* ' ? jn ~~r_ '_" rm 2_ I Locals Ai """ Booker Washington High School BANQUET * ?"?-'. , v?rin liuuur of "rTnTB."GRADUATING CLASS" -^Friday evening, June 5,^1925 - 8:3(T--11:30. Odd Fellows' Hall. Assembly Stree " * -. Miss Myrtle Teal of Abbeville, ! -1 : C., passed thru the city enroute 1 > Orangeburg, to attend the commenc< ment exrecises of State College ___ While here she was the guest of h< ~ aunt, Mrs, Sallie Hammock on Divir ' ? 'it- . ..P-^v - . Mrs. BnrlfP, ratnrnnH minnint ary .from Africa, will speak at Fin ' Nazareth -BapttSl cEurchj Sunda; ; '4 . May 31, 1925. Her subject will b< ? ''Some- of-the Needs of Liberia." A rT * Ibvelrs of christian missinno o?>,? vTted to hear her. A rare treat ?r-?: in Store tor the public. t The friends of William D. Robinso f the vouny poet and Editor of Stra Leaves Poetry Department in this pi per, and Lyrical Hearfc-Ihrobsy atrh ?*T poetry department in the Pittsbur > Courier, will be interested to kno1 that he leaves on the 27th for Pitt; burg, where he plans to "spend th ' greater part of the summer. "Th Stray Leaves will continue W?cawi ^ from his pen as before, growing bel ter. and-better as his yoyng life e> pands under the broadening influ | ence of experience. ~~ f Mr. Robinson is a Benedict Colleg student, having -just nCOmpleted th Junior college year. He is the latei "son" of Dr. Matilda Ar-fjiyarrs, ou ' . ?great physician and leader rn educs tion and racial welfate. ' ' 77? H^nnn MA^ifC AT ROYAL THEATRI \s. 11 .=. ~ . -- - - " l_ urince Majahara to be Headline at Theatre Tuesday and L? ^? Wednesday. ? 0J' ' . ? Prince Majahara, said to be maste f of almost every blanch of anclett r*- Hindoo Magic, is to be the headline " attraction at the Royal Theatre, Tue; I __day _and Wednesday nights, with Special Matinee for Women Only o Wednesday afternoon at 4 p. m. .N men or children will be admitted. The Prince's performance is qui to?border on the uncanny." "He ar -swers an questions put to him by in -dividuulir on every possible subjeci iLis. claimetii.and this he-promises t wj do at the ftoyal Theatre, Tuesda; _and Wednesday-nights? Newsrpaper have hailed him?as East India' . , greatest exponent of Magic, Palmis ~~ Try, IVTihd reading, Hypnotism, Faker ism and Spiritualistic Reading. The greatest and most travelled er - tartaincr on the stage-in recent ydari commented one newspaper! His aoi t said another journal is a night i Magicland and a night of nights.; The Prince has just arrived fror tour-of the ^StatO' ^ -aigneU-JUy- Waltei^W hite, Assist ant Secretary. v? ;,| CHICACO TO ENTERt, TAIN THE NATIONAL rv?MEDICAL ASSOCIATlOPr n Chicago, 111. May?(By Tbe, Associated Negro Press) ?T.'ae j Chicago Physicians', Dentists-% - -and?Phaywiftc'sls.' AssocurtioBfc rT whichPis* to be the host of the ^ -NationalMedical Association, ^ August 24^ "to 29, inclusive, Tfes .. I begun active preparations for1 entertainment. The slogan of' every one present was to make. tVio ^^p^^ng rrTTTrtiTTf" ^^fhrr^Nr? \ M. A. the largest and mosl ; valuable *n the history of the \ ~ organization. ; Dr. Powell, * a k* member of the dental program a committee, reported that the r committee had been able to se* y cure the services of men of ind ternationaL-Xfifiut^ioii who are e "authorities on the subjects they e will present. Drs. Turpin and e Ellis, members of the faculty i- of Meharry Dental College, were ; s present, the former lay'ng espe- j 1, cial emphasis upon the neces-i e sity of flip Hpnfal prnyram prim-; ^ mittee getting the best men ob tainable to appear on the den tal program. , f ! s CALLS MARRIAGE HIDEOUS FVTT l ? Paris, France, May?