University of South Carolina Libraries
TO MAK M I We have cut th< Si s\ an ' ! GET WH TH zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz^^zzzzzznzzzzzzzzzzz^z^i Uucl EL ! WASHINGTON TETTER. {From Our Regular Correspondent.) Washington, Sept. 1, 11)02. The letter sent you ;i week ago eon.. I..1 < ' vauiirvi <l unci UC!?Cl HK.IUII OI I IIP Clieigelic methods which characterize the Treav-' ury and Navy Departuients under the \ present administration, but it must n.r j be supposed 11 le spirit of prog res i is contined to the two departments rue..- ! tinned Perhaps tlie most important di- ! vision of the work of the governm it. is i performed by the. Post Otlice Depart- ! merit, for the reason that its efficiency j effects every citizen. For a number <>t years, the extent, to wliich civil servici* i reform methods have lieen carried out in i this department hare been proverbial ! and when the present postmaster genera: j assumed otlice lie. announced that there- ; after no fourth class postmasters would be removed except for cause. But it is. ! perhaps, in other directions that tingreatest progress is lieing made. The ' extension of the rural free delivery sys- ' tern lias progressed with marvelous ra- i piditv. At the present time, the rural routes cover an aggregate terii'orv of over 251),000 square miles and in ilia' aiea ; some 6,000,UtM) people enj >y the privi- j lege of receiving their mail daily at their j doors. Congress has been hlieral in its appropriations fortius purpose and there ! is every evidence that the people are ; grateful. One of the mosr. remarkable j features of the extension of rural route* j is the great increase in the number ot t letters mailed in the districts served. It j would seem that a daily delivery and 3 collection of the (nail h id served to ini- ' pell all the residents of t.lie localhv to t write to their fiimrls at 1 ?st Uiroo ti iv< i as often as had hitherto be"ii "heir cm- } torn and thisgreat increase in the amoum. I < f mail carried is not limited to the first, few months but continues steilib, though in home what diminish'* I ra'io. The only objectors to the extension of the rural delivery routes are star route carriers whose business is injured thereby, 3ome country merchants who claim that they have suffered a falling off in trade beccuse the farmers are no longer compiled to come frequently to to .n for their mail and certain politicians and their proteges, who see in the extension of the rural routes a necessary diminution in the numlier of sm.iil cross 10 ids post offices, the poatmasU rs for which the politicians have always 1 aiued and have regarded as essential to the fur therance of their political fortunes. An inteiesting feature of the extension of the rural sei vice is th<* gradual plat ting of the United States, maps having been already made for the large area where the delivery now prevails, eacli map showing every residence, store, shop, etc. These maps, under the ahle superintendence of Mr. W. A Machen superintendent of the rural delivery division, are produced at an exceedingly small cost from data and drawings furnished the |>ostol11ce department by lo-! cal assessors, and other officials. They are reproduced by a cheap process and their value when the whole area of the United States shall have l>een so mapped will prove incalculable. The traveler in Ute rural districts can easily ascertain EROOM I LST e prices of immer Clothii lirts, Hats, SI d Summer Di @ From i IAT YOU , ESE PRH i ZEflSmm the tiest roads, the most settled district | etc., by consulting the post otlice ma j Another benefit growing out of the ru ?il delivery system is the improvement . country roads, reasonable imppovemei J being essential to the establishment new routes. Another evidence of the spirit of pr gress exemplified by the i>ostoflioe d partuient is furnished bv the system prepaid postage which is being develoi ed bv second assistant ister gene : al Shellenbarger. lirietly stated, t ; proposed plan cons'sts of the