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5ht ?LiTthmaH M *Juibron **DeU$DAY. UPT1MBE/R 18. 1907. The {fumtmr rYdickman us* founded in ISM %ud the TVw* Svuthron in lThe pVa/rAo<??n and Sonthi on do* has the cout hlned otreaistiou and mtluvucc of both of be old papers, aud i* mihi.if tI) the best edsertuuiuf mediana iu Huuiter. IMFOItTANT NVJTIOK. Subscribers are requested to ex? amine the label on # their papers. Urbich show the date to wit Ich the subscription has been paid. Those who end that they are in arrears are requested to call and sottle or remit at the earliest convenient date. The amount that each subscriber owes is small, but in the aggregatev the', -amount dua us for subscription Is quits large? und we need the money. Oal. John J. Dargan. ol Statt barg, ha Monday announced his candidacy tar the United States Senat?? to suc? ceed Hon. A\ ? Latino*. We had his card of announcement in which he outlined bis platform. In type for pub? lication today, but one of the forms which contained his card and consld ?arable other Interesting matter ?wnt> accidentally pled and It vss Impos? sible to reset if !q tli te for this issue. ? ? ? Now Is the time for the Cotton ^Growers' Association, the Farmers' ynk>a, the cotton ' warehouses, the ,banks and all other business organi? sation* Interested in maintaining a staple price for eotton to stand to? gether1. Cotton Is worth fully two cents nfor? than ^the pie-scntf market prlcf and the malls cam afford to pay thirteen oer/ts or more for chiton, as th y have their output sold ahead on that basis. Tbey are compelled to hay*, the cotton if that price. Is de? manded, and if tfle farn 11 are aid I to hold, their cot Mm far a few'weeks*| the prise will advance, and the differ' ?4a price will mean fifty to seven? ty-five rnllM in dollar* b> the\ South. TMs Is the crisis, land the ofBeeiM of ttsja cotton association and other* who have been tilking 'so glibly ab >ut financing the cotton crop and holding tor afteeu cent* should,come to the front and shnwr' the farmer* h*ove? to Jesed for thirteen cents. * ?/ ? ? ?fhe f?nly negro member of the ' djsofgla legisiatere has resigned. . It is not 4 mstt- r of rec ?: d that h\ suf 4hred any bodily hr.rm d\iiing the 0 atnork dosrn and drag out debate on I the prohibition luw, but he prMmtly saw enough te into that At? lanta I* not a h? alth resort r ?r a ne? gro I.maker ? ? ? If fhe m vest I gat ion oftne Immlgra Ion question by Senator Lntimev and tner member* <".f congress results In the enactment of a law that will hut nut the criminals"that ar coming to this ,*cduntryji In Insreaslng numbers eash year the excursion1 t > Du rope will not have been In vain. Better no fgaPJiggmnt.* at all than a i\>o 1 of crim? inal*. ? m ? ? The way c-dton hg-vi? lim I In price since the government crop report was homed Monday Ind tee that the Soughern Cotton Q|nncrs'Association %nd the Farmers' Colon will hov> an opportunity b> show hat they ca i do toward reguh'tlng the price ol ibis ?ye*r* crop. This >e?r'* crop 5* c-i .tuftnty, smaller by several hundred thousand bales, at . least, than las? year's. grhJ'.e the re<iu itsl of th? wot ii ds ar*t greater, n* gsjilng a demai d for all the eotton that has been produced. All rh 4 m option* favor high- ? i :. s than pre. railed last sea*',), and the only thing that cuaT have a material effect In depi e i | tbi pi ice will be th< gluttiQK of the m rke with eotton during the n. xt -Ixty days. If the farrrer* undertake