The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, May 30, 1925, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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* ' ? jn ~~r_ '_" rm 2_ I Locals Ai """ Booker Washington High School BANQUET * ?"?-'. , v?rin liuuur of "rTnTB."GRADUATING CLASS" -^Friday evening, June 5,^1925 - 8:3(T--11:30. Odd Fellows' Hall. Assembly Stree " * -. Miss Myrtle Teal of Abbeville, ! -1 : C., passed thru the city enroute 1 > Orangeburg, to attend the commenc< ment exrecises of State College ___ While here she was the guest of h< ~ aunt, Mrs, Sallie Hammock on Divir ' ? 'it- . ..P-^v - . Mrs. BnrlfP, ratnrnnH minnint ary .from Africa, will speak at Fin ' Nazareth -BapttSl cEurchj Sunda; ; '4 . May 31, 1925. Her subject will b< ? ''Some- of-the Needs of Liberia." A rT * Ibvelrs of christian missinno o?>,? vTted to hear her. A rare treat ?r-?: in Store tor the public. t The friends of William D. Robinso f the vouny poet and Editor of Stra Leaves Poetry Department in this pi per, and Lyrical Hearfc-Ihrobsy atrh ?*T poetry department in the Pittsbur > Courier, will be interested to kno1 that he leaves on the 27th for Pitt; burg, where he plans to "spend th ' greater part of the summer. "Th Stray Leaves will continue W?cawi ^ from his pen as before, growing bel ter. and-better as his yoyng life e> pands under the broadening influ | ence of experience. ~~ f Mr. Robinson is a Benedict Colleg student, having -just nCOmpleted th Junior college year. He is the latei "son" of Dr. Matilda Ar-fjiyarrs, ou ' . ?great physician and leader rn educs tion and racial welfate. ' ' 77? H^nnn MA^ifC AT ROYAL THEATRI \s. 11 .=. ~ . -- - - " l_ urince Majahara to be Headline at Theatre Tuesday and L? ^? Wednesday. ? 0J' ' . ? Prince Majahara, said to be maste f of almost every blanch of anclett r*- Hindoo Magic, is to be the headline " attraction at the Royal Theatre, Tue; I __day _and Wednesday nights, with Special Matinee for Women Only o Wednesday afternoon at 4 p. m. .N men or children will be admitted. The Prince's performance is qui to?border on the uncanny." "He ar -swers an questions put to him by in -dividuulir on every possible subjeci iLis. claimetii.and this he-promises t wj do at the ftoyal Theatre, Tuesda; _and Wednesday-nights? Newsrpaper have hailed him?as East India' . , greatest exponent of Magic, Palmis ~~ Try, IVTihd reading, Hypnotism, Faker ism and Spiritualistic Reading. The greatest and most travelled er - tartaincr on the stage-in recent ydari commented one newspaper! His aoi t said another journal is a night i Magicland and a night of nights.; The Prince has just arrived fror tour-of the ^StatO' <of Florida an has high rating in the Mystic Work Go and see the Prince at the Ryoa \ Theatre,--Tuesday and Wednesday. t..j -?JEhe-Prince besides being ainagicia .< is an artist and.'sculptor. Anyone de aTv-, siring to take lessohs in these art I. the magical art included Will pleas address Prince Majahara, in care o 1, this paper. PROF H A M1II.FR Q) QHIQSTATF44itfWCPepn TO ADDRESS N. A A. C. F I DENVER MEET. [Philadelphia to Send Specie Car With Delegates. Professor Herbert Adolphu Miller of Ohio State University recently tendered the presidenc; of Fisk University, has accepts an invitation to address th 16th Annual Conference of th National Association "for th Advancement of Colored Pec pie in Devener, Colorado, thi June. Charles Edward Russel of Washington, a member of th N. A/A. C. P. Board of Direc tors, has also accepted an invi