The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, March 09, 1904, Image 4

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CROSS HILL 0110WS, VALUES INCREASE. One of the Most Prosperons and Healthful of Piedmont Boath Carolina's Towns. Ckoss Hill, Maroh 8.?Crois HUI Is a delightful little town on the Sea board Air Line Railroad. It is only about nine years old,most of the houses are new, and it therefore, presents a neat appearance. Strangers generali/ are pleased with the town and its people, and it is not uncommon for tbera to express a de sire to live here. A miulster visited the to.vii sora? months ago to assist io a religious meeting, was favorably in; pressed, returned home and m >ved bis family to tho town, whore they now re side. There are three churches and a good school in the p'aeo. Of course no town is a desirable place in which to live, if these iini>ort*ot factors do not receive, their just share of attention. Harris Sprng? aro nearby, from which great quantities of water are druok and ship pod; thereby attesting the people's faith in Its virtues. During the season a good many perrons have boarded in Cross H?i snd visited the Springs daily. As regards health, perhaps no town in the State has a better record. The town has a good farming country to sustain it and it enjoys a good share of business. With the high p ice of cotton, the present year is likely to be the most prosperous in its history to date. The population of the town has in creased about llfty por cent during the lust five years; the property valuation has trebled during that time. Her gln nerles, roller mill and oil mill add greatly to the business of the town. They draw their patronage from a large territory and they are at times throng ed with teams. The hosiery mill is a boon to boys and girls who are out of employment and are willing to work. Thev receive from 00 cents to $1.00 a day for their services. Thirty opera tives aro engaged in the mill and or ders are received faster than they can be filled. The new process of dyeing renders the goods of a better grade thin ever before. Cross Hdl is 15 miles from the town of Laurens and about tho same dis taue i from Clinton and Greenwood. The tendency in our State at present is to demand smaller counties; and this town may soon becom e the head of a new county. A now on9 could be formed out of portions of Newberry and Laurens and each of the three would be larger than some other coun ties of the State. There aro possibili ties for the town which Its inhabitants scarcely realize. Portrait to be Presented. A life size portrait of the late Chief Justico and Governor William D. Simp eon has been painted by tho artist, Ambrose MaoNell of Spartanburg, and will be presented to the Stato by the family of Judgo Simpson to be placed in the supreme court room in the capitol. The portrait is said to be one of striking fidelity. While It is doubtless a pleasure to the members of the Simpson family to present this picture, the people of Liurons county will be under some ob ligations on account of it, for Judgo Simpson was one of the distinguished and beloved sons of tho county whoso lifo will be a bright page in the coun ty's history always. In presenting this picture, h!s family will incidentally thereforo be doing a good service to Laurens County. Mr. Thomas Meadows Dead. Mr. Thomas Meadows died in Clinton Wednesday of pneumonia after an ill ness of ten days. His wife and three children survive. Mr. Meadows had a large circle of kindred and friends wh o deeply mourn his death and much sym pathy is felt for his family. - Laurens Musician in Georgia. Mr. Elmer E. Putnam, son of Mr. W. A. Putnam, of Barksdale*, <has estab lished a musical studio in Valdosta, a thriving city of 8,000 people la South Georgia. Mr. Putnam is an accom plished pianist and is the author of several meritorious musical composi tions. His general education is thorough and he is regarded a capa ble teacher. He graduated in Green ville, where he studied under Perrata and other fine instructors. Shears to Sell.. Mr. W. H. Rose, of Cross Anchor, was here last week selling the Hopkins Patent Sheer-Out Shears. These shears are guaranteed not to cramp the hand and not to get loose in tho joint. They are also guaranteed to be made of best steel and do not lose their edge. Mr. Rose will be here again next week. MERCHANTS NEWS. Our new line of hall curtains for the soring trade is now in and is by odds the beat assortment ever brought to Laurens. Too patterns are all now. We would like tc show them to you. 8. M.