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map u?a ^: I p*? Wx\ nrj* 4 w *1 TEAI | SECQN To be held by D- M. Moses, represent II Measut Notice For Sale. _ One bay mare and buggy with hvery person that trades $5-00 |)arne8,. An excellent buggy with us Saturday Saturday Feb- horse, and good anywhere, ruary 12th we will give give 5 "eight 900 lbs., age seven years. /* pply to yds. of 10c Ginghams, A. VV. J. K. Hair, Hnrsey Co. at A- W. Llursey's. | Square ?)eal S)rug X?e. Always True to Name. j Russell's Famous Box Candies S Daintily boxed, pure and wholesome ?the ? price is right. : Fine Assortment Bulk Candies A cAlways fresh?always pure. o ? Complete Line of Stationery Fine quality?large stock to select from. Your Favorite 5 Cigarettes and Chewing Tobacco are here. Z Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. w*/J &)/*/-?I .... ~ ^ ^ ? j ol/I'liy 0 j * ft) i^|^Q ONE CARLOAD Fine Young Mu'es J-t nriPPC O nrl fci't-t-VTO /-><-? 11 n f r.<-r.kl/-><^ Ix wi x^v^o auu lv_>i liiO V^ail ell Md,UlC5 [ We also iiandle lirst grade Buggies and Harness ffirmf ield-Porter Co. =?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit? | Guaranteed I in writing E 1 5000 MILES j "V? 7"HEN you buy Ajax tires you W get something-more than fine rubber and fabric and the vulcanization of these two. You get the maker's steadfast determination for Quality. Ajax tires are guaranteed in writing for 5000 miles. Measured in miles, Ajax are ' better tires by 1500 miles. k ,y \ 1 1 "While others are claiming Quality B we are guaranteeing it | Sold by ] Cheraw Hardware 8 Supply Co. | CHERAW, S. C. ^niiinniiimiiiiwiHniniiniiiimi;ininmntimi>i?i?iinniii?iiiiiiiii,iiiiniiinl | Kk '1 ^ ^ ^?<-nw,_?; f | 7 .-J(W Cordially Req DSPRINC -Febn ing ISAAC HAMBU *e Clothes?The only ] Personal Sterna c Mr. W. J, Tiller was in Bennettsville Monday. Bey. J. N. Wright, of Cheraw, was in town Monday. | Mr. B. R. Rivers visited his son Hargett at the Citadel last | week. 1 Best'rubber roofing going cheap.! ! Lonnie Campbell. 1 The residence of Mr. C. II. 1 White on Mangnm Avenue is 1 nearing completion. ! Rev. P. A. Murray, of Rome, ! S. C., is visiting his sir., P. A. | Murray, Jr., this week. ? Our Goods are new and up-to > date, A. W. Hursey Co. | Messrs. Euisley Armlield aud J. C. Rivers spent several days | in Monroe this week. J Messrs. Horace Neil and Prank \ Redfearn, of Monroe, were in the city Tuesday. Buy your fresh meats of all kind at the old reliable market. A- F. Davis. The Ladies Missionary Society of St. Paul's Church have decided to build a concrete walk around the church building. We give away someting every Saturday. A. W. Hursey Mr. and Mrs. Wert/., of Columbia, visited at the home of Mr. John T Hurst this week. Look for us when you are in need of Dry Groods, Shoes etc. A. W. Hurso,T Co. Mrs. S. A Porter entertained the Rook Club at her home on Lucas Heights last Saturday afternoon. Pure S. C. Comb Rhode lliiul Red Fggs for hatching, 75 cents setting cf 15. C. J. llun ley. The Jr. Order will meet in regular session Saturday night, February 19th. All members are requested to attend. Mrs. J. S. McGregor, of Ruby, entertained quite a number of her friends last Saturday afternoon. Several of the young people of Chesterfield attended. Stone's Cake?fresh from the , bakery, sealed in sanitary waxed paper. Try it. At A F Davis' market. } The engine which makes the Amusu lights will be overhualed immediately and fine pictures are assured for Saturday night. The Perils of Pauline played to a crowded house last Tuesday night. The installment for next Tuesday is more thrilling than ever. Be sure to see it. Potash is now selling at $450 00 a ton. Not much danger of any at this figure being used under cotton this year What little potaslvis obtainable in the country is being used in the manu facture of munitions of war. Some of this week's grip victims are Messrs. D. M. Baren lino, T. i*. Craig, Carl Culledge and Mrs. Welborn Pusser. They they are reported to be improving satisfactorily. See Lonnie Campbell for prices on Harness, Bridles, Collars, H?mes, Traces, Collar Pads or anything you need in the Hard ware line. For next Sunday there will be an exchange of appointments be tween Kevs. J. L. Tyler and Paul T. Wood. Mr. Tyler will preach at Kuby at 7:30, and Mr Wood will preach at St. Paul. Mr. J. S. Bishop, who habeen employed for some time by the county to audit the* books of the county officials, has finished his w?rk and 'eft Chesterfield yesterday. Ifo will file bis report at thr trim oi, court, j v i n ? 