tation to speak., The Philadelphia Branch o , the N. A. A. C. P., through it president, Isadore Martin, 4s at ranging for at least one Pull mail car full of delegates an members from Philadelphia an once. All those intending to g 1 \ to Denver, are again , strongl; i urged to send their names to th National Office of~the 'N7~A. A York, in order that proper ac Saturday, May 30, 1925. id Personals. | - , - k comojodatio^fis may be arranged ? for. ? i? N. A. A. C. K WIRES GOV. PINCHOT ASKING CURB t ON PENN. K K. K. Attempts by the Ku Klux ^ Klan of Harrisburg, Pennsyls. vania, to capitalize newspaper e. scarehead account of^j:rime hy-r Negroes, brought a vigorous t(t protpst. from the National As;sn? ciation for the Advancement of Coiored People. 69 Fifth Ave It_nue, New York, which ~WiTecT ^Governor Gifford Pinchot as follows: II 7 "The National- Associati on u fortheAdvancementof Coloj ed la~ People~desires to call your .attention to scarehead featuri ng n of alleged crime by a Negro fn y Ilarrisburg?press of^Saturdj iy, i- May 2nd, and use of-this ne ws ?tTn "foment dangerous race hos^ g tility by Ku Klux Klan in a folder -flooding the streets a acT ie mail boxes and reading as fole lows: ? . . * ?" 'Citizens of Ptarrisbur^r,! t_ Awake! The News Items c?f Last Week should remind yo u Z JjigjL some organization fur 111 ir e public good is necessary in Hai e-risbttrg. it " 'Vulgar shows, L attacks on ir white girls and liqupr law viols tl? -tiohsL_filifed_ the' front_ pages o f ; our daily papers. ; ^ ? ?" 'Tlie.3ulutlon?Organize. """'Watch for-Later Announce 7 . u raeni. " 'Knights of the Ku Klu: c l Klan. -P. 0 ranx Hnrrf*? burg, Pa7 - . * "We are also informed tha.t Klansmen are holding nightl y meetings at Penbrooke, Pa r where a Npgro boy is nnw hp! cl ' charged with shooting a wc vman. Harm to boy is feare d a and local colored people are ap?n prehensive fair trial will not b ? i 0 granted. National Association d for the Advancement of Colored People respectfully reuuests-^ou k take steps to protect .and assurcn t, fair trial to boy and to suppress ? 'dariijeiuus and Tiot~ "provoking" y activities of Ku Klux Klan7' ^?The Nt. A. A, C. P. telegram to ~ the Pennsylvania Governor i > ^ -aigneU-JUy- Waltei^W hite, Assist ant Secretary. v? ;,| CHICACO TO ENTERt, TAIN THE NATIONAL rv?MEDICAL ASSOCIATlOPr n Chicago, 111. May?(By Tbe, Associated Negro Press) ?T.'ae j Chicago Physicians', Dentists-% - -and?Phaywiftc'sls.' AssocurtioBfc rT whichPis* to be the host of the ^ -NationalMedical Association, ^ August 24^ "to 29, inclusive, Tfes .. I begun active preparations for1 entertainment. The slogan of' every one present was to make. tVio ^^p^^ng rrTTTrtiTTf" ^^fhrr^Nr? \ M. A. the largest and mosl ; valuable *n the history of the \ ~ organization. ; Dr. Powell, * a k* member of the dental program a committee, reported that the r committee had been able to se* y cure the services of men of ind ternationaL-Xfifiut^ioii who are e "authorities on the subjects they e will present. Drs. Turpin and e Ellis, members of the faculty i- of Meharry Dental College, were ; s present, the former lay'ng espe- j 1, cial emphasis upon the neces-i e sity of flip Hpnfal prnyram prim-; ^ mittee getting the best men ob tainable to appear on the den tal program. , f ! s CALLS MARRIAGE HIDEOUS FVTT l ? Paris, France, May?