The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, November 10, 1886, Image 2

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A. C. JONES, EDITOR. Xew'Y)rr' ', 8. C. VENI)ESDAY, NOV. 10, 1886. Ti['tMs.-Otno yeta, $2; six tuottI $1 ; tlireo nuolths, 50 eent s ; I wo mtonth: 835 ents ; one mo _nth, 20 Cents; sin1g1 coly, 5 Cents, payable in advanee. '1''IKMS 01. A 1W-:NTrIistl.--$l .001 pc sit1are the first insertiotn, anid 50 ets. p .(ltaro for each slibseqent Insert iot Dtv- A square Is the spacee of nine lIne of soli1 hrevler type. Notices In local colmin 124e. per lin for e:eh Insertion for ot, month, logttt' at 11nch ral es, W'rt 2.1 por ceont ad kkti. A reasonable redhetton mnde for verti' menis h thte three, six, or i weh tnonths. 11,T1) itO A .t 1. \OF'I'U. (o'verlt1r Sheipptard ha:4' I tppointe, Tht ri:y, Noembet't 25:ti a, 'lhanlks giving day. ''ho total vote for State and ('ouinI otlltie's was 08'5. ('o1 it ut ional andit'il menit re'lating to honded debt ; yes, 211 no 511 ; relatlng to censul.s yes, ,00, in 0.. We are glad to note the suceSs o ti' 'Teach' le. .A-sociation. Our '1'elc '':' colu1mn gives encouraging informila" tion on t.h is :ubej.'t :am treats of se\era' Sititcs of impltortance to parents. ecil (lr-v antd treher-.. I'hosph:hi e ltilt y in 1,8479-81- w a $,0t1t); surplus in the State 'T'reasurr on (letoher :31st 1s8o in whic the UbI'os phiate lttyalty was inehldedl $117,000 'hosphate .1oy,tlty in 18tl -8.i 1 'i .000 l Silrplus inelhiding 1'ht sphattt l{oyalty o: Oct. 31 t 11i85 $2: 1,000. The Nov mber mh1111111e1m of the Son:h ern ('uhivator and liixie Farmer is over tlt)Nilw g \ itht1 interesting mit4it ter fo f:armler'. It is the best :1.ri'n unral p'a Iter in the Slith. and is m:tnag,el by en" terlrising ien who will eoit inme to t"ai< its staitd:ald. TIhe regul:ar subscrip tio1 prit'ce is .'0 :. ye:at, hbut we can gel for our sub1sclib'rs for one dloll:4 r 1 Ceat The Splrt:anllrg llerald of the ,r, in.tant punbli"ied 1 a review of t:e b+usi lie.s of S'artahilurg and the history to the t(y ani territory surrolnling. I shows that Spartanhurg has a taxah; property of $7,23'..5-.- busine't e i iuited at $2e',54.00-:nt a poutlllati., of "t,000, andi th' county :1 average It' ton1 erol of 21 .1Ss hiales. ''he shinc4Wi1 is .1 Tliotli credlii:l t ' one :ni ii.' Heral t'(rtainlly di..serv'" pra.i' e for the :tt,l Shum in cin vllee. ing :nt,l arranging th T'he let ion. of the 2nd inAt wer anything bIu .at fatory to the llemio r tio". andoio :44d S4ib'a)tger, if ili noi:.,:n1 11144. ..f i h1o. 1 of th11 le.adi;, 11lnocr:tt - in l'on ro., wter, defeatre+, :1: d Sr.ier t'arli-le 4:narrow e-cs.ap'd defe:tt. 11' lIelpuli':ar.. hav teect.'d r een o)f the' :.a l tn1 r -,tn - ill ehll: g 's t e\ b- 1ere \\ i'.; te t .' ; '., Ib. muocrati"' tnj.c rity : i th: l.ti ,e tiC'' to the 1m:4ll tuargin if lll. 