iF"p? H E time of year ha X in keeping with th* Coats. Hosiery, etc. For Fall and Winter wearing W i o c# 1 I JL JLAJL SCHOOL INFORMATION. To Trustees, Teachers and Patrons: ? One of the greatest ntvjie Liim your locai school improvement association will do much to remedy these conditions. The county board of education will help you do it in this , way. When the patrons of a oneteacher school raise $12.50. or when the patrons of a larger country school raise $17.50, and de|>osi? with the treasurer, for the purpose of fencing the school grounds, or buying black boards, encyclopoedia or large dictionary, teacher's chair or j desk, maps, globes or similar equip- : ment, the county board of education will appropriate from the county' board fund for such purpose an amount equal to that raised by the ' , patrons. The total amount to be drawn through this ^office and spent only for such articles as mentioned ? -- a ...:n i.~ nerein. inere um uc ?>xn? nuum $250 available for'this purpose, and applications will be honored in order of their receipt. J G MeCuLLorGH, 10-31-It Co Supt Ed. I Notice of Application for Final Eischarge. Notice is hereby given that the un-j dersigned will make application on the1 30th day < f November. IMl'. at eleven | o'clock a. m.. to the Honorable P M : Brockint' n. Judge <>f Probate of Wi 1-1 liamsourg county, for his final discharge j as administrator ot the estate of F G ' Green, deceased, and that at said time a full accounting will be made to the said Probate Judge of his actings and j doinjrs as such administrator. Dated at Kingstree, S < this, the 28th day of October. 1912. F F GUKRRY, Administrator of the Estate of F G Green, deceased. 10-31-5t i Horses, Mules, Buggies, Surreys, Harness, Etc, ! I am now connected with the well known D. C. Shaw Co. of Sumter and prepared to supply i you with the best in the way of live stock, harness, wagons, bugj. gies, etc., at prices and terms to suit. Being located 4 miles north, of Greelyville and having no city: license or rents to pay, I can save i you money on your purchases. C. L. MONTGOMERY 9-26-13tu Greelyville, S. C. immnmrmtmmmimmr I I-f ] ; | II J | We have a < | Buttons to i | and styles. ^ 1 ittUUUWUUUUUUWUUUUWi i ls come when every man, \v( ? advanced autumn season, s anything in these lines it \ apparel for all classes. Ou ree Dry T*T7TVVT7TTTYVTTFT7V7TTY7 ? f! GROW 1 > DY means of a mutual * and a thorough f needs, coupled v/itha dei on the part of those int ? cerns in this immediate t the extensive service off* ? -I.* ?.U.. r ? UUllUlIlg 1UI uit'iii: ri v co c t for the larger business of f BANK OF WJ King's! ? C W SToLl.. President. F Rhem, Vice-President. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAA4j THE PEOPLi Hides, Furs H. A. MILLEF a f LEHN ? i TZJver- TALCUIv TUC . "'? BEST J TOILET isEHs^HN-.'s, 'P.VPJRlS 1 * m?fi BATH |S;j we nave a goou a^orimciu ^THE KINGSTRE1 IT PAYS TO ADVER i;i!iiiiii!iiniininiiii:mnHinr It's Ne :omplete line match. A loo See Our BUTLEl UUiiUiUUliUiilUUUiiiitUiiiUl rwrCry riiim >man and child in Williamsburg >uch as heavier underwear, hea\ vill be to your interest to call at r Dress Goods Department is Goods( T7VYTTYT7YYYVTVYYT7VTTYV < WITH US < i ?? ?? < Uy profitable co-orperation 3 understanding of business J sire to "live and let live" 3 erested, many young con- < ' vicinity are making use of i! iied bv this bank and are 3 i solid financial foundation 1 -i- - 4 :ne xuiuie. ? 4 ILLIAMSBURG, 3; ree, S. C. j E C Epps. Cashier. ^ C W Boswell. Asst. Cashier. 