411 ** IES C [uest Your Preset i TAILORI! lary 18th and 1 RGER & SONS of Bj line ia America backed f %ceal Mterent ! I When in need of Fancy or Heavy Groceries, Fresh Meat or Canned Goods, see A. F. Davis . for the best on the market. I A regular communication of l Chesterfield Lodge, No. 220, A. s F. M., will beheld Friday even- r ing February 17, 1910, at 7:30 i o'clock. The Fellow Craft de- j gree to be conferred. By order t of B. F. Teal, W. M; W. P. t Odom, Secretary. * On Saturday trie 19th of Feb- a ruary we will give away one nice 1 parasol to the customer that trades the largest bill with us. ( A. W. Hursey Co. Miss Mims, home demonstra tion worker, i s making excellent headway in organszing canning clubs in the county. Up to date four clubs have been organized, at Center Point, . Wexford, Wamble Hill, Bethel 1 and Shiloh.) The clean-up process has be- , gun?slowly, it. is true, but it has begun. The court house yard has been raked over and * looks better. A few merchants 1 a lu o}rl A/1 tK A ? <>"? ?<?> V.vun u i 11 w l? Ul VH ( UCII stores. Let the good work go ( on until the town is spio and 1 span. The appointments for Chesterfield Charge, Methodist Church, for Sunday, Feb. 20th, are: Shiloh, 10 a. m , Sunday school; /oar, 10 a. m., Sunday ' school, 11 a. in., preaching; St. 1 Paul, 10 a. in., Sunday school; ' 7:30 p in., preaching by Rev. 1 Paul T. Word, pastor of East Chester field Charge. The son of Mr. J. A. Teal was taken to Columbia Wednesday to be given the Pasteur treatment for hydrophobia, - he boy was . bitten last Friday by a dog, but it was not certain that the dog , had the rabbies. The annimal was tied up for observation, and when he escaped the parents of the boy decided to tike no chances and so the child in company with the family physician was sent to the hospital. i The first Quarterly Conference for Chesterfield and East Chesterfield Charges will beheld Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, Feb. 20th, 27th,' and 2Hth. The East Chesterfield services will be held at Ebenezer on Saturday at It a. m., and Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p. in. The Presid-1 intf Elder, Kev. Peter Stokes, will preach at St Paul on Sunday, Feb- 27th, at 11 a in. and 7:80 p. in. The business of the Quarterly Conference will be held Monday at 11a. in. We are informed that the Township Road Commissioners of Jefferson Township who were elected last summer when the voters of Jefferson township decided to bond their township for $25,000 to build g<>od roads, have commenced work in earnest in , widening and building permanent roads t hroughout Jefferson township. We are Rlad thut this good work has started in another , township in Chesterfield County. Alligator township bonded itself ?ev.>ral years ago and the good roads that the people around IVksBee now have are a revelation | to the people from other parts of < YOUR EYES Dr. H. Smith, Kye Sight Spe- ? cialirt, will be at Chesterfield r Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 28th t una 29tl?; JcifFcrton Wednesday v anl Thursday, March 1st and 2d. ti M i ????