The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, June 03, 1904, Image 8

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"Till I The Old Rat We have pur Battery stock < & Co. at a tremor the goods will ! never before. \ stock, and will open for husinei ing next, the 28t] BE QUICK, and join the m will visit us that great Bargain F LISTEN! TO THE MUSIC Beautiful Figured Lawns 3e yard, Calico as low as 3c j a pair, Sox 2Jc a pair, Apron Bed Spreads 49c each, one po For Only On 2 papers tacks, 2 papers need one doz. safety pins, 1 box mi 1 quire note paper, 1 bundle chief, 1 tablet, 1 pair good si eyes, 1 key chain, and many i Come, and com cheapest store in THE B J.C. RATLIFF, Pn COUNTY CANDIDATES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I respectfully announce myself ft re-election to House of Representative a. C. I hereby announce myself a cand date for re-election to the House i Representatives. H. c Little I hereby announce myself a cand date for the House of Represent tlves. Ben p. Townsenik I hereby announce myself a cand date for the House oi Represent tlves. l j. Browning. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a cand date for re-election as Sheriff of Unit county subject to the decision of tl Democratic primary. j. w. Sanders. I heieby announce myself a candidal forShe'iff of Union county, subject i the decision of the Democratic voters i the ensuing primary election. j. (t Long. I hereby announce myself a cand date for Sheriff of Union county, sul jeot. to the decision of tho Democrat primary election. j. Kemp Thomas. clerk of court I hereby announce mvself a candidal for re-election as Clerk of Court ft Union County, subject to the dec! ion ( the DflmnftraMe nrimurv kWtlnn I. Frank Pkakb. FOR COUNTY 8UPT. EDUCATIOI I am a candidate for re-election < the office of County Superlntendet of Education for Union county. D. B. FANT. FOlt AUDITOR I hereby announce myself a Candida for Auditor of Union county, subject the decision of the Democratic primar; Levi W. Smith. I hereby announce myself a Candida for re-election to the office of Auditor < Union County, subject to the decision < the Democratic primary election. JohnG. Farr. I hereby announce myself a cand date for Auditor of Union county, an pledge myself to abide by the result < the primary election. J. D. Epps. I hereby announce myself a candidal for Auditor for Union Comity subj-oi i the decision of the Democratic piitnaelection. J. B. Lancaster. 1 hereby announce myself h candidal for Auditor, subj ^t to ilie d?etaf?"i ? the Democratic prima'y elec'i??ii .1 J), smith, .lit FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidal ? for re-election to the ? fflce of Count Treasurer, subj-ct to the decision of th Democratic primary elect ion Jambs H. Babtuu. M rr jacob" % tier is coming. chased the entire >f T. M. MoNeaoe idous discount, and be slaughtered as Ve are now taking throw the doors ss Saturday mornti, at at 9 o'clock. BE SMART, ighty throng that day and share the east. LISTEN! : OF LOW PRICES: ? 2?c yard, nice smooth Sheeting fard, Men'* Elastic Suspenders 5c Ginghams 2?c yard, nice White >und of good note paper for 10c. ie Penny Each, Ilea, 1 paper pins, 2 lead pencils, )urning pins, 1 package envelopes hair pins, 2 thimbles, 1 handkerloe strings, 1 card of hooks and other things we can't mention. e in a hurry, to the ftie State. ATTERY, sp. Union, S. C. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself h candiln e for re-election to the office of County or Commissioner, subject to the decision of 8 tl?e Democratic prim hi v el- ciion it. M. Mom,fy. Ij. I hereby announce myself a candl0f date for County Commissioner, and will abide by the result of the Democratic primary election. * A. Gkifin Bentley. It" i myself a Candida e for re-elec ion for County Oomini-sioner. i- subject. to the decision of tlie Demociatic a- prim ry election W Fowlkh Hobo FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate )n for re-election to the otfl '.e of County 16 Supervisor of Union (Joun'y, subj-c'. to the decision of the Democratic piituary election. te T. .1. RrtTKNBAUaii. to at FOR CO RON E It I hereby announce mys If h candidate for Coroner, subject to > lie decision of i- the Democratic piiumiy ehction* ft F CrHEOOKY. Ic ' ? Announcements. FOR MAYOR. A )r I hereby announce myself a candi[>f date for Mayor of the city of Union. Respt.. R L. MONAJ.LY. f. I hereby annonnce myself a candidate for the office of Mayor for the ? town of Union, 8. C I Macbeth Young. J FOR ALDERMAN. 