The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 04, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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<Efie gfouerttser Subscription Price is $1.00 per Year Payable in Advance. S. K, II()M;v. Kdltor. PUULISHHD ItY ADVERTISER PRINTING COMPANY LAURENS. S. C. Katk.S FOR ADVERTISING. Ordinary advertisements, per square, one inser tion, $l.oii; each subsequent insertion, r>0 cents. Liberal reduction made for large advertisements. Obituarios: All over 50 words, one cent a word. Notes of thanks: Five cents the line. Entered at the postoflico at Laurens, S. C. as second class mail matter. LAURF.NS, S. C, NOVEMBER L 1908. '?The goat have voted; Tho Adver tiser have spake." ? * <" Labor oH (1; election over, and Un people haw 1 'dded. We were |iul sine il would 1)0 a landslide. Now what a pity, good people, 'twould be ii one of our pretty millin ers should he arc ted by that mere man. .lames in nry llteo? (tut thej bad bollor walk warily: strikes us we've seen lois of bird wings and things on soia. of tin io "dream ere atlons" walking about, Oh. fudge! Wo don'l know any thing about those head decaratlons and obstructions, so hushed up wo are. Selali. The Laurens Advertiser subscribes fi.iiu to iiu Democratic campaign fund of 11)12; or sisall we say tho Bryan fund? Somehow, ii seems thai a voice from out t. ' past was heard last week, but there was no response. Peoplo have learned to ?hink more now; are not so easily led astray; and can heiter distinguish truth from fic tion. Tillinnn cannot put up, so has to renig. lie accuse- some of tho pa pers in the state of receiving Stand ard Oil funds in the day- of Me Laurln's "commercial Democracy." Tho papers have called the bluff am! tho doty Senator i.-. silent. My the way, indulgent parents, d< you realize that these Jesse James books are aboil) Ihe wor t poison your boys can c i hold of.' > Our heartiest congratulations lo William. May he he the liest presi dent we have ever had. A marled mail out west h is been drunk nineteen years and his wife It just now ftndlnu it out. We thought ?but never mind what we thought. "The frlonds of the dispensary hnv< no paid orators to go over the county" wonder if the legal talent employed in the recent contest are working fbl the love of work, ii" so wo commend them for loyaltj to their bei lot's, Olid Is led lo believe thai th< dispen sary people are utterly without funds so piteous is the wail. W hy not got lip a fund? Who will he the first to subst rlbe a dollar for contesting th< the elect ion? Speak out ye lover* Of ' gill elections. * * + l! The Lauren.-, Advertiser did not have a reputation at stake, and if it were not a responsible business insti union, its editorial utterances, and its news Columns Might possibly bt of a different nature. * * * Weil, Dill certain!) did win in n walk. Say, let's kiss and make up. Is everybody happy? Sometimes we all but wish our self capable of the ingenuity we an credited with bj "ardent admirers"! ?) Funny how conceit make;. soilU men Imagine Uioy'ro Bpokon lo. when in actuality their existence Ii not recognized, Cowards die many time bofore their death according to a famous writer; and the guilty betray their where abouts, when a truth is spoken, ac cording to exporlei. Tho people |,ftce voted for exa< tly what they wanted, |0| || |?.. * ? * Wo have fought light, and flnlsltod the course; our COUHCleilCG is dear . ue hate home no false vvffne??, nor hau- hc erred from Iriitli. We congratulate wator Townsend of Cnion. upon hin recent uttorance: that lie would hare nothing to do wiih any contest of the dispensary I election held thore last Tuesday. The majority of the Colon people do not i want a dispensary; lie is willing to ' lei tho people rule. * ? ? Now let the contest coino, and if tho election lie illegal let it be de clared so. and set aside. The Adver tiser la r law-abiding paper, obedient to any law, good or hud; it neither ( oniinonds night riders, nor upholds the lawlessness of a mob. It is democratic and believes