to market all. oi .the garget pin of the erop between thl? time snd D? < <ml? r l*t the In e\it?bi? reegdf ar||| he low prices. As long a* (bo mills n J 'otton for im me Hhi* use th? will pay \Vhat the cotton I* worth, but tin s will not buf n full year's supply within a few weeks st hip price*. It Is up to th< farmer* and their organl/.utbO. to die tat? the price by regulating the max kstlng of (he crop. ^ see George ! i . gh ?n 1 J ick Meeren mer. color* d. the KM ? ? ho were c ?uvk-ted "f killing J, st C*ll Is/d und nentenced to l.fe inipri.vm ment in i /*ni In lall p* ndlng an ay; > 1 for a new trial. i- < . n i i ? n??d the appeal bus eevsi '.? |strf and the ease I* no nearer a sotjlenai than It wm -ox month- ami, ThCes men should eithei t ?? Rra:fted a m a trial. S??Jit to tie p> nitentl ir> or pai 0]nt\~ <| j ' '\ p ii d-'i.. ,| for f, w * of those w' lit. ''ill b lleve thut a oaoe ? >? o- ob ? it a ;a ' the men. 1 >m d h'-m m.i he gu?uv. but b dh of eh? m cannot b ?s, i ding t<> tbv i"'- ?ll?* ?1d |nconclu*lvs evldeni?. largely clr gjsjgg ...,.iuc.}| ? it I ie 't i In prevailing .uylnbm Is that |th? gutlt tastn wa* never cnptur? i. at i that spivinn x'l'i M&ooxnei a/a. vtfltfmi circumsUnc *. Hut ? t ? t a- it ... ?> some disposition should be made ot the case?they have been In Jail long enough for the case "to have been heard months ago. Weekly Weather Bulletin. h'i'i if week ending 8 a. m. Sept. Itj I ?07 : 1 The ?I uly minimum temp* ratines ranged from || to l>5 degrees, und the dally minimum tempt ratures tfOQIylS to 74 degrees. The mean tempera? ture was much/above'the normal In the east, rn division and \eas about normSili or slightly above. In the west? ern division, where Hhe nights were e Mklet than tfstial during the latter part of the Wi eld showers occurred frequently, a AM In places tho rainfall f was. heavy. N- *nly the whole State received am? ple moisture, though in a few locall tiys, mostly In the e? ntral and Sa? vannah valley OOlinUss, the railfall was inefficient to relieve the drought, j , SeV?re thunderstorms accompanied by Idgh winds, occurred on the 10th, the winds doing considerable damage In places. Thg percentage of cloudiness was greatest during the latte r part of the wick when the sky was generally overcast. The average sunshine was much below the normal. ? . thk cotton MARKET. Ml l/ow Level fc>r Movement-?Trail rug Was Qujte Active. New York. Sept. 17.?The cotton tparket was very nervous and Irregu? lar during today's- trading. Prices* n^ide a riew |r?w level for they move? ment during tho^mlddle of the day, but rallied later and closed steady at a net advance of 8 to 9*polnts. Sales for the day were estimated, at 500.000 baJes. I ' The opening Was firm at an ad? vance of 11 to 18 paints owing to higher cablet than expected and cov? ering by shorts as well as some buy? ing on the reaction'th. ory, J?ut offer? ing' weie heavy <n the bulge1 with bears who had t ken profits on ,the drop of yesb r1'iy. Prices weakened after.the opening an 1 Just after mid? day sohl oft to a net decline of 14 to 16 points, with October reaching 10.8S an 1 January 11.08. or about 28eto 3"> points below th. 1 vel of the Manning. A prirate condition report showing a deterioration of onlv |.| per Gent for the, past two weeks encouraged1 the decline, \\hile private wires reported i laaM failure the New Orleans 2 ? This was folhAved hy quite t ahari\ ?.'