1 I hereby respectfully iuinoui.ce myself te h candidate for Alderman from Waid 3. lo] Thos E. I)IC\N. ii. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman of Ward 4 RespectfuJW, JSWOR COHKN. COMMISSIONER PUBLIC WORKS j. I hereby announce myself a oandi d date for re-election as Coinmlssion-r >f of Publio Works. Wm. H. Sartok. Takes Oath as Mayor. 10 Baltimore, May 31.?President E * Clay Tlmanus, of the second branch of the city councils took the oath oi ( office as mayor of Baltimore today, ^ becoming the successor to Robert M. McLanc, who ended his life yesterday by a pistol shot. Under a provision of the city charter Mayor Timanus will serve out the balance of Mayor * McLane's term of three years. Mayor ? Tlmanus is a Republican and a leading manufacturer of this clfy. He la 41 years old. j -A BIG FIRM SUSPENDS IN NEW YORK CITY S. Munn, Son & Co., Large Cot* ton Establishment* ANNOUNCED ON THE EXCHANGE. 8aid To Be One of the Oldest Flrma In the Cotton Trade In New York. Head Bookkeeper and Cashier Said To Have Disappeared. New York* May 31.?The suspension of S. Munn, Son & Co., was announced on the Cotton Exchange today. The Arm is one of the oldest in. the ootton trade in this city. The head bookkeeper and cashier disappeared about ten day* ago, and the firm believes that as soon as Its accounts are straightened out it will be able to resume business. At the office of the Arm it was said that Clarence F. Cameron, the office man and head clerk, had been absent for about a week. An examination of the books so far made, it was added, showed apparent discrepancies amounting to about $125,000. The Munn Arm is one of the moat fVMl.QdvrVflt I VP fliifl rpcnonta/1 In tbo aaK ton business. It is composed of Samuel 0. Munn and H. Tilseton Munn and the estate of A. Godwin Munn, Jr. The firm had a cofTee exchange membership, but had few operations there. August Skillen, the legal representative of the firm said that the Chicago Board of Trade accounts of the suspended firm were badly tangled up. A week ago it was said Cameron left the office, saying he was going t<J Brooklyn, where his baby was ill. Mrs. Cameron called at the flrm'l office today and told the officials of the company that she had not seen her husband since that day. Cameron had been in the employ of the company for 16 years. Members of the firm say their local cotton accounts are all right and have already been adjusted, and that tha property of the firm improperly diverted was comparatively small and not nearly $100,000. Several claims to meet notes were made some time ago by firms doing business with Munn & Co., by housed creditors to thd suspended firm, and In this way It was discovered that eomethiong was wrong, and on examination of the books the lrregul&ritlef were disclosed. BL10TRIC BOLTS CAU9K PANICS Bollevue Hospital at New York la Plunged Into Darkneas. New York, May 31.?A flash of lightning that passed into the motor at the power house of the United Electric Light and Power company, which supplies power for the lights at Bellevue hospital, has thrown tha great establishment Into darkness for nearly three hours. Fortunately no operations were in progress, and no damage was done. The flash was proceded by a fearful thunder clap and the darkness following Immediately after caused some uneasiness among the patients and hospital staff. At Mount Vernon lightning struck the power house of the Connecticut Traction company and all traffic was crippled for the night. A small panic occurred in Trocadero Music hall at Fort George, when the lightning struck the bullcUair. Nearly 2,000 persons, many of them women who had entered to apeape-^he storm, were