THE BEEH, CLOTH \\ V I -4AA / 50c, t' t ll s l' t Hats of Wone han< Vders that \ . stre at -~ \'Ve ha 2on9 GREAT Co HAVE THEIR BEST P IVE OF BARGAIN. [ENiG! TherE thingth ofrchild wear th foUnd ii ,,,TTHE sout n its ca t 1t i uI"i than exist cirth todo me o ml Uth e cou .e for or Mr.-rchancii tL'rne'd int( CLOTH1NG No \w Bee HiN ffferfi n No v s 11A'rs: Bee Hi h1u0 10 tn 1T 11 d ay Of i the ack f,1-1114-1v S AItI for *ti'e ic l 95C gain c Mur Ino. Th 111 PENDERS! Jie a line that com an t approach in or price. SusSpan- FOR are sold in other 25c., wve vwill sell ALL WE :entLs.1. 5 to $I,98,,,, ___Th JNDERWEAR! lEN, Ladies and1 Children! >I or Cotton-Hmr! tS u il I a Sh'Iirt weith BNKS! TRUNtKS! -runks of all dlis riptlion aiLt pri< C's which vvili astonih * he natives;. KS V1T 8old formcrly at $6 09 BRO 0 M8, tra now offered at conlv $21 At .rd.' INTRIES OF TI RODUCTS REPRESENTED I AT ECONOMY'S 01 is hardly any- OUR SHI it nan, woran "i this depaptim, ocf tho' Simu can eat, Use or -. r Childr a.t is not to be i t.-II I lst' i this mocdern f )use of Money BEE HIVE... IE GRE ATEST 1p, ?stablisimoiutL, TU Our line 01 iCarolina w" chasing powcr is the HANDKER( nc.' to lowier prices on the face of the v. No \wonder that TheI Ltilk n01 tries of the earth look th s it All 3 of their grea': out- d "" d v w,h:ch satisfactory pr co.s. I this ii ;e can be quickly money. T b 0 )nder that the e is constantly I EVERY Cl WHICH COM- ST DN IS UNABLE MATCH Dnder tiat the 25c, on e has from the s opening been fl00OB7 nowl edged bar- Ii 1 11W.W ,nter of South m A a, andic as long rmp ort ;fn e ole appreciate A ER GOODS e 1-ive will al ys be the DECCPA CI THE PUBLIC! - ASK~ Se fJ0 llr go00! ' Q. te Prices to Your i e Eatisfact ion. OU R 1Mir and squareD Dclr atchets! Pipea ! Wash Boards! [ '4 tlI i' l lNW A R , M USHES, LOOKING GLA culouslyo low priaes. Al lunum; IEE[ARTH... UN PRICES ! DE DEPARTMENT! nt wo "11nim to I.-. H611, tAIM 01m sq11 .hoe w"rh Nl; WhO01stl \.. $ , X I: Gents' Furnishing Goods is >lete in every respect. 1 t 'h vokln'- going at ''3 Ctnts -wh 27,o pair goiing ait 10 C'-nts! 'HIEFS at wiping PRICE" ! WAISTS, Cloals andf Cziws. 11111)i hig when r gosart, customn Ag of the Scason URTAINS814 ase~ JRTAIN IN DCK C1r - ..r [he Dollar! ED LlIPB! MPETITIO TED PLATES, PITQUERSI ZIPS and SAUJOERS ! P1h wiI E1 .nabl you to throjw a ny theii ii *r' -k''rv an