A. C. JONES, EDITOR. Xew'Y)rr' ', 8. C. VENI)ESDAY, NOV. 10, 1886. Ti['tMs.-Otno yeta, $2; six tuottI $1 ; tlireo nuolths, 50 eent s ; I wo mtonth: 835 ents ; one mo _nth, 20 Cents; sin1g1 coly, 5 Cents, payable in advanee. '1''IKMS 01. A 1W-:NTrIistl.--$l .001 pc sit1are the first insertiotn, anid 50 ets. p .(ltaro for each slibseqent Insert iot Dtv- A square Is the spacee of nine lIne of soli1 hrevler type. Notices In local colmin 124e. per lin for e:eh Insertion for ot, month, logttt' at 11nch ral es, W'rt 2.1 por ceont ad kkti. A reasonable redhetton mnde for verti' menis h thte three, six, or i weh tnonths. 11,T1) itO A .t 1. \OF'I'U. (o'verlt1r Sheipptard ha:4' I tppointe, Tht ri:y, Noembet't 25:ti a, 'lhanlks giving day. ''ho total vote for State and ('ouinI otlltie's was 08'5. ('o1 it ut ional andit'il menit re'lating to honded debt ; yes, 211 no 511 ; relatlng to censul.s yes, ,00, in 0.. We are glad to note the suceSs o ti' 'Teach' le. .A-sociation. Our '1'elc '':' colu1mn gives encouraging informila" tion on t.h is :ubej.'t :am treats of se\era' Sititcs of impltortance to parents. ecil (lr-v antd treher-.. I'hosph:hi e ltilt y in 1,8479-81- w a $,0t1t); surplus in the State 'T'reasurr on (letoher :31st 1s8o in whic the UbI'os phiate lttyalty was inehldedl $117,000 'hosphate .1oy,tlty in 18tl -8.i 1 'i .000 l Silrplus inelhiding 1'ht sphattt l{oyalty o: Oct. 31 t 11i85 $2: 1,000. The Nov mber mh1111111e1m of the Son:h ern ('uhivator and liixie Farmer is over tlt)Nilw g \ itht1 interesting mit4it ter fo f:armler'. It is the best :1.ri'n unral p'a Iter in the Slith. and is m:tnag,el by en" terlrising ien who will eoit inme to t"ai< its staitd:ald. TIhe regul:ar subscrip tio1 prit'ce is .'0 :. ye:at, hbut we can gel for our sub1sclib'rs for one dloll:4 r 1 Ceat The Splrt:anllrg llerald of the ,r, in.tant punbli"ied 1 a review of t:e b+usi lie.s of S'artahilurg and the history to the t(y ani territory surrolnling. I shows that Spartanhurg has a taxah; property of $7,23'..5-.- busine't e i iuited at $2e',54.00-:nt a poutlllati., of "t,000, andi th' county :1 average It' ton1 erol of 21 .1Ss hiales. ''he shinc4Wi1 is .1 Tliotli credlii:l t ' one :ni ii.' Heral t'(rtainlly di..serv'" pra.i' e for the :tt,l Shum in cin vllee. ing :nt,l arranging th T'he let ion. of the 2nd inAt wer anything bIu .at fatory to the llemio r tio". andoio :44d S4ib'a)tger, if ili noi:.,:n1 11144. ..f i h1o. 1 of th11 le.adi;, 11lnocr:tt - in l'on ro., wter, defeatre+, :1: d Sr.ier t'arli-le 4:narrow e-cs.ap'd defe:tt. 11' lIelpuli':ar.. hav teect.'d r een o)f the' :.a l tn1 r -,tn - ill ehll: g 's t e\ b- 1ere \\ i'.; te t .' ; '., Ib. muocrati"' tnj.c rity : i th: l.ti ,e tiC'' to the 1m:4ll tuargin if lll. 'I'Ton. il1s'e5 is thec pro4'1ct ,.f hing4'i tiL l aItuirs from14 11414:4: i:4 ti; 1 Ni-w ,ler ciecd Smllis. Var4ious4 causcs h1:4'iv ch a''igned' c for t' chan44ge'44 in th ('ongrey ionl cleg:it hmb:. TiI'he pincile rea:so4 seems tob lth14e laborli and4 tari l' queIc tins in4 theL Noith and4 tihese a414 ucih iOend1:uitism4 in1 thet Soth. We fear thi e'tieet (4f theitse' intilucences in 1the electio4 of1 1888, if our1 people11 dift to n4ew partie0 they'3 wviii Iind afterl it is tooc ilte thi: theyV 3:4 hav eeni itrppd by the1ir4 ol enn tider' a ne0w name .4 F"A(CT AUHOlT TEAXEt4. We' are1 stre' that41 (ur1 ior:ii c-ontempc430 ra:ry, thec ()hwe~crver,. wol 1401 initenItionl allyi giv 4kitgure'1s thati ar not. 10 8i1t 111ne. iby tihe cliic': records'11 in4 ma4:k1ng a4 com 11arison4 of thle expend1c1iture'1s for t he ilsen year:4s 1879 -8t)0 ail 1881-85, a41t lhe 8141m 1it'm it. 14a4 made411 se veral414 mltitneyi a lstiresi tit Simrity all v e h c tIu it -i aseom at.:ed .rer. and the book It f the ca isj had been ill us r ' i- i demoralizing ". - . . 