The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 10, 1903, Image 1

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' ' Tr<jim * VOL. XIX. KINGrSTIiLK, S. C., THURSDAY,DECEMBER !(), 1903, NO. 4$ .'J 1 1 , ... ! IT 11 Horses ' DIRECT FR01 Come early am YOURS TO n. f. i I ' ? = DOINGS AT DOCK. "Whtppoorwill" Btten by a Squirrel News Notes of Local Interest Dock, December 7:?While playing with ? pet squirrel belonging to a young lady a few days ago, the writer had the painful experience of being bitten in the baud, which member is at this time "a swell affair." Miss Ethel Xesmith, who is teaching thejtenaoti school, speut Satur^ BB^fcWdSuriday at her home at jj Dock. [ While in Kingstree a few da^s ago it was the writer's |good pleasure to spend the evening at the comfort* * 1 f n able and hospitable norne 01 ui uuu Mrs W L Wallace. The handsome new dwelling of Mr It J Nesmith is nearing completion. f Mr Burch Harrell from near Georgetown visited friends(?)in 01 r community Sunday. V Capt F M Nesmith visited the 'Niity on Black river" Monday. I am sorry to report that Mr F G Khem is extremely ill at this writing. I hope he may soon improve in health. Messrs Oscar Anderson and Robbie Fowler, two of Rome's vonng gal^ Jants, spent Sunday afternoon in our neighborhood. Mr Morris, a young gentleman of Lake City, visited ill this community last week. To the delight of his many friends, Mr Willie Steele, who has been at Steedinau, S. C., for the past year, returned home Sunday. Mr Steele was station agent at Steedman, but has decided to give up railroading and cast his lot among the hardy sons of the soil. We welcome our young friend home and wish him every success for the future. Whippoorwill. I? I BILIOUS COLIC PREVENTED. Take a double dose *of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diorrhea Remedv as soon as the first indication of the disease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of people use the renvdv in thin whv with perfect success. F??r /sale bv Dr D C Scott, Kingstree; Lake City Crug Co., I*ke City; Dr W S Lynch, Scranton. ^ Go to Kingstree Bakery for Crah^ berries. \ Subscribe too The Bopoao. \ A FRIGHTENED HOUSE, Running lit e mad down the street dtping the occupant*, or a hundAother accidents, are every day ocH-iences. It behooves everybody to Ye a reliable Salve liandv and the^ none as good as Bu' k'-n'a ArrA Salve. Burng, Cuts, Sires. Kci*% and Piles, disappear quiA under its soothing effect ]>r Wallace's Drug ^tire. vv m \ i57 HEAD Of I iuica9 1? ff THE WEST. i get your pick, PI FASF ^ 1ELLER, : MAYOR MORGAN RE-ELECTED : ResuL of fae E*cit M-jnicipal Con ; test m Georgetown Tuesday. I Geocgetowx, Decembers:?1 n< ; primary election held to-day for rnu ] nicipal officers has resulted in thi re-election of Mayor Morgan by i ; small, but safe, majority. Messrs I B Gardner, C S Congdon, H M | Barnes and W H McDouald wer< i elected to fill theakU nnanic board The victory for the re-election ol Mayor Morgan over his oponcnt, Di I Olin Sawyer, means everything t( 'the business community, and tin event is being celehr.ted ts-nighi by the shooting of fireworks, bon fires and riuging of l>e!ls; and tin i Georgetown Rifle Guards Drun 1 corps are making things lively ovei the success of the Morgan ticket. t ?News and Courier. A'hat it Mea^s. We're tired of answering questions ? ^ ^ t\r r ~ "I'ewer '.ranons; ?ears j.uugci means that you don't have to pain your house so often, and you don'i have to use so much paint. Cost.1 less for the job. and you don't hav< to do the job so often. The new paint is not new at all It's the biggest-selling paint in th< United States, and the firm tha makes it is 149 years old. Devoe Lead and Zinc?fewer gal long than mixed paints, wears twici as long as lead and oil. Bring us your JOB)WORK. LIVER TROUBLES I "I find Tbedford'a Black-Draught ija agood medicine for li er d'aease. v W Uc'-redmy on after be had ap nt 9 R $100 with doctor*. It iaall thrived- I 5 Icine 1 take."?MRS. ("A'OLINB fl | MABTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va. I I If your liver does not act reg- I | olarly go to your Iniggiit and I B secure a package of Thedford's I i | Black-Draught and take a dose I tonight. Ibis great tamiiy medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught ; will cleanse the bowels of impurities and strengthen the kidneys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sickness and contagion. Weak kidneys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A SA-cent Sickage of Thedford's Blackraught should always be kept i in the house. "I used Thedford's Black Draught for livar and kidney comi plaints and found nothing to excel it."-WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar> blehoad, 111. THEDFORD'3 SLACKPBAUfiHT. jj THE STOCK LAW CASE. | Parties Interested <n th^ 3ig Pasture Will Carry the Matter to Supreme Court. As has already been stated the : case of WB McColloagh et vs ( ! the County of WiHiamsbcrg, involving the of the Aegjalitjve Acts exempting Sattons, , Anderson and h part of Penn town* I ships from the operation of tiie gen- , .'stock law, which came up before ] : Judge Watts at the last terra of J court was decided against the , county and the county commissioners and the coanty treasurer , thereby restrained from levying and collecting the necessary taxes to build aui repair th2 puturs fsa33s in the exempted territory. Now it seems that the parties interested in the maintenance of the pasture fence dissatisfied with ] Judge Wat's' construction of the 1 law and will further test the matter. I A meeting of the stock-owners of ' the pasture was held Monday and it . was determined to carry the case to 1 the supreme court. Whatever may j be the final outcome this course of j action will at least delay the break iug up of the pasture Until the case his been disposed of in the higher ^ 'J tribunal. ^ I Go to Kings tree Bakery for new 4 Dutch Herrings. ] f Concjrr.lng .ounty Claims. r There is considerable complaint } on the part of holders of county ' claims on account of their not being H k abie to get the claiuia cashed. The only way to realize on tneni is ^ " to get the bank to cash the claims s 1 at a uiscount. As the taxes are be- s r J ing collected daily there is or should * be ?i plenty of money in the treasu ry to meet county claims ana it isi not surprising that people are com- j1 plaining. t ! We have made inquiry about the i * matter and Supervisor Graham int forms us that this condition is t owing to the fact that since the j 5 death of Mr R D Rollins there has j ? been no settlement between the } treasurer's office aud the eomptiollei t . general and this accounts for the 1 ?j non-payment of claims. In fact, the t J supervisor says he had to borrow t j money from the bank to de- I . j fray the expenses of the recent tern n of court, i We are authorized to say that j' there is money enough in the treasury to meet all outstanding indebt edness, and that after January 1 next the county treasurer will be empoweied to meet all approved claims presented, whether or not the settlement with the comptroller gen- j eral be made by that time. 1 m B I For toys, fancy ai tides and fireworks go to Kingstree Bakery. Mortuary. Died:?On Thursday, December 1 3, 1903, at her home at Salem, Mrs ( M M Reardon. Funeral services' ( were held at Midway on Friday at 11 a. m. Mrs Reardon letvos a husband and seven children, be-;1 sides a number of other relatives and frieuds, bereaved bv her death. ' ^ _ i j Go to the Kiugstree Bakery for i the finest four leaf Clover Butter, j 1 lb prints. i Having been appointed county agent for the Equ.table Fire Insurance Co., of Charleston, and the Phenix Insurance Co., of Brooklyn, I am prepared to insure toivn aud | country property against fire and ; lightning. The compauies I represent are absolutely safe, old line and conservative. C. W. WOLFK, Kingftreet S. C, CHEAP C! UBBING RATES, AttrgcJlvs Offer* to Subscribers to The County "e:ord Oar facilities this season art better than ever before for offering rihe&p clubbing rates to subscribers, We wiah to asrwc tie fact, fcawy/ar, | thai jcder the agreement made with ; other publishers we cannot offer their' publications at Deduced pricee except j to subscribers to The Record who i hive paid oae year in advance* Please do net ask ns to deviate from this rule. ? * Hero are our club offers: The County Record with the | Home and Farm, regular price $1.50;! >ur price for both $1.25. * * The County Record with the Sews and Courier ;(twic? a week), egular price $2 00; oar price for )oth$1.25. * * The County Record with the Sew York World (3 times a week), egular price $2.00; our price for :otb, $1.65. * * The County Record with the 2ouimoaer (Bryan'* paper), regular )rice $2.00; our price for both $1.65. * * The County Record with the National Magazine, regular price >2.00; our price for both $1.50. *. * The County Record wifcji the Atlanta Constitution, regular price >2.00, our price for both $1.76. * * The County Record and the 5emi Weekly Columbia State (new ubscribers ?nly), regular price 53.00; our price for both $2.25. * * The County Record and the ifouth's Companion (new lubscriiers only), regular price $2.75; our >rice for both $2.25. # * The County Record and Lipjincott's Magizine and the Cosmowliton, regular price $4.50; our jrice for