in tho rulo of tho people. ? ? ? If there was not the proper number of names on tlie "petition for election" Iben the dispensary ought to ho re tained. * * ? Mr. John B. Hrooks is a thorough going Democrat; he deserves much praise for bis excellent work in the ( ity and county, for tho Bryan fund. * ? ? The Columbia State has our unqual ified congratulation and commenda tion for its phenomenal work in be half of the Democratic campaign fund, ft* An interested correspondent wants to Know what wo aro going to write about after the election, national and dispensary, is over with. Well, we haven't unite decided, hut wo have I.n considering the subject of mil linery, clothes and things. About tho last-named, though, we must llrst lonsult the Brnnchvllle Journal. Defi nite announcement later. * * ? it is betitting that we preserve that lovely circular of last week in alcohol. * * * There are some people in I.aurens who could have learned something had they been present at tho opera house Sunday afternoon. * * * Dr. Cromer says a crank is a good iliiug if it turns something in the right direction. * * * According to .Mr. Cannon's state ment to the editor a few weeks ago; namely, that all he desired was a legal election, we presume that which ever way the vote went yesterday he will make a contest. Since, granting that his grounds of contention are correct, the election was Illegal, lie will, of course, have the courts pass upon it, whether or not tho dispensary wins. * * * By way of explanation, we wish to state that this page of Tho Advertiser is already printed before tho result I if the election Is known. Last sear the pupils in the Laurens ti hools received from dspensary prof its about $1.3"> per capita. A good fat pig is worth more than that in my market. 1'rlnclplc should be rated a little higher. * * * When the dispensary was llrst put in operation there were many who conscientiously believed that to be the proper solution of the whiskey question. That number Is now very much diminished. * ? * I.aureus is already a beautiful city, inn the best has not been attained. Paint repair and clean up. * * * Union is to be congratulated upon ignln repudiating the dispensary: it never did do that county any good ? I and ne\ er will. * * # Ti ii or fifteen years hence the iun lorlty of Lnnrens county people will wonder that they ever tolerated such in institution as a dispensary; the others will well it doesn't matter much what they wonder. * * * I BOM NKWBKltltY. They say that comparisons are odious, and Indeed they are, some times. Ami yet this matter of com paring is an ever present, existent mental state, If never expressed. Within the four months Just passed, there have appeared tiefere tho Lau 1 roils people two speakers from our neighboring city of Newberry, mem bers of the same profession. One of these speakers addressed an audience In the park during the month of August. A largo crowd of Lnurena voters heard him; they re all the nature of his speech, the ap peal be made, amid the reception given htm. The other, appeared in the pulpit of the I'M ist Presbyterian church last Sunday morning, and tlgaill at the opera house Sunday af ternoon. Those present readily re call the manner of man he was, as a very word of his address clearly In dicated; they recall tho nature of his appeal; they, by a glance about the bouse knew the class at audience lie had, ami the reception givon him. Two speakers from Newberry, of the same profession but not nliko. We congratulate ourselves that we have bad the privilege of shearing more than one Newberry orator, and ve congratulate Newberry upon the possession of more than one kind. OUR SPECIAL NOTICES. Store Rooms for Hem Two excel lent store rooms in new brick build ing North llnrpor utrcet, back of Owings <si Owlligs for rent. Apply to Owings & Owings for terms, etc. T. P. Babb. M-31 Trespass Notice - All persons uro hereby warned against bunting, fish ing or in any way trespassing tin my plantations In Hunter township. J. I). Coats. 