& E. H. Wllkes, Soe our line of Conch Covers. They will Interest you. Prices from 2.00 to 96.00, Call and see them. 8. M. & E. H. Wllkes. See the line of fine cut glass we have just received. This lot contains an* other assortment of those pretty cut vases at 26, 60 and 76 cents. S. M. & E. H. Wllkes. Just received a shipment of fancy odd china. Something interesting in this lot for you. S. M. ic E. H. Wllkes. Several rolls of 16, 18 and 20 cants mattings to close at at 10 and 13 cents per yard. S. M. E. H. Wllkes. WAKEFUL CHILDREN. For a lo?s time tfc# two year old child of Mr. P. L. MoPherson, 59 N. Tenth St., Harrisburg, Pa., would sleep bat two or three hoars in the early part of the night, whioh made it very hard for her parents. Her mother conoluded that the child had stomaoh trouble and gave her half of one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab ]ets,whiob quieted her stomaoh and she slept the whole night through. Two boxes of these tablets have effected a wonderful cure and she la now well and strong. For sale by Laurens Drug Co. WILL BE HANDSOMEST BUILDING IN OOUNTY. The Jhuuliful House of Worship Which the Presbyterians of Clinton Are Erecting. Oue hundred years in tlie future or two hundred for that matter visitors iu the city of Clinton will Hod probably an ivy covered stone church, an object of rare beauty and historic interest. In that far away day it will bo more ric tm osquo than now, standing in a spa cious grove of splendid trese, but the Presbyterian Church of Clln'on, now neariog complotlon, will be as strong and sound as today . This new building is without doubt the handsomest structure in Laurens county. Tho walls and two towers are built of granite and tho massive edifice should last forever, Occupying alone a large lot of several acres, it could hardly by any possibility bo fired from the exterior oven by an incendiary and tho interior is also about as nearly IIro proof as huildlbgs ever are in this part of the country. The interior arrangement Is similar to that of tho First Presbyterinn Church, both as to auditorium and Sunday School room. The seating ca pacity will be about the same, the Lau rens Church being a trille largor. The Clinton church Is a credit to tho town of Clinton, to Laurens county and tho whole State. The Clinton Presby terians havo labored long and faith fully upon it and they havo a building to be proud of. Dr. W. A. Shands, a member of the building eommltteo who has givon the work special attention and supervision, kindly accompanied an Advertiser reporter over it. INFLAM M ATORY RH EUM AT IS M CURED. Wiiliam Shaffer, a brakoman of Den nison, Ohio, was conilned to his bod for sevoral weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. "I usod many remedies," he says. "Finally I sent to McCaw's drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which timo 1 was uux ble to uso hand or foot, and In one week's time was able to go to work as happy as a clam." For salo by Lau rens Drug Co. Letter to Dial Gray. Laurens, S. C. Dear Sir.