-(By j"~The Associated Negrro Pres-s)-? -^Marria?? iar 6ne"bf -the most 0 hideous ev'ls of which soci ety is y a victim, and free love is even e worse," declared Raymond [T can, in "a speech at the Salle des* r-fngertfeOTB, in Paris. * Draped in h!a cKafalfflys of THE PALME fine white wool, with his hare feet in sandals and a narrow bar across THs forehead, the American apostle of the simple life expressed his views on the problems of sex to a large i*rotip ? "We- are all blinded by the absurd importance attached to sex," he Affirmed. "Certainly women and men have ;their physical differences; but after all, they have the same k'nd of hands, feet, heart and blood. If men and-women were to get rid of-the sex obsession they wpuld be more united and would be able to contribqte much more effectively?to the J -'progress of mankind." Duncan does not see a^y soxiai utility^ j ivMmage r in tact7 he is of the -opinion* that them isn't much use in the institution at all. But a suitable, substitute he cannot yet offer for he hasji't yet been able tu hit upon, it.. He-is on the outlook ToFTt and he wants all - good Frenchmen to help him w5th his task. N. A. A. C. P. ASKS POSTOFFICE TO ACT AGAINST ?RIOT-INCITFNG-EDITOR The National Association for the Advancement of ' Colored People. 60 Fifth Avenuer iNew' York, has -asked Postmaster General-Harry Si New-4o?take action against the editor~oT The Argus, a white paper published at Rockaway Beach, on Long Tsl^Vlri. -frSr mrtUL&hiricr nn pdi torial directly inciting to mob violence. The editorial complained of the actions of certain colored men towaul lucal white women, says: "There is only one effective remedy for this and that is for the men of the community jta'take the matter into their dign punishment on the spot. It is not a matter for the police or the courts. A creature who lie streets puts himself outside the pale, and laws and courts .were not made for him.'' _ _ The N. A. A. jC^-P. has had a letter in response to its communication from H. J. Donnelly, Acting Solicitor of the Department, who declares the maltpr W411 hnvp thpTncit Offi Flo. f-.^-?\ ; -- ROBERT || 1 DISTINCTIVE ft; Copying, Enlarging. Framing. J ing.-1 Sittings Made Day - - ALL WORK ( | ~~ M A NIGAULT-G, ? UNDERTAKERS and 1 X . FUNERAE SUPPUKS ft! MOTUK E J PHONES: OFFICE 8519 / ,714 S. MAIN STREET^ t i4^X^X?X^X"X?W^X">X"X": i ? BROWN'S B :: JAS. L. BROWN, Prop., i? "*' ' Everything Sanitai ?; " r Four First-Class E | x Billiard Pa ? ? 1120 Washington Street, 9 . . __ ' I OFFICERS: f ?, J. C. McGRAW, Pret. A H. H SMITH, V, P^.., 1 !UW;. J. J. CKKACiH, Treat. X T. C. WILLIAMS, Sec.-Mgr. j ow J>R. H. C. SCARLETT^ E^E. MOORE. X ^ M ^ - ? r-r - ^ *8* ^ You Are ? ^ burying us, i u :: Why Not ;;rw, i: puY from usrj ij: > *V ' ?? * s ITO LEADER ??- ; 7)artment's careful considera-. tion. ' MARINE ALLEGED TO HAVE KILLED GIRL . INDICTED OF MURDER -?Jasper R. Kirk, lately in 111v? >U. S. Marine Corps, who was \ accused of having tortured and murdered a^ colored girl on the Marine Corps reservation some weeks agu,?in Florida, nas been indicted.for murder by a federal grand jury, it was?reported W the National Association for tht Advancement of Colored People. 4,000 SEE "MILESTONE" Kansas City, Kan.. May J ? (By The Associated Negro sPtess)?"Milestones" the histor'cal pageant of progress writfen and directed )iv 'Miss Ada Crogman, of Philadelphia, was - ?