sal? of e i velopes having a vilue of cents ar ? multiples thereof, each of which w 1 hear on its face a coupon which will i redeemable in any country belonging ' the postal union, in stamps of thatcou i try of a similar value. An iuternation ; clearing house is to he established i i Her ie, Switzerland, where these co p n?s win oft redeemable by the counti issuingthem. By their use tlie reside of the Uiiited States can purchase f 10 cents a return postage envelope ar in it mail a letter to Germany The r cioient of the letter can take the emp envelope to the post office there and e change it for postage with which to aii i ha answer to the United States. The are sonift further details of the plan b these will suffice to make it clear. The are hut two of many improvemen which are being inaugurated under tl energetic and business like administr i tion of Postmaster General Payne Annual Association. The annual meeting of Union Conn Baptist Association will he held at Due Bond, beginning Sept. 4th continuii two or three days. The Southern rai way have agreed to stop their car passenger train during the meeting f the accommodation of delegates an visitors. All are invited to attend thei services. Union will no doubt send large delegation. Death of Mr. Spillara. Mr. J. F. Spillars died at his home I Union last Monday about'12 o'clocl from appendicitis. He was attackf Sunday morning. He leaves a wi: and three children, the oldest aboi eleven and the youngest about thre years of age. Mr. Spillars ran livery business in Union for Severn years, and was proprietor of Spillar' stables at the time of his death. Tli remains were intered at I'utman grav yard. A Parson's Noble Act. "I \ ant all the world to know, writes Itev. CI .1 Budlong. of Ashawa; It I., "what a thoroughly good and rei able medicine I found in Electric. Hit ten They cured me of jaundice and Mv? trouble's that, h i I caused rne great sulTei i'?g for ntanv \? a<s. For ? genuine, al round cure they excel a-vt.hiic/ I V\t siw." E'cctiic Hilbt" are rhe surpin >.f atl for their wondeiful work io I.ivej Kidney and Stomach trout ilea. I?. ? . fail to try them. OoiyoOets. Sutsfui lion is guaranteed by P. C. Duke. FOR OUR OCR. % loes ry Goods 20 to SO per cent.. ===== WANT AT DES.S ?????? Mm MS A ? IN ANSWER ;rn To a Circular Letter Headed ?t '"Who is B. L. Caughman?" A scheming politician who has slan0. dered his opponent since the lust prile_ rnary, and tried to rob him of his good 0f character. He is not tub Author ok the r_ Jim-Crow Car Bill. Ur. Stuckey, jie of Orangeburg, is the aathor of the JimtJ. Crow car bill, and not B. L. Caughman. \V. I). Evans, of Marlboro, wrote the Uj bill which prevents railroad companies from forcing white women to ride in a k, coach with negro men. n- THE OPERATIVES* ENEMY, a' Here la What a Factorv Oo?r*tlvi? Writes of B. L. Caughman; ry While we were on a strike in tlie nt Horse Creek Vallej, B. L. Caughman (>r came anions us and made bitter speeches i,l against the mills to get us to vote for e. him for Railroad Commissioner, while ly W. Boyd Evans sent us money to help x. support US, AND WE SHALL VOTE KOK 411 HIM FOR RAILROAD COMMISSIONER. re B. L. Caughmau, while a member of ut the Senate, supported a labor contract se law to ruake us slaves instead of free te men. le | |AN ENEMY TO EMPLOYEES OF a- RAILROADS. Here is What aa Employee of the Railroad Writes of B. L. Caughman. B. L. Caughman while a member of the Senate, worked and voted for a bill V to make all employees of the railroads tie * insured by an insurance company gotten ? up by the railroads, and Ih^y to make I" monthly assessments on the employees' *r wages, or the employee would lose his d jo What a flember of a Fraternal Order a Said About B. L. Caughman. B L. Caughman iiad printed on his cards I he sacred emblem and sign of a fraternal order, agaiust its constitution and by-laws, in order to try and gain in votes for liimself, thereby violating his <, oath and obligation to the order. I of Ltror ? ? W L ? i mjuu v > vi aiaii ir<icii J). Aj f?' man a lesson by returning him to his "t home v\ here lie lielongs. ie Votk for W. Born Evans, tub " man sou railroad commissioner. ll :M?