-(By j"~The Associated Negrro Pres-s)-? -^Marria?? iar 6ne"bf -the most 0 hideous ev'ls of which soci ety is y a victim, and free love is even e worse," declared Raymond [T can, in "a speech at the Salle des* r-fngertfeOTB, in Paris. * Draped in h!a cKafalfflys of THE PALME fine white wool, with his hare feet in sandals and a narrow bar across THs forehead, the American apostle of the simple life expressed his views on the problems of sex to a large i*rotip ? "We- are all blinded by the absurd importance attached to sex," he Affirmed. "Certainly women and men have ;their physical differences; but after all, they have the same k'nd of hands, feet, heart and blood. If men and-women were to get rid of-the sex obsession they wpuld be more united and would be able to contribqte much more effectively?to the J -'progress of mankind." Duncan does not see a^y soxiai utility^ j ivMmage r in tact7 he is of the -opinion* that them isn't much use in the institution at all. But a suitable, substitute he cannot yet offer for he hasji't yet been able tu hit upon, it.. He-is on the outlook ToFTt and he wants all - good Frenchmen to help him w5th his task. N. A. A. C. P. ASKS POSTOFFICE TO ACT AGAINST ?RIOT-INCITFNG-EDITOR The National Association for the Advancement of ' Colored People. 60 Fifth Avenuer iNew' York, has -asked Postmaster General-Harry Si New-4o?take action against the editor~oT The Argus, a white paper published at Rockaway Beach, on Long Tsl^Vlri. -frSr mrtUL&hiricr nn pdi torial directly inciting to mob violence. The editorial complained of the actions of certain colored men towaul lucal white women, says: "There is only one effective remedy for this and that is for the men of the community jta'take the matter into their dign punishment on the spot. It is not a matter for the police or the courts. A creature who lie streets puts himself outside the pale, and laws and courts .were not made for him.'' _ _ The N. A. A. jC^-P. has had a letter in response to its communication from H. J. Donnelly, Acting Solicitor of the Department, who declares the maltpr W411 hnvp thpTncit Offi Flo. f-.^-?\ ; -- ROBERT || 1 DISTINCTIVE ft; Copying, Enlarging. Framing. J ing.-1 Sittings Made Day - - ALL WORK ( | ~~ M A NIGAULT-G, ? UNDERTAKERS and 1 X . FUNERAE SUPPUKS ft! MOTUK E J PHONES: OFFICE 8519 / ,714 S. MAIN STREET^ t i4^X^X?X^X"X?W^X">X"X": i ? BROWN'S B :: JAS. L. BROWN, Prop., i? "*' ' Everything Sanitai ?; " r Four First-Class E | x Billiard Pa ? ? 1120 Washington Street, 9 . . __ ' I OFFICERS: f ?, J. C. McGRAW, Pret. A H. H SMITH, V, P^.., 1 !UW;. J. J. CKKACiH, Treat. X T. C. WILLIAMS, Sec.-Mgr. j ow J>R. H. C. SCARLETT^ E^E. MOORE. X ^ M ^ - ? r-r - ^ *8* ^ You Are ? ^ burying us, i u :: Why Not ;;rw, i: puY from usrj ij: > *V ' ?? * s ITO LEADER ??- ; 7)artment's careful considera-. tion. ' MARINE ALLEGED TO HAVE KILLED GIRL . INDICTED OF MURDER -?Jasper R. Kirk, lately in 111v? >U. S. Marine Corps, who was \ accused of having tortured and murdered a^ colored girl on the Marine Corps reservation some weeks agu,?in Florida, nas been indicted.for murder by a federal grand jury, it was?reported W the National Association for tht Advancement of Colored People. 4,000 SEE "MILESTONE" Kansas City, Kan.. May J ? (By The Associated Negro sPtess)?"Milestones" the histor'cal pageant of progress writfen and directed )iv 'Miss Ada Crogman, of Philadelphia, was - ?