1 1-21 lOtice-?Mow about a nice feather bed? 36 pound bed and one pair of G pound pillows for $1<> cash; duck beds 27 pounds for $15; goose beds27 lbs. $18 Call on or write W. II. ('lenients. agent. 142 Holmes street. Laurens, S. C. 12- It For Sale A line lot of Cabbage Plants; Chnrlcslon-Wnkctleld, liarly Jersey-Wakefleld, Wlnningstadt, vari eties; $1 ."><i per thousand or L'n cents a hundred. J, VY. Donnan. Laurens, S. ('.. R. F. I). No. 2. 13-51 Seed Wheat We have a small lot of genuine nine stem, our bosl far mers say it is the only kind of wheat you should sow in this country. .1. (). ('. Fleming & Co. 13-21 ..House Moving Those wanting houses moved will find it !g their Interest to see mo as I am prepared for the business. C. A. Owens. It. F. I). No. 2, I.aureus. S. C. 13-21 ? LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. ? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. A. Hallew of the county attended the State fair last week. .Messrs. ('. W. Cooper and Jack Mc Cravy were in Columbia Thursday at the Fair. Rev. C. Lewis Fowler and family passed through the city Friday en route to Simpsonville for a brief visit. Mr. Alfred liarksdale. now a student at Furman University, spent last week in Columbia looking alter some cattle and stock exhibits, on which be won several prizes. Mr. Roy Little was one of those who attended the Fair Wednesday. Messrs. R. C. Cheek and M. R.Cheek of the Alma section of the county were in town Saturday. Mr. D. ?. Dixon, a prominent fanner of the county, was in the city last Saturday. Major T. B. Anderson of Waterloo was in Laurens Saturday. Judge R. w. Memminger arrived in the city Saturday preparatory to the opening of Court Monday. .Indue Memminger is fond of Gray's hotel. Sheriff T. .1. Ducket! returned Sun day from a short visit to his daugh ters hi Clinton. Mr. John M. Cannon left Sunday for Spartanburg. Mr. J. F. Tolbert left for Greenville Sunday for a brief visit, returning Monday. Final Discharge. Take notice that on the Ith 'day of December. 1908, we will render a final account Of our acts and doings as administrators of the estate of Sal lie Lhwson, deceased, in the office of the .Indue of Probate of Laurens county at II o'clock, a. in., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from our trust as admin istrators. All persons indebted to said estate are notified and required to make pay ment on that date; and all per. (ins having claims ngaill8l said estate will present them on or before said dale, duly proven, or be forever barred. Laurens Trust Company, Administrators. Nov. -I. P.ins. I m. Messrs. Jas. T. Crews. W. II. (iilker 'son, Jr.. s. F. Boney, and J. II. Teaguo spent Friday in Columbia. Dr. Teague and Mr. Oilkerson attended j a director's meeting of the Seminole Securities Company. A Sure*euougil Knocker. j. c. Goodwin, of Held ville, N. C, says: "Mucklcn's Arnica Salve is a sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out In a few rounds. Not even a scar remained." Guaranteed for piles, sores, burns, etc. 250 tit the Palmetto Drug Co. and the Laurens Drug Co. Executor's Sale. Notice of Sale l?3 It. I.. Henderson, F.xecator, 1 Pursuant to the power and author ity given to the undersigned, by the last will and testament of Ida A. Itoyd. deceased, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Laurens C. II., So. Ca., dur ing the legal hours of sale, on Sales day in December. 1908, the same he ing the 7th day of the month, the fol lowing described real estate: All that tract and plantation of land, situate, lying and being near Madden station, in Laurens county. State of South Carolina. Containing one hundred and twenty-three acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of John a Madden, estate of .1. a. Madden, deceased. W. II. Iludgens, L. L. ClllbertSOn, and others. Also, all that piece, lot and parcel of laud, with storehouse thereon, sit uate, lying and being at Cold Point, in Laurens county. State of South Carolina, containing acres, more or less, ami bounded by the ('. & W. C. Ry. Co., and others. Known as the Moyd store bouse lot at Cold Point. Said property will be sold lor di vision among the Dovlsoes named in the said last will and testament of Ida a. Royd, deceased. Terms of sale, one hall cash, ami the balance on a credit of twelve months Wltll interest, secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser to pay for papers. It. L. Henderson. RXCClllOr of (be last will ami tOfllS menl of Ida a. itoyd. docensi tj. Laurens. S. ('.. Oct. | |. 