-It ?-~? * Wheels Going Cheap. Col .mbia Chainleas, Crescent Chainleas, " Syracuse, r. Forest Blue, j. Forest Black, n. Madison Black, r Crescent H4 Gear. * i- I have one at $6.00. ?r Call at once. ? W? NEWELL SMITH, ^ IIo hm I'bone GO# East Main St. Special Advertisements Notlcos will bo insortod In this column at the rate of 25 words or loss for 25c ono Issue, fourls8uos for 75o. Additional linos over twonty live words 5c a lino. For sale?one 7o-saw gin, oiiM condnnotir. one Vail Wi-iKle PieBK. ApplvioT. t\ n?iiu*?ii. (Jbi'di, S. C.. or A. llotsill, Buffalo, 1'. | Roo ?is to rent?tor3 rooms ai d kitchen to rent on the first lloor of the Hid House Apply to .1. GLoron Wallack. 32-4t Dwelling to ren't?6 room on South street?convenient to Main. Apply to L. G. Young. y 23-tf TO RENT. THE STOBE\ AND Residence between Aetna and 1/ l_ *r.n - wuuurca xuuis ^Known as the Gibson property) now occupied by J. H. GumaD, will be for rent after Sept. 1st. Apply to Geo. O. Perrih. I > SELLING OUT-WE'HE SELLING out our remnants of summer goods, and we are putting a pi ice on tliem that will make them move. Don't delay, come at once. L. N, McNeace. FOR SALE-SQUIRE'S BOTTLING Works. Fitted complete for making A 1 g ods. Instructions uiven free to purchaser. J. E. Squire, Manager. It ATCH REPAIRING AND ALL other work in the jewelry line executed with neatness and dispatch. Full line of watches and jewelry. F. G: Trefzer, the Jeweler. Lands to lease at carlisle. I have a number of one, two, three and tour horse farms of fine land to lease for five years or more, situated at and near Carlisle, S. C, 36-4t J. Clougii Wallace. The hill house and lands to renter lease. I desire to rent or lease the Ilill house; also to lease the Hill lands North of Union. The lands will be leased as a whole or in tracts of from 40 acres to 150 acres open land, to suit applicants. I have also several nice rooms on the Hill lot to rent to respectable colored people. 30-4t J. Clougii Wallace. M W. BOBO HAS JUST UE ceived 500 Rocking Chairs and lias another shipment to arrive in a few days. It For sale?a second hand Surrey in good condition, Terms to suit. Apply at this ofilce. 36-Gt OYSTERS?THE SEASON HAVing opened, I will serve oysters in bulk or in any other style. Saloon open at all hours at the European Cafe. 3G-4t N. Shapiro. R. 1. M HAIR WILL BE IN HIS Dental I'arlora after tndav Frirlnv It. '* ADVERTISED LETTERS.~ Remaining in the Post Office at Union B.C., for the week ending Sept. 5th, 1902 Beatty, J A Blackwood, J L Bowser, Willie Brandon,Mrs Hattie Bradly, Tom Campbell, C E Cannon, Lucius Canthrew, Bill Downer,Bunyan Foster, Thos Gault, Miss Dea Glover, Mrs Ella llaselden,Miss Mary Heudrix, Jno Jones,Miss Maud Lilos, Bob Luckendow, Jno Miller,Miss Annie Nelson, J Kelly Ray, E L Southern.Miss Victoria Turner, Will Suber, Miss Mathes Williams, John Walker, I A Persons calling for the above letters will please say if advertised, an 1 will be required to pay one cent for their delivery. J. O. Hunter. P. M. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Brono-Quinine Table's cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 36 cents. 43-1 y Not Doomed for Life. "1 was treated for three years by giw.d doctors," writes W. A. Grter, McConnelsville, O., "for Piles, and Fistula, but, when all fai'ed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me in two weeks." Cures Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Eruptions, Salt Ilheum, Piles or no pay. 25c at F. C. Duke's drug store. Stop! XjOOIl! WA8HEE-WASHEE. The "UNEEDA" LAUNDRY has been finished and Is equipped with the most up-to-date machinery. I am now ready to do your laundry work in a strictly first class manner. Satisfaction guaranteed. Will call for and deliver. Give me a trial. Experienced man in charge. JACOB RICE, Propriotor. "UNEEDA LAUNDRY." 