work of the Association is done through committees, andl these committees need a guidle, and one who will push them in their work. The Bible study needs a trained leader to teach the leaders of the group classes. The students need one among then who leads always a strong and clean life, and who ever hol0s up to them an example worthy of imitation. Such is the function of (Continued on page Six.) The Minstrel. Before Christmas, a movement was put on foot to produce a minstrel, and it was expected to conie off about January joth, but, owing to the failure of securing certain pieces of music and the ncar approach of that much-feared "viper"-Exams.-it was decided to postpone all practice until after Febru ary 1.5, 1909. Immediately after that time, however, things will start up wvith a vim, and under the skillful Itraining of Mr. Jim Fowles, a capital minstrel will be put on to help defray the athletic expenses. There will be goodl songs, jokes, local hits, andl many new stunts, and everyone will be guar anteedl a royal, hilarious, good time. If you are not already in the minstrel, offer your services and any' good sug gestions or pointers. .They will all be Igreatly appreciated.