' ?. | , ?;THIS PAPER IS | ,jj DEVOTED TOTHE ! LLL j . INTERESTS O F: \ THE PEOPLE. 8??SC8??S?OaaE83EG?C0a^^ 7 VUl. I.?NOT^sst"^ ??? K.efP.1 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIA MEETS IN NEV OFFICIAL OPENIN President Sims To Kest Speakers. First E oform Hank. M Hilar ' >i ? . The twenty-first annual convention I of the SotithCnrolina~ Grand *Xoond to Mayor.?Other ncampmcnt of Um=~ Jnncli h:Wr.frn <" make the en- S I ter&iftmont Arthe Grand Lodge"as i -good, if iiii'. licit'i' lhmv-rtt-anjiLj)re-1 vious Convention cities; They have plentjr-oF spacious a nil accommodating ' homes, good water, spring - chickens, Jersey cow milk and places for recreation, while the delegatos?sojourn in " V he "city lifXi'w1 tie rry. - ?Tin? session in Newberry will be Hts"-"~~ L toric. The reports of the Grand Chan-eellor, the Grand Keeper-of Records - YVN, Grand Chancellor. - v' - u ami Seal, llu- Grand Mastered Exche- ^ (|Uor. the Grand Medic aLReirister and the Granft Attorney will, as usual, present matters ol' vital interest and ^ shouhi rn^iiue the careful attention ^ nf the liihl.v. The Grand rhance|lnf ei will?report?eleven?new lodges instir tl luted duiin.u* the soar and over 2,000 w ?i-'-ueil n.-w mme'bers. The j_r various depart meats of the Order S1 ^huvv^AUojkm-Uta^r.ii.oriiim jind.witli a -SI background of unparallelled achieve- C( ments, .Julius A. LlruSyn, with his usual ct i ability, w ill sound the keynote in his ei annual address for.a future of success iaiul pro.-pei ii.y. i | The Grand 1 sxl^e "will be plesaed ^ with the m'wl;'-. :Hd>mitted -front the ^ -i efficient Grand Keeper of Recordsand ^ Seal, who has done much for the for- 11 , ward movement and onward march ^ ol' .the work- TJ:e mint .may expect a ^ round report from Dr. Robt. Shaw S{ Wilkinson, the Grand Master of Ex |chequer. -At the proper time his re- ^ -pwrt-Avill r'h?>w- Uu?t- Uie fUTT^-af thy il Order are in .yood lufnds, Accurately ^ Continued on I'age 2 t< ; a F v T h o k 4 It " ?t! () *? v- ? J LCk, Grand 'Attorney ?^ y .J"* V -.V ' r"-" .; " j Mtltttl ~ l . ; : COLUMBIA, S, -P., SATl Fhe State Su *,V, Elects Dr. J, . 5 >RATORY FEATURED 1st DAY^S~MEET~ ^ The 19th Annual Session of the tate Sunday School and Baptist oung People's U iitrnrCanvcrrtioTrgoca IB Mi 1 ??1)K. J. c Castor of Zion Baptist Church,, State Sunday School un< own in history as the greatest con?wttofHn-the^mTTTii?r f)f Baptist church ctivitiesfrom the standpoint of at?ndance, speeches delivered, papers 2ad and group meeting. This conention has been transformed from le old eonvOntimi le" "school of methods/' - - The city of Laurens was -the scene E" this great- convention. ThO enterlinmerft accorded us by the citizens of aureus was the very best we have^tvr -received -in the?nineteen?yeare-nf le life time of this convention. The hite people took n, deeper interest i this'session than ever before, their seeches were more cordial, and wejime mnrp genuine. in fact- the ilored- people of the state have a new inception of the city of Laurens. Ev*ybody was comfortably entertained, reat is Laurens is the unanimous lorus sung by all.?Too much praise innot be given to the Rev.. J. W. [atthias and to Mrs. Mary Whit net ir the way they handjed the sjtuaon?even without a hitch. The St, aul Church was without a pastor, the ev. *J. C.Tobin having resigned the ime about three months "ago; the gacon board called on the Rev. J. W. [atthias. to handle the convention for ie Church. , : Wednesday Night - -.I're-Convenlion Session All day Wednesday crowds began to ill into Laurens." Duit covered, and ungry; some by Railway and more :ill in all makes of automobiles. They ere hei'e from the Capital City, Ches?r, Rock?Hill, Lancaster,?Korsh.