.iiy l?i the late trading on " -ing of aborts- and buying for turn bSSJOd ?:? the in- r-asing short Intei t and the reduction in the long .<e. -unt. Keoetpti at the DOrti today 80 O'nl biles against n.fix;' last wsea^ and l?;.71:t (aal y ar. For the w. ek l/40. 0( i bale* avi:.;t VO"o> last ck and ,MI la t rear! ^oday'i n c. Ipts at n w OHtani 1,011 against i?.last year. ' s *<) Spot cotton SjlOSSd Mtiiet, I points hip her; riddling u; lands 12 2T.; mld dling gulf U 10] sales loa bale's. Fu tm ? i ipsiii i tirm. closed steady. Local Cotton ?Market. JasQstsjli today estimated ijt lit hales, - , ? Middling 11 a-8'?i 11.4,0. FIltF, AT AIX OLL". . Barn and Stahl?-? Struck by Lightning and Burned. Alcolu. September 12.?During n rora] electrical storm that visited this ? ueetlon yesterday the barn and stables on one of the fariv.s of the 1). W AltU?-il an & Son.- Co . aV?ut eight mil-s salt of here, Wsfsj stri ck by llghh.lrtV. nna* with an Jantnense crop of o??t?^. hay, fodder and othor feed stuiT Just harvested and a pair ? of mnb'M were c unpletely destroyed. f ly the other teams had been srnt out for work and were not In (he statoles when the bolt came. The loss KJ esftinat?d# at about $1,200, with no Insurance. This faim Is known as the "'Kpps Farm.", and Is run by "Mr. Pjdton Speigner. lasat Finger in .Machine. Darlington. Sept. 12.?Mr. B. O. Hrlstow had the misfortune to lose one of his fingers and another badly damaged In a paper cutting ma< nine Ip his Job work ofllce yesterday. Leiter to H. M Pb iMin. * Bttsjter, s. c I>f\ir sir: T#H \<ars ago, there wan one pan' i- i and 101 ? lulterated; there are ? w eight pace, 101 edulter? tsd at., ut half of the latter short n sa safe h* sides), Ttiei is stdi but one hest, and the differ nee la ten gallons Devbs goes as far as ? i? v? n next bejM S", in every t? 'I K ill' o i * \ w aioiKIum comi up hi pijni; tyis ti ?ng p^jroni paint goes furth ? r ??nd ??'?< in I insjer; w?-iek paint takes mori g<tlions asH v?*<irit*otii nooner, Tin- proper nwl of n tO*gallon jot? is i:,o. Mm that i ? \. 11 gallons make- i> ?. I' ?.e.: - I KaMons mukes '}t |lh, Paint thai ttkts || gallons aaaheg n $?;? pa|nt the! taK< s K?|l'.n n iik II | ! 00. The |ii Joh wear* twice hms na il,,. $ioo The?? IWuit - :ir ie>t pt< - fteai they ars mand The |0*s;allon paUlt la Dsv< ie Y aura I raly, 11 p \v OJBVi >H A CO p, i-.- The i>wi mi ^fardwai i ('? pelh our palati \\kt\ Tafel \w.Ki; TAXED MORE, wftgon and waa in from of A. %Har . 4? by'u stable a/hen the accident occur *H1IUt roller GoUeinl if ones Issues aired. The runaway horse was not in Mnteenent In Regard to llallroads. Jnredat all and neither the buggy n r _ I wagon was damaged, as there was no Columbia, Bept 17.?Comptroller i"1!lsi"". the buggy hub Btrlklng the ienerai Jones today gave out for pub-' horse's leg In passing. Dr. Maxwell's iieation a statement In reply to the re- non,e uas s" ?erlousry Injured that it cent editorial In the News ami Cou- nad De billed, rier criticising the State board o? rail- I road assessors tor their action Jn BEST OF PROOF. . raising the assessments of railroad i - ' property and calling on tin- board tor That Hyomel Will c ure All Forms of gn explanation. As chairman of the Catarrlud Diseases. board and as head of the fiscal de-.p ~ pariment of the State Mr. Jones at ?Testimonials could be printed by once promised that lie would opmply '% thousands, many of them from with (he request off .the' News .and Bumter and n< irby towns, that Hyx> O Mirier, ai he has carefully prepared mel is an absolute jure for'all ca the statement which five's his view of tarrh^l troubles, but the* best pr?oof bf the matter. He takes the pOSitlof) that its Unusual curative powers is the the railroads, according to their own tunrantee that J. p. w% Debprme. statements, are nnt taxed higher thah|givea uitn ev?