The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, October 25, 1898, Image 4

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THE BEEH, CLOTH \\ V I -4AA / 50c, t' t ll s l' t Hats of Wone han< Vders that \ . stre at -~ \'Ve ha 2on9 GREAT Co HAVE THEIR BEST P IVE OF BARGAIN. [ENiG! TherE thingth ofrchild wear th foUnd ii ,,,TTHE sout n its ca t 1t i uI"i than exist cirth todo me o ml Uth e cou .e for or Mr.-rchancii tL'rne'd int( CLOTH1NG No \w Bee HiN ffferfi n No v s 11A'rs: Bee Hi h1u0 10 tn 1T 11 d ay Of i the ack f,1-1114-1v S AItI for *ti'e ic l 95C gain c Mur Ino. Th 111 PENDERS! Jie a line that com an t approach in or price. SusSpan- FOR are sold in other 25c., wve vwill sell ALL WE :entLs.1. 5 to $I,98,,,, ___Th JNDERWEAR! lEN, Ladies and1 Children! >I or Cotton-Hmr! tS u il I a Sh'Iirt weith BNKS! TRUNtKS! -runks of all dlis riptlion aiLt pri< C's which vvili astonih * he natives;. KS V1T 8old formcrly at $6 09 BRO 0 M8, tra now offered at conlv $21 At .rd.' INTRIES OF TI RODUCTS REPRESENTED I AT ECONOMY'S 01 is hardly any- OUR SHI it nan, woran "i this depaptim, ocf tho' Simu can eat, Use or -. r Childr a.t is not to be i t.-II I lst' i this mocdern f )use of Money BEE HIVE... IE GRE ATEST 1p, ?stablisimoiutL, TU Our line 01 iCarolina w" chasing powcr is the HANDKER( nc.' to lowier prices on the face of the v. No \wonder that TheI Ltilk n01 tries of the earth look th s it All 3 of their grea': out- d "" d v w,h:ch satisfactory pr co.s. I this ii ;e can be quickly money. T b 0 )nder that the e is constantly I EVERY Cl WHICH COM- ST DN IS UNABLE MATCH Dnder tiat the 25c, on e has from the s opening been fl00OB7 nowl edged bar- Ii 1 11W.W ,nter of South m A a, andic as long rmp ort ;fn e ole appreciate A ER GOODS e 1-ive will al ys be the DECCPA CI THE PUBLIC! - ASK~ Se fJ0 llr go00! ' Q. te Prices to Your i e Eatisfact ion. OU R 1Mir and squareD Dclr atchets! Pipea ! Wash Boards! [ '4 tlI i' l lNW A R , M USHES, LOOKING GLA culouslyo low priaes. Al lunum; IEE[ARTH... UN PRICES ! DE DEPARTMENT! nt wo "11nim to I.-. H611, tAIM 01m sq11 .hoe w"rh Nl; WhO01stl \.. $ , X I: Gents' Furnishing Goods is >lete in every respect. 1 t 'h vokln'- going at ''3 Ctnts -wh 27,o pair goiing ait 10 C'-nts! 'HIEFS at wiping PRICE" ! WAISTS, Cloals andf Cziws. 11111)i hig when r gosart, customn Ag of the Scason URTAINS814 ase~ JRTAIN IN DCK C1r - ..r [he Dollar! ED LlIPB! MPETITIO TED PLATES, PITQUERSI ZIPS and SAUJOERS ! P1h wiI E1 .nabl you to throjw a ny theii ii *r' -k''rv an<l buy Decorate<l \\'ar -. ~r r LINE OF 'iLASS5WARE ;iilrat ion of everIyonef i.l ouIr Pric'" plow-e olt(I an<lI .1 g! LINE OF CUTLERYWARPE f (Ib town.I The( pirices are wn)VL' (1.,wnI rksH -I. pe;r seot and] u pwaird' ! ; Spo froinu *) wards ! Pock.t. K ni. (roma 5c. andt upjward. SSES! HAT RACKS! P4tTUR RMES Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagious blood poison is absolutely beyond tit skill of the doctors. They mnay dost, i patient, for yvars oi their imorourial and potnshi reiedoes, but lie will never be rid of the ldisoso ; on the other landil, liI Condition wih grow steadily worse. 8. 8. 8. is the only auro for this terriblo afillation, hooause it is the only rinedy which goes direct to the cause of the disease and forces it from the system. I was atlottd with Blood Poison, and the best dootoro did me no rood, though I took their treatment f a It h. fully. In fact, I seenied to glit worse all the whilti. I took almuon everry so-ttatled M,oild relliin't blit they tild not 1401,11 to reftrelh tlie (its A n aldi hadt no Offoet n-t wi t'vi.r. I was it ilt. lien rteite.t for it poetmoiI that I w411i4d liever lit, c t4l. At tho advyive et a ftritit I then took ,. N ,., 