wildly excited for a few moments. Several fainted, bht no one Was SOriouslv iniiireri ( u * ?" Many of the hotels were affected by the storm, their lighting plants being tomporarily put out of business. CASE OF HIDDEN IDENTITY. Police Make 8ensational Discovery In New York. New York, May 31.?A small Are which destroyed a negro hovel in Brooklyn has disclosed to the police a strange case of hidden Identity. In the Are which <deetroyed the building a beautiful white child I years old lost its life. The white child had been reared by an old negross. Fragmentary admissions hy the ne gress lead to the belief that the child's mother was a young white woman m?,11 1? ?- * '* I won iMiuwii in nrooKiyn society. ltd 1 foster mother said she received $50(1 every 12 months to oare for the little girl, but that payments stopped five years ago and owing to her attachment for the little one, she went to work In order to provide for it. She was absent when the house was burned. The child was locked in and perished. Thus far all efforts to unseal the woman's lips and disclose the chlld'4 Identity have failed. Leading Chicago Physician Dead. Chicago, May 31.?Dr. Ralph W I sham, for nearly half a century one of the leading physician* of Chicago, died today at Lake Foreet, lib, from * i && .I ? . ~ : araHI (i EalSB nWI'H'ila MAYOR McLANfe 8UICIDES. Baltimore's Chief Magistrate Fires Bui* let Into His Brain. Baltimore, MiU May 31.?Mayor Robert M. McLane, of this city, shot and killed himself at his home in his bedroom Monday. His bride of two weeks was at the time asleep in the adjoining room, and was awakened h y the discharge of the revolver, which Mr. McLane evidently used while standing before the mirror of the dressing case. The bullet entered the right temple, and crashing through the head, escaped in the rear of the left ear. Mrs. McLane and other members of the household rushed to the mayor's assistance, but he did not regain consciousness after he fell to the floor, and expired within an hour, a number of physicians who were Immediately summoned having at once expressed tt^e opinion that the wound was necessarily fatal. No cause can be assigned for the act by the members of Mr. McLane'tf family. Since the Are of last February he had been kept assiduously at work administering the affairs of the cltyi, besides endeavoring to direct the rehabilitation and rebuilding of the burned district. This, together with criticisms by his political opponents, are thought by many to have caused a temporary aberration of mind. * NEMESIS OF BOLL WEEVIL. Busy Little Red Ants Play Havoc i With Cotton's Enemy. Fort Worth, Tex., May 31.?A special to The Record from San Antonio, Tex., says: Jose Casslano, ex-county collector, who has several sundry acres of cotton In this county. Is tho bearer of good tidings concerning the work oi I red ants. Mr. Cassiano's fields less than a month ago were alive with boll weevils. Today he says there are no liVA WAAVIIq in Ilia fiplHa Tho rown are strewn with dead weevils which the busy little rad ants are carrying away by the thousands. Mr. Cassiano says a close inspection failed to show a single weevil on a cotton plant anywhere in his fields. The ants are on the plants and in the rows between in countless thousands. They seom to have completely slaughtered the weevils and are now engaged in carrying the corpses away probably to be stored for food. NOVEL ORDER ISSUED. Elevated Railways Place Ban Upen Employes Flirting. New York, May 31.?Complaints by persons residing near the Elevated railways here have caused the man? agement to issue an order which, la effect, forbids the motorman, guards and other employes attempting td flirt while on duty. The order intimates that not only have trainmen been guilty of letting their atention wander from duty but tacket takers have been known to gaze so intently at pretty girl passengers that others have passed through without paying tolls. GOES TO 8ING SINQ. Nine Veara for Rothachilds Alleged Bank Wrecker. New York, May 31.?David Roth? childs, founder and alleged wreckel of the Federal bank, of this city-, will bo