The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 13, 1902, Image 1

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PW*WV^' rrr ibe fmmtj ?tror ii. 1 VOL. XVIII. ~~ KIXGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1902. NO,|J 1 LOCAL ITEMS | I OF INTEREST iuiiuuiuiiuuuuuaiiutiuiiiiu Read legal notices. What's the matter with the Kings- ia ? V ' TI tree Lyceum? I 1 ~~ " " * 1 /">! 1 . , ! 1 Mrs U It Harper visiien i/ihukb-i ton Wednesday. ^ Mis Mag Scott has been visiting friends in Florence. ^ Miss Alma Gordon of Lanes spent i Tuesday with friends in town. # Rev S T Russell of Blooniingvale w paid us a pleasant call Monday. 6t Dr A M Snider spent several days d< this week in Summerville on busi- oj ness. L Mj and Mrs R R Hudgensof Forestou spent Sunday with Mr W T B Wilkins' family. ai Mr W E Neswith, of the firm'of (b P Nasmith Bros., Cades, was a visitor Si - ' 1, in tow ft yesterday. Miss Lila Hemingway went to XI Cades Monday to take charge of the * school at that place. rl _ ?r< The next term of court convenes on Monday, December 1, Judge ill Townsend to preside. There are four murder cases on the calendar. c Mr H Asbnry Smith, who recently returned from Florence county to his old home near town, 9* called Wednesday and renewed his ** subscription. Last Friday afternoon a few ^ miles from town the A C L train m # * ra 1 into a bunch of Cupt A J " L-illtiwr Uiri'M Mild OD111U 3 UVlBCSf niiiuig iuuiring anuther. Our Ciules corespondent reports j* oil incipient tire at the Cades ginncrv yesterday morning. ' The tire was *' extinguished before any material ^ damage resulted. The Kingstree K of P Lodge had o lousiug time at their meeting last evening. The degree of Knight was conferred on Mr Montie Scott, and the following candidates were initiu- Q ted into the mysteries of the first degree: Messrs Chas and Carol Burgess, William Scott, Isaiah Tisdale II ^ and John G Barron. One of Capt G P Nelson's fine ^ Jersy cows gave birth to three calves last Tuesday morning. This is a V1 ? ???? /winnrrmifw a)..] tVw> pulf ^ i' > C< J laic wvuiiviiw ? ?%* "triplets" have been viewed by many cc with surprise and curiosity. One of the calves was killed by being ^ trrampled ou by its mother. Tinother two are still alive. Mr A W Gagg, who for several years has been at the head of the firm of Gagg, Oliver & Co., recently sold his interest in the busiuess to i< hit) sister, Mrs C G Harper, also a ni member of the firm, by whom it will L be continued. On Tuesday night p] Mr Gagg and his family returned to (; Trenton, N. J., their former home. An esteemed subscriber from Hock postoffice (who is too modest to have ** his name appear in print) called to see us to-dav and advanced his sub CI srrintion to 1904. This gentleman j? I W is justly proud of the fact that he b< hrs been a subscriber to newspapers for 45 years and has never been a Lcent in arrears. Would we had a thousand like him. | The following friends have paid I their subscription to The Record within the past week: R F Lewis Greeleyville, F 0 Spring Seranton, J S McCullough Benson, T Armstrong MfcCrea Indiantown, J W g. King and T E King Lake City, J S Tisdale Benson, J J Waldron Rome, c Rev T B Owen Venters, C L Smith Kingstree. John H Brown Leo, Rev $ S T Russell Morrisville, S E Floyd Ci Lake City, Dan'l McKenzie Cades, t' H M Thomas T W Cannon S C u Godwin Lake City, H A Smith K Kingstree, M G McMillan Greeley- p vide, J C J6sey Dock, and Robt C L/'Vv. McFaddin, colored. Epps. tmnmimimmmmniiim? AFFAIRS QAUGHT BY OUR 2 LOCAL REPORTER AND ^5 NOTED ZZ Aritten in Condensed Form ^2 and Printed in Like Manner ^5 for the Sake of Our Busy ^5 Readers ?2 aUUUUUUiUiUUlUiiUUUlI Th.. 1:ii]ic.