1...nitlie anl to timl. .rovo, I voittituett th niettleite, and it ourei lot 4'ottpletel.y, iti. ing tt my t ilth a nit eitleraitigtily apptite. Altluotiit hthis wall ten years Ago. I have nover yet it a A t of the utlawa' to retit rin. W. It. NRIVMAN Stoutol, Va. It. is liko sef-destruct lon to cont.inue to talke pot ash ivd erery ; besides totally thestroying tie d igestioll, t.hey dry upl the m1111.arow in tihe bones, pro dteig a ittliTutoss und swolling of the joint , viutiniig the hair to ftill out, and comlplotely wreking t lie S.S.S.ThBlood ;Is giaraint eed Purely Veget iblo, and is the only blood renedy froo fromt those dangerous iinierals. Btook on self-treatient sont, free by tSwift. Spoeile om(pilany, Atlanta, (ja. "I DON'T SEE WHY." "I don't See why I can't do it. It' I hid a little girl, I would not sav 'No, you must not go ot, henl she wvaited to so very bad lv.'' said Lina Rity, lalf-crossly half-patlietically, to her mamma. "Dear.' Nwas tile reply, "mllothei knovs best ; I have a good reasoi why I do Iot want you to go t( see Nelly Lane this afternoon, aii I cainnot have yoi question mlle ii that man0ner'' "Always the way, mnutterci Lina ilorze crossly to herself, whei her iother iad leftt the room "Never can (do what I want ; .wisi I was grolwn up, a big woman thenI 1 would. No, no. Kitty, no no, she exclaimlied suddenly as ti< kitten jinped into tie vork bas ket and began to ipset the cotton and silks all over the table. "No l\'itty, you mutist not, I iay seen cross, bult you vould only stiel your dear little pawvs with needles and it is all for the best, but yoi don't understand," she added af fectionately as she picked up Mis Kitten and kissed her. Now Linai was oftein a dlisobed1 enrt, wilfull child, but she was ie Stuid(, anrd jtust as5 shre spokei that mianineri to her pet, sIre fotun hrerself ini her mrothier's positioni hmughuhi., "mrammtua hats just good0( a reaison pro~) bby as I ha' abou)lt t he kit ten, only neit her of timilerst and why ;I mrust tell her, for ILina was frank, andr( al ways at mitted her faults. Just theinmani mat coneli . withI such a suirprise I )eair Aunt inta, I'or whrorm I he hi Ice girl was nramiedl was withI lie shei. criedl, "whenlCl did you comrt I Ilow, long will you stay ?"' "On)ue qutestioni at a t imne. mi dlear,"' laughed her aunt, as sI gave her a geodl hug and( at kiss. "And nrow,"' smiled miammni "you seemy reason in niot wanr ig you to ) gol t, or' yotu wout not haIve beeni here to wvelconr auniitie, but you mnay go) now if y< wVishI."' "'Oh, mnainna,'' replied Liin uquitie ashiamied,"' I see I was wroni I wouIld riot let thIe kitten dlo som1 t hinlg it wanrtedl, and now~ I wou not leave aut tiC for anrything, wich:l remlarkd wais followed by a othe1r hiugginig an1( d kissinig miate Andrt so there was a happy litt girl for thre rest of thle afIternooni spite of her not seeing "'why'' fir st , whren lie,r0thler re fused h wish .-Unrioni Gospel Newvs. "Learn to do "Learnin r - learning o (1 0 .well is li the s "" " aei r im-, but sink. You try aigni Inidl dIo a hitie bthet ter. Yu s lw ai goodl del('l of water C. It ge I i y ur ear: and eiitlyes andU lns hui you kee'p i,n slalishlig it Cnally ca swimi. So youn keep itt domilg wellh tintiil ~(ou lear how it d1 it hars becomle ~a hiai Ahabi is somllethinig whiichr havt'. '''hat is what the w~or meansu11. It often beicomf.s SOi biigwhtih has us5. --Chr ist ii I ~ei(h'r My Hand In Hir. It makes a good deal of difTer eIe whietdher you take hold of 0'od, or God takes hold of you. Said t fither: "\My little girl to dIy refused to let tme take hold of her hand when we were walking together. She thought she could go Itloie. But when we came to a place which