t7^'" " ?V *W* - .r i -? . , ? . - ' > i ? # . * . . w ? . . t * * w _ i -jt ? flje Cnnnti) llccurit L U)L. XXV. KiyGSTREE, SOUTH I'AliOMXA, THl'KSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1011. XQ. ->6 H m You don't buv Hardwar The essential thing al J I he buys here is good, be 9 printed announcements til I m these facts in our establis] 1 f fered for our merchandise j Coffins and Caskt m u/uit ! as/c piTv cm * innM! LM!\t on ( i yts\ ABE SAYING ANO 0Q1NS. STUCK COMPANY ORCiAMZES'-SCIIOOLS 10 ^PL\ SOO.X--THE RL'INOt'S R AIXS?PERSOX \ L. Lake City, September ". -.Mr.) M Truluck left here Saturday niirht f"r St Louis. Mo. ami other points. Mr an2">,ooo. The now company takes over the business of Mr .1 M Truluek. and will earrv on the same I line of lousiness <>n an enlarged scale. Mr W Wesley Sinplotary went to Wake Forest college. N C. last Monday, and will take a course at that institution. We hoar that it is Mr Singletary's intention to tit himself to go to India as a medical missionary. Mr K* F Epps was hero from Cades Monday. Quite a large number of our people went to the Labor day celebration in Florence Monday. Mr Mack Webster wont down to I UT\N( 1 V 1 i ^ V SV7 We wish t( 1st. The Centra] \ yr 2nd. We do not be > 3rd. We do not en and we don't expect to b J bacco. Bur, we say to a I P 4th. All of the lai g on some of the other mai ? 5th. We believe ii g ready to sell your tobacc ^ your tobacco. | P. S.?Koger Ale SOMETH ewith the same frequency th >out buying Hardware,then, is t cause?we make it good. ft 0 id the advantages we offer. C intent our customers come to us ft It It's Hardware. We H K i N Q 5 T ;ts. Survir.v ; > h - nophow. Mr !' r.".n>\ \Wh>aT t. , ' J th. .ta! t- r fvnnv-Pi si.i" irnir' tvporl- that 'h - v. is iTi'ttir.ir .t* tlv H:s- ; ru-s atfniis ' h;> Mr- M A S;r:r!? tary. n? ;;r *<...n ,|t-. Mr -M.'th t Siuivvun is her* >rt a an "0 THE TQBA< > call your attentioi Yarehouse, of Kings tree, made -/-* f U#\ fVl ! l^i iuiij4, iu lijc ?v ail'in/uov. 11 u.n, k> courage farmers to sell their tol uy. or have any bought, in tin 1 tobacco planters, that if you w \ge companies have buyers hen 'kets near by. n free trade and farmers' rights o drive straight to Central War iUST 15. 22.000 AT OVER $U AVERAGE FOR M EPFS Intosh and John Slaughter, c i is 1T fr ?m S;?rintr.'i?M. i\y. where h?" lh is in business. >'?' Miss Susie Dickson is here fr?mj'AI Sumter visiting the Misses Uinnant.|a't The graded and hiprh schools will I'"11 I rir< ojvn on Monday the lMh instant. | The rains continue almost daily1 ha and sometimes several times daily, j and old cotton is ruining hadiv. | W L B. | Death ol a Child. ' J Taft, September 1:?On Saturday. ? August 2?5, the death anyvl visited & the home of Mr and Mrs W K , Thomas and took from their dwell- j jfi inn a little daughter, Annie Jane. ; Jg She was b >rn July lo, lpnp, making j # her stay on earth two years, one jI month and two weeks. Her home J was made sad when she passed away.1 ff It seemed as if the linht of a once M bright home had prone out. l Her remain* were laid t<> rest in 1 If the family ouryinp-^rounu. waere j m her sleej iny dust is patiently wait-1 ? inir for the resurrection of the just. ? ? MAM' || To Tobacco Warehousemen. j ?