'I'Ton. il1s'e5 is thec pro4'1ct ,.f hing4'i tiL l aItuirs from14 11414:4: i:4 ti; 1 Ni-w ,ler ciecd Smllis. Var4ious4 causcs h1:4'iv ch a''igned' c for t' chan44ge'44 in th ('ongrey ionl cleg:it hmb:. TiI'he pincile rea:so4 seems tob lth14e laborli and4 tari l' queIc tins in4 theL Noith and4 tihese a414 ucih iOend1:uitism4 in1 thet Soth. We fear thi e'tieet (4f theitse' intilucences in 1the electio4 of1 1888, if our1 people11 dift to n4ew partie0 they'3 wviii Iind afterl it is tooc ilte thi: theyV 3:4 hav eeni itrppd by the1ir4 ol enn tider' a ne0w name .4 F"A(CT AUHOlT TEAXEt4. We' are1 stre' that41 (ur1 ior:ii c-ontempc430 ra:ry, thec ()hwe~crver,. wol 1401 initenItionl allyi giv 4kitgure'1s thati ar not. 10 8i1t 111ne. iby tihe cliic': records'11 in4 ma4:k1ng a4 com 11arison4 of thle expend1c1iture'1s for t he ilsen year:4s 1879 -8t)0 ail 1881-85, a41t lhe 8141m 1it'm it. 14a4 made411 se veral414 ml<takes, an1 shiownl linoranc41 of th1e alfa141irs as t-hle are', 11 in a ltluig to fiure ouit an1 iir erease8t ini till cll,etion of1 188 [-85 OVe 18S7tt-80 cif $320,000. ini relin'g to 1.31 Obserlve's cr'iti(cisms of the 21st, uilt.., w14 (4eevored't to be as8 liberall as5 t.he fact would aillow, th4erelfore made411 0our coi 1parison1 by4 tile appropriations for' te es pensest' of thec Governmen14t'lt for the( fise:1 year4 s 1880)-SI and 1885'-8;0 thei( amo4iunts turned01 Icuto the trea4sury'3 1 tihe close of1 ech (1 IIseal year44 to lhe r'ound4 numbersi'' te sam141. We 111nd ic: tihe Obser'ver 4411111 tile mis8ta1ke of uIsin the e'xieinditutres of 1879)-80 and4 184141 w14heni it, a4ppearsi' 11hat1 It was spea'1kin of lice ti'4'4a l?ears 1880-Si and11 1885-8i As th iscc nal y,ears' belginl on NovemIb( 1st of each year4, 4and1 end then 31st < Octrober' the following year', aind if til expenises of 1880) are' referredcc to, it is ml der'4stood to mean'41 till e~xpenuses for' t1 fiseal year is 1880-81, benee the sma1: difflerenlce 11n our1 estima:t.e. Buit we at4 14ha1 thec Obs.erveir is iln deepC watIer w14iI the mios/ iibceral constucIt.ionl of its ci ditions. 'rle facets ar1e these8 : 'I'i lseal year4i 18841-85 e'xceedi thlose of 187! 8(0 by $69,000. 'Thie nelw items4 of e pense51 w4ereC those84 celnmeralted by Ii Obseirver, (o wIt : "4Un1ivers'ity and44 CIt. 15; wor'k oin Stat41e I iouse $8,158.2 tot al1 $50 ,501.t5; :iind $10).200) for ill' sa1 ries of Sumperivisnu s of Re'gistrati Oln, $4l81 87 focr books aiud cer't iientes of1 Super's sors,~ and4( 14n lucreaise in lice expei I ures? of thie Asyl umi, mak14inig thle tot inicrea'se, aifter' deduicting sav3 igs in (1 Ex'cuive and144 LegIslativle departm ieci of $(;9,000. T1he& Observer' overloo)ck< theo last new44 iteml, viz~' : Thelc expcen of the otlice of Supervlsor' of Registr tlon and4( thirl salaii'es. Theli levy 1870-80 was8'l 411i1l for State pu1rpose~ and In 18841-85, 5) mills. There' wI' collected fr'om all soIresavne, j)hn 000 more than was collected during 18 1 fliseal year 1879-80. The siurpli Iin the ''ren$tn'y, its cetlmated by the Comp troller (eneral i Novether, 18810, to he left aftet' paylug tie xOilses of lilt G overntile it out of the fttlls eollected f romti t he 1 111111 levy for State llu' ol , anid the ant11o11 s c.'lleeted from phs t, ph:ate r'1ya:t1y, f. es, ett . w\a $11i,1tW ., Tihis estlatim ate was proetl to l'o 'ilbstt r e r, I .'t, st \ iieat et :isl above it'n N ol i 10:1 SMi lry, 0:., "w :;11 ,11W . Ti!z w\':. 