CROSS HILL 0110WS, VALUES INCREASE. One of the Most Prosperons and Healthful of Piedmont Boath Carolina's Towns. Ckoss Hill, Maroh 8.?Crois HUI Is a delightful little town on the Sea board Air Line Railroad. It is only about nine years old,most of the houses are new, and it therefore, presents a neat appearance. Strangers generali/ are pleased with the town and its people, and it is not uncommon for tbera to express a de sire to live here. A miulster visited the to.vii sora? months ago to assist io a religious meeting, was favorably in; pressed, returned home and m >ved bis family to tho town, whore they now re side. There are three churches and a good school in the p'aeo. Of course no town is a desirable place in which to live, if these iini>ort*ot factors do not receive, their just share of attention. Harris Sprng? aro nearby, from which great quantities of water are druok and ship pod; thereby attesting the people's faith in Its virtues. During the season a good many perrons have boarded in Cross H?i snd visited the Springs daily. As regards health, perhaps no town in the State has a better record. The town has a good farming country to sustain it and it enjoys a good share of business. With the high p ice of cotton, the present year is likely to be the most prosperous in its history to date. The population of the town has in creased about llfty por cent during the lust five years; the property valuation has trebled during that time. Her gln nerles, roller mill and oil mill add greatly to the business of the town. They draw their patronage from a large territory and they are at times throng ed with teams. The hosiery mill is a boon to boys and girls who are out of employment and are willing to work. Thev receive from 00 cents to $1.00 a day for their services. Thirty opera tives aro engaged in the mill and or ders are received faster than they can be filled. The new process of dyeing renders the goods of a better grade thin ever before. Cross Hdl is 15 miles from the town of Laurens and about tho same dis taue i from Clinton and Greenwood. The tendency in our State at present is to demand smaller counties; and this town may soon becom e the head of a new county. A now on9 could be formed out of portions of Newberry and Laurens and each of the three would be larger than some other coun ties of the State. There aro possibili ties for the town which Its inhabitants scarcely realize. Portrait to be Presented. A life size portrait of the late Chief Justico and Governor William D. Simp eon has been painted by tho artist, Ambrose MaoNell of Spartanburg, and will be presented to the Stato by the family of Judgo Simpson to be placed in the supreme court room in the capitol. The portrait is said to be one of striking fidelity. While It is doubtless a pleasure to the members of the Simpson family to present this picture, the people of Liurons county will be under some ob ligations on account of it, for Judgo Simpson was one of the distinguished and beloved sons of tho county whoso lifo will be a bright page in the coun ty's history always. In presenting this picture, h!s family will incidentally thereforo be doing a good service to Laurens County. Mr. Thomas Meadows Dead. Mr. Thomas Meadows died in Clinton Wednesday of pneumonia after an ill ness of ten days. His wife and three children survive. Mr. Meadows had a large circle of kindred and friends wh o deeply mourn his death and much sym pathy is felt for his family. - Laurens Musician in Georgia. Mr. Elmer E. Putnam, son of Mr. W. A. Putnam, of Barksdale*, 1 i telling and all sharp, shooting pains. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Druggists, $1 per large bot'.lo, with ? mpleto direc tions for bome euro, f-'am pie freo and ptopail by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advlos also sent in sealed letter. So'.d iu Laurens by B. F. Po i e y. CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought For Infants and Children. Boars the Signature of ??I Was Dying ot Consumption. Doctors Gave Mo Cp Nothing Helped Mc. ? I Tried Duffy's Puro Melt Whiskey. Impn red ut Once. Bight Bottles Completely Cared rie"?Snyo Mr.*, H. v'-. Aliington, Nashua, N. H. "My life has been saved by Duffy's Pure Malt W Id. >' ..; my ol i ago comforted and tonne happy, f can truthfully rny that I would not inamong tholiving in-day but for Duffy'?. L hi ? >. ti .< d i ? no si tui ?i' iuu for many ... ni '. w.'l cont'.mio i-> recommend it to r.51 suffering from consumption and thront troubled. Duff b Puro Malt W hiskey actually ' ?:. i ci Lisino; ruy own caso is n liviug - . Idonco ni* tho fact. ' ?' am In n ) . : your, r.nd in rugged health. A "" nl '? ??? uj o 1 hn l three severe . i ? gi'Jr, t'.io . i no I. in r followed by i .1. nta. )'. wns left with a bad cough and t. v ir ? Iv -r: Singe ? ??? (!.