' ' Trr Wallace's Drug ^tire. vv m \ i57 HEAD Of I iuica9 1? ff THE WEST. i get your pick, PI FASF ^ 1ELLER, : MAYOR MORGAN RE-ELECTED : ResuL of fae E*cit M-jnicipal Con ; test m Georgetown Tuesday. I Geocgetowx, Decembers:?1 n< ; primary election held to-day for rnu ] nicipal officers has resulted in thi re-election of Mayor Morgan by i ; small, but safe, majority. Messrs I B Gardner, C S Congdon, H M | Barnes and W H McDouald wer< i elected to fill theakU nnanic board The victory for the re-election ol Mayor Morgan over his oponcnt, Di I Olin Sawyer, means everything t( 'the business community, and tin event is being celehr.ted ts-nighi by the shooting of fireworks, bon fires and riuging of l>e!ls; and tin i Georgetown Rifle Guards Drun 1 corps are making things lively ovei the success of the Morgan ticket. t ?News and Courier. A'hat it Mea^s. We're tired of answering questions ? ^ ^ t\r r ~ "I'ewer '.ranons; ?ears j.uugci means that you don't have to pain your house so often, and you don'i have to use so much paint. Cost.1 less for the job. and you don't hav< to do the job so often. The new paint is not new at all It's the biggest-selling paint in th< United States, and the firm tha makes it is 149 years old. Devoe Lead and Zinc?fewer gal long than mixed paints, wears twici as long as lead and oil. Bring us your JOB)WORK. LIVER TROUBLES I "I find Tbedford'a Black-Draught ija agood medicine for li er d'aease. v W Uc'-redmy on after be had ap nt 9 R $100 with doctor*. It iaall thrived- I 5 Icine 1 take."?MRS. ("A'OLINB fl | MABTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va. I I If your liver does not act reg- I | olarly go to your Iniggiit and I B secure a package of Thedford's I i | Black-Draught and take a dose I tonight. Ibis great tamiiy medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught ; will cleanse the bowels of impurities and strengthen the kidneys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sickness and contagion. Weak kidneys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A SA-cent Sickage of Thedford's Blackraught should always be kept i in the house. "I used Thedford's Black Draught for livar and kidney comi plaints and found nothing to excel it."-WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar> blehoad, 111. THEDFORD'3 SLACKPBAUfiHT. jj THE STOCK LAW CASE. | Parties Interested ur price for both $1.25. * * The County Record with the Sews and Courier ;(twic? a week), egular price $2 00; oar price for )oth$1.25. * * The County Record with the Sew York World (3 times a week), egular price $2.00; our price for :otb, $1.65. * * The County Record with the 2ouimoaer (Bryan'* paper), regular )rice $2.00; our price for both $1.65. * * The County Record with the National Magazine, regular price >2.00; our price for both $1.50. *. * The County Record wifcji the Atlanta Constitution, regular price >2.00, our price for both $1.76. * * The County Record and the 5emi Weekly Columbia State (new ubscribers ?nly), regular price 53.00; our price for both $2.25. * * The County Record and the ifouth's Companion (new lubscriiers only), regular price $2.75; our >rice for both $2.25. # * The County Record and Lipjincott's Magizine and the Cosmowliton, regular price $4.50; our jrice for the three $3.25. This is -he best offer we have as the pubisher's price of Lippincott's alone is )2.50. It contains a complete novel ivery month. Sample copies may >e seen at this office. We can save yon money on almost my magazine by clubbing with rhk Record. I Wbeu you want a pleasant pnrga-| :ive try Chamberlain's Stomach and j Liver Tablet*. Thev are easy to J ake and produce no nausea, griping! it* other disagreeable effect. For iu!e by Dr D C Scott, Kings tree; Lake Citv Drug Co., Lake Ujtv; l)r. | iV S Lynch, Scran ton. ATTENTION. All good citizens of the age of 16 j rears or more iu Sumter, Lake, Lee I uid Itidge townships are called to neet in mass meeting at Lake City >u Tuesday, the 15th inst, at 11 /clock a in:, the pnrposo of said netting being to organize clubs of ! the People's Protective Association J n said townships. There is a great j work possible in Williamsburg conn- j \v if these clubs are properly organ ized, and every ouo who has the good j * ' J I ..L 1 4. ! JI Ills county aua uuine r VV S Lynch, Scran ton. Go to Kingstree Bakery for Pickeled Sock Eyed Salmon. Removal Sale. For the next thirty days I will sell all of my stock of I)ry Goods, Clothiug, Shoes, etc., at cost to reduce my stock or account of moving. J. W. Locklikar, Greeleyville, 8. G'. A COSILY MISTAKE. Blunders are sometimes very exnonairo. Oremlnnallv life itself is i the price of a mistake, bnt ron'Il ! never be wrong if yon take Dr King's j New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dirtiness, Headache, Liver or Bowel trou| bles. Tbey are gentle, yet thorough* ' toe, at Dr vVallace'a Drug Store. Tobacco Growers. Bring your wrappers to the King Warehouse, Lake Pitv, S. C? and get , big money for them. The Wsre House i will ulose Saturday, Debeujber IfHkj for the Holidays. I . -t :? I I I I W. T. I Wilkins, TWO STORES iM WHOLESALE g X AND X UTAH WANT CBONTBY mm Seed Cotton, CHICKENS, EGGS, :y?S ! ^ 1 I i