0l0t\ n 0 t .' .' ': t, \\ hi -h I'r.\'c 1;. ' 1t :t.1 \\. lu. ma\: ' atd i ho\\ , thit: t. r l is' at : ; .it An fr ;hll \\04 , the t e r' , 1' 1 Sv'tan, 11 . hi : ro .id ,1e u, 1 :'a' N 9 \ \-'i . it ' :e .',t: t. 1 t bl\:'" ;\'. T O i : 1',, t'tin.-s a . .lot' . :.' ter a .. 1 ::h t te se s n'se of the :.\feinbly, an t111 1n rent ex . n1 of th.1 1 l;:1t r'ent ;l iitne ti of 'i li a e ';ov 1 i'ut Itovit he it t 117.(9 1 .'h , ilt' St01he'io.ts fin i N1\ 'v1et1 e: I , 1 1' , o ,l;i:) ti; .t\ ' i t ' th. ' tttr ', t1h n 'it ..t: li,'i ' " :in The er : t x e 1.,. 1: .m : 1 1ilt , t of il; 2 S itate t\'1ll:t l flla ' i b ut i 1 , l .. i\.i 1: ;'. t,'.o froe t f oe:., l mr : I ,:111-1 1st :1 . \:s i t \\t .'. ' : t i .1 11the t el ot' tr\I e - t'. : t It , ' h ; f ii l'1 1t' \ o-heu : rvu a ' ' a n ,' " i u r : :G ;l t . a'. 1 , . w :. ? h , .i:- ..,h_n It- it, er ne t t u i ' N t h .n, e :oel:1: t t:eh --e t rr ectt to t c h t o:':. ga:Itls: ai ;lllt a "t :l j,i iti .t' i r ., O of ht 1t-t.i.- .''. t-.0 t h ,: . \t w not fsti : th . \ na on - - tbli n, i .: :lt,hr : ':'i . ; . :: ax. n ra in u': hlt . t at a ,o~ I 0! 'u i l' It t Mt'. ~ tiwll for lie .1, teiu, .ta-V f t : n -tt t r U- t'n ue,.s attImr.'j o 1- otiof r alie tfr"..r\"to to arntn o ro t :i. b. t: oi,: t - thtuo' ofathe withheid ther p bida e fortal or th eem. of- exew of thant .1 Ntear down or inorlis' Itateulti lavk - si wl t f o t o l'r , tritul r , t earate t an iiti iehi- t s Itot tuuii ta k toaI iitlar breat:htse thae hav i no ol,e Getn . ille, af lia poin otar mrsto atotemalit to detoy lt.he eust . ldint lie ~ tutionM fo the State I oe to7htihla ~ ntrieitra11,10 cllegi.Veriy aew fitde ~tough Sit pewisr tof e -ih asprate7 agri0.-ntt ral $2olegO, and a iau, utiba of lese halve founl Is e exnpaerImen a sw.'elees. of thSae oiig year proidsaes tob Jaiitr hartigon, t i . t tigest.cohat the Gena sticetobhy fwithhl th ppo prliat ioslifor tit tee tlttits i$75.000o I il- itay $1-ti,000; Uierity acnd itade ,f '9li0t : w i. ev iort of ReitI i rat i i-7, ~ tevyauI- of live millls,i Iwe a'hn paytig ex-uu penses tof cth It ia te vI~t governm* eunt hav c at s tiull e surpl ito lineetA.i te usual Ilt'rIt wJa-u ary obgttin. tit lo tgr ct en at cpoar stick ii 'Itl!s iut to the facts.Oh I'.es"Tnt iters" ant "axtaer. -c, iteu witit !to hat reii it ter art of the otIhtOtico ho Otin h>titneyi a lstiresi tit Simrity all v e h c tIu it -i as<unt uphitetihlitanel - wItoloi efr the otanty ittiatiilu ieasingu oaxa )hi St at iceD iocai.rcntrcin )cTiiing.i Ihe Ishort,au of il covnig facts are snoeitne profas in th use ofn*ttii aipilt it 'itowats he peolt who reitt t h i ao innih, h at,ni we belive', tl i-~iea-'iat no n wsae lies pro oi et enl fo i ri nam <liiti ofI the pe o rtftI i aty.untily rjrth lii itwsutr lie Oalc Aoit New' ofht la tui w ikt te redtv,I the follot.init, nte it Int cop itig s o f lex tr iofritt the pN-tey. Oh-c I-Ieer,or et Gu reenil Nests anae Appbtvil Prs lan iihtner: i~utIci teitti- t h l'r xea thatig pury te tttiinii know tek fat, wiewh tatelsnve ta tXhe iltr it ph Jowrnal us Iin t ic th ihav utit i:cii.u o Ahe it atev- golerntsent tr clipe arev konit as Nolr,tn