<4 of Kinestive will <rive * "" ' " " C " ~ ' o hot supper at the court house on 'hanksgiving evening, November 27, 902, for the benefit of the Episcoal chapel and orphanage. .Mr. Walter Logan, the popular ilesman of M. Drake & Son of harleston was in town last Saturiiy at the sale of J. W. Branson's ock of goods. He bought ie the hole stock of goods and afterwards >ld them to Mr. Ilearron. We have i>t learned what the goods brought j r the liabilities of Mr. Brunson.?.j ee County Vindicator. Tuesday night of last week Will j nrgess stole Smart Mouxon's ox id brought it to Kingstree Wednesly morning and sold it to Mr R RI tutts. Upon receiving the money! e made himself scare*?, but on Suni\ night assistant marshal Charles vers, with the assistance of Clarice Scott, colored, identified Bur ss on train 23 and after an exciting lase succeded in capturing him id taking him to jail. hange in Treasurer's Appointment Owing to unavoidable circumancts the countv auditor has not 3en able to finish and turn over me the tax duplicate for 1902; nee I have not been able to meet y appointments lor tin* collection ' hixes at the several convenient aces anil I regret that I will not ive time now to make other apuntmcnts except as mentioned bew. I hope to be able to meet my ipointinents from Durant's Store i. As the duplicate is completed low Black River I will beat Gourns Monday, November 17, and rio November 18. R. U. Rollins, County Treasurer. OOD NEWS FOR SPPING BANK. The following letter explains itself: on. C. W. Wolfe, Kingstree, S. C. v dear Sir:? Under date of Nov. Oth, I am adsed by the Post Office Department -?*- .?.. in vniir LetL' OjUIUJi uim.t <u jum mnty has been re-established. Awaiting your further commads, am, Very truly yours, etc, Rob;. K. Scarborough. Mortuary. Dikd?On Monday, November 3, 102, at Cedar Swamp, the three lonths old c hild of Mr. and Mrs. aurie Tisdale. Burial services took lace Tuesday following at Cedar rove ttaptist church. Cut this out ami taki it to I)r. I), C. :ott's drug store and get a free sarnie of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv Tablets, the best physic. They eanse and invgiora^e the stomach, (lprove the appetite and regulate the j\vel-. Regular size, 25c per box. DR. FENNER'S (IDNEY Backache All diseases or Kidneys, /\w T ladder, Urinary Organs. I 1111. Also Rheumatism, Back 1 I 1^ "* che. HeartDisease. Gravel. 1 ill 1% I ropsy, Female Troubles. V/ M m. Don't become discouraged. There Is a are for you. 1f necessary write l?r. Fanner le has spent a life time curing just such uses as yours. All consultations Free. "I had scvete rase of kidney disease and leumatism, discharging bloody matter, uttered intense pain. My wife was seriously ffocted with female troubles. Dr. Fennersj idncy and Hackaehe ('tiro cured us both. F. M. WllEELElt, Randolph. Ia." rugglsts. IVte.. 91. Ask for Cook Rook- Free. T VTTIIQ'nAMCC Sure Cure. Circular. Dr l.fllUO UAPUjL Fcuncr, FredouJa.N.Y / - ? j Mr. Cooper Replies to "Patron". Editor Uountv Record: In reply to '-Patron" as lo the inability of himself and others, not beinj; able to^et the adopteJ text books as rapidly as they think they should have, I bejj to say that until I was elected Supt. of Edu-i cation then* were no books keptj in Supt. of Education's office. J note on pasre 13. sec. 11 of school law that the Slate Board of Education are empowered to require ihe publishers to establish in each county one or more depositories of their books within the State at such place, or places as the Slate Board may designate, and where such books may obtained without delay. .Now, have such depositories been established in Williamsburg? Will patron answer? It so, who established them and ; where? I note on pages 37 and 13$, sec, VII, ot the' school law, commencing at line fen on page 3$, that the county Supt. of Education in every county in the State is required to keep his office open each day of the week, prior to the time appointed for theschoolt; to open in his county, and lor at least one day in each week du ring the remainder of the school tei:m, for the convenience of those wishing to purchase books. Now, friend Patron, I do not mean to be egotitical, but conscientiously I feel that I have taithlully discharged my duty all olftiin fliic lino unit I lipllMY't* fl C4 1W VIII kJ ilUVf idivi A w j handsome majority of lhe intelligent and fair-thinking people ol the county, who have occasion to visit