was slippery, she took hold, first my little finger, and then as it grew more icy, of my whole hand. As we went on, and-it was growing worse, she let nw go entirely, and said, 'Papa, take hold of mie.' She knew I wa strong, 1111d iult she Could nlot lill unk-ss I fell. Now," said lie, "I have been slippiig, slipping, for the last seven years, and the re*s)i is that I have not putil my haind into the hand of God. I lve been trying to take hold of him, but not asking him to take hold of te. As long as lie has hold of my hand I can't fall. lie would have to be dethroned first." If our hands are placed in his, whose (ItIrone is in heavei, we lever can lfall down i)to hell.-D. 1M. loody. PERSONAL WORK NECESSARY. If the Iembers of tle church are nIIVilling to ittdertake the per sonal. work necessary to reach and draw inl the 111usaved, they need nJol be stirprised at tle emptiness of the pews at the evening services o. at the meagretiess of their own spiritual life. In the final analy sis, as already intimated, it rests Suich with the church itself, and with the depth andl power of the desire for the salvation of lost souls, whether the Lord shall he I full or empty at tle evening ser vice. From what we have ob served, we should say that this per plexing problem will he solved just a.s sootn as the churches troubled with it are ready to solve it. "-Tlhe lExaIiner. DO THY BEST. Ilis eye was failing, his hands were trembling. Age had set its shackles on hiii. To younger hands ile illin isTied picture must be resigned. "I commission Ihee, my son," said(! the aged artist, "to do thy best." And the young man hesitated, thinking the duty too vast for him. But still kept soundling the injunction, ''Do thy best,'' "'Do thy best.'' And with praiyer for help and with high lpur pose in his heart, the young man began. And ias lie wrought, his hand grew steaidy, his concep)tion clea red(l eaich st roke becam te a mais ter st roke, uint il att last , before the litnishied picture, wvithI teairful exuli tation, the aged artist gave over inlto the hanud of' Leonatrda dai Vin ci, whose hand was wvorthy be cauise lie had sought to (do hiis best, u- the task fromi wvhiich his owvn tremb ling hand was dropping.--WVay land 11loyt, D). D). imalige iln mn's souls, and a beaut i futil Iimalge it is. They soothle and coinfort thle hearer. They shame him I oult of his un111kindly feelings. )'We have not yet begu~n to use e thelm iln such abundlance as they outghit to b)e usedl.-P~ascal. -There is no MO HE Iwor dso full ur of mean ing uand about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " MOTHER "-she who watched over our helpless in fancy and guid .0 ed our first tottering step. Yet e- the life of every Expectant Moth. 1(d cr is beset wvith danger and all ef ,fort should be madec to avoid it. M t so assists nature "O Qin the change tak bi.IU ing p lace that Ie a. the Expectant in~ VEAlflMother is ena ~ 1 0 W bled to look for awardwih *experiences the joy of Motherhood, Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother an d Child, an d she is found stronger after than before con fnement-in short, it "makes ke Clildbirth natural and easy," as to so many have said. Do n't be apersuaded to use anything but oMOTHER'S FRIEND " My wife sufferedl more in ten min dI utes with either of her other two Child i dren than she (lid altogether' with her Ii last, having prevliusl utse'd four hot ties of 'Mother's Fr lend.' I6 is a -blessing to any one expectin gto e C coOi a MO'T'IER," says a customer.: .1 JINDERSWON I)AL,i, Carmni, Illinois. 1of Drumggist at 11.00. or sent by express on receipt of price. WValto for book contin,ing iestimonial* anid valuable inform,ntion for all Miothers, lree,