-iw, nmtor, Darlington, Florence, Charles>n, Georgetown, Beaufort, Allendale, nd Aiken. When the pre-convention jssion opened Wednesday the ' St. aul Baptist C-hurch was crowded with trabgers from all parts of the state 3 listen to the welcome addresses apd thers. Welcome addret&es were (levered by Dr. Western Bruner, pas3r of the First Baptist Church the lev. J. C. McClennon, pastor of the frican Methodist Episcopal Church; nd Prof, and Mrs. .1, W. JVIaithiaiL. 'rom each speaker one could see the ery breath of welcome and cordiality. >r. A. A. Sims, Union; responded in a appy vein of wit, bubbling^ over with" ratory, but restrained because .he new somehow, the next day would be te supreme effort of his varied speakig "career. A collection of |4T was aken and turned over to the officers f thfe" church." FIRST DAY'S SESSION he basement of the church, to "tuclc p the rayeLsleeve" of the convention's eagly work,?This was done in short tj ^ -- ?. *+ u JTOAY; JtTI.Y 25, 1925:? nday School J , C, White, Pi order. as everybody whs anvinns to . -| hear?the?Intrmktetorv sermon whJeh ~ ts considt?re4i;t}^mo>^importaftt?>>er? mon of any eonvehtipn. This sermon was preached by the Rev. B. M. Park- . r-ery of Rock^tillk. _a m-oTfuct of Friend- I ** . IMP* i^L i v - - ir 0' Columbia, 8. CM President of the i B. Y. P. U!. Convention. [ship College, from the subject of_the_ !"fixity"(>F Heart." Text: "O Cod my heart is fikeH." The preparation of " the .sermon was thorough, the delivery magnetic, and its reception was with joy. The retiring president Rev. H. M. Moore took matters in hapd and _ soon cleaned the program Slatg Of all ~ minor matters, when the adjounnnenr * for dinner came it found the two op; posing forces facing each other, both i | the White and the Lawson factions, ( jdetermthed to fight to the last ditch. ^ Retiring President's Address Dr. H. M. Moore who had, been the 1 I president of the convention for the 1 last eighteen years delivered his last } message amid a painful silence, so- 3 ! much so that Dr. D." F. Thompson, of Augusta, Ga., arose and commented Ion the indifference manifested. The I secret was,- th^t it had been told all over the stale thai Dr. Moore waa op-.~ posing the election of Dr. White to the . presidency, and too .it was that sick- . ening "calm" that always precedes a I | storm," was the only rea^m. 1 . .. The enrollment hneitfJrA hnon , pleted the time for nomination was in . order. . . ^ From what could be seep and noised ^ t about the the-line up -was I j stiff nn oilhor solo i .4 A Battle of Wits and Oratory-Before the real battle came offj it 1 w;is plain to a bliml man that Dr. looted over'any two who could be put s T11 the field against him. 1 -Notwithstanding all-thisT Dr. White did not have everything hia own way d .?not, by a long shot?beransc-old bat- t tie scarred campaigners like Prof. ^ John R. Wilson, Dr. T. M. Boykin, Rev. .1. J. Harrison, Dr. C. W-. Hubert, Dr. -j R. W. Baylor and Dr. I- W. Williams ' took the field against Dr. White and ^ for a whilo things lool-o.l riirioiiw ' > ; But Dr. White sat smiling and said c j"No three candidates they can bring j .against me can wrest this election from my grasp?I am indeed sorry for ;Lawson, his defeat will be crushing."