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,'t : ' i TRUE TO OURSELVES. <» H NEIGHBORS, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD. Forty-Third Year Established June 5,1902 McCOKMICK. S • I'HUBSDAY, JUNE 15, 1944 Number 2 Special Evangelistic Services At McCor mick Baptist Church, June 18-25 Local Post Office To Close At 12:00 Noon Oh Saturdays Postmaster J. E. Bell states that effective Julv 1, 1944, the local post office will be advanced to an office of the second class, there fore, the clerks will be on a forty hour work week and the Post Of- A brief series of evangelistic ser vices win be conducted at the Mc Cormick Baptist Church, June 18- 25. Following is the list of sub- ~ e iects to be discussed by the pas- | fice Department has grated him Mr during these meetings. The,to close the office at 12.00 oclock Sunday morning services will be- jOn Saturdays and to rema gin at twelve o’clock and the eve-;closed until 8 -°® r*«ng services will be at eight-: mornmg, therefore there will not thirtv an v window service at all on ir ‘‘nr, Saturday afternoons and Sundays. Sunday morning, June 18-— Go altho t here will be a clerk on duty to dispatch outgoing mail, that is deposited in the “drops” properly stamped, but mail not properlv stamped cannot be dis- Monday night, June 19—“That patched, because the stamp stock which was lost”—Luke 19:10. |w«n he locked and no sales made Tuesday night, June 20—“The at all. ''tit. and Constrain them”—Luke 14:28. Sunday nieht, June 18—“Son, Remember”—Luke 16:25. things which belong unto peace —Luke 19:42. Wednesday night, June 21—The Three Crosses: 1. The Unrepen tant Thief—Luke 23:39. Thursday night, June 22—The Three Crosses: 2. The Repentant Thief—Luke 23:40-43. FHdav night, June 23 — The Section No. 436 of the Postal Laws and Regulations reads in part as follows: “Post Offices of the first and second classes shall not be open on Sundays for the purpose of delivering mail to the general public, but this provision shall not prevent the prompt de livery of snecial-delivery mail”. The clerk that is on duty on Card Of Thanks Three Crosses: 3. The Cross of Sundays will dispatch sudh mail Christ—Luke 23:33-38. in the lock boxes as he has time Sunday morning, June 25— to, but there will be no other de signs of the times—2 Tim. 3:1. liveries except as stated regarding Sunday night. June 25—The special-delivery mail. Gospel Invitation: “Ho. everv one that thirsteth, Come” — Isaiah 55:1. A most cordial invitation is ex- tended to all of the people of 1 the community and surrounding w* desir** to take this oppor- c^mmunities to attend these ser- | tunitv to thank our friends and vices. A global war rages and i r»eip->ibo T s for the many acts of there is suffering and tenseness kindness and thoughtful deeds everywhere. Our young men are shown us during the long illness doing their part to restore peace and at the passing of our wife in the earth. In our land is an( j mother needed a spiritual revival of re ligion, a turning of the people back to God. ft is earnestly hoped that these special services will make a contribution to the spirit ual life of our community and county. In these days special em phasis should be given to spiritual things. The ehurch of the Lord Jesus Christ has a peculiar mis- and a tremendous responsi- bmty in these crucial, destiny de termining days. May the church dyi P. W. Cheatham, And Children. —X Card Of Thanks be such a" dynamo of spiritual I wish to express my sincerest appreciation to the countless friends of McCormick for all the kindness shown me during my long illness, also I should like to thank all the pastors, churches power in these days as to make ■ and organizations which remem- ner influence felt around the en circling globe. bered me hi so many lovely ways. Mrs. G. E. Campbell. M'- HHJ.m»D 1HEATBE McCOKMICK, S. C FRIDAY and SATURDAY JUNE 16th and 17lh, 7:15 P. M. and 9 P.M. Malinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. WM. BOYD—ANDY CLYDE in “BAR 20*’ (A Hop-a-long Cassidy Western) _ ; / Also > CHAPTER 8 ADVENTURES OF THE FLYING CADETS’’ / * I l and LATEST NEWS EVENTS Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. Adults 24c Fifth War Loan Opens In County The Fifth War Loan campaign, long and carefully prepared, was launched in McCormick County this week, and under the inspira tion of the new battle for Europe, started with the invasion of France, leaders predicted a suc cessful drive. Chairman G. J. Sanders, Jr., said the start was promising and that the organization had begun a widespread canvassing of the county, which has a quota for the campaign of $103,000.00. Reports from over the state in dicated that many were buying earlier than in other campaigns. In Columbia, State