PW*WV^' rrr ibe fmmtj ?tror ii. 1 VOL. XVIII. ~~ KIXGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1902. NO,|J 1 LOCAL ITEMS | I OF INTEREST iuiiuuiuiiuuuuuaiiutiuiiiiu Read legal notices. What's the matter with the Kings- ia ? V ' TI tree Lyceum? I 1 ~~ " " * 1 /">! 1 . , ! 1 Mrs U It Harper visiien i/ihukb-i ton Wednesday. ^ Mis Mag Scott has been visiting friends in Florence. ^ Miss Alma Gordon of Lanes spent i Tuesday with friends in town. # Rev S T Russell of Blooniingvale w paid us a pleasant call Monday. 6t Dr A M Snider spent several days d< this week in Summerville on busi- oj ness. L Mj and Mrs R R Hudgensof Forestou spent Sunday with Mr W T B Wilkins' family. ai Mr W E Neswith, of the firm'of (b P Nasmith Bros., Cades, was a visitor Si - ' 1, in tow ft yesterday. Miss Lila Hemingway went to XI Cades Monday to take charge of the * school at that place. rl _ ?r< The next term of court convenes on Monday, December 1, Judge ill Townsend to preside. There are four murder cases on the calendar. c Mr H Asbnry Smith, who recently returned from Florence county to his old home near town, 9* called Wednesday and renewed his ** subscription. Last Friday afternoon a few ^ miles from town the A C L train m # * ra 1 into a bunch of Cupt A J " L-illtiwr Uiri'M Mild OD111U 3 UVlBCSf niiiuig iuuiring anuther. Our Ciules corespondent reports j* oil incipient tire at the Cades ginncrv yesterday morning. ' The tire was *' extinguished before any material ^ damage resulted. The Kingstree K of P Lodge had o lousiug time at their meeting last evening. The degree of Knight was conferred on Mr Montie Scott, and the following candidates were initiu- Q ted into the mysteries of the first degree: Messrs Chas and Carol Burgess, William Scott, Isaiah Tisdale II ^ and John G Barron. One of Capt G P Nelson's fine ^ Jersy cows gave birth to three calves last Tuesday morning. This is a V1 ? ???? /winnrrmifw a)..] tVw> pulf ^ i' > C< J laic wvuiiviiw ? ?%* "triplets" have been viewed by many cc with surprise and curiosity. One of the calves was killed by being ^ trrampled ou by its mother. Tinother two are still alive. Mr A W Gagg, who for several years has been at the head of the firm of Gagg, Oliver & Co., recently sold his interest in the busiuess to i< hit) sister, Mrs C G Harper, also a ni member of the firm, by whom it will L be continued. On Tuesday night p] Mr Gagg and his family returned to (; Trenton, N. J., their former home. An esteemed subscriber from Hock postoffice (who is too modest to have ** his name appear in print) called to see us to-dav and advanced his sub CI srrintion to 1904. This gentleman j? I W is justly proud of the fact that he b< hrs been a subscriber to newspapers for 45 years and has never been a Lcent in arrears. Would we had a thousand like him. | The following friends have paid I their subscription to The Record within the past week: R F Lewis Greeleyville, F 0 Spring Seranton, J S McCullough Benson, T Armstrong MfcCrea Indiantown, J W g. King and T E King Lake City, J S Tisdale Benson, J J Waldron Rome, c Rev T B Owen Venters, C L Smith Kingstree. John H Brown Leo, Rev $ S T Russell Morrisville, S E Floyd Ci Lake City, Dan'l McKenzie Cades, t' H M Thomas T W Cannon S C u Godwin Lake City, H A Smith K Kingstree, M G McMillan Greeley- p vide, J C J6sey Dock, and Robt C L/'Vv. McFaddin, colored. Epps. tmnmimimmmmniiim? AFFAIRS QAUGHT BY OUR 2 LOCAL REPORTER AND ^5 NOTED ZZ Aritten in Condensed Form ^2 and Printed in Like Manner ^5 for the Sake of Our Busy ^5 Readers ?2 aUUUUUUiUiUUlUiiUUUlI Th.. 1:ii]ic.<4 of Kinestive will ld them to Mr. Ilearron. We have i>t learned what the goods brought j r the liabilities of Mr. Brunson.?.j ee County Vindicator. Tuesday night of last week Will j nrgess stole Smart Mouxon's ox id brought it to Kingstree Wednesly morning and sold it to Mr R RI tutts. Upon receiving the money! e made himself scare*?, but on Suni\ night assistant marshal Charles vers, with the assistance of Clarice Scott, colored, identified Bur ss on train 23 and after an exciting lase succeded in capturing him id taking him to jail. hange in Treasurer's Appointment Owing to unavoidable circumancts the countv auditor has not 3en able to finish and turn over me the tax duplicate for 1902; nee I have not been able to meet y appointments lor tin* collection ' hixes at the several convenient aces anil I regret that I will not ive time now to make other apuntmcnts except as mentioned bew. I hope to be able to meet my ipointinents from Durant's Store i. As the duplicate is completed low Black River I will beat Gourns Monday, November 17, and rio November 18. R. U. Rollins, County Treasurer. OOD NEWS FOR SPPING BANK. The following letter explains itself: on. C. W. Wolfe, Kingstree, S. C. v dear Sir:? Under date of Nov. Oth, I am adsed by the Post Office Department -?*- .?.. in vniir LetL' OjUIUJi uim.t / preparing:tor tomorrow. \ J-J fliiiiiill | I- charge of Jj m W. l. BASS, Esq. Mr Justis Jones has been pay- | ina: a visit to his old home near Anderson bridge. lie is dropping j in upon his friends of whom he j has a great, many throughout, this j section. One day last week hej spent in town shaking hands and j exchanging reminiscences. Mr Jones is now in I lie mercantile 1 business in Roanoke Va., and is doing well. Mr J D Daniels spent a portion ot last week in Columbia on business in Columbia with Governor Mcifwecny. W II Wells Esq., of Florence, j iillemled Judge Bald win's co'irt Friday. Rev A McA Fittman, one time pastor of I lie I.aptfst (diurcli at this place, came into town last Sunday and spent a short while. Dr DuRant has purchased from Mr H H Singletary the lot on Da 11 sing street next to Messrs f A*. 1 . I_ f. Moore tv oiantey s paca. uuuse. The genial and ever welcome knight of the grip VV B Logan was in lotfn Monday. Mr and Mrs John S Graham came up Thursday afternoon and took the train lor Hartsville whither they went to see their daughter who was very ill al the Welch Neck Iligh School. The Lake City and Scranton dispensary cases were argued before Judge Dautzler in Columbia i last Friday. The judge took thej cases under advisement but as-j sured the attorneys that he would l< rl A/1 If !s and - es, Ladies I 'urs. . . 1 :y G-o o