1: .e . T . chiid =liotlt b n rthing during the n hat.al..teachesI shxl. He should ... f r i.r:c= Plenty of D f t 'id al;o be given,. and ul.. rout in' k he will edgerly return We 'ni. of e school i tie country - tenh: b a Itacl when she Children have :o desire for the time to come when stal inll e disisd. They prefcr olitilmle h" er from t.hoel tcr on ies. atl is disac from"tiu ltn.a With hieneaeraho lve fnor tiea timownor icois dift'ered tor the chlroom usual ae the cneed books neIti(1 the annoybng to hav talcit p tlea rdhay,te dy aln d week allte ek sIhule nolbok yt"o a Tsnexcso anil unpreptare less. 8 Oheteacher dece not wried beausete lisk chbieng doos for the childre fo lde inh loe money 'is omaintncs, wichs at al ditnce that town Witho y cho tacher holein or naria ton In isomifet Staesrepro the euschol '] und the appopiaedobu books,s anyn tor the childn. r la ftrda n ekdn ate ekin eduaveio.oo e ut whtersispan wold workallpeae wl ere,ii t fori itewcher beos notcaesto assuepley I ikof hevl teaches fowi hich e, for not cosglt lose Statey inuch. Butiundeit bhie woe itwoldlb no tht gtes ommn eIt, seuringsunifort of te scools j tsepplyidn.l hlrnwihbos n meading thate inogeucatinh cannout e lowhe n tlso many wofl thek chilrere foritou d beks. epniea mly iSghtole tProf. Sihee proneva, doasa nt thistie the earuc. Sht ould t beoo ontintwule of ro,e grets enfom ed thatri thet poro rsteshe winll et antot hasstno na e eks. largaminaCofppisdsivralfr DYSPEPSoIA,nu toNDIvGw Eior WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVER8S MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. Tis invigorat- 1 ie E ing and De.LIEtth lightful to take, hl SSE nnd of great value b teghnn as a Medicine fotrh uce,Tn weak and AiiinginthNRES Women and Chii- 7 adcmitiD dren. ~ ~ gesivgte NEWd to urtul .i~t~LiEato th posedof crefuly by S t, tregte. ble edicnes,mtheMcl, Tohe fully, maining teNRVyES, Sateand 'eaandHecomypleteyp dre geltttinqgt ther food. I C O N T A ..NASHook,O'Volina, Minas Du com- Chsicns,teplnng beMedALTI nU, -D. - maied toehe fully, akingr oecrsb e llothing for the State Clothin lothing for Economic Clothing f :lothing for all, Old a A'I lIIIIPl El 146 Main Stroot, 1 Mtu'a $uta rtan ing Inmt 43.00 nud tupw 'taVlr. ththvn t Ha Mu{ from 0A.4) ani n i'at pri'a'. to t uin t NItN how it Ntork r' Wet, 1 havtt bought AIM) h+nutlful nilko mxl1 timo koer, t+ rvery 1+urehtnrr of it 1I u al#nt the ikst'1 In' rol cli l'o t Al t t%*I ta o I1:1 t'tt%I *u i s im trial. HERE WE A WI. FOOT, . F0t"V tl..ii 't.A Nl\k AS 't1l' W1't utllr bargsins In all our linrs-, ats and Caps, Trunks, V alises, t r t'i No old goods uixt+d in to dteeive. to buy the old ones. We carry the largest stock of Boots dUceenlets. Always your frie M. F REMEMBER IF YOU IN OLUMBIA CASH W YOU WILL FIND TIIAT( LEADER OF I For you can get all kinds and styles of I) ickets, Ladies' Under Garments; Gents' id Drawers ; all kinds of goods for Io ry Goods Store, at much less than can be O. 13. TA.OK~so: S120, MAIN STREET, VHAT yOU ARETT where you are going to buy your Flal ou phall ba the judge. Long rows ofl: chi in wool, man has learned to weave ay talkhag to you about flannels, but in :onomise almnoBt everywhere, but noele bild warm. We plead for the children livering school roomns. Cotton flannelb L? We shall see. Thousands of yardi Lall we say of them--no two alike, and line's indescribable Calicoes. H-ow te