Chairman Christie Benet, said the buying of bonds, in the light of the momen tous new developments in the war, should be “beyond the point ever thought possible.” In his campaign-opening state ment, Mr. Benet said: “Our Government is calling up on every loyal citizen to go into action. Our men and our allies are hitting the enemy with un precedented power in all parts of the world and these attacks must be sustained and increased in strength until victory is won. An enormous amount of food, muni tions and war material is being consumed every day and must be replenished. “Landing on the beaches of Normandy is the initial stage of unparalled military operation that will grow day by day in intensity and fury “To properly support our armed forces we will have to supply more and more of those military necessities that make for victory and the retention and regaining of freedom for the peoples of the earth. This means money and more money must be spent, and the home front must furnish all that is needed. “The call to each of us is clear; Buy, buy and buy war bonds beyond the point thought possible. “Freedom is a precious pos session and it does not mean somebody else’s freedom—it means yours. To keep it is costly in blood and money. “Our part is to furnish the money and do it NOW. Buy Bonds TODAY.” Plum Branch Plum Branch News School CloSCS Mrs. J. M. Robertson and Miss Mary Heath Robertson of Pickens, On Tnno o o* o s * c * spent last week end as ex^i^teL Llrt in thA f guests of Mr - and Mrs. W. E. BraS cJIfnni Crawford en route to Gainesville, brought te h 2 h Fk- where Mary Heath will at- ‘y^r ofthe sS uS ‘fd summer school at University Banki^orW^l Pvt -‘ J - Ashton Chandler of Brown' L w I Cam P Stewart, Ga., visited the L nd Mrs - W - Past week end with Mrs. Chand- M. Freeland, assistants. The following was the program ler and little son, Julian. Miss Mary Frances Talbert of listing members of the seventh Greenwood snent the nait week tWs occas1on- CeiVed certificates on iTthe ^ G A. I^avle^^The^Spluvi^ 61 ^ ^ Mrs - w - M. Freeland returned The Home FYonf» h rAtnrS- Tuesday from the University Hcs- inc from active duty te\l what the ils^ee^^Frilnd^tie^ap- school means to them.) ment last weex. Friends are hap Salutatorian, Evelyn Wall. Sww She 1S doing Miss Ames, Principal of School, p ora Talbert ^ Lt. dud Arrs. J. xC* WiltciG Miss Jones,’ the teacher, Faye week fromGamp Eland- Bodie , ing: for a visit ^ the tlieir par _ Mary Smith, the wave, Mary ent i^, Mr - ^d^v C T - E ^, Wilkie. Lou Seigler and l\4r. and IMrs. J. L. Bracknell. Joe Saunders, the marine, ! „ M ;- .?, nd „ M I s ' .P' 5;, M 2E?5l: Charles Seigler , Nashville. N. C., Mrs. Viola Smith Tom Kelly, the bombardier, an t d Mr. G. H. McCain of McCor- Julian Freeland ’imick visited relatives in Plum Dick Lawson,’newspaper report- Branch Wednesday of last week, er. Hugh Strother, K H v L, Mr - a ? d Mrs Edgar Moore and Bob Kennedy, the soldier Phil- ^ Mildred Moore of Greenville, lip Jackson, Valedictorian, Louise Rice. Music, primary grades, S. C., visited last week in the homr' of the former’s brother, Lt. John R. Moore of U. S. N.. Presentations of "certificates, ! during his leave at home. Lt. Rev. J. Claude Evans Moore loft Friday to report to At- Benediction, Rev. Lewis M. * an V c , U’ , a ^ r , a tw 0 “Jack & Leslie” To Appear At School • Auditorium Here Next Thursday P. M.. “Jack and Leslie”, the comedi ans that are heard 3 times dalh' over WRDW, will appear at the* McCormick High School Auditori um on Thursday night, June 22. 1944, at 9 o’clock. The proceed' will go for the benefits of the American Red Cross. Admission will be 20c and 40o. txx Mt. Carmel News Kirkland. weeks’ visit to his family here. I Mrs. A. L. Zellars, of Lincoln- |ton. Ga.. and Mrs. Thurston Hall Special Services At Pressly Memorial A t> t> Claire left Wednesday for • r\. Jl*. UillUrCll mington, N. C., where they Mr. and Mrs. Otis Black of Waf- terboro were week end guests or Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott. Therr son, John, who has been spending a few weeks here, returned home' with them. Col. V/. B. Sharp, who has beer* visiting his wife, left Tuesday morning to return to duty. Miss Matilda Bell and Mrs. J. CL Bowick attended meeting of the Mt. Carmel Home Demonstration. Club Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. A. Scott and Mrs. Hunt er McKinney were Anderson visf— tors last Friday. Mrs. White, the mother of Chier J. J. White, snent last week in? Greenwood. Mrs. J. J. White vis ited her Tuesday and she return ed home with her. , , , ..... ^ _ _ . Mrs. J. D. Cade has returnee? I pnd little son, Donnie, of St. Mat- home from a pleasant visit oc* : thews. S. C., visited relatives here Florence SC