4 I Lt*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*A 71 ! I ??? E'S MARKET j DEALER IN Kinds of Fresh i, Leats and Fish. I ;licst Cash Price Paid for and Poultry. ? I, PROPRIETOR Pure Drugs 1! are more important; than pure food s,. when r: comes to j ministering to the sick. We use only ^ the best in c o impounding prescrip- ; tions. Patent Medicines - ( "I Of All Kinds | ij ! ; Huyler's Candies j of Turnip and Rutabaga Seed. n l DRUG COMPANY = rier hi mc orrnon not in iriL iiLuunu j w We i of all the new c ?k at our line vv Line ot Lo; * DRY Q iiiuuuiuiiiaiiiiiuiiiuuiiiuiuuia ; Tn / county must put aside their ; ier clothing of all kinds?a . our store and examine our e: i Complete. % m [A Word to I j I have leased the bi? son's Warehouse and no' nice line of i FURNl D which I am pleased to of public at prices that are II 1\JFW I M A 1 A?" 0 are arriving daily, and th fit your home out com! My line is new. Call anc J w. N. J o ^ Formerly with Car' 1=301?=mo "A r? 'i>?r* - 3810 tiTHB DURA' C Last as long as the bulding, and never need rt J oceasi jnal coai of paint. Just the hing for all * Handsome?Inexpensive. Can be laid right 2 We have local representatives almost ever I locality, write us direct for samples, prices an ' CORT RIGHT METAL F |^SMort^M St eet i [| WAYS T 1 Begin right. Know yourself. Limit your expenses. Watch the leaks. 0 Stop the leaks. have a home bank. Avoid gold-brick Own a home. Don't be a "j Be a man. Take car We will start you right. $1 on which we will pay 4no comj The Bank o UD. C. srott, President. F M". Fairev, Cashier. Wm. W. Bark ft' i*iwwtmmnitwfmtmntimnn Vlways - 4 ,oiors in urcj> ill convince y< Bugle Trii at Suits an< OODS C< uuuuttiuumuiiuiiuuiiiuuui f p yvjl 5.1m Tiar wearing apparel and i ppropriate Millinery, High I ceeptionally large and varied KINGSTR on ; (lie Public:; r building known as Nelw have it stocked with a ITURE D fer my friends and the 1 interesting. |;' joods nl o is is the time of year to w ! [ortably for the winter. ; I look it over. acobs, u: o )lina Furniture Co. 2 0 1 ll ISISKL, pain?never need any attention, except an I kind* ot country building*, tin-proof? over'wood *hingles without dirt or bother. I ywhere, but if none ?n your immediate I id full particular*. 4 I tOOFING COMPANY a oczaoao O SAVE Hi i , I i ' 1 schemes. food fellow." e of your health. .00 will open an account up- O jounded every three mdnths. V if Kingstree .J. A. KEi.r.EY,Vice Pres. i( N. P. I.esesxe, As-t. Cashier. |' , Jr., Teller. Have s Goods, Trim )u we are righi mming. Wc 1 Cloaks "1 OMPANY lilUiUiUiUiUliU'UiUUiUlUllilUI ... J1, >1. ''X A ?'1* ^ } J iL% ?| \JL ? 1 8 don garments that are 1 SBH Shoes, Gloves, Sweater 1 SH assortment of up-to-date ? H| EE, $ C ( Arrival of Passenjjer Trains at SBBB Kliiflstrcc. ^HeSm The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following sched- $E?H| ule, which became effective Sunday, Hj October 15, 1911: |S^H North Bound. ? fin No 80 7:43 am |?9H "No 46 11:37 am No 78 6:10 p m Aafl South Bound. No 79 11:13 am ARE "No 47 - 6:10 pifr? jjaB No 89 ... 9:09 p m jjmjgH "Daily except Sunday. . HSj Catarrh Cannot Be Cured jB ivith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood _>r constitutional disease, and in order to cure it . you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh IB Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood ar.d mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one >f the best physicians in this country for years and is a reguiar prescription. It is composed of ^^BEB the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous sur- fB^HK faces. The perfect combination of the two ingreiients is what produces such wcnderful results in v HHE :uring catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. HSD F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo. 0- f Ml Sold by Druggists, price "5c. f Take Hai.'s Familv Pills for constipation. fif F I RE! 1 i860 I am pleased to V announce to my old H patrons and the 9 public at large that After the lOth inst. I will be fully pre- I oared to earrv on l ? w ~ ?/ the practice of n| MM DENTISTRY I in all its depart- 9 ments. 9 Call on mp if von m9 want IH First Class WorK * ||8 at 13 & Prices to Suit. J& fffl A. M. Snider. I Jffice over Gamble & Jacobs' Drug Store, |H Opposite Tbe Record Office. . ]g| j-7-tf n imings and | A > ^ SH c in quality | i Have It. 1 3> m j^Efl An 3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaiif * -a v rv^LA^iil^