my office will agree that. I have faithfully performed ray duties, as Supt of Education. Now, kind Patron, for the ventilation of my thoughts, and your gratification allow me to say that in addition to my individual labor, in the book matter, 1 have at all limes iiad help, tor which 1 am at a personal pecuniary loss, ami it you are anything of a philanthropist, and will call at iny ollice, 1 will take much pleasure in giving you any further information ami ! cit iwl'u/Uinn and U'ill m?k'A :i I friend of you if possible, and we will live as brothers fbthe future, if iny wish prevails. In conclusion I beg to inform Patron that the text books are furnished from several distinct business houses, these houses are located in Richmond, Va., Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mass., New York and so on, and thai it takes from 5 to 17 days lor books to reach Here, if not delayed 111 transit. I have a bill for books ordered on October 7th that have not yet arrived, and are now bein^: traced up. Adieu lor the present. Very truly, William Cooper. r /I \1 O 1AAA lvingstree, a. u., i\ov o, iw*. STRAYED MULE, Came to my place Oct. 27th, on 0 dirk bay horse mule, about ten years old, nearly blind. Owner can have same 011 payment of this notice and cost of feed. Solomon Floyd. Nov. 1, 1902. Hymeneal. Haselden?Parsons?Mr. Mitchell Ilaselden and Miss Hattie Parsons : were married at the residence of the bride's father, near Harpers, ?S. ?., on Wednesday, November 5, Rev. S T Russell officiating. A number of friends were invited aud hearty congratulations extended. Time ipent in regretting yester day is tine lo9t fitfm the work ot / > / preparing:tor tomorrow. \ J-J fliiiiiill | I- charge of Jj m W. l. BASS, Esq. Mr Justis Jones has been pay- | ina: a visit to his old home near Anderson bridge. lie is dropping j in upon his friends of whom he j has a great, many throughout, this j section. One day last week hej spent in town shaking hands and j exchanging reminiscences. Mr Jones is now in I lie mercantile 1 business in Roanoke Va., and is doing well. Mr J D Daniels spent a portion ot last week in Columbia on business in Columbia with Governor Mcifwecny. W II Wells Esq., of Florence, j iillemled Judge Bald win's co'irt Friday. Rev A McA Fittman, one time pastor of I lie I.aptfst (diurcli at this place, came into town last Sunday and spent a short while. Dr DuRant has purchased from Mr H H Singletary the lot on Da 11 sing street next to Messrs f A*. 1 . I_ f. Moore tv oiantey s paca. uuuse. The genial and ever welcome knight of the grip VV B Logan was in lotfn Monday. Mr and Mrs John S Graham came up Thursday afternoon and took the train lor Hartsville whither they went to see their daughter who was very ill al the Welch Neck Iligh School. The Lake City and Scranton dispensary cases were argued before Judge Dautzler in Columbia i last Friday. The judge took thej cases under advisement but as-j sured the attorneys that he would l< rl A/1 If !<??? rt J CAAll O L l\A^ iCIIUCI HID UCVI3IU.I ?a 3UUII uo pv/c- i sible, John Wilson Esq., was in town from Salt in a short while Monday. Mr S J Hasque has returned from .a visit to the Johnsouville neighborhood. He reports a very pleasant I rip, and in relating the delights makes special mention of fishes he pulled out of Lynchs river. lie had splendid luck but he did wrong to tell us abont it. Our peace of mind was seriously disturbed and it will require several days to wear off the desire, the longing to go and do likewise. Head cracking has had the right of wav here for several days. One night the early part of the week! Jack Williams splintered Brewster Dick's skull with a piece of board. Both parties are colored. It will appear incredible but the doctors declare it a solemn fact that Dick's skull was broken and several small pieces of bone were taken out in operating. With good attention lie may recover, j Several stories as to who brought | on the diflieulty are current. On; Saturday night a white man struck the same Jack Williams on the head with a whiskey bottle cutting