The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, July 25, 1925, Image 1

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' ?. | , ?;THIS PAPER IS | ,jj DEVOTED TOTHE ! LLL j . INTERESTS O F: \ THE PEOPLE. 8??SC8??S?OaaE83EG?C0a^^ 7 VUl. I.?NOT^sst"^ ??? K.efP.1 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIA MEETS IN NEV OFFICIAL OPENIN President Sims To Kest Speakers. First E oform Hank. M Hilar ' >i ? . The twenty-first annual convention I of the SotithCnrolina~ Grand *Xo<Jge Knights of Pythias~corrvenes in New* berry next week. The Knights will "Hold their sessTons?in Bethleheiti Baptist Church and the sessions of the Grand Courts will be held in Miller Chapel A. M. E. Church Grand Chan Y ? ver the sessions of the Knights and Major P. A. Roper over the sessions ^ of the Courts:??7 ;???H " f" SIR JULIUS A. BRO The convention will bring to New berry over 1.000-delegates besides the Uniform Rank cpmpanies and the Cadets. For-the first time in the his -tory?of the order will General- Willie McGh~ee.~his sfaTfoflTc ers'and~ mefT of the Companies__Camp?under- - tenU which have been provided Tor them by ? the Grand T.nrlge. be encamped. The * J" ^ent? ore there and have been placed High-School foe the comfort and care pf "the boys" when they come in-Mbnday and Tuesday. It will be a treat to see the annual parade and demonstra tnm?given by?the?men?m?uniform Thursday of next week which is "Mil?Jtary-Pay" at the Convention. This is usuallv a bier feature of the Grand Lodge .session and brings t9 the seat of the Convention thousands of visitprs and 'spectators from all parts of the State. Under the direction 6f Deputy Wm. \ Davis^ J. B. Morgan, Thos.^E. WilHams "Singleton and Wiiliams, Dr. Edward P. Ellis and others of the local lodges ? ML SIR N. J. FEEDER *? - . - - t ! air '' i'I hfri WmM L " *V S GRANfgTODGE r /ber&Y SE^T )VEI:K. G M0&0AY NIGHT j >ond to Mayor.?Other ncampmcnt of Um=~ Jnncli h:Wr.frn <" make the en- S I ter&iftmont Arthe Grand Lodge"as i -good, if iiii'. licit'i' lhmv-rtt-anjiLj)re-1 vious Convention cities; They have plentjr-oF spacious a nil accommodating ' homes, good water, spring - chickens, Jersey cow milk and places for recreation, while the delegatos?sojourn in " V he "city lifXi'w1 tie rry. - ?Tin? session in Newberry will be Hts"-"~~ L toric. The reports of the Grand Chan-eellor, the Grand Keeper-of Records - YVN, Grand Chancellor. - v' - u ami Seal, llu- Grand Mastered Exche- ^ (|Uor. the Grand Medic aLReirister and the Granft Attorney will, as usual, present matters ol' vital interest and ^ shouhi rn^iiue the careful attention ^ nf the liihl.v. The Grand rhance|lnf ei will?report?eleven?new lodges instir tl luted duiin.u* the soar and over 2,000 w ?i-'-ueil n.-w mme'bers. The j_r various depart meats of the Order S1 ^huvv^AUojkm-Uta^r.ii.oriiim jind.witli a -SI background of unparallelled achieve- C( ments, .Julius A. LlruSyn, with his usual ct i ability, w ill sound the keynote in his ei annual address for.a future of success iaiul pro.-pei ii.y. i | The Grand 1 sxl^e "will be plesaed ^ with the m'wl;'-. :Hd>mitted -front the ^ -i efficient Grand Keeper of Recordsand ^ Seal, who has done much for the for- 11 , ward movement and onward march ^ ol' .the work- TJ:e mint .may expect a ^ round report from Dr. Robt. Shaw S{ Wilkinson, the Grand Master of Ex |chequer. -At the proper time his re- ^ -pwrt-Avill r'h?>w- Uu?t- Uie fUTT^-af thy il Order are in .yood lufnds, Accurately ^ Continued on I'age 2 t< ; a F v T h o k 4 It " ?t! () *? v- ? J LCk, Grand 'Attorney ?^ y .J"* V -.V ' r"-" .; " j Mtltttl ~ l . ; : COLUMBIA, S, -P., SATl Fhe State Su *,V, Elects Dr. J, . 