- If it took 10 gallons to paint your house last time with some body's else's paint, and takes 8 with Do voe, we save you $8 or $10: for painting routs two or throe times as much as paint. Mr. Ezra Rathmell, Williamsport, Pa , always u*ed 11 gallons of mixed paint for his house ; Ddvo^i took ?5. But that isn't all; that's only ilrst cost; how long will it wear? The paint, that goo* furthest in cov erings, weara best too. All paint, true paint, and full-meas ure, are on one side; part paint, false paint, and short-measure nro on tho other. Wha*. can you expect? Yours trulv, F. W. DeVoe & CO. P. S. Moseloy & Ro'and soil our paint. "Bettor out than in"?that humor that you not'oo. to bo sure it's out and all out, tako Hood's Sarssparilla. COLUMBIA, NEWBERRY AND LAURENS R. R. Charleston, Greenville, Colum bia, Atlanta. SHORT LINE. Schedu'o in Effect January 10, 1004. Eastern Standard Time. Northbound. 8. A. L. Daily Lv Clinton (Dinner) .2 45 pin Lv Cross Hill. 3 08 pm Lv Greenwood. 3 83 pm Lv Abbeville. <1 00 pm Lv Elberton. 5 23 pm Lv Atheos. 6 35 pm Ar Atlanta (via S A L). 8 20 pm Lv Atlanta. 8 30 pm Ar Chattanooga. 1 00 am Ar Nashville. 0 10 am Ar Evansville.12 40pm Ar St Louis. 7 10 pm Southbound. SAL. Lv Atlanta. 8 40 am Lv Athens.10 53 am Lv Elberton.12 00 am Lv Abbeville. 1 08 Din Lv Greenwood. 1 28 pm Lv Cross Hill.1 52 pm Lv Clinton.2 15 pm Ar Clinton. . 2 15 pm Southbound. Daily Lv Glenn Springs (C & W C). .10 00 am Lv Spartanburg.12 01pm Lv Greenville.12 15 pm Lv Waterloo. 1 17 pm Ar Laurens (Dinner). 1 30 pm Northbound. C & W C. Dally Lv Laurens (Dinner). 2 07 pm Ar Greenville. 3 25 pm Ar Spartanburg. 3 30 pm Ar Glenn Springs. 4 00 pm Ar Waterloo. 2 20 pm FOUTIinOUND. C N&L. No. 22 No. 51 Lv Laurens. 7 00 am 2 02 pm Lv Clinton. 7 80 am 2 22 pm Lv Newborry. 8 40 am 3 10 pm Lv Prosperity .... 9 02 am 8 42 pm Lv Chapln. 0 40 am 3 51 pm Ar Columbia.10 45 am 4 45 pm northbound. No. 21. No. 52 Lv Columbia. 5 00 pm 11 10 am Lv Chapln. 6 06 pm 12 03 pm Lv Prosperity.... 6 41 pm 12 28 pm Lv Nowberry.... 7 05 pm 12 43 pm Lv Clinton. 8 80 pm 1 30 pm Ar Laurens.0 00 pm 150 pm Southuound. Lv Columbia (ACL).4 55 pm Lv Sumter. K 20 pm Ar Charleston. 0 35 pm Northbound. Lv Oharloston (ACL). 6 00 am Lv 8umter. 0 21 am Ar Columbia. 11 00 am Trains 53 and 52 arrive and depart from new union depot. Trains 22 and 21 arrive and depart from Coast Line Freight Station, Ger vais street, Columbia. For rates, time tables or further In formation, apply to any agent or write B. F. LEA PH ART, C. T. A., Hank of Columbia, fl. M. EMERSON, T. M., Wilmington, N. C. J. F. LIVINGSTON, Sol Agt. Bank of Columbia. W. G. CHILDS, President, _Columbia, 8. C. SIMPSON & COOPER Attorneys at Law. Will praotlce la all Bute Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. k ARK PROMISING HOYS AND (URLS. Loaders of Tholr Classes iu the Eden High School* Honor Roll of Eden High Solicol for month ending, Feb. ??, lO?i' First Grade ? LUIa Babb, Margie Holder, Nannie Hand, Lola Martin, Maude Holt. Hecoud Grade?Alph i Martin. Third Grade- Horace Gray, Gibbon Armstrong, Ralph Martin, Frank Gray, Fred Armstrong. Fourth Grade ? Vaceo Gra", Glay Babb, Floyd Armstrong. Sixth tirade -I Iaskoli Gray, Murphy Mahaffoy. Eighth Grailo ? Eauru Nash, Clay tie liabb, Carl Roevos, Ben Reeves, Bfh est Reeves, Broadus Gray, Joo Brown lee. SAUA C'OMSLAND, Teaohec. FEARFUL ODDS AGAINST HIM. Bedrldtlon, alone and destitute.? Suoh, in brief was tlie condition of au old soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Versailles, O. For years bo was trou bled with Kidney disoase and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length lie tried Eleotrio Bit'.ers. It P"t him on ins feet in short order and now he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recovery." liest on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomaoh and Bowel Com plaints. Only 00 cents. Guaranteed by Laurons Drug Go. and Pa'met to Drug Co. CURES CANCER AND BLOOD POI SON. If you have blood prison producing eruption!}, pimples, ulcors, swollen glands, bumps und risings, burning, (Lulling, oopper colored spots or rash on the skin, mucous patches iu mouth or ihroat, falling hair, bone pains, old rheumatism or foul catarrh, taka Bo tanic Blood Halm (B. 11. U ) It kills tho poison in tho blood; soon all sores, eruptions heal, hard swollings subside, aches and pains stopuml a perfect cure is made of the worst cases of Blood Poison. For cancer, tumoiv, swoUings, eating sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, tako 11. 