*y outfit that he sells, other property, arid that the assess-jMM'obey hack if Hyomel does notvdo mcnts this year arc not ov.-r Hfr per aU th:'1 is claimed for it." cent of the real value >T the railroad i J#"";-'i ,s ":,t n eecr< t remedy. Its property In thih st. te, BAT WHAT YOU W ANT. SU'lcuce Has Now Cou Ad the ? \ Way >t> Cure Indigestion. ?A few year0 ago when a sufferer from Indigestion s/snjt to a stomach specialist, the result was a rigid diet list that almost meant starvation. But the first thing to do in the Case of-indigestion or stomach weakness is j i? ? mul i Is given frei ly *to physician* who want to know what they use j I w hen they prescribe Hyomel. It is [guaranteed under the pure food and True ?rug law by serial No. 141$. i ByvBreathlng Hyomel, the healing \ I medication goes directly to ever/nook and corner' of the air pas-ages where the catarrhnl germs may lurk, and disinfect! and heals. To he convinced Of this you have only to give it a trial, remembering that if it does not cur', J. F. W. DeLprme will refund your money. to strengthen the muscular* walls of ? 1 he somplete Hyomel out'.tt costs thp stomach und intestines, so that . . -4 . . i , , i ? ?. but |l, and m most cases is sufficient they will care for the food that Is|. ? . . ? to cure the dt^* ise, making it not only eaten. In bo other way can thi* hi a scientific treatment, bu| one that .is done as well as by taking a Ml-0-O*| highly edohomlcal. Get an outfit to tablet before ? ach meal. This re-j dny fro j. y w. Del.ornio If you 'stores strength to tin- stomach mus-lh(lVt. any catarrh. 9-17&l!b&w e",es and stimulates the pouring ouU-_?,-,-., of gastric juice:-, so that the food la digested readily and its nourishment retained in the system to build up en? ergy and vitality. k Do hot think the sick headache, heartburn.' bad ta-te In tli". mouth. <?>ated tongue, spots before the ayes, 'sleeplessness and the many otheg symptom that are the direct resuit of indigestion, wilr go away of t'neni* selves. Tlic stomach must he \euilt up ami strengthened nV HI*o-na before you can be -well and strong, free from ?Uttering; and distress. ?The-guarantee that J. F\ W. Do-I Lor me gives with * very RO-Cent ?t< :< .;? Mionh, to refund the money unless the remedy cures, shows his c >ni deuce In tin- treatny nt MgesSO&w DON'T SELL YOUR LONC STAPLE .COTTON - BEFORE WRITING US T We can get you the best prices and full values for all your grades. (Jive us a trial shipment and see for yourself -:- -:- -: A RUNAWAY ACcmiONT. A hor e, ow ned by "Mr, H. J. ll.ari/. frightened by the breaking <>t tin- sin? gle-tree of the buggy to yhlcii It was hitched, run away on VVest Liberty street today about l o'clock, and the hhb of the buggy striking the leg of: a horse owned by Dr. c. v^. Maxwell, colored, broke it hist above*the knee. Dr. Maxwell's horse was hitched to a Charleston, S. C. 