81-Um. WANTED. At once, a few Big, Young j Mules at GREEN & BOYD'S., COUNTY MUTUAL B1 The County Mutual Benel now organizing the Union Div membership fee is $<;, which c assessment. One Dollar for with Mr. D. T. Duncan, the st Union Division, ami is held in subject to the order of Judge J the Union Division, to pay tilt ciation. THE POLICY ISCLI Agreeing to pay the cum of one dolla upon.the surrender of the policy and 8 member in good standing. It is a hor able, high-minded business men, for people. It reduces life insurance prot the average of human life will allow, to pay, and there are no big annual pr into some rich Northern insurance ccn right at home, and when it is paid on whose benefit it goes in time of troubl are secured applicants will be received memDcr win De admitted over hu yea agents in every township in Union coi become members will Write to County flutual Be of America, YES? From the old barn of a store h< ing and only two doors above occupied by S. M. Kice, Jr., E. as the Wonder Store, so betwt going to sell any and all article Goois, Notions. Millinery, Sh< Valises, Crockery, Glassware a ACTUA1 Now is your opportunity, vertisement and if you have an not cost you one cent to look c pleasure in showing you throu^ take out on approval, as we p any one during the above sale, has picked up all the bargains pect to get as good trade, for v rush. This sale will only la move on you. McLure Me uvvt nnnrj i nwAA wvun ? AN ORDINANCE To Prevent Horses, Mules, Cows and all Other Kinds of Cattle From Standing on,Passing Along or Being Driven Through Main Street of the Town of Union Without Being Held or Fastened by a Rope, Chain, Halter or Bridle. Be it established and Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Union, South Carolina, now met and assembled in Council, and by authority of the same: Section I. That from and after the date And passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any persons whomsoever, to drive, lead, permit or allow any horse, mule, cow or other cattle in the charge or under the control of such person or persons, upon or along Main street, for more than the length of one block, of the Town of Union, South Carolina, unless such h >rse, mule, cow or other other cattle he securely fastened or held by a rope, chain, halter or bridle. Section II. That any person or persons found guilty of violating this ordinance shall, upon convict ion, be required to pay a fine of not more than Five Dollars or be imprisoned or made to work on the streets and Public places of the Town of Union for a period of not more than ten days, in the discretion of the Mayor or Town Council. Done and ratili ' in Conncil assembled under the ha* ' f the Mayor and the seal of the To .. Council of Union this First day of m j.?. ruber, A. I). 11K)2 Attest: M Arltl'Tii Vriimn MI W. I). Arthur, 1 k hmi Treasurer. fSKAI I fttt-.'i Fortune Favors n Texan. ''Havi f distressing pains in head, back hi inach, and beine without appetite. 1 h an to use I)r. King's New Life I'i Is." ti'm W. P. Whitehead, of Kennul.i'e. !V*., ,4aiid Roon felt like a new in i.i " Infallible in stomach a id liver troubles Only 25c at F. C. Duke's drug store. Citation to Kindred and CreditorsState of South Carolina. 1 County of Union. j By Ja?on M. Greet, K'ij . P ob?te Judy**. Wiikkkah, Ilatlie E. Sumner, has made suit to me to grant her Letteis of Administration on the Estate and effects of Marion M. Sumner, deceased. Thesk are, t herefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Marion M. Sumner, ieceased, they ho and appear, before me in the Court of Probate to be held at Union C. H., South Carolina, on the 18th Jay of September, next after publication hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, b? ihowcause,if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 3rd Jay of Sept., Anno Domiui, 1902. Jason M. Greek, Probate Judge. Published on the 6th day of Seot. lw?, n The Union Times. 