>? OMP ice at their % expo: f9th = v iltimore, Producers of I by real merchant tai "he county. It is indeed a pleas- j ire to ride over s uonth sand j day roads around McBee where >nce roads were knee deep in sand. We hope the Jefferson nitHa mill U ? i 1 - - uouu urn u c nu^ruveu a h wisely as the Alligator roads lave been. Two townships of ^esterfield Connt-y already in ine. Another, Oheraw townihip, is getting ready to comnence to bnild modem roads. We believe the example of these irogressive townships will waken -he people over the balance of ;he county and that the day will loon come when good, hard roads ill over Chesterfield County will ie a reality. CORRESPONDENCE MlDDENDORF. Rev. W. V. Jerman filled his ippointment at Hebron Sunday ifternoon. Work on the new school buildng is progressing nicely. Miss Zjla Raines, of Blythewood, is visiting Miss Irene Rowe. Misses Burlie Griggs and Ruby Jammings spent Saturday evening in Cheraw. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Strickhn Df Hamlet, spent Friday in UUW II. Misses Irene Kowe and Kula Raines SDent Sunday in Iiamlet with relatives.. r - ~ LUOKISVILLE Mr. N. 0- Campbell has reburned from Columbia where he has been attending the Layman's Convention as a delegate from Mt. Olivet. / Lev. Thames and Mr. (). I). Turnage spent Thursday at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. C. It, Su m nerMr. T. J. Sumner is stepping high, its a thirteen lbs baby. Mr. J. W. Winburn has been suffering with rising for the past week. List of Grand Jurors J VV Miller, W F Winburn, J B Sims, T M Beattie, E L Stubbs. E W Sowell, J W Atkin son, E It Knight, W A Johnson, J W Blackwell, T A Ilorton, J A Arant, J R Burr, H N Askins. John D Smith, E W Laney, A G Grant, W P Shaw. List of Pitit Jurors Cheraw?M B Engler. II L Rivers, G H Bruner, () L Bras ington. Court House? W VV Davis, J E Short, J F Oliver, M L) Gardner, L J Kafield, .1 E SteenMfc. Oroghan?J B Burch, G F Evans, J Frank Crawley, 8 J Huntley. E J Moore, K 8 Gulledge. Old Store?F B Funderburk, H B Giavea, VV A Bigg, 8r , J C' Mangum. Jefferson?W M Sellers, W M lialley, 0 A Baker, D H Snips, W C Lowry. Alligator?J G Hoffman, R B Sowell, J E Brown, tt B King. Cole Hill -J L Baker, J O Smith, I) M Bate, T R Johnson Steer Pen?H J Hudson, T J Sumner, J.N. Talber. WKii Children Need Now In spite of the best care mothts can give them this weather rirings sickness to many children. Safe, reliable family nedicines are in demand. Mrs. I'. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., vntes: "'Foley's Honey and Tar ured my boy of a severe attack >f croup after other remedies tad failed 1 recommend it to veryone as we know from our sxperience that it is a wonderful emedy for coughs, colds, croup itid whooping cough." It stopl < he coughs that hangs on and | leakeu alter the iagrippe.?The ] Iquere Deal Drag Stoie. ( flhrflin ANY sition . A m Q?<l /in n ti 4 ^V.U /*?< 4- ? . XXLIIV-Ii^a <3 UIJ^llCSl Ly loring. = Mr. Parker's Views Mr. L. L. Parker, as is well known, is a successful banker in Pageland. Mr. Parker is more than a banker; he is a philosopher and it now develops that lie is a writer to be noticed. L*st week in the absence from Pageland of Mr. O. M. Tucker, of the Pageland Journal, Mr. Parker had charge of the editorial department of that paper, lie wrote some advice to the farmers from the banker's point view that should be read and reread by every agriculturalist in this county. Hero is his closing paragraph: "The time was when if b man went to his bank and said he would make fifty or a hundred bales of cotton he could get any accommodation he wanted. Now the banker looks with suspicion upon such statements, for expe-1 rience has taught hini to ask for expense account. On the other hand, the farmer who asks for a loan a few days until he can get his corn on the nifcrket, or his cattle or hogs, seldom fails to get what he wants. In the first place, such a man seldom needs to borrow money, ho has money of his own. In the second place, if he borrows he does nut have to reckon with so speculative a market as the cotton market when he is ready to ^ el I his corn, cattle or hogs, and the banker! knows it. We are uot able to depict the secret of such a