5 >RATORY FEATURED 1st DAY^S~MEET~ ^ The 19th Annual Session of the tate Sunday School and Baptist oung People's U iitrnrCanvcrrtioTrgoca IB Mi 1 ??1)K. J. c Castor of Zion Baptist Church,, State Sunday School un< own in history as the greatest con?wttofHn-the^mTTTii?r f)f Baptist church ctivitiesfrom the standpoint of at?ndance, speeches delivered, papers 2ad and group meeting. This conention has been transformed from le old eonvOntimi le" "school of methods/' - - The city of Laurens was -the scene E" this great- convention. ThO enterlinmerft accorded us by the citizens of aureus was the very best we have^tvr -received -in the?nineteen?yeare-nf le life time of this convention. The hite people took n, deeper interest i this'session than ever before, their seeches were more cordial, and wejime mnrp genuine. in fact- the ilored- people of the state have a new inception of the city of Laurens. Ev*ybody was comfortably entertained, reat is Laurens is the unanimous lorus sung by all.?Too much praise innot be given to the Rev.. J. W. [atthias and to Mrs. Mary Whit net ir the way they handjed the sjtuaon?even without a hitch. The St, aul Church was without a pastor, the ev. *J. C.Tobin having resigned the ime about three months "ago; the gacon board called on the Rev. J. W. [atthias. to handle the convention for ie Church. , : Wednesday Night - -.I're-Convenlion Session All day Wednesday crowds began to ill into Laurens." Duit covered, and ungry; some by Railway and more :ill in all makes of automobiles. They ere hei'e from the Capital City, Ches?r, Rock?Hill, Lancaster,?Korsh.-iw, nmtor, Darlington, Florence, Charles>n, Georgetown, Beaufort, Allendale, nd Aiken. When the pre-convention jssion opened Wednesday the ' St. aul Baptist C-hurch was crowded with trabgers from all parts of the state 3 listen to the welcome addresses apd thers. Welcome addret&es were (levered by Dr. Western Bruner, pas3r of the First Baptist Church the lev. J. C. McClennon, pastor of the frican Methodist Episcopal Church; nd Prof, and Mrs. .1, W. JVIaithiaiL. 'rom each speaker one could see the ery breath of welcome and cordiality. >r. A. A. Sims, Union; responded in a appy vein of wit, bubbling^ over with" ratory, but restrained because .he new somehow, the next day would be te supreme effort of his varied speakig "career. A collection of |4T was aken and turned over to the officers f thfe" church." FIRST DAY'S SESSION he basement of the church, to "tuclc p the rayeLsleeve" of the convention's eagly work,?This was done in short tj ^ -- ?. *+ u JTOAY; JtTI.Y 25, 1925:? nday School J , C, White, Pi order. as everybody whs anvinns to . -| hear?the?Intrmktetorv sermon whJeh ~ ts considt?re4i;t}^mo>^importaftt?>>er? mon of any eonvehtipn. This sermon was preached by the Rev. B. M. Park- . r-ery of Rock^tillk. _a m-oTfuct of Friend- I ** . IMP* i^L i v - - ir 0' Columbia, 8. CM President of the i B. Y. P. U!. Convention. [ship College, from the subject of_the_ !"fixity"(>F Heart." Text: "O Cod my heart is fikeH." The preparation of " the .sermon was thorough, the delivery magnetic, and its reception was with joy. The retiring president Rev. H. M. Moore took matters in hapd and _ soon cleaned the program Slatg Of all ~ minor matters, when the adjounnnenr * for dinner came it found the two op; posing forces facing each other, both i | the White and the Lawson factions, ( jdetermthed to fight to the last ditch. ^ Retiring President's Address Dr. H. M. Moore who had, been the 1 I president of the convention for the 1 last eighteen years delivered his last } message amid a painful silence, so- 3 ! much so that Dr. D." F. Thompson, of Augusta, Ga., arose and commented Ion the indifference manifested. The I secret was,- th^t it had been told all over the stale thai Dr. Moore waa op-.~ posing the election of Dr. White to the . presidency, and too .it was that sick- . ening "calm" that always precedes a I | storm," was the only rea^m. 1 . .. The enrollment hneitfJrA hnon , pleted the time for nomination was in . order. . . ^ From what could be seep and noised ^ t about the the-line up -was I j stiff nn oilhor solo i .4 A Battle of Wits and Oratory-Before the real battle came offj it 1 w;is plain to a bliml man that Dr. looted over'any two who could be put s T11 the field against him. 1 -Notwithstanding all-thisT Dr. White did not have everything hia own way d .?not, by a long shot?beransc-old bat- t tie scarred campaigners like Prof. ^ John R. Wilson, Dr. T. M. Boykin, Rev. .1. J. Harrison, Dr. C. W-. Hubert, Dr. -j R. W. Baylor and Dr. I- W. Williams ' took the field against Dr. White and ^ for a whilo things lool-o.l riirioiiw ' > ; But Dr. White sat smiling and said c j"No three candidates they can bring j .against me can wrest this election from my grasp?I am indeed sorry for ;Lawson, his defeat will be crushing."