c i, hil ae een i nud ing handtll c ithit averythintat wanes li rtiotucodan w igisi hir toway ''i of in nig ig tuYirI Iof I)einoerate ispekown totf altiren. Toheyoit e lon to the "T-ox pcying wing of -ayth t- he tey cthy toi ea nrobo,it t,is a net bnutdt, hl' repfrlen thti. 8,neIes by wepreint. Nivlei of u thei Office oldtn wting o te axe to iti ph-arty,itl wonhlsetni iItt tiort nw.nn tlt.w y nxost s- vui'arcopitheorary he onttpkei members It buiig our purposo to road out of tho Democratic party tho journals who havo boon a lit Itl wild lin their statemtentA 1:.5out (ho managotuont of tho Stato gov ernment and taxo:', or that we have any apology to make for the "tax eatilng' otllet:ls, The fat. Is their roorll is the highest evidonee of iheir faithfulness, and we are eontilent that they andt their friends ask ior no not' than they iv et it led to. iln lithe other hand II, 'h 'tax paying'' wing should allow the same e\ hmination to be maide of their twnds. if apology w\s ihntened by us, it wa'\ fttr ther W'.v atnd Blaner, Givenv{t\ille News, andtl Olbset use'r, who htav lattelyt gwt':n n'e s w\henl eritileishug the s.ta te tileials and ieio ti. State gun 1r1me t, Vt' W ll\ :2- 1 )11o r \1tu1t\'m1t1 rat that we haM e nau lght but the kind. ett fb ng a'd iest whi'hes for th;', 1'''.' l'ies ai ll,ltin er says futihet: 1t" R1'stt1 timt I ,i n: tvty, r ' i%' , 1ttn "l.ii 1 e' t t y t l't i o' t i{ t h' t1to ii I;ket' 1r 'Evry t t'ln itt' tvant t't t'' t'am 1Vlatil 1hat eV.Pta 'tin tt in t)inme1 ttotl 1\\ tht ie ,fl ''ttittv' As sooni as it.r1R ait , vt'o1n1h\a N f i.1tte t'11ta' tstren iiisP, asseu 'et. they 1re *he pnN\ nt1l one 011 hl. ni asunkown1 In pe\lt'*, etirea :+1it tn the %e,t+ter \'tlhout$ t1.4 1'at1\'Iaat' e ans1t' eemtl1! itemm'ant tivng.s teil t comit tdi t' rit, ' tt'v l t \'iv s tl'he \:trio' tsot'ti% es of the tat, nz tol oeied, Sit ':t'etion, halnuve tetlt t notty ti''.t al t ie Iye prititl ng that town dtne1 fo r tI' party., but If the lal tr ha1: neut.-r.t , p It t:: i ta 't w:1. tt' lt e :tiy t r has at-v ; n"t..It t 1' e eve\ r t'v ritve tte %X1nt rt t' w\t! tu '. I'it uno .\\t \t.1ws tenl ns how'\\ is -S t - \ %n :' any\ t'inter ni that tow n 1 t'': te 011 lk, itttiltyP1 t it nY work, f'or u I\ 'm ltty tinded to pay . . s N e hive bt'et able to learn, a h' : L t' adl''ted by the Democratie aid mtih,: ra: i.'n wa.l to have the State print- j n,: d\en' by th e lowest responsible bid- e ,i: tI has becarried into the State E ,Iel'ar:it t- \\ here they ask bits onl all I te p ti;i:, tihe'y have done, in order to v ev ery d,tr ." 1os,ible, and this Ate e''t:-.ts f,r the R egi<ter losing the Sitate L:, f't sevral year, but we are t:dd t:t': eau-e them to become arm i i t tiwi: su1ppott of IIe party, w1\',' e 1m' their support was not I n ehtpe of re'arnl. We have ' t x;-eted m'uh of the State ti , n!. ":. \oI wou'd remiud our conttem Eoryth.: .ldays whIe 11 extri\aagant r ces for in'tit are p:tid have passed. Vt;l in the liouse Jloulrnal of 1872 6 l :'e foowin, 'rThe conmit teo e .s. :o whom was referred the 1 .1;1 o' e .Abbevilie Pres- and Ban- I :1 of ,'.70, for pub- t A:.