'The first handlers' of Long Stable Cotton in the best Southern market." tot ? - - 9 A Rain Coat is a garment * ou do not need when the dust is flyi g, tout when the rain is pouring how vary necessary it i*. Last Reason we bought aNi*ianu facturersMine of Samples, and those who were fortunate enough in - etting their Coats from us, know what xcellent val? ues they were. This year we got the same line, and while the quantity ia not so large th& values are excellent, prob? ably . superior to our last seasou's offerings , AT $4.50 TO $5.00. We have a good serviceable Goat, which meets the requirements of 1he lady of moderate means AT $6.75. We are offering a garment that is /WORTH 50 PER CENT. MORE. Our offerings AT $8.50 TO $10.00. canpot be duplicated ' AT LESS THAN $12.50. The lady who is looking for a realfewell Coat wants to see our numbers ? AT $11.50 AND $12.50. : They are regular * $18.00 TO $20.00 GARHENTS. Misses' Rain Coats. Thero are a few Misses in the lot. Just the thing for School Girls. Price, $5. STORE CLOSES AT 6.00 P. M. SCHWARTZ BROTHERS ST?RE CLOSfcS AT 6.00 P. M. 1 MI SHOP 1 III. Co nsciousness of things well done is often the greatest idcontiva to continue doing things well. Platitude though this may be, we, have that consciousness-and that our efforts have won recognition does not lessen our desire*to make this "LADIES' STORE" , A Monument of Usefulness. y ? tie limm Miss of the NEW FALL DRESS GOODS courts your admiration. YouTl bestow * it ungrudgingly. It is a season of con tradicttpns-jrough Fabrics and smooth, Plaids and Stripes. There is a Wealth of coloring, but it is rich, dark, subdued? not vivid. It promises well for Variety of style in dress* for, with these "beauti ful materials \o work v;ith, endless variation is possible A :. .\ .\ ,\ .\ need no urging to respond to our an? nouncement. To those who have yet to do so, we say?Try SCHWARTZ'S and , learn the .\ /: Art of Profitable Shopping. r 3,000 yards 36-in White Cambric will be sold all next week at - * - - 10c. yard. 50 pcs. 27-in. Diaper Cloth, worth and sold today at__ $1.25 a piece in other stores.. Here one piece to a> customer - - - - - 89c. 25 doz. Ladies' Silk Shield Bows new "neckfixings" -*-of Fine Silk. Easily worth 25c. On sale at 10c. - 5Q doz. extra large Lin?n Napkins, W?rth $1.23 to $1.50. Try to match them anywhere. On sale while they last at - - - $1.00 % 1,000 yds 36-in- finest quality Perca'les and Cambrics. For boys iwaists and men's shirts* Doil't pay 13c. when we have them here for you at 12c. The New Tailor Suits, Ctts, SIhJs, areMf. ? chwartz Brothers There is a new belt The "Fluffy Ruffles"- we h?.ve them. -1-:- , -?m-!? To Arrive ' f About September 21st, 190"t, a choice carload of HQRSE5 and MULES. - This be my first load for this season, and will be carefully select jd tor all purposes. Some extra nice DERIVING >and SADDLE HORSES will be in this shipment and a call from you will be highly appreciated. ? RESPECTFULLY, A, D. Harby, gept IS. T07?It jp ItKXT? Four one jjoree farm.--, i, r\^%Q C A f W% inil-s from [Mi\a4nr .-t.ui \J S^/VLvlL/* ther singly or ;? whole] There! arc three g<><"l frame houses, onej ? nice dwelling house, beautiful grounds. *^? ? * ??i water, k.1 paeturei I i ft. p.' i). So, lt Sumter, s. 1 ' ?>11 -** f bought reasonable. i ? ? ?? i Estate ft 'Samuel J. Newman, Deceased. Write for our list. I KLL persona having cjarnn? Against T^TTT? _ Taioressid Estate, \\\\\ preseut tl>?1 same 1 Xlili Farms in Fairfield County. ?1. nty "i' *liit* r and woo? I Pot] A county that has health and erniH. iddres* alss Sudio Furman.l?* . e . / , where a tract of land can be I .Inly Attested; aud#nll person* id h?> ?JirS^8 wia mRk6 fcCaiits Real Estate Company, , J- lu;/l,:\a';|Nn^or, WINNSB?RO, S. C. ? y. 11.41, Sanier, s. C, - i