f' yards of fast colored checked Homes f(bargains in Towels, no three alike--i ou towels at jiust the price other mer< rant every reader to investigate this atm 5e. Hlose-ribbed front-plain back ailing about a dozen pairs a day at 33 mong the people that we were selling t bruggle. We struggled4 but pahaw ! )ss of profit, by ttie reflection' that we a air, where we were formerly selling 1 le to hang up a 33c. hose in the paper uch a Kid Glove for $1.00. Five and rconvenient, though, having so many 'he store Is full of novelties in Jerseys auch as you do. Too many shapes, ur rord apiece. We are sure of being era 'ou like. There'll be fun and beauty ta D talk to you next time about a new eo ver the hips. Our Handkerchief coun! reek. Ready-made table linen 21) yds. now-white, $2.50 each. Ice-cream, rea ubstantial. Wool Knitting Yarn in bm anks. Lqew Gooc Ne, R.D. Successor to C] I announce without hesitation to hat I now have the best selected line< Lurnlshing Goods yet offered to the pe0 I have just retuirnedl from the N 'or cash, andl now, having no one in b vithi, I propose to sell as low as any mn An elegant line of Strouse & Br< Jutaway and Sack Suits, at the lowest All styles of Zeigler IBro.'s Shoes f James Means' $3.00 Shoes, all sty ow1. Cheap Shoes and flats In abund R. I ~Iln St.reet, Nnwhbe.ry , C. Fair, g for the State Bp Legislators, or the Farmer Boys, ,nd Young, olumbia, S. C. rils. Y onlH' HuitK from $2.75 and up. 01ward-418. (1-tI's I"lirilshing Goods at thal. aIll eiinaI ia y, North, Sonth, East 'I eloei, aind will ive oneo of these a mnit. of elot.hiIg for ..8.00 or more, and 1 lower Itil aUny imiercllit in the State. 19? 1. 1 1 a L 1:s1 I P KP TN. RE AGAIN R., & CO., TO 'A1,1, lm1mJOR): BUYING. v t s b, Bloots and Shoes, Clothing, ies, ('igar, Tobacco and Furniture. New goods at lower prices than you and Shoes in Newberry. Special (ud, OOT, JR., & CO. ILL CALL AT TIIE [.- Ob- STOHE IIW?LEIES, ry Goods, Notios hats, Caps, Clonks, Shirt . Collars. Cravais, Under Shirts Vs, andi eve!rythi g kept in a first class bought at any other house in this city. NO, Jlnitgex, COLUMBIA, S. C. >nls. Ar they as cheap as can be? dhelves9 full of nothing but Flannels, imto cloth. We'd like to spend a e can't stop. It many be needful to -!-in the uinder vest that keeps your along the blustering streets; ini t.be ;, did you say, were enIsidy looked of stylish D)ress Ginghams. What all like nothing? Over yonder are mp)ted we aire to linger ! Hundreds puns; but on we must go. Unheard drummer's sampiles. We can sell hants have to pay for them. We Ltemnent. You shall see our great -solid colors-all sizes. We were c., until somehow or other it got hem for 25c. a pair; then came the we arc consoling ourselves for the re no0w selling 5 pairs for 25c. per air for 33c. Need we longer strn. for 25c.? We never before had eight hook lengths. It is a little >eop)le call for one kind of glove. ,We wonder at their beauI,y as rnamedl andI( unnamablLle, to have a wvded this week; but come along, if mlong the .Jerseys. We are going rset we have-long in front-curved ~er will be pe(culiarly interesting this square, of very heavy Frence linen, dy-made, German Damask, the moat ails ! Cotton Knitting Thread in BEN. H. CLINE. Is ! loud & Smith. my friends and( customers generally >f Clotingii, Shloes, IIats and Gents' ople of Newherry County. >rthern mafrkets, where I bought low usimess with mec to divide tile p)rotits in in the State ofi South Carolina. >.'s, Fine Tailor Made Clothing, in prices. or Ladies. les. Tihe tlneat lot of T1runks in tihe lance. Thue "Newhberyr 1lotie.">