- if t':t General A,sembly, -ae: repor:: 'hat the same has 3i aref::'\ ' i ered, and 1 :h e c .a i:u b e t .ai, . A i o f t! ...L- C.' . I N w ON'P N'.Ni~ - r ..i n of -':t he -t i-e- t mee!t ans . . :.1 'if ilaki:g - as~ ..verywhre it * ' ~ L I.ud( .f every mnan - -y and se'e if they can in bt:rn's for the - - loo1ck ~and see whein - j~''.~exi\;res. Put aside a e r do'.lar:- for a renewal, ui te your ni:h~borS t.o WAIT until im i:i b.:fore they sucie to any p.iper for 187 We have distainced ouri! comp etitor- for thle past year, anitd we intend to) io as well or better ini the future. We -end as much general news in one week, as the paper which boasts of ite "large type, plain print and full of countyv news'' sends you in eight weteks, :aml we have plenty of large type too. li youi are a suib-criber to that p)a per and n.ot to the JIiERALDm. AND) NEWS, :seaid to uts and get a copy and compare the t wo and see whant we are doing for our friends. We are en' i'ed to some thing ourselves oin sentimienit, butt we base our claims on the values we furnrish for a small sum. We studly the initerest of our patrons every day and( are determined to lead in giving the most for thle money. Wait for ius. Those of our suabscribers wvho desirse to renew for another year. may hatve their subscriptions credited until January 1st, 1888 by p)ayingL up to date and two dol lars. T1hose wtho (desire to subscribe, who are not already subscribers may WVeekly News anud Courier as suipple mnt sent from now until Januiary I1st, 1888 for $:2.00. Leave y'ouri orders with Mr. W. S. Brown at the oflce. NOT (0111 NWETI,Y (C11EDlTED. The nioxt Leogislature should brin1g thei State tax levy dowtn to 4 mills1. It 1s very probable I liat. but, for the lesses in Chaurlestoni property t hn levy couild be reduced to aj mills, In any event 4 miallls is enonigh.-Newherry Heraid and News. The News and Courmier of (lie SthI in slant. copies the above andl credlits it to the I lERtALD AND NE~ws. Our contemn pOriary should( havye put The N ewthe,rry Observer instead of IInuAILD A ND N Ews, as it, is entitled to the hoinoir and1 we do n ot. care' tO deprive it of it. h"reet Tr'ade. Th'ie reduicati of internal revenue and1( the taking oIlf of revenue stamps from l'raipr'ietaryV Meiine(s, n10 doubt hats lartgely benelt ted the consumers, as wttellI as relieving thle buirden of htome tnanufacturliers. Especiaully is t his the ease withi (,!r(en's Jinynst J'70w'er andi( J?oscherj's (?erman Syrup, as (lhe r'eductiont of th irtyv-six cenits per diozetn, hans been addi(ed 1.o incrtease (lhe size of the bottles cont aiinag thiese remedies thereby giv i ng onie-tifthI more medciicine ini the 75 (c(nt size. T he Auyuisi Flower for Dy3s pepia atnd LIver Comp1llalit, andh the (;ermanI1 Xyrup for Cough and Lanig t rou bles, have pierhtaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the wvorldP. The ad( vantage of increased size of the bottles wtill be greatly app)rreciatedh by the sick andi athlicted, in every towni and( villagc itn civilized countries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remaini the sanme size. 10.97-1a-ow. TheTi'aIor' A1s1otItm m t lat4 4AIturday,, tnuttor thit tault httat'tt-odr AN un,Istr+, A mluh IarKgvr umlthor tt a s than rs tti tttsItt wa Ihn at n - "utie, T'he+ to"howhn ol1tttie t tw , v loot41A to aI %% te ne t ttt iv bleIt. At 4 thur Itihler ; \teeu-ptvaldent, llt s A\I \ltat 5.