30 2t ENEFIT ASSOCIATION ERICA It Association of America is^ ision of members. The overs the first advance death every member is deposited ;cretary and treasurer of the The Peoples Bank of Union, M. Greer, the President of : first death loss by the AssoEAR AND SIMPLE r for every member in the Divisioo ipproval of. the proofs of death of a no nrirnnizul.inn. manacrrd b? hnnnr. v*0" ? D the benefit and protection of home lection to the minimum of ooot that There are no big salaried office4T\ emiums to be sent out of the county!*/ npany's pocket All the money staye it, every member knows exactly to e. Until the first thousand members [ up to 55 years of age, thereafter no rs of age. We want good reliable unt.y at once. Persons desiring to mefit Association Union, S, C. We are going to MOVE mse to a more up-to-date buildthe old stand to the store no^ U? and more familiarly known ;en now and Sept. 1st we are ;s in our big assortment of Dry ?4.u: m i_ .rcs, unto, \jiuiuiug, 1TUUK8, ,nd Tinware at L COST. This is no "catch penny" ady doubts along this line it will iver our stock and we will take ;h but don't ask for credit or to ositively cannot allow this to Don't wait till your neighbor and then come in late and exre expect this stock to go at a ,st about two weeks, so get a rcantile Co. X> NEW BANK. ^ ' j Mortgage Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of a power con. tained in a mortgage from D. W. Gordon to P. M. Cohen, and assigned to mo. dated November 1st, 11)00, and recorded in Book of mortgages L No. 11 pp. 57 and 58, and also by virtue of a power contained in a mortgage to me from D. W. Gordon, dated Dec. 6th, 1896 and recorded in Book of mortgages L No. 11 pp. 131 and 132, and of the written consent of the Mortgagor to the amount due on said mortgages recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Union county where tho land is situated, on the record of said mortgages, I will sell before the Court House door in the town of Union, on Monday, October 6th, 1902, during the legal hours of sale, all that ./\t nf lo*-w1 TT?:?? i? o n ? |?? ??"u iu uuiuu uuuuijr, R5. v/.| tuuaining eleven J acres bounded on the North by Mrs. llart's and Mrs. Lou Gage's land, and by lota No. 15, 16,17; on the West by lot No. 24; on the Houth by Young's Avenue; and known in \ oung's survey of Cohen's, Paulk tiact, as lot (No. 21) twenty-one. mere partic- ^ ularly shown in Youngs plat dated JubL 13 and W, 1888. This land will be sow in lots, plats of which will be on exhibition on the day of sale, Terms of sale, cash, purchasers to pay for papers; and if the Mortgagor should not have a survey and plats made, and on exhibition on the day of sale the land will be sold in one lot or tract. W. B. Wright, Assignee and Mortgagee. Published in the Union Timks Sept. 12th. 36-4t Final Discharge, a Notice is hereby given that D B. Jr., administrator of the estate of John II, Fiee, deceased, has applied to Ja*D M Greer, Judge of Probate, in and for tl>e County of Union,for a final discharge as such administrator. It is Ordered, That the 7th day of October, A D 1902, be fixed for heariug of Petition, and a final settlement of said Estate. Jason M, 36-5 Probate Judge Uuinn cunty. Published iu the Union Timbs dept. Gth, 1902. ? Citation to Kindred and Creditors. State of Souih Carolina, I County of Union. J J By Jason M Greer, Esq., Probata Judge. Whkhbas, I. M. Sumner has made suit to urn to grant him Letters of Administration on tlie Estate and effects of J. F. Spillers, deottsed. Tiiksk are, therefore, to cite asd admonish all and siugular the kindred *?d creditors of the said J. F. Spillei", deceased, tiiat they bi aud appeaa0pf<>"> me in the ?'ourt of Probite, to r** at Union C. II , South Car diua. on lb? 18th day of September, next, sfer publicatiou hereof, at 11 o'clock in the fl**" : noon, to show cause, if any they bare, why the said Administration should ** be cr i an ted . m Given under my hand and seal this?*? ? lay of September, Anno Domini, 1903. i r Jason M. Grrik, Probate JudfjM^r f Published on the 5th day of Sept in the Ukiok Tutu. 3d-3t