The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 31, 1912, Page TEN, Image 10

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iF"p? H E time of year ha X in keeping with th* Coats. Hosiery, etc. For Fall and Winter wearing W i o c# 1 I JL JLAJL SCHOOL INFORMATION. To Trustees, Teachers and Patrons: ? One of the greatest ntv<is of most of our schools is proper equipment for the class rooms. In many cases there are excellent buildings with almost none of the necessary equipment for doing good work. In most cases, too. your school grounds do not compare favorably ; with your * " " * ?* ' L DUUClingS. 1 Sincerely iu>jie Liim your locai school improvement association will do much to remedy these conditions. The county board of education will help you do it in this , way. When the patrons of a oneteacher school raise $12.50. or when the patrons of a larger country school raise $17.50, and de|>osi? with the treasurer, for the purpose of fencing the school grounds, or buying black boards, encyclopoedia or large dictionary, teacher's chair or j desk, maps, globes or similar equip- : ment, the county board of education will appropriate from the county' board fund for such purpose an amount equal to that raised by the ' , patrons. The total amount to be drawn through this ^office and spent only for such articles as mentioned ? -- a ...:n i.~ nerein. inere um uc ?>xn? nuum $250 available for'this purpose, and applications will be honored in order of their receipt. J G MeCuLLorGH, 10-31-It Co Supt Ed. I Notice of Application for Final Eischarge. Notice is hereby given that the un-j dersigned will make application on the1 30th day < f November. IMl'. at eleven | o'clock a. m.. to the Honorable P M : Brockint' n. Judge <>f Probate of Wi 1-1 liamsourg county, for his final discharge j as administrator ot the estate of F G ' Green, deceased, and that at said time a full accounting will be made to the said Probate Judge of his actings and j doinjrs as such administrator. Dated at Kingstree, S < this, the 28th day of October. 1912. F F GUKRRY, Administrator of the Estate of F G Green, deceased. 10-31-5t i Horses, Mules, Buggies, Surreys, Harness, Etc, ! I am now connected with the well known D. C. Shaw Co. of Sumter and prepared to supply i you with the best in the way of live stock, harness, wagons, bugj. gies, etc., at prices and terms to suit. Being located 4 miles north, of Greelyville and having no city: license or rents to pay, I can save i you money on your purchases. C. L. MONTGOMERY 9-26-13tu Greelyville, S. C. immnmrmtmmmimmr I I-f ] ; | II J | We have a < | Buttons to i | and styles. ^ 1 ittUUUWUUUUUUWUUUUWi i ls come when every man, \v( ? advanced autumn season, s anything in these lines it \ apparel for all classes. Ou ree Dry T*T7TVVT7TTTYVTTFT7V7TTY7 ? f! GROW 1 > DY means of a mutual * and a thorough f needs, coupled v/itha dei on the part of those int ? cerns in this immediate t the extensive service off* ? -I.* ?.U.. r ? UUllUlIlg 1UI uit'iii: ri v co c t for the larger business of f BANK OF WJ King's! ? C W SToLl.. President. F Rhem, Vice-President. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAA4j THE PEOPLi Hides, Furs H. A. MILLEF a f LEHN ? i TZJver- TALCUIv TUC . "'? BEST J TOILET isEHs^HN-.'s, 'P.VPJRlS 1 * m?fi BATH |S;j we nave a goou a^orimciu ^THE KINGSTRE1 IT PAYS TO ADVER i;i!iiiiii!iiniininiiii:mnHinr It's Ne :omplete line match. A loo See Our BUTLEl UUiiUiUUliUiilUUUiiiitUiiiUl rwrCry riiim >man and child in Williamsburg >uch as heavier underwear, hea\ vill be to your interest to call at r Dress Goods Department is Goods( T7VYTTYT7YYYVTVYYT7VTTYV < WITH US < i ?? ?? < Uy profitable co-orperation 3 understanding of business J sire to "live and let live" 3 erested, many young con- < ' vicinity are making use of i! iied bv this bank and are 3 i solid financial foundation 1 -i- - 4 :ne xuiuie. ? 4 ILLIAMSBURG, 3; ree, S. C. j E C Epps. Cashier. ^ C W Boswell. Asst. Cashier. 