\~Vt i hry ot imve, 'I', II, \ttht+ut,hI t t (al hitt"," ner. her-. er,l ontinud thosml motu hit y nm wf ht t he I rO'twol trtst mt v Il a.t Ilt watwe oit abet our fartst tem ptresn 5. is oe th at we ae r tad nmuted we tdlIt o 11 oure tltp" tii t:next willat+ the ibellt otodI. t tfiI a tu a ' Am %". 1tit4lI1% * o n tit+l t u'eM T ni ing Lr tt%e lthaitdre It tt:1f ;tt ''t ', t+% it* I ttlr t o<ut.N One oft te grea1tst pr ' oblems,jfor the1 ic to.rlt Aov i hwt Oi.te h'hren A Itis a. mistak nti on *Alt tat le on e th rtogre iw is t'tal* .1 ll 1 1ttw th-A', a \"%t' .t out' t+tt" t+t u itg -, ~ nor111i t\%, M heml. thaV v an t+' e rntt and,+ pract itt t t alir acer can ',t reu s stas ;:dtns tutir forachitl cenie- t tt0 it s, tlt ,trtii%6 to tu'e tlhtlb'rt I eo a moth. 1ueryi lst t uthe ' that ttyatver gnser sho fourall. lmosl t curaging. A few t;tithti ul~ ttt'INm erd,r aqinued to ass hthe tettbe tr we feel than ther mtiors ludvan eid ro'lril Yritm si necss. 'I' ry +tig ob aturtlay was one of thno best, so far' as it-mbers freet. i hcuerucd, that W awe ever had, aotn r e do slurl ho ht the next will t fully as good. 'ri iitertti f itt o Clatlres. One of the greatest lproblems for the I.cher to solve, Is how to teach litle 1 lhiltlren. It is a mistaken notlott that pa ordinry teacher can coainece lit- e ti ones, and make the rogress with he that an xiericot and practi at1 teacher can. It re(quires Just as ooi Instruct ion for a child ohinene an at the very first as for the onc that Jay have gone to school for years. It indeed, i question whether tie be ;iner does nIot require even bletter anst,hction than the more aivanced eholar. Years may be necessary to ob iterate fro the mind the rong im ressionis received i: childhood. The instrceton at first should be en irely tlferret. from that of later years. Pile dull and lifelcss iotinism which Is part of the older scholar, can never be -acticed succ.ssf :el with a child of 0, or venI 1. hey need variety, :ftgh aomthla-l, wtite, so ething to at:oe : desire for the things to be learn l the fmi :ui . For a child to sir live or ix hourn ally loe fith his book In his i mi.ali it a if he prizel It above >eom at.:ed .rer. and the book It f the ca isj had been ill us r ' i- i demoralizing ". - . . 1: .e . T . chiid =liotlt b n rthing during the n shxl. He should ... f r i.r:c= Plenty of D f t 'id al;o be given,. and ul.. rout in' k he will edgerly return We 'ni. of e school i tie country - tenh: b a Itacl when she Children have :o desire for the time to come when stal inll e disisd. They prefcr olitilmle h" er from t.hoel tcr on ies. atl is disac from"tiu ltn.a With hieneaeraho lve fnor tiea timownor icois dift'ered tor the chlroom usual ae the cneed books neIti(1 the annoybng to hav talcit p tlea rdhay,te dy aln d week allte ek sIhule nolbok yt"o a Tsnexcso anil unpreptare less. 8 Oheteacher dece not wried beausete lisk chbieng doos for the childre fo lde inh