11. 11. It destroys the oanoer poison iu tho blood, heals cancer of all kinds, euros tho worst humors or suppurating swelling*,? Thousands curod by B B. B. after all else fails. B. B. B, Is composed of pure botanic Ingredients, Improves the di gestion, makes the blood puro and rich, stop.- the awf >1 i telling and all sharp, shooting pains. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Druggists, $1 per large bot'.lo, with ? mpleto direc tions for bome euro, f-'am pie freo and ptopail by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advlos also sent in sealed letter. So'.d iu Laurens by B. F. Po i e y. CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought For Infants and Children. Boars the Signature of ??I Was Dying ot Consumption. Doctors Gave Mo Cp Nothing Helped Mc. ? I Tried Duffy's Puro Melt Whiskey. Impn red ut Once. Bight Bottles Completely Cared rie"?Snyo Mr.*, H. v'-. Aliington, Nashua, N. H. "My life has been saved by Duffy's Pure Malt W Id. >' ..; my ol i ago comforted and tonne happy, f can truthfully rny that I would not inamong tholiving in-day but for Duffy'?. L hi ? >. ti .< d i ? no si tui ?i' iuu for many ... ni '. w.'l cont'.mio i-> recommend it to r.51 suffering from consumption and thront troubled. Duff b Puro Malt W hiskey actually ' ?:. i ci Lisino; ruy own caso is n liviug - . Idonco ni* tho fact. ' ?' am In n ) . : your, r.nd in rugged health. A "" nl '? ??? uj o 1 hn l three severe . i ? gi'Jr, t'.io . i no I. in r followed by i .1. nta. )'. wns left with a bad cough and t. v ir ? Iv -r: Singe ? ??? (!.-? lungs. The doetors did iv help ? it ic I t wos in despair because ifiiiuptiou v as upon mo, I tried cough iicii! and uo-enllcd consumption cures ?-? lhoi . ' nulh end wf.s noarlng my ond, when o ? i i* brought mo n bottloof Duffy's Puro " li 1 ' isfcoy, It helped me from tho 11 - ni il I I i hi io mend. Eight bottler com? p! u ly ??? red me. 1 - . ki p a bettln of Duffy's in tho tnko well and SSSttV'-" ' \#5p$<?V "' '' " - ' w! " 1 ?'? 1 th? badly I tn! >>w\.V>''- N- '\Y*.>A^ ' ?? ? li^tf'.o direction, Itkivpsmo wellai ${ Mrs. H. O. ARLINGTON, V\ 1 71 Amin rstBfc., Nashua, N.H. ^-;\ havo boon snatched from tt a Mi.:. Aiiinuti n's experience in just exactly ?ho same us thousand:} of men and women who lsumptlvo's gravo by DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY THE ONLY CURB FOR UI556 m THROAT TROUBLES. During Its existence <>f ?O yi are, Duffy's Puro Malt Whiskey bar, made over 4,000,000 euros. 7,000 doctorspresorlba Duffy's, end it is u <l in i vi v !$,( 00 hospitals exclusively as tho ouo compioto, perfect end permanent euro for consumption, coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, asllunu, pleurisy, pneumonia, catarrh und all diseases of threat and lungs; indigestion, dySponsin nnd ovi ry form i i stomach trouble; nervousness, mularia und all low fovors, and for nil wi akcm tl, run-down, ^-^su==^ disoasod or wasting conditions ot body, brain, nervo and musclo, Duffy's Puro ?lalt Whiskey not only drives out disease germs, but builds up now tlssu:.;:; nnd renovates the entire system. It aids di gestion, onriches tho blood; stimulates chvul.i tion, tones up tho heart, <|t!iels tho nerves. Invigorates and builds up the body eo that it will throw off and prevent oi. case. At tho medieal Convention in Albany A LEAD1NO DOCTOR, HAID: ?? I would rather have Duffy's Pure Alult Whiskey to cure consumption ami diseases of the throat and lungs than nil other medicines In the world." And tho doctors present agreed with him unanimously. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is good for old and young. It promote? health nud long life, koops tho old young, and makes tho young strong. Duffy's is absolutely puro, contains no fusel oil, nnd is tho only whiskey recognised by tho Government as a medicine. This is n guarantee. .. H&fw Bo ?uro yon auk tor DUFFY'S PURR MALT WHISKEY. It In the only abso lutely Pure Malt WI?lskoy which contains inodlvnl, health-giving ?imilittoa nml the only Mnlt "Wlilcltfy recognised by tho government an it medicine* DUFFY'S I'l'Ki: MALT WHISKEY Is Bold in sealed liottlru only, never In rtnuk or bulk. Look for tho triule-mnrk?tho old ehe mist?on tho inbol nml eeo that the go?l over tho cork In unbroken. For sale at all Dispensaries in South Carolina, or direct, $1.00 a bottle, PUPPY, MALT WHISKEY CO., BoohoBtor, N. Y. tJ When you can own your own home whh the same money? Tho Piedmont Savings and Invest ment Company will enable you to do this. Instead of Paying Rent for yoirs and owning nothing at the end of the term tho property Is yours, Meanwhile, you ha-'o had the homo from the first?with tho motive to im prove It. Owning ono's homo does more to inako an independent man than any thing cltu\ Aman with little or no property finds It hard to borrow and build. Such men this company provides crodit for. There are hundreds of working men in this town paying rent on housos that aro not cosy and comforta ble, they have no convonlence'a, that are not kept up and that are not Im proving in value Lots in Laurens are cheap. Theso same men, with the rent money they are paying, can all own homes in which thoy will tako pride and which will grow more valuable each year. The Piedmont Savings and Invest ment Company is not a building and loan association. Why? Becauso tho contract is certain and definite. The borrowor knows to a day when his debt will be duo. Moreover the rate of interest is lower. W. W. HALL and M. L. COP KLAN I) OASTOH'IA. Bo*? th? 11? Kind Yo'i Haw Always Bo#i Charlesioti and Wosiern Carolina R E AUGUSTA and A8HEVILLE BHOK'j LINE). Schodule in Effect Mar. 1, 100.1. 2:07 p m Lv. Laurens Ar 1:30 p u 3 30pm Ar Spartanburg, Lvl2()lpn (Southern Railway) 3 40 pm i iv Spartanburg A r 10 25 uu 5 32 pm Ar Saluda I <V 8 39 &r 6 11 pm Ar Hendersoiiville Lv 8 05 nn (C, A W. O. Railway) 1 55 pm Lv Laurens Ar 1 45 11 j 2 61pm Lv Greenwood Ar 12 44 pit 8 20 pm Ar Augusta Lv 10 10 air I 2 36 pm Lv Augusta At 11 55 am 6 30 pm Ar Beaufort Lv 7 50 pn 6 40 pm Ar Port Royal Lv 7 40 an 2 09 pm Lv Laurens Ar 1 35 rrr 3 25 pm Ar Greenville Lv. 1215pn For information relative to tiokets rates,sohedules, etc., address J. R. NOLAN, Agent Laurens 8. 0 QEO. T. BRYAN. O. A. ERNEST WILLIAMS, Qen. Pass. Agent, Augusta, Ga T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Mau, Mrs. Fred Urvrecth, PrcNltteiit ? ohiiIi-.v Club, Renton Harbor, Midi. "After my first baby was bor? I did not seem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid ered very superior, but Instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus band insisted that I take wine of Cardui for a week nnd see what it would do for me. I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of hed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthush astic in Its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces tho organs of gonoration for the ordeal of preg nancy ami childbirth. It prevents mis carriage, No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs. Unrath hacl taken Wine of Cardui before her babycamo sho would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to overy expectant mother. Wine of Cardui rogulates Ihe menstrual How. W. C. IRBY, Jr., Attorney at Law, LAUflKNS, 8. C. w.u. KNIGHT. U.K. BABB. KNIGHT & BABB, Attorneys at Law. ?ST Will praetloe in all the State and Federal Courts. Strlot attention to all bublnoss Intrusted to thorn. Office up-stalrs, Blmmons' Building. CLIMATIC CURES. The influence of climatic conditions In the eure of consumption is very muoh overdrawn. The poor pat'ont, and tho rich patient, too, can do much hotter at home by proper attentiou to food diges tion, and a rogul ?r use of German Sy rup. Free expectoration la tho morn ing is made eortvn by Germ in Syrup, to is a good night's r?st and