The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 07, 1911, Image 1

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t7^'" " ?V *W* - .r i -? . , ? . - ' > i ? # . * . . w ? . . t * * w _ i -jt ? flje Cnnnti) llccurit L U)L. XXV. KiyGSTREE, SOUTH I'AliOMXA, THl'KSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1011. XQ. ->6 H m You don't buv Hardwar The essential thing al J I he buys here is good, be 9 printed announcements til I m these facts in our establis] 1 f fered for our merchandise j Coffins and Caskt m u/uit ! as/c piTv cm * innM! LM!\t on ( i yts\ ABE SAYING ANO 0Q1NS. STUCK COMPANY ORCiAMZES'-SCIIOOLS 10 ^PL\ SOO.X--THE RL'INOt'S R AIXS?PERSOX \ L. Lake City, September ". -.Mr.) M Truluck left here Saturday niirht f"r St Louis. Mo. ami other points. Mr an<l Mrs G J Harris returns 1 to Lake City Sunday morninp from North Carolina, where they hadj been visitinjr since their marriape, on the 24th of August. They will make their home in town. ? ! Miss Louise Ross of Wadesboro, N /- * .... u U.^ \Trj T ' I V_, IS III low 11 w l ciJ I1CI auiu, ^ G Atkinson. Miss Mollie Xachman is visiting ' Miss Lillie Pfechter in Charleston. 1 Mr Wilbur G Dickson of Tarhoro, N C. spent some hours in town with relatives last Thursday. Ho went from here to Johnsonville. where ho remained with his father till Sunday afternoon. Miss Gretchen Bass visited friends relatives at Old Eflingham last week. The J M Truluek company was organized Saturday. The following rr, the officers elected: President. .1 ^ Truluek: vice-president. I. K Truluek; secretary. H F Fenegan: treasurer ..Joe M Faddy. The capital stock is >2">,ooo. The now company takes over the business of Mr .1 M Truluek. and will earrv on the same I line of lousiness <>n an enlarged scale. Mr W Wesley Sinplotary went to Wake Forest college. N C. last Monday, and will take a course at that institution. We hoar that it is Mr Singletary's intention to tit himself to go to India as a medical missionary. Mr K* F Epps was hero from Cades Monday. Quite a large number of our people went to the Labor day celebration in Florence Monday. Mr Mack Webster wont down to I UT\N( 1 V 1 i ^ V SV7 We wish t( 1st. The Centra] \ yr 2nd. We do not be > 3rd. We do not en and we don't expect to b J bacco. Bur, we say to a I P 4th. All of the lai g on some of the other mai ? 5th. We believe ii g ready to sell your tobacc ^ your tobacco. | P. S.?Koger Ale SOMETH ewith the same frequency th >out buying Hardware,then, is t cause?we make it good. ft 0 id the advantages we offer. C intent our customers come to us ft It It's Hardware. We H K i N Q 5 T ;ts. Survir.v ; > h - nophow. Mr !' r.".n>\ \Wh>aT t. , ' J th. .ta! t- r fvnnv-Pi si.i" irnir' tvporl- that 'h - v. is iTi' .<n wrv uvii. Mr .Shrmomi L Courtney has < .! !! j;5J his aut<m*.??l i! . Mi Paul It .. * i i i ' ( at 'wen. : . * : nonet*' rtn will tv. \\v ... v.n.iiMStar 1. 'rt rhartrv >t* tlv H:s- ; ru-s atfniis ' h;> Mr- M A S;r:r!? tary. n? ;;r *<...n ,|t-. Mr -M.'th t Siuivvun is her* >rt a an "0 THE TQBA< > call your attentioi Yarehouse, of Kings tree, made -/-* f U#\ fVl ! l^i iuiij4, iu lijc ?v ail'in/uov. 11 u.n, k> courage farmers to sell their tol uy. or have any bought, in tin 1 tobacco planters, that if you w \ge companies have buyers hen 'kets near by. n free trade and farmers' rights o drive straight to Central War iUST 15. 22.000 AT OVER $U AVERAGE FOR M EPFS Intosh and John Slaughter, c i is 1T fr ?m S;?rintr.'i?M. i\y. where h?" lh is in business. >'?' Miss Susie Dickson is here fr?mj'AI Sumter visiting the Misses Uinnant.|a't The graded and hiprh schools will I'"11 I rir< ojvn on Monday the lMh instant. | The rains continue almost daily1 ha and sometimes several times daily, j and old cotton is ruining hadiv. | W L B. | Death ol a Child. ' J Taft, September 1:?On Saturday. ? August 2?5, the death anyvl visited & the home of Mr and Mrs W K , Thomas and took from their dwell- j jfi inn a little daughter, Annie Jane. ; Jg She was b >rn July lo, lpnp, making j # her stay on earth two years, one jI month and two weeks. Her home J was made sad when she passed away.1 ff It seemed as if the linht of a once M bright home had prone out. l Her remain* were laid t<> rest in 1 If the family ouryinp-^rounu. waere j m her sleej iny dust is patiently wait-1 ? inir for the resurrection of the just. ? ? MAM' || To Tobacco Warehousemen. j ?