loe money 'is omaintncs, wichs at al ditnce that town Witho y cho tacher holein or naria ton In isomifet Staesrepro the euschol '] und the appopiaedobu books,s anyn tor the childn. r la ftrda n ekdn ate ekin eduaveio.oo e ut whtersispan wold workallpeae wl ere,ii t fori itewcher beos notcaesto assuepley I ikof hevl teaches fowi hich e, for not cosglt lose Statey inuch. Butiundeit bhie woe itwoldlb no tht gtes ommn eIt, seuringsunifort of te scools j tsepplyidn.l hlrnwihbos n meading thate inogeucatinh cannout e lowhe n tlso many wofl thek chilrere foritou d beks. epniea mly iSghtole tProf. Sihee proneva, doasa nt thistie the earuc. Sht ould t beoo ontintwule of ro,e grets enfom ed thatri thet poro rsteshe winll et antot hasstno na e eks. largaminaCofppisdsivralfr DYSPEPSoIA,nu toNDIvGw Eior WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVER8S MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. Tis invigorat- 1 ie E ing and De.LIEtth lightful to take, hl SSE nnd of great value b teghnn as a Medicine fotrh uce,Tn weak and AiiinginthNRES Women and Chii- 7 adcmitiD dren. ~ ~ gesivgte NEWd to urtul .i~t~LiEato th posedof crefuly by S t, tregte. ble edicnes,mtheMcl, Tohe fully, maining teNRVyES, Sateand 'eaandHecomypleteyp dre geltttinqgt ther food. I C O N T A ..NASHook,O'Volina, Minas Du com- Chsicns,teplnng beMedALTI nU, -D. - maied toehe fully, akingr oecrsb e llothing for the State Clothin lothing for Economic Clothing f :lothing for all, Old a A'I lIIIIPl El 146 Main Stroot, 1 Mtu'a $uta rtan ing Inmt 43.00 nud tupw 'taVlr. ththvn t Ha Mu{ from 0A.4) ani n i'at pri'a'. to t uin t NItN how it Ntork r' Wet, 1 havtt bought AIM) h+nutlful nilko mxl1 timo koer, t+ rvery 1+urehtnrr of it 1I u al#nt the ikst'1 In' rol cli l'o t Al t t%*I ta o I1:1 t'tt%I *u i s im trial. HERE WE A WI. FOOT, . F0t"V tl..ii 't.A Nl\k AS 't1l' W1't utllr bargsins In all our linrs-, ats and Caps, Trunks, V alises, t r t'i No old goods uixt+d in to dteeive. to buy the old ones. We carry the largest stock of Boots dUceenlets. Always your frie M. F REMEMBER IF YOU IN OLUMBIA CASH W YOU WILL FIND TIIAT( LEADER OF I For you can get all kinds and styles of I) ickets, Ladies' Under Garments; Gents' id Drawers ; all kinds of goods for Io ry Goods Store, at much less than can be O. 13. TA.OK~so: S120, MAIN STREET, VHAT yOU ARETT where you are going to buy your Flal ou phall ba the judge. Long rows ofl: chi in wool, man has learned to weave ay talkhag to you about flannels, but in :onomise almnoBt everywhere, but noele bild warm. We plead for the children livering school roomns. Cotton flannelb L? We shall see. Thousands of yardi Lall we say of them--no two alike, and line's indescribable Calicoes. H-ow te f' yards of fast colored checked Homes f(bargains in Towels, no three alike--i ou towels at jiust the price other mer< rant every reader to investigate this atm 5e. Hlose-ribbed front-plain back ailing about a dozen pairs a day at 33 mong the people that we were selling t bruggle. We struggled4 but pahaw ! )ss of profit, by ttie reflection' that we a air, where we were formerly selling 1 le to hang up a 33c. hose in the paper uch a Kid