tho ab sence of that weakening cough and de bilitating night sweat Restless nights and the exhaustion duo to e.oughiug, tho greatest danger and dread of tho consumptive, can bo prevented or stopped by taking German Syrup lib erally and regularly. Should you ba able to go to a warmer cllmo. you will lind that of tho thousands of consump tives there, the few who uro benefited and regain strength arc those who use German Syrup. Trial bottle?, 25 cents; regular size, 75 cents. Lauren* Drug Co. MEN CAPABLE OP EARNING TRAVELING SALESMAN, CLERK, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR BUSINESS. A complete reorganization of the producing department of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York in this soction affords a chance for a few good men; eight, vacancies on the agency force remain open for men of character and ability; you can lind out by writing whether It will be worth whilo for you to mako a change, no proviom exporianco is necessary. A. course of professional iustructlou THE MUTUAL I JFK INSUR ANCE CO., NEW YORK. Richard A. MoCurdy, President* HAS PAID POLICY HOLDERS OVER 0:J0 MILLION DOLLARS. Address, GEORGE T. DEXTER, Su perintendent of Domestic Agenolos, 32 Nassau St., New York City, N. Y, $1000 TO $5000 MEUCHA NT. given free. YOU RUN NO RISK WHEN YOU TAKE OIJK NEW DISCOVERY, NATURE'S REMEDY. It regulates the Liver, Kidneys and Howols, assimilates the Food, tones the Stomach, cures Nervous Diseases, Heart Disoaso, Headache, Backache, Rheumatism, or any disorder arising from hm impaired digestive system. It is no alcoholic stimulant which does good "only" for the time being, but It is Nature's Remedy, effecting a speedy and lastiog cure. Test it at our risk? A guaranteo poos with each bottle at tho Laurcns Drug Co. aud Dr. W. W. Dodson. We Stake Our Claim Of Flour excellence upon tho flour itself--it's the very best kind of evi dence. We know that if you will just try our flour ouco for yourself, you will never want to go back to the inferior kinds. It will prove everything- we claim for it. Be sure you get "Clifton" flour, if you want tho best. T. N. Barksdale, M. II. Fowler. <j tst yip o ant 3c -A.. Bean t!i? I'19 Kind You Have Always Bought 8,8T" <^W^ig7 NOTICE TO EXECUTORS, ADMINIS TRATORS AND GUARDIANS. Kxecuto-H, Administrators. Guar dians and Trustees are reminded that tho timo to mako annual returns be gins with tho 1st day of January of each year. O. G. Thompson, j. p. l. o. Dec. 1st, 1903. Don't Give the Baby Dangerous Drug's. There Is ono safe, B?ro and nbso lutoly harmless roiuedy tor in fant's ills. It is Baby Ease THE WORLD'S IIE3T RA BY MEDICINE. tJuros ov? form of howol ami Rtomneh trouble, hiiu us i ofrosh injr sloop, 1UII bnblus fat. 25 CENTS EVERYWHERE, made ny Baby Ease Manufacturing Co., Macon, Ga. HAIRINE MAKES THE HAIR GROW A WONDERFUL HAIR TONIC 15 CENTS A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS Roxbury. Mass., April 16th, 1903. llcnl-StroitCo.. iv-81 Cortlandt St.. New York City. Cenllemcn?I was liersuaded by a friend to buy il iKittlo of 11 A 1 KI N !?'.. und to my surprise It worked wonders. My hair had been coming out anil no tonic I could ?et would stop it; but one .small bottlo of 1IAIRINE did tbo work. I write this, and you have tuy permission to publish same, hoping that it will help somo yount; ulrl that boa to work for ti llvlnic as I do to ?et tho best hair tonic in the world for tho least money. Wishing yon success. I am, Very truly yours. MRS. M. S. DEXTER. No. 7 liarllett St., Roxbury. Mass. at all dkuuuists. THREE SIZES?15, 40 and 75 cents. By mail 5 cents extra a bottle. YOUR DRUOU1ST WILE SECURE IT FOR YOU WITHIN 21 HOURS IP YOU DEPOSIT TUE PRICE WITH YOUR ORDER. BEAL-STREIT CO., 79-81 Cortlandt Street, New York. Drug Sales Co., General Sales Agent, 35 Randolph St., Chicago. For sale locally by LAURENS DRUG CO. HOW IS THE COTTON MARKET? Throughout commercial circles for several mouths past this has been an oft repeated question. There are those