^ dacy the younger "men of the conven- i , tion and two thirds of the teachers ( t such as Drs. A. A. Sims, S, J. Rice, F. , I). Sims, T. -Elliott---Hall r-Dr: GhasvAr..i Williams, J._ P. Reeder, C. F. Gandy, J. S. Earle, H. Waikins, A. W. Hill, 1 jS. C. Campbell, and Dr. J. H. Goodwin, ( M D , The following countie? voted solidly for Rev.-drCr\Vhite: York, Ches- te?, Union, Cherokee,, Spartknburg, < Greenville, Anderson,- except 2 votes, < Laurens, except one vote, Greenwood, i -Newherry,. Aiken, Saluda, Charleston, 1 - ? ? - ^Continued on Page 8T ' f ? f . i July 21 Vnd B. Y. P. U resident?$7,3' ? IS TUl'K TO H1MSKLF H West Chester, Fa.. ^July?declaring a "imonth ago that he would take his life >eais old, a y> pnlnrort vutorori ? ?P 1 *1 .... ^ HIM _?WDI'I' I?H war, who was gassed-and was-v! still suffering from the effect-S shot hjmself Thursday' night at ci therhome-of his unile^Jami^ fir- ans, 425 E? Bernard St..TuiTTniir- V nY~\!; i bureau drawer, bu.t his uncle, G? iisarmed him after a "struggle. id: tie had iknothci-in a'wekiT'and n the struggle drew this and Y> '!a shot which grazed ihr lead of the uncle, then tunn-d it id nto his braim " .. KILLED BY LIGHTEN!NG (By Ths Associated Negro Press) ~ Baptberg, S. C.y July? y when struck"by,lightning here an Sunday afternoon. TTe had ,i;, ust Tome in from the" field. aniTre vas seated at the supper table. :> < li^nwife~was also, st trrmrd. :biit_yL ecove red.--?? v ? JSJEL^M^RICAN ? METHC>nS-4N-Arfim'X^ (By The Associated- NetrOv-+4ts>\ > ? New York, X. Y.. -July?The )eonage system so prevalent in -';he southern states, is being ~"~ lsed'by the Portuguese in AfrU 'ft. according to ? stati-noon fc.. rued by I>r. Edward Ross, Processor of sociology of the l.'niver dty of AVinconsrn, who has re-~ :ently traveled extensively in Africa. The statement charges hat the Portuguese colonial government re(|uisitioned native-he-? inr in a c..; - ^ ~ - HI ?. .A i ! IL'it Oil II whole sale scale and used it with >ut pav^lo-promote mid develop and was further leased to pro= rate planters. Tire report has been turned over to the League af Nations for action. Pastor Mrsf "Curtis mot pi-oil to \iken last Fiiday,"returning the next lay. Mrs. Josh Summers, Mrs..N*ora [Joodwin and Master Chns.' Edward. . i iceompanied the Pastor and his wife. We all enjoyed the trip, and arc glad XJ be back, ih ulll Columhiiyoiuio nuTreT *i ... ? Sl'KSCRIBE AND ? ? AI)\i;iriISE?Cur-;| ? rent; Social and Gen- ? -?% cmi. Now. ' s . .". . uc A CQPY^ 5-29-30 .Convention EQ.Q5 Raised I 'Mi'ioN ENROLLS ? Mi7 TEArHBRa= ; i y- ? ' *' . ^yC<";<*;ut(-<1 Negio Press.) riVa.? July?Dr. GeoI"''' J.!- principal of " > ; ^ _ reports session of the uuuj^r. -for' Teachersin-. . wome ifk'i.Miu has furnished" 226 stu^ ! ; ,? ; ^?=j==r==?~^^==~''' -' r ;C - ? * j ? .'' ^ :J9^H I *. " ^? 7=r H _ * K', 7-T ?: I?ffiffiir -" ' vvEjf' ' ** ?*?. .\ni', i: ('.hm ilii.a, .244; Mar? :' :.; '*: Snath Carolina, 27; ' _ -.'t^ia. 1>: Alabama. 14; Flor :t,. 1 '?; Iv.'iil iu.ky.: 10 : Arkansas i >; a.?u- .each; --New '? k. i: Kansas and New Jersey 7? '? : < Sl".;i. Illinois^ Ok-?. ;na and Pennsylvania, 1 each. i ki>i:kkh apprehen- . dei) after battle ~?-i???Va Nrtyrr. PrcssA ilh.-hinirs Oh Ihidson. n. y. ju-*' Mootv. alleged - to [\i -TTij . and-bounded his wife id have killed he^ adopted ;.e "Wednesdav \vas..eantu- . 11 J-riduv-mTthe NYw York Cen. vi ;il Yaihvad. iravkV after a pisin 5!ltcTrotno policeman . ! :' i<' Jgg. Dlljon '*' ' *i his arrival flt _Lhf _ , a. i-r-tr1?-he w.ii> glad^. he had ? can-.dn as he was tired of 'dcimr a-rountL and further ai lie did" not care if he died night": ' T~ STR R. S.^VHJvtXSON; D.,~ TTranfT MaMor of Exchequer. , ' . .. ..A _ ' r* ?