last Wednesday. Mrs. Louise Banks and MONDAY ami TUESDAY JUNE 19th and 20th, 7:15 P. M. and 9 P. M. JEAN ARTHUR—JOHN WAYNE m 66 A LADY TAKES A CHANCE Also SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS and LATEST NEWS EVENTS ADMISSION: Adults, 30 cents; Children up to 12, 12 cents; Children 12 to 15, 18 cents, including tax. $5.00 Auto Use Tax Stamps Now On Sale » i W. P. Bowers, Collector of In ternal Revenue, announced today that $5.00 Auto Use Tax Stamps were placed on sale in all Post Of fices and the offices of the Col lector in Columbia, Charleston, and Greenville, South Carolina, on June 10, 1944. These stamps must be purchas ed on or before July 1, 1944. and be affixed to the lower lefthand corner of the windshield and it is suggested that, when affixing the stamp, the automobile owner should dampen the windshield rather than the stamp, as by us ing this method the stamp will remain intact upon the wind shield. As an additional precau tion, it is suggested that each motor vehicle owner make a rec ord of the serial number which appears on the stamp for protec- ticn in the event the stamp should become lost. Only certified checks, money orders, or cash will be accepted in payment of the Use Tax Stamp and Post Offices will sell only the $5.00 denomination stamp. Motor vehicle owners liable for payment of the Use Tax Stamps for periods of less than the full year will be required to obtain such stamps from the Collector of Internal Revenue. Mr. Bowers stressed the fact that the stamps must be affixed to the vehicle and owners who fail to purchase and display the new Use Tax Stamp on the ve hicles using the public highways Bettve Wil- will ioin relatives for a vacation at Dr. J. P. Pressly of Due West Mr. and Mrs. Morton Dorn and will assist the pastor of Pressly their son, Travis Dorn, of McCor- Memorial A. R. Presbyterian mick were visitors in the home of Church in a series of services be- ^ a^rnoon 0 ' L ’ Wideman Sun ' ginning Sabbath, July 9th, at Friends of Mrs. Leon E. Langley 12:00 o’clock noon and continuing will learn with regret that she through Wednesday, the 12th was carried to the University with services each evening at a-in Hos P ital la st Saturday where she , , services eacn evening at 8.30 will receive treatment for some o’clock. time. Dr. Pressly is pastor of the We learn with interest that church at Due West and is one Miss Margaret Lyon, daughter of of the outstanding ministers of our ce i ve( j her commission as 2nd Lt. denommation, and we deem our- in the Army Nurses’ Corps. She selves fortunate in securing him is stationed at Camp Rucker, Ala. for this meeting I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson _v._u ^ Augusta were recent visitors in We shall appreciate your at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. tendance and your prayers for Robertson. God’s blessing upon these services. 1 Friends are enjoying seeing Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ridlehoover at Florence, S. C. Chief Pat Hester of the U. SL Merchant Marines spent a fewr days at his home here last week. Miss Jones of Columbia was alsr* a guest in Sen. and Mrs. L. Lr. Hester’s home. , Mrs. S. T. Russell and Miss Eliz abeth Russell of Augusta spent- Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Boyd ancf; Mrs. Ralph Campbell. Many friends of Mrs. Mary* Smith will be glad to know sire* returned home from the Andersor* Co. Hospital Sunday afternoorz. We are glad to say she is very" much better. Mr. Herman Smith has returned to California where he is engaged* in war work. V Mrs. J. J. White visited her- brother. Mr. Morris Scott, am* Mrs. Scott, in Augusta during the week end. S. W. Reid, Pastor. Dinner For home this week after making their home in Baltimore, Md., since January, where Mr. Ridle hoover is doing defense work. With them this week are Mr. and A Mrs. Neal RidlehooWr and little (vrflniiatP daughter, Catherine, also of Bal- Y^ v*Lici timore , Miss Mattie Lou Ridle hoover, La Grange, Ga., and Mr Sullivan News' On Saturday, June 4th, Mr. and and Mrs. Theodore Ridlehoover Mrs J w Hpnrtersnn cprvori n and children, Theodore, Jr., and Mrs j. w. Henderson served a Edward of Augusta- barbecue and hash dinner with) The St. Paul Methodist Church picnic lunch furnished by friends and the Plum Branch- Baptist under the beautiful oak trees in' Church have completed a most fVia - - . , . i successful joint session Daily Va- their front yard. The occasion | cation Bible School, ending with was in honor of their daughter, the commencement exercises on Mattie Mae, one of the graduates of McCormick High School, Mon day evening, June 5th. Those enjoying this occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bouknight, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Bouknight