1908. 13-31. I Why Walk=Over Elegance Lasts | Pick n WALK-OVKR Shoe lo pieces and you will find that solid leather, the best of linings and the strongest of thread have been used through out. Even the smallest parts are selected with extreme care. In Making WaIk=Over r Si i the pick of thi skilled shoe workers of the famous shoe city of Brockton arc employed. That they are men who know their business from A to X is attested to by the elegant appearance and long wear of WALK-OVKU SI It )HS. $3.50 $4.00 $5.09 Also (tent's Furnishings, Hats, Ties, .Shirts, Collars and Tailor Made Cloth inc. COPEL the: shoe: man ? The One Price Store. Customers Shoes Shincd I Tec. ^ 0?? -!<?( )R GOOD SHOES Kor Stylish Shoes For Shoes at Reasonable Prices see us. Ladies' Fine Shoes #2.00 to #3? 50. Men's Dress Shoes $3.00, $3.50, $.}.oo and #5.00. Children's Shoes 25c to $2. Men's Staple Shoes $1.19 to $2.(X5. Woman's vSlaple Shoes Si.25 and $1.50. J.E.MINTER&BRO The Reliable Store. TWO Federal Prisoners. Two nogros, Anthony Sullivan and Lewis Bolding, are serving a thirty days' sentence each in the Laurens jail as federal prisoners, they having boon convicted at the recent tonn of the l ulled Stales court at (ireenville on the charge of "shooting up" rural delivery boxes in the upper portion of Ibis county a few months ago. Kcononi) in 1008. Pure Linseed Oil costs much less sold from the barrel than it does put Up in tin cans as Mixed Taint In the first instance you pay Kit cents per gallon in (lie second $ 1.00. Now mix :> gallons of pure Linseed Oil with I gallons L. & M. Paint and you have, ready for use, i gallons of the best paint made costing only $1.20 per gal lon. Done in two minutes. .1. II. # M L. Nash. Laurens. ciiutou Pharmacy, Clinton. L. & M. Paint Agonns. 13 and I I. V 1 i UJ.' YOU TRY A if V V I NE it civr?; new 11 r strengiii to elm people. DttlCATt V. and tender girls),' katg \v( ' ii , ,?>'. iR doy5 >: D v. im t I 1! Will Melp You To R.egain Your Strength and Energy? ri oi Mo -m Physician in a lUcadlnit Mow York HoopiteJ cn tho Cure ?jf Cote.1 rh? 1 '?A fc\V y< nrs :?:??? v o considered that 1 do ig well if wo cured ten par ol t1 to ' . oi' cal itrrli brought neu i ho hit roduol Ion of Into our hospital wo one. ? ? imn DO per con I. 61" all I ho cases nil in it i various formsbrouglit i i. I ; mil of l ho Head, Catarrh 11 a ?., Catarrh of I ho Bladdof ! Urotha, ('atarrh of the largo In ti ?. < itarrli of tho Larynx, Polvlo i rrh, Cat - rrh 11 tho Throaty and li are, quickly i ." Ibbtiihlsnow energy, now lifo? tifjih to any parbof :.. ilie Ctttttrrnal ivorf/ul t' nie, nour hio coinpo tod of imulaiils old allied rugs. "Bloodlno" i. :i or <:i la rdailgor i cly ?' aden pain l\ i j o [Vurmnncnti : nl" v 'if disease. iul body builder it IrtP.ii I 'St, form <ly ai profession to .,- 1,1 ?<.;! ; :<| supply ; Lo tho v. hold body? P ?< i aderful will mti I t r;Ut3 ii: -U Dr. B. F. POSrJY ions, S. C. Negro's House lliirned, Tho lioifso oi SVado 1**1 nicy, colored, ill the western OllgO of lllfl City, WIIH dostroyod by flro lalo Htmday nfior nooiii while tin" occupants woro n\va> from home. An alarm was - in in ' ami the lire company re ponded i,.h the house was loo l'ai i nun a hydrant.' Tho Oflglll of the lire is unknown i We have |n i r< ci Ivod another car load of soil,i ,,. i . beautifully llnbdiod lied rooiil sii'ik s. cn.ih I lug Of Ilm heat, bargains i v< r o!i< red Jti tin; prices thoso are going at. lie BUl'O to 800 our line bet?re von buy, s. m. K- io. ii. Wllkos a ( o. Tetter, Salt Rheum and ftjcmn i ah ctttcd by Cliiuiilxirlnbrii Ka)vc, Oitenppllctt? Ii?,ii retievi i tin -a hing nnd bat iilny i ( n*Aliun<