- .. - . \ _ produced here Thursday and of Douglass Hospital. More than r 3, 500 people witnessed?the spectacle portrayed by a cast of i 500 people;. . Two _yaung- meiv?o-T-DoTrton 1 while on a journey through In-T'i dia witnessed an exhibition by j ^ . a fakir m a small" village.?The 'r Takir was performing the usual, experiment, of making a rope dp-1 scend from The elouds and a man, came down the rope, who ascend- ed by the same route afteHhav-ri ing dj^d lay cut olt. The I exhibition was.in an open square" before a thousand spectators, and every one saw plainly what was happening. ' The wto Bostonians had came- j ras with them,'and took nume-J rous snap shots of the exhibi. . ? tion in its various stages, intpnrling to write, an article on- the? subject, illustrated 'by photographs But when tho plater. were developed, the wonders had vanished. There were the | fakir and the people, but no tie- I j capitated man and no rope! The iunlookers_Jiad_ evidently been hypnotized into seeking the faI kir's feat, but he coirid not hypnotize. the camera, and it reveal|ed the truth. S STUDIO r PHOTOGRAPHY - |i Jhnt.ns int Jtrwolry. Kodali Kin[flh pr Night; Rain or Shine. 8 ; GUARANTEED. - - -in 7* COLUMBIA, S. C. . |"j ^X">X"XwX"X*?X''>X''X' i ^TEN-WILLIAMS 1-1 LICENSED EMBALMER8 X1] . AT 4jOWEST -PRICESr quifment. RESIDENCE 7242 % \ COLUMBIA, s. c. X ; ill ^wXM!M!<4<^Xa*XMXMXM!MXMXHXt*>>Xi ] ARBERSHOP \\\ Matthew A. Robinson, Mgr. |> ; *y and Up-To-Date. ',', I larbers. No waiting. ? 7? \ ?> rlor m Rear. :: : Columbia, S. C. KhM^H*<^XK^KhXKhXKhX,,Mm8> *J? WAYCROSS | Casket Company f Tied, Operated and Controlled ? BY NEGROES ?- MarnrfacTTrrers of J J High Grade Caskets ;; ~ And Dealers in \ J NDERTAKERS SUPPLIES Jil Lemxhart St., and GOO EwlrtifStrH ^ \YCftOSS - ticorgia ? C, WILLIAMS, Sec?Manager | . -" * ' ~ -*.v * * * -r ' , . _ " ^ i r*' * mrvv x jriL' FHE UNITED SONS s an organization \vhi< \ nfirm people of South Gar larrisdn; State Blaster, Pi J. V. McCrae, Stale Treas ilisie . and gives to ihq \,< Tgysj from fifty to one IvnT 'rom $25,-00 to $100.00 in -c tousehold goods. It pays"f i.ess and up to Slo op mi !)< Think of ii ; and for u REV. J. J. or Prot. J. A. Kti T. H. Pj UN'DERTAKI of South Ca Pinrknev's Ss BEST EQUIPPED IN ? ?FOI _ Office-Phone 5707 1006 WASH IN (i TON' i?owe j- Merch 8^?-- V?/,. a vvc ^cti i I v of Dome# Woolens-' .before pur' I 1117 VVa Phon i OjDX?.O;C>'OX>;O.O.O:O:O:oc> 0:0 O. O OO O O. ??w??B? 7 r I IMPERIAL ? . | i rescrif I 1 105 Washing | ? -?s ;!* .? Everything carrie f PRESeRtfTH ca 11 for a: I . ' VOUR | IMPERIAL _ SETEW | 1--QF- A BR A H AM & D. of J. 1 doing a great work for the poor and 7?3 oiina.- It has at'its head Rev. J. J. of.; J. A. Kirk,. State Secretary, and '! itrir. It -pays to its mdmbers while_ ^ iiwfiiiai v . sometinrig" Itffejr death. It fired dollars for hospital benefits and ase of total loss by fire of house and rum $tToO tgj $u!00 peivweek for sicknTnr>sTijj}. : , ""sr ny infoiinatipn write , . ^INI..2*110 Richland St.. Columbia, S: C. ?~~ CK, S. Sec., Bennettsville, S. C. " 1 [NCKts[EY~| ^T"* A Tr-V Tl* A -w ~m m- -m-i-m-*. ^lv AINU llilVloALtiViJbiXv* rolina and Georgia. _______ Cheapest Undertaker, |1; ' ; _ '_ ^ Very Best ServiceJLn fA - the City. T~^ T ^ WITH jjj Complete Motor Outfit. . ?..-mi- . _ * * initary Barber Shop ? tiOUUSELE^- RRR _ ? Residence Phone "7765 " ~ ST.. COLUMBIA. S. C. __ C&yS^f&Qg^^ M & PAUL j^= antTailors i ?y a complete Stock ;!" j^ ; tie?aetel?imported ? * Colne and see Us . { chasing your next SUIT u:!:: uirf" ishington Street - ?L\ ie 6963 ~ - j ~ . . . ~ . ' A 11 " 1' 4 )tion Druggists ;> [ton St. Phone 7226 ?j>? _ ^c _r, ... . i \ - _ . _ _ o d in a r irst-class Drug Store \ * DNS OUR SPECIALTY. ih" nd deliver Prescriptions. \ \ , ;; S FOR SERVICE,; , ? . DftUG STORE ^ - ? ?