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fgCOFMICK MESSENGER rubllshed Every Thursday established Jun* 6. IMS flY KEV. ROBERT A. HARPER Honoring Ottr Parents. BDMONU J. McCKACKEN, Editor and Owner RMterer! at the Post Office at Mc- Oarmlck, 6. C., as mail matter of the second class. •UBS JKlP’iTON RATES: Oae Year S1.U0 fftz Months .75 Three Months .5u Gin Notice in^ Ottr Lesson for October 24: Exodus 20: 12; Luke 2:48-51; Mark 7:6-13; John 19:25-27. GOlden Tejet: Ephesians 6:1. The commandment to honor parents, which implies and in cludes obeying them, was taught and obeyed by Jesus. When he, as a boy of tweh *., was found in the temple, he wa in reality honoring his parents who had taught him to attend upon God’s house. His answer to the question of his mother indi cates surprise that they had sought him—he would be in the temple about his ‘‘Father’s busi- We will operate our gin every ness.’’ He returned with them jeo day through October, after which Nazareth and was^ subjc we will only gin on Saturday of them. Honoring God led each week until further notice. ; h< SSring 1S hi S ministry he rebuked the religious leaders for their teaching that a man could con tribute to the temple and thereby be relieved of supporting his par ents and condemned this as vio lating the spirit of the law. . We might suffer the apologies Starting after October 31st our of human nature, when racked by Arst gin day will be Saturday, m ortal agony to plead for Jesus November 6th, and each Saturday cross if there were no rec- thereafter until further notice. ° v»*c J. L. BRACKNELL Plum Branch, S. C. Gin Notice M, G. & J. J. DORN, INC. McCormick, S. C. DR. HENRY J. GODIN Sight % m Specialist Eyes Examined Spectacles And Eye Glasses Professionally Fitted. •56 Broad Street. Augusta. G» INSURANCE Fire Insurance And All Giber Kinds of Jnsurance In cluding Life Insurance. HUGH C. BROWN, MCCORMICK. S. C. AT FIRST SIGN OF A ord that he remembered his mother. But the remarkable rec ord is that he did remember her and committed her to the care of the loving John. By every token, children should honor their parents. 'Kiey who do are promised long life. When the people of a nation honor par ents. the nation endures. Think of China. Sons and daughters can contribute to the permanence of our nation by honoring their par ents. But the first great reason is found in the will of God. as ex pressed in the fifth command ment and elsewhere, and as con firmed by the teaching and ex ample of Jesus—from boyhood to the cross. X Card Of Thanks 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS At this time of bereavement we wish to thank all of our friends and the physicians for their kind ness shown us during the illness and death of our brother, also for the beautiful floral display. Mrs. E. m. Price, Mrs. T. H. Harrison, Miss Carrie Mae Rosenswick, Sisters, James Miller Rosenswick, Brother. X “Legumo green” should be the popular color in which farmers dress their fields for the winter. MARES AND MULES , t r 'mill ••I 1 * till ' Just received a nice shipment of Good, Sound, Youtag Tennessee Mules and Mares. Call at my stables on Cedar Street and look them over. Why not trade in the one you don’t like for one you do like? Just received a shipment of new one and two- horse wagons. Terms to suit anybody. J. L. SMITH Cedar Street McCormick, S. C. Buy Your Furniture From J. S. STROM Easy Payment Plan. No Carrying Charge. McCormick, S. C. » ■- lrm Our station brings you every day the finest in radio: the best ini a ^ drama, war programs, public affairs programs, religious prograi world’s foremost radio network (Columbia) for your entertaim Keep this page near your radio and use it every day for radio’ 3:00 PM NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC Music 4:30 PM THE PAUSE THAT RE- of the masters, played by the famed New York FRESHES Music by Andre Kosto- Philharmonic-Symphony from Carnegie Hall. lanetz, with famous guests. 12:00 NOON KATE SMITH SPEAKS Radio's First Lady in an intimate program of news and comments. 6:00 PM QUINCY HOWE and the news presented by yet another member of the CBS topflight news staff. 6:45 PM WORLD TODAY CBSl correspondents report, CBS ex analyze world news. Six times' iliP 11:00 AM MARY LEE TAYLOR and her famous recipes, more important now than ever before for busy housewives. 7:15 PM HARRY JAMES Favorite of millions, 7:30 PM AMERICAN voted best swing band, he swings out in a and be ove program of popular music.Three times weekly. Thibault, Eileen Farrell, 6:55 PM JOSEPH C.HARSCH The man 8:00 PM SAMMY KAYE with music 8:30 PM DOaOR CHRISTIAN A who is always there when the news that makes you "swing and sway" doctor in a typical American town| is happening I Five times every week, whenever you hear it. Hersholt. J3NiP|; 2:00 PM YOUNG DOCTOR MALONE A story of a doctor and his nurse-wife...dedi cated to all doctors and nurses. iiSl 2:15 PM JOYCE JORDAN, M.D. The private and professional life of a beautiful vouna qirl physician. 2:30 PM WE LOVE AND Follow the fascinating car daring young girl reporter. 12:45 PM OUR GAL SUNDAY The moving 5:45 PM AMERICAN V/OMEN Meet 7:15 PM OUR SECRE story of an American girl married to a wealthy America's gallant women. Hear how they hurls the Ax's' lies ‘ and titled Englishman. help win the war. OT i ng democracy's SWEENEY ^ IT ^ Wt H H:30AM FASHIONS IN RATION* SWEENEY The latest world-wide Nila Mack and her talented crew of presides over this but Billie news from the CBS news ream. youngsters.,fl.ttery, factual I