4 I Lt*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*A 71 ! I ??? E'S MARKET j DEALER IN Kinds of Fresh i, Leats and Fish. I ;licst Cash Price Paid for and Poultry. ? I, PROPRIETOR Pure Drugs 1! are more important; than pure food s,. when r: comes to j ministering to the sick. We use only ^ the best in c o impounding prescrip- ; tions. Patent Medicines - ( "I Of All Kinds | ij ! ; Huyler's Candies j of Turnip and Rutabaga Seed. n l DRUG COMPANY = rier hi mc orrnon not in iriL iiLuunu j w We i of all the new c ?k at our line vv Line ot Lo; * DRY Q iiiuuuiuiiiaiiiiiuiiiuuiiiuiuuia ; Tn / county must put aside their ; ier clothing of all kinds?a . our store and examine our e: i Complete. % m [A Word to I j I have leased the bi? son's Warehouse and no' nice line of i FURNl D which I am pleased to of public at prices that are II 1\JFW I M A 1 A?" 0 are arriving daily, and th fit your home out com! My line is new. Call anc J w. N. J o ^ Formerly with Car' 1=301?=mo "A r? 'i>?r* - 3810 tiTHB DURA' C Last as long as the bulding, and never need rt J oceasi jnal coai of paint. Just the hing for all * Handsome?Inexpensive. Can be laid right 2 We have local representatives almost ever I locality, write us direct for samples, prices an ' CORT RIGHT METAL F |^SMort^M St eet i [| WAYS T 1 Begin right. Know yourself. Limit your expenses. Watch the leaks. 0 Stop the leaks. have a home bank. Avoid gold-brick Own a home. Don't be a "j Be a man. Take car We will start you right. $1 on which we will pay 4no comj The Bank o UD. C. srott, President. F M". Fairev, Cashier. Wm. W. Bark ft' i*iwwtmmnitwfmtmntimnn Vlways - 4 ,oiors in urcj> ill convince y< Bugle Trii at Suits an< OODS C< uuuuttiuumuiiuiiuuiiiuuui f p yvjl 5.1m Tiar wearing apparel and i ppropriate Millinery, High I ceeptionally large and varied KINGSTR on ; (lie Public:; r building known as Nelw have it stocked with a ITURE D fer my friends and the 1 interesting. |;' joods nl o is is the time of year to w ! [ortably for the winter. ; I look it over. acobs, u: o )lina Furniture Co. 2 0 1 ll ISISKL, pain?never need any attention, except an I kind* ot country building*, tin-proof? over'wood *hingles without dirt or bother. I ywhere, but if none ?n your immediate I id full particular*. 4 I tOOFING COMPANY a oczaoao O SAVE Hi i , I i ' 1 schemes. food fellow." e of your health. .00 will open an account up- O jounded every three mdnths. V if Kingstree .J. A. KEi.r.EY,Vice Pres. i( N. P. I.esesxe, As-t. Cashier. |' , Jr., Teller. Have s Goods, Trim )u we are righi mming. Wc 1 Cloaks "1 OMPANY lilUiUiUiUiUliU'UiUUiUlUllilUI ... J1, >1. ''X A ?'1* ^ } J iL% ?| \JL ? 1 8 don garments that are 1 SBH Shoes, Gloves, Sweater 1 SH assortment of up-to-date ? H| EE, $ C ( Arrival of Passenjjer Trains at SBBB Kliiflstrcc. ^HeSm The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following sched- $E?H| ule, which became effective Sunday, Hj October 15, 1911: |S^H North Bound. ? fin No 80 7:43 am |?9H "No 46 11:37 am No 78 6:10 p m Aafl South Bound. No 79 11:13 am ARE "No 47 - 6:10 pifr? jjaB No 89 ... 9:09 p m jjmjgH "Daily except Sunday. . HSj Catarrh Cannot Be Cured jB ivith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood _>r constitutional disease, and in order to cure it . you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh IB Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood ar.d mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one >f the best physicians in this country for years and is a reguiar prescription. It is composed of ^^BEB the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous sur- fB^HK faces. The perfect combination of the two ingreiients is what produces such wcnderful results in v HHE :uring catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. HSD F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo. 0- f Ml Sold by Druggists, price "5c. f Take Hai.'s Familv Pills for constipation. fif F I RE! 1 i860 I am pleased to V announce to my old H patrons and the 9 public at large that After the lOth inst. I will be fully pre- I oared to earrv on l ? w ~ ?/ the practice of n| MM DENTISTRY I in all its depart- 9 ments. 9 Call on mp if von m9 want IH First Class WorK * ||8 at 13 & Prices to Suit. J& fffl A. M. Snider. I Jffice over Gamble & Jacobs' Drug Store, |H Opposite Tbe Record Office. . ]g| j-7-tf n imings and | A > ^ SH c in quality | i Have It. 1 3> m j^Efl An 3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaiif * -a v rv^LA^iil^