-? lungs. The doetors did iv help ? it ic I t wos in despair because ifiiiuptiou v as upon mo, I tried cough iicii! and uo-enllcd consumption cures ?-? lhoi . ' nulh end wf.s noarlng my ond, when o ? i i* brought mo n bottloof Duffy's Puro " li 1 ' isfcoy, It helped me from tho 11 - ni il I I i hi io mend. Eight bottler com? p! u ly ??? red me. 1 - . ki p a bettln of Duffy's in tho tnko well and SSSttV'-" ' \#5p$>w\.V>''- N- '\Y*.>A^ ' ?? ? li^tf'.o direction, Itkivpsmo wellai ${ Mrs. H. O. ARLINGTON, V\ 1 71 Amin rstBfc., Nashua, N.H. ^-;\ havo boon snatched from tt a Mi.:. Aiiinuti n's experience in just exactly ?ho same us thousand:} of men and women who lsumptlvo's gravo by DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY THE ONLY CURB FOR UI556 m THROAT TROUBLES. During Its existence <>f ?O yi are, Duffy's Puro Malt Whiskey bar, made over 4,000,000 euros. 7,000 doctorspresorlba Duffy's, end it is u U*rt (fS.OOJ b tccorjtnt* with cc*tr/ci printtJ tbovt. fOERG REMEDY CO. (Thtm Im m fstc-mlmllo of our guarsuitco) certihcatc. You can seo that If wo did not positively know ?hat Koerg's R??fe^?^f^?K 0AM WO Could not afford to mako such a liberal genuine- proposition, as tho loss it ?oulu entail W0UWlth* hoTboro information boforo*you If you go on suffering from the curso of Poisoned blood, either primary, constitutional or as a resultof mercurial treatment don t rail at fato. but simply DUimo yourself, for hero Iis a cure?absolute and mire. Tainted blood manifest* itself in MWn or Scrofula. Eczoina. Rheumatic Pains. StJff or swollen Joints, Eruptions or t topper -colored 8| ?ts on tho Pace or Hody. Littlo Ulcors in tho Mouth <>r on tho Ton?uo. Sore Throat, Swollen ronj"^*?{."?,* out of tho llalr or Eyebrows, and Anally n Leprons-Like Decay of tho b lesh and Pones. It >ou iia\o any ouo of those symptoms don't dolay till too lato but go to your druggist and get a bottle or FOERG'S REMEDY BLOOD PURIFIER All druggist* guarantee It. If your druggist does not handlo this remedy us $1.00 for ono bottlo or $5.00 for six bottles and ?bsoluto guarantee f ac-slmlle of which is published abovo. Ail packages sont In plain wrappers. All correspondence strictly confidential. FOERG REMEDY,, CO., Evansvllle, Ind. The CELEBRATED ROYSTi^R GUANOS. After all is said in praise of other Guanos, the glaring FACT still roiuaiuB, that thu ROYSTER, Guanos ?AHE T1IK? Wherever used they havo given uuivorsal satisfaction, and ovon whero the odds were against thorn, they havo hold thoir own under tho most unfavorable conditions. The manufacturers of the Koyster Guanos are always willing, anx ious and ready to moot all fair competition, both in price and quali ty of their goods, and tho farmers of Laurens county can confidently expect honest goods, fully up to the required analysis, and the man ufacturers guarantee that whoro a fair trial is givou thoir goods the results will be such as to give perfect satisfaction to tho farmer, and make a good customor of him for all time. We aro dealers in this celebrated Guano, and onr friends and the farmers geuorally, are requested to givo us a call and inquire into the merits of our Fortilizors, before placing thoir orders elsewhere R P. MILAM & CO. For Sf?opjpefs From Early Breakfast to Late Supper we can Supply all the Heart or Palate can Wish. Candies, Fruits, Nuts fresh and whole some, all kinds; Malaga Grapes and Raisins, ours are the finest, great big lusters; Figs and Dates also. Kennedy Bros. ATTENTION, FARMERS! I am now prepared to ship goods for next year's crop, and vvc guarantee our goods to be delivered in good condition, and also to come up to analyses branded on sacks. Those farmers who are interested in reliable fer tilizers are requested to read the annexed certificate. A. HUFF, Agent, Laurens, S. C. Clinton, S.. C, November, 23rd, 1903. Mr. A. Huff, Laurens, S. C, Agent for V. C. C. Co., Dear Sir: I report to you the result of the 8-4-4 goods purchased from you last year I tried on our experimental 'patch along side of a Competitor's 8-4-4 r???ds with three 1 (3) rows left between each sample used. Result: Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.'s 115 lbs seed cot Iton Competitor's 82 pounds, and the Virginia-Carolina Chemical CoVs goods were in a much better mechanical 'form and distributed to more satisfaction and the same (amount ol goods were used in each row and same weighed and cultivated alike. J. H. Hunter. Witness, W. H. Gilkerson.