- .. - . \ _ produced here Thursday and of Douglass Hospital. More than r 3, 500 people witnessed?the spectacle portrayed by a cast of i 500 people;. . Two _yaung- meiv?o-T-DoTrton 1 while on a journey through In-T'i dia witnessed an exhibition by j ^ . a fakir m a small" village.?The 'r Takir was performing the usual, experiment, of making a rope dp-1 scend from The elouds and a man, came down the rope, who ascend- ed by the same route afteHhav-ri ing dj^d lay cut olt. The I exhibition an open square" before a thousand spectators, and every one saw plainly what was happening. ' The wto Bostonians had came- j ras with them,'and took nume-J rous snap shots of the exhibi. . ? tion in its various stages, intpnrling to write, an article on- the? subject, illustrated 'by photographs But when tho plater. were developed, the wonders had vanished. There were the | fakir and the people, but no tie- I j capitated man and no rope! The iunlookers_Jiad_ evidently been hypnotized into seeking the faI kir's feat, but he coirid not hypnotize. the camera, and it reveal|ed the truth. S STUDIO r PHOTOGRAPHY - |i Jhnt.ns int Jtrwolry. Kodali Kin[flh pr Night; Rain or Shine. 8 ; GUARANTEED. - - -in 7* COLUMBIA, S. C. . |"j ^X">X"XwX"X*?X'<X''t'iX'<X'V'I>'>X''X' i ^TEN-WILLIAMS 1-1 LICENSED EMBALMER8 X1] . AT 4jOWEST -PRICESr quifment. RESIDENCE 7242 % \ COLUMBIA, s. c. X ; ill ^wXM!M!<4<^Xa*XMXMXM!MXMXHXt*>>Xi ] ARBERSHOP \\\ Matthew A. Robinson, Mgr. |> ; *y and Up-To-Date. ',', I larbers. No waiting. ? 7? \ ?> rlor m Rear. :: : Columbia, S. C. KhM^H*<^XK^KhXKhXKhX,,Mm8> *J? WAYCROSS | Casket Company f Tied, Operated and Controlled ? BY NEGROES ?- MarnrfacTTrrers of J J High Grade Caskets ;; ~ And Dealers in \ J NDERTAKERS SUPPLIES Jil Lemxhart St., and GOO EwlrtifStrH ^ \YCftOSS - ticorgia ? C, WILLIAMS, Sec?Manager | . -" * ' ~ -*.v * * * -r ' , . _ " ^ i r*' * mrvv x jriL' FHE UNITED SONS s an organization \vhi< \ nfirm people of South Gar larrisdn; State Blaster, Pi J. V. McCrae, Stale Treas ilisie . and gives to ihq \,< Tgysj from fifty to one IvnT 'rom $25,-00 to $100.00 in -c tousehold goods. It pays"f i.ess and up to Slo op mi !)< Think of ii ; and for u REV. J. J. or Prot. J. A. Kti T. H. Pj UN'DERTAKI of South Ca Pinrknev's Ss BEST EQUIPPED IN ? ?FOI _ Office-Phone 5707 1006 WASH IN (i TON' i?owe j- Merch 8^?-- V?/,. a vvc ^cti i I v of Dome# Woolens-' .before pur' I 1117 VVa Phon i OjDX?.O;C>'OX>;O.O.O:O:O:oc> 0:0 O. O OO O O. ??w??B? 7 r I IMPERIAL ? . | i rescrif I 1 105 Washing | ? -?s ;!* .? Everything carrie f PRESeRtfTH ca 11 for a: I . ' VOUR | IMPERIAL _ SETEW | 1--QF- A BR A H AM & D. of J. 1 doing a great work for the poor and 7?3 oiina.- It has at'its head Rev. J. J. of.; J. A. Kirk,. State Secretary, and '! itrir. It -pays to its mdmbers while_ ^ iiwfiiiai v . sometinrig" Itffejr death. It fired dollars for hospital benefits and ase of total loss by fire of house and rum $tToO tgj $u!00 peivweek for sicknTnr>sTijj}. : , ""sr ny infoiinatipn write , . ^INI..2*110 Richland St.. Columbia, S: C. ?~~ CK, S. Sec., Bennettsville, S. C. " 1 [NCKts[EY~| ^T"* A Tr-V Tl* A -w ~m m- -m-i-m-*. ^lv AINU llilVloALtiViJbiXv* rolina and Georgia. _______ Cheapest Undertaker, |1; ' ; _ '_ ^ Very Best ServiceJLn fA - the City. T~^ T ^ WITH jjj Complete Motor Outfit. . ?..-mi- . _ * * initary Barber Shop ? tiOUUSELE^- RRR _ ? Residence Phone "7765 " ~ ST.. COLUMBIA. S. C. __ C&yS^f&Qg^^ M & PAUL j^= antTailors i ?y a complete Stock ;!" j^ ; tie?aetel?imported ? * Colne and see Us . { chasing your next SUIT u:!:: uirf" ishington Street - ?L\ ie 6963 ~ - j ~ . . . ~ . ' A 11 " 1' 4 )tion Druggists ;> [ton St. Phone 7226 ?j>? _ ^c _r, ... . i \ - _ . _ _ o d in a r irst-class Drug Store \ * DNS OUR SPECIALTY. ih" nd deliver Prescriptions. \ \ , ;; S FOR SERVICE,; , ? . DftUG STORE ^ - ? ?