and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Edwards and family, Mrs. J. F. Dunlap and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Henderson and family, Mrs. Mildred M. Bledsos and family, Mrs. Irene Gilbert, Miss Henrietta Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fleming and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Faulkner, Dr. C. H. Workman, Mr. E. C. Cheatham. Mr. J. T. Creswell, Mr. C. A. Flem ing, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Creswell and family, Mr. W. H. Weldon and Mary, Mrs. Lucretia H. Watkins Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Epting, Mrs. W. E. Rheney, Mr. and J. M. Dorn and family, Mrs. T. J. Sibert, Jr. Mrs. W. L. Brown and family, Mr. Frank Henderson, Mr. T. D. Davis and family, Mr. Edwin Parker, all of McCormick; Mr. E. M. Davis Fountain Inn, Mr. T. W. Hender son and Miss Jesse Fay Hender son, Whitmire; Mr. and Mrs. Johr B. McCullum and family, Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Whitney and son, Union; Mrs. Furman Findley Union; Mrs. Howard Watkins and daughter, Augusta, Ga.; Mrs. R Sunday afternoon, June 11th, at the Baptist Church. An enrollment of 90 was reach ed with an average attendance of 82 throughout the week. Much interest was shown on the part of teachers and pupils and the training of these young peo ple was profitable and enjoyable. An outstanding feature of this school was that we obtained us^., of one of the school buses which» along with cars of interested per sons enabled twenty children tc i here attend who could not have other-j Minnie winn \V loC. It is the earnest hope of the community that much lasting good will result from the schoon X Misses Sarah Katherine and?. Trula Winn spent several days last week in Asheville, N. C. Little Miss Beth Mayson is izs McCormick this week with Mrs. James Keown. Beth is attending Bible school at the BaptisL Church. Mrs. Janelle Winn spent last: week in Lexington and Columbia,, visiting Mrs. John Jordaji anot Mrs. J. D. Geiger, Sr. Mrs. Kate Mayson has returned home, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pennal in McCormick- Pvt. and Mrs. J. D. Geiger, Jr„ have returned to Ft. Myers, Flori da. Miss Emmie Winn accom panied them and will spend sever al weeks. Miss Bettie Laurence of Atlan ta, Ga., is here to spend the sum^- mer with Miss Martha Seigler. Mrs. James Keown and sona. Jack and Jim, of McCormick- visited here Sunday. Mrs. Bert Langley and Mrsv Leon Myrphey of Greenwood were recent visitors here with their- parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. May- son. I Miss Frances Winn of Augusta:. with her mother, Mrs. Other visitors ii> Modoc News this home include Misses Martha Seigler, Bettie Laurence, Virginia, and Wille Nelle Winn, Mr. J. H_ Seigler and Calvin Winn. v Mr. and Mrs. Hurbert Ashley are expecting their son, Harry, ta* be at home soon. Harry is finish ing his boot training at Jackson^- ville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Waits and son, Franklin, of Columbia, ‘were here Saturday visiting and Mrs. J. H. Mayson. My. -X- Sgt. and Mrs. Talmadge Cienc from Spartanburg spent the week end with the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs. W. S. Clem. Miss Lucy Bussey, Miss Etoile Clem and Mrs. G. E. Canteieau made a short business trip to Au gusta on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. White cl Parksville and Mr. and Mrs. F Bussey were dinner guests Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. White. Miss Rosalie and Miss Marie There will be a dog clinic for Bussey are spending this week in'i^ e ^ ng , d°S s against rabies ir» McCormick on Saturday, June ureen wooer. 24th beginning at 11 o’clock Mrs. J. T. Clem has returned t( Don’t neglect your dog and fe i ' „ , her home in Panama City, Fla. ;him go mad later and bite son* F Eleazer, Columbia; Mr. Jess: after spending a week or so here member of your family. The coe Hendreson, Columbia; Miss Helm| and at Parksville with ^ative^ *2} be about the same as Dog Clinic For Rabies In McCor mick June 24ih Bradley, Ninety Six; Mrs. Fannie H. Abrams, Whitmire; Miss Lula Bess Whitney, Whitmire; Mrs. W. A. Hawthorne and Mrs. J. L. after July 1, 1944, will subject the Cole, Due West; M"s. Sallie Tolen, violators to a severe penalty tm- 1 Charlotte, N. C.; Misses Eleanor posed by law. and friends. Mr. Charley Bussey has returned | to Charleston, after spending a | week or so here with friends and I relatives. year. G. W. Bonnette. County Agent. McCormick, S. C. X An hour spent in putting av i Mrs. C. H. Stone was the guest farm implements may be m: I and Susan Mayson, Edgefield. i aS ( Saturday to Mrs. G. E. Dukes, hours saved later.