the three $3.25. This is -he best offer we have as the pubisher's price of Lippincott's alone is )2.50. It contains a complete novel ivery month. Sample copies may >e seen at this office. We can save yon money on almost my magazine by clubbing with rhk Record. I Wbeu you want a pleasant pnrga-| :ive try Chamberlain's Stomach and j Liver Tablet*. Thev are easy to J ake and produce no nausea, griping! it* other disagreeable effect. For iu!e by Dr D C Scott, Kings tree; Lake Citv Drug Co., Lake Ujtv; l)r. | iV S Lynch, Scran ton. ATTENTION. All good citizens of the age of 16 j rears or more iu Sumter, Lake, Lee I uid Itidge townships are called to neet in mass meeting at Lake City >u Tuesday, the 15th inst, at 11 /clock a in:, the pnrposo of said netting being to organize clubs of ! the People's Protective Association J n said townships. There is a great j work possible in Williamsburg conn- j \v if these clubs are properly organ ized, and every ouo who has the good j * ' J I ..L 1 4. ! JI Ills county aua uuine <u m;ou jught to lie present. This meeting j is called for four townships at Lake j City in order to economize time, j P. H. Stoll. Kingstsee, S. C. Wanted?Persimmon, Dogwood, Hickory, and Holly logs. Freight paid on car-loads. James Cockshott Charleston, 8. C'. Wanted?An industrioHs man or boy to do general farm work. Apply to William Cooper. Kings tree or Cooper Post-office. S. C. j . RRE AT SCRANTCW. f/r P. A' Parker Loses His tnd Its Cont?r|(. } SflElJfTW. December #!<? I^e dwelling' boss* ox P A pAr&r I d&rojd 'jj trd 1*91 Isigki iboufc i o'clock. The JJre origiaated in the kitchen and hud gained considerable headway when discovered by Mr J L Brans, a neighbor vrho aronsed Mr Parker*! family. By the timely aid of friends Mr Parker succeeded in aarin? the roost of bis household effects. Mr Parker beg# us to return bis sincere thanks to all who assisted him iD saving his property. Their kindness is very much appreciated by himself and family, Henry Mc A lister, a coior?l tie cutter, was dangerously injured Tuesday a'terooon by a rebounding ing limb from a falling tree striking him on the head. The Knights of Phythias will hold their annual election of officers next Friday night. They will have a supper after the meeting. Messrs J P Grimsley, J A Atkins and P Matthews attended the Grand Lodge of the Masonic order in Charleston this week. Hon P S Wall is preparing to have a handsome dwelling erected on nhnwK Pmm th/* desio-na VU VMW1 VU VVkWV* * AVBM ?w ? pi we have seen this house will h? one of the prettiest in town when completed. Miss Dais/ Barnwell of Adams Run, S. C., has been elected teacher of Scranton school. Tne term will begin the earl/ part of the new year. W.E. C. Go to Kingstree Bakery for new Cod dsh. DEATH OF MR. F. 0, RHEM. A Man of Fine Character and in Every Respact a Good Ci'izen. Dock, December 8:?Mr F. (1. Rhem breathed his last on Monday, December 7, 1903, at 1 o'clock* at his home uear Rhems postoffice. Mr Rhem hud been in feeble health for some time and his death was not unexpected. Mr Khem was about 55 years old. He was a man of fine character and in every respect a good citizen. He leave* four children, three boys and one girl, besides a host of friends to lament hie death We extend to the stricken ones our heartfelt sympathy. WfflPPOOBWILL. BE QUICK. Not a minute should be loet when a child shews symtoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given us soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, w'M prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant to take. For sale bv Dr D C Scott, Kingstree; Luke City Drug Co., Luke City; L>r VV S Lynch, Scran ton. Go to Kingstree Bakery for Pickeled Sock Eyed Salmon. Removal Sale. For the next thirty days I will sell all of my stock of I)ry Goods, Clothiug, Shoes, etc., at cost to reduce my stock or account of moving. J. W. Locklikar, Greeleyville, 8. G'. A COSILY MISTAKE. Blunders are sometimes very exnonairo. Oremlnnallv life itself is i the price of a mistake, bnt ron'Il ! never be wrong if yon take Dr King's j New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dirtiness, Headache, Liver or Bowel trou| bles. Tbey are gentle, yet thorough* ' toe, at Dr vVallace'a Drug Store. Tobacco Growers. Bring your wrappers to the King Warehouse, Lake Pitv, S. C? and get , big money for them. The Wsre House i will ulose Saturday, Debeujber IfHkj for the Holidays. I . -t :? I I I I W. T. I Wilkins, TWO STORES iM WHOLESALE g X AND X UTAH WANT CBONTBY mm Seed Cotton, CHICKENS, EGGS, <H Highest Market ? Prices Paidt'^1 Best Lo! Boom to 1 Benefit of th& tefcftauikpki, I WHEN IN TOWN ; CAiib ^ ON US, ' m IB i 1 > :y?S ! ^ 1 I i