Glove for $1.00. Five and rconvenient, though, having so many 'he store Is full of novelties in Jerseys auch as you do. Too many shapes, ur rord apiece. We are sure of being era 'ou like. There'll be fun and beauty ta D talk to you next time about a new eo ver the hips. Our Handkerchief coun! reek. Ready-made table linen 21) yds. now-white, $2.50 each. Ice-cream, rea ubstantial. Wool Knitting Yarn in bm anks. Lqew Gooc Ne, R.D. Successor to C] I announce without hesitation to hat I now have the best selected line< Lurnlshing Goods yet offered to the pe0 I have just retuirnedl from the N 'or cash, andl now, having no one in b vithi, I propose to sell as low as any mn An elegant line of Strouse & Br< Jutaway and Sack Suits, at the lowest All styles of Zeigler IBro.'s Shoes f James Means' $3.00 Shoes, all sty ow1. Cheap Shoes and flats In abund R. I ~Iln St.reet, Nnwhbe.ry , C. Fair, g for the State Bp Legislators, or the Farmer Boys, ,nd Young, olumbia, S. C. rils. Y onlH' HuitK from $2.75 and up. 01ward-418. (1-tI's I"lirilshing Goods at thal. aIll eiinaI ia y, North, Sonth, East 'I eloei, aind will ive oneo of these a mnit. of elot.hiIg for ..8.00 or more, and 1 lower Itil aUny imiercllit in the State. 19? 1. 1 1 a L 1:s1 I P KP TN. RE AGAIN R., & CO., TO 'A1,1, lm1mJOR): BUYING. v t s b, Bloots and Shoes, Clothing, ies, ('igar, Tobacco and Furniture. New goods at lower prices than you and Shoes in Newberry. Special (ud, OOT, JR., & CO. ILL CALL AT TIIE [.- Ob- STOHE IIW?LEIES, ry Goods, Notios hats, Caps, Clonks, Shirt . Collars. Cravais, Under Shirts Vs, andi eve!rythi g kept in a first class bought at any other house in this city. NO, Jlnitgex, COLUMBIA, S. C. >nls. Ar they as cheap as can be? dhelves9 full of nothing but Flannels, imto cloth. We'd like to spend a e can't stop. It many be needful to -!-in the uinder vest that keeps your along the blustering streets; ini ;, did you say, were enIsidy looked of stylish D)ress Ginghams. What all like nothing? Over yonder are mp)ted we aire to linger ! Hundreds puns; but on we must go. Unheard drummer's sampiles. We can sell hants have to pay for them. We Ltemnent. You shall see our great -solid colors-all sizes. We were c., until somehow or other it got hem for 25c. a pair; then came the we arc consoling ourselves for the re no0w selling 5 pairs for 25c. per air for 33c. Need we longer strn. for 25c.? We never before had eight hook lengths. It is a little >eop)le call for one kind of glove. ,We wonder at their beauI,y as rnamedl andI( unnamablLle, to have a wvded this week; but come along, if mlong the .Jerseys. We are going rset we have-long in front-curved ~er will be pe(culiarly interesting this square, of very heavy Frence linen, dy-made, German Damask, the moat ails ! Cotton Knitting Thread in BEN. H. CLINE. Is ! loud & Smith. my friends and( customers generally >f Clotingii, Shloes, IIats and Gents' ople of Newherry County. >rthern mafrkets, where I bought low usimess with mec to divide tile p)rotits in in the State ofi South Carolina. >.'s, Fine Tailor Made Clothing, in prices. or Ladies. les. Tihe tlneat lot of T1runks in tihe lance. Thue "Newhberyr 1lotie.">