who arc specially interested in the price of spot cotton ; others in the manufactured goods, and it is to the latter class that we attempt to make reply. There is a marked advance on certain standard makes in heavy Domestics, but the prices have not advauced in proportion to the figures paid for the raw material. Beside the light-weight wool goods just received, we open choice lines in White and Colored Cotton Fabrics, WHITE MER CERIZED WAISTINGS in exclusive designs, dainty colorings in various weaves in printed IyAWNS. On last September wc bought our WHITE INDIA LINONS. These we offer far below present market value. The new lines of Hamburg, Lawn and Swiss Edgings must be seen to be appreciated. They are all open for this week. If you are not ready to purchase, come and inspect them for future consideration. Very respectfully, W. G. WILSON & CO. PhyisciarVs Endorsement Is the lightest water on the market. We roalizo that this Is claiming a great doal, and we could not afford to make this assertion unless we know that wo could prove, it to bo true. Hut it does not take an oxport to test the softness of a Mineral Water. Whon carhonatlng a minoral water, if it is a hard water the gases will not bo absorbed in tho water, and when tho bottle is opened, the gas es esonpe, and tho water Is loft lint, and hard, while If it is a soft water, like White Stone Lithia, it will retain its gasos for bourn after being unstopped. Head what somo prominent persons you know have to say of tho merits of the White Stone Lithia Water: Chester, S. C, April 23, 1003. J. T. Harris, Esq., White Stono Spring, S. C. Dear Sir?I do unhesitatingly stato that tho efficacy of WhiteStono Lithia Wator, not from its splendid analytical analysis, but from my own personal ob servation, is a very valuable agent in eliminating the impurltlo3 of tho blood through its markod diuretic effects, and In so doing restores the seoretory and excretory organs of the body to their normal physiological stato. So In this proves Its properties to bo of great value in assisting digestion, assimila tion and Increasing the appotito. There fore wo can recognl/.j it as a minoral wator of powerful tonlo properties and should bo highly recommended in stom ach and liver disorders, blood disturb ances, rheumatism, gout, diabetes, Brlght's disease, and in all inaotlvo conditions of tho kidneys and convalos olng discuses. I feel myself, that I am justly duo an acknowledgement of the happy effects I derived from its uso. B. Klmore Kell, M. D. Mulllns, S. C, April 22, 1003. Mr. J T. Harris. White Stone Springs, S. O. It is with pleasure that I write of the merits of White Stone Lithia Water. I have tevoral patients using it now with marked benefit in kidney and stomach troubles. I have known a uric acid calbulus to pass afnr using tho wator for only threo days. Rospoctfully Yours, A. M. Hrallsford, Jr., M. D. Macon, Ga., April 15, 100?. I have prescribed White Stono Lithia Wator freely in my practice and am glad to repjrt the happy effects It gavo as a diuretic and uric acid solvent. I think its medicinal propertlo3 are pe culiarly adaptable to uric aohl diathe sis, rheumatism, gout, amcmlaand all bladder and kidney diseasos and liver and stomach troublos. I consider It is a mineral wator of marvelous tonic properties. Head wha?. Dr. L. J. Blake, Presi dent Board of Hoalth of tho City of Spartanbug, has to say of the merits of Whlto Stone Lithia Springs: Spartanburg, May 11th, 1003. J. T. Harris, Proprietor White Stone Spingfl, Spartanburg Co, S. 0. My Doar Sir:?I have used and pre scribed tho White Stono Lithia wator a great deal during tho past two years. In all casos requiring renal stimulation I havo obtained uniformly good re sults. In lithaemla and kindred affoc tlons from uric acid diathesis it meet* the indications, and I am sure its free use will prove It the equal of any wa tor on the market. Yours vary truly, L J. Blake, M. D. We have the largest brick Hotel in the Carolinas or Georgia, with