$ I The iiecord wan's your adwrtis- j ir inu and job printing. You use the ' w paper t?. build up your market andjG we are K'lad to serve you. but we \w have to make a living out of this; p businsss. beside> paying printers and 2T it her costs of business. Let us haw m vour work. We haw a lar^e supply j is of all kinds of forms and will jret any j R other kinil required. We guarantee j m prices as low as the lowest and <1 nal- P ity as liiph as the highest. tf & o or 6 doses "6(56" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, li.'c. : p jSTREEA ING A B < at you buy Groceries, an o know that it is good. TI ne of the noteworthy point Our qualities, our low pri in constantly increasing ni ave It. REE MAR! WHOLESALE AN IJ ,Ir XN0\ 7.V . !il> .? f'K S lorm- rrsoual V* ntl in. -t s tfrW'ft bv th?* st >rp? so^oA'osaxokc 1AKF^ c A /S, fi W &^r . All tobacco sold with u ehousc, and we will cs haw turned h!a<*k and i" r .ttin^r anil wiil neve: >ju n. e damage to cotton that was tnt.' l oarly is alii'nt }k*i cent, n!.' thi* loss t > the later crop is nut 1 ' tH-r cent. The weather is il threatening and the V?ho\wrs l' still doinjr damage. so it really mis that "the melancholy flays ve c >rne. the saddest of the year" in dead earnest. Deposit with us only ten dol ten years and you can send y jjets old enough. I his is yoi TO DO. YOU'LL NEVER MIS Let OUR Bank OUTHAR id if you buy the wrong kini hat brings you here, for the le s of our store is its solid rel ces, our splendid assortments imbers, and our firm adherens DWARE CO KtiTAiL :?HAL::RS Wi.it- ? :cin.y's Iittljrirl. h -v - r- \e-i iml s:>: ! ! - : 'e?i S ' !l'.\ at'trfn? : the l :ptist ch ireh. The t' i . < ' rv "f; .. a a hize will them " ! - a :' <>; ,\ . rev - is sj> ' 1 ; !..ti\ "s at t < live s *n h -me. ; M: U?i? Sn.iu-K-n ha.-' returned il'f.'in! ''aware t? remain with his ih. W K Snowdon. during tile i . .. I tail season. Mrs .1 B ('hardier has returned I home, after raving quite a pleasant sojourn h* her daughter's. Mrs V \V i Graham's, home at Xesmith. I The protracted meeting announc e?! I?y the Baptist church for last , week was providentially hindered ! l?v the recent storm. W E S. i aiHMETfC ! lars a month REOULARLY for J? our boy ojf to s.hool when he ML ur iiUTY This is easy for you u ?S THE MONEY. I be YOUR Bank. g rest on savings accounts. IKCIIA.NTS HANK, C i'.iL i :S A I- 1'^. M s f...' '?v. . n.v'nn* v -s4 .a ;s w.^v^..^v "" ^.*\rs ?/vh 4vh 5PLEND I ;rs of sour ^ a it o /? t ?q l t ^..? * ,? v ._> . fo: toixuvo in 'he State1 duri fie- oiiclorit ,,:ght of every to!; heheve that the wa-ehor.se t! are not going to say to farm* .a* doors we will get you as n ; that we aw not over-stock s is sold on its merits, as \v ince you that Kingstree is tl >R!CES BELOW: AUGU a v c: Dif.P PVFy * It Headqu || , I \ For Almost 1 You Wish I chase, !? or S i " ?.* I : WilkinsV I | Grocer ^^isd3B?BKlSs}?5SIS2BS^Si D AVERA that lasts a long time. J e and be sure that what 1 ?re in response to our m use of the prevalence of ff -antee that could be of-Others Follow. * ro..i! deal if tr?>ul?I?> and orrbarrasslUTit if you would just count the v. r-anil s-rnd the money along with " in "copy," as it hardly pays us to teep bo.iks on those little items. Vet n the abrogate they mean a coniiderable loss to the paper if not 'ullected.and they are so easily overlooked. tt > _ > arters I Z " ? I Anything i to Pur= Large | mall. /holesale ; *v C.n * I GES " I i3 I $ ring quality sold. where he pleases. :ii :e to sell your tobacco, M >, v must sell, or buy, to- &? i s State. rn J will find to be the case ? ' -?1 M 5 3 no favorites; so when & ' ouse is the place to sell $? J 1 1 II