^ dacy the younger "men of the conven- i , tion and two thirds of the teachers ( t such as Drs. A. A. Sims, S, J. Rice, F. , I). Sims, T. -Elliott---Hall r-Dr: GhasvAr..i Williams, J._ P. Reeder, C. F. Gandy, J. S. Earle, H. Waikins, A. W. Hill, 1 jS. C. Campbell, and Dr. J. H. Goodwin, ( M D , The following countie? voted solidly for Rev.-drCr\Vhite: York, Ches- te?, Union, Cherokee,, Spartknburg, < Greenville, Anderson,- except 2 votes, < Laurens, except one vote, Greenwood, i -Newherry,. Aiken, Saluda, Charleston, 1 - ? ? - ^Continued on Page 8T ' f ? f . i July 21 Vnd B. Y. P. U resident?$7,3' ? IS TUl'K TO H1MSKLF H West Chester, Fa.. ^July?declaring a "imonth ago that he would take his life <i7T July .1, OIan Evans, aged ;ji> >eais old, a y> pnlnrort vutorori ? ?P 1 *1 .... ^ HIM _?WDI'I' I?H war, who was gassed-and was-v! still suffering from the effect-S shot hjmself Thursday' night at ci therhome-of his unile^Jami^ fir- ans, 425 E? Bernard St..TuiTTniir- V <?. . 'SIR J. B. LEWIE. ( 'owly -escaped killing hi.v uncle.?rfr He obtained one rovtrtwr fiT>nY~\!; i bureau drawer, bu.t his uncle, G? iisarmed him after a "struggle. id: tie had iknothci-in a'wekiT'and n the struggle drew this and Y> '!a shot which grazed ihr lead of the uncle, then tunn-d it id nto his braim " .. KILLED BY LIGHTEN!NG (By Ths Associated Negro Press) ~ Baptberg, S. C.y July? y when struck"by,lightning here an Sunday afternoon. TTe had ,i;, ust Tome in from the" field. aniTre vas seated at the supper table. :> < li^nwife~was also, st trrmrd. :biit_yL ecove red.--?? v ? JSJEL^M^RICAN ? METHC>nS-4N-Arfim'X^ (By The Associated- NetrOv-+4ts>\ > ? New York, X. Y.. -July?The )eonage system so prevalent in -';he southern states, is being ~"~ lsed'by the Portuguese in AfrU 'ft. according to ? stati-noon fc.. rued by I>r. Edward Ross, Processor of sociology of the l.'niver dty of AVinconsrn, who has re-~ :ently traveled extensively in Africa. The statement charges hat the Portuguese colonial government re(|uisitioned native-he-? inr in a c..; - ^ ~ - HI ?. .A i ! IL'it Oil II whole sale scale and used it with >ut pav^lo-promote mid develop and was further leased to pro= rate planters. Tire report has been turned over to the League af Nations for action. Pastor Mrsf "Curtis mot pi-oil to \iken last Fiiday,"returning the next lay. Mrs. Josh Summers, Mrs..N*ora [Joodwin and Master Chns.' Edward. . i iceompanied the Pastor and his wife. We all enjoyed the trip, and arc glad XJ be back, ih ulll Columhiiyoiuio nuTreT *i ... ? Sl'KSCRIBE AND ? ? AI)\i;iriISE?Cur-;| ? rent; Social and Gen- ? -?% cmi. Now. ' s . .". . uc A CQPY^ 5-29-30 .Convention EQ.Q5 Raised I 'Mi'ioN ENROLLS ? Mi7 TEArHBRa= ; i y- ? ' *' . ^yC<";<*;ut(-<1 Negio Press.) riVa.? July?Dr. GeoI"''' J.!- principal of " > ; ^ _ reports session of the uuuj^r. -for' Teachersin-. . wome ifk'i.Miu has furnished" 226 stu^ ! ; ,? ; ^?=j==r==?~^^==~''' -' r ;C - ? * j ? .'' ^ :J9^H I *. " ^? 7=r H _ * K', 7-T ?: I?ffiffiir -" ' vvEjf' ' ** ?*?. .\ni', i: ('.hm ilii.a, .244; Mar? :' :.; '*: Snath Carolina, 27; ' _ -.'t^ia. 1>: Alabama. 14; Flor :t,. 1 '?; Iv.'iil 10 : Arkansas i >; a.?u- .each; --New '? k. i: Kansas and New Jersey 7? '? : < Sl".;i. Illinois^ Ok-?. ;na and Pennsylvania, 1 each. i ki>i:kkh apprehen- . dei) after battle ~?-i???Va Nrtyrr. PrcssA ilh.-hinirs Oh Ihidson. n. y. ju-*' Mootv. alleged - to [\i -TTij . and-bounded his wife id have killed he^ adopted ;.e "Wednesdav \vas..eantu- . 11 J-riduv-mTthe NYw York Cen. vi ;il Yaihvad. iravkV after a pisin 5!ltcTrotno policeman . ! :' i<' Jgg. Dlljon '*' ' *i his arrival flt _Lhf _ , a. i-r-tr1?-he w.ii> glad^. he had ? can-.dn as he was tired of 'dcimr a-rountL and further ai lie did" not care if he died night": ' T~ STR R. S.^VHJvtXSON; D.,~ TTranfT MaMor of Exchequer. , ' . .. ..A _ ' r* ?