$ I The iiecord wan's your adwrtis- j ir inu and job printing. You use the ' w paper t?. build up your market andjG we are K'lad to serve you. but we \w have to make a living out of this; p businsss. beside> paying printers and 2T it her costs of business. Let us haw m vour work. We haw a lar^e supply j is of all kinds of forms and will jret any j R other kinil required. We guarantee j m prices as low as the lowest and <1 nal- P ity as liiph as the highest. tf & o or 6 doses "6(56" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, li.'c. : p jSTREEA ING A B < at you buy Groceries, an o know that it is good. TI ne of the noteworthy point Our qualities, our low pri in constantly increasing ni ave It. REE MAR! WHOLESALE AN IJ ,Ir XN0\ 7.V . !il> .? f'K S lorm- rrsoual V* ntl in. -t s tfrW'ft bv th?* st >rp? <oSoyo,M:o>so^oA'osaxokc 1AKF^ c A /S, fi W &^r<?.S -V xo GROW? i to the follow!ri or.e of the best averages L-cause we rec. gm/A' -be r )aeco in the country, as we e country. However, we ill place your tobacco on o1 ?, and we are a!ad to sa> . All tobacco sold with u ehousc, and we will c<nvi NOTE THESE F i. 10. ONTH OF AUGUST BIC "3Tcmrs tt<= MONTGOl ?ur floor managers, will t i U ri ? i_. i\; i - -v trnjilv, MERY, Pro; 11 ways look after your intei * . i idwarF" i you have bought a trouble ast skillful buyer can come her lability. People who come he are facts, not theories. Becai ? to these facts is the best guai MP ANY We LeadI ; i Austin we hey to ivmin<l our i , frierais that all notuv - relating tit !* ?n?*y - making enterprises. for v church, school or any other cans.*, \ are .harmed for a- advertising at 1 ope e n1 a word. All c ards of | i t tliar.hs, for art;, purp<se whatsoever. *f are charged for at the rate of one ' c CiT.t :i word. It would save us all H CAROLINA: ng the month of July, considei i::eco grower to sell his product oor is the proper and best plat ?rs, or buyers either, how the; luch as at any warehouse in thl ed with Pin Hookers as you e hire no drummers, and havt \e market, and Central Wareh ST 22, 24,000 AT OVER $15 MADE IN STATE. prietors. est. We pay 4 per cent, intei FARM KKS cS: Vib "a hsoli;t LAIvK CITY. i..r w.:'ieient sup h:n : -!i t. * ' ?11??n opened Ik- 'lis. - : sprouted. an 1 the 1 aif r.ed l"i:rrs tr??m tp? ?t-eo o? t:: : >s haw turned h!a<*k and i" r .ttin^r anil wiil neve: >ju n. e damage to cotton that was tnt.' l oarly is alii'nt }k*i cent, n!.' thi* loss t > the later crop is nut 1 ' tH-r cent. The weather is il threatening and the V?ho\wrs l' still doinjr damage. so it really mis that "the melancholy flays ve c >rne. the saddest of the year" in dead earnest. Deposit with us only ten dol ten years and you can send y jjets old enough. I his is yoi TO DO. YOU'LL NEVER MIS Let OUR Bank OUTHAR id if you buy the wrong kini hat brings you here, for the le s of our store is its solid rel ces, our splendid assortments imbers, and our firm adherens DWARE CO KtiTAiL :?HAL::RS ? :cin.y's Iittljrirl. h -v - r- \e-i iml s:>: ! ! - : 'e?i S ' !l'.\ at'trfn? : the l :ptist ch ireh. The t' i . < ' rv "f; .. a <h"i t : ... '.V. in >a hize will them " ! - a :' <>; ,\ . rev - is sj> ' 1 ; !..ti\ "s at t < live s *n h -me. ; M: U?i? Sn.iu-K-n ha.-' returned il'f.'in! ''aware t? remain with his ih. W K Snowdon. during tile i . .. I tail season. Mrs .1 B ('hardier has returned I home, after raving quite a pleasant sojourn h* her daughter's. Mrs V \V i Graham's, home at Xesmith. I The protracted meeting announc e?! I?y the Baptist church for last , week was providentially hindered ! l?v the recent storm. W E S. i aiHMETfC ! lars a month REOULARLY for J? our boy ojf to s.hool when he ML ur iiUTY This is easy for you u ?S THE MONEY. I be YOUR Bank. g rest on savings accounts. IKCIIA.NTS HANK, C i'.iL i :S A I- 1'^. M s f...' '?v. . n.v'nn* v -s4 <o>.a ;s w.^v^..^v "" ^.*\rs ?/vh 4vh 5PLEND I ;rs of sour ^ a it o /? t ?q l t ^..? * ,? v ._> . fo: toixuvo in 'he State1 duri fie- oiiclorit ,,:ght of every to!; heheve that the t! are not going to say to farm* .a* doors we will get you as n ; that we aw not over-stock s is sold on its merits, as \v ince you that Kingstree is tl >R!CES BELOW: AUGU a v c: Dif.P PVFy * It Headqu || , I \ For Almost 1 You Wish I chase, !? or S i " ?.* I : WilkinsV I | Grocer ^^isd3B?BKlSs}?5SIS2BS^Si D AVERA that lasts a long time. J e and be sure that what 1 ?re in response to our m use of the prevalence of ff -antee that could be of-Others Follow. * ro..i! deal if tr?>ul?I?> and orrbarrasslUTit if you would just count the v. r-anil s-rnd the money along with " in "copy," as it hardly pays us to teep bo.iks on those little items. Vet n the abrogate they mean a coniiderable loss to the paper if not 'ullected.and they are so easily overlooked. tt > _ > arters I Z " ? I Anything i to Pur= Large | mall. /holesale ; *v C.n * I GES " I i3 I $ ring quality sold. where he pleases. :ii :e to sell your tobacco, M >, v must sell, or buy, to- &? i s State. rn J will find to be the case ? ' -?1 M 5 3 no favorites; so when & ' ouse is the place to sell $? J 1 1 II <v| 1 I i i '? *, J