all mod ern improvements. *jr Eleotrlo Car Line runs from Southern Road to Spring. White Stone Spring, S. C. White Stone Lithia Water Co. Certainty off Cure to sufferers from SPECIFIC BLOOD POISONING Fodrg Remedy Co., Evansvllle, Ind. AmbcapitaI itoom ?lo.oooruii.VMiD rtmvaaf j capital at Tt.1. <-j.iifl* .1. '? ?.??? ?I? "TV1'' FOERG'S REMEDY ^ided^be^fit^e^d^rcm'thT'six botttthjnd tb'ts certificate is *t^^^o^^^t^ne^jw^^^w^^tl^ Wi^ZVZ, ttiifiZSTof Hutk>U*rt (fS.OOJ b tccorjtnt* with cc*tr/ci printtJ tbovt. fOERG REMEDY CO. (Thtm Im m fstc-mlmllo of our guarsuitco) certihcatc. You can seo that If wo did not positively know ?hat Koerg's R??fe^?^f^?K 0AM WO Could not afford to mako such a liberal genuine- proposition, as tho loss it ?oulu entail W0UWlth* hoTboro information boforo*you If you go on suffering from the curso of Poisoned blood, either primary, constitutional or as a resultof mercurial treatment don t rail at fato. but simply DUimo yourself, for hero Iis a cure?absolute and mire. Tainted blood manifest* itself in MWn or Scrofula. Eczoina. Rheumatic Pains. StJff or swollen Joints, Eruptions or t topper -colored 8| ?ts on tho Pace or Hody. Littlo Ulcors in tho Mouth <>r on tho Ton?uo. Sore Throat, Swollen ronj"^*?{."?,* out of tho llalr or Eyebrows, and Anally n Leprons-Like Decay of tho b lesh and Pones. It >ou iia\o any ouo of those symptoms don't dolay till too lato but go to your druggist and get a bottle or FOERG'S REMEDY BLOOD PURIFIER All druggist* guarantee It. If your druggist does not handlo this remedy us $1.00 for ono bottlo or $5.00 for six bottles and ?bsoluto guarantee f ac-slmlle of which is published abovo. Ail packages sont In plain wrappers. All correspondence strictly confidential. FOERG REMEDY,, CO., Evansvllle, Ind. The CELEBRATED ROYSTi^R GUANOS. After all is said in praise of other Guanos, the glaring FACT still roiuaiuB, that thu ROYSTER, Guanos ?AHE T1IK? Wherever used they havo given uuivorsal satisfaction, and ovon whero the odds were against thorn, they havo hold thoir own under tho most unfavorable conditions. The manufacturers of the Koyster Guanos are always willing, anx ious and ready to moot all fair competition, both in price and quali ty of their goods, and tho farmers of Laurens county can confidently expect honest goods, fully up to the required analysis, and the man ufacturers guarantee that whoro a fair trial is givou thoir goods the results will be such as to give perfect satisfaction to tho farmer, and make a good customor of him for all time. We aro dealers in this celebrated Guano, and onr friends and the farmers geuorally, are requested to givo us a call and inquire into the merits of our Fortilizors, before placing thoir orders elsewhere R P. MILAM & CO. For Sf?opjpefs From Early Breakfast to Late Supper we can Supply all the Heart or Palate can Wish. Candies, Fruits, Nuts fresh and whole some, all kinds; Malaga Grapes and Raisins, ours are the finest, great big lusters; Figs and Dates also. Kennedy Bros. ATTENTION, FARMERS! I am now prepared to ship goods for next year's crop, and vvc guarantee our goods to be delivered in good condition, and also to come up to analyses branded on sacks. Those farmers who are interested in reliable fer tilizers are requested to read the annexed certificate. A. HUFF, Agent, Laurens, S. C. Clinton, S.. C, November, 23rd, 1903. Mr. A. Huff, Laurens, S. C, Agent for V. C. C. Co., Dear Sir: I report to you the result of the 8-4-4 goods purchased from you last year I tried on our experimental 'patch along side of a Competitor's 8-4-4 r???ds with three 1 (3) rows left between each sample used. Result: Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.'s 115 lbs seed cot Iton Competitor's 82 pounds, and the Virginia-Carolina Chemical CoVs goods were in a much better mechanical 'form and distributed to more satisfaction and the same (amount ol goods were used in each row and same weighed and cultivated alike. J. H. Hunter. Witness, W. H. Gilkerson.