man's success, but. we de know, and every observant man knows, that there is something about such a farmer that makes every merchant and business man in town want his business." Notice of Court The Court of General Sessions, Spring Term will convene on Monday, March Oth, 1910. Grand Juror*, Petit Jurors and Witnesses will take notice. I I'. Mangum, Clei k of C iurt. Discharge Notice On 20i h of March next at 11 o'clock a. ni., I will apply to the Probate Court of Chesterfield County, for a discharge as Administrator of the Estate of L. A Watson, deceased. J. B. Watson, Administrator. Feb'y, 16th, 1919. Tax Sale Under and by virtue of authority contained in certain executions issued by W. A. Douglass, County Treasurer, and directed to me I have levied upon and taken exclusive possession of the following Ileal Estate to wit: One house and lot in the town cf Cneraw, known as property of J. I). Hatches, also one tract of land in Court House Township containing 100 acres more or less, known as B. J. Douglass, property, and will sell the same r U a- at- ? ! - ? * * mr uatjn 10 me nignest Didder between the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in Ma?rh, 1910. Purchaser t<? pay for necessary papers. D. P. l>ouglass, Sheriff. oaaaao iftl A- F- DAVIS * Fresh Meats < o z; Kept under Sanit g Best Fruits an js Always ^ A Complete line of B1 IMl A. F. DAVIS 2U?**o \ Ji. v 'v If*ju? I pe of Tailored to I No Time Extension | The time for the payment of H taxes will not be extended this year. This is final. The legislature Monday voted down a bill " for extension. The present law which stands calls for all taxes to be paid by Jan. 1, without penalty. During January a M penalty of one per C8nt. is added to taxes not paid before Feb 1 During February a penalty of 2 per cent is added to taxes to be paid and during the first half of March a penalty of 7 per cent, is added to delinquent taxes. After March 15 all taxes not paid will be placed with the sheriff for collection in the form of executions against property. Wingate The Jew.?ler When t*ou ai?. in \ wn ( all in and "!e i..v line *'Ji elr>. ^^tchc.. Cluei.a and Jewelry ' kinds repaired. Prices reason ole and work guaranteed. Wingate Jewelry Co. . i Photographs. I Will be at Chesterfield on Saturday before the 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month to take pictures. Studio up stairs over Square Deal Drug Store, tf 5-li Jerome Douglass. j Pig? for Sale - -gg* Two nice pigs for sale, apply to H. I,. Spencer, (Jheraw, It. No. 1. t? P Scrap Iron and Brass 1 luy scrap iron and brass at 1 higest market price. James Crosby, 2t,49 at Odom Br is., store. "Did you Bee that hussy who , sued our son for breach of promise?" ?* "She looked to me like a son- fi kist lemon"' Dynamic Appeal to Higher Self I Makes For Efficiency \ By Dr. JOHN D. QUACKENBOS, New York TIIEKE exists in human beings'?; a mass of latent unused pow-Pfc er?a reserve fund of energy.XL It is this power which, dynamically R. directed and applied, regenerates p , the outcast, sobers the drunkard, 4 rpupnna <lio /I . ??? a ?*. A -?1 viiv uiu^ nciiu, rt'Biuri'B ,MJ ?*JF" normal thought and fooling the di#? traught and suicidal, the perverted'-tL and the obsessed. Its expression iit^i?| plies the existence of a personal, irt^i^'S material, intelligent element in-/ which it inheres. And this Hoinj* L thing is other than God. It is vfc<" % riou.sly known ns the SUBCOlM?| SCIOUS MIND, TIIE SUBLIMfifcJI NAL SELF, THE SUPERIOR SPIRITUAL PERSONALITY. HOW 18 IT TO BE EXPLOITED*- | HOW CAN THIS ABEYANT EFF|?|J CIENCY BE HARNESSED AND M MADE AVAILABLE IN THE WORK- ? ADAY WORLD? THE AN8WBR O 18, THROUGH SUQQE8TIO&jB> WHICH 18 NOTHING MORE THAttw'^. AN EARNEST, 8TRAIGHTFO?iJ? ^ WARD DYNAMIC APPEAL T4Pf2S THE HIGHER 8ELF. SUQOESTIOwtX MAKE8 EFFICIENT, AND CIENCY IN A STATE OF PERFEfflj^^S ACTION 18 HAPPINE88. I MARKET of all Kinds |?? ary Conditions ,t & d Vegetables | Jy SST GROCERIES I MARKET '.ml ^ 1