taken to Sing Sing prison today on the term of nine years imposed on him by Recorder Goff after his convio tlon on the charge of having appro priated to his own use the proceeds of a promissory note for $10,000 made by a depositor. STATE NORMAL 3CHOOL CLOSES Brilliant Exercises Mark Conclusion ol Institute's Successful Term. Athens, Ga., May 31.?The Stats Normal school closed its commence ment with the annual address to th? graduates and the delivery of diplo man -JJ ' u.w>. mc ?uure?8 was aenvered by Rev. P. G. Sears, of Mississippi. Mr. Branson made a few appropriate remark# to the gradutes and the con* mencoment of 1904 was at an end. SHOT WOMAN AND 8ELF. Double Crime Occura at Pittsburg Cauae Unknown. Pittsburg, Pa., May 31.?Irving Wise, a mechanical engineer, today ahot Katie Craff, through the heart instantly killing her and then killed himself. The motive for the double crime I* unknown. Wise was married and had one son. Korean Vessel Blown Up. Vladivostock, Mondays May 30.?II is believed from information received here that the Japanese have mined Peter the Great gulf (on which this town is situated) a task of easy accom plishment because of the recent heavy fogs. One small Korean sailing ves eel was blown up yesterday. The re glon is quiet so far as military opera Uoas aie cenotresd* Lack of Muira\V Iron Mixture contai uine blood tonic, a remedy that n tion, increaes appetite, and sup debibtated, run-down people. Hurray's I is not a temporary stimulant. T1 lent for polo, emaciated, bloodless for those recovering fi. in sickness and oveicome the lassitude, tired, so prevdlant iu the spring. A c-n and commendation of phy>iciar>s t Price 50?\ Guaianteen S AT DltU I Piepared by The Murra ie PLUNGED INTO WASHOU"" I ? Norfolk and Western Enginnh It I Fall 35 Feet. Cincinnati, O., May heavy rains in and last night assumed nature of cloudbur.'iory In Clermont collections. . ?, the north wlna, there were sever?|ro8t( my dearies, . Norfolk and Western" r^.ru,^ ! one of these at a bridge e?.?' tavia. a pp:?senger trin plunged, th engine and baggage car falling 3 feet. The engineer and fireman saw th break in time to jump into tho streai and with considerable difficulty read ed tho shore. No one was hurt. BATTLE WITH OUTLAWS. 8herlff and Posse Pursued Fleein Bandits to Bad Lands. Buffalo, Wyo.,.. May.. 31.?Sheri Webb, of Natrona county, and possi have fought a battle with outlaws f Putney ranch, in the Big Horn moui tains. One of the outlaws was woun< ed1 and fell from his horse. A con panfon lifted him from the ground an esdftped with his human burden int the Bad Lands. The officers followed and news < another battle Is looked for momei tarify. A number of horses had bee stolen from Teasdale ranch recontl and Sheriff Webb and his men starte in pursuit of the guilty parties abov a week ago. IN HONOR OF D1A0 8UNATOR. Funeral 8orvicea For Matthew C Quay?Town In Mourning. Beaver, Pa., May 31.? For tw hours today tho business pulse of Bet Ter valley ceased to throb while th remains of Matthew Stanley Qua; were lowered to their final .vapulchr In Iho U+Ho. T?r>a*r.*f Between the hours of 2 and 4 p. no not a whol revolved in. any of tfi numerous mills and workshops in th towns of Beaver, Rochester., Nei Brighton, Beaver Falls, and nearly dozen other centers for miles around This place, Senator Quay's ol home, was early astir and long befor 9 o'clock tho streets were thronged During the earlier hours of the mt>rr ing the residence of*the late senato was closed to tho outer world an those who were closest to him In lif spent the last hours with the dea free from Intrusion. At 9 o'clock a private service wa held at the house and shortly befor 10 o'clock, under guard of honor fror the Beaver Grand Army of the R* public post the remains were remove to the First Presbyterian churct where for three hours the public wa given an opportunity to look for th last time upon the face of the dea< aenator. All day yesterday and today bear H#n1 tlosnl + -I K.. + SW* -r%~ %I1UI uuiai Iiiuutca ainvuu ill Dt'ttvei They came from all parts of the cour try. Barbecue. We will have a first class barbecup ii 'he city of Union on State campaign day Everything that, can be had for an up-'o date cue will be provided Crawford, May & McKissick When Summer School Begins The summer school for teachers wil he held at Union in graded fohool build ing June 20ih to July 10th itic'usive J II Moore any H. W Ackeinoau. gind nates of Clemson and Weffort will t< the instructors Teachers cupuichaM text, bo^ks at actual cost ptice Iron county superintendent. D. B. Kant, 21 -St Co. Supr. Kd. COITMCTQM'? ^BUILDERS'^ MILL SUPPLIES. .OMiitDii^^muppLr c& ?1 Energy. \ ins the elements that make it a genrnkes rich, red blood, improves digrsplies strength and energy to weak, ron Mixture ie good in every dose sticks. Excelpeople, .and as a recuperative tonic w Umqudltd as a tonic to prevent exhausted and "run-down" feeling ubination that meets wi?h the approval iverywheie. ...ooed Vest Satisfactory to e/oRe 5c, 10c, 12?c G STOltESjil. y Drug Cr White Organdies, 66 wide for 25c, 30c, 35c, atid 50c |)'*r yaid. -Good ToweN from 5c to 50c uch. Doylins 25c, 50c, VVe serve ? n Union on gorerybody invited. R B ? D. O. OilBffi. y | A at ii W i. SigHt Preserver;/ The litile lenses of glass* s joined Ly their frame of gold or nickel are wonderfully potent for good or evil. Prop, e ly fitted thev build up the e)ii and g preseive the sight?improperly fitted they tea- down and destrov - Read.tic a few lines of print with a pair of glass's is no test The eight -< must be tried by model n and scientitic i1 methods. We have every facility for making j, tests and can supply any kind of glasses required at moderate cost. J McCreery Glymph, OPTICAL SPECIALIST. >1 i- Office M. and P. Bank Building. n Take stairway on Main St. Hours y 8;80 a. m. to 12 m. 1 to '6 p. m. 2 STOP AND READ You will always find a full line of FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, MEAT, k LARD, CANNED AND BOTTLED ? GOODS, FRESH VEGETABLES L' and everytning to be found in an up-to date family Grocery at nay 8 Store. Tobaccos and Cigars a specialty. Bring your laundry to , me. J J. T. SEXTON, a Main Street. Union, S. C. i Trespass Notice. e I All jverflons are heieby warned and ' notified not to trespass upon the following named lands belonging to the estate r E. F. Vaughn deceased, lands in Pirckfi I rmv TnniiOvri 1 in Unrronuvtlla Quntua ^ ? tivjf wvuvovian'f ??? ' ? iiiu, omikUli n?U 0 Union townships, by riding, walking, d driving, hunting or fishing in nod upon said lands, upon the imm ml ties of law in such cases made and provided. 1 William Vaughn, d 2i?-4t. fcx*?u>??r. I Final Discharg-tiT ** Notice is hereby given that, J. W, '? Scott. Executor of the estate of To acy s M. Leraaster deceased, has applied to e Jason M. Greer, Judge of Probate, in j and for the County of Unipn, foi a ii ml discbarge as such executor. It Is Ordered. That the 29th day of l' Jui e, A D 10(4. ie lixed for heeling ' of Petition, and a final settlement of i-1 said Estate Jason M Grrf.k. | Probate Judge Union County. S. 0. I Published 271li of May, 1904, in The - II Union Times. ?2-4 . % _ 11 Final Discharge. . J Notice i? herehy given that G T. Hol lis, adininistiator of the estate of Mrs. L. A. Mollis, deceased, has applied to Jason M. <> rrer. Judge of Probate, hi and f?>r the county of Union, for a linal , discharge as such administrator. It "hat the 27?h day ofI June. A. T> 1904, be fixed for hearing 1 . of Petition, ard a final settlement of . said estate Jason M Ghkkk. Probde Judge Union (bounty, S. CH Put lis^f-d 27ih of May 1904. in The s Union Times. 22-4*. '' i : 'I' Notice of Application for Appoint- " ment of Guardian. : The undersigned gives noMce that a petition for the appointment, , Judge of Probate for Union County as guardian of'he estates of Virginia' Pool- arid rnssef P<?oIp, minors, b*s , teen filed in the Court. ??f Common Pleas for Union (Vntu?y Thar no fir, < ompetent or responsible person ci?? t? * found a ho h milling to assume such j guar'ba'iflhip VlPOINlA 1/ Pooi,k. ' Admtnlstratrlx of the estate of Dr. V. L Poole, decreased. Hydriok A Hawyer, Attorneys. May 251b, 1904. *22-21