"Till I The Old Rat We have pur Battery stock < & Co. at a tremor the goods will ! never before. \ stock, and will open for husinei ing next, the 28t] BE QUICK, and join the m will visit us that great Bargain F LISTEN! TO THE MUSIC Beautiful Figured Lawns 3e yard, Calico as low as 3c j a pair, Sox 2Jc a pair, Apron Bed Spreads 49c each, one po For Only On 2 papers tacks, 2 papers need one doz. safety pins, 1 box mi 1 quire note paper, 1 bundle chief, 1 tablet, 1 pair good si eyes, 1 key chain, and many i Come, and com cheapest store in THE B J.C. RATLIFF, Pn COUNTY CANDIDATES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I respectfully announce myself ft re-election to House of Representative a. C. lyi.es. I hereby announce myself a cand date for re-election to the House i Representatives. H. c Little I hereby announce myself a cand date for the House of Represent tlves. Ben p. Townsenik I hereby announce myself a cand date for the House oi Represent tlves. l j. Browning. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a cand date for re-election as Sheriff of Unit county subject to the decision of tl Democratic primary. j. w. Sanders. I heieby announce myself a candidal forShe'iff of Union county, subject i the decision of the Democratic voters i the ensuing primary election. j. (t Long. I hereby announce myself a cand date for Sheriff of Union county, sul jeot. to the decision of tho Democrat primary election. j. Kemp Thomas. clerk of court I hereby announce mvself a candidal for re-election as Clerk of Court ft Union County, subject to the dec! ion ( the DflmnftraMe nrimurv kWtlnn I. Frank Pkakb. FOR COUNTY 8UPT. EDUCATIOI I am a candidate for re-election < the office of County Superlntendet of Education for Union county. D. B. FANT. FOlt AUDITOR I hereby announce myself a Candida for Auditor of Union county, subject the decision of the Democratic primar; Levi W. Smith. I hereby announce myself a Candida for re-election to the office of Auditor < Union County, subject to the decision < the Democratic primary election. JohnG. Farr. I hereby announce myself a cand date for Auditor of Union county, an pledge myself to abide by the result < the primary election. J. D. Epps. I hereby announce myself a candidal for Auditor for Union Comity subj-oi i the decision of the Democratic piitnaelection. J. B. Lancaster. 1 hereby announce myself h candidal for Auditor, subj ^t to ilie d?etaf?"i ? the Democratic prima'y elec'i??ii .1 J), smith, .lit FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidal ? for re-election to the ? fflce of Count Treasurer, subj-ct to the decision of th Democratic primary elect ion Jambs H. Babtuu. M rr jacob" % tier is coming. chased the entire >f T. M. MoNeaoe idous discount, and be slaughtered as Ve are now taking throw the doors ss Saturday mornti, at at 9 o'clock. BE SMART, ighty throng that day and share the east. LISTEN! : OF LOW PRICES: ? 2?c yard, nice smooth Sheeting fard, Men'* Elastic Suspenders 5c Ginghams 2?c yard, nice White >und of good note paper for 10c. ie Penny Each, Ilea, 1 paper pins, 2 lead pencils, )urning pins, 1 package envelopes hair pins, 2 thimbles, 1 handkerloe strings, 1 card of hooks and other things we can't mention. e in a hurry, to the ftie State. ATTERY, sp. Union, S. C. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself h candiln e for re-election to the office of County or Commissioner, subject to the decision of 8 tl?e Democratic prim hi v el- ciion it. M. Mom,fy. Ij. I hereby announce myself a candl0f date for County Commissioner, and will abide by the result of the Democratic primary election. * A. Gkifin Bentley. It" i nereoyannoui.ee myself a Candida e for re-elec ion for County Oomini-sioner. i- subject. to the decision of tlie Demociatic a- prim ry election W Fowlkh Hobo FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate )n for re-election to the otfl '.e of County 16 Supervisor of Union (Joun'y, subj-c'. to the decision of the Democratic piituary election. te T. .1. RrtTKNBAUaii. to at FOR CO RON E It I hereby announce mys If h candidate for Coroner, subject to > lie decision of i- the Democratic piiumiy ehction* ft F CrHEOOKY. Ic ' ? Announcements. FOR MAYOR. A )r I hereby announce myself a candi[>f date for Mayor of the city of Union. Respt.. R L. MONAJ.LY. f. I hereby annonnce myself a candidate for the office of Mayor for the ? town of Union, 8. C I Macbeth Young. J FOR ALDERMAN. 1 I hereby respectfully iuinoui.ce myself te h candidate for Alderman from Waid 3. lo] Thos E. I)IC\N. ii. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman of Ward 4 RespectfuJW, JSWOR COHKN. COMMISSIONER PUBLIC WORKS j. I hereby announce myself a oandi d date for re-election as Coinmlssion-r >f of Publio Works. Wm. H. Sartok. Takes Oath as Mayor. 10 Baltimore, May 31.?President E * Clay Tlmanus, of the second branch of the city councils took the oath oi ( office as mayor of Baltimore today, ^ becoming the successor to Robert M. McLanc, who ended his life yesterday by a pistol shot. Under a provision of the city charter Mayor Timanus will serve out the balance of Mayor * McLane's term of three years. Mayor ? Tlmanus is a Republican and a leading manufacturer of this clfy. He la 41 years old. j -A BIG FIRM SUSPENDS IN NEW YORK CITY S. Munn, Son & Co., Large Cot* ton Establishment* ANNOUNCED ON THE EXCHANGE. 8aid To Be One of the Oldest Flrma In the Cotton Trade In New York. Head Bookkeeper and Cashier Said To Have Disappeared. New York* May 31.?The suspension of S. Munn, Son & Co., was announced on the Cotton Exchange today. The Arm is one of the oldest in. the ootton trade in this city. The head bookkeeper and cashier disappeared about ten day* ago, and the firm believes that as soon as Its accounts are straightened out it will be able to resume business. At the office of the Arm it was said that Clarence F. Cameron, the office man and head clerk, had been absent for about a week. An examination of the books so far made, it was added, showed apparent discrepancies amounting to about $125,000. The Munn Arm is one of the moat fVMl.QdvrVflt I VP fliifl rpcnonta/1 In tbo aaK ton business. It is composed of Samuel 0. Munn and H. Tilseton Munn and the estate of A. Godwin Munn, Jr. The firm had a cofTee exchange membership, but had few operations there. August Skillen, the legal representative of the firm said that the Chicago Board of Trade accounts of the suspended firm were badly tangled up. A week ago it was said Cameron left the office, saying he was going t