a good size gash but tailing to break the bone. No arrests what ever have been made. This sort of things does not improve the reputation of the town, and does not raise it in the estimation ol right thinking people. S W G Shipp Esq.. and Miss Lizzie Gasque were married here on theGih instant. The marriage was quite a surprise to our people. The bride who is a daughter ol; Rev 8 S Gasque ofLiieston, N. C., was on her way to visit her sister Mrs J M Sturgeon?at least that was what those not in the secret knew ot her intentions. Mr Shipp joined her in Florence. The train was late and did not reach here until near 1 o'clock on Thursday \ . niiiht. liev J E Rushton was summoned and in the parlor of the Sturgeon Hotel the two were made one. Mr Shipp is one ol the leadinn attorneys of the Flor ence bar. In addition *o his ability as a lawyer he is a wholesouled gentleman and staunch friend. The bride is a winsome, bright and womanly woman. May their united lives flow as gently ,1s the waters where the rivers meet, and run between lily bani-s and amid beds of hyacinth finally into the calm ocean of the final mystery. The heartiest wishes that deep interest may feel are lor their happiness. The "Rally Day" exercises ol trie Methodist Sunday school on last Sunday was a success. The audience WhS a good one. The church was beautifully decorated with mosses, evergreens and a prolusion of sweet and handsome flowers, prominently among ihem those queens of the autumn, chr\- ^ santhemums. The organ musicj was furnished by Miss Ida Uodg-i ers who is always among the loremost in every good work. An: address, which was interesting and replete with information, was! delivered by Rev Rushton. 1 he pasior. The exercises were concluded bv Supt J J Morris. There were sonps and recitations by some of I he little folks. These were well rendered and creditable. We can not call attention to every number ol the propram for lack of space and we will not make special mention ot one or two lorj WE PA ?=EXPR Remember t the Express to all railroa Williamsbur Send us You you are in u thing in Fine Dress Goods Dry' Goods. G? drens clothing. WWWWVWVW\^W?\?VWVV1 Gents, drens Sho Clonks and F IPine ^^illin.e2 pets, I2u.g"s, 2\ Sq.i3-a.xes ax ? ? CI? Samples will be sent on Yours V. ?. J?] MANNING, ''e/y. j 'I.- **' i* /i ; . rM tear of creating am impression that would bfe incorrect. The entire.^ pffair was gotten up, veil man-: aged and went off without ajar of . hiich. It was a success and waa ( thoroughly enjoyed and apptecialed. m The General Election The election commissioners, both ' Stat? and Federal, met Tuesday and j tabulated the returns of the rote* 3 cast at the several precincts of the \ county in the general election of No- .1 vember 4. In the Federal election there were 704 votes cast for Kobt ; B Scarborough, there being no op^Jj jwsition to the Democratic uomir j nee in the 6th congressional district^;] For State and county officers the number of votes cast was 704, and A the vote on constitutional amend^l inent stood, "yes*' 656, "no*' 7. The State and county commission-fl ers of election were, Messrs W W J Kennedy, G W Arms and S G' Mc J Donald, Mr. Kennedy being cfyran & messenger to convey the returns tstfl Columbia. Messrs. J. H. Blackwell, gj J. P. Epps and E. * F. Prosser wererjj the Federal election commissionerai^l and Mr. Prosser was chose? messen- j ger to Columbia. ( ^ STARTLING, BUT TRUE* vfjl I If everyone knew what a grand morV H icine Dr. King's New Lffc Pills U 4 writes D. H. Turner, Dempseytowii g Pa you'd sell all you have In a dajr. :'2 Two weeks' use U.vj made a' new mao^l of rue. Infallible for const!nation stomach and liver trouble*. 25c at Dr. D. C. Scott's drug store. Liquor will not dn?wn sorrow?it c erely floats it to tire top. jj|| Y THE j ! ESS! ? j hat we pay on Freight ,d Points in | g County. J ir orders if f leed of any- J : II in Silks. Staple snts and Child* 1 '' 'M >s and - es, Ladies I 'urs. . . 1 :y G-o o<is